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DISHONORED PASSING Various Event Development Options. Guide by achievements

DISHONORED It should not cause special problems with players, the main thing is to understand that the ending of the game depends on the style of your passage and from the level of the chaos created. But if you do not want to get an unexpected surprise at the end of the game, you should clarify a number of questions on the passage of the game. So we do not give detailed guide On the passage of the game levels, but we will tell only about some game points that may affect the final result and games. In addition, we will reveal some non-obvious secrets of dishonored. Caution, spoilers!

Secrets passing dishonored

Khaos levels

First of all, you need to deal with the concept of "chaos level". Food you first play in Dishonored, you can confuse this inscription on the statistics screen, which opens after the mission is completed. If you exaggerate, then the "level of chaos" shows how harm to the society inflicted your activity during the task. The chaos scales in the game do not exist, so how much your actions damaged the inhabitants of the city, you will be able to find out only postfactum. Therefore, it is important to always remember this concept, since chaos to a certain extent affects the complexity of the continued passage of the game, what is the impression in produce on the NPC and the Final Games.

The very first thing to remember is the level of chaos, which is displayed on the Final Statistics page of Missy is the current level of chaos in general in the game. Those. Chaos in Danolle at the current time. Therefore, if you passed a few missions secretly, without killing anyone, and then we decided to go across, killing enemies and feeding their rats, the final level of chaos is likely to be high. The opposite rule is also valid: if you started the mission with killings, and then decided to correct and left your opponents alive, then as a result, good behavior will begin, and the level of chaos will be reduced.

What affects the level of chaos:

  • Murder of guards, civilians and posterkeepers. Murders using mechanisms are also counted. If you killed the guards with the wall of the world - it will also increase the level of chaos.
  • Detection - when a red flashing signal appears above the head of the opponents.
  • Additional tasks - depending on the goal can increase or lower the level of chaos in the city.

Murders affect the level of chaos in different ways. If, for example, you staged an open massacre in the light of the day on the square, in front of numerous witnesses - it increases the level of chaos much more more than if you quietly captured the guard and hid his body in a dark corner. Those. The more attention to the murder attracts, the more chaos level will rise.

Does not affect chaos:

  • Stunning enemies (regardless of whether you took advantage of a dart with a tranquilizer or manually strangle the enemy). But keep in mind if a stunned opponent will randomly kill a grenade, drown, if rats are sorry or he will die in any other way, it will be counted as murder and increase the level of chaos.
  • Murder animals - rats, dogs, fish, plants.

While the level of chaos is low, you will come across less protection and rats, and the NPC will behave calmer. If the level of chaos increases, the amount of protection will be improved, the city will cover the plague, there will be places and rats everywhere. In Stelc mode, the game becomes more difficult, it will especially be noticeable on missions No. 7 and 9.

Important! If you do not want to raise the level of chaos, do not leave stunned enemies on the street. And the reason is not that they can be discovered and raise anxiety, the reason is that the flocks of rats run through the streets that can detect the associated enemy and devour it. And it will be certified as murder. Therefore, stunned opponents advise to hide in it difficult to reach places for rats, for example in garbage containers.

Since it is not difficult to raise the level of chaos - it's enough to start openly kill everyone in a row, then we will tell how to maintain a low level of chaos.

For this you need:

  • To try not to kill guards and is not recommended to kill more than 20% of people at the level, if it came to the murder.
  • Use bypass routes and trails, keep shadows, so as not to come across the eyes of the residents. In some cases, it helps move along the roofs.
  • Perform side "good" tasks, for example, save a peaceful inhabitant from the bandits or to rescue the lady from the paw of evil guards.
  • Eliminate opponents with non-aircraft.

Ways to eliminate targets

Here, too, we will not focus on the deadly ways to eliminate enemies, there are no special wisdoms. But here to "peacefully" go through the game sometimes have to try.

Instead of simply kill Campbell, it can be stuck as heretic. Initial information that there is a so-called heretic stouting, will come across even until the caretaker comes to the residence - you can learn about it from the conversation of the guards. In the interrogate room, you can find more detailed and deployed information about the brand. Further, everything is relatively simple - grabbed Campbell by surprise, stun and pull out in the interrogated (it is predefined to clear the approaches to it). We sit in the chair and stigma as heretic. Everything else for us commemorates urban gossip - after Campbell's brand will lose its power, influence and allies.

If you have chosen such a way to pass the mission, you can meet Campbell later, as a plasticist in a flooded quarter.

Mission 3 - House of Delight

There yours do not want to fight the murder of the twins Pendleton, for you a job can make Sclidges. But you will have to pre-win the trust of the leader of bandits, find out about the fate of his spy Crowley in the office of Dr. Galvania. Conquered the location of the bandit, you will receive a key from it that can be unlocked in the "Golden Cat". He will also give you a tip on a merchant pictures that loves to have fun with Kurtybama on electric chair. Taking advantage of this chair, you can get a code from the merchant to his safe and transfer it to Skimakjov. He will give you a response courtesy, and after some time, the twins with sliced \u200b\u200blanguages \u200b\u200bwill go as slaves on their own mines.

Mission 4 - Royal Leak

In this mission the only way Passage is not flying. The task is to kidnap Sokolov, so if the doctor dies on the way, the mission will be considered failed. Stranglened Sokolov with hands or sleep with a dart with a tranquilizer and drag it into the boat Samuel.

Mission 5 - Reception from Lady Boyle

Firstly, the Sisters Boyle on the villa number three pieces, and you will have to first find out which of the sisters is your goal. Taking advantage of guest tips, rummaged in things in the sisters rooms and using deduction, you will end up find out who will be your future victim.

To solve the problem without bloodshed, it is necessary to wait for the arrival of Lord Brisby in a smoking room (he goes scared in a mask) and talk to him for souls. It turns out that Lord is in love with Lady Boyle in love, and if he can get it into his ardent arms, no one else will ever see it. Given that Lady Boyle herself is hardly wanting to share his fate with loving Lord, stun the lady and pull it out of her Lord Brisby into the boat. Naturally, it is necessary to do it so as not to get into the eyes of the guests. However, you can try to persuade a lady and with your eloquence to bring it into the basement.

Mission 6 - Return to the Tower

Get rid of without bloodshed from Lord Regent Hayre Berrouza will help us compromise on it. Compromaturing audio recordings can be found in the Lord apartments in the tower, in the safe, the code from which the propaganda officer will kindly share with us, which leads round-the-clock radio broadcasts to the entire city. On the entries of the ENT in the details there is a plan to delivering the city from the poor, so it is easy to guess what effect these records will be produced by ether.

Lord arrest own peopleAfter which he will be placed behind the bars in the Coldridge prison.

