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Writer Fet Brief biography. Poet Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich - Biography: years of life and interesting facts about creativity. Interesting facts from Feta's life

Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet is a recognized genius of literature, whose work is cited both in Russia and in countries of abroad. His poem, such as "I will not tell you anything," "whisper, timid breathing", "Evening", "This morning, the joy of this", "At the dawn, you are not boudes," "I came", "nightingale and rose "And others are now mandatory for studying in schools and higher educational institutions.


His mother Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker was a daughter of the German Burger and was a spouse of some Johanne Feta, the local court's assessor in Darmstadt. Soon Charlotte became acquainted with Afanasiya Neophyptic Schieshin - an Orlovsky landowner and part-time retired Rothmistrome.

After that, his mother went with his lover to Russia, secretly from everyone. The future poet was already born in the Oryol province, was baptized in Orthodoxy and recorded as Shanshina's son. Two years later, his mother and stepfather were able to marry.

Already on the territory of Russia, two months after moving, a boy appeared on the world. The baby was baptized according to Orthodox custom and called Afanasiy. Thus, parents predetermined the future of the child, because Athanasius translated from Greek means "immortal." Acquered by Orthodoxy Charlotte, who became Elizabeth Petrovna, recalled that Shenshin was treated for a foster son as a blood relative and gave the boy care and attention.

Later, Sheenshy has three more children were born, but two died at a young age, which is not surprising, because due to progressive diseases in those troubled times, children's mortality was considered far from uncommon.

Athanasius held his childhood in the village of Novoselki, which is in the Oryol province, in the estate of the Father, in the house with the mezzanine and two filties. The boy's eyes discovered the picturesque meadows covered with green grass, the crown of mighty trees, lit by the sun, houses with smoking pipes and a churcher with bell bells. Also, young Fet got up at five in the morning and fled to the maid in one pajama, so that they told him a fairy tale. Although the servants engaged by the spinning tried to ignore annoying Athanasius, the boy eventually sought his own. All these children's memories, inspirational feta, are reflected in his subsequent work.

Athanasius visited the German private pension Cryman, where he showed himself as a diligent student. The young man Corpel over textbooks in literature and was already trying to invent poetic lines.

When the boy was 14 years old, it was revealed that he was born before marriage. Fet was deprived of the last name and Russian citizenship and became

from the nobleman Sheenshina "Hesse-Darmstadt submarines of Afanasius Fetom." Such changes have become a blow to the heart for the future of the poet, which considered herself to Russian. For many years, the writer tried to return the surname of a man who brought up him as a native son, but attempts were in vain. And only in 1873 Athanasius won and became Sheenshin. Up to 14 years old Athanasius lived and studied at home, and then in the city of Verier (Liflyandsky province), in the Gommer's guesthouse.

The beginning of literary activities

At the end of the 1837, the young man went to conquer the heart of Russia. Athanasius diligently for six months was engaged under the supervision of the famous journalist, writer and publisher Mikhail Petrovich Pogodin. After the preparation of Fet easily entered Moscow University at the Faculty of Law. But soon the poet realized that the subject was patronized by the Holy Ivo Bretonsky - not his path.

Therefore, a young man without pondayvy moved to Russian literature. As a student of the first course, Athanasius Fet was seriously engaged in poems and showed his pen pier to Pen. After reading the works of the student, Mikhail Petrovich gave the manuscript of Gogol, who said: "Fet is undoubted transshipment."

Fate Feta is not only bitter and tragic, but also happy. Happy already the fact that the Great Pushkin first opened him the joy of poetry, and the great Gogol blessed to her service. Poems Interested in fellow students Feta. And at that time Fet met Apollo Grigoriev. The proximity of Feta with A. Grigoriev became more and more closely and soon moved to friendship. As a result, Fet moves from the house of pushing to Grigoriev's house. Later, Fet admitted: "Grigoriev's house was the truth of my mental celibl." Fet and A. Grigoriev constantly, concerned mentally communicated with each other.

Good luck on the literary field

At stay at the University of Fet released the first collection of his poems. It is called somewhat intuitively: "Lyrical Pantheon". Apollo Grigoriev helped the publication of a collection of activities. The collection was unprofitable. The output of the "lyrical Pantheon did not bring a fepet of positive satisfaction and joy, but, nevertheless, he inspired him noticeably. He began to write poems more and more vigorous than before. And not only write, but also to be printed. His willingly print the two largest magazines "Moskvatik" and "Patriotic Notes". Moreover, some poems of the Feta fall, in the well-known "Kreststat" A. D. Galakhov, the first edition of which was published in 1843.

