Repairs Design Furniture

Dusting tanks and urns do it yourself. Street urn do it yourself how to make urn with a pedal

Decorating and improving garden plot, one should not forget that even a banal garbage urn can be an interesting object for decorating the park. Decorated in an unusual style or simply selected in color or size, garbage boxes will serve not only for disposal and waste collection, but also perfectly fit into the garden design, diverse it with its unusual shape or coloring.

Ready garbage tanks and urns

Manufacturers of garbage containers make tanks for waste based on the convenience of use and durability of operation. There are many different options, but the following are best for giving:

Tank trash can.Most often, such a container is equipped with a lid so that the smell of waste and rotting garbage does not penetrate out. Some products have wheels, which makes it possible to easily move the garden container, rolling into the place where it is now needed (for example, to the place where kebabs are hot and an improvised guest table is covered). The undoubted advantages of this type of containers are durability, durability and a bright appearance that does not require periodic color. The only thing to take into account is that these tanks in no way should be kept next to the open sources of fire.

Choosing such a container, you should pay attention to weight and volume. It is desirable that the tank mass does not exceed 10 kg, otherwise it will be somewhat heavy from place to place.

Metal trash can with lid.The metal sheet container is designed to solve the same problems as the plastic. The difference lies only in the material from which the tank and weight of the product is made. The metal container is somewhat harder, but this is more compensated by its durability and absolute fireproof. Especially since repainting such a trash can, you can create a real work of art, which will become a real decoration of the garden.

Garbage tanks for giving from old barrels

Make a trash can with your own hands is quite simple, especially since the container is ideally suitable for these purposes - a simple 200-liter barrel, which is no longer suitable for watering. You can install it in the far corner of the garden and carry the garbage there, but is it not more interesting to create a real masterpiece from it, decorating a barrel of bright painting and pictures?

In order to begin to decorate future garbage barrels, you need to stock tassel, bright colors and sandpaper for stripping rusty spots. The paint is best to use oil or alkyd, intended for external work.

First, the barrel must be rinsed thoroughly, dried and clear the rusty places with sandpaper.

Then apply the main background and leave until complete drying. After that, you can give the will of your fantasy and decorate it with magic colors, patterns or funny pictures.

There are no restrictions and can be felt like a real artist and implement the brightest fantasies. After the barrel is painted, it is necessary to dry it, after which it can be installed in a pre-selected place.

Capacities for garbage from plastic bottles

Excellent free building material are ordinary plastic bottles.

Of these, it is possible to build tanks and urns for the cottage under the debris, spending the minimum of funds, and quite a bit of time. To do this, you will need:

  • Steel wire, preferably not less than 6 mm in diameter;
  • Plastic bottles of the same size (color can be selected different and alternate them to create a pattern);
  • Drill and sharp knife;
  • Two segments of a metal circle 12 mm in diameter.

First, the bottles are clean and cleaned from labels. Then the holes are drilled in the lids, and the holes under the necks are dried in the bottomshes. After that, it is necessary to ride four bottles on a wire, firmly fasten them in each other (neck in the bottom).

Next, it is necessary to twist the wire from the wire into three the same on the ring diameter and fasten the ends. Place rings in three tiers, fixing on vertical segments of a metal rod. In the places of contact, you can simply do twists, and you can point to spend the joints.

After the formation of the frame, the garlands of bottles must be fixed on the design.

After that, the bottom of the wire woven the grid is made and plastic film is placed on it. Plastic bottle garbage container is ready to use.

Dour buns do it yourself

In addition to large waste tanks, small uns are simply needed in the country for the arrangement on the garden tracks or near the economic premises. Make the urn with your own hands is quite simple, you just need to attach a little fantasy, add creative and in search of building material look around.

Old car tires,perfect for these purposes. To make urn you will need only two tires and a piece of camera. Tires are thoroughly washed and dried. Then stacked on each other and fasten together. Ordinary brackets can be used for fixing. After that, the joint is closed by a piece of chamber and is fixed with a construction or furniture stapler. The finished urn must be installed at a permanent place and paint the colors. Such emxotes under the garbage are perfectly suitable for both street use and home.

Proverseable bucket - This is the perfect option for garbage collection. The options for its decoration is a great set, you only need to include fantasy and implement the brightest and creative options. Such urn for garbage with your own hands can be installed directly to the ground, and can be fixed on the metal crossbar, so that it is more convenient to clean it.

