Repairs Design Furniture

Riddles about furniture and household. Riddles about furniture train logic! Complex riddles about furniture

Each child from early childhood has many questions related to the device of the world, things, the body of the living being and many other phenomena, forcing something more complex, and sometimes high. Parents only have to throw firewood into the fire of curiosity with the help of developing tasks. There are all beloved riddles among these. There is a huge set of risks about a variety of items. The most, perhaps, the common task option for children can be called riddles about furniture.

Riddle about bed

1. On it a pillow, blanket.

If Masha is tired,

This soft thing

It will not give away from fatigue to fall.

You rest on it,

Pens, specks pull,

And then play again.

And her name is ... (bed)!

2. At night I - your girlfriend,

Not a cat and a toy

If you want to sleep,

Then you lie on ... (bed)!

3. During the day the boys do not sleep on it,

And girls: all kids.

At night, after a day of heavy -

On the pillow head.

Again day on her pillow,

And then - again Andryushka!

The parent must ensure that the child can guess any tasks inherent in his age, even riddles about furniture. With the answers at first, you can help, suggest, hint. Only after the baby learns to navigate in different bonding items, compare their signs and try on different objects, it is worth a few chances for guessing.

Riddle about the table

1. I put the dishes on it,

A chair will not forget

I will teach lessons:

Books, handles will decompose.

And if I want to play,

This item can become a house!

2. It is usually

In the house a resident is familiar

At the horse look like a little bit,

Only saucer, cups, spoons

On his back always

Place without difficulty.

3. Horse with a wooden back

Each house is worth.

He has four legs,

But it does not run anywhere.

On his back, he permits a lot of things:

And write, and cut,

And sculpt, then play.

In order for the child to be interested in guessing riddles and that this matter was not an excess reason to reveal for him, the parent can come up with a kind of game on the points. For example, a riddle about the bed will be assessed in 2 points. And if the child does not bother her, then the same number of units is removed from his account. The riddle about the table is a bit more complicated than the task about the bed, so it is possible to give 4 points for it, etc. Following the game, your child is simply obliged to get a prize, it may be a candy (for the minimum number of items), as well as several chocolate bars ( For the maximum number of items).

Riddle about chair and chair

1. I stand with a spin

And I will support yours.

Legs are and handles too,

But not alive, what am I like? (Armchair)

2. My older brother is a table.

Children eat on it.

Well, I am another subject,

The form is the same, but dinner does not prepare on me.

I have another task -

They are sitting on me, I am not remembering. (Stool, chair).

3. It will raise you with warmth,

Whether you are a child or an old man,

It is a bubble, shaking.

But it is sitting in it, and this is not a sofa,

What is this? Guess the ka myself! (Rocking chair).

Riddles about furniture are for children the most difficult, because they are not yet so developed in this topic to quickly call all items. Do not be upset if the baby can not guess what this is speech In the poem - do not worry, but help him. In order for the riddle about the bed and other furniture items seemed easier for him, show him pictures with answers, and then intelligently explain why the answer was the chair, not a table or sofa.

Complex riddles about furniture

1. With four legs, but without knees.

With two elbows, but without hands.

With back, but without spine. (Armchair chair).

2. It is worth four legs, but you can not call the beast.

Harves on the back, but not a car and not a bike.

There is clothes, but not a person. (Bed).

3. She has four legs, two backs, but the body is one. (Bed).

4. Four persistent brothers live under one roof and wear one hat. (Table).

Such kinds of mysteries cannot be called poetic, they rather go to logical tasks, so they need to make them necessary for children who have already been 7-8 years old. But even if at this age your child can not guess one or another riddle, it is not necessary to scold him, because even an adult does not immediately guess the riddles about furniture for children. It should be remembered that children only study this world will become this process to remember and cheerful or boring and full of tears and hysterics, depends not only on the child, but also from the parent.

Riddles about other furniture items

1. He is probably an eccentric.

He is bridewrd and fool!

You think, see:

All clothes outside,

And he is wearing her inside! (Wardrobe, wardrobe).

2. He lives in the kitchen,

Stores cookies, candy, dishes,

And if you need something,

It is worth getting on the chair - it is clear a camel.

After all, he hangs high on the wall

And just not to get it.

Provides only to dad

Something from it to take. (Buffet, kitchen cabinet).

3. Lies on the shelves of clothes,

It is also shoes here,

All the time of the year little

In this big box there are:

Here and fur coat, and pants,

Saratan, sandals,

Cloak, Spring Boots

His time was waiting. (Wardrobe).

Try to make guessing mysteries more fun! Whether it is a riddle about the table, a chair or a wardrobe, refer to the chad, let it feel the dialog form.

