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Good doctor Short content. Story "Wonderful Doctor

Kiev. The Merzalov family is already annoying in the cheese basement of the old house. The youngest child is hungry and shouts in his cradle. The girl is older than a high temperature, but there is no money for the medicine. In the pre-New Year evening, Merzalova sends two senior sons to a person who has her husband managers. The woman hopes that he will help them, but children are expelled, without giving a penny.

In this terrible fatal year, misfortune misfortune and ruthlessly poured on Merzalov and his family.

Merzalov fell ill with a typhoid. While he recovered, his place manager took another person. All family savings went to medicine, and Merzalov had to move to the raw basement. Children began to hurt. One girl died three months ago, and now Mashutka got sick. In search of money for drugs, Merzalov, the whole city was defended, humiliated, led, but did not take a penny.

Having learned that children also did not come out, Merzalov leaves.

They took possession of the irrepressible desire to flee where it fell, to flee without regard to not to see the silent despair of the hungry family.

Merzalov wanders aimlessly and turns into a public garden. Silence reigns here. Merzalov wants to rest, the thought of suicide comes to mind. It is almost solved, but here the low old old man in the fur coat sits down next to him. He speaks with Merzalov about New Year's gifts, and that covers the "tide of the desperate malice." The old man, however, is not offended, but asks Mrtsalova to tell everything in order.

Three minutes later, the old man, who turned out to be a doctor, is already part of the Merzelovaya basement. Money immediately appear on firewood and food. The old man discharges a free recipe and leaves, leaving some major bills on the table. The surname of the wonderful doctor is a professor of pirogrs - Merzalov found on a label attached to a bubble with a medicine.

Since then, "accurately benefactor descended" in the Merzel family. The head of the family finds work, and children are recovering. With the Pirogov, the same fate drives them only once - at his funeral.

This story, the story learns from one of the Merzalov brothers, who became a major employee of the bank.

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Summary of the story Kkurina "Wonderful Doctor"

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Name: Wonderful doctor

Genre: Story

Duration: 13min 04Sec


Two boys stop in front of the storefront of the grocery store, and the swollen saliva is discussed seen. Particularly lively they discuss the pink piglet with a greener branch in the mouth. Hungry children look at him with hungry eyes. And on the contrast with tile figures of unfortunate children, preparations for Christmas in Kiev are shown.
Grisha and Volodya were sent with an important mistake from the mother. But the Swiss drives small beggars. And they returned to her home - in a basement with raw walls, nothing with anything.
The life of the Merzalov family is so pathetic that it cannot but cause compassion. A seven-year-old girl with fever lies on a dirty bed, and near her - screaming hungry child. The exhausted woman with a blackened face from sadness sits in a sick girl and at the same time shakes a cradle with a baby.
Father Family Merzalov with swollen frost hands. He had an unfortunate year. He fell ill with abdominal typhoid, lost his job, children begin to hurt one after another, all the savings are spent, one of the daughters died, and the other is seriously ill.
The hopelessness eats Merzalov, he leaves the house, circle around the city without hope something to find. Tired, he sits on the bench in the city park and feels the impulse immediately end. At that moment, a stranger appears on the alley. He sits next to Merzalov and climbs a friendly conversation. Merzalov begins to shout with heat and angry that his children die from hunger. Old man carefully listens his story and offers help. It turns out that he is a doctor. Merzalov assigns the Doctors to his sick daughter. He conducts a survey of the girl, discharges a recipe and gives family money on firewood, medicine and food. On the same evening, on a label, glued to the bottle of medication, Merzalov sees the name of their Savior. Professor Pies Outstanding Russian Medic. Since the angel from heaven went down to them, their business went uphill.
A wonderful doctor, as Kuprin says, behaved very humanly and changed the world of heroes of this story. The boys grew up, one of them took an important post in the bank and always showed special sensitivity to the needs of poor people.

Product name: Wonderful doctor
Alexander Kuprin
Year of writing: 1897
Genre of the work: story
Main characters: Merzalov - Poor man, Elizabeth Ivanovna - his wife, Volodya and Grisha - Sons, Pirogov - Professor.

After reading the summary of the story "Wonderful Doctor" for the reader's diary, you can see an incredible change that happened thanks to one random meeting.


Merzalov fell ill with typhoid. All savings went for treatment. Because of this, the work of the manager of the house Barin gave another. Misfortunes just surrounded the family. Children began to root. One girl died, and his chest Masha fell ill. With meal was poorly. The father of the family did everything necessary, but the situation could not be fixed. In desperation, he tried to ask alms, but received only reproaches and threats. Not finding the release of Merzalov decides to commit to life in the park. Fate presented a meeting with an old man. Hearing the sad story, he helped with the means. Next, he said that he was a doctor. After inspection, the stranger wrote down a recipe for the patient and gave more money. To the question of his name, to thank the doctor did not answer. Soon it turned out that this is a famous professor of pies. And for the family, this case was a turning point. Everyone stood on your feet.

