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Magic words: secrets of conspiracies and affirmations. Magic words, or why comes true what we say? Words Magic pronounced and guides magical power

Magic surrounds us everywhere. It is filled with nature, art, household items. All this gives a good mood, good luck and sometimes even treats. But most of all magic and magic in the words that we spend several times daily. As it were surprisingly sounded, but in your own words we can do incredible things. The word may hurt, and maybe give strength. This verbal magic has each of us. And the magic words that are able to create good, are known absolutely to everyone. What is this word, and how to correctly pronounce them, so that they really worked for us and others?

The word "hello" we taught us in childhood. Hello need to be remembered. But we do not even think about what force is this word. For many of us, it is just a manifestation of politeness to a person. In fact, the word "Hello" has a real magical meaning. He Hello with a man, we wish him all the best and good health.

Many people prefer this word just "hello", "good afternoon" or "good morning." In these words, magic is also laid, only as strong as in the word "hello". When we say, for example, friends "Hi", we emphasize our belonging to a common circle. And when we say "Good morning," you set up a person to a positive and a good day.

"Thank you" - a word with a powerful force. His etymology comes from Staroslavyansky and means "save God." That is, when we thank someone, we wish this man of divine grace and salvation. This is a word-guard that protects a person at the energy level.

Sometimes we say "Thank you." This word has the same force as "thank you." Giving it, we are "good by Darim", that is, we give good.

Thank and talk magic words need as often as possible. Interestingly, verbal thanks can solve many problems, as well as set up a person to a positive and give it forces for new achievements.

We give an example ... ..
The son comes to his old mother, puts order in her house, buys food, pleases in everything. That, in turn, perceives it as proper. Mother believes that this is his duty - to help a sick and old woman who once grown and raised him. And, of course, she does not say thank you. As a result, the son simply stops putting the soul into what he does for her. His help becomes a heavy work, burden. The result of this story can be very sad: the Son does not feel the emotional return on the mother, accordingly, communicate with it to a minimum. And she is offended and does not understand what is the matter.
Everything would be much easier if the mother simply thank son for their help.

By the way, it has long been noticed that in families in which each other is accepted even for the living trifles, the relationship is much warmer. The energy itself in the house of such a family is more favorable than where the word "thank you" is rarely heard.

We pronounce the word "please" when we ask for something in a person and want to get the desired result from it. The magic of this word is that it is a veiled order. Translated from Slavic, it sounds like this: "Immediately do it." Thus, adding to the request "please", we have many times increase the likelihood that the request will be heard.

How do these magic words work?
After all, many of us utter them every day several times and do not see any wonders! First, these words should go from the soul. "Thank you," said only because it is so accepted, there will be no magical power. Giving a magical word, we must invest our feelings and spiritual heat in it, then it will really become magical.

The word is a strong magic instrument. In order for it to work, you need to know how to manage it correctly. Do not forget that any word that is said with the soul can have a strong magical influence on a person. So, you often talk to each other good and warm words, then fate will be favorable to you.

The most important component of the magical "arsenal" of any magic from antiquity to the present day is the word. Prayers, spells, mantras, hymns and other elements of magical and religious and mystical practices are based on their strength. That's about her (about the strength of the word) we will talk now. And it should be started with the mention of the fact that almost all mystical teachings describing the birth of the universe will certainly associate it with the word. So, for example, according to Indian mythology, the whole world was born from the syllable of Aum, spoken by God Brahma, and therefore all the existence is the source of the first original vibration called Sanskrit Shabda, which means sound or word. Each item, each phenomenon in the world is vibration. Even the sound produced by breathing is also a mantle - soha. CO - Inhale, Ham - Exhale. It is believed that this mantra is repeated by a person continuously and spontaneously 21600 times a day.

In the Indian mysticism, each part of the human body corresponds to a certain mantra. The practice of Nyas (touching various parts of the body, combined with the pronunciation of one or another mantra), is also built on this, which is used when conducting rituals (poj).

The "pedigree" of all things from the word leads both the Egyptians. According to their mythology, God of Ptah, also created the world and gods by pronouncing words. The famous Egyptologist Wallis Baj, noted that the Egyptian priests attached enormous meaning not only by the words themselves, but also the conditions in which they were uttered.

Faith in the power of the word, was reflected in the mystical teachings of Northern Europe, especially in such types of magic as a gallar (these are sacral songs) and in scalidical poetry (the art of creating spells), separated by three-podel - NID, Drapa and Manseg.

Not exceptions were the Slavs that actively use the power of the word in conspiracies. And, of course, how can not remember and the well-known phrase from the Bible - "In the beginning there was a word, and the Word was God. And the word was God. It was at the beginning of God. All through it began to be, and without it nothing began to be that began to be. It was life, and life was light people. And light in the darkness shines. And darkness did not argue it. " By the way, there is one Christian legend that says that the devil cannot grasp the thought until she materialized in speech.