Why is it important to make riddles?

It has been scientifically proven that since the rest of the child begins to crawl, he draws attention to each trifle, for every item that meets on his way. That is why you need to maintain the interest of the baby to the world and subjects in it with the help of games.

Riddles are a game suitable for any age, because all of my childhood, we strive to absorb everything that we say, that is why psychologists and teachers consider children up to 15 years older than learning. Riddles about furniture can also be a source of knowledge, they will develop logic and help to cope with the tasks more comprehensive.

Logical thinking is such a kind of thinking, which is formed by the child the very first, so it is important to pay special attention to this. Riddles about furniture is a great way to workout for your baby.

Riddles about furniture

      Stretched like harmonica,
      Miracle stove beam,
      He warmed us the whole house.

      (Answer: Battery)

      What is worth between the window and the door?

      (Answer: letter "and")

      In the apartment of our new home,
      Lives dishes in the house
      In it there is a place for sweets,
      It is called…

      (Answer: Buffet)

      His breath down:
      In it and a new service,
      And old utensils,
      And knives, and pile forks.
      There are no clothes here:
      It is still ...

      (Answer: Buffet)

      Vice in the hallway
      The rake is similar.

      (Answer: hanger)

      Everyone wants to wear her
      And hang on it all day
      And coat, and jackets,
      When we come from a walk.

      (Answer: hanger)

      In a hole grid
      Resting kids.

      (Answer: hammock)

      He swing and bed,
      Well on it lying
      He is in the garden or in the forest
      Shifting on weight.

      (Answer: hammock)

      Is he crank or ignorant?
      At any:
      From above wears clothes.
      He has it - inside.

      (Answer: Wardrobe)

      Who goes to the house -
      Takes my hand.

      (Answer: Door)

      One handle meets everyone
      The other handle escorts.

      (Answer: Door)

      She let me in the house
      And releases won.
      At night - under the lock
      She keeps my dream.
      She neither in the city nor into the courtyard
      Does not ask for a walk:
      On the moment will look into the corridor -
      And in the room again.

      (Answer: Door)

      He work is the first enemy,
      He is very happy with lazy:
      Let's rest on it,
      Well, the case is waiting!
      How it is easy to sit on it,
      And nice, sweet sleep!
      The back is soft, pillows ...
      What else is needed for happiness?

      (Answer: Sofa)

      I am comfortable, very soft,
      It is not difficult for you to guess -
      Love grandmothers and grandchildren
      Sit and lie down.

      (Answer: Sofa)

      Did not look into the window -
      There was one Antoshka,
      Looked in the window -
      There is the second Antoshka!
      What is this window,
      Where did the Antoshka watched?

      (Answer: mirror)

      From me take sometimes
      River your source,
      And in your hands I will open
      I am any castle.

      (Answer: key)

      They sit on it, but it is not a chair.
      He has armrests,
      But it is not a sofa.
      He has pillows
      But this is not a bed.

      (Answer: Armchair)

      All in the arms takes -
      And backed, shakes.

      (Answer: Rocking Chair)

      Closing animal
      The back is high
      Yes belly is wide.
      All in the arms takes -
      And backed, shakes.

      (Answer: Rocking Chair)

      Smirnyh horse
      Grazed on the lawn
      Horse runs -
      The lawn lies
      Does not end.
      Singing a horse -
      You download!

      (Answer: Rocking Chair)

      At sunrise and sunset
      Sweet sleeping on ...

      (Answer: beds)

      During the day, sleeping on it covered and pillow,
      And at night there is sleeping - Andryushka.

      (Answer: bed)

      If you are tired of playing,
      Then we go to ...

      (Answer: bed)

      Four legs, one body and two backs.

      (Answer: bed)

      Four legs,
      One body and two backs,
      On one of the backs -
      Credit for irinics.

      (Answer: bed)

      Four legs, yes no beast.
      There are feathers, but not a bird. What is it?

      (Answer: Bed and Pillow)

      No way in front of me -
      I and at home, and not at home,
      Between heaven and earth.
      Guess, ka, friends, who am I?

      (Answer: Porch)

      Wooden road -
      It comes in a sapper -
      That neither step, then ravine.

      (Answer: Staircase)

      Lies on the back -
      No one needs it,
      Leaning against the wall -
      Get up to her.

      (Answer: Staircase)

      He has four legs,
      At the horse look like a little bit,
      But not jumping anywhere.
      And plates, cups, spoons,
      And beautiful food
      On his back is wide
      We are located without difficulty.

      (Answer: Dining table)

      Glass fields,
      Me Sea -med.