In this mission there are no goals for eliminating. We will have to brand a little with Daudom, but to kill it or not, to solve us. After the battle, Daud will ask about mercy, and you can make a decision.

Mission 9 - Travel Lighthouse

The main task in this mission will be the salvation of Emily, but at the same time we will have the opportunity to do several unnecessary holes in our old Johnka familiar. But it is not necessary to do this, we only need to find a girl and free it from a locked room. The key can be found near the goelock, so wait until it goes down to the map, slow down the time or just stun it. Take the key, unlock the storage room and see the final roller. Note that such a development of events is possible only at a low level of chaos.

Additional tasks - Passage secrets

As mentioned above detailed passage We will not give additional tasks. However, we will reveal a number of key points that can be caught if you do not run mindlessly from the mission to the mission.

Mission 1 - innocently condemned

Getting into the sewer, find and unlock the Safe Jelly. The combination of safe can be found directly near it.

At the end of the sewage, where you come across for protection, you can cut the boards with a blade with a cofword and find a secret lair.

Perform the tasks of the old vet: Get rid of it from the gangsters from Bottl Street, then poison their fake elixir on Danolla blinks.

Free from the conclusion of the bandits with Bottl Street Griff.

Prevent the death of uncle Callist - Captain Caro in the Office of the Supreme Country. Captain plan to kill with the help of poisoned whiskey, prevent this in many ways.

Save the sister of one of the guards in the backyard of the office. The girl was accused of witchcraft and are going to kill her right in the same alley. If you interfere and save it and her brother, then you will tell you the code from the safe.

Mission 3 - House of Delight

Follow the two orders of Slekkjov: Learn about the fate of his spy Crowley in the electroplating office and share the code for him to the Safe of the seller of paintings. (Seller can be found in the Golden Cat).

Open the safe of the merchant pictures at his home, on the boulevard clover. Helping a Bottl Street gang can be completed by a mission not flying.

Protect a woman in the winning quarter attack. The guard will try to take away Elixir Sokolov. In gratitude for salvation Woman will give you prickly from entrance doors In the dwelling of the merchant pictures.

Mission 4 - Royal Leak

Updated under the bridge, free the gangster, which is kept in the cage of the guard. He promises you some of the treasures, however, instead of treasures you will have to get acquainted with the blades of his friendships.

Select the code to the Pratchett's safe.

Save a woman in one of the houses, on the way to Sokolov from the flock of rats. To do this, hear rodents the corpses, which are nearby - such a distracting maneuver, and then kill as many rats so that they fuse in fright.

Save the prisoners who are in a dilapidated building behind the wall of light, on the way to the housing of Sokolov. They will give you a safe code that is at the top of the house.

Mission 5 - Lady Boyl Lady

Win on Duele Lord Shaw. This task will give you Pendleton, you will later get a rune for its execution. Lord Shaw you will learn on a wolf mask.

Leave your signature in the Lady Boyle Guestbook. This mission will not have any impact on this mission, but in the next Missy will force Lord Regent once again.

At the same place, which of the Sisters Boyle is your goal, instead of simply deal with all three women. To do this, talk to guests, or rather with Lord Brisby and Mrs. White. In addition, it will be necessary to explore the rooms of the sisters, which are located on the second floor of the mansion.

Mission 6 - Return to the Tower

Eliminate the royal executioner. To accomplish this task you will have to go down to the basement of the towers and there to understand this character.

Mission 7 - Flooded Quarter

Return the equipment of your hero, which Daoud left the housing of the hryvia. To get the equipment, you will first have to turn on the ladder descent mechanism, and then climb the up-down chains, but to return the equipment worth a little strain.

Perform an assignment of SLEGKKOVA or an old vet. Both NPC can be found under the old Danolem, in the catacombs, but you will need to pre-perform the task of the old woman during the fulfillment of the second mission. Events here can develop in several ways, but in any case you will receive the key to the catacomb to get the main quest.

Mission 8 - loyalists

Take advantage of miracle drawings and save Sokolov and Piero in the workshop.

Open the plankens, especially since the compromising note can be easily found in the Pabya Pama pub.

Video passage DISHONORED - Safes and codes to safes:

The passage of DISHONORED is possible in a variety of variations of actions - the developers have provided a lot of options. We will try to tell you how to go through the game as secret as possible, because it is usually the most difficult. This is the game in which you can experiment a lot, trying all kinds of alternative ways to solve the tasks. The plot is also nonlinear, therefore much will depend on your actions here.

We are given here the role of Lord-Defender of the Empress, who was undeservedly accused of murdering the one he had to guard. His name is Corval Attano, and he seeks to punish his traitors, as well as their leadership, who after a successful substament became regent. Most events occur in the capital of the empire, at our disposal - a huge number of all sorts of means to help get rid of opponents, but there is an option and go through the whole game, without killing almost anyone.

The specifics of the game process DISHONORED stands out among other games because our hero, in addition to the folding sword, a pistol, crossbow, grenade and min, there are also superhuman abilities. So, he owns teleportation, it is capable of slowing down, and even freeze the course of time at all, he knows how to enjoy in small animals and people who, after that, controls, can also cause many rats that attack enemies and eat their corpses. Unusual abilities directly affecting the specifics of the passage of dishonored, the ability to see opponents and different items through the walls can also be attributed.

Given all the listed skills, you can go through Dishonored very quickly, if you act extremely aggressively. But to go through all scene line And do not raise an alarm, do not kill anyone, fulfill all possible additional tasks - it will take a lot of time and effort. The game in such a way becomes more difficult and more interesting, this is how we recommend it to pass, in which this our article will help.


The action unfolds in the city of Delval, affected by the plague epidemic, our hero is returned home, in order to inform Empress news. She is obli actual problem - About the medicine from the plague, which rapidly pumps the city population.

Directly passing dishonored begins the fact that the boat protagonist arrived in the tower of Delval, where the Empress lives. After leaving the flooded, learn the area - we need to find an empress. To begin with, we leave the hangar and run towards the bridge, where the daughter of the Governor Emily will meet us. She asks to play with her in hide and seek - the task is optional, but very important. It carries a training function, from the ability to hide in this game there will be a lot of dependent. I would recommend not to give up the girl's offer, but the decision to take you.

If you decide not to spend time on learning, you can proceed up to the gazebo. Well, if you have to receive the valuable experience of stealth maneuvers, then walk after the girl, together go under the bridge, where she will explain the rules of her game. After it starts to count up to ten, for this period of time we will have to hide (key C), and places for this there are more than enough, just choose one of them, moving to stealth mode. For example, understand the stairs, then hide behind the railings. There are other options, but they are not so effective as this.

In general, the developers kindly simplify us the study of the game interface, issuing tips, how to look out from the shelter. If they hid well, after some time Emily will say that we won - come to her, talk to complete the task. If they are not very hidden, this will not be particularly affected by Dishonored, everyone will also go to Emily to the Gazebo to talk to the Empress. As you already understood, the purpose of this mini mission was to show you how to use shelters, the case when it is not victory, but participation.