In any case, whatever option for the garbage can be chosen, it should be remembered that when decorating your site, you can create as you like and invent the most courageous solutions. All your crafts will only decorate the garden and give it a completely new and original look.

Buying multiple country accessories involves serious waste, but today we learn to save and make some of them with our own hands. Garbageborn, urns and ashtrays for giving from undergraduate means is not so difficult, as it may seem!

Of course, many have become accustomed to use the old bucket instead of urn, and instead of a ashtray - a small glass jar. It is quite realistic that it is convenient and inexpensive, but only such devices have no kind, more precisely, they spoil many of our merits in the design and design with their too simple appearance. That is why we decided to find a way to correct the situation and tried a certain hand-meid on themselves, thereby learning to make urns and ashtrays for giving with their own hands. Everything is very simple, and now we will tell you how without the extent of finance and time to make yourself similar interesting things.

Plastic bottle garbage tank

Make a trash can for use in the country can be made from a variety of healthy materials, but we are most interested in production from plastic bottles, which can be considered a free building component. It's all true, because the bottles are abused at each dacha, they remain after water and drinks, after large sites, and you should not throw them away.

The first thing we need for production is a metal frame that can be made of wire, aluminum plates and even a metal profile under drywall. By and large, we will need only 2-3 identical elements of oval, round or rectangular shape, to build the base, top of the tank and the middle jumper. Sending all sizes and shapes, you can start up to the next step.

To do this, we will need 2-4 pieces of fittings or a previously mentioned profile. These metal elements are needed to bore among themselves the main details and make racks. You can select fittings and tied with ovals or wire circles, and you can also bend the P-shaped profile for plasterboard in one plane, and connect racks from the profile with the main parts of the clamps or even rivets.

When the carcass of the homemade garbage tank is ready, proceed to the final stage - we build the walls of the tank of plastic bottles.

So, for this we need steel wire, a nail, a mounting knife and pliers. First of all, measure the pieces of wire in the height of the tank and cut them into account, taking into account the attachment to the upper, middle and lower part of the structure. The length of each piece should be greater than the height of the future tank by 20-30 cm.

Next, pliers clamp a wire on the bottom of the tank, throwing several turns on the frame, we wear 1-2 bottles on the wire, having done a hole in them with a nail, make a few turns of fastening on the middle part of the frame, again a pair of bottles and now mounting to the top.

It is very desirable to think in advance the size, the shape and color of the bottles so that chaos does not work out. You can define a homogeneous pattern with the help of bottles of the same litter and color, and you can transform a little by choosing bright bottles.

Sequential fastening of bottles and good wire tension, dense fitting bottles one to another vertically and in the rows will provide high quality of the homemade garbage tank. Of course, after production it is worth remembering that it is not intended for heavy waste and burning garbage.

Similar tanks can be created with a bottom and without the bottom, but today most of these urns and tanks are created without the bottom so that they should not be turned over during cleaning. They will just raise them enough.

Small urn from the old bucket or barrel

It is not necessary to immediately determine the landfill on the dump, because they can even serve as the perimeter of the country area. As an example, we would like to bring old buckets and barrels that can be easily remade into urns and small garbage tanks.

Any old bucket that is not too dilapidated, or not rotting the barrel, can become a garbage tank in a gazebo, near the summer kitchen and so on. To do this, we do not have to upgrade a lot of things, but only to adjust the reservoir in size, perhaps a little pushing the old cutters, repaint in a fun color and install where necessary.

Buckets can serve almost immediately, the barrels often have to cut a little, as they are too large. After the simplest work on reconstruction, it is possible to divide the reservoir with construction materials - plastic, wood, dense cardboard, pre-imposing patchwork from tin or aluminum sheet. Everything, now only painting in the desired color or bright drawing in the style of design location.

Dacha ashtray do it yourself

Ashtrays in the country can be two types - desktop and outdoor.

Making a desk ashtray

Desktop ashtsoms in the country. Each craftsman does in its own way - pours out of the gypsum, clay and other materials, cuts out of wood or bamboo, cooks or rivets from metal. We offer the simplest, almost a minute option, which is already known to many. This is an ashtray from the beer can.

For its manufacture, it will take empty and pure tin can from under beer or soda. Its top should be carefully cut off with a knife, then, also carefully, but already scissors, dissolve the can vertically on a certain number of bands, leaving at the bottom a little depth, just a few centimeters. Now it is necessary to complete the strips down, rolling them into a kind of roll, and all - a desktop ashtray is ready.

