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Fat and thin girl. Sly and insidious plan: out of humidist in a fatty. Temporary diet gives the opposite effect, the only way is to change the lifestyle forever

00:00 7.11.2015

Are there any functions about the figure? Believe, you should not waste life for it. It is better to read our aphorisms and worse laughing. After all, even extra kilograms can be a reason for fun, the main thing is to tune in to positive.

  • I used to be thin, just in kindergarten I was bitten a fat girl!
  • If there were no men, fat and happy women would have lived calmly in the world.
  • Judge on the Internet about fat so that no one suspects that you are complete.
  • I look at myself in the mirror: for which my husband is such happiness, then I get up for the scales - and also so much!
  • Nothing fulfills the girl like a thin girlfriend.

  • In the evening I decided to fuck. The sobs will be devoted to two topics - no one loves me and I am fat.
  • One of the mysteries of nature: how is this woman can burn 5 kg from 1 kg of candy?
  • Nothing is so violating the beauty of the soul and the charm of the touching-fragile inner world of the girl, like a thick pop.
  • Baby, you are so thin that soon you can pass between the rain droplets!
  • Damn, and yet it is nice when you lose weight, lose weight, and you suddenly someone says: "You need so hard! You need to recover!"

  • I'm not thin - I just did not have breakfast. I'm not lying - I compose. I'm not mocking on you - I learn you.
  • Why are you so thin? So that you watched and jealous.
  • Riddle: What does a leaving girl in McDonalds do? Spreads appetite thick!
  • Grandma is the only person on earth for which I will always lose weight.
  • British scientists have established that thin eating on average less than fat!

  • I used to have a bunch of complexes: thin legs, big nose, small breasts, etc. Only one thing left now: Damn, what an earlier I was composed!
  • Bad when thin people think they are thick. But much worse when fat people think that they are thin.
  • Women have no excess weight ... These are additional places for kisses!

  • Hide age easily, weight is much more difficult.
  • Discrimination of thick manifests itself in everything. Why, for example, constantly say "full idiot" and "round fool", but never - "thin idiot" and "rectangular fool"?

Photo in the text:

If a slim girl considers himself Tolstoy (which is observed completely and nearby) - perhaps you just did not see her naked. Fitness instructors report that there are more women at the age of about 30 years, the type of figure of which can be described as "Skinny Fat). It looks like this: outwardly a slender girl who looks fine in clothes, but under it hides the body with uneven fat deposits. Most often, such "thin bbw" can be observed cellulite on their slender legs, fat deposits on their hands, and the belly, which is in a state of hunger flat, falls out after eating.

Those for whom every eaten bun instantly makes itself felt, are forced to start watching food much earlier, playing regularly. Skinny fats are revered on sofas, having lost their wool. "Why should I go to the gym, if I'm so slim," seems to them. While others are working as a muscular frame, future fat harms are completely not engaged in their muscles. And with age, the exchange processes are rebuilt, and their body begins to look no longer slim and young, but flavored and deprived of the tone. It is difficult to accept this with unusual: it is difficult to realize that before they had a wonderful appearance simply, and now it is necessary to work on the body.

"Girls with such type of figure comes a lot. And every year their number grows. This is the result of the modern rhythm of life - office work, fast food, sleep disorders, "confessed Denis Malinin, Personal Coacher coach.

"At the moment, such girls are about 50% of the total. The age, as a rule, is approaching 30, all hamburgers them by this time go sideways in the literal sense of the word "-

anastasia Shevtsova commented, certified personal coach, graduate of the first school of fitness. The main problem of skinni FET - in the absence of muscle tone. However, there will be a big mistake if the girls will simply begin to actively attend strength training. In the case of skinni, Fat is very important to combine them with cardion. "As for the cardios, it should not be endless walking along the path with the phone near the ear. The training should be held in a certain pulse zone, which is determined individually for each (but for the average person is considered by the formula 220 minus age and 70-80% of this value), "advises Denis Malinin. For a start, yoga and dance classes and step are fit. It should be starting gradually because the skinny fat muscles are usually not at all prepared for loads. Anastasia Shevtsova advises such girls a plane view of training - this system is based on balanced loads in all planes in which a person is able to perform movements. The method develops all muscle groups, which is just needing skinnie fates.