In "Moskvatian" Fet began to be printed since the end of 1841. The editors of this journal were Professor Moscow University - M. P.

Pogodin and S. P. Shevyrev. From mid-1842, Fet began to be printed in the journal "Domestic Notes", the leading criticism of which was the Great Belinsky. For several years, from 1841 and until 1845, Fet printed 85 poems in these magazines, including the housing poem "I came to you with greetings ...".

Hard time of the poet

Athanasius Afanasyevich had to leave literary activities and forget about releasing the inkwell. In the life of the darisy poet, a black band came. The first trouble, comprehended feta, is connected with the mother. The thought of her caused tenderness and pain in it. In November 1844 her death occurred. Although nothing unexpected in the death of the mother was not, the news shook feta. Also uncle, with whom Feta has warm friendly relationships. Athanasius Afanasyevich was counting on the inheritance of a relative, but uncle's money disappeared unexpectedly. Therefore, the young poet remained literally without livelihood and in the hope of acquiring the state.

In order to get the noble title Fet decided to enter military service. In 1845 he was accepted in the Kirassi regiment; In 1853 he moved to the Ulan Guards Regiment; The Crimean campaign was part of the troops guarding the Estland coast; In 1858, he was resigned by headquarters, without listening to the nobility.

In this he sees the only practically appropriate and decent way out. The service in the army allows him to return the social situation in which he was to receive that ill-fated letters from his father and which he believed, his own belonging to him right.

Personal life

Maria Botkin and Writer

Athanasius Fet, who serves in the Kirassir Region, was invited to the ball in the hospitable house of the former officer of the Officer Regiment M.I. Petkovich.

Among the ladies, fluttering around the hall, Athanasius Afanasyevich saw a black-haired beauty, the daughter of the retired cavalry general Serbian origin Maria Lazich. It was not educated by years, I knew how to musitize and understood well in the literature. It is not surprising that Fet admitted a relative soul in this girl.

But the acquaintance of Feta and Lazich was not happy. Beloved could become spouses and in the future to raise children, but the calculating and practical Fet refused the Union with Maria, because she was also

poor, like he himself. In his last letter, Lazich Athanasius Afanasyevich became the initiator of parting.

Being abroad, Master Korea and Yamba came out with a rich woman from the famous Russian dynasty - Maria Botkin. The second Feta spouse was not good for himself, but it was distinguished by a good nature and an easy temper. Although Athanasius Afanasyevich made a proposal not for love, but by the settlement, the spouses lived happily. After a modest wedding, the couple went to Moscow, Fet resigned and dedicated the lives of creativity.

End of life

In 1873, the surname Shenshin was approved for Fetom with all the rights associated with her. In 1877, he sold a landscaped Stepanovka, bought a house in Moscow and the picturesque Vorobyovka estate in the Schigrovsky district of Kursk province. Recent years Feta has been marked by signs of external recognition. In 1884, for the full translation of Works, Horace he received the Pushkin Prize of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, in 1886, for the combination of work, he was elected by its correspondent member.

Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich (1820 -1892). Feta owns one of the most honorable places in a number of writers challenged Russian nature. His poem transfers thin images, singing lyrics of step offices and piercing romance of feelings.

Fet was born in a family of a poor landowner with German roots, in the estate of Novoslovka. By fifteen years was given to the private boarding house and after three years he entered Moscow University. Studying on the verbal faculty, began to try myself on a literary field. In 1840, his collection "Lyric Pantheon" was published, having pleased readers sincerity and purity.

The second book of the poet came only in ten years, and was overshadowed by his beloved - Maria Lazich. At this time, Athanasius Athanasiyevich was in military service. He needed to return the nobility, whom he was deprived due to the peculiarities of Russian jurisprudence. Being translated into the Life Guard, the poet has the opportunity to communicate with Turgenev, Nekrasov, Goncharov.

Ivan Turgenev edits the third poetic collection of Feta, released in 1856. It included about a hundred works; both old and new ones. This edition was highly appreciated by readers and critics.

In 1856, Athanasius Fet was married and the next year he retired. He acquires an extensive estate where it becomes a successful landowner. His poems, from previously published by individual books and printed in leading domestic journals, are published in the twotar of 1863.

After the resignation of Fet successfully leads the landfill of the economy, zealously protecting the old way. He is returned to the noble surname - Shenshin and privileges. The issues of his collection "Evening lights" and the book of memories are published. But health sharpens a deadly disease.

During one of the attacks, the poet is solved for suicide, but it falls to death, barely opening the cabinet with cutlery.

Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet (fet is right) The first 14 and the last 19 years of life officially wore Shenshin's name. Born on November 23 (December 5), 1820 in the estate of the Novossky of the Mtsensky County of Oryol province - died on November 21 (December 3) of 1892 in Moscow. Russian Poet Lirik of German origin, translator, memoirist, Corresponding Member of St. Petersburg Acan (1886).

Father - Johann-Peter-Karl-Wilhelm Fet (Fet) (1789-1825), Darmstadt City Court Assistor.

Mother - Charlotte-Elizaveta Becker (1798-1844). Sister - Carolina Charlotte-Georgina-Ernestina Feth (1819-1868).

Schifi - Shenhshin Athanasius Neofititovich (1775-1855).

Mother Grandpa - Karl Wilhelm Becker (1766-1826), Secret Counselor, Military Commissar.

Grandfather on Father - Johann Fet.

Grandma on Father - Milence Sibile.

Grandmother of mother - Henrietta Hagen.

On May 18, 1818, a combination of 20-year-old Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker and Johann-Petager-Carl-Wilhelm Feta took place in Darmstadt. In 1820, the 45-year-old Russian landowner arrived in Darmstadt on the water, the offacarious nobleman of Athanasius Neofititich Shenshin, and stopped in the house of Fets. Between him and Charlotte-Elizabeth broke out a novel, despite the fact that the young woman was waiting for the second child. On September 18, 1820, Athanasius Neofititich Shenshin and Charlotte-Elizaveta Becker secretly left for Russia.

On November 23 (December 5), 1820 in the village of Novoselki Mtsensky County of Oryol province at Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker was born a son, on November 30, baptized according to Orthodox rite and naschained by Afanasiy. In the metric book, he was recorded as the son of Athanasius Neofitovich Shenshina. However, spouses were mistaken only in 1822, after Charlotte-Elizabeth adopted Orthodoxy and began to be called Elizabeth of Petrovna Fet. In 1821-1823, Charlotte-Elizabeth was born from Athanasius Shenshina Daughter Anna and the son of Vasily, who died in infancy, and in May 1824 - the daughter of Lyuba.

Johann Fet in 1824 married the educator of his daughter Carolina. On November 7, 1823, Charlotte-Elizabeth wrote a letter to Darmstadt to his brother Ernstu Beckker, in which he complained about the former husband of Johann-Petaire-Carl-Wilhelm Feta, who frightened her and who offered to adopt the Son Athanasius if his debts were paid. On August 25, 1825, Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker wrote a letter to Brother Ernst about how Shenshin care about her son Athanasius: "No one will notice that this is not the blood of his child."

In March 1826, she again wrote her brother that the deceased month ago, her first husband did not leave her and the child of the money: "To take revenge on me and Sheenshina, he forgot his own child, deprived of his inheritance and put a spot for him ... try, if possible, Simplify our cute father so that he helps return this child his right and honor; It should also get the surname ... "Then, in the next letter:" ... I am very surprising that Fet in the will forgot and did not recognize my son. A person can be mistaken, but deny the laws of nature - a very big mistake. It can be seen before his death he was completely sick ... ".

When Athanasius Sheenshina was 14 years old, the diocesal bosses found out that he was born before marriage, and he was deprived of the name, Russian citizenship and the nobility and became the "Hessandarmstadded attacked by Afanasius Feta". This event coolly changed the whole life of a young man. Together with the surname, he lost its position in society and the right to inheritance. The purpose of his life was the receipt of the noble rank, so he went to serve in the Kirassir Regiment, despite the fact that he graduated from the verbal branch of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow University. For then laws, together with the officer, the noble rank was given, and the junior officer chin could be obtained after six months of service. However, it was at that time Nikolai I issued a decree on which the nobility was supposed to be only senior officers, and this meant that Athanasia would have to serve 15-20 years.

Only in 1873 Athanasius Fet officially returned the surname of Shenshin, but the literary works and translations continued to sign the surname of Fet.

In 1835-1837, Athanasius studied in the German private board of Cymicon in Vero (now Võru, Estonia). At this time, he began writing poetry, to show interest in classical philology. In 1838 he entered Moscow University, first at the Faculty of Law, then on the historical and philological (verbal) department of the Faculty of Philosophy. He studied 6 years: 1838-1844.

In 1840, a collection of poems Feta "Lyrical Pantheon" was released with the participation of Apollo Grigoriev, a friend of Feta for the university. In 1842 - publications in the magazines "Moskvatikan" and "Domestic Notes". In 1845 he entered the military service in the Kirassir Military Order of the regiment, became a cavalist. In 1846 he was assigned the first officer rank.

