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Why the wife insults me and humiliates me. Locking well: "The wife constantly insults me. Jealousy is not a sign of love

It is said that many cute and beautiful girls after the wedding turn into grumpy and nasty wives who can drive in the grave of any normal man. They say, but a man is a strange creature - never listens anyone and still marries. And then really observes this fantastic transformation. Just one day, he understands that he is married to perfect devil: the wife constantly insults, humiliates, runs away, sawing, offends. At the same time, it has a lot of reasons for this, sometimes they are so small, that even the eggs are not standing, but it is Zudit and Zudit. So far, no one has managed to solve this phenomenal transformation, but finally it becomes exactly understood together with the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan.

Why in some pairs there are such non-harmonic relationships: the wife degrades and insults, and the husband is tolerate?
What is the peculiarity of the psychology of a woman who constantly insult her husband?
What should the wife stop humiliate and insult?

I hear constant insults and humiliation from your own wife is a double blow for any man in our mentalite. First, it is simply very unpleasant when the stream of dislike and dirt flows on you. Secondly, a man to hear insults precisely from the woman is humiliating, and you can not answer my male - neither to hit, not to insult in response, it will not be a woman.

Naturally, the consequence of such a double impact is not very good - health, and nerves, and an example for children disgusting. Therefore, it is not surprising that no matter how patient was the husband, it is he who must take on the main role and find the causes of the specific situation that has developed in his family, which means to determine the way out of it. And the search must be started not from condemnation "she is so bad, she can insult me \u200b\u200band humiliate, and I don't even understand what she was so closed for me, because I am good," and from an absolutely accurate, scientific approach that would allow non-emotional and productive To disassemble, analyze and decompose everything from the very beginning of the problem. This can be done today with the help of system-vector psychology.

Wife insults Or wife sawing?

As a trend in the modern world, the most common couple in which the wife constantly and purposefully insults and humiliates her husband, develops in families where the wife has a skin vector, and the husband is anal.

A woman with a skin vector is a special person. She usually makes things very quickly, can make ten cases at the same time (the truth is not always qualitatively). She constantly wants to change, and the same thing is usually very boring. She does not love everything that long when it is necessary to sit and wait feel comfortable (for her it is a tedious), but loves everything connected with the novelty: travel, shopping, chatter on the phone with different girlfriends and so on. The leather is very initiative, it will always come up with something interesting. In addition, it feels an increased interest in social or property superiority, that is, in simplely speaking - envy those who have a better car, more house and the opportunity to go to a good holiday resort.

A man with anal vector is the opposite of the woman with a skin vector. It is important for him to do the work qualitatively, and not quickly - so he does everything very thoroughly and always only one thing. Traditionality and the same type is what leads to equilibrium and harmony, and any factor of novelty causes a stupor, stress and fear will be disgraced. Antelian does not show the initiative, he driven. For anal person, family values, patriotism, cleanliness, upbringing the next generation are important. Money, of course, is also very important, but only as a means to equip life, give good education to children, to build a cozy house, and not as an end in the amount of zeros.

Please note that this pair: leather and anal can actually, with all its difference, are ideal for each other. Because complement the properties, which means they can more successfully implemented on the landscape. Nature does not create a pair on the principle of duplicating each other, on the contrary - attracted opposites.

Sometimes life is so much that such a couple perfectly complement each other, is implemented together. For example, it works by a dental doctor, and she - performs the functions of his secretary, accountant and an advertising agent. He is a very good specialist who is able to work very well, and therefore in demand in the market. And she - attracts customers and, accordingly, they will earn good money together.

But, unfortunately, it is this perfect pair that can get into the catastrophic situation when, instead of complementing, they are opposed. So it turns out not because someone is in a pair to blame, but because we do not know themselves or the other. Without defining the desire of another, without seeing its features, we tend to judge others, even the closest people through ourselves.

So, when we suffer, they tend to accuse in all their misfortunes of surrounding people. Skin wife who envies the money and the taste of other people, begins to blame her husband in this. And she sees this problem purely through himself - after all, he does not have initiative, neither speed, nor logic, nor the ability to see economic benefits, it begins to annoy and infuriate.