Also in the Bible we meet another phrase that reflects how much faith in the power of the word was strong in ancient times: "True I tell you if someone says the mountain of this:" Lift and plunge into the sea, "and will not be doubtful in his heart, but will believe, What will come true in the words of him, "he will tell him that he will say."

Why, in all occult traditions, the word and the names of God were attributed to a huge magical power and it was given so important place not only in the rituals themselves, but also in religious and mystical practices - Puranian and tantrics, reading Dharani at Buddhists, prayers from Christians, ZIKR Sufiyev and so on and the like? What foundations had an ancient philosopher Yamvlich, when he wrote that the spell was "a divine key that admits a person in the gods sanctuary."

The fact is that since the oldest times, mystics knew about the existence of a phenomenon, known as a harmonic resonance, the essence of which is that if one object begins to vibrate strongly, the other object begins to resonate him, and the frequency of their vibrations coincides. Thus, the magician, a specially pronouncing divine name, enters into a resonance with him himself, that is, merges with its energy, vibrations. The same, concerns the perfume. Knowledge of the name of any creature and the right way to pronounce it, as well as the understanding of its occult value, and the presence of mental strength (will), gives Magu an opportunity to control it.

Indian mystics said that a person who repeats the name of God himself becomes this God. So, for example, one of the ways of reunification with Hermes was the pronouncement of such a spell: "Enter me, Hermes, like a germ in a woman's launo ... I know your name, delighted in the sky, and all your images ... I know your barbaric Names and your true name, stacked on the sacred wall in the temple of Hermopol, from where you come from. I know you, Hermes, and you me. I am you, and you - I ".

In the ancient religious texts of the Egyptians, where the magical formulas were recorded, which was to pronounce the died in the court in the afterlife kingdom of Oziris, lists the names of the God's demons present at this court. Giving them, the deceased as it were to subjugate these demons, because the basis of such faith was the knowledge that the word and the concept of them were performed as a whole. That's why E. P. Blavatskaya wrote in one of his works: "The most powerful and effective magical means is the sound, he also has the first key to which the door to communication between mortals and immortal" opens.

In Western magic, the word - prayers, spells, sacred texts and the names of the gods and, demons and spirits attached great importance. It can be said that the whole magic actually is nothing else as unfolding the word outside. None of the ritual, no ceremony, without being previously not pronounced by the AI \u200b\u200bother sacral text. Let's say in the "Book of the Holy Magic Magic Abramelin-Wisdomman", widely known in the occult circles, we find an excellent prayer that was recommended to pronounce before the beginning of any occult ceremony, as she contributed to the descent of divine inspiration, blessing the upcoming work: "Oh, Lord, My lord, patient and all-friendly, pouring mercy of his thousand ways and for thousands of generations; which forgives lawlessness and evil, forelegations and misdemeanor. I know that sin and not worthy to appear before your divine greatness, but the Lord, the source of your generosity is so great that he himself calls on all those who are ashamed due to their sins and do not dare to approach what to eat your mercy. Therefore, about the Lord, it is necessary to get rid of me from all lawlessness and sins of my and evil; Clean my soul from all uncleans; It is my mind in my spirit and comfort him, so that he could be strong and comprehend the secret of your mercy and the treasure of your divine wisdom. Consecrates me anointing of your sanctification, which you missed, sanctifying, prophets; And to cleanse them all my, in order to become worthy of conversations with your holy guardian angels and with your divine wisdom, and give me the power that you gave our prophets over all evil spirits. "

Mages of all traditions and cultures used the word to purify the space and the call of gods and spirits to protect against demons and spiritual perfection and, of course, for healing.

Mages, some occult traditions combined the power of the word with the power of numbers, for example, in Arabic, each letter fixed a special numeric value, which makes it possible to present any written text in the form of a number or dialing of numbers. The science of using the specified method of numerical values \u200b\u200bof letters is called "Abjad". One of the practical applications of this method is to fit on a small surface of the overawe of a rather long text from the Quran. There are cases when whole suras were recorded.

Let's say, the name of Allah can be transferred by a number of 66, and the phrase "in the name of Allah gracious, merciful!" - Number 786. In general, it must be said that the knowledge of the secrets of the words and numbers, made adept powerful. Eliphas Levi wrote: "The basis of absolute hieroglyphic science was the alphabet, in which the deities were represented by letters, the letters represented ideas, ideas turned into numbers and numbers were perfect characters."