On the way to the gazebo it will be detained us again, this time the artist draws up the portrait of the commander from nature. You can listen to all of his streams, so to skip all this by pressing the button in the bottom corner to the left on the monitor. One way or another, climb up to the Empress, they listen to her dialogue with the head of protection. When the conversation is over, we convey a letter with the news (key f), and the news is not the most rainbow. Neighboring cities, located on the same island, blocked Delval, in order to prevent the spread of the plague virus to their territory, and the drugs from the most dangerous illness still do not exist ...

The troubles on this are not completed - the assassins are rushing here, which we attack us. Try to protect yourself and the empress, it will be your first combat experience in passing dishonored. At your disposal there is a gun in the left hand and the sword in the right, they, and try to fight back from the enemies. To protect against enemy attacks, use the Ctrl key. Unfortunately, efforts are in vain - no matter how hard you try, the result is the same. The Empress, which we had to defend, killed at any cost. Her daughter is abducted. Our hero is substituted. After all this act, you see the logo of the game - a direct hint that this intriguing tie is just the beginning of the grand project, which you are still accustomed to.

Kittens, Friday!

I finish my bark in the mill enemy (^_^) I finish the general consolidated guide for passing, secrets and, of course, chaos in the game. Although the cavity here seemed to have nothing complicated, a number of questions need a clarification. To, you know, at the end of the game there were no surprises. Immediately make a reservation, there is no detailed passage here, as well as detailed disability additional missions. it general adviceHow and what to do in the game depending on what you want to get in the end, as well as some information about secrets and other unwarranities.

For convenience, all information is divided into sections:

Chaos levels;

Alternative ways to eliminate goals;

Something about additional tasks;

Table of secrets in the game;

List of achievements.

Caution, evil spoilolo!

Chaos levels: good policeman, bad policeman

For a start, let's see what the "chaos level" is. If you just started playing in Dishonored (anything), then you may be embarrassed this signature on the statistics screen at the very end of the mission. Conventionally speaking the reflection of how much your activity during the mission was dangerous for society. The chaos scale does not appear anywhere, there is no special chaos runner or "chaosometer", so how much you hurt the society, you will learn postfact. So follow him, especially since the chaos affects some extent on the complexity of further passage, on how NPC react to you and, of course, to the final of the game itself.

To begin with, remember: the level of chaos, which is demonstrated on the statistics page on the basis of the mission, is the current level of chaos. Those. What is in Danolell is here and now. Accordingly, if you are three missions on white and fluffy, and then we changed my mind and two missions of all fledged rats, flying a checker, the final chaos at the end of the fifth mission would most likely be high. Right and reverse: starting from the blood and deciding to get good endingYou may well not squeeze the following few missions. And you will start.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

At the level of chaos affect:

murder opponents, guards, civil, posterkeepers, including killing with the help of mechanisms. If you have done with the wall of light chips from the guards, it will increase the level of chaos;

detection (when a red marker flashes over the enemy's head);

additional tasks (Depending on the task, influence in plus or minus).

Generally, as for the murders, they too in different ways raise the level of chaos. If you, let's say, laughing loudly and waving a checker, on the square, there were a bloody bath in front of a thousand witnesses, it will increase the chaos much stronger than if you were removed by a trap of the guard, and the carcass were hidden in a dark corner. In other words, the more attention attracts the murder, the higher it raises the level of chaos. In other other murders, with the help of mechanisms, there are fewer chaos, rather than if you are manually distributed.

At the level of chaos do not affect:

stunning The enemy (no matter, you strangled it or sleepy darts were polished). It is important that if the enemy is accidentally killed by chance, say, a grenade or he drowned, for example, it will be considered a murder and will affect the level of chaos;

murder fauna (rats, wolfhounds, fish, plants-plevunov).

At the low level of chaos, less protection and rats, and the surrounding NPC behave adequate. On the high level Chaos guard more, everywhere plague, rats and plackers. Passing the game in stealth style becomes more difficult. This is especially felt on the example of missions No. 7 and 9.

Important moment: If you want to keep a low level of chaos, do not throw out the stunned bodies on the street. And it's not even that they can find and raise anxiety (although it is also unpleasant). Road teams run through the streets, which? .. Right, we will eat our sacrifice. And here you have already murder on your conscience. So hitch unconscious citizens as it should. For example, in dusting tanks: cheap, angry and safe. I, at least there was no problems with them. ^ _ ^

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Since to raise the level of chaos a lot of minds are not required (know the urine yourself goats), I will tell you in more detail how hold low chaos.

To do this you need:

Try not to kill the guard (and generally kill no more than 20% of the population at the level, if it came to the corpses);

Use bypass trails and routes, keep shadows so that you are not seen and did not hear;

Perform additional "good" tasks, for example, save the lady from evil guards or cut out a resident of the paw bandits;

Use non-lethal ways to eliminate current goals. By the way, about them ..

Alternative ways to eliminate goals: revenge is not to death!

Again, I will not focus on how to eliminate the goals "in the forehead", for this you do not have to wise. But for the non-mercy elimination, the hosts sometimes have to sweat a little. Well, oh well .. but the karma will be cleaner.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Instead of stupidly disassemble Campbell on artifacts, it can be stuck. For the first time, information about the so-called heretic brand will appear on the approaches to the caretaker's residence: you will learn about it from the conversation of the guards. More information about the stamp can be obtained in the interrogate room. Next is the case of technology: we catch anyone suspect Campbell, stun, taking the interrogation (do not forget only to pre-calculate the road). And there we put in a chair under the castle and stamps like heretic. The rest of the work for us will be made by People's Molver: after the brand of Campbell, he will be equated to a crime.

If you have chosen such an event development option, you later meet Campbell-Placer in the flooded quarter.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission number 3 - House of Delight

If for one reason or another you do not want to paint your hands in the blood of the twins Pendleton, rejoice: Sleekjov can do all the work for you. You will have to win the location of the bandit, having learned the fate of his informant Crowley in the office of Dr. Galvania. By proving that you can believe, you will get the key from the bandit to the alternative entry into the "Golden Cat", as well as the tip on the merchant pictures, which the curtains are pleased with the electric chair. Using the situation to itself, we knock out the code from the art dealer from the safe and transmit it to SLACKJOV. And he is glad to try.