Conclusion (my opinion)

This narration is based on real events. Having met on the way a lot of suffering needs to be believed that the best times will come. There are many virtuous people in the world, the main thing is not to despair. Like a professor, making good should not be given great importance to his person. Disinterested help will bring happiness and reward in the future. An important lesson is that it is illogical to share people in status. Each predominant support and help.

By reader diary

Electronic reader's diary

Information about the book

Name and author of the book Topic, idea book main characters Plot Reading date
Kubrin A.I. Wonderful doctor Kindness and help of doctors Family Merzalov, Dr. Pirogov Two brothers - Volodya and Grisha Merzalov stood near the storefronts of the store, where there were mountains of red apples, oranges and tangerines, smoked and pickled fish, ham, sausages and even a pig with a greenery in the mouth. Slotching saliva and breathing hard, they returned home with a letter that could not convey Barina with a request for help.

The boys lived in the basement of the dilapidated house. The basement was the smell of dirty baby clothes, rats and dampness. In the corner on a large dirty bed, a sick seven-year-old girl was lying, and under the ceiling was a cradle with a screaming baby. Near the sick girl was the knees of the exhausted, the pale mother, not forgetting to swing the cradle. Father Mersalov was desperate. Merzalov decided to hang himself. He did not want to think about poverty and sick Mashutka and about the family. But along the coincidence, the old man was sitting on the bench next to Merzalov, who turned out to be very responsive to the misfortune, unfamiliar to him. Soon they were already at Merzalov at home. He looked at the girl and prescribed a medicine, and on the recipe after the care of a stranger, the guys saw that a wonderful doctor was the name of Pirogov. And soon the family business was established - Mashutka recovered, Mersalov found a job and even Grishka found a good place in the bank. The whole family believes that this is all thanks to their Savior - the wonderful doctor of the Pogogo.


Cover Illustration of Book

About the author of the book

Kubrin Alexander Ivanovich (1870-1938), writer. Born on September 7, 1870 in the city there will be in the city of Penza province. In one year old, he lost his father who deceased from cholera. Mother in 1874 came to Moscow and because of a heavy material situation was forced to give his son to the Orphan School. In 1880, Kubrin entered the 2nd Moscow military gymnasium (from 1882 the Cadet Corps), and in 1888 - to the Moscow and Alexander Military School. He took the first literary experiments during study in the Cadet Corps, and in 1889 he saw his story "The Last Debut", for which the author received a disciplinary recovery in the school). In 1890-1894. The Kuprin in the rank of the podernik was served in the Podolsk province. After resigning, settled in Kiev, in 1901 he moved to Petersburg, and then to Sevastopol. For a decade, the retired officer lived in constant needs, interrupting random earnings. However, it was during these years that Kuprin's formation took place as a writer, which his friendship with I. A. Bunin, A. P. Chekhov and M. Gorky contributed to a considerable extent. Then the Moloch was written (1896), "Fight" (1905), "Yama" (1909 - 1915), the story "Pomegranate Bracelet" (1911). In 1909, the talent of Kurrin was marked by Pushkin Prize. The writer actively participated in public life: in 1905 he helped disappear from the persecution of the police a group of sailors from the rebellious cruiser "Ochakov". At the beginning of the First World War, Kuprin volunteer went to the front, and after demobilization for health in 1915, he organized a hospital for wounded in his own home. The February Revolution of 1917, the writer met with joy, brings closer to the party of Sherso, but the events of October 1917 and the civil war that followed them disappointed him. Kubrin joined the Army N. N. Yudenich, and in 1920 he left for France. The most significant work created in emigration was the autobiographical Roman "Junker" (1928-1932). The longing of the Motherland forced Kurin in 1937 to return to the USSR, where the famous writer met quite favorably. But he lived in Soviet Russia long. Died on August 25, 1938 in Leningrad. Buried on a wolf cemetery.

Cloud of words

My impressions of the book read

This story touched me to the depths of the soul. When I read, I wrote me different feelings: pity for children, indignation towards the terrible thoughts of the father of the family, pride for the doctor.

The story of A. I. Kookin "Wonderful Doctor" about how he lives poor people. As they are brought to the verge of misfortunes and poverty. And there is no light at the end. And still that there is always a miracle place. That one meeting can change the lives of several people.

The story teaches good and mercy. Teaches not angry. In the "Wonderful Doctor", a miracle makes one person, the warmth of his heart and the wealth of his soul. There would be more such doctors, maybe the world would become kinder.

Read briefly Coupper Wonderful Doctor

Life is often not so beautiful, as they write in fairy tales. That is why many people are angry simply uncomfortable.

Volodya and Grishka are two little workers who are not too dressed at the moment. They are the brothers who stood and looked at the storefront of the store. And the showcase was just gorgeous. No wonder they stood near her, like enchanted. There were so many goodies on the shop window. There were also sausage, a variety of species, and fruit overseas - tangerines and oranges, who seemed to have probably so juicy, and fish - pickled and smoked, and also, even the pig baked, together with her mouth in the mouth was.