She accuses him that he earns little, while one neighbor would be better bought by a car, and the other apartment acquired his son. She begins to blame her husband, and then - and humiliates, and insults it, while clinging to everything in the world, the reason for a quarrel can be absolutely everything, even some little thing. Depending on what other women have a vector, her behavior will manifest much more and worse. For example, if you have a visual vector, it will arrange hysterics, shouting not with your voice, cry the vanity and arrange emotional performances. If, in addition to the skin, there is also an anal vector, then it can fit specially, that is, not just humiliate and insult, and it hurts, smear mud, specially offended (verbal sadism). And if the situation goes completely far away, it can go to the manual application, although for our mentality it is not typical (usually beats children, not her husband).

It should be understood that we cannot change ourselves and our nature. A man with an anal vector cannot be deft and fast, even if he wants very much. It can be implemented, but not as a sales manager or logic, but as a specialist, which makes its work. Moreover, when he screams, he enters the stupor and simply ceases to hear the meanings that his wife yells him in his ear, humiliates and insults. Instead of understanding that he needs to be done to change the situation (and it is usually most of all in the world wants to please his wife, and when it does not work, it feels guilt), in the soul there appears insult, dislike and dark, frightening desire for cruelty. It seems to him that she sees in him not a man, and an ATM, that she quit that she is unfair that she doesn't just insult him as a person, but humiliates his male dignity.

He does not understand her, she does not understand him - how to find a way out of the situation?

That is, the conflict in this pair arises due to the elementary misunderstanding of the nature of his partner, the lack of respect and even neglect to desires (mainly from his wife, which allows themselves and insult, and humiliate her husband), accumulated offenses and anger to each other and Dr.

It is not surprising that over the years the feeling of love and harmony completely disappears in such a pair. A man seeks smaller at home, prefers rest with friends, beer, for example, fishing or in a bath. A woman from all this becomes more angry, more his saws, even more vinit, even more hysterite. So they live, and problems are only increasing.

You can only interrupt this vicious circle one way - in no case do not expect that it will dissolve everything by itself. What will ever come so much when the wife is converted and becomes like that I want to see her. Life is so not arranged, it is better to accept the fact that the wife just suffers and expresses itself as much as the best way. But if you remove these suffering, any kind of humiliation and insult will disappear.

And for this you do not need to wait or try to alter - you need to reveal your vectors, all the differences and similarity in them, that is, to find, in which you can complement each other. Such results receive pairs that jointly undergo entrance lectures on system-vector psychology (free part). They are devoted to the skin and anal vector, so the couple can realize all the nuances of difference and community with each other.

And in this situation, it is the husband who can become support and the beginning for the family. It was he who can invite his wife to a joint passage of the training, which will be more than valuable for her (after all, she is waiting for initiative from him), and when training, it is thoughtful to understand and analyze everything until the very end (the skin wife will react more superficially).

Family relations are multifaceted, it is stupid to believe that with obtaining a marriage certificate you are waiting for limitless happiness and positive emotions. After a honeymoon, real life begins with problems, clarifying relationships, disagreements in a particular matter and other troubles, with whom only loving and understanding people cope with.

Unfortunately, many husbands in finding out relationships do not choose expressions. Quarrels are getting tougher, the words are of usable. Why does husband insult and humiliate his wife, psychology? What we will try to understand the intricacies of human destinies.

Psychologists believe that men begin to insult their wives due to household problems. When you have every day to solve many questions, irritation accumulates, which splashes on the closest people.

Since some people do not know how to express their dissatisfaction in cultural form, insults are inhabited, offensive words, sometimes power is used. In solving daily problems, love and tenderness are departed into the background. A man forgets that this woman once called him a storm of positive emotions, he wanted to spend his whole life.

Downtrend insults and humiliation can come from a person who wants to stop relations, but does not want to take responsibility for the decision. Some husbands specifically provoke their wives on breaking relationships, in every way humiliating and hurt their pride.

Often, wives themselves are to blame for them like. The role of the victim, which they chose themselves, nothing but pity does not cause. Husbands, therefore, show contempt for women, and they submore all the blows of fate.

Completely husbands resort to insults when the wife does not follow and does not take care of him. The once spectacular girl suddenly turns into a housewife that mired in domestic affairs and problems. The mandatory attribute of such a woman is the forever displeased face. Men with the help of offensive words are trying to enjoy their wives who close themselves in themselves, losing the last drops of pride.

Another reason for the aggressive behavior of the spouse is the total control by the wife. Even the most calm man will come out of himself, if you control each step every step, check the phone, follow and encroach in every way to his personal freedom.