After some time, the twins (without hair on the head, languages \u200b\u200bin the mouth and belongings) will already be rude on their own mines.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

This mission of those where the non-lethal way of passing is to heap and the only one. The purpose of the task is to kidnap, and not kill Sokolov, so if good doctor Aibolita will overtake the car, the mission will automatically be considered failed. Use darts with a sleeping substance or invent Sokolov to kidnap, and carry Samuel to the boat carefully, as if it is a Ming dynasty vase.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Let's start with the fact that the sisters boil in the estate already three pieces, and you will have to find out which one is your goal. However, with the help of guest tips, penetration into the sisters and the deduction method you will understand which one you need .. in general, "turn it into a swing." We remember that our task is to do the swing of the non-meaning. Therefore, wait for the appearance of Lord Brisby in a smoking room (he also scared the mask) and talk in more detail with him. The lord, it turns out, on the ears it carved in Lady Boyle, so if she will be in his ardent loving arms, no one else will see her more in life. Khem .. In general, given that Lady Boyle is hardly herself, his feet will meet his happiness, we send a lady on a shut down and meet with Lord Brisby from his boat. Again, do not shine a lady's carcass before guests, will not understand. However, you can try, happiness and with the help of your charm, charm and eloquence to captivate Mamzel towards her fate.

And they lived long and happily, and died in one day ..

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

So that without bloodshed to get rid of Lord Regent High Berrouza, we need a compromising on it. Chernukha in the form of recording is stored in the Safe Lord in his apartment in the tower, and the code from it will be informed of the propaganda officer, which broadcasts dinner and Nosno on the whole Danoll. Given that on the recordings from the safe, Lord Regent in Paint tells about its distinguishing plans from the poor, it is not difficult to guess about the consequences of such a broadcast for his political career.

Lord leads his own people from the tower, after which they plant under the castle in the prison of Coldridge. Only without keys and hopes for flight.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

As such, the goals that need to be eliminated is not here. Yes, we will have to play with a comrade Daudom, but you can kill him or not, you decide. After the duel, Daoud will crawl out of his logow to the "veranda" and will ask you to spare it. If you carefully listened to what Assassin speaks in his "office" (namely, that he did not want to kill the empress), then spare him would not be very much work.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission number 9 - Travel Lighthouse

Although our main task in this mission is to save Emily, some probably want to do several additional holes in Starin. Not worth it: you just need to find a girl and pull it out of a locked room. The key is located next to the goel, so stun it, freeze the time or just wait until he goes to study the map. Take the key, unlock the door and see the final roller. I draw your attention that such an event development option is available only at a low level of chaos.

Additional tasks: Go from the main road

I already said that detailed description additional missions and finds here will not be, because This is generally the topic of a separate guide (if, of course, do everything by the mind). However, here I casually go through the main moments that you can catch, if you do not just run from the task to the task.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Once in sewerage, find and open Safe Jelly. The combination of it is written by side with the safe.

At the very end of the sewage, where you already stumble on guard, behind the boards (their cervice will destroy the blade) you can find a small inhabitant of the hermit.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission number 2 - Supreme Career

Perform two tasks of the old veto: first rid it from the gangsters with Bottl Street, and then poison their fake elixir on Danolla distillery.

Save Griff from Bottle Street and freeze it from imprisonment.

Prevent the killing of Captain Carnou, Uncle Calliste, in the office of the Supreme County. Campbell plans to get rid of the captain, offering him to drink whiskey from the poisoned glan. You can prevent this in different ways.

Save the sister of one of the caretories in the backyard of the office. She is accused of witchcraft and are going to deal with her right there, in the loss, however, if you interfere with and save your brother and sister, they will share with you a code from the safe.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission number 3 - House of Delight

To fulfill the two tasks of Slekkjov: to find out the fate of his informant Crowley in the office of the galvana, and then the code from the Safe of the merchant's paintings for him (the latter is in the "Golden Cat").

Open the safe of the merchant paintings in his apartment on the Boulevard clover, helping the gang with Bottl Street and at the same time (we will make a non-leaved passage of the mission).

Save in the wine quarter a woman from the guaranium attack. She will have Elixir Sokolova, who guards will try to take away. As a gratitude, the woman gives the key from the front entrance to the house of the merchant's paintings.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission №4 - Royal Leak

Once under the bridge, to release the gangster guards from the cell, who promises you a treasure share. Treasures you, however, will not see, but sharpening His Friends - easily.

Open the safe of Pratucht, picking up the code with the help of paintings in his house.

Save the Horde of the rats of a woman in one of the buildings on the way to the house of Sokolov. To do this, it is necessary to razzle the corpses lying nearby (distracting maneuver!), And then kill enough rodents so that they fuse.

Release prisoners behind the wall of light in a dilapidated house on the way to the house of Sokolov and get the code from them from the safe at the very top of the building.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission number 5 - Lady Lady Boyle

Fight duel with Lord Shaw on the task of Pendleton and later get a rune for this. Lord show carries a wolf mask.

Schedule in the Guest book Boylov. It will not affect the current mission, but in the next one will force Lord Regent once again nervously stuck in the chair.

A separate item, by the way, it is worth learn Lady Boyle (i.e., not just twisted all the three sisters, but methodically eliminating the same). To do this, communicate with guests (namely, with Mrs. White and Lord Brisby), as well as study the sisters rooms on the second floor of the estate.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission number 6 - return to the tower

Eliminate the royal executioner. To do this, you have to go down to the cellars of the Tower and there to deal with this wonderful companion.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission number 7 - Flooded Quarter

Return the equipment of the cervice that the "prudent" Daoud will throw at the zhirvosa hryvia. For this, you will have to sweat, first including the mechanism of the ladder descend, and then climb on the chains of there and here, but without equipment, it is somehow completely unallowed.

Perform the task of the old veto or SLACKJOV. Both characters are in the catacombs under the old Danolem, but for this you first need to make the task of baboons during the mission number 2. Event development options are somewhat here, but they will not prevent you from getting the key from the catacomb, which is needed in the course of the main task.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Mission number 8 - loyalists

Save Piero and Sokolov in the workshop using the wonderful drawings for this.

Reveal the plans of the hevlock, the benefit that the corresponding note is located very close to the Pub "Pasya Yama".

Secrets: What, where when

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Although for us they are no longer secrets, of course. Statistics for each task awaits you at the end of each mission: there is shown how many secrets and goodies from the available at the level you found. To make it more convenient for you to navigate and do not run every time to study statistics in the menu, I bring to your attention a common summary name plate, which and where to find. It shows how many different tastes are at each level. A reference to the name of the column is given the corresponding guide. Safes in the game are added here for convenience, although they do not appear in the statistics of the task.


Mission number 1 - innocently convicted

Mission number 2 - Supreme Career

Mission number 3 - House of Delight

Mission №4 - Royal Leak

Mission number 5 - Lady Lady Boyle

Mission number 6 - return to the tower

Mission number 7 - Flooded Quarter

Mission number 8 - loyalists

Mission number 9 - Travel Lighthouse

* - A separate guide by Sanctures of someone else's no, there are only 5 games on the game, so use the guide on the runes to open all the sanctoes, they are listed there.