Production of outdoor ashtray

With an outdoor ashtray for the cottage, things are a little more complicated, but not so much. You can use the old milk bidon for its manufacture or even trimming the ventilation pipe from a large diameter stainless steel. With the bidon, it's a little simpler, because it is only worth throwing a removable small grid, say, from the old construction sieve, and that's it. Then only a kind of decor, and the ashtray is sent to its workplace. You will have to tinker with the pipe, as it will need to attach the bottom. But there is also an email comes to the rescue, and we just put inside the old bucket or neatly cut it, which, resting the edges into the inner circle of the pipe, becomes the bottom. Now the grid is on the top and decorative decorations.

When working with metal forms and parts that need to be cut, we recommend to be extremely careful and take all necessary security measures, as unpleasant injuries are possible.

How to make an ashtray for giving with your own hands (video)

As you can see, there is nothing supernatural in the manufacture of such accessories, and therefore, as soon as the free minute or the urgent need for urn, garbage tank or ashtray in the country can immediately begin making and complete the project for hours or two.

Concrete urn is an invention that is intended to preserve the purity of the environment. Such products help to make the streets more neat and clean. They are completely safe for children and animals. Most of all concrete urns can be seen in the places of great accumulation of people. It may be parks, transport hubs, beaches, huge shopping centers, organizations of different types and so on.

In order to make it easier to clean the urns, a special bucket or trash can is installed in them. Even if the garbage did not reach the urn, it is still easier to maintain clean. It is enough to gather around the urn and put in it. In addition, the concrete urn in which the bucket is installed may be a beautiful element of the landscape and fit into the general view of the street. This is an aesthetic component of space, thanks to the installation within walking distance: near the benches, cafes, small shops.

If a concrete urn is rationally, then the space can be zoned. For example, drivers will not be able to drive up in those places where children are standing or playing. If you set a lot of size on the waterfront, then overcome the prescriptions of road signs, which are often ignored, will not be so simple.

Spontaneous dumps made of packages, wrappers, bottles and other similar garbage, created by urban residents on lawns and sidewalks, is the result not so much upbringing and attitudes towards people as a banal deficiency of special urns in parks, on the streets in other public areas. Such landfills are not only not aesthetic, but also can apply significant harm to the environment and our health with you.

That is why metal or concrete containers are a real way out of the current situation. In them, passersby can throw empty bottles, cigarettes, napkins, and all that accumulates due to the absence of suchcontainers are under our feet. Street concrete urn, the purpose of which is the temporary storage of household garbage and waste, is one of the most important elements on the streets and megacities, and quiet provincial cities.

Particularly hollow structures from the concrete of this type are needed in those places where the concentration of people is always high: in the markets, train stations, at airports, in parks. Of course, the presence of concrete urns is absolutely necessary next to public transport stops.

What are concrete urns

There are quite a lot of modifications of small debris for garbage. They can be attached and outdoor, closed and open, mobile and stationary, have a bottom or being through. Hinged bins can be mounted single or groups, supports and walls of buildings are suitable for this, it is important only to use and maintain them.

Outdoor containers can be portable or stationary. If it is decided to make them stationary, then elements are required to secure them. Any urns can be equipped with a visor to close.

Since the demand for strong structures has grown, their diversity has increased. Form of products can be any, depending on the imagination of the designer. Therefore, choose a model suitable for the appearance of a particular street, not difficult.

For many years, garbage containers have not only performed their basic function, but can also be the basis for flower beds. The most common designs:

  • with a folding lid;
  • ashtrays;
  • classic;
  • with perforation

Each option can be performed taking into account the requirements of the customer - a specific model and coloring. You can make an individual application for the manufacture of urn with ornament or other elements of the decor. As a rule, it makes organizations setting the garbage baskets in their sites.

Products with a bottom easier in operation, if the design is through, then it needs to install a bucket. They are produced on a variety of technologies, so their species are becoming more and more. Small bins from concrete can be prefabricated, monolithic, or team-monolithic. They can be made of concrete and reinforced concrete. Their fittings can be tense or unattended. Cement, compositions of slag, polycember, silicate, gypsum and other materials are applied as raw materials.