Do not miss any insult by your ears. No one tells you to buy on it, but much more productive will find out why the husband allows such liberty towards you. If you manage to withdraw it to the conversation, it is half added.

Just keep in mind that the conversation should pass in a relaxed atmosphere, suppress negative emotions. Tell that you feel when you hear offensive words.

Sometimes a man falls to humiliation to feel his own superiority. If you allow him to contact this form constantly, risk forgetting what your name is. Such a person is unlikely to change and make conclusions after the conversation. Do not resign into response insults, such a tactic behavior does not promise a happy future, rather, an unbearable present.

One of the main rules of a happy marriage is respect for the partner. If the husband offended you, do not hurry to tell about it with your friends and relatives. Perhaps he is aware of his mistake, you will make up and forget about what happened, but close people will still remember this for a long time. Decide your problems yourself, not attracting outsiders.

It also happens that a man does not want to listen to your advice, recommendations and continues to mock morally. All because he is sure you can not go anywhere. His confidence should be shaken. If after talking about souls, the husband did not make your requests and recommendations, it is worth going to the cardinal changes in life, no matter how terrible.

First, ask the spouse to move for a while or leaving yourself. This Council will suit those women who have a spare airfield, in the form of a parental home. Live some time separately, think about whether it is worth returning to her husband who does not make conclusions.

If the insults of the spouse have become regular, it is worthwhile to take into account some recommendations.

  1. Do not think that the Khamsky relationship will change.
  2. Do not turn into a caring and affectionate wife when inside everything rages from indignation. Such tactics will not bring positive results.
  3. Do not insult your husband in response to his humiliation.
  4. Do not go about his desires if you don't like it.
  5. Please note that it is possible to re-educate a man only when he wants it.
  6. Do not persuade yourself in the fact that this is the norm of married life.

If the spouse continues to bend its line, with each convenient case, tasty for the living, throw this person, because you are worthy of the best. For many women, such a council will seem unacceptable, because they love their husbands and are not ready to abandon them under any circumstances. Well, in this case, you have to take the situation as it is and not to complain about fate.

It happens that separation helps a man understand, the white light is not mil. He revises his attitude towards her and no longer admits such liberties. Not everything and not immediately come to this decision. Men who analyze their actions and words, appreciate their women and are interested in this relationship, can fix everything and no longer allow such an appeal.

The article is useful for those women who have come across a humiliation emanating from a loved one. Advise read the material to friends on social networks. Do not allow this, appreciate and respember yourself, then the surrounding will handle you properly.

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Many women seek to show that they are the main in the family using the tactics of psychological pressure on the spouse. Reproaches and endless mocks about and without entering the habit and are a way of self-expression. Such missions are bored live, and just not to quarrel and release their negative emotions to freedom. The pleasure of them gives the humiliation of another person, a husband always turns out in sight.

Of course, to live under one roof with a person and in general, not in contact with it - it is unlikely that it is possible. Psychologists allocate one key reason why a woman allows themselves to show rudeness against a man: if it has a higher social situation and, therefore, earns many of his life satellite. Instead of support, a man is constantly criticized in his address, the wife is daily and as preventing his beloved.

What actions worth do if the wife humiliates her husband?

Disappointing trend in the modern world - most such couples. Many women simply accustomed to take all decisions for their chosen. It is much easier to command than to look for a compromise. A calm and balanced man is ready to fulfill any instructions of his woman, if only she did not "saw it." The lady feels the commander, because if she does not give an order, it is unlikely that something will be done at all. At the very least, they see this situation in their light and do not fail if the man does not adhere to the rules established by them.

A woman humiliates a man because there are many male qualities in it and therefore she suppresses a partner. At the subconscious level, it seems to her that humiliation will allow to suppress men's, but in the end everything turns out exactly the opposite. How to get out of this closed circle? It will help in such a situation only the feelings and the very balance of women's female and male beginnings. Instead of taking and deal with this imbalance, which is present, a person begins to criticize and actively express his emotions to get rid of the energy of the collision of two opposites inside.

How to save relationships?

Is it possible to somehow come to mutual understanding and find the way out of this situation? Partners simply do not understand each other, they speak different languages, neglecting the desires of the second half. What respect can we talk about? But everything starts with him! Over the years, a man holds at home more and more time, preferring to watch football on TV and buy beer. This woman infuriates, and it suits regular tantrums on this issue - and again everything in a circle.