Achievements: Shashchek me!

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Although most achievements are quite obvious, there are and very interesting. For convenience, I bring a list of all-all achive, in fact 50 pieces All tastes, passage styles and days of the week.



DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Innocently convicted

Perform the task of the prolobe.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Fly from prison and penetrate the sewer unnoticed.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Eliminate Campbell Supreme Career.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Save the captain of Carlo, Uncle Calliste.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Thievesky art

Get the code from the safe in the House of Merchant for Sleckjov.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Find Emily in the Golden Cat.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Kill Morgan Pendleton with steam.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

King of the world

Close on the top of the sorcerer bridge.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Genius and madness

Make a task on the Wordin Bridge.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Good manners

Complete the task without thoring the reception in the manor of the boilers.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Kill Lorda Regent Hairema Burrow.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Expose Lord Regent and provoke his arrest

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Eliminate the main objectives by non-standard ways (Anathema, thievesk art, political officer).

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Return your equipment.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Spare Daud.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Street plot

Perform all the tasks of SLACKDA.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Ladies' man

Perform all the tasks of the old veto.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Maski light

Disable at least 5 security systems on Kingsproerro Island.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Long live the empress!

Save Emily Koldinin.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Finish the game.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Get the game at a low level of chaos.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Chaos in Danolem

Commier chaos game.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Find all the pictures of Sokolov.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Find 10 bone amulets.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


Stealing items with a total value of 200 coins.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

Merchant chaos

Buy 15 equipment improvements.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


After the ware from the prison, the Coldridge perform the task without raising the alarms.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips


After the beat of the Coldridge prison, perform the task, without raising the alarms and killing less than 5 characters.

DISHONORED: General Tips

DISHONORED: General Tips

No self-respecting company developer will simply make the game without "providing" by her with anything interesting, mysterious and referring to other equally well-known projects. No exception and stealth called dishonored. Of course, you can pass and quite noisy, but the focus is still made on a quiet pass. But back to our secrets and Easter.

You can also find out simply by clicking on the link.

The first passage is a reference to a fairly famous Portal game that you can find on the basis of the Pierrot workshop. Just go through it and stumble upon the drawn portal, and next you will also find a note that is called "Door to Nowhere."

In the house of pleasures, if you can look carefully, you can find a portrait of a certain lady that is essentially a mirror image of the character of a mother from the remake of the film Judge Dredd. This conclusion comes pretty a large number of Players.

Perhaps the most noticeable and meaningful can be called reference to Thief: Dark Project. You can find it when you pass the 7th mission. In principle, it will be difficult to skip it - you need to move in the Dauda's lair, where you enter through the window you will meet two assassins. The bottom line is that if you do not disturb them, you can hear a dialogue which is 80% repeats a dialogue from the game Thief.

And now a little about interesting facts. For example, at the beginning, you can meet the artist and a positive person - further on the game you will meet this picture in the repository of the Supreme Career. If you take the bottle on the left on the table, then in the end and will not be in the picture either.

But on this changing drawings do not end. If you raised the level of chaos to a high then in a golden cat instead of a drawing of a lodge with flowers, you will find a gloomy picture on which Emily and Gemini. Also in the task when you need to repel the bar you will find a portrait of a variety of leaflets - if the level of chaos is high, then it will be a mask and if the low thing is just a face of cervice.

Dishonored Secrets and Easter

Also, the players came to the conclusion that the heart that is awarded the main character and with the help of which he turns a variety of magic tricks belongs to the Empress, which can be guessing on some comments from him.

In the screenshot, as you understand her killer.

At this interesting moments and secrets in Dishonored do not end. As soon as you go through the mission called "House of Delight", then you can watch the Pierrot based on the basis of locking well For the servant Kalisto and starts justifying what she chinel the castle. You can also break into the room and try to chat with it in such an inappropriate moment.

In the role of Catvo Atano, the bodyguard of the empress Jesamin, you arrive at the boat to the tower of Danolla with an important report. Select from the boat and pass to the bridge. Emily runs on it to you, the daughter of the Empress. If you agree to play with it in a hide and seek, the additional task with the training of secrecy will begin.

Hyperships (optional)

Go down to the bridge next to Emily. It will take up to ten, and you - you should hide well during this time [key C]. For example, you can climb the stairs and hide behind the railings. The rest of the seats are not so reliable, although you can look at the girl. Look out the laid time, and if Emily does not find you, it will offer to finish the game, you can go to her and finish the task.

Follow Emily in a gazebo to meet with the Empress. Jessamin speaks there with Birror, the main secret service. Now you can talk to her and give a letter [F].

It seems that the news turned out to be bad, there are no medications from the plague yet. Suddenly you are attacked, the first fight begins. IN right hand The sword is a sword in the left pistol. You can reflect the strikes of assassins. However, the gun solves all the problems for one shot.

Innocently convicted
Corval was convicted for the murder of the Empress. Kayrez Burrow appointed himself to regent himself, he remained only to achieve confession of cofword, although without it there is enough grounds for execution.

You find yourself in the prison of Coldridge. Go to the lattice and eat [F] bread that lies on the floor. Under it is an anonymous message, read it. There is a key under the letter. Such a matryoshka. Open the door and select. Take from the table of the Urban Guardian. Also on the table lie coins. Pour [c] to the guard standing in the passage. You can stun it by climbing [left Ctrl], and then take the body [F] and drag it away from the extra eyes. The second guard will also soon manage to substitute your back, so do not break. It remains only strolling watch, attack when he goes to the opposite side of you.

The way forward is open. Board upstream using [Space], on the high-colored redflowers. Here you will find a gun. The next hour on the way behind the door. Very imprudent looks down the bridge. Store his key and stun. Go further on the "walkway". Another guard. Finally go down and go to the "interrogate room." There is a safe with explosives you need.

Now you need to install it. We pass after the removing guards through the grille down, in the "prison yard". The guards can be bypassed, going into the shadows along the very edge of the yard. Will be a "wing of the post". It is easiest to get through the first door to the left, stunning the guard, go through the next door, stun as a security guard, and take advantage of the lever. Now you can go out and stun skimming hours. Remove the sentry, which is standing behind the open gate, when the second turns away. Then you remove it. Lent a bomb and run [left shift] away. Deploy and run into the resulting passage. The bridge rises, jump into the water. Swamp on the other side, to the entrance to the "catacombs".

Prison escape was successfully implemented. Now you need to cross the "catacombs" to get to the Renheven River and meet with a coherent.