If large-sized containers are needed, then it will be necessary to cast monoliths, small urns are usually made by the national teams. It is important that the materials are maximum resistant to the effects of acids, possessed hydrophobicity, refractory and frost resistance. Internal reinforcement should be protected from corrosion. Due to volume reinforcement, urns can be made stronger and more reliable.

If you use a high brand concrete, then the product will become heavy-duty, fibroflex and fiberglass are used as additives. If you use fibrobeton, then urn can become almost eternal.

High-quality products must have a homogeneous and dense surface, there should be no air shells and cracks. Street household urns can have any forms, dimensions, color and design, with their manufacture a variety of materials are used. Stationary large containers can perform the role of fences. Usually their width and depth is 40 cm, and the height is 52 cm.

If you make them from a natural stone, apply special panels for cladding and clinker tiles, their appearance will be extraordinary. Install the urn can also indoors, they can have different shapes and design.

How it is correct and for what criteria to choose urn from concrete

Dusting containers are present in any city. They are installed for cleanliness and decoration of streets. Over time, compact light baskets that have applied a decade ago, went into the past. They stopped using, as the volume of waste on the streets increased. Now much more relevant strong concrete structures, which do not affect weather conditions and other negative factors. In addition, they can be operated longer from metal urns.

Dubbown containers must be in the available places and set up in a certain order. This rule must always be performed, otherwise people who have not seen the urn near them will not look for her to throw out a fantasty, and leave it on a bench or path.

Professional landscape designers believe that waste baskets need to be installed symmetrically, at a certain distance from each other, on different sides of the sidewalk. Today, sculptural compositions, fountains and park benches are popular, which are always present with urns. Such design techniques transform streets and harmonize with nature.

Advantages of concrete structures

Today, urn manufacturers produce products from plastic and metal. Why are buyers more inclined to concrete containers?

It is not difficult to guess that the case on the service life of the baskets.

With proper use, concrete can be served not one dozen years. It is not afraid of precipitation, no temperature fluctuations. The appearance of attributes can be restored independently, fresh paint.

In correction, only the appearance of structures may need, since the monolith is not subject to internal deformations. Color concrete and does not require restoration, since the paint holds the entire period of use, even in case of damage and chip.

The large mass of concrete urns protects them from impaired integrity when hitting. So the vandals do not pose any threat to these attributes.

The trash container is difficult to overturn, so their content will remain in place, even if someone tries to shift the design. Concrete is not expensive material, so thieves they are not interested. Street urns remain intact and in place!

The environmental purity of the material is another reason for high demand for concrete garbage baskets. It consists of natural ingredients that do not distinguish toxins and does not harm people's health. Such urns can be installed in large quantities around educational and medical institutions, as well as in other public places, without fear of the state of visitors.

Another advantage of concrete structures is a reasonable price. Mounting reliable urns is simply, safe and economically beneficial, moreover, they need to be changed extremely rarely.

Red concrete urn review

Summing up It can be said that for standard and original garbage containers from concrete there is a place on any territory. Installation costs itself inexpensive, and the period of operation is much more than that of analogs of iron or bronze, since concrete casting is the richest base.

Street baskets for garbage can be found everywhere: next to supermarkets and residential buildings, in parks, on sidewalks and bail areas. This is an important social and environmental attribute. Urns not only perform their main function of collecting garbage, but are elements of urban design.

The material from which the street basket is made is of serious importance. It can be made of plastic, metal, concrete. The latter meets most often. Today in the cities there are enough people engaged in vandalism, so the main advantage of the urn is strength. Concrete and metal structures are reliable. They may look original, please the eye by designer performance.

Urn should be in sight to anyone can find it. As a rule, street garbage baskets are installed by observing symmetry. This is one of the rules of landscape design. Designs are located along the street or path, opposite each other or at a certain distance. Today, many urns have special holders for garbage bags, which makes the attribute more convenient to disposal, clean and practical.

Realization of urns - Caring for the purity and appearance of the city

Any organization, be it a private firm or government, should provide its space by the desired number of urn. The market today offers a wide range of structures, so choose a convenient option is not difficult.

The current trend is as follows: concrete garbage baskets go into the past by changing metal analogues. And this is understandable, because they are much more practical and more original on clearance.

In the outlets where street urns sell, as well as online stores, you can meet several major groups of structures:

  1. Ashtrays.
  2. Metal garbage tanks.
  3. With a folding lid.
  4. Perforated.

Model, form and color of attributes are diverse.

