Repairs Design Furniture

Detailed text passing game Soma


Apartment Simon.

Look at the introductory video. In order to interact with any objects, click the wrong button. Answer the wound by mobile phone. After that, the Office will turn entirely into your dandy. For movement on the doors, use a typical key set - W, S, A and D. So, read the apartment. You can enable light using switches on the wall. In unequal boxes and bedside tables there will be magazines, photos, postcards and other scrolls. Inspect them if you are entertaining.

Listen to the notification on the answering machine, then run the electronic read on the computer. Send a message from Chernivikov. After that, speak to the front door of the apartment, where the kitchen corner is located. In the cabinet hanging on the wall above kitchen table, find the drug the main hero. By the way, it can also be hidden in the cabinet placed in the bathroom.
Simon medication can be hidden inside the cabinet in the Bathroom Hubber. Even the drug, climbing the wrong button. By the way, in the upper retractable drawer of the table, on which the laptop is standing, eat the wristband from the newspaper. It tells it about what happened to the main hero.

When you destroy the drug, come to the entrance door, take a bundle of keys from the plate on the left (optional) and leave the apartment.

Train Metropolitan

In the metropolitan, respond to the Zzvonist Jesse, which you sent a message from Chernivikov. After talking to him, wait for Simon to find himself in the hospital.


After you get in the hospital, look around. You can push the curtains on the windows, and you can turn on the light. Ahead of the left to eat the reception of the administrator. Go for it and look into the laptop located on the table. Open the message "All locked". Here it is shown that passwords of access to the laboratory were changed. New passwords are recorded somewhere on a leaflet.

Go to the door not far away and try to challenge her. Simon self-use will grab the phone and you will only be left to click the Call button in order to deal with Dr. Munshi. Unfortunately, his phone is disabled, because the access code into the laboratory is to be looking for independently. Return to the administrator rack and hatch upper drawer. There should be a notebook. Look at it and in the extension of the part envy the four-digit code circled into a rectangular frame. In my case, the code was 2501. It changes or twin, it was not checked. Enter the code 2501 on the left side of the door.

If the code is entered correctly, you will hear a specific signal. Open the door from yourself and minute to the corridor. The next point of the direction: the door in the opposite coffin. Come and raise it. Go to the Mountainhouse, where Dr. Munshi will be. Communicate with him a few one, and after you are ready to plunge into the world of horrors, sit down in the chair in the middle.
The most chair, which is to save the brain Simon. Look out the cat scene. We continue the passage of Soma on

Station "Epsilon"

First compartment

As a whole, the most important hero will come to themselves, then rise from the chair and come to the red light in front of the left. Pull the toggle to turn on the light. Inspect the room, after which, take the fire extinguisher in the day and throw it into the cracked window to the left of the door. Watch out in the corridor through the window hole and hatch the door from this side, so that it was possible to return to the starting room. To do this, you need to free the huge lock on the focus of the door, moving the lever counterclockwise, and then click on the yellow button.

If you go right away from the door, standing to her Murl, then you are staring into the grid with a lock. Go to other Palestine. On the fork, the minute droplets forward and look at the door on the right leading to the hangar (Machine Hangar). Remove the lock and press the yellow color button to the left of the door. Initially, this button is red, as if in the case of the starting room.

Go through the hangar, and then move to his amka, where the robot hangs. Click on it in order to listen to the memory. When you hear the thunder sound, then stay in this huber. Wait for the situation when the creature subsides. Return to the corridor. As you see, the door is broken. However, now revealed the course of the right, but you do not hurt there.

Follow returns to the Palestine Palestine, and skate to the right. On the left and right to eat two flames. Room on the right, Break Room, wound. Another left of the doorway is located the Offline panel is an intercom. Click on it with an invalid mouse button, in order to listen to another memory. If you do not want to listen to the memory to the coffin, you can turn it off by clicking on the left mouse button.

In the toilet and dining doctors are nothing twin. Complete distant by the corridor where the access after the monster appears. Roll to the right, as if suddenly turns off the light. Try to come to the lit door. You will hear terrible sounds. Retribute and get on. When the sounds evaporate, and together with them and go out the light outside the door, then you will raise it and go over. On the table on the right, find the Omni tool. You will use right up to the complete game. Leave the doors and move forward. In the coffin of the coffins, you must reach a huge round hatch, on the left side of what will be the control panel. Apply the Omni tool on this control panel. Access will be denied.

Return to the starting room and inspect the computer on the left at the entrance. The monitor says notice that the Omni instrument should be screwed. Insert it into the slot to the left of the monitor. Now look at the monitor. You envy four exposed. You must run in the exposure of the "Omni tool". Check out the information about the tapping chip and encephalocype. Neither one nor other in the Omni tool is done. Click on the "Open Box for Chip" button. Now the glass tire to the left of the slot with the Omni tool is open, everything is on the same table. Pull out one and either from chips and screw it into the Omni tool.
After that, look at the monitor again, choose the "Managing Chip" exposed and click on the Update button. Access codes are refreshed. Now you can pick up the Omni tool and return returns to the door itself. Open this door in the hatch figure. Go forward to the tunnel with glass Walls. Left will be the intercom, with what you can listen to the memory. Go forward, no docome falls in the hill, where you dampen. In order to continue the journey, you must click on the oscillation plant on the panel on the right. In order not to spoil ", we will not tell the origin of the plant. But volley can be noted that when contacting him, Simon begins to feel more important (health is restored). Having done this, you will not be able to return to the preceding compartment.

Second compartment

To the right to eat the stroke into ventilation. Climb through ventilation system In the left distant move, in order to get out into a single available room. Go to Amba Nights, where the semi-discontinued robot is lying on the floor. Disconnect the robot from the power, pulling out two cords. After that, the button on the panel will become yellow color. Click on this button in order to activate the computer on the right. Look at the computer. Here to eat two scales. Under the monitor with them there are three buttons of red. Click on the wrong button and go around when the upper scale is filled to green color. Immediately press the mediocre button. Wait for it when and idle scale will be filled to green. After that, you can click on the left button in order to run the entire system.
Those the most buttons you need to click in a certain sequence. How will this happen, wait for the woman with you. Listen to the conversation between her and Simon. Only after that the door will open. Go to the spacious hall and move around the bridge, the counterpart will not collapse. You can try to raise the staircase in the ladder, however, and it will fall a dol. Locations enzymes a huge robot. Do not fall asleep to fall on Luma. Go around it. In the distant reverse corner, eat a stepped staircase leading up. Climb on it on one one and the same spit, pull the lever in order to turn the hatch, and then follow the sublime. Passing through the hatch, pull the lever on another Palestine, in order to create a move.

Follow the steps even sublime and get in the hubber with several doors. Immediately click on the plant not far from the table with blocked computers. It will be on the wall, where a structural gel of black color is dripping from the ceiling. Drain. Both computers are blocked. It is required to start some kind of ID. Go to the stairs leading up. She will be in half a flap. The path to the top is blocked by a hatch, to challenge which you can with the support of the lever. The lever will be near, however it is blocked.

So now to eat three doors, through what could you be unavailable. One of the doors leads to a doors with rails and several repairmen robots, which you can envy through the windows. For the alphabet, the minute at the door of Visavi her and get in a small doors. Click on the broken robot, lying on the floor, in order to watch the memories.

Return back and minute to the room visa, where to eat several repairmen. You will hear a voice calling about help. On the rails between the repairmen are singing single-odded robot. Talk to him. He claims that he is Chamken. In the coffin rail to eat a huge wardrobe with a red lever. If you pull for this lever, then the robot, the Master of himself, will begin to kill the current. It will make it not Boyko, therefore you can return the lever to the starting pose.

Return to the central hill and minute through the third door, they still did not fit. The body is lying on the floor in the corridor. Inspect it. Click the wrong button with the mouse to listen to the memory. After that click on the plastic card on your chest. It is and eat Karl Sameken. Remember it ID: 0722. Return to one of the two computers and click on the "Change" button. Enter the newly made ID: 0722. After that, click on "OK".

So, you pumped into the computer as if Karl Samken. View all files. It was needed by the "power management". In this section, eat six points: thermal chamber, middle communication, storage room, factory, flow regulator and ducker. Immediately you can click on the storage room and the flow regulator, in order to unlock these flames. Click on focus of communication. Please note that the screen shows the map where two sections are shown. You must disable one of these two sections in order to submit energy in the middle of the communication.

One of these sections is the same lever of red, which when the activation is attended by the robot begins to kill. You have a difficult choice: in order to submit energy in the middle of the Communications, it is necessary to kill the robot, who considers himself to Karl Sameken. However, even if you get to the second lever, the robot will die all equal. Warehouse, which you have occurred, will be near these computers. Inside on the table you will find the writing about the black box. What is touched by the porn "flow regulator", then it's like that room, where there will be a different lever (second section). In this passage, a choice was made in favor of this lever.

After that the lever was activated (fidge, the warning hangs on the right of it, which is in need of everything in extreme cases), then the electricity will be partially disabled. The same speed robot appears. Go around it, go back to the computer, in which I was introduced by ID Chamken. Go to the "Power Management" tab and avoid the "Communication Center", in order to activate the lever in the focus of this hall, near the stairs. Go to the lever, pull it for it and envy that the hatch opens upstairs. Quickly raise in the middle and pull the left lever on the left. You're safe!

Activate the outflow on the left, this is the third on the score. Inspect the computer to the left and restore the files. Listen to four audio recordings. After that, come to a huge computer and click on the yellow button. So, from here you can try to deal with one of the other stations. As it is famous, you are on Epsilon. Enter real stations "Theta": 2202. Click on the "OK" button. Now you need to catch a signal. The screenshot will not be, however, the example coordinates are Takovskiy: 2557 x 3273.

Contact the Lambda station by coordinates of 1500 x 6600. It is there that there will be a woman, you talked to it before. To click Catherine Chun. Communicate about everything, do not fall in water.

Under water

Rear to the ledge and move forward. On the left side on one of the designs will be the intercom, when you click on what you listen to the conversation from the past. Soon on the development of the left, you envy the robot, which asks to give him a structural gel. Go around Palestine. Even if he starts to attack you, then simply run-off. After returning and minut the left or posison. In the coffin of the coffins, you must envy the design with a signboard Shuttle B Upsilon. She will have the rocks on the left. To the right of her in the sand is lying a drip robot attached by stone. Move the stone, so that the robot could sail you.