In terms of power training, Denis Malinin advises to stick to the main classic exercises: "Sats - Better exercises for the legs and buttocks do not exist, it is enough to work for beginners with its own weight, for more experienced sweats are suitable with weight. For those who have problems with flexibility and coordination, the squats can partially replace the bench legs. You can walk through the steps. And generally use the staircase, and not go to the elevator on the 3rd floor. " Steps - this is just a variation of the attacks, they can still be done in place, one foot on the elevation, step forward, backward, with a shift of legs in the jump, with a barbell, dumbbells, etc. Buttocks also load: rod / dumbbell trails on straight legs, mahs and lead leads (both in simulators, and just on the rug). The dumping stomach is a consequence of both weak abdominal muscles and the wrong posture. The best simulator for the press is a rug on which you can perform various twisting and planks, recommends Malinin. But some twists will not be enough, in everyday life, too, we must not forget about your belly, and always keep it in a tone. As, however, and keep smoothly back. And, of course, it is important to stick to the right nutrition.

According to most coaches, to lose excess fat, you need to stop there are fats and start left to the protein. However, following such advice can lead to the opposite effect and harm the health.

"Fats cannot be excluded. They are needed for the work of the nervous and endocrine system, "Polyna Zakharov warns, the nutritionist and the head of the NPO School of Power School (St. Petersburg). If you abandon fats in the diet, firstly, the hormonal background can seriously suffer, and, as a result, problems with menstruation, dry skin, brittle hair and nails. Secondly, according to studies, with fiv and carbohydrates with proteins by more than 70%, fatty hepatosis occurs - the rebirth of the functional cells of the liver into the fatty tissue, Zakharova said. In addition, the abundance of a protein is a serious burden burden, because the need for a protein in humans is limited, and the excess is displayed with urine.

A nutritionist advises to move to balanced food, refuse fast food, consuming enough fiber, eat fish and seafood, not fry on oil, and add it to the salad. She also focuses that

skinni Fet Figure often happens just a consequence: in this case, instead of fat, the woman loses muscle mass.

It is necessary to solve the problem like this: go off the diet and eat normally. Yes, it will lead to a weight gain, but the muscle mass without a fat increase will not succeed, Polina Zakharova is sure. And only after the restoration of muscle mass with the help of proper nutrition and training, you can go to the weight loss step, but by accurate selection of the food system suitable for you along with your doctor.

And finally: indeed, there are situations when a slender girl simply seems to be that it is thick, it is not uncommon. In order to seriously talk about the imbalance of fat and muscle mass in the body, it is necessary to carry out a biime-presant analysis - the diagnosis of the composition of the body of a person is advised by Zakharov. This study will help learn the real percentage of fat, muscles, water in the body. Special analyzers can be found in health centers, sometimes medical centers or fitness clubs, explained Polina Zakharov's nutritionist. Scales with similar analysis, in her opinion, give an erroneous picture.

Zinaida Kuznetsova


How to lose weight: 4 simple and important fact

You need to give links to this text.And we hope that reading it will force them impotence and malice for non-working wonderful pills, weight loss, diet, returning lost with interest, wonderful simulators from shops on the sofa who advertise the white-tooth athletes engaged in a completely different way, hypnosis , acupuncture, 25th frame, thermopoy, simulators-shake, "Golden Needle of Dr. Mukhina" and other "magic" for lazy people.

Introduced with hunger and useless rule after 18.00, they finally become morally ready to realize these simple facts and start living differently.