In 1850, the second collection of Feta came out, received positive feedback from Criton in the magazines "Contemporary", "Moskvatik" and "Domestic Notes". At this time, Maria Kozminnikna Lazich died, the poet's beloved, the memories of which was dedicated to the poem "Talisman", the poem "old letters", "you have depressed, I still suffer ...", "No, I have not changed. Until old age ... "And many other his poems.

In 1853, Feta was transferred to the Guards Regiment, housed under St. Petersburg. The poet was often in St. Petersburg, then the capital of Russia. There were meetings Feta C, etc., as well as his rapprochement with the editors of the contemporary magazine.

In 1854, he served in the Baltic port, which he described in the memoirs "My memories".

In 1856, the third collection of Feta was published under the editorship of I. S. Turgenev.

In 1857, Fet married Maria Petrovna Botkin, the sister of Critica V. P. Botkin.

In 1858, he retired in the rank of Guards headquarters-Rothmistra and settled in Moscow.

In 1859, there was a break of a poet with a journalist Dolgorukh A. V. from "Contemporary".

In 1863, the two-volume assembly of feta poems was released.

In 1867, Athanasius Fet was elected world judge for 11 years.

In 1873, Athanasia Fetu returned to the nobility and surname Sheenhin. Literary works and translations of the poet and later signed Fet's name.

In 1883-1891 - the publication of the four issues of the collection "Evening lights".

Died on November 21, 1892 in Moscow. According to some data, his death from a heart attack preceded suicide attempt. He was buried in the village of Kleenovo, the generic estate of Sheenshin.

Family Athanasius Afanasyevich Feta:

Wife - Botkin Maria Petrovna (1828-1894), from the Botkin family. Her brothers: V. P. Botkin, a famous literary and artistic critic, the author of one of the most significant articles about the work of A. A. Feta, S. P. Botkin - a doctor, whose name is the hospital in Moscow, D. P. Botkin - Patcher of paintings. There was no children in marriage.
The nephew - E. S. Botkin, shot in 1918 in Yekaterinburg with the family of Nicholas II.

Being one of the most sophisticated lyrics, Fet hit contemporaries by the fact that it did not prevent him from being at the same time to be an extremely businessworthy, enterprising and successful landowner. In many works, especially in the novel, the "Provincial Diary in St. Petersburg", repeatedly and completely unjustly accused him of commitment to the fastener.

Famous Palindrome phrase written by Fetom and entered in the "Adventures of Buratino" A. N. Tolstoy - "And Rosa fell on the Lap of Azor".

Philologist O. Sharovskaya writes about him: "In the lyrics of Feta, there are no complete psychological portraits, characters, the images of the addressees are not outlined, even the image of the beloved abstract. There is no lyrical hero in a narrow sense: about his social status, life experience, habits nothing is known. The main place "actions" is generally a garden, in general the house, etc. The time is presented as "cosmic" (the existence of life on earth is its disappearance), natural (season, time of day) and only in the most common form as biological (life - Use, youth or, more precisely, years of completeness - old age, and there are no milestones and borders here), but in no way historical time. Thoughts, feelings, sensations designed to have universal importance are expressed, albeit a small, private, but understandable to any thinking and feeling personality. "

Fet is a late romantic with an explicit value to the psychological realism and the accuracy of subject descriptions, but thematically narrow. Three main topics - nature, love, art (usually poetry and most often "song"), united by the theme of beauty.

russian Poet Lirik of German Origin, Translator, Memoist

Athanasius Fet.

short biography

Born on December 5, 1820, in the estate of the Mtsensky County of the Oryol province, on November 30, he was baptized on the Orthodox rite and was identified with Afanasiy.

Father - Oryolsky landowner, retired Rothmist Athanasius Neofititich Shenshin. Mother - Charlotte Elizabeth Becker.

In 1834, the spiritual consistory abolished the baptismal entry of Athanasia by the legitimate son of Sheenshina and determined him to the fathers of the first husband of Charlotte-Elizabeth - Johann-Petaire-Carl-Wilhelm Feta. Together with the exception of the Shanshiny Athanasius, hereditary nobility was lost.

In 1835-1837, Athanasius studied in the German private board of Cryman. At this time, he began writing poetry, to show interest in classical philology. In 1838 he entered Moscow University, first at the Faculty of Law, then on the historical and philological (verbal) department of the Faculty of Philosophy. He studied 6 years: 1838-1844.

While study began to be printed in magazines. In 1840, a collection of poems Feta "Lyrical Pantheon" was released with the participation of Apollo Grigoriev, a friend of Feta for the university. In 1842 - publications in the magazines "Moskvatikan" and "Domestic Notes".