Follow forward and left. Move along the track lined with small lanterns. In the coffin of the coffins, you envy the hatch leading to the station with shuttles. Click on the button on the right, in order to try to turn it out. It will not work out, however, but through a few seconds a drip robot swims and reveals the door. Completely and apply an Omni tool on the control panel on the right.

Station Shuttles

Wait for all the water from the compartment will be cleaned and turn down the course in the hillside. Go back on the corridor. From now on, when you click on the F key, you can activate the lantern. From the invalid side will hang the panel. Click on it in order to listen to the conversation from the past. Inspect the plant in front. Click on it, after which try to pull over the scarlet lever.
The root of NiU, when contacting with which Simon feels more important than (excites health). No one will happen. Wrap and mini droplet back. Roll over shuttle left. Move along the rails, as if you get in a dead end, drive and wonded through the hole with an invalid side. So you will be moving around to other Palestine. Go to the hill in the tunnel coffin. Inspect the Amy's body connected to the system. Pull up two cables from the shield on the right. Amy will die, but you can activate feeding. Return to the lever and pull it.

Wrap and go to the shuttle on the right. Place the Omnie tool in the slot to the left of the pilot's chair. Switch the three togglers and click on the red button. Turn to Murl to the chair and click on it, so as to sit down. Choose a Lambda station as a point of direction.

1. Prologue
Soma. Passage


In the introductory video, we look like the protagonist driven by a car with a girl, and then hit an accident.

Wake up in your apartment. We answer the phone call, learn that the doctor is waiting for a brain scanning. In the room we can interact with any subject, notes can be read. Turn on the light, push the curtains to be lighter. To the right of the entrance door we find the "to do" board, where the list of cases is written today. Perform them.

1. You need to send a reminder of Jesse. We approach the laptop, read letters. We send written, but not yet sent message colleague. (In the top box of the table we can find a newspaper clipping about the car accident. What was in the introductory video - not a dream, the hero really got into an accident on April 10, 2015. His girl died, and he got a concussion of the brain, from which he was now treated).

2. You need to find a marker fluid before going to the doctor. Open the door to the bathroom, over the sink, open the mounted locker, there we find the right medicine.

The third task on the board is to buy flowers for funeral, but it is not necessary to perform it. We go to the entrance door, take the keys to the house and go out.


On the way to the doctor, sitting on the train of the subway, answer the call of Jesse-Grimoire. After talking with a colleague, we donate to the place.

There is no one in the reception room, there is no repair here. We turn on the light, tear the curtains. (You see through the window that the place of action is somewhere in Canada). The next door is closed, the doctor does not respond to calls.

We come to the administrator's rack, read the messages on the laptop. The text states that passwords of access to the laboratory were replaced, they are recorded somewhere on paper. Open the top box of the table, inspect the notebook, the figures are circled in it " 2501 ". The found code is introduced into the digital lock on the door.

We fall into the inner corridor. Side doors do not open, but there is nothing in the server. We go to the far room, there we are waiting for Dr. Munshi. After talking, sitting in the chair, we pass the brain scanning procedure.

2. Station Epsilon
Soma. Passage. Pathos-II. Upsilon

Compartment 03.

Come into consciousness elsewhere, somewhere in the distant future. We go to the red light, lower the switches down to turn on the light. The output from the room is closed, but on the left there is a window with a cracked glass. From the wall we take a fire extinguisher, throw it into the glass. We choose through a broken window. Outside, you can already open the door: drain for the lever, throwing the locking device.

In the corridor, many rooms, but they are all signed, and you can navigate their names on the signs. We left "Tech Depot" (Technical Depot). Nearby there is a toilet and "Break Room" (lounge), there is nothing interesting inside. (To the right of the door "Break Room" there is a voice panel, touch it to listen to the message).

By the corridor we go to "Machine Hangar" (hangar robots), remove the lock from the door. We examine the hanging robots, we touch one of them to listen to the memory. Immediately after that, I heard the roar and steps of some creature. Linding in the dark corner, and when everything subsides, we go out into the corridor.

In the corridor just raised the lattice door, we go to it. We fall on the central intersection of the compartment compartment "03. Suddenly, the light is turned off, the terrible sounds are repeated. Sat and hiding in one of the dark corners. Having waited for silence, we go to the only door with which you can remove the magnetic castle.

We enter the "Storage" (warehouse). On the lit table on the right we take an Omni tool. Next, we can read the instructions about this device. This is a kind of control panel, which you can open the doors here, turn on devices. Access levels are opened by adding new chips to this device.

We saw the panel to configure the Omni tool in the very first room, we return there - in the "Tech Depot" room. Making the setting:

1. We put the Omnie device on the "Service Console. Omnitool Chip Installer" panel.

2. Watch out the screen on the right. In the menu, select the 3rd line "Omni tool", then the line "Open the chip box".

3. The glass cover opened on the panel from the left edge, we take one of the chips under it, insert it into the top of the tool.

4. We look at the monitor again. Select the line "Managing Chip". Click the "Update" button.

We go back to the intersection of the compartment compartment "03", we turn into the corridor to the right, behind the lattice walls in the center of the intersection. In the dark corridor we turn left, we find a round door in the form of a hatch. Omni tool Open access to the next compartment.

We pass through the tunnel with glass walls, through which the seabed can be seen. (In the central dome on the left side we can listen to the message).

Compartment "04"

The corridor is blocked for us, there is no way back. A strange plant with tentacles rose on the control panel on the right. Top to the plant, it restores the health of the hero. To get out of the blocked room, we climb the ventilation hatch on the wall. Clear into the left far corner, the rest of the way lead to a dead end.

We fall into the "Control Station A" room. On the floor, we find a destroyed robot connected to the panel. I pull out two hoses that robot clung to the panel. From this robot will die, but electricity will appear on the panel. Press the yellowed power button, it will turn on the monitor on the right. On the monitor inscription "Manual load order" and two scales. Under the monitor three red buttons.

1. The first button includes filling the scale. Click it at the very beginning.

2. Second - stops the top scale. Click it when the scale will reach the green sector.

3. The third - stops the lower scale. Also press it in the green sector.

It turns on the power of the entire sector. On the left in the panel, we listen to a message from a woman from the Lambda complex. She sends us to the center of communication.

We go into the open door, go down to the lower floor of the Bolshoi Angara. A monster appears here. One touch with him can kill us. But the monster is clumsy and very noise, it is easy to hide or run away from it. (The left wall has a "flower" to which you can touch). We need to imperceptibly get to the inclined staircase in the right corner. Having risen to one spit, lower the lever to open the hatch to the upper floor. Running up, omit another lever to close the hatch and tear away from the pursuing monster.

Floor 3.

In the room "CONTROL STATION B" Many doors. There is a computer on the table, but you need access codes - ID employee number. At the walls opposite another "flower". On the side of the side there is a map of the entire compartment. We started at the power plants, we rose past the floor of the administration, and now we are in the premises of the plant.

We pass to the room "Assembly B" (assembly b), we see the conveyor and a robot, which calls himself the human name Karl Samken. On the left there is a generator if you turn it off, the robot will be bad, but then it can be turned on back.

We enter a small room "Workshop" (workshop). Here you can one destroyed robot, we can listen to his memories.

We return to the center, go to the unsigned corridor. On the way we find a dead body, it has a bageik "Semken Carl, ID: 0722". If you touch the body yourself, listen to his memories. In a dead end, a locked room, we go to the right. Climbing the stairs, inspect the personal lockers on the right, we find the second badge "Azzaro Amy, ID: 0735". Luke ahead is locked, return to the center.

To enter the computer, enter one of the found ID - 0722 or 0735 . (U. different people Different information in the "Messages" tab). In the menu, select the line "Power Management". We can enable meals on two buttons: "Warehouse" and "Flow Controller", it will open the doors to these rooms. When trying to include the "Communication Center", where we need, a card with two chubs appears. We need to turn off one of them to appear excessive energy. The 1st lever will kill the robot on the conveyor. The 2nd lever will turn off an important system of the power plant.

We go to the opening room "Storage" (warehouse), turn on the light, we find a suitcase with a black box device - a chip implanted in the human brain, but it is impossible to use it.

We go to the corridor in the opened left room "Flow Control" (flow control). Inside, we can press one of the necessary levers. Touch the growth in the form of a flower.

After pressing any of the two levers, there will be a clumsy dongy robot in the central room. We are imperceptibly making my way by him, we enter the computer, give energy to the "Communication Center" room. From this, the lever is unlocked near the stairs upstairs, come together, press the lever, run into the opened hatch, lock the door with another lever.

Communications center

Here is another "flower", touch it. Come to the computer, restore audio recordings. They dated 2103 year. Listen to everything. Nearby there is a map with several sheets of information.

We approach the panel with a large screen, press the power button. From here you can call any other station of the underwater complex. We need to contact the girl at the Lambda station, its code is indicated on the screen - 2203 . You need to configure the signal by moving the goal across the screen. The desired point on the left below from the center (coordinates of 1500 x 6600). We continue the started conversation. Catherine Chun's girl tells how to get to her complex, where much safer. During the conversation, the dome of the building is destroyed, and the room instantly floods the water.

3. Station Epsilon B
Passage of Soma game

Under water

We discover that we have a suit-saucer, and we can calmly be under water. We go to the slope in the wall, jump and grab about the ledge.

Outside, we go on the seabed. We pass under the bridge, we go on the right way where the red light bulbs are burning. On the right on one of the walls listening to the device with the message. On the way, we find a small floating robot, which, as everything, is chasing the structural gel. We run away from him, it moves very slowly.

We approach the building with a small green sign "Upsilon B". The structure is located on the left of the cliff, and on the way right in front of us friendly robotstoned. We disassemble the challenge, the robot sails for us and will cover the road (without it there is no further).

Ahead is a large green structure, a red floating robot breaks into it. Around the building you can get around the circle, but there is nothing there. We need to go to the left and left. On this path, we reach the big round hatch with the inscription "Shuttlestation. Upsilon B". We are trying to open the hatch, but nothing happens. The saved robot cuts the rusted castle, then we can enter the gateway.

Station Shuttles

Waving to pump water from the gateway, we enter inside, turn on the flashlight ("F" key). On the left panel we can listen to the message. At the station there are two shuttle, but there is no energy for their launch. In front of the shield there is a strange plant with a "flower", touch him, but this time it tries to bite off our hand.