Each seller of trash can can tell what options are in demand, what are their features. There are 2 main types of urn:

  1. Self-risk.
  2. Static.

The first is more convenient in terms of waste disposal. The second is designed to use garbage bags. Both options, as a rule, are shape and parameters that allow them to be outside the room.

Street structures

The owner of each supermarket or office building should acquire urns for its site.

Concrete products are the most durable because the material is not affected by the environment. They can perform a protective function on sidewalks so that cars do not drive there. Often they are combined with concrete vases of different shapes.

Metal garbage baskets are performed more intricate. By purchasing them, you need to take into account, portable design or not. Material for the manufacture of such urns is of different thickness. More expensive forged options, which can also be stationary or mobile.

Technology production standard urn

A separate group allocated garbage baskets for shopping centers. They are universal: can be located both inside the building and in the open sky.

Choosing the product, it is necessary to clarify its weight, usually component of 10-70 kg.

Concrete Urns - Clean Streets

People who often go to Europe celebrate unprecedented purity in cities. It is impossible to say about this country. The people say that the other mentality is abroad, but no one bothers and we look around at yourself. It is strange that many are satisfied walking through the streets where a piece of paper or a bottle is lying on every step.

But the problem is not only in bad habits. Abroad, concrete urns are everywhere, and no one in mind comes to destroy or pick up them. In Russia, if the garbage baskets are installed, it is not for long. The fact is that in developed countries for the release of garbage in the wrong place there are tough penalties. If a person pays such an amount several times, the desire to throw an apple stump near the flowerumba will quickly disappear. We have cases of fines of single.

Meanwhile, the domestic industry is a supplier of different URN models, among which there are real masterpieces that can decorate any residential building, an enterprise or cottage. They look original in parks and squares.

The main task of the urn: collection of garbage or beauty?

A large number of designs for waste on the street inspires the hope of a decent appearance of this territory. There are special enterprises that are responsible for mounting garbage baskets and acquire their large parties. Because the urns are in demand, they will trade them very profitable.

The proposed options are suitable for any, even the most capricious taste. Manufacturers do not forget about the convenience and strength, therefore the thickness of metal products is 0.5-1 cm. In offices, urns with rubber coating protecting the floor from damage are widely used. The most popular urn-ashtrays.

An open-air is better to install garbage baskets made of concrete, which, thanks to their strength, will be able to withstand not only the elements, but also vandals. Designer concrete design is also an element of decor. As a rule, if such urns are purchased in bulk, the supplier is responsible for their delivery. Buyers are often interested in vases from the same material with similar design.

Choosing the urn, you need to pay attention to its safety for people. One who is serious about buying and installing this attribute takes care of the order and purity in the city.

How to make it yourself

If you decide to create urn, it can be done without any extra costs and yourself. First you need to decide how the urn looks like its size, as well as the size of the conical bucket, which can easily be placed inside.

Video instruction:

The mixture of concrete from M200 is mixed. The reinforcing frame is placed in the formwork. Fill a solution in shape need a layer of 50 - 70 mm.

After the fill, make sure that the mixture got into all the corners. The position of the reinforcement is corrected. After into the container, you need to lower the metal form, but before it wrap it into a polyethylene film.

The distance between its walls and shape walls should be the same around the perimeter. Armatures should not touch the capacity. Fill the residue of the solution is needed to the top cutting of the form. The mixture should be sealed and allowed to dry in a cool place.

About after day 2 - 3, you can pull out the container. Concrete must be moisturized every day several times over 10 - 14 days of complete drying. Then you can free from formwork and decorate.

Would you like to equip a household plot? Here you can find a lot of original and easy-to-make decor ideas. For example, you can make a creative track from bud in the form of leaves, but today we suggest you create a stylish urona from concrete, decorated with the help of leopa leaves. You can also pick up the finished urn in a particular style.

To create urn for garbage you will need:

Boards (old trimming);

Cement + sand;

Polyethylene film, tape;

Nails, hammer, Bulgarian;

Leaf leaves (for pattern);

Varnish for yachts + kel.

Urn for garbage Step by step:

Initially, you will need to be a trapezoid or square of old pieces of boards. The size of the trapezium (square) must be a large diameter than buckets (capacity), which will be inserted in the center of the wooden shape. Then come to the walls of the shape of a wooden base. Ship the polyethylene film bucket, walls and bottom of the form, secure with a tape.