After graduating from the University, Athanasius Fet in 1845 he entered the Officer-officer in the Kirassir Military Order of the regiment (he headquarters was located in Novogorgievsk Kherson province), in which on August 14, 1846 was produced in the corps, and on December 6, 1851 - to the headquarters of Rothmisters.

In 1850, the second collection of Feta came out, received positive feedback from Criton in the magazines "Contemporary", "Moskvatik" and "Domestic Notes".

Committed then (in 1853) to the Ulansky of His Majesty of the Life Guard Regiment, Fet was translated into this regiment houseed near St. Petersburg. The poet was often in St. Petersburg, there were meetings of Feta with Turgenev, Nekrasov, Goncharov and others, as well as his rapprochement with the editors of the contemporary magazine.

During the Crimean War, he was in the Baltic port as part of the troops guarding the Estonian coast.

In 1856, the third collection of Feta was published under the editorship of I. S. Turgenev.

In 1857, Fet married Maria Petrovna Botkin, the sister of Critica V. P. Botkin.

In 1858, he retired in the rank of Guards headquarters-Rothmistra and settled in Moscow.

In 1860, the vehicle of the village of Fet bought the estate of Stepanovka in the Mtsensk district of the Oryol province of the Oryol province - 200 tents of arable land, the wooden Lord one-storey house in seven rooms and with a kitchen. And over the next 17 years, it was engaged in its development - cropped crops (first of all - rye), launched the project of the equestrian plant, kept cows and sheep, bird, bought bees and fish in a new-stop pond. After a few years of the economy, the current net profit from Stepanovka was 5-6 thousand rubles per year. Revenue from the estate was the main income of the Feta family.

In 1863, the two-volume assembly of feta poems was released.

I'm confused by me more than once:
How can I write in the current things?
I am between crying Shenhin,
And Fet I only understand the medium.

In 1867, Athanasius Fet was elected world judge for 11 years.

In 1873, Athanasia Fetu returned to the nobility and surname Sheenhin. Literary works and translations of the poet and later signed Fet's name.

In 1877, Fet sold Stepanovka and bought an ancient Varobyevka in the Kursk province - the Barsky House on the banks of the river Tuskar, at the house - a century-old park at 18 tents, behind the river - the village with Peshnia, 270 tents of the forest in three versts from the house.

In 1883-1891 - the publication of the four issues of the collection "Evening lights".

In 1890, Fet published the book "My memories", in which it tells about itself as a landowner. And after the death of the author, in 1893, another book was published with memories - "Early years of my life."

Fet died on November 21, 1892 in Moscow. According to some data, his death from a heart attack preceded suicide attempt. He was buried in the village of Kleenovo, the generic estate of Sheenshin.

A family

Father - Johann-Peter-Karl-Wilhelm Fet (Johann Peter Karl Wilhelm Föth) (1789-1826), Darmstadt City Court Assistor, Son Johann Feto and Sibilla Milens. After his first wife left him, in 1824 the second marriage married the educator of his daughter Carolina. He died in February 1826. On November 7, 1823, Charlotte-Elizabeth wrote a letter to Darmstadt to his brother Ernstu Beckker, in which he complained about the former husband of Johann-Petaire-Carl-Wilhelm Feta, who frightened her and who offered to adopt the Son Athanasius if his debts were paid. On August 25, 1825, Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker wrote a letter to Brother Ernst about how Shenshin care about her son Athanasius: "No one will notice that this is not the blood of his child." In March 1826, she again wrote her brother that the deceased month ago, her first husband did not leave her and the child of the money: "To take revenge on me and Sheenshina, he forgot his own child, deprived of his inheritance and put a spot for him ... try, if possible, Simplify our cute father so that he helps return this child his right and honor; It should also get the surname ... "Then, in the next letter:" ... I am very surprising that Fet in the will forgot and did not recognize my son. A person can be mistaken, but deny the laws of nature - a very big mistake. It can be seen before his death he was completely sick ... ".