It is necessary to find a source of energy. We go along the rails in a tunnel of one of the shutters, the blockage goes around to the left in a narrow cave. In a dead end, we find the body of the girl Amy, connected by hoses with a strange marine plant. I pull out two cables from the shield, from this Amy will die, but energy will appear.

We return to the station, press the lever, the power supply turns on.

(In a blue car, we find a video clip. In the "Clash" section, it is explained what happened on Earth. On January 12, 2103, the Comet of the body fell into the Pacific Ocean, all the land washed off the most powerful tsunami from the collision. Survive managed only to those who were at the underwater station).

We enter into a green car. Insert the Omni tool in the left pane. Click on three toggle, press the red button. Sit down in the control chair. From above, a screen will appear with the movement route, select the Lambda station.

(While we are going, from the monitor screen, we recognize the purpose of all this underwater complex "Paphos-2" - this is the first underwater pad for the launch of objects into space. Under water it turned out to build the longest electromagnetic gun, which would occur on Earth under its weight).

4. Lambda Station
Soma. Passage

Tunnel Shtla

On the way there is an obstacle, the shuttle is destroyed. We take the Omni device, press the button at the bottom in front of the seat that open an emergency output. Further walk on the tunnel. We listen to the message at the intercom on the right. At the end of the tunnel there is a flower, touch it.

You need to use technical hatch, it is in the side wall under the light bulb. We return back, we climb into the hatch. We fall into the gateway, turn on its Omni tool. The room will fill the water. Under the staircase that appears, crash to the surface.

Under water

We go straight along the lighted path, there is nothing in the impasses to the left and right. We meet an aggressive robot, go around. We reach the gateway to the Lambda station. Further on the road there is a rescue capsule and another building, but there is nothing yet. We enter the gateway.


I hear cries ahead, a monster appears in the corridor. We run back, hiding in a dark place. When the sounds subsided, we go out, we go to the intersection, we turn left.

In the room we find Catherine, but it is not a person, but the mind placed in the robot. Catherine notes that we are also not a person, but a walking diving suit with electronics. In the right side of the room insert the Omni tool in the panel. Remove the Catherine chip from the destroyed robot on the floor, insert it in Omni. From the girl learn about her project "Ark".

At the request of Catherine, we go to the next room in the part of the corridor, inspect the computer there. We inspect all tabs, but we need only the last "ark - tracking". Next you need to find the ark on the map:

1. Choose a sector with Earth (Earth).

2. The central sector between America and Africa.

3. Sector with Tau complex (Tau).

4. Sector with upper large room.

The computer will calculate the route to the ark. Now we can inspect other rooms. At the end of the corridor there is a toilet, inside the regenerating flower. Return to Catherine. We take an Omni tool and go back to the seabed through the same gateway.

Under water

We go to the rescue capsule not far from Lambda. It fails to run it, but here we get access codes to the ship and other capsules. We go further along the bottom, moving along the line of green lamps.

We enter into a small sunken ship, we climb the stairs, pass through the ventilation, we leave outwardly on the other side. We pass further, we find a huge ship that crashed into the bottom with your nose, and now it is vertically. In the center we find hole, we climb inside.

Sound ship

A strange glowing monster robot monster lives on the ship, which cannot be looked. If we look in his direction, he will begin to approach us, instantly teleporting for short distances. If you turn around, he will not be able to do anything. We can even move forward, turning his back, if we are sure that there is no monster on the way, and we yourself accidentally come to him.

1st floor. Climb upstairs, all doors on the way you need to move aside. On the ship corridors are numbered, you can focus on these inscriptions. In the corridor F1.3 in the right room there is a flower recovery. On the first floor we must reach the corridor F1.1, there is a valve on the wall in it. Turning back to the monster, turn the valve, we climb the lowered stairs.

2nd floor. In the center of the floor there big room - kitchen. In the side corridors we find a rescue capsule, but it is blocked, you need to go further. In the kitchen we climb the stairs at the side wall.

3rd floor. We arrive in the cargo compartment, we climb along the steps, we get into the engine room. Here on the sides of the cables of a strange plant connected to all four vehicle reactors. As soon as we handed three cables, the system overload will occur, a flashing monster will appear ahead. Now he will chase us constantly, just hide or turn away. Quickly run back to the second floor, sang in the capsule.

The girl launches the capsule, and in terms of a strange plant, enhanced all the facilities around. This is an artificial intelligence called NiU, a living substance, published from under the control of people.

5. Delta Station
Soma. How to pass the game

Inspection station

Far to float failed. The reactors in the flooded ship exploded, and our capsule was damaged by an explosive wave. We take the Omni tool, we are chosen out through the top hatch.

We arrive at the central platform of the Delta station. Nearby twist two friendly robots. On the side of find a small building "Control Room", we enter inside. The dead diver can listen to the memory. On the computer we can see the map of this zone.

In the neighboring building "Control Room 2" you need to pass through the working gateway. Inside the puddles of blood, inscriptions on the walls, and on the computer only a chess game.

Inside a large building (HQ on the map) we find a recovery flower. The dead diver has a memory. On the computer we can read messages, information about robots-drones.

Challenge chapel

Outside we go to the north, on the landing platform (Landing Platform on the map). Before entering the entrance to the sign, and to the right of it, the device where the transport chapelin can be caused. But none of the transports responds, no connection.

We go to the south, we find the building with the sign "Delta", to the right of it separately there is a communication setting panel (COMM. Antenna on the map). We turn it on, in the left part, we choose one of the three directions, select the communication channel number on the right. (If you select the lower red line 216 and channel 7, and then approach the chapelin panel, we can communicate with an unfamiliar person, but then the connection will still stop).

1. On the left, press the rotation button so that the blue area stops on the right yellow line.

2. On the right side of the screen, select communication channel 5.

3. We go to the panel in front of the landing zone, we choose "Zeppelin - 049", click first "Echo", and then the "Request Transport" button.

Preparation for the trip

We wait for the zepelin mooring, go on its platform. On the central partition you can listen to the message. Insert Omni in the control panel, communicate with Catherine. We learn that the control chip is broken. A working chip can be found in any of two floating robots.

The box was opened to the left of the chapel panel, press the yellow button, we take a shocker from it. We come close to any robot when the target appears, attack. A small robot dies from one blow, big - with three. From the fragments of the robot, we get a chip, go and insert it into an Omni tool. Press the lever on the panel to the right, press the button. Swim the next station.

6. Station Teta
Soma. How to pass the game

Playground in front of the station

Sit down on the site, taking Omni. We go on the seabed, on the way we listen to two messages from devices on the posts. On the left side we find a damaged robot, in it the mind of the local stationery station. We can turn off his hose from the plant so that it died.

We approach the massive door, on the right there is a device for opening. We remove the shield, inside turn a circular lever, pull it on yourself, turn it again, and then insert into place. If the light caught fire, we can lower the right lever, the door will open.

Compartment 01.

Through the gateway we get to the central room. Here the doors lead in five different compartments, but they are all blocked. We go to the right, we take a fire extinguisher, throw it out into the window, prolazes inside the compartment 01.

We find the control panel, insert the Omni tool into it. Catherine instructs us to find access codes to submarine, where you can go down to the "ark". The girl unlocks a couple of compartments at the station. On the computer next we can see the map of the three floors of the station. Return to the center.

Compartment 03.

We go to the door with the inscription "03". In the corridor, the fork, on the left - deadlock, right - living room. On the side wall of the corridor there is a flower. We get to the corridor with personal cabins, inspect open rooms, in them a lot of records. We can visit Catherine's room, in it she will comment on the selected items. In one of the distant rooms we find a regenerating flower.

We return to the living room, we go to the side corridor, we get into the scanning laboratory of the mind. Listen to the memoil at the intercom. For the scan seat, we enter a small room, on the computer we discover the scans of four people. Among them, the scan of the mind of Dr. Munshi and scan of our main character - Jarrette Simon. We listen to audio recordings. After that, we can erase your copy from the computer.

In another side room, the Catherine's office and the scan storage on removable chips. We inspect everything, after which we go back to the center of the station.

Compartment 04. Server

We go down to destroyed steps, get into the server room. We make your way through narrow passages between the cabinets. An unusual monster lives here, who does not see us in the emphasis, but heard perfectly. You need to move only sitting, it is impossible to touch the floor items so as not to create noise.

We get to the terminal in the far wall, press the button, lower the toggle switch down. A reboot of the router will begin, it will attract the attention of the monster, it is necessary to temporarily move away. After 10-15 seconds, it is necessary to approach the terminal to confirm the changes. (If we do not have time to come on time, you will have to start the process again). To safely approach, take any item from the floor, throw it away from the terminal. The monster will be distinguished on the noise and deceased, at this time fit and switch the toggle switch back to the upper position. Having made it, we can return to the center.

Interrogation of copies of man

We return to the compartment "03" to the Laboratory of Catherine Chun. Now all computers work here. We can download a copy of any person and find out the modified submarine access codes.

1. We go to the side room, where chips are stored on round stands. Most chip have been spoiled for a long time, and we need to find a whole. We inspect the left far stand, twice twice by pressing the green triangular button on the panel. We find a working chip with the images of people, it will be highlighted.

2. Go back to the laboratory, on the table to the left of the computer we find the reader, insert the chip into it. On the screen, choose a suitable person who could know codes. We choose the third line "Van Brandon". Run the virtual world. Catherine interrogates Brandon, but he will be afraid of the lack of a normal environment, and nothing will say anything.

3. When you start simulation, there are "Wednesday" and "module" settings, we need to find another module to appear selection options. We look at the room, at the next table we find a red and white box, open, inside find the chip medium. Insert it into the second reader. Now in the simulation there are two locations "Beach" and "Winter Base". But it does not help.

4. We go to the corridor with personal cabins, we enter the "Brandon Wan" room, Catherine will open it. Inside, listening to all audio messages, read the entries. We learn that Wang was familiar with Alice. Catherine records Alice's voice, now she can depict it in simulation. We return, launch the simulation, but this also does not help. Van is frightened by an unusual environment.

5. Remove the second chip, we go to the scan room, connect it to the computer. On the screen, select the line "Verification environment - a scan room.", Press the "Copy to Chip" button. We return to the laboratory, insert the chip in place. We choose Wednesday - "Scanning Room", Module "Alice", only after that Wang agrees to tell the access code.

Compartment 02. Submarine

We go to the compartment "01", take the Omni tool. We approach the goal in the compartment "02", on the wall we use Omni on the wall, it will open access.