1. In order to lose weight, you need to consume less calories than spending

In principle, this could be finished. It's all. There is no other way. Magic is also not.

And even if until 18.00 you have time to eat the packaging "Rafaello" (in the standard packaging about 1000 calories) in addition to the calories already eaten during the day, then neither the 25th frame, no tea for weight loss, nor the hunger strike until the morning you will help you - You will still get fat.

Conversely: If you fly overnight a bun with butter, which fits into the number of calories for you personally, - you will lose weight and without rubbing guano into the skin.

All half-patient and other slimming methods are aimed at either to force you less consume calories (distraction, suppression of appetite, a rigid diet), or to move any more ways. But not everything is so simple.

2. If you are for 30, it is not enough just to consume less calories, you still have to spend more

It is necessary to act on both sides: and cut the calorieness, feeding the healthy food, and increase the calorie consumption using a sports load - if you are a beginner with an excess of fat, it works.

If you act only on the side of food cuts, then you risk becoming a Skinny Fat (greasy thin humidity). This is how the ass is the famous actress of Tara Reed:

And this is the entire Tara Reed entirely: the classic example of Skinny Fat - oily humids and what happens after 30, if only to trim calories and do not do physical exertion

Women after 30 slimming only by cutting calorie reduction - Skinny Fat is guaranteed.

Exit: Get a little more muscle that will help you burn fat without hungry soldering. Either regularly burn fat with serious aerobic loads: for example, running. But it is much better to do this by the power loads in the gym. After all, as you know, we lose weight most often not from running, but from strength training.

And yes: 30 years, of course, the conditional frontier. The exact figure on one side is individual, on the other - unimportant.

3. Temporary diet gives the opposite effect, the only way is to change the lifestyle forever

From a female gloss to semi-tech journals, "Effect of Yo-Yo" is described: how with the help of hungry diets women and girls drive themselves farther and farther from a slim beautiful body.

The mechanism of the effect of short-term diets (with a sharp reduction in calorie consumption up to less than 500-1000 per day) is described. First, the body, having lost calories (in full compliance with fact 1), is inevitably losing weight, since the calorie consumption becomes noticeably less than their spending. Following the cruel drop in calorieness on the power of will, the number of necessary nutrients, vitamins, nutrients is significantly discussed. The appearance is worse, muscle mass is lost. There is an inevitable failure of depression and sooner or later - a breakdown, which leads to uncontrolled food intake and, as a rule, returning spent with the necessary reserve for the next hungry period.

Yes, and rarely, who sits on a diet for life, preferring to disdain after a forced hunger strike and with an additional fat reserve for the next diet. A rare person (if only he is not anorexic going with proudly raised head to sad death) can always keep a hard diet.

In addition, weight loss on a short-term low-calorie diet is not just short-term, but also occurs in many ways due to the loss of muscles, restore which is very hard. And with the loss of muscles, your personal calorie rate also falls and fit into it everything is becoming more difficult.

A healthy and reliable way to lose weight with the consolidation of the result is a change in lifestyle. Not temporary, and forever. Not a temporary diet, but new food habits. In other words, if you sit on the diet, sit down on which you will hold out all my life.

Moreover, it is not necessary and harmful to starve, it suffices to comply with simple principles of healthy nutrition. You can find out in surprise, if one permanently refuses only 100 grams of sweets per day and mayonnaise, then we consume for as many as 500 calories a day less and already begin to lose weight only from this.

4. Lose weight locally impossible

This means: Whatever you do, you will not be able to lose weight separately sides, or legs, or belly. No exercises directed on foot, belly and sides will not allow you to lose weight in this place. It will not help either the "crust" of fat with various mechanisms, no thermal belts (sweat - it is not fat).

In general, any activity aimed at losing weight in a particular place has absolutely no sense. You will not be able to find a person who could lose weight only in the waist area, or just "removed the Boca" (if only he did liposuction). Because it is impossible and proven by scientific research.