      (Answer: Window)

      He has a big back,
      And he permits
      And write, and draw,
      And sculpt and cut.

      (Answer: writing desk)

      This beast is familiar to you,
      So he is:
      He has a big back,
      And he permits
      And write, and draw.
      Lives in the cabinets
      Unusual this beast
      He has a door on his body:
      And for the door there is a place
      For textbooks, tetradok,
      Circular and chocolate.

      (Answer: Desk)

      Like a festive product,
      You put it on it shoes:
      And sneakers and boots,
      Sandals, sandals,
      In order not to dust
      And easily worn.

      (Answer: Shoe shelf)

      Not a ottoman and not a sofa.
      Not a bed and not topchair
      But it sometimes at the bone
      Sweet our guests sleep.
      And when they take a little bit,
      Collect her harmonica
      And until night every time
      Will removed from the eye.

      (Answer: clamshell)

      I really need hostess
      I am very friendly with dishes,
      I'm glad to dishes
      I call me ...

      (Answer: Servan)

      Under the roof - four legs,
      And on the roof - soup yes spoons.

      (Answer: table)

      Four brothers
      One pushes subside
      Under one hat stand.

      (Answer: table)

      Four sisters
      Under one fatication.

      (Answer: table)

      There is a back, and never lies.
      There are four legs, and does not go.
      Itself always stands, and the other is to sit.

      (Answer: Chair)

      On him you can sit down
      Kohl tired standing and if
      Suddenly they called to the table,
      Do not drown in it like in a chair,
      Do not touch at all:
      Smooth proper landing
      Save your posture.

      (Answer: Chair)

      He is serious, even gloomy.
      The back is strict straight,
      But try to sit differently -
      Like a horse, let him jump.
      Back to heart press
      At him, the riding sid boldly:
      Now another thing!

      (Answer: Chair)

      With legs - without hands,
      With sides - without ribs,
      With a seat - without belly,
      With a back - without a head.

      (Answer: Chair)

      With legs
      But without hands;
      With seat,
      But without a belly;
      With back
      But without a head.

      (Answer: Chair)

      I'm with legs, but I do not go,
      With a back, but not lying,
      Sit down you - I do not sit.

      (Answer: Chair)

      Although we have four legs,
      We are not mouse and not cats,
      Although we all have backs,
      We are not sheep and not pig
      We are not horses, at least on us
      You get along many times.

      (Answer: Chairs)

      There is a grandmother-old woman
      Very little secret:
      Dresses, books and toys,
      Curtains, rattles,
      Dolls and bike -
      All she is stubbornly hides,
      So as not to get grandson.
      There is a grandmother in the country
      Old old old ...

      (Answer: Chest)

      Grandma has a safe.
      He has long been not new,
      Also at all
      Not steel
      And oak.
      He is modestly worth her
      In the corner.
      In it grandma holds
      Robes, socks,
      Cuts for dresses,
      A little yarn,
      And pension even.
      But not the door,
      And the lid on it.
      Heavy very
      With hanging castle.

      (Answer: Chest)

      I am a little bit like a table
      There is in the kitchen and in the hallway,
      In the bedroom I am rarely
      And I call me ...

      (Answer: Stool)

      Here and hangers, and shelves,
      As if in the house floor.
      Pants, Blouses, T-shirts -
      In order, everything lies.

      (Answer: wardrobe)

      I will notify me in the room
      And by opening me, the winter will meet in the summer.

      (Answer: wardrobe)

      Like the guard, stands at the door,
      Everyone will meet, and will be divided,
      He knows one secret:
      Kohl will be able to split it
      So, it will be dressed myself!

      This beast does not eat,
      Discover him yourself,
      He is always ready to take
      Jackets, fur coats and sweatshirts,
      And leather, and windbreaks,
      And for shoes there is a place,
      And clothing there is not closely.
      This beast is in the hallway,
      And he does not look like a beast.

      (Answer: Wardrobe for clothes and shoes)

, Table , Cupboard , Curtains , Pillow

Hat and four legs,
What do not go along the path.
He dining, journal,
Just in the world is the most.
Near the center on the floor
It takes place.
Guess who is he?
Well, of course it ... (table)

Next to the table lives,
Songs he sings us:
"You come to me soon
Rest and tea Pope.
Immediately will come again. "
Because it is ... (chair)

I will build on a soft bed.
Our eyes are sleeping already.
For the night all go to you,
Going to sweet sleep.

Here is such a folding,
In the afternoon I collected such.
For the night I can fall,
With a blanket to sleep together.

I stand in the room here,
You will see me.
I have inside hanging
Different clothes.

There are hands, and spin
Very soft always.
There is still a seat -
Just pleasure.
You can relax here
Will just class.