In the center of the room fenced territory, and overwater boat "Danbet" hangs above it. Near the control panel without meals. On the floor we find the cable, insert it into the right wall of the panel. Press the button on the panel, turn all the dimingers into the right position. This submarine comes will comes to him, even the human mind placed in her. She will split and break.

We'll have to look for another transport. Making the ladder-ladder closer to the wall, we climb on the ventilation hatch. Write to the next laboratory.

Prototype "Ark"

The room has a plant if you need to restore health. Insert Omni in the panel. We read the files on computers, inspect the drawing board, find out more about the "Ark" (Ark). We approach the capsule, we enter it to scan. We learn that the main character is a jacket with a body of a dead woman imported by Reed, and a built-in chip with a copy of Symmon's consciousness.

On the right of the Omni panel is a computer, look into its system unit, insert the end of the cable there. The computer monitor shows the assembly of a virtual world, such as the ark. We need to choose the necessary modules so that they fit in the hard disk memory.

1. Files isolated by the red background are selected. Initially, turn off all the lines so that they become with a black background.

2. Rights on top are shown modules that must be turned on. Drive the cursor over the files when we share the desired line, the message to the right will become green. Turn on this line. New requirements will appear for it. We repeat these actions until we fulfill all the conditions.

3. The following assembly will be obtained. Systems on the left are all included, except for two: "SISTE_NIFI_MYGK", "SYSTE_SET_RAST_BAZ" (they need to be disconnected). Only three lines are selected in the objects: "Pak_Soma_Chel", "SrD_Mod_k", "VNSHN_LUN_PLN". On the right, the "Next" button will appear, press it.

4. The "Vival" simulator is launched. Reduce the "allocation of resources" setting up to 5% to slow down the simulation processes. When a string "Test" appears in the upper right corner, press the "Stop simulation" button. Click "Diagnostics".

Diagnostics showed excellent performance of the prototype, it means the "Ark" worker himself, and it must be sought. We take the Omni tool, go to the opened doors.

Locked floor

We pass forward, we see a blocked elevator. On the right, listen to the memories of Wang Brandon, it turned off the elevator, drove the connecting chip from the elevator button on the left.

On the side wall there is a map of this floor, without it you can get confused in the network of corridors. Now we are near "Main Lift". We need to get into the "Omega Management" in the lower right corner of the map where the chip is. But at first it is better to inspect all other rooms.

In terms of level, two-legged clumsy monster walks, so it is impossible to make it very much. In the northern corner of the western corridor there is a flower. Another flower in the room "Storage". In the room "Casing" there is a memoil at the intercom. In "Medical Laboratory" there is an audio message about the first cases of mergers of people with NiU, from which Monsters appeared.

1. In the left upper room, "Security Check Point" on the computer in the first tab can be controlled by door lock. We block any of the unnecessary rooms, after that we can unlock the "Omega Management" room you need. (Although, in this room you can get, simply by breaking the window with a heavy object taken from the warehouse).

2. In the "Omega" room we find the body of Wang Brarendan, we can listen to his memories. Pull the connecting chip from his hand. After that, the light on the floor will go out, and the wandering monster will be more difficult to notice.

3. Go back to the security room. Insert the chip into the reader. On the computer, select "Code Management", update codes on the chip.

4. We return to the elevator. Insert the chip into the panel on the left. Lower two holders from above and below. Close the panel cover, click on its button. In the elevator, press the "technical board" or "station" to descend down.

Lower floors

The elevator will stop halfway. We open the hatch in the floor, go down on the stairs. But the staircase will break, and we fall down. Come into consciousness, we climb on the stairs to the open floor. We go into the corridor on the left, here a monster catches us.

We see your room from the past and the girl of Ashley, but immediately wake up. This monster has connected us to NiU, and we have already begun to see the virtual world. We break out of a reasonable mucus, we continue to move forward.

1 plot. We go on dark corridors, hide from the monster. In a dead end, you can find a flower that we need to restore after falling. In the left far corner of the location, we find the ventilation hatch on the wall, we climb into it.

2 plot. Let's get into a small room with a circular corridor. On the way to the next ventilation is a monster. On the floor you need to find any item, throw it into the left part of the corridor, and when the monster will distract, sprinkle on the right side and put in the hatch.

3 plot. Here there is also a monster, distract it, pass through the doors. In a dead end, we see a blocked door with a red button while we pass by. In the right dead end room, we inspect the walls, we find the lid with the inscription "Danger", remove it. Inside the battery and pump - Dynamo machine. I take over the lever, the mouse is constantly driving left-right until you charge the battery. You distract the confined monster, come back to the locked door, now it can be opened.

Waste channels

Jump into the water. We need to get to a well-lit door under the inscription "AUX TUNNELS ACCESS 3". Swim right, we climb the stairs to a high platform. On the beams we reach the site before the second concrete column. The stairs we climb on the floor above. We pass to the far wall of the room, go down the stairs. From there, we carefully jump down to a low well-lit platform with grille. (If you drop into the water, you will have to start the way from the first staircase). We remove the lattice, we go on the pipe that has opened.

In the room we find a regenerating flower. In the side tube we notice the running monster, quickly get to the next room, press the lever. All pipes floods with water, we will endure our pipe - on the seabed.

7. Omikron station
Soma. Passage of the game

Opened Ocean

At the exit of the pipe, we discover the body of the diver, listen to his memoil. We go forward, pass through the field with suspended red balls - probes. Right on one of the anchors of probes you can find a flower. In front of finding a large dome with green lights, the building supports another diver with the memoil. We climb the stairs.

Observation tower

The gateway in the dome does not work, you need to drain the water manually. On the wall under the inscription "MANUAL OVERRIDE" open the lid. Inside the button and lever. We read the instructions on the button, it describes the entire sequence: 1) Press the button, 2) twist two valves on the right, 3) Press the lever to the right under the cylinders, 4) and only after that press the lever inside the panel.

Raised by lowered stairs. In the dome there is a human corpse, but his memories are not read. Nearby there is a flower. On the second floor we can find a note. Insert the Omni tool in the panel.

On the wall, we find the panel with fuses. We need to carry out electricity from the upper left corner into the lower right, but most of the fuses burned. Press the switches, look where the current passes next. The correct combination is the path from the upper left corner: right, down, left, turn on all along the left wall, then along the bottom wall.

We inspect the inclusive computers. On the screen on the right, choose the line "Oomikron", you need to enter the code to remove quarantine from the station. On another computer there are stitching "Status of the Black Box" and "System Updates". But after some time, strange sounds and interference will begin, after which the third line "ubvzrmsp" appears on the computer, the code will be written in it (it changes with each new passage). We enter four digits of code, quarantine is removed.

Opened Ocean

We are chosen out, go along the suspension wire. Before entering the station, we detect another corpse, read its memories. We are trying to open the gate, but it does not work.

We leave the gateway, we go to the metal buildings above the cliff, they carefully make it gently to the black inlet.

Inside the station

At the station, all the corpses are decapitated, and therefore memories have no one to read. While most of the doors are closed. We rise to the second floor, we enter the central hall, a monster appears behind the glass, but immediately disappears. From the center we go to "North Hall F1" (Northern Hall), and from there in "Medical Bay" (medical bay).

We pass to the right side of the room, insert the Omnie device into one of the two panels at the wall. Catherine will ask to find a deep-water suit. In the next right room, open the camera "D". We look at the costume, there is a human corpse. We go to the panel in front of the chambers, choose the line "Act" - "Cape. D". Now, in order to activate, you need to find three items: Encephalocip, structural gel and battery.

Search for structural gel

We return to the central hall of the 2nd floor. In front of the glass chamber inspect the control panel, it has cards of all three floors of the station. The part of the premises is blocked to open them, press the "manually" screen at the bottom of the screen. A puzzle will appear, we need one line to connect all the blue squares. In the crosses, we carry a zigzag line, everything else is connected to the straight line. After that, all the doors will open.

From the center we go to the door "Clean Room", we pass disinfection. We inspect the records on the computer. We find flask with gel in a closed stand, try to open it with the key to the right, but it does not work. From the bottom right to remove the damaged chip.

On the right side of the room on the monitor we see a laser and a gel feeder. (We can move the laser sight to the end to the right, to the cab with a dead mouse. Press the button to release a structural gel, from this mouse comes in comes). Come to the cabins, the central compartment is empty. On the right, press a small unlock button, after that we can pull the pallet. On the pallet we put a spoiled chip, insert back to the booth. We go to the device in front of the monitor, we guide the laser to the placed chip, press the button. Structural gel will restore the chip. Give the chip from the pallet, insert it back into the panel, after which the stand will open, taking a structural gel.

Battery search

In the southern part of the second floor we find a staircase, climb the 3rd floor. In the center, we also approach the panel, but you will unlock the doors without any puzzle. In "Dining Hall" we can listen to audio recordings on a laptop and use the flower.

We go to the "Power Room". The crying monster lives here. He stands still and spares, but if approaching him closer, he will throw on us. Simple methods He is not distracted, you need to provoke it, going closer, and then escape quickly. But it's easier to get into his paws, we will lose part of the health, and the monster will appear elsewhere, and will no longer interfere with. Having rejected the monster away, we examine the electric boards, which he guarded. Inside find a battery.

Search Enezephalocipal

We go down to the 1st floor, in the center remove the lock from all the doors of the floor. We go to "Robot Repair Bay". We inspect the robot on the operating table. Next can use the flower, listen to the records on the computer.

On the computer you need to solve the puzzle to get encephalocip. We see nine points on the screen, the field 3 x 3. On the left, click on all three lasers so that the rays appear. You need to turn the refractive points so that all the rays are directed down. First we clean all the points, and then simply in three diagonal points choose the direction down. We take the extracted chip.

New body

By collected everything you need, we return to the laboratory on the 2nd floor. In the center of the second floor, the glass walls break out, the disappearing monster will say that he will go with us. Indoors honey. The laboratory on the left is the crying monster, carefully go around her right door. But when I go into a long corridor, the monster will hit us in any case. Quickly run away from him, Catherine will close the door.

We approach the energy costume in the "D" capsule, we use the collected things. In the control panel, turn on activation. We go to the side room "Remote Control". On the right on the computer you need to combine two waves. Proper settings: 1, 5, 7 . Sit down in the chair. Catherine scans our mind and moves it to a new body in a scaffle. We decide, kill or leave alive former body.