By the way, why these devices (for example, the simulators-shaking or thermopoy) are sold and advertised - we do not know, as well as do not know why their manufacturers and sellers are not sitting for fraud. Apparently, it's legally everything is clean.

In women's forums, the effects of "shaking", the most useless spending of time and money are discussed.

The most idiotic classes in the hope of losing weight in the waist area and on the stomach: to wrap the film and run along the treadmill or do exercises and twisting on the press in the hope of reducing the waist and get into cubes (twisting at all can lead to the opposite effect).

So, again: it is possible to lose weight only and this process is not controlled and is not modeled (repeat: if only not liposuction) and depends on the individual characteristics of the body. In men, most often the fat leaves with the Niza abdomen, some women in the area of \u200b\u200bpriests, sides, hands or feet. It depends on the individual problem zone and cannot be done about it. In other words, if your problem zone is a stomach, then you will defily "lose weight". It is possible only when fat, too, "left" in other places.

Therefore, if you see in the VKontakte community or in a gloss magazine, an article type "5 exercises for the appearance of the waist" - boldly Ban and throw in the furnace. This is a lie. Because if these 5 exercises lead to the appearance of the waist, then most likely in the very least, after the appearance of the entire accompanying waist of baggage: slender legs, strong beautiful back, elastic priests, and so on.

And if you gain patience, then almost any body can be brought to at least a satisfactory condition for the year of persistent workouts and proper nutrition, and the first noticeable results you will see after 3 months.


If anyway against the strength training - run, swim, fucked.

If there is not enough motivation, you cannot force yourself - go to #sekta: it's better than nothing.

If you still do not believe us - bring the facts that we are wrong.

If you have any questions, leave in the comments - we will answer each.


Here are some sources that have become the database for this text.

You can also google the Effect of Yo-Yo and read about it in any source that will issue a search engine.

Comments: 21.


    All this is useful and great. I was embarrassed by one point - the pulse at which fat is best incinerated .. I get 193 .. How long does it possibly keep such a pulse without harm to the heart?

    17.09.2015 / 07:55


    All exactly about me! I am 23 years old. Everyone believes that I am slim with a flawless figure, but damn what their expression of a person when they see me in a swimsuit or underwear ...) About the discoverished belly - everything is for sure! We even risen: I filled me after the satisfying dinner and laid out photos of VC) Everyone decided that I was on the 6th month and rushed to congratulate))) And about the strength - I am very weak, finally began to study myself and at the beginning I could not even dumbbell 2 kg more than 5 raise times. A month later I already calmly pressed from the floor)))

    13.12.2016 / 16:34


    And I thought that the muscles do not grow, because I am ectomorph. A day later I was exacerbated by workouts, proper nutrition, the body was tightened as a whole, but the belly is not perfect, it is worth eating something wrong and everything .. there is no priest, or rather, it is gratitude. Galifa with training disappeared and a huge gap between the legs was formed, I didn't really like it. She stopped engaged, there were rasaches, too rumbling. Everything is not than glory to God.

    24.12.2016 / 22:35


    I skinni fat. Places, i.e. Not everything about me, but much is straight to the point. I am still very weak health and physically and not young - right and NZ, what to do. I sit for 5 years on PP - does not help. Now I am looking for someone who helps with training. Despite the weight "Growth Minus 110" look terribly ...

    03.04.2017 / 17:57


    That's right, excellent text! It looks like me) At 50, it began to study fitness with a trainer regularly, first 2 r / weeks, then 4. Restrictions in food are very small. Already in this mode for 5 years. In terms of exercises, we make approximately all that is written in the article. The result is! The body pulled up, a swimsuit view - ok)

    17.05.2019 / 09:59


    Oksana, Each action on the alculator is done separately, that is, first subtracting, and then the amount received first to type and multiply by 0.8 if you dial to one action Calculator changes the order, as it should be in mathematical rules)