Suddenly I saw the picture,
What kind of evidence, miracles.
Reflected beautifully
This girl is the beauty.
What a new vision.
I got closer
Immediately it became visible there.

I love lying on the floor,
Hang on the wall smoothly.
You always go for me
And dust falls smoothly.

Wash i love
I give the cleanliness to everyone.
To adults and children
Were clean in the world.
You open me soon
And submese your hands.
We'll catch you water
You will be good.

Children's riddles about furniture

It is standing on the legs - does not get tired.
Costs all day
And they are still sitting on that, in addition.
How did he, the poor fellow
With four not collapse of the legs?
What is it? (chair).

It has four legs.
They are good and strong.
It costs it firmly
Always to help us come ready
When two people no longer hold us.
And if I stand settling,
This will certainly be taught.
This is a chair).

Better stool, better tobaberet.
Why? Yes, because
That he is soft, because it is - (chair).

Four brothers under the same roof live
And earn each other.
Well, on the roof they have
Often guests are
And then, two more legs
Brothers visit.
I stand in the kitchen proudly.
How else? After all, do not be me
Where to put mom banks, flasks
And food? And where is she then
To clean all the utensils will
When will I do it at hand?
(Kitchen Cabinet).

Without it, we are nowhere:
We will put it in the morning, and at lunch
Cups, mugs and sliced \u200b\u200bput bread.
Without him, there was a trouble:
It would have to eat sitting on the floor then.
This is (dining table).

I treat me beautiful dishes
And give me everything that the mistress is valuably.
And I'm happy to all this.
After all, for my doors in glass
Everything looks beautiful
As if an eternal parade here.
And I call me (servant).

I am related to the chair.
But I lost, only, my back is yours.

When it comes to sleep,
I go to the room go
And spread before bedtime (bed).

There are many boxes in me,
All retractable.
You're only for the handle
And I will open before you
Ponds their own.
(chest of drawers).

I have a roof -
Before you sitting you can write,
I have a lot of doors,
Why store you can
Pens, books and notebook.

Door - Once, Door - Two, Door - Three ..
You will find, finding out for which this time
Hide your notebook!

In school, I live and every day of students
I'm looking forward to visit!
I'm waiting for them, in a class of fun fighting,
Put again on me
Diary your, handle and notebook.
(school desk).

Crank in the corridor stands.
He, poor fellow, forever naked.
And each to dress a poor fellow
Loves as soon as the house comes.
(clothes rack).

Mask I all day
House for his favorite books
Together with the other ring.
Here we will finish, and I will hang on the wall
New (shelf).

In the morning, sleeping,
I leave her
And in the evening, the charter,
I am visiting her again.
What is it? (bed).

When dad tired, or mom,
Then with pleasure they
Resting in the hall on the (sofa).

Who, after dining table.,
In the kitchen is the main one?
No, this is not a mother.
The fact is that without him
Everything would be lying around.
Well, and with him - everything is in place!
This is (buffet).

Riddles about the sofa.
Very soft it for us
We love very lie down
Helps us
All familiar to everyone (sofa)

He's friends with a chair always,
They are faithful friends.
What kind of joke here is?
So a riddle about (sofa)

It is harsh, strong he,
It is not shifted from the place.
Actually soft very,
And love his family.
Answer: Sofa

On it is solid fault,
But only gradually,
After all, we do not win us,
We and the cases are pretty.

This is a faithful family friend,
He will support nights, days.
If you are very tired,
It's stepwise on him.

Children gives fun,
You can jump from the soul,
Very needed always
Soft, velvet (sofa)

It is so comfortable, soft,
Already do not want to get up.
You can immediately sleep,
Just need to disassemble.

That's what a miracle is what!
At home we are waiting for us!
Two moves and times
It turns out the bed.
What is given for the subject?
Well, of course, (sofa)

Custom guys, find the answer,
What do you have at home for the subject?
It looks like a hippopotamus:
Very soft and big.
Catches us on it
You can sleep on it.

Stands, chapter it is room,
And the whole family is on it.
He does not care a straw,
He is strong and big.

Arrived directly from the factory,
He is a plush such.
Comfort brings us
Comfortable our (sofa)

Each house has its own cloud on which you can sit, lie down, sleep, jump. However, this cloud does not fly, but very soft and comfortable. What is it?

We bought it yesterday,
He now lives with us,
Very soft, very cute,
And convenient our (sofa)

Tell me the children of such a answer:
What are you sitting when the sun is light?
What are you lying when the moon light?
Have you guessed? Then well done!
Answer: Sofa

Other riddles:

Picture sofa

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