The grille will not open. But the drawer is a note, addressed to cervice. Rear to the boxes and face the pipes. In any case, you will have to sit down [C]. Under you, the rats are burning alive by two guards. Jump down, the lattice is also locked up, so you can only go ahead, into the sewer. Jump into the water, you will have to sail towards the "hidden things" marker. When you see the staircase, choose from the water and go along it. Remove the corpse [clamp F] to use the valve. Go forward and climb above, so the grille can be connected. A small scene with the discharge of the corpses of the dead from the plague. It seems that this dirty work has given some "elixir", which protects them from infection. Who in winning is the carnivorous rats that have been presented with free lunch. Rats do not bless and lively safe, so run to the bottom and climb the platform in the center. From there, reset the three bodies of rats to distract. Spent yourself and turn the valve to open the gateway. Go forward. Here you will see a hanging chain. Jump on it and press [F], or just come on the comfortable side. Climb upstairs and jump onto the site. Be careful: there are stretching, if we break the wire, the pomegranate will explode. And in the branch there is even a rifle stretching. And here is the most hidden equipment, together with the letter of Lord-defender.

So, you need to go to a meeting with Samuel. You now have excellent weapons - blade and crossbow. In the latter, we are interested in sleeping darts. Hold [mouse wheel] and select "Swording dart". Now you can unlock the grid using the key received. New stretch, but this time - we study the podcast: we run out and press the [c]. And fly under a stretch.

Safe Jelly. Near him is a note with a hint. Behind the safe there is a shelf with bottles from under whiskey. Reset them down and see the code: 451. To enter it, specify the cross to the desired digit on the safe and press [F]. Put all three in the desired positions and the safe will open.

You can move on. Climb up the upstream movement. Then jump into the hole, where the voices are heard. Lettering the guards with a shideline dart. The following two can be removed by simple stunning. Also there is an option to swim under them and quietly get out of the water when they turn away. Perhaps to swim by all of them - the easiest way. For a minute security and fall into the passage to the surface. Here you are waiting for a boatman Samuel.

Secret allies
Samuel delivered you to the "Pesia pit." Follow him. Enter the pub and talk with "loyalists." They need the help of an experienced person, the loyal empire, and the cervice is ideal for this role. You are sent to Piero. Exit the pub just as entered, and go to the workshop. Choose an "empty burst tank" and climb the stairs. Place the tank in the filler, pull the lever, pull the tank, go down, install the tank with burst into place. Now Piero comes up your assassin mask. Also now it can modify your ammunition. To begin with, I would advise you to buy shipping darts and mounting tool. The remaining items are clearly deadly. You can also buy improvements, on another tab. When finished, go to bed.

Corval will wake up under the roof of the roof, your room is in the attic pub. But this is not the strangest thing: something completely abandoned behind the door. Close up to "strange attraction". Someone else's, as he called himself, will give cofword magic power - Teleportation for short distances. Useful skill, nothing to say. To use it: Hold [ right button Mice], aim to free space on the other side and release the button. Move the chain of stone blocks hanging in the air. If you do not "fly" - go closer to the edge of the platform to reduce the teleportation distance.

The next gift from someone else's "heart", which indicates the location of magical runes and bone amulets. If you direct him aside where there is one of the items, the heart will signal about it. You can find it in the tab of the devices in the inventory. Now just move to the rune. You will have to descend much. Spin the mouse wheel to change the heart on teleport and back. At the end, raise the rune. With it, you can acquire new skills or improvements to your choice. Since we go through the game without murders, I recommend to take "dark vision."

Cattle finally really wakes up. This adventure was not ordinary sleep, because there is still notched on your hand and ability.

Rune (additionally)

You need to find a hidden Rune hidden. Remove the heart and go to the call. To get it, you will have to jump into the water and sail to the stone on which the rune lies. Also remember the availability of teleportation abilities.

Talk to Amioral Rube in a pub. He will instruct you to eliminate Campbell. Get out and go to Samuel, on the way you will meet Callista, she will ask you to save her uncle - Captain City Guard Carnou. You can also go to Pierre, he had a rune for sale. When you finish all the affairs, talk to Samuel and go to the "Wine Quarter".

Supreme Cupbell
You are in the location of the "Wine Quarter" location. Guardian can be stunned, or wait until he leaves. Soon you will go to the "Wall of Light". It can be turned off, or somehow pass. The easiest way is to simply remove the tank with burst. Although you can perform any other method described in the prompt. You can climb the boxes on the roof that are here. If you have learned the ability of the University, you can try yourself as a mouse. I will not burden you with the details of each way, Dishonored is good at the fact that you can go to the goal in many ways. The second wall of the light is harder. For example, I went down to the bottom and passed to the left, teleports passing the visibility zone of bandits with Bottl Street. The next goal "Plaza Khoger". At the bottom of so much shelters that stunning the soldiers of one after another is no difficulty. On the square you are waiting for the career Martin. You can free it by activating the lever from the shafts to the left of it.

Climb on the roof of the porch using teleportation and pass through the fence. Now you need to get into the "Cabinet". To do this, you need to connect another grille. For example, with the help of teleportation, I got into the building window on the left. You can get into the office by simply passing through the gate - no one guards them. On the right, you can find a passage to "Crane", from where you can easily get into the office. Climb the stairs to the Cabinet. Change the glasses in some places in the context menu, so that the poison is in a glass of Campbell. Leave the office before you caught. You can spit into the key well the result of your work. Enjoy the moment, just not forget to look around - you can get caught guard. When Campbell dies, you must wait for the guard, then return to the office and pick up the compromising. Go down and remove the door to the backyard. It remains on the roofs to get to the Sumuel boatman.

Correspondence of caretaker
You returned to the "Pesia pit." Climb the pier and meet with "loyalists." While they will decipher the diary, you need to sleep. This time there will be no dreams. Talk to the goer. Then go down to the catacombs through the hatch here. To sleep "Posterker" (he cries, by the way, not tears - and blood), you will need sleeping darts. If you are over, Piero sells them. In the sewage you will find two plackers. Let's shoot them, pick up two runes and go back. Now you have a door key that has not been opened before. Climb the chain right into the pub. Find the admiral. Talk to the boat to go on the road.

House of pleasure
Brothers Pendleton, the owners of the "Golden Cat" owners help Lord Regent to hide Emily. They should be eliminated.

You have already been here recently here. The same marina "Wine Quarter". Get to "Danolla District". Here you need to find Slekjova. Do not stun with anyone, all your own. Slendages offer its services to penetrate the Golden Cat in exchange for help with one thing. Return to the wine quarter. Go to "Dr. Galvana's office". Be careful, Assasins appeared here, do not attract their mass attention. Walk along the roofs will be good decision. Specifically, in the contector itself, you can get along the pipes at the top, through the balcony. Climb the stairs to the very top, to the "Slekzov informant". One guard is stunning when he turns away, the second immediately amazing the sleeping dart. Take the audiogram and return to the gluttony reverse. As a reward, he will give the key from the building through which you can get straight on the roof of the Golden Cat. And also suggests to change in places: he himself kids the twins Pendton, and you make it work. This is a bloodless option.