All these extraordinary things, just hit the children who were stuck for a while near the store with a beautiful and magic shop window. Poor children wanted to eat, but then they had to go to Barina, whom they wanted to ask for help, because their family had no money at all, and even his sister was sick. But the Swiss did not take a letter from them, and simply kicked them out. When the poor children came and told his mother, she was not surprised in principle, although her hopes had a hope in his eyes right away.

The children came to the basement of some old house - it was their place of residence. The basement smelled to the unpleasant smell of dampness and sharpness. It was very cold, and in the corner - lay on some rag like a girl who was sick for some time. After the children almost immediately entered the father - who, as the mother also understood, did not bring anything to feed the children and save the sick girl who could even die. The father of the family was despair, because he went out, and, having passed a bit, sat on the bench.

Soon the thought of suicide was crying in his head. He did not want to see despair on his wife's face, and sick daughter Masha. But here someone sat down, it was an elderly person who, according to the simplicity of spiritual, decided to start a conversation and told that he had bought gifts to his children, and very successful. Poor father simply shouted at him, and after told him heavily. That man turned out to be a doctor who wanted to inspect the girl. It was he who helped them with money. And it was he who brought happiness in their family.

Read Short Contents Story Wonderful Doctor

The story begins with the way two boys look at the Showcase of the Big Store. They are poor and hungry, but still children, they have fun to look at the piglery behind the glass. Store showcase forced various foods. Glass gastronomic paradise. There is no such abundance of food to poor guys even in a dream. The boys look at the showcase with food for a long time, and then rush home.

The bright landscape of the city is replaced by dull slums. The boys run through the whole city, on the outskirts. The place where the boy's family is forced for more than a year can only be called slums. Dirty courtyard, mixtures with dark corridors and rotten doors. A place that people are decently dressed are trying to bypass the side.

For one of such doors, the family of boys lives. Exhausted by hunger and lack of mother, sick sister, kid and father. In a huge cold room on the bed lies a sick little girl. Her intermittent breathing and baby cry only oppress. Next to the cradle is swinging and crying from hunger. The exhausted mother stands near the bed with his knees and simultaneously shakes the cradle. Mother already has no strength even to despair. She automatically wipes the girl forehead and shakes the cradle. She understands the gravity of the position of the family, but something powerless is something.

Hope was on boys, but this hope was very weak. Such a picture appears before the eyes of the boys who came running. They were sent to the letter Barina, who had previously worked as the father of the family, Merzalov. But the boys did not let the boys and letters did not take. Already a year, my father could not find a job. The boys told her mother as a blower kicked them out and did not even listen to requests. A woman offers cold borsch boys, the family even nothing to warm up food. At this time, the senior mercalov is returned.

He never found work. Dress Merzalov in a summer, there are even a Kalosha on it. Recommendation of serious for the whole family to oppress it. Abdominal typhus deprived him of work. Interrupting random earnings family barely reduced ends with ends. Then children began to hurt. One girl died, and now Mashutka lay in hot. Merzalov coming out of the house in search of at least some earnings, even alms ask is ready. Mashutka needs medicines and he must find money. In search of earnings Merzalov turns into the garden, where cropped on the bench, thinks of his life. He is even attended by the idea of \u200b\u200bsuicide.

At the same time, a stranger goes in the park. Asking permission to sit on the bench, the stranger starts the conversation. Merzalov's nerves at the limit, his despair is so huge that he cannot hold back. A stranger listens to unhappy non-peribrating, and then asks to take him to a sick girl. He gives money to buy food, asks the boys to run away to the neighbors for firewood. While Merzalov buys provisions, a stranger, who presented as a doctor, examines the girl. Having finished inspection, the wonderful doctor discharges a prescription for the medicine and explains how and where to buy it, and then to give the girl.

Merzalov returned with hot meal cares of wonderful Dr.. He is trying to find out the name of benefactor, but the doctor just says politely. Returning to the room under the saucer together with the recipe of Merzalov detects money left by the guest. Turning to the pharmacy with the recipe, discharged by the doctor, Merzalov will recognize the name of the doctor. Pharmacist clearly wrote that the medicine is written by the recipe of Professor Pirogov. The author heard this story from one of the participants of those events. From Grigory Merzalov, one of the boys. After meeting with a wonderful doctor, the Merzalov family began to improve. Father found a job, the boys staged a gymnasium, Mashutka recovered, mother also got on his feet. They never saw her wonderful doctor. We saw only the body of Professor Pirogov, which was transported to his estate. But this was not a wonderful doctor, but only a shell.

Despair is not an assistant in trouble. Much can happen in life. Today's rich, can be the poor man. Absolutely healthy person - suddenly killed or get sick. But there is a family, there is responsibility to itself. Need to fight for your life. After all, good is always rewarded. One conversation on a snowy bench can change the fate of several people. If you can need to help. After all, someday will have to seek help.

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