Dive at the bottom of the depression

We take the Omni tool, overlook the gateway. On the playground ahead of the torn staircase, so we go to the site on the right. Go down to the cabinel lift. Insert Omni in the panel. In the right side of the panel, choose the extremely left settings: "ATP - descent" and "Passengers - 1". Push the lever, sit down in the chair.

Immerse a few kilometers down. We participate in conversation with Catherine. Suddenly, electricity will disappear in the cabin. We get up, climb the stairs, inspect the box on the roof, inside it insert a flying fuse into place. Sit down in place, we go until the bottom.

8. Station Tau.
Soma passage

At the bottom of the ocean

We take the Omni tool, come out of the cab. Along the way there are five buildings, we can read messages, memories. In the same building there is a location map. We are located in Climber Station, you need to get to Tau. On the right after the buildings we find the body of the diver, collapsed by local fish. Before leaving the gorge, press the lever, we go along the tanned blue beacons.

Get to the observatory building. Inside there is a memory and plant with NiU. The lever in the Observatory is broken, the beacons do not include. We find a computer, you select "Management" and the destination "Tau". After that, on the right there is a robot drone from the garage.

Further go after the robot, staying in the light of its searchlight. If we find yourself in the dark, local deep-sea fish will be eaten us. But the robot will quickly eaten. We run forward, hiding in the cave. We go on those tunnels where green glowing sticks are laid.

We choose from the cave. We are waiting for the sea monster will sing, we run along the beacons before entering the station.

Inside the station

We enter the side room "Dive Room", listen to the memory. We go on the main corridor, there is a flower in it until it is used. In the room "Service Station" on the computer we find a location map.

In the corridor, we open a massive door, it is thicker than others and opens much longer. Immediately behind the door of the monster. We go back to a small fork, waiting when the monster will pass into one corridor, go around it differently.

We fall into the laboratory compartment. (In the side of the room we can inspect the computer, you can call any cabin through it. Call in "Lazaret", some woman answers us, she refuses to communicate with the works and no longer comes into contact).

In the corridor, we get to the second massive door, activate it, and while it opens, hide from the monster. Later run on the door, we climb the stairs, go down on the other side. The monster will not be able to pursue us here.

Residential compartment

Let's get into the "Living Quarters". We inspect all the side cabins and read messages, but two rooms are blocked. In the "Dispatch" room, you enter the "Door locks" section, remove the lock with the "Infirmary" (Lazare), and the "Johan Ross" room needs a password.

We go to the opened lazaret, inside the last living person - Sarah Lindoull. "Ark" stands at her on the table, but for now I do not take it. (I look at the computer to the left, we find a password for a locked door. We go to the control room, open the door. In the cabin itself we find records and photos about the heart of NiU. This is precisely Johan Ross. That disappearing monster who is imperceptible to us accompanies. He found a way to destroy the melted artificial Intellect NiU).

Take the "Ark". The last person asks us to turn it off from the livelist system. We decide what to do. With the ark, it is impossible to descend the stairs. We can use the cargo elevator to the right of the door, or just jump down.

Let's go down in the "Dive Room", put the ark on the platform in the center. On the monitor on the right, click the "Attach" button and turn on the opening of the gateway. But the room will not be fully filled with water. On the side walls we find pipes with a striped color, we climb their lobby on yourself so that water continues to flow. So lying three pipes. The gateway opens.

9. Alpha Station
Soma passage

The "Ark" moves forward, moving along Monorail. We go after him, we drag the ruins on the way, we are in the obstacle. Ahead of the impassable chassis, we return back, on the left wall we find the torn mesh fence and the entrance to the cave. In the narrow tunnel, we get to the entrance to the Alpha station.

We go on flooded premises. All doors are not fixed, they can be opened, raising up. On the left we go out, on the tunnel with black growths, we get to the heart of the NIU. Here the disappearing monster Johan Ross appears and says that we have to destroy the heart, inserting your hand into it. We can simply go through the right door, and we can implement the plan of the scientist. By inserting the hand, we will poison the heart of artificial intelligence with their modified structural gel, but at the same time she has left the left hand. After that, Johan will try to eliminate us to completely get rid of monsters, but the heart will eat it with his tentacle.

We run into the corridor on the right in front, along the way we use the flower to restore. In the open space, we will try to catch a deep-sea monster, watch him, squat or bounce on time. At the end, the monster still caught us, but then drop. We climb inside the last station.

10. F. Station
Soma passage

On the nearest computer there is a station map. "Ark" has already arrived in the "storage room", you need to deliver it to "Launch Dome". Insert Omni in the panel.

We go to "Loading Dock", on the site we find Catherine's corpse, listen to her memories. She accidentally killed colleagues during the dispute about the launch of the ark.

Loading "Ark"

1. Watch out the side rooms, each on the wall has a yellow panel, but only in one such panel battery is inserted, taking it.

2. We go to a distant corner door, insert the battery to the panel, press the button, the hatch will open. Immediately take the battery back. In the open room on the monorail hanging "Ark", take it.

3. Take the "Ark" to the rocket near the Catherine corpse. Here you also use the battery to the panel, only after that the computer will turn on. Insert the "Ark" inside the rocket. On the computer, press the button to lock the load and close the sash.

Run "Ark"

We return to the elementary room, take the Omni tool. Through the gateway, we go to the Launch Dome launcher. Insertion into the panel in front of a giant cannon. We sang in the control chair.

Managed loader. We bring the goal to the lying shell, clamp the button so that the manipulator falls and take the cargo, then let go of the button. We guide the goal to the base of the giant gun ahead, press the button again. Projectile is charged.

Now it remains only to click the "Run" button on the panel. Catherine simultaneously starts scanning to add yourself and us to the "Ark" database. Starting is successful, and the capsule with the virtual world, filled with the minds of real people, is in open space, where it can exist almost forever.

Life on the "Ark"

The main character did not expect that in the end he will remain on earth, and only his copy will fly into space. But after the end of the titles we can see what the "Ark" looks like from the inside. We pass forward on the forest path, we go ashore overlooking the huge city. Here we meet the image of Catherine. And the "ark" in the meantime, farther and further flies away from the destroyed land.

Congratulations! The whole game is passed!

At the head, it can be said, invented a whole subway: Horror from the first person, tied to interaction with the environment: All doors need to be opened with their own efforts, the valves - rotate the movements of the mouse, and various items are to transfer in their hands.

Soon they realized that it happens much more terrible when you could not oppose the monsters anything, and removed weapons. From now on, it was necessary to hide. Many picked up this fashion, and now Steam is full of low-budget horrors from beginner developers, using free licenses of engine holders, where everything is the same.

What do FRICTIONAL GAMES do? They do - absolutely not terrible in the usual sense, ignoring all the achievements of their creators. However, if you scroll through the review to the end and look at the assessment, you will understand - this tragic story ended well.

Simon Dzharretius transmigration

Have you ever thought about death? No, not about suicide, God forbid, and about sutie itself Death, about what will happen later. Die - it's not a leg break or heart attack To transfer. To die is to turn into a complete nothing, stop thinking, feel and aware of yourself. Words to describe it is impossible to describe, submit in general, too. The human brain simply cannot create a mental model from which it is excluded. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are not. It didn't work, I know.

We all dream of cloning, resettlement of mind into new bodies and teleportation. But the fact is that all this is akin to death.

The usual Canadian guy Simon passes the brain scanning, and then wakes up a hundred years at the underwater station. Imagine yourself in its place.

It may seem that SOMA - On the end of the world, about the symbiosis of the organicists and mechanics, about whipped artificial intelligence, about the survival of humanity, finally. But in fact no, she is about death. Usually in the mass art of this topic try to avoid: too complicated, too controversial.

What if humanity turns out to be on the verge of destruction, and the last chance to survive will scan their mind and send it to the mechanical body? Will you be left at the same time, given that the old body will continue to live? Hero Soma., Simon Jarret, is asked by this question, but the FRICTIONAL GAMES does not give him answers. They are simply not.

But what will happen if, for example, right after scanning to end? In theory, your existence will be continuous, because when you go to bed, your mind is disconnected, which is essentially tantamount to death. However, while you wake up - the same logic. One of those things that we cannot realize, but it works fine.

The scientist of the lady Catherine Chun, coping his mind into virtuality, refers to transmigration completely normal. The mind is incomprehensible how she still did not go crazy.

In mass art, this topic was asked many. Teleportation - for example, in Star Trek. - It works on the same principle: you become a teleportator, and he splits you on the smallest particles and remembers the structure of the body structure. Then, on the other end, another teleporter collects you from particles on the resulting model. You remained by yourself, but at the same time they first died, and then were re-born. There was a resettlement of reason and in recent. But only Soma puts in question itself feeling existence.

Yes, you must have to get an answer to the question: "Is it scary in Soma.? " Answer: Yes. Scary to death.

Soma constantly throws something new. This also applies to monsters: they are not similar to each other, but all the same stupid, unfortunately.

Carthage must be destroyed

Initial Games, in essence, put on the same as Chinese Room in. In stunning scenery, they are playing not ordinary horror with screers, but suspicious intellectual horror.

Everything that has been achieved earlier in the genre is burned and dispelled: Monsters do not jump out due to corners and do not fall from the ceiling, they have no advanced intelligence, and they do not need to hide from them in the lockers and under the beds. Scary here is not from momentary "buggling", but from the painting that your mind draws.

Not a game scares you. You scare yourself, trying to try on the situation in which Simon Jarret, and herself, and Soma. Only makes you think and reflect. And we still have to know - whether this is the future of Gorror genre, or a complete, irrevocable deadlock.

Two attempts are usually given in ships with monsters. With the second biomechanical monster will kill you. So that this does not happen, turn your hand into such cute luminous sphincters.

Even the plot here is deliberately calm and smooth: no unexpected junctions and turning points, no deep intrigue - you just go through all the stations of the Pathos-II underwater complex and gradually fall at the very bottom, in the literal and figurative sense. There is a moral choice, but - the main find! - He does not affect anything at all in the game itself. Only on the picture in your head, to the perception of reality. Kill or not kill? That is the question.

Each employee Pathos-II has its own "black box", and Simon can hear their last words. It turns out something like eHA From the series "Silence in the library" of the famous TV series "Doctor Who".

Perhaps Thomas Hap introduced such radical changes not on time: now even the most bad, single-celled, horror in the Early Access collect exclusively positive feedback, although they do not offer anything other than the faults in the dialogues and consonants because of each toilet. Perhaps the audience is simply not ready to experience intellectual horror, for it is used to the usual, ordinary, and he extected to reflect.