Mother - Elizabeth Petrovna Shenshina, nee Charlotte-Elizabeth ( Charlotte Karlovna) Becker (1798-1844), daughter of Darmstadt Ober-Krigskomassar Carl-Wilhelm Becker (1766-1826) and his wife Henrietta Gagern. On May 18, 1818, a combination of 20-year-old Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker and Johann-Petager-Carl-Wilhelm Feta took place in Darmstadt. In 1820, the 45-year-old Russian landowner arrived in Darmstadt on the water, the offacarious nobleman of Athanasius Neofititich Shenshin, and stopped in the house of Fets. Between him and Charlotte-Elizabeth broke out a novel, despite the fact that the young woman was waiting for the second child. On September 18, 1820, Athanasius Neofititich Shenshin and Charlotte-Elizaveta Becker secretly left for Russia. On November 23 (December 5), 1820 in the village of Novoski Mtsensky County of the Oryol province of Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker was born a son, on November 30, a baptized Orthodox rite and an established Afanasiy. In the metric book, he was recorded as the son of Athanasius Neofitovich Shenshina. However, the spouses were mistaken only on September 4, 1822, after Charlotte Karlovna adopted Orthodoxy and began to be called Elizabeth Petrovna Fet. On November 30, 1820, Athanasius was baptized on the Orthodox rite and at birth was recorded (probably for a bribe) "legitimate" Son Athanasius Neofitovich Sheenshina and Charlotte-Elizabeth Becker. In 1834, Athanasius Sheenshin was 14 years old, "error" was discovered in the documents, and he was deprived of the names, nobility and Russian citizenship and became the "Hessendarmsstadt-subjects attmented Afanasim Feta." In 1873, he officially returned the surname of Shenshin, but literary works and translations continued to sign the surname of Fet (through "E").

Stepfather - Athanasius Neofititich Shenshin (1775-1854), Rothmist in resignation, rich Orlovsky landowner, Mtsensky county judge, son of Neophyte Petrovich Shenshina (1750-1800 -) and Anna Ivanovna spanking. Mtsensky county leader of the nobility. In early 1820 he was treated in Darmstadt, where he met Charlotte Fet. In September 1820, he was engaged in her in Russia in his estate of the Mtsensky County of the Oryol province, where in two months A. A. Fet was born. September 4, 1822, they married. There were few more children in marriage.

Sister - Carolina Petrovna Matveev, Carolina Charlotte-Georgina-Ernestina Fet (1819-1877), the wife since 1844 Alexander Pavlovich Matveyev, who met in the summer of 1841 during his stay at the mother in Novoselki. A. P. Matveyev was the son of the neighboring landowner Paul Vasilyevich Matveev, a cousin Athanasius Neofitovich Shenshina. After several years of living together, he came across another woman, and Carolina and his son went abroad, where he lived for many years, formally remaining married to Matveyev. Around 1875, after the death of the second wife of Matveyev, she returned to her husband. Died in 1877, on the family legend of the Beckers, was killed.

One-utilous sister - Love Afanasyevna Shenshina, Neborn Shanshina (05/25/1824-?), Married to his distant relative Alexander Nikitich Sheenshin (1819-1872).

Unified Brother - Vasily Afanasyevich Shenshin (10/21/1827-1860), the Oryol landowner, was married to Catherine Dmitrievna Mansururov, granddaughter of the Novosilian landowner Alexei Timofeevich Sergeeva (1772-1853), cousin V. P. Turgeneva. They remained the daughter of Olga (1858-1942), in the marriage of Galakhov, which, after the death of the parents, remained under the guardianship of his uncle Ivan Petrovich Borisov, and after his death - Afanasia Afanasyevich Feta. She was not only a niece of Feta, but also had a detailed relative of I. S. Turgenev, who was after his death the only heir to Spassky.

One-utilous sister - Nadezhda Afanasyevna Borisov, Born Schönshina (09/11/1832-1869), married from January 1858 for Ivan Petrovich Borisov (1822-1871). Their only son Peter (1858-1888) after the death of the Father was brought up in the family A. A. Feta.

Unified Brother - Peter Afanasyevich Shenshin (1834-after 1875), went to Serbia in the fall of 1875 in order to participate in a volunteer in the Serbian-Turkish war, but soon returned to Sparrow. However, soon went to America, where his traces are lost.

Uni-utilous brothers and sisters - Anna (1821-1825), Vasily (1823-to 1827), who died in childhood. Another sister was probable (7.11.1830-?).

Wife (from 16 (28) August 1857) - Maria Petrovna Shenshina, Bottina (1828-1894), from the Botkin family. Her brothers were guarantors during the wedding: Nikolai Petrovich Botkin - on the bridegroom, and Vasily Petrovich Botkin - by the bride; In addition, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was the guarantor on the bride.


Being one of the most sophisticated lyrics, Fet hit contemporaries by the fact that it did not prevent him from being at the same time to be an extremely businessworthy, enterprising and successful landowner.

The famous phrase written by Fetom and entered in the "Adventures of Pinocchio" by A. N. Tolstoy - "And Rosa fell on the Lap of Azor."

Feta - late romantic. Three main topics - nature, love, art, combined by the theme of beauty.

I came to you with greetings to tell that the sun rose that it was hot on the sheets fluttered.