Make a cement solution: three pieces of sand and one piece of cement (in this case M-500). The consistency of the solution should be more dense than sour cream. Take the leopa leaves and put them on the time in the water container so as not to be called. Also as a pattern, you can use another print at your discretion.

Next, fill the cement mortar, creating the bottom of the future urn (about 8-10 cm thick). Insert the wrapped polyethylene bucket in the center in the form, attach the leaf leaf to its walls (the form itself). Here you may need help with the second person. Begin without hurrying to gradually pour into the form of a solution, while holding the leaves at the same time so that they do not slip down, and equalizing the bucket in the center.

Cover the ball with a polyethylene film and leave for several days (about 5-6). Then turn the urn to screw into the bottom of the screws, disassemble the walls. Leaves will be perfectly removed under the pressure of the water jet.

If you need, you can pass the top of the urn and sharp edges to polish the disk (in this case, the grinder). Cracture varnish for yachts, in which add a flat.

Metal urn with their own hands every owner of the household plot seeks to improve the territory, give it a unique charm. However, many forget about such a needed element as street urn for garbage. Modern manufacturers offer a lot of different variants of metal street urns of various price categories. Nevertheless, the metal urn for garbage is quite realistic to do on their own. At the same time, the means will save, it becomes possible to show your own fantasy, create a unique and unique thing and successfully use trash, which has long been idle. To create street urn for garbage, you can use an old metal bucket, a piece of corrugated sleeves or pipe, failed air filter from the car, a metal tank. The basis of street urn can be painted with paints, handle the mounting foam, and then cut out the shapes or decorate the mosaic. In order to protect the metal urn for garbage from rainwater from entering, you can make urn with a lid. To do this, you can use the old street lamp, car disk and other metal structures. A little patience and fantasy, and the household plot will complement the unusual metal street urn for garbage, which will not only be a functional element, but also an unusual green design. Metal urns in landscape design The traditional containers for household waste lose their relevance, freeing the place of metal street containers, which are beneficial to decorative, convenience and durability. Metal containers are used in the arrangement of the territories of public leisure, gardening zones and alleys, naudders. Released according to the latest technologies, waste containers are able to organically fit into the landscape of the territory without attracting increased attention to themselves, protect the metropolis from natural waste landfills and contribute to maintaining a safe environmental environment in parallel to save the city budget for the cleaning of public territories.

Attention should be paid to positive characteristics that differ street containers from metal: decorativeness is achieved through the use of the latest production technologies and painting; High performance features provide an opportunity without significant costs to maintain an attractive appearance and a hygienic condition for waste container; strength and vandalustability; Diverse forms and volumes. Due to the positive characteristics, metal containers for collecting household waste confidently outpace plastic containers and stationary concrete tanks for collecting household waste, which do not meet the modern requirements of purity and aesthetic. The presented wide range allows you to choose a metal urn model for garbage, which fully complies with the hygienic standards and the overall concept of the core territory. The installation of containers can be carried out on horizontal and vertical surfaces, which significantly saves space and provides conditions for operating capacity. Some Urn models are equipped with canopies or lids, cigarette stands, barbar stops, removable tanks or doors for seizing the contained household waste package.

Wrought metal urn is different from ordinary garbage urns with original design. Metal urns are quite often manufactured by an individual project, which makes it possible to comply with the full compliance with the architectural style of the structure or functional orientation of the institution. The shape of the urn may be different, and therefore, adhere to the overall stylistry is not difficult.

Street metal urns can be a magnificent addition and decor of the front entrance to a restaurant, a cafe, an elite hotel or any other commercial institution. Such an alternative to the usual containers for household waste will not only give individual style, but also effectively stand out against the background of gray ordness. Metal containers - the privilege of stable companies with a stable financial situation, which advantageously underlines the well-being organization. Street metal containers are an indispensable measure in compliance with the purity in the preservation area. Aesthetic appearance and smooth lines will undoubtedly attract guests and households. Street urn from the metal will be a guarantee that household waste will fall into it, and not spread through the adjacent territory, because before the temptation to approach the temptation and consider it in more detail, such an original element will want each. If the housekeeping is distinguished by exclusivity and originality, street metal containers will become an excellent addition to the overall stylist of the preservation area. The traditional container for household waste will become a real masterpiece of art. In addition to ornamental characteristics, street garbage containers have high quality and wear resistance. The durability of metal products is tested by time, and in the production of metal urns for external operation, the metal passes high-tech processing.