Underwater is amazingly beautiful, but also stunningly boring.

However, one thing does not interfere with: intellectual horror can be played and not in such indoor conditions as in Soma.. The consversals are an excellent artistic technique, if you can use them. Smart monsters like someone else would not interfere, but would only prove fear. In general, the game would go with reality, as in some P.T..

For history on such a rich topic Soma. Exceptionally poor. She will not play with your fantasy, throwing foggy images, will not put pressure on your self, trying to knock out from the gauge. Damn it, yes, even the books are fictional!

Different parts of the station look different. FRICTIONAL GAMES has done a stunning designer work.

Competently planning the game, it would be possible to achieve more impressive success. But instead of excavating emotions, you will experience boredom from time to time: it is unreasonably long to walk on the ocean bottom, looking at the fish, watching useless flashbacks and long look for the right path, because there are no cards here. Local monsters will not be able to scare you, because, even died, you will not lose anything. And here is the paradox: in the game that cultivating your fear of death, death itself is completely not terrible.

I get sincere pleasure when I tell friends about Soma. There is nothing more exemplary recovery of a powerful plot when the conversation has to go around thin places and to blame from questions that lead to spoilers - and they are here everywhere. Describe the essence of Soma is very simple. In this game you travel along the corridors and the hulls of the underwater station, which only the first ten minutes seems abandoned. In trying to escape from the thorough horror, the main character explores one compartment after another, periodically leaving "on fresh air"- walk along the bottom of the ocean. In the process you need to solve inventive, but not complex riddles And avoid contact with the enemies, from which it is better to hide first, and then with shouts, in tears to run away, clapping doors.

If you have not played in Soma and want to do this, I recommend to stop reading this article, there will be many spoilers. This is not a review - I want to tell readers about what I saw in this game, and why I screamed from her.

The huge advantage of SOMA is that there are no model situations in this game. In the finals, the hero says that his day was exclusively long. He notes that he woke up in the morning in his own bed in April 2015, and finished at the bottom of the ocean, on the threshold of a fantastic mission in the distant future. These are not empty words on his side: there are no moments in Soma when you are doing something from one end of the level to another several times, you apply the same schemes to the same enemies and in general whether you are ourselves without visible reasons.

The game has a clearly directed plot, its action is constantly developing from the point of view of receptions, and from the point of view of motivation - you know why you go, and you know where. And you do not want to explore anything, because some nightmare is unfolding around.

Despite the fact that Soma is not so much horror, as an excellent story, there are a few things to which it is particularly burning. Fears that manage the user in everyday life are numerous, and many can be driven into a dark angle.

But is it possible to get rid of them finally?

Soma has very few enemies. If the entire game has a dozen, it will be fine. One or another task is connected with each of them - in different zones, opponents are different, one blind, the other slow, on the third to avoid trouble, just not to look. Well, as "just" ...

In one of the scenes, the main character Simon must restart the router (you did it many times!). He descends into a dark basement, in the server, where among bulky boxes with light bulbs wanders, having fun, swollen from solitude citizen. The router must be turned off, a little bit wait and turn on again - the problem is that during the reboot, the device begins to squeak, attracting a monster to itself. To successfully deal with the task, you need to overcome this passenger, rubbing the servers with a shinking route, and then confusing the enemy, turn on the router and run to the output.

A significant part of the collisions with the inhabitants of Pafos-2 station was built on the fact that at first for some time to be afraid and hide, and then guess a minute and escape. There is no "stealth" here: if you sat down, then you just sat down, without mystical care to the shadow. Distracting enemies by throwing pebble can not.

This is the simplest concept that is full of surprises.

The first hour and a half, when the hero was perplexed about his awakening, is incomprehensible where, all the moving characters caused me the reaction, what happens at the heroes of Zombie Horror: "Sir, are you alright?". Any movement in the dark corner is first curiosity, and then fear - from the FRICTIONAL Games, is a meaningful manipulation of player basic instincts.

The connection between the video cell and the approach of hostile creatures is not obvious not immediately - Soma speaks with you in his own language; Its elementary interface is part of not only the genre, but also artistic promise. Here is an exceptionally relevant control scheme: To open the door, you need to bring the hand cursor on it, hold the button on the gamepad and pull. This is not the first game that is so arranged, but we are talking about a friend. There is a certain difference between the opening of the door by pressing X and the position when you need self Shoot the handle and slowly look into the gap. Or the tricks to twist some valve to unlock the hatch. Here you can distract and then go back for something legs, because you forgot it take.

So, when you get along with all this and stop being afraid, because the game warns you about danger, the moment will come in Soma when you need to run. In the sense, really clean.

Moreover, the case will occur in the intricate insides of the half-chacted submarine. It was worth thinking that everything was simple and predictable how Soma starts to lose weight for your fear of getting lost, and raise your hands, who managed to keep a composure, to see the identification signs in time and go through the scene from the first time.

A significant part of the SOMA action unfolds under water, the fish are floating around, cultures grow and bubble bubbles. Hiking transitions between the hulls on the bottom seem picturesque and even more secure than the study of the corridors, while unexpectedly you do not understand that there is no bottom. Are you not afraid of depth? Give yourself a term.

Already closer to the final of the game Hero, changing into a special jade (a separate nightmare is connected with this), descends to a depth of 5000 meters. Within a few minutes you see how the darkness is thickened, until you stop in full darkness.

We look at the video, wake up and answering the call (we bring the mouse to the phone and press the left mouse button). Next, you should find a bottle with a marker. At the same time you can explore the apartment, read the messages on the computer, etc. I should immediately say that to open something or close, you must hold the left mouse button and pull in the desired side. To take an item, you also need to hold the left mouse button. To throw an item, press the right mouse button. To read something, press the left mouse button when the cursor takes an appropriate view, while such items can be rotated to see what is with back side. To do this, simply move the mouse in the appropriate direction. To exit the read mode, press [PCM]. Computer interaction Similar: Click [LKM] to enter the computer and [PCM] to exit. On the computer itself, use the cursor to move around the menu and click on the appropriate keys.

So, we find the bottle (it lies in the top drawer of the table with the laptop located on it, during repeated passages the bottle will be elsewhere), and then drink it [LKM]. Next, we go to the entrance door and take the keys from the table left. We leave out.


We are going to the subway. When you call, click on the "Reply" key and speak the phone.

Laboratory Munshi.

Once at the reception, we go to the administrator's rack and read the letters, and then in the top box of the table we read the notebook and remember the code - 2501. Next, approach the door and score these numbers on the code lock. After the door opens with the appropriate click, go inside and go to the easiest of the corridor, where we speak with scientists. After that, you can once again talk to him, having learned the details about the procedure, and sit down in the chair.


Waking up, turn on the light (the lever will be highlighted in red). Then we take something heavy and moor in the glass. After it is broken and the path will be open, jump over and go to the right. We go straight along the corridor to the locked door (on the road on the left it will be possible to see the panel - approaching it, the cursor will take a look of the brush with solvent fingers. Here and then it will mean that by clicking on the [LKM], you will hear some Flashback), We remove the lock by pulling the lever, and click on the yellow key next to open the door. We go inside and go to the adjacent room, where we interact with the robot and listen to his memories.

Then we go back to the corridor and go to the right. We reach the door with blocking. On the other hand, someone will be pulled out to the outside. You should not open the door ahead of time, it is better to wait until the noise subsides, and then remove the lock and open the door. Inside find an Omni tool. We pick it up and go back to the room where we woke up. To get inside, remove the lock and click on the yellow key. Inside, put an Omni tool on the appropriate place (it reminds the device in form) and on the computer, select "Open the chip box". We leave the computer and take the chip (to the left of the Omni tool). Insert it into an Omni tool and go to the computer again. In the menu, select "Omni Tool" - "Managing Chip" - "Refresh", then take the Omni tool and leave the room. Turn left, then right and left again. Next, go to the right to the round door and on the panel hold down [LKM] and run the Omni tool slightly up the door open. Go on. Having passed into the room with a luminous growth on the panel, go to it and press [LKM], and the hero will be done. Then climb into the ventilation shaft and move to the only working output.

Epsilor Case

Get out of ventilation and approach the control panel. I pull out two hoses and press the yellow button, after which they approach the three identical buttons to the right. Click on the left, waiting until the top stripe will be green on the monitor and press the middle button. Now we wait when the bottom strip will become green and pressed right button. Now watch the monitor on the left when everything boots, you will contact you. After the conversation, we leave through the door to the left of the control panel.

Go down on the opposite side. Monster will appear. With this type of enemies, you need to act in a special way - you can not get into their field of view, while if you turn away from them to not see them, they will leave. We pass to the stairs on the opposite side of the room and go upstairs, moving along the way.

After omitting the second - the door will be closed behind you. Raise even higher. We get a room with the control panel. We can approach the robot that asks for help and talk. Through the room with the control panel, we get into the corridor (opposite the control panel). On the corpse, we find the first hip from the ID, having passed a little further along the corridor and turning the right, in the locker find the second hip. Return to computers on the control panel. We enter login (0722 or 0735 - can be found on the bases). Further, we look at how you can feed meals on the communication center - either omit the lever next to the robot, but then it will suffer or indoors the flow regulator. For the second - you need to include energy in power management to the storage room and the flow control. Then go to the corridor, where they found a corpse with a badge and turn the left - the door is now open. Having lowered the lever, the monster will appear again. Avoiding it, we turn on the power center on the computer. Then, we move back to the stairs and switch the lever. We go upstairs and close the door, lifting the lever.

We approach the large monitor on the contrary, turn on the computer by clicking on the yellow button, and the numbers corresponding to the "Lambda" housing on a nearby panel are scored. During adjustment, bring the cursor to such a position so that the image becomes clear. The conversation will begin, after it - the cat scene.

Epsilon Case - Outside

After the cat scene, jump and cling to get out. Go straight through the only possible path, on the way, freeing a small robot.

To do this, you need to raise the stone, which is from above and throw to the side. We reach the station Shuttles "Epsilon B". We approach the door, we wait until the robot argues the gap and pays attention to your affairs, and click on the "Open" button next to. Then open the door and get to the station.

Station Shuttles "Epsilon"

We pass straight to the shuttle, and then into the tunnel on the right. Next to a small cave on the left side. We go on the tunnel and go at the very end of the room on the left. Talk to the woman, and then disconnect two cables from the shield. Return back to the shuttle. Open the shield on the wall next to the outflow, restoring health, and lower the lever.