The remaining "light wall" go down, under it, to the left there will be a passage to the square. But what much more interesting is: now you can meet a woman who robs two guards. You can shoot them both sleeping darts. As an award, the surviving will give you the key from the home of the merchant pictures - of that very much. However, we need to get to the "Golden Cat". A knighting observation turret looks only down, but not on the roofs. Enter the door to the location of the Golden Cat.

Turn left to the impressum and pick up the roof. From here you can cross up to the window "Bathing". The trader paintings is in the "silver" room. Start to torture it with discharges until it says the cipher. Now you need to find the "Cabinet Madame". Surride to the lady and steal universal key. And on the left on the windowsill lies a note in which it is indicated where Emily was placed. Get out of the office and climb along the screw staircase. Here in the "Room Courtesan" sits Emily. Follow it to "exit for particularly important persons." Now it is believed that Emily was saved. Hooray! It remains to find Slekjov and tell him the code from the safe. Then meet Samuel and Emily on the pier.

High guest
Emily kissing and preservation is delivered to the "Pesia pit". Corporation wants to see Lord Pendleton. He stands right behind the destroyed tower and looks at the sunset. He will send you to Admiral. He and Martin sits in a pub.
Royal tech
New goal - Sokolov, artist and court leak. The author of one of two acting elixirs against the plague. Visit Piero, complete all the things and use Samuel services.

Here is the bridge of the sorcerer. Samuel really advises to turn off the spotlight. Close up. Here are full of guards. Move on top. You will see a searchlight (not the one you want to disable - just a searchlight). To the left of it there is a door, we are there. Climb the stairs, take the "key from the warehouse" - it opens the door downstairs, so you can also go. But we climb the very top of the stairs. Roll the valve so that the chain moves, then it will be possible to jump and get a burst. Insert the tank into the apparatus on the wall. Close into the trolley on the rails and pull the lever. Now you are on the other side. Go down and run past the guards to the door to Trobridge.

Primary through residential buildings under the bridge. Swamp and climb upstairs. The guards can be littered with a dart, the rest will not notice anything. Pass on the bridge. Remove the burst to provide the arrester. Climb the stairs to the very top. Take the lever, go back, take into a raised bridge using teleportation. Complete to the end and also teleport higher. There you can remove tanks with burst. Now you need to go down gently down. For example, you can simply go through stretched fasteners. But, alas, there is too much light for such a maneuver, unless you have a slowdown in time (in this case, no one will notice you). And here is the door to the "Midroow substation".

You need to get into the booth upstairs, in which there is a lever, stopping the "wheels". Then you can crawl through them and turn off the wall of the light. For her pass to the "northern side". Just through it, you can get into the "House Sokolov". Raby on his roof. Sokolov is busy with its formula. Stun him and drag down the stairs. At the time of Sokolov, you can go to the floor to stun the interfering guards and servant. You can even find an elevator. In a word, please choose from the house through the back input. Near the descent to the boat, you will see a cage with people. They can be released by removing the burst. Woman will tell you about the safe. Take the content and find Samuel.

Anton Sokolov (really "bad" Russian?) Delivered for interrogation in Pub "Pesya Yama". It's time to relax.

Cecilia in Pub will indicate the location of the key from the shelter, just in case. Sokolov was placed in a cage. It turns out that the old hell can be bribed. This is obviously less than a bloody way than the use of flock of pots-cannibals. Go to Piero, he agrees to sell you brandy "King Street" for 150 gold. If you do not have enough, you can beat the pub, there must be much more. Bring a bottle of Sokolov.

Reception Lady Boyle
Sokolov revealed only the surname of Lord Regent's mistress. You still need to know which of the women of the boy's family, we need.

Visit Samuel to go to Masquerade Ball to the Boyls. Jump from the boat into the water and choose the stairs. The first bridge does not suit us - the versil will speak. But the second is very easy. Persoam through the fence right above the rails. You do not need to go on this area. Come to talking guests. Catch the flew invitation. Now show his gatekeeper. Go around the extension and go inside the estate. You can blunt guests.

Note from Pendleton (optional)

Find Lord Shaw, he is in a wolf mask. Follow him. Wow! Looks like Pendleton substituted cervice - it is planned a duel. Take a duel gun. Become in the marked circle. At the expense of "Once" - unfold and shoot in the head of Lord Show.

Now you can go to the ball. Talk to guests, someone will surely tell about three bedrooms and colors of the inhabitants of the estate. Look for Miss White and first floor in a moth Musk. She will ask to bring her a drink. Find a fountain with sparkling wine, fill the glass and bring Miss White. She will tell, which of the sisters in what color is dressed. Pass along the lower floor and find Lord Brisby, in an ugly cat mask. He wants to talk to you. Lord Brisby offers help in eliminating Lidia Boyle (and you need, according to him, it is she).

Will be up, in the bedroom. The Terrible Guard will leave the post and go down. You need to find a room Lydia Boyle. The diary indicates that she likes musicians. Go down the same way and find the lead in the black dress. Call her name, and then offer to retire in the music room with Claviersin. Follow the Lydia. She will upset the fact that you do not know how to play it and ... myself go down to the basement! Very strange. Stun her and roll into the boat.

There is also a passage to the catacombs. Dirty, but I will definitely do not arise with guards. Raise the grille using the valve. Now swim on all pores to the closing gateway and Samuel boat. Best is the best of all. Go to the "Pesia pit".
P.S. The name of Lady Boyle, as well as her passion - can be generated for you otherwise! However, the sequence of actions will change from this not much.

Decisive blow
Meet with Lord Pendleton. Then with the admiral rod.

Going to the road, visit Piero. By the way, if you passed the previous task "Betterlessly", in your room in the attic will be a rune with a note.

Search Emily on the streets (additionally)

In Pub, Callista will complain that Emily hid it from her. It is best to take advantage of the "dark vision" of the second level. When approaching you will hear giggling. In a reward for his favor, Emily will give you a rune.

When you finish all the case, use Samuel services.

Return to Tower
The Lord-Regent Berrowza turn came to be humiliated.

That tower of Danollah, in which the Empress lived and where the game began. Jump into the water and swim in the gateway. By pipes, by different transitions, go upstairs. Do not try to go through the door behind which the shocker is. Teleportation is much more appropriate. Stun on one of all the guards. You will interfere with the wall of light. On the right you can go to the balcony and teleport directly to Baku with burst, which you need to take out to turn off the wall. Yes, and just pass by can also. A couple of officers will come directly to your hands. Dangerous central posts can be destroyed on the right. From there, you can teleport to the main building, and find the technical move in the "Lobby of the Tower".