Enough it tolerate: a man defends his point of view

Next to continue to be silent, it is not necessary to get together with thoughts and act. You can hardly remake a person, but you always need to talk about the problem. Opening your vectors, you gradually learn more faces of similarity and differences, and on this contrast can be played well. If there is a desire for the second half, you can go to a psychologist who will help to figure out all the experiences and unravel this emotional ball. It is necessary to start a good habit: just spend more time alone with each other, please rejoice surprises and small gifts. Maybe your wife simply lacks attention, and she is trying to bring out a harsh man who rarely says the words of love and so often keeps all his emotions under control.

It's never too late to reconsider your own behavior, because none of us is ideal, and it is easier to complain to friends on your woman than to do something. It is easier to run away from the problem for years, but this snowball accumulates and very soon will cover you with your head, like avalanche. Watch your wife, probably, she lacks the hobby in life, her friends, something new and bright. Try to push it on this idea and see how the woman will change next to you, who still recently fought in hysterics, sprinkled you with curses and sent to all four sides.

Remember one thing: Nothing can be perfect, and the relationship in the pair is always built in different ways. Someone is always cold and removed, others will rake endless passions, and there are those that prescribed the conditions for their interaction in a marriage contract. Relationships in pairs are different, but first of all respect and the realization of what you do something wrong. Find out the right words and just apologize never too late, remember this when you once again raise a scandal or vice versa, he is silent to listen to his wife in the kitchen.

Any man is unpleasant to listen to insults to their address from the person with whom he tied his life with family bonds. It's humiliating. The partner wants to know the reasons for the emergence of the aggressive behavior of the chosen, how to behave in the current situation and is it possible to keep marriage.

The reasons

There are different reasons for the humiliation of the head of the family by a weak sex representative.

  • The reason can be a high earnings or status of his wife. She earns more and considers himself entitled to humiliate her husband who is not the main breadwinner, finding fault. A man loses leadership. It is difficult for him to compete with a lucky lady.
  • Some women begin to compare their spouse with a more successful neighbor, familiar, husband's girlfriend. Wife is annoying that those have decent prosperity, which, as it seems, above their material well-being.

Instead of providing support, a woman insults and humiliates a spouse, reduces his authority in the eyes of children. The chosen one forgets that it is she who is designed to inspire the narrowed on men's actions, on financial success.

  • Sometimes aggressive behavior appears as a result of the lack of understanding of the psychology of the identity of the elect. The spouse disseminally refers to his desires, angry with him, undeserves offended by the beloved, insults every way. There are no harmony and respect for each other in such respects.
  • Some people give pleasure to humiliate another person, especially their own spouse.
  • Sometimes women do not quarrel with. She chooses a husband as an object for splashing its negative emotions.
  • Sometimes the wife degrades her husband publicly reports in the presence of foreign people. In this case, it is necessary to talk with the elected eye to the eye, to explain to her that any discontent she can express him quietly, whispering or to present his claims later.
  • Often, a woman ceases to grab the compliments and attention from the beloved. She tries to attract attention to his person on the subconscious level. The spouse is not aware that it is impossible to return the love with aggressive behavior. The abyss arising between the married couple increases.
  • If the parent family had a similar behavior model. Mother always dominated, humiliating and insulting her husband. The daughter just copies the actions of the parent.

  • There may be too many domestic duties on a woman, and the husband does not want her to help her. In this case, an inadequate response to the selected behavior appears. The reason is the banal overwork: too much worries fell on her shoulders. The inaction of faithful causes negative emotions from his wife.
  • Sometimes the lady does not cope with the load at work, and at home it breaks on your own husband.
  • Health problems, hormonal failures can also cause unprepaid female mood swings.
  • The wife may have aggression because of the jealousy of children to the narrowed. The powerful woman is trying to deliver the personality of her husband and their children, which involuntarily begin to stretch to a soft and priest father. Mother begins to deliberately express unilent things about their adorable parent, scold and humiliate him. The younger generation, instead of the contempt of a weak man, begins to show pity. Woman jealous children even more.

What can offend him?