We go into the shuttle and put the Omni tool into the appropriate groove. Next, we switch the three togglers on the panel and press the red button. Then we sit on the chair and choose the destination "Lambda" destination.

Fucking crash, take your Omni tool and pull the Emergency Exit lever. We go on the tunnel until I see the hatch with the inscription "EXIT" on the left.

Raise the lid and climb inside. Next climb the stairs and carry out the Omni tool in the panel. Wait until the room fully hits with water, the hatch will open on top and the staircase will be moved. On the stairs we get to the bottom of the ocean. We go through the only way to the entrance with the burning inscription "Lambda" from above. Press the yellow button and pass inside.

Lambda Case

We carry out the Omni tool on the panel to pump water and open the door. We go straight along the corridor. When the monster appears, simply turn away so that you do not see it. After a while it disappears with a characteristic sound. We go into the room on the left and talk to the robot lying on the floor.

Then we insert the Omni tool into a special groove on the other end of the room. Next returns to the robot and pick the chip from above. Return to the Omni tool and insert the chip into it. After the conversation, leave the room and go to the right (be careful - the monster will appear again), then on the door on the left. On the computer on the left, go to the "Ark" - Tracking ". Here there is a mini-game: you need to click on the screen sections. Keep track of the indicator at the bottom of the screen, the closer to the desired you pressed, the more green there will be an indicator, and when accurate hitThe scale will be filled completely, and the search area narrows. Similarly, you need to do several times until install the exact location of the Ark. We return to the room with an Omni tool and go out (through the same way out through which we got here).

We go to the capsule on the right. Open the door and insert the Omni tool in the groove. Nothing comes out, so we go out and go to the left, according to the only possible path. On the way, monsters will be found, which should be turned away. When the danger passes, we quietly go further.

We reach the sunken ship. We carry out the Omni tool on the panel to open the door, and go inside. Next right, then up the stairs. On the ventilation you get on the bottom of the ocean. We pass forward, avoiding the monster, and go into the hole in the ship's housing.


We climb the stairs, then again brings the stairs to one opening, until you reach the destroyed area of \u200b\u200bthe stairs. Open the door near (with a red lantern from above). Next again on the stairs from the outer part of the ship to the top, until you reach oval hatch. We go inside.

There will be several monsters, on which you can not look to survive. At the same time, they do not disappear over time, so it is necessary to move looking into the wall. We pass along the corridor right until the very end, then right and on the door not far from the left. Now open the door to the far corner of the room. We go straight into the next room, then right. Open the door and go straight along the corridor, located a little left on the contrary. Having reached the end of the corridor, turn right and then left. Go to the burning sign "Emergency Shuttle". Under it there will be a valve - we turn it (you need to shrink [LKM], turn the mouse). Swears the staircase.

We climb on it, come out of the room and go to the right, and then left. We reach the staircase on the left with red lights and a corridor, highlighted yellow. We go there and get into the shuttle.

Insert the Omni tool in the groove. Next, we leave back to the corridor and turn to the right, then left and go to large room. Be careful, this territory patrols the monster. The door you need is on the same side, as we entered here, but at the other end of the room. We go there and climb the stairs to the right.

From the stairs turn to the right and go into a large room. We climb the stairs at the far end of the room and get into a small corridor.

Here you need to turn off three cables. After the third you wounds, and a monster will appear. Hide from him will not work - just run. Deliver as quickly as possible to the shuttle, where you left the Omni tool. Once inwards, the capsule will automatically start moving.

Case "Delta"

Having come to themselves, clamp the keys and [w] to climb. Swim to the door and try to open it. Wait until the robot opens the door, and then open it and grab about the ledge. We go directly and reach the "Delta" hull. Left will be the panel.

Enter it. Here are possible variations, but the principle is always the same. Press the "5" key to catch up the yellow line, and then move the violet area using the keys under the lines so that it gets on the yellow line. Next, go out from the menu and go to the other side of the complex, to another computer.

Click "Zeppelins", and then the 049th "Echo" and "Request Transport" in the corresponding module. If a failure occurs, then try other modules by conducting a procedure in a similar way. We go to the landing platform near and waiting for Zeppelin.

When it sits, insert the Omni tool in the groove. After a conversation, we take from the box to the left of the gun and then we have the choice of which robot to kill (their two floats nearby) and pick up chip from it. We'll have to shoot three times. Taking the chip, we go to the chapelin, insert the chip into the Omni tool, lower the lever and press the yellow button.

Outside "Tati"

Upon arrival, we go to the building from behind, if you face the chapel control panel. To open a massive door, remove the shield door to the right of it.

Next twist the handle clockwise, then pull on yourself, then turn counterclockwise and shove back to the end, after which the lever is free. Lower it down, and then click on the "Open" button. Wait until the door opens and go inside. Spend an Omni tool on the panel to roll out water and open domestic doorsAnd then go inside.

"TETI" - entrance

Once inside, go to the right. Find a heavy item and break the cracked window. Through it will fall into the room where it is necessary to install an Omni tool in a special groove. After talking, leave the room and go to the opposite side of the hall, on the left side. Go along the corridor to the first development and turn right, then up and right again. Find into the room with a computer opposite. Go to the long-range end, in a small room with cylindrical devices. Use the buttons to twist the cylinders until you find intact.

Take it and come back to the room with an Omni tool. After the conversation, leave the room again and go to the opposite side of the hall, only now in the door on the right.

Go down the stairs down and go to the door on the left. Let's get into a large dark room with servers. It is necessary to get to the computer at the far end of the room. The problem is that Monster wanders here. It is a new type and responds only to the sound, so moving only cropping, while not assisted items. It does not respond to the light, so you can even turn on the flashlight.

Once around the computer, click the yellow button and switch the toggle switch. While the boot process occurs, it is better to move long to move, as the sound will attract a monster. As soon as the monster goes away, go back to the computer and translate the toggle switch back until the time has expired, otherwise you have to start first. After that, come back to the hall and go to the room where we found chip. Come to the computer opposite the entrance - there is a device for connecting the chip. Insert the chip, select Wan on your computer and click "Transmit". Nothing comes out. Near the outlet from the room on the table will stand a computer and a small box. Open it and take the chip. Now leave the room and go to the room opposite, with a large chair.

A computer will be slightly left in front of the entrance, and next to it a device for connecting the chip. Insert the chip and select the "Scan Room" on the computer. Click "Copy to Chip". After that, take the chip and leave the room. Turn right and go down to a long corridor, then right again and get into the living quarters. Go to the right until you reach the Wan room. When the door opens, go to the intercom and listen to the memories, then at the opposite side in the box, read the note from Alice. Return to the computer on which we have already tried to find the code from the Van.

Connect both chips and select the "Scanning Room" and "Alice" modules on the computer, and then try to spend the interrogation. Learning the code, go back to the Omni tool and take it. Get out of the room and go to the door to the right. Spend an Omni tool to open the door.

Inside, go to the panel and plug the cable to it lying on the floor nearby. Click on the red button and twist the switches until the bulb next to them is green. When the four switches are in right positionSomething goes wrong, and you will have to look for a different way.

Go to the stairs on the wheels. If you look up, you will see the entrance to the ventilation shaft. Make a staircase to the entrance, climb on it and go into ventilation. There will be no development here.

"TETI" - Laboratory

Get out of ventilation and insert the Omni tool in the groove. After conversation, insert the cable to the system on the left side. Go to the monitor on the left and here will have to solve the problem.

To begin with, disconnect all modules, except for one that is not possible to turn off. Next, look for the smallest files by weight, by visiting the mouse to which the files on the left will become yellow. Click on the file, and the left will disappear. It is necessary to remove all files on the left, with the total weight of the integrated modules should not exceed the set value.

Here is the right sequence:

  2. Pak_Som_chel
  4. Sist_interf_scan
  5. FRD_MOD_Reka
  9. Syst_P.Dinsvevet

After completing the procedure, click "Test". Reduce the speed and click "Stop simulation", when the test will be shown on top. Click "Diagnostics". Take the Omni tool and go to the door. Spend on the panel of the Omni tool and leave the room.

Opposite you at the far end there will be an elevator. Remember its location, it will be needed in the future. Before you two intersections, on the far (in front of the elevator), turn right and go to the cracked glass. Be careful, the monster wanders along the corridor, which reacts to the sound. Find a heavy item (on the contrary there is a room with metal boxes on racks) and scatter glass. Jump quickly inside, because The monster is already running to you. Go to the corpse in the chair and take away from his hand chip. Get out of the room through the window and turn left. Go through the elevator and turn right and go to the next crossroads and go straight to the very end of the corridor. Come in the room with large windows.

Insert the chip into a special device and go to the computer. Click "OK" - "Code Management" - "Update Connect. Chip". Take the chip and go to the elevator.

Insert the chip into the panel on the left. Lower the top lever and lift the bottom. Both light bulbs should light up green. Close the panel door and click on the yellow button with people depicted on it. Quickly come inside the elevator and press any station, because Monster will run to you anyway.

When the elevator breaks, open the hatch in the floor and go down the stairs. After falling on the stairs, get to the open door. Go left. When you approach the stairs, a monster will appear. He will overtake you anyway, so you can not try to hide from him somehow.

"TETI" - technical repair

After the roller and liberation from the captivity of incomprehensible growths, go to the end of the corridor. Open the door and pass forward. After another door, you will find yourself in the corridor with a monster. Turn left and, reaching the wall, right. Go straight until the end of the corridor. Lefte will need doorBut be careful - different items are scattered on the floor. If you are driving, you will attract the attention of the monster. Open the door and come inside. Open the door on the opposite side of the room. Through it get into the room, at the far end of which there is a hatch into ventilation. We climb into it.

After getting out of ventilation, turn left and go straight to the door. Be careful, because For her monster. Wait until it comes out, and follow the corridor behind this door until you reach the next ventilation mine - climb into it.

After getting out of ventilation, leave the room. Next you need to go through the door, which is located at the far end of the room in which we were. We go straight along the corridor to the end. In the room there is a room on a distant wall we find a shield on which "Danger" is written.

Remove the lid and pull the lever. We leave back to the corridor and wrap the right, to the working panel now. Click on it and the door will open. We pass to the end of the corridor and jump into the water.