Lord Regent communicates with his guardian guards. He is in his bedroom. But we are not going there, but on the "Broadcasting Station". Over the eaves, go to the right, enter the turret through the door. Pull out the tank with burst to turn off the shocker. Close the stairs and find the "Propaganda officer". He will say that Burrows records even their darkest secrets on the audiograms. This is a bloodless path. Now there are two ways:
You can include alarm siren (one is downstairs in the lobby, the second on the roof) so that Lord Regent leaves his chambers and locked in a secret room.
You can wait until the Lord Regent finishes dialogue and one will remain. Then just penetrate the chambers and stun it. Well, or use the sleeping dart, as it turns out.
Safety deposit boxes just - he is not even hidden. It lies an audiogram. Carry it to the turret of the broadcast station. Let the secrets of Lord Regent hear everything! Go down and enjoy the arrest scene. It's small - to leave the still hostile tower of Danolla. Samuel will wait for you in the same place where you left him - in front of the gateway.

On the eve of the coronation
Go to the pub, everyone is already celebrating. Climb yourself up and go to bed.

With the flow
This is exactly the case when you are waiting for the whole game, and no intrigue works. Loyalists - turned out to be loyal only to themselves. The poisoned cofquoire falls straight into the panels of Dauda - this Assassin, who killed the empress. You find yourself in a familiar mystical area where someone else will speak with you.

Flooded quarter
Corval dropped some kind of tank. Well, at least did not kill. Take bricks and throw them up, in the boards, which are covered with a hole. Now use teleportation to get out. Pick up the blade from the table, it can come in handy. Climb the stairs upstairs. Here are two guards. You can stun one of them by teleporting directly on the railing, and then drag on the stairs. With the second much easier. Jump into the water. A very contrasting spectacle, after the motley manor of the boils, or the royal fortress.

Return equipment (optional)

Before jumped to Daud, you need to return your belongings. Try to get closer to their mark. When you see the chain, go on it. In the near building used to be a glass roof, but now you can unhindered jumped down and take advantage of the transition "to the Zhirvza Zhirvza". Go to the specified building as close as possible. To get there, you need to put forward the staircase. And for this you need to restore the power. Enter the building nearest to the specified roof, the instruction, lever, and a burst container. From the back you can get an empty tank. Here, very nearby, it can be filled with a burst. Go through the building and install a full tank in place. Activate the lever to shut down the stairs. Climb on it and go around, pipes, chains and other scrap metal. Here you are overhearding the conversation of assassins. Climb the chain, and here you are inside. You need to turn on the bridge. On the right, you can find tanks, for this, destroy the boards, interfering to crawl behind the grille. Take a burst tank on the way back, insert the tank into place and pull the handle. Go down the chain to the bottom and grab your gear. Climb the stairs, open the gate with the valve and remove from this location.

And here again he, "Radshor's berth". To get into the center of Radshor is not difficult, although here are the best patrol - teleport. However, to pass, you need to smoke one of them. "Center Radshor" is a real hell. At the beginning it seems that slipping past patroling assassins is simply impossible. But actually it is not. I am very advised to jump into the water, and turn left. And already from here you can start stunning enemies one by one. The most difficult thing is to cut down a couple of the first, so as not to notice the rest. You can develop your own strategy, of course. Our goal is "Dauda's Lair". Inside it becomes very easy - very dark. When you choose out, you will need to climb the floor in the floor above. Daud hides here. Bloomless version. Get his purse Dauda. there is different variants. The simplest and obvious - to defeat it in a duel. Avoid it - almost impossible, the villain also owns a stop of time. You need to beat it using all available aggressive methods. But when you defeat it, you can take his wallet and leave the world. It remains to pick up the "Dauda key". You need to go down to the "tunnel to the goal."

Now it remains only to get out of this damned "flooded quarter". After the tunnel, turn left. This is discharged here the bodies of the dead from the plague. And not only the dead. Select upstairs past two chatting poor. Then you have different ways. For example, you can climb the roof of one of the buildings. The easiest way is on the roof of which the rune lies. Then you can jump on the "body" and drive a little further. Jump in front of the light wall, where the tank is visible with break, pulling out which you turn off the light wall. Of course, you can get through the guards and versilized the case, your business. So, after pulling out the tank, you need to go down. Here on the wall there is a lever from the gate. In them, you need to do the door of the office. Over it is the passage "at the outskirts of the old port." Here you need to get to the entrance to the catacombs. We do this: become top on the hatch and twist the valve. Fell down, well, well. The survivors were hidden in the catacombs, they will not attack you. Clear to the exit from the catacomb. The door leads directly to Pub "Pasya Yama", whether it is not laden.

Cecilia briefly retells to you terrible events that have occurred after "sailing" cofquo. Climb from the basement, do not miss two keys hanging on hooks. One of them will open the door from the abandoned shelter. Outside, two talkative guards and versil. Wake up in the pub. At the rack are orders of the jeep of the roasted guard. Now climb up in your former room, read the letter from Emily.

Save Pierrot and Sokolov (optional)

You can get to these two from the old room with a cervice in the attic pub. The open window goes to the roof of the workshop. Jump on the cornco from the river side to get through the window. Pierrot will ask to bring his drawing. He was already with me with him, it seems from the pub. In the dialog, select an option to the shipping exposure of the discharge post to sleep all enemies. Now you need to find an empty tank on the second floor, fill it to break it, get it on the cornizer to the roof of the workshop and connect the tank to the roof installation. Take the lever to open the jacks for the tanks. Take another tank here, so that all three nests are busy. Now scholars are safe. You can place the services of Piero for the last time.

Take the callist in the tower. It is just further on the road from the roof of the Pierrot workshop. It will add a small part of the mosaic. Use the lever to run signal rocket. Take the key from the bed on which Callist sits. Open the door from the tower and jump towards Samuel.
Travel Lighthouse
It's time to save the princess from imprisonment!

Immediately make a reservation: at the time of passage was the "low level of chaos" - if you have another, then the mission may look different.

Fort Kingsparou has two entrances: "From the side of the sea" and "from the side of the harbor." Whatever you choose, first need to turn off the light walls. Go to the "entering the sea". To the left of him in the wall you can see the pipe from which water flows. Too wide pipe. From this room - you can disable both light walls at once, from both inputs. Now you can choose and clean up any of the two "inputs", and get inside the fort. Now you need to get into the calell. At first, having passed the yard to the other side, you must get inside and turn off the power of the next light wall. Now you can go to the carack. After the light wall, immediately raise up the stairs, remove the "key of the lift lift" from the hook. At the very top there will be a bridge toward the lighthouse. In order not to get under the arrester, go through the bottom of the bridge, where the control panel is seen. Close to the lift through the door and pull the lever, go.