  • both parts of the "Faust" Goethe (1882-83),
  • a number of Latin poets:
  • Horace, all the works of which in the Fetov translation came out in 1883,
  • satira Jumental (1885),
  • poem Katulla (1886),
  • elegy Tabulla (1886),
  • XV books of "transformations" of Ovid (1887),
  • Eneida Vergilia (1888),
  • elegy Properration (1888),
  • satires Persia (1889) and
  • marciala epigrams (1891).

Feta's plans were a new Bible translation into Russian, since the synodal translation he considered unsatisfactory, as well as the "Clean Right Critics", but N. Strakhov dissuaded Feta to translate this book of Cant, indicating that the Russian translation of this book already exists. After that, Fet turned to translation

Many people remember the course of school literature. Wonderful lines of missing swallows belonging to Peru of the famous Russian poet, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences Afanasiya Feta. The biography of the writer is worthy of separate novel: A person who is deprived of the noble rank, all his life puts himself to regain his surname, a poor officer, in love with the idolitan, succeeding a landowner, extruding his estate, a romantic poet.

In contact with

Childhood and youth

He was born on December 5, 1820 in the village of Novoselki, where she was the estate of Sheenshin. The poet's pedigree still causes a lot of issues. By tradition, the real name of the poet Shenshin. Historians found that the mother was called Charlotte-Elizabeth Fet, nee Becker. Some researchers write a landowner from ancient noble rhodation Athanasius Neofitovich Shenshina (generally accepted version), others - the previous legitimate spouse Charlotte-Elizabeth German Johann-Peter.

Acquaintance with the young twenty-one-year-old Charlotte and a forty-five-year-old Shanshina, who fired from military service, took place when Athanasius Neophytite arrived on the water and stopped at a post at the apartment of the honorable family.

Mutual sympathy arose instantly, and Charlotte eventually leaving together with Sheenshin. Some confusion turned out due to the prolonged termination procedure of the previous marriage.

Family Union Shenshina and Charlotte-Elizabeth was concluded already after the appearance On the light of the boy. His childhood passed among the nature, lively impressions of being, the seminarist was engaged in their upbringing, and then the yard named Philip and the simple peasant life structure.

First mental injury

Historians became known interesting facts about Feta. The nobleman of Shesenshin recognized the baby and gave his last name, but later the spiritual consistory found this record legally illegal. As a result, the Father Athanasius was still determined by John Peter, eliminating the child from the genus Sheenshin and, accordingly, depriving the nobility. It is curious that some researchers refer to letters Charlotte-Elizabeth to their brother, where she mentioned the paternity of the former spouse, as a non-clear fact.

So, after an exception at the 14th age of a noble class, a rich heir is quite famous for the surnames in Russia (and the genus Sheenshin is known since the XV century) in one moment turned into a rooted foreigner. This fact was deeply shocked by a teenager, who was then pursued by the obsession to return the lost idea.

Parents who sought from the most good motives savit sonand from unwanted attention and all sorts of proceedings about the origin, the boy was taken to further training as far as possible from the house - to the German guesthouse in Trero (now the city of Võru in Estonia).


Where the future master of the word studied. Before entering the Philosophical Faculty of Moscow University of Youth in 1837, about half a year was a guestman from a wonderful Russian historian, a fiction writer M.P. Pusher.

After enrollment in 1838 on the historical and philological department, the young man settled at A.A. Grigorieva. All the surroundings in the time of students are the same Grigoriev, as well as the Yakov Polonsky, Vladimir Solovyov and Konstantin Cavelin - contributed to the manifestation and the formation of a literary gift.

The first collection, who opened the road to publications in popular literary journals and approved by Belin, was called "Lyrian Pantheon A.F.. It was printed in 1840. "Blessed" the young man for the continuation of the creative path himself Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who announced the "undoubted date of the" poet.

Military field and writing

An obsessed with the thought of returning unjustly taken away the nobility, in 1845, Athanasius joined as a non-Officer to the Kirassian Order of the Kirassian Regiment. The officer title then pledged the noble diploma. A year later, the officer chin was given, but a change in the laws in the laws at all immediately happened: the nobility was given only by officers in the rank not lower than Mayor.

In Kherson period happened acquaintance with daughter Returning poor Serbian Military - Charming Beauty Maria Lazich. A novel was set between young people, but they didn't even think about the marriage: one was a hopelessness, and the other did not possess any rights to Sheenshin. Love ceased as a result of the death of Mary, about which she was in a whisper, that it was a conscious act.