Not only the pronounced word, but also recorded, carved or engraved on any material played a considerable role in magic. For example, when creating a magic circle in Western magic or in the Arab occult, the names of spirits, gods or protective spells were written around the circle. This is associated with the deep faith in the fact that, or other of the alphabets has a divine origin, such as Sanskrit, which are also called "Devanagari", which can be translated as "Divine." These alphabets used in magic include Jewish, Chinese, Runic and some others. The essence lies in the fact that the graphic shape of the letters is also not accidental, it carries a hidden sacred meaning, and is, in some way, a magical symbol, "seal".

As you can see, people since ancient times knew that the word was endowed with the mysterious Divine force, which enclose his power and, in fact, his incarnation. Therefore, all magical traditions and schools used the word in their ceremonies and rituals and everyday practices.

© Alexey Korneev

Our words have concentrated vibration of energy. The magic of words is able to work wonders and change the fate of a person. How? Read carefully!

What is the prototype of the physical world?

Words and thoughts are an invisible idea of \u200b\u200ba thinner astral plan¹. Our world is similar to a multi-layer cabbage. The world is physical this is the world that we see by your physical eyes, he surrounds us.

There are thinner worlds and one of them is astral and mental world - the world of ideas and images. The astral world is a prototype and the foundation of the physical world, therefore, providing an invisible effect on the astral sphere, we can change some processes in the world of physical.

How can you influence the astral world?

Impact on astral thin matter we can only carry out due to concentrated thought.

Therefore, let's now learn how to create magical formulas, and due to the materialization of thoughts to influence the current situation.

Remember, any formula becomes stronger with repeatedly uttering aloud or mentally.

Words are powerful! Did you notice that if you fear the worst and constantly think about it, then it happens? Conversely - if the day began cheerfully, actively, with a positive attitude and wonderful thoughts, it will continue.

There is a strong psychological technique that is equal to magic. You can affect the reality in which you exist, just choose the correct installation. Everything is incredibly easy ...

Magic words

Two secret words that you will learn can be applied daily. We are so often doing this, not aware of it, but if you mean in meaningful, the result will be completely different.
Start practicing this exercise and after 2 weeks, make sure what changes happened to you. Say "Let me!"If you think about positive events, and "Cancel!"If you are disturbing unpleasant thoughts.
Pronounce what you dream, loud, and at the end add "Let's!". This technique will help keep track of themselves, more consciously treat life and every day with small margins to approach the cherished target.
By adding a proposal: "All obstacles", you will further strengthen the effect of spoken. Self-pressure is a powerful practice, and people who do so in everyday life achieve a lot. The ability to pay attention to his actions and words leads to the awareness of what is happening and training the power of the Will.
Try to spend this interesting practice, it will be especially useful to people insecure. Responsibility for your life carries only you, be attentive to what you do, and think about good! This will inevitably lead you to happiness ...

It has long been known that the word is of great strength. The energy said at the right time phrase can how to destroy the life of a person, and re-erect her from the ruins. Knowing what words to have a similar power, you can completely change your life for the better in a short time.

In antiquity, extremely respectfully belonged to the power of uttered words. The most respected people were the vocabulary magicians who know the cherished conspiracies against diseases, evil witchcraft and vital diseases. Over time, strong words depreciated or forgotten, but many phrases retain their ability to influence human energy and change their lives for the better.

To preserve calm and control over negative emotions It is necessary to turn to the power of the will. The source of calm and natural protection is located in the yellow energy center located in the solar plexus area. To strengthen this chakra and save sober thinking, you need to repeat the key phrase several times: "Sunlight lights up and fills me." Repeat these words until you feel calm confidence.

To gain financial well-beingit is necessary to strengthen its cash energy. The financial flow in its structure is similar to the water, so the phrase-key is facing precisely to the elements of water: "The waterfall does not dry out, endlessly, eternal. Water stone sharpening, turns into gold, returns to me. " This phrase needs to be pronounced as often as possible, brightly representing the image of a powerful water flow.

To get rid of diseases It is necessary to strengthen its own energy field and clean the aura from negative energy. To do this, you need to reveal all chakras. In addition to meditation and special practices, it is possible to achieve an increase in energy control using a key phrase: "White light fills all the space around. The pain retreats and disappears without a trace. " This phrase is capable of significantly increase your energy field and run the biofield recovery process.

Get rid of resentment and jealousityyou can, contacting the energy of the heart-green chakra located in the middle of the chest. Negative feelings destroy our lives, and it is the accumulated resentment that can become the beginning of a turn of failures and diseases. You can "remove" the negative using a regular repetition of a key phrase: "Abundant dries and crumbles, love - rises and flourished."

With the power of the word, not only esoterics, but also psychologists. And those and others agree that it is possible to change life for the better with the help of positive installations and affirmations. We wish you a speedy pleasant change and joy. Be happy and do not forget to click on the buttons and

05.06.2017 03:28

Each word said is a direct brain signal to start action. Energy bindings of words act ...

Affirmations are powerful positive attitudes that help to become happier, to attract sincere ...