Some women are all their negative emotions that have no relation to her husband, splash on it. Thus, the spouse becomes the culprit of all her troubles. Often, a man begins to form a sense of guilt. His resentment in his soul. Self-assessment of men decreases, feelings for faithful gradually fade away. Endless control on the part of the chosen, the provision of a scenario of further actions Men strongly strain him. Regularly entering female directives offend the partner.

Attempting the spouse to change your chosen one does not lead to success.The wife constantly criticizes her husband, calls him, thereby trying to adjust under his ideal. Gradually, male resentment dig. It is no longer able to endure the bad ratio of the chosen. A painful blow caused by a man's pride, often becomes unreasonable refusal of the second half in intimate intimacy. This insult itself will not disappear. It needs to work. Recording on a piece of sex frequency reduction, a look at the situation from the side will help make the right decision.

The husband can be offended by his wife if she ignores their efforts to raise children, helping the housework, an excellent attitude towards her parents and relatives. Husband tries with all his might, and the second half does not notice, perceives his actions as proper. To appreciate your husband, do not forget to express gratitude in time - the necessary actions. Miscellaneous perception by partners of the same things increases the abyss between spouses.

The accumulated resentments are capable of calling aggression, promoting the freedom of the quarrel due to the smallest detail. Unrecoverable insults can lead to the destruction of marriage. Do not be mastered. It is better to deal with the problem. The more offended by the offense, the harder it is to cope with them.

What to do with your husband?

Any humiliation and insults from the wife should be stopped immediately. You can not allow re-action. It is necessary after the first case to explain to the woman that negative attacks in his direction are not allowed. The husband will not endure them even in the name of love. It is best to immediately notify the woman that repeated humiliation and insult will end with parting. If the wife pronounces offensive words, humiliates, offends, should not be answered the same. It is necessary to calm her, try to find good words, reconcile with her. In no case should the voice should be raised, try to shout it. Well, when both have a wonderful sense of humor. Best insults to translate jokes.

Unacceptable dismissive attitude under children, since respect for the father is reduced. A man should always remain the head of the family.The spouse himself should never mock her sick and tolerate mockery from her side. An exception is toxicosis during pregnancy and postpartum depression. The appearance in the baby family can affect the behavior of a woman. During this period, it is necessary to treat the young mother to be thrifty, gently and with great care. A gentle husband will not become an object for insults and humiliation.

You do not need to compare a stroke wife with others. She is the same native and close man as a child who cannot be offended. At such moments it is worth perceiving the soul mate as a small child. Male power will continue if possible to give a spouse to feel fragility. The chosen must feel in reliable male hands.

How to keep marriage?

Return the confidence and love of his wife is not easy. The imposition of their conditions, rudeness, brand, the pickles are destroying for marital relations. Feelings in such situations weaken. The desire of his wife to be the head of the family, command her husband often lead to a break and complete rupture of relationships. To save marriage, great patience is required.

Easy to love a gentle quiet soul mate. It takes a lot to work hard to surround the care and attention of the grumpy and hysterical narrowed. This is a kind of feat. The secret of family happiness lies in carefulness to each other. The selection of the right response words to the prosecution of his wife is an important factor. In some situations, it's enough apologies. Regular manifestation of tenderness, attention and love strengthens a marital connection. A woman wants to see a reliable man next to him. Feeling like a stone wall, she turns into a meek spouse. A friendly discussion of pressing problems leads to the cohesion of the family. Joint exits on various events, walks strengthen the relationship of spouses. A visit to various exhibitions, cinemas, museums unite the family. You can get your hobby wife and make it common.

It is necessary to work out a habit of periodically presenting small gifts to each other, please please with pleasant surprises. After all, a woman may just miss the attention of a restrained husband. You need to learn to deliver joy to a close person, give a good mood.

Not only life combines family bonds. The general family budget will help avoid reproaches associated with the financial failure of a man. Drawing money is unacceptable. Support on a loved one is a sign of a friendly family. Having a good income woman should be glad that she has the opportunity to help beloved and native people. A kindness and selflessness contribute to creating a solid family.

The value system is desirable to change. The transition from the chase for material benefits to the spiritual plane leads to a rich life. No matter who is the main miner in the family, if only a married focus was filled with warmth and love. It is important to make a maximum effort to change the leader in marital relations. The wise chapter of the family is honored by households, listen to his advice. When the wife is trying to restrain his irritation and completely obey her husband, the family is born in the family. The ability to hear each other eliminates all disagreements.