The girl died from numerous burns obtained when the dress ignition. The cause of an accident and remained unknown: whether it is carelessly crushed match, whether the solution ripened from hopelessness. Personal tragedy will be reflected in all the subsequent work of Feta.

During military service poetic experiments continued. After transferring in 1853 to a new place in the Novogorod province, it was possible to be in St. Petersburg much more often. The poet is still due to the promotion of close friends N.A. Nekrasova, A.V. Druzhinina, V.P. Botkin was published on the pages of domestic literary almanacs. A special role began to play I.S. Turgenev, who provided patronage to a young man.

Landowner and agronom

Meanwhile, Athanasius continued his pursuit of the dream: in 1859 he was assigned the long-awaited Major Chin, but with 1856 the nobility pledged only Colonels.

Realizing that the dream is not destined to come true, Afanasy Afanasyevich resigned, made a small foreign voyage and donkey in Moscow. In 1857, launched To not very young and not too attractive sister of his friend Maria Petrovna Botkin, for which, however, gave a solid dowry.

The offer was favorably accepted. Marrying, bought the estate in the Mtsensky district and completely plunged into troubles. "He became now an agronomist ..., let go of his beard before Chersl ... I don't want to hear about literature and journals scolding with enthusiasm," described I.S. Turgenev then life Feta.

A very long period, the talented poet was exclusively the fact that cindicated and thundered postrelform Agriculture. The articles caused the hot perturbation of many printed editions, who called themselves the advanced, transferred and poetic activities. "All of them (poems) of such a content that they could write a horse, if they learned to write poems," the creativity of Feta writer N.G. characterized Sarcasm. Chernyshevsky.

Stories and stories

This time interval includes the majority of the poet's experiments on prosaic field. By the way, when studying creativity, it is not much more attention to the school, although it is the prose that makes a significant reservoir of his literary heritage. All Stories Athanasius Feta and Small tale of autobiographical: Almost everyone carry episodes from life or the author himself, or people close to him.

Athanasius Afanasyevich in his stories seems to experiment with various and genres. Especially clearly such attempts demonstrate its village essays, harmoniously combining documentary, journalism and artistic sketches. According to deep psychologism and emotionality, penetrating all the scenes of peasant life, the works are very close to the work of the Bunin. Not less adorable and interesting for travel notes, demonstrating aesthetic views.

Again in Moscow

In real on the literature of Fet Athanasius Afanasyevich returned only in the 80s of the XIX century, having decided to settle in Moscow again. Only it was now a non-poor foreigner without a kind of tribe, but a famous landowner, the owner of a rich Moscow mansion, a representative of the Honored Noble Shenshina.

Eleven years of service As a judge, it was still possible to turn the poet's dream and brought him a long-awaited diploma and a generic, real last name.

He again restored the past relationship with his friends. This time interval was marked by the release of the translations of the Schopenhauerovsky "Peace as a Will and the view", the first part of the "Faust", the creations of famous ancient Roman and German classics.

At about the same time issued a limited edition "Evening lights" and autobiographical "My memories". Memoirs called "Early Years of Life" will come after the death authorbut. The work of this period differ significantly from the earliest: if Afanasia Feta, Afanasyevich Feta sing beauty and harmony, are a kind of hymn sensory beginning, the late Lyrics of Sheaven with some kind of tragicity, most likely related to the real state of affairs.

Care from life

With age, health deteriorated sharply: the writer is almost blind, each asthmatic attack was accompanied by a painful suffocation. Physical flour deprived and peace of mind. Fet accepted the hardest solution: In November 1892 he paid the spouse to visit, drank a glass of champagne, and dictated the secretary to the note as follows: "I do not understand the conscious multiplication of inevitable suffering. Voluntarily go to the inevitable. November 21, Fet (Shenshin), "pulled out the stationery knife, sending the blade on the head. But the secretary was herself to take away the knife. Suicide failed. A man rushed away in search of a different tool, but he was off the apoplexic strike that led to death. Heirs, besides his wife, he did not get.

Not only photographic images of the poet have reached us, but also several handwritten images. The most famous portrait belongs to Ivan Repin's brush (1882), is kept in a meeting of paintings by the famous Tretyakov Gallery.

Fate and Creativity of the poet Feta Afanasiya

Biography Feta Athanasius


Part of the period of life Feta coincided with the main liberal reforms Alexander II.That visually demonstrates the overall picture of the fate of representatives of many famous noble families. The same ministry of the Fatherland on the military field, the premium when retired to earn money and the irrepressible thirst for creativity: many were interested in verses, otherwise - where there were so many literary magazines. However, Feta's creativity still occupies a special place due to its subtlety, piercing and beauty.