Now we go to the container on the right, or rather, to the stairs on it. Climb it to the top. We go around the panels around, then on the bridge on the right and climb on the stairs to the very top. We go right on metal structures to the stairs down. We descend on it, and then jump onto the site before entering the tunnel (on top of it will be the inscription "AUX TUNNELS ACCESS 3").

We remove the grille blocking the path and go to the tunnel. We go to the development, and then left. Dreesham behind the lever and leave the room. Ahead will open the door - we run there, after which it will be mocking.

Outside "Oomikron"

We pass forward to a spherical building on the legs. Raised the stairs located under it in the middle. Upstairs we see one more staircase. To the right of it there will be a shield with the inscription above it "Manual Override". Remove the lid and press the button. Now we are deployed and go to the lever signed as "Pressure Pump". Lower it. Light bulb near the color to green. Next, we go to the left to the valves - we can turn both until the light bulb will be green. We return to the shield and lower the lever. Raised the stairs. Put your Omni tool in the groove.

After talking, go to the generator on the left, to the panel at the far end. Remove the lid from it. It is necessary to redirect the stream so that it goes and the upper left side into the bottom right. To do this, switch to the fumes. Note that some binding elements are broken, so you have to search proper option. For convenience, the correct solution is presented below as a screenshot:

Come to the monitor next to the Omni tool. Click "Omicron" - "in quarantine". Get out of the computer and go to another located on the opposite side of the room. Click on the UBVZRMSP menu item that has just appeared, remember the numbers - 1880 - and enter them on the computer next to the Omni tool to remove the lock.

We take the Omni tool and go down the stairs. We spend them in the panel and wait until water is injected and the hatch will open below. Go down to the bottom of the ocean. Deploy 180 degrees and go straight until we do before big gates. In Omicron. Click on the button next to them open. We pass inside and carry out the Omni tool on the panel - nothing comes out. We leave back and go to the left, to the fallen metal structures. They get to the second entrance to Omikron. Click on the yellow button next to the input to open the door. Come inside and spend the Omni tool on the panel. When the door opens, go inside.

Corpus "Omicron"

Go to the door to the left and climb the stairs. Once in the corridor, go to the door to the right. Find yourself indoors with glass room. We go to the door at the far end of the room. Go to the right, then in the first door on the left. Next right, to the far end of the room, there will be a technical corridor. It will be sent to the room where it is necessary to install an Omni tool in the groove.

After the conversation, go to the right, and open the Cabin "D", in which there will be a necessary suit. Click on it. Then go to the terminal next to and press the yellow button. Monitors will come out. Click on one of them, which is worker, "EC activation" - "CAPS. D. " Now you need to find three things: Encephalocip, structural gel and kit of batteries.

Structural gel. We go to the room with a glass room. On the computer click "manually". Now it is necessary to solve a small puzzle: it is necessary to connect all the blue cells of one line so that it does not intersect. The impact below in the screenshot:

We go to the door behind. Once in the laboratory, go to the right to the far corner of the room. There is a wardrobe with a structural gel in the flasks. Let's try to click "Open / Clutter" On the panel. Nothing comes out. Open the lid below the panel and take the scheme. Open the room on the right.

Go to the middle cell. Click on the button and pull the tray. Put the scheme into it and close the tray. Come to the table nearby. Using the switch, move the laser to our scheme and press the red button. Watch the monitor when the process is completed. Go to the cell with our chip, click on the button and remove the tray. Take the chip and return to the closet with a structural gel. Insert the circuit in its place and try to open the cabinet again. Take the flask with a structural gel and come back to the room with a glass room.

Batteries. Go out through the door through which we got into this room for the first time (to the right of the computer, on which we shot the lock, if you stand to it face). Turn right, go to the end of the corridor, then on the door left. Close the stairs, then turn right. At the end of the corridor - the door on the left.

On the terminal, choose "upper" and press "manually". Go to the right, in "Power Room". At the far end of the room there will be a new monster. It will not attack, until you approach too close. The problem is that the desired battery is in the drawer on the wall next to the monster.

The only way to get caught a monster will throw something and run into it. It will easily lose you, as soon as they hide, but at the same time it will stand elsewhere. By using it with the mind, you can free yourself a passage to the battery panel. It yellow color, hanging on the wall and signed as "PowerPack Storage". Opening it and take the battery. We leave back from the room with the same way, avoiding the monster.

Encephalocip. It is necessary to go down to the first floor, to the room in which we fell at the very beginning, being in Omikron. Go left and remove the lock on the terminal. Go left, then into the room opposite. Come to the suspended monitor. You need to solve another puzzle: you need to send three streams down, changing the position of the cells. Each cell has three busy end and one free or all 4 free. Energy will go through free. To start the power supply, press the buttons to the left of the square. The solution is presented in the screenshot below:

After the liberation of the chip, get it out of a robot lying next to the table.

Now that we have all three necessary items, go to a room with an Omni tool. On the way back will be a monster. It is best to try to bypass it, opening the door to the same room, located a little further along the corridor. When you find yourself in the technical corridor, Already almost coming to the right room, a monster will hit us in any case. Exit only one - running. When you find yourself in a room with an Omni tool, the door will be blocked automatically.

Go to the costume and paste all three items. Go to the terminal and click "Repeat". Now go to the opening room on the left. There, the terminal needs to solve another puzzle - synchronize two pulses in frequency, displacement and amplitude, i.e. Make sure that they completely coincide and superimposed on each other:

After you do, click "Secure the parameters" and sit down in the chair. When you find yourself in a new suit, go out, and after the conversation there will be a difficult choice. After you take the Omni tool, you can either do anything and continue moving along the plot or on the terminal, which was synchronized, click "Run: Discharge_Battery".

By choosing, go through the gateway. Spend an Omni tool in the panel and go out into the ocean.


Go to the right, to the end, and then on the bridge. Go down the stairs, install the Omni tool in the groove. On the right on the panel there will be two switches. Top set the value "Descent", and the bottom Select the number of passengers - "1". Next, switch the lever on the left and go to the chair.

When the elevator stops, pick up the roof on the stairs and open the shield cover.

Click the button and descend back down. Sit down in the chair. When the elevator stops the second time, do nothing, just watch the cat scene.

Path to "Tau"

Once upon the day, take the Omni tool and open the door by spending the Omni tool on the panel, go through the only way to the pointer under which to switch the lever.

Light bulbs light up. Go ahead along the blue lamps, running from light to the light so that you are not eaten. When you reach the next pointer, which will be written 525m, go to the building nearby. On the right there will be a lattice door. Go out through it and turn left, then straight, focusing on blue lamps. Do not forget to keep near the light. When the blue lamps are completed, see the green light source away away. Run to it, and then through the container. See the blue lamp again. Run to her, and then follow them again. When the lamps are run out, you will see the building in front. Come inside. Go to the right and lower the lever. Get out of the building and turn left. There will find the terminal. Click "Management" - "Tau". Follow the module, staying in the light. When he comes into disrepair, go on green light sources through the cave. Please note that the cave has the appearance of the eight. When you get out of the cave, you may find a fishing fish to tear away from it, use the cave configuration.

Coming out of the cave, pulling away from the fish, go along the blue lamps to the very "Tau". Click on the button and pass to the opened hatch.

Case "Tau"

Open the door by spending an Omni tool in the panel, and go further right along the corridor to the end. Open the door to the right. It will open for a long time, and during this time hide somewhere. Here will be a new monster. He reacts to light, sound, and if he is near, then you need to sit in a dark place and not even move and not look at it. Also, you can try to escape from it, good, the configuration of the level contributes to this. It is not very fast, while the door opens not immediately, which can also be used. When it appears the opportunity, we go into the opening door, then in the first fork you turn to the left. We go to the end of the corridor. Left will be another long open door. Click on the button so that it opens, and while it will do it, better to hide again. When it goes to run through it right along the corridor, open the door ahead and climb the stairs.

Go around the corridor and go down the stairs. Release into a large room. We go to the door next to the right. We pass to the room with a computer and remove the lock from the upper right room. Get back to a large room and go to the long door on the right side. Climb the stairs. Talk, and then take a big container next to the table.

Click on the button next to the output from the room. The cargo elevator opens. Put the container and click on the lower level. Go down to the stairs to a large room, and then go to the room on the left side of the same side. Get down the stairs and take the container. Go forward and open the door. In the next room, put the container in a special place and go to the terminal. Click "Attask." And spend the Omni tool on the terminal nearby. Then tear the three pipes.

Go along the long corridor, removing obstacles and squeezing, where you need. Get to the end of a long corridor and wait until the cargo goes over you. Go through a little back and a monster will appear. When it disappears, to the right in the wall next to the place where the monster stood, a small tunnel will appear. We climb into it and then go on the cave.

Case "Alpha"

We go to the building and go through the only possible path, raising the door on the road. Next, through the cave, we will get into the room where you have to make a choice. Or shove your hand in the thief or go through the door next. In any case, after the cat scene, run through the door, because A big monster will chase.

After hitting the bottom of the ocean, run on the blue lightams. In any case, on the way the monster will grab you. When let go, again on the blue lightams run to the building, open the door and go inside.

Corpus "FI"

We carry out the Omni tool on the panel and wait until the door opens. We pass forward and install an Omni tool in the groove. After the conversation, we deploy 180 degrees and go straight. Open the door and go down the stairs. We go to the room opposite (Electrical Room) and take the battery from the panel on the wall.

Get out of the room and go to the left, in the room where the attending thief will be seen. Once in it, go to the right, to the far end of the room. Insert the battery into the panel and open the door. Take the container and go back to the stairs at which it came here. To the right of the entrance to the stairs will be the door. Go there. Insert the container into the module. Then return back to the room where the container took and take the battery from the panel. Now again in the room with a module, which put the container, and insert the battery into the panel to the right of the entrance. Go to the terminal and press the yellow button.

Return to the Omni tool and take it. Go to the door to the right. Swipe the Omni tool on the panel. When the door opens go to the control panel, put the Omnie tool and sit down in the chair.

Do not press anything, move the mouse so that the crosshair becomes green above the module. Helm the left mouse button so that the capture falls and took the module. Release the left mouse button and move the mouse so that the module is over the rocket compartment. Press the left mouse button again and wait until the module turns out to be in the rocket. Release the left mouse button.

When offered, press the single button on the panel. After the cat scene will be the titers, but do not turn off the game, because There will be another scene after them.

"The ark"

Get up from the chair and pass forward in the garden. A roller will begin, after which the game can be considered completely passed.