Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a wooden roof on the garage. What are the roofs of the garage: choose the correct option. Types of simple roofs and their main elements

The flat roof is applied not only in residential buildings, but also in buildings of auxiliary and economic destination. A garage with a flat roof can be not only practical and functional, but also original construction. The plane roof is ideal for regions with a small amount of average monthly precipitation. However, in areas with the abundance of precipitation and snowy winter, the arrangement of a flat roof is possible, provided that the carrier roof frame will be strengthened and permissible loads on the overlap system will be taken.

Flat roof has the following advantages:

  1. Building with a flat roof looks rather original and modern.
  2. On such a roof, you can equip the terrace, a platform of rest or use it according to the owners preferences.
  3. Since such a design does not require a device of a complex and expensive rafting system, as well as in view of a small coating area, the garage owners receive a significant savings of money on the construction of this part of the structure.
  4. If you compare a flat roof with scanty structures, then its repair is done much easier and does not require much time from you.

The only disadvantage of such roofs is the need to perform careful design and calculations of the future design, taking into account the maximum permissible loads and the species of roofing. If errors will be made at this stage, the roof can not only flow, but will not be able to withstand the weight of the snow cap and sleep.

Attention! When designing flat roofs, a small slope of the surface is laid for drain and rainwater. This slope must be within 4 °.

Varieties of flat roofs

As the base of the plane roof, plates of overlapping from reinforced concrete or beams made of metal products can be used. The structure of roofing pie and its execution sequence are directly related to the type of base used.

All flat roofs are divided into several subspecies depending on the method of forming a roofing cake:

  • monolithic roofs in classic design;
  • structures from professional flooring;
  • inversion covers that can be attributed to a special version of the traditional roof.

All the above designs are divided into non-exploited and operated depending on the strength and bearing base ability.

Monolithic roofs

The monolithic roof designs for the garage are considered classic. They refer to the category of soft roofs. The roofing pie of such a roof consists of the following layers located at the bottom:

  1. The base is the reinforced concrete plate to arrange overlaps.
  2. Film vapor insulation is stacked on top of it.
  3. Next follows a layer of heat-insulating material. Usually mineral wool is used for these purposes.
  4. Waterproofing roofing carpet is laid on the insulation. A rolled material with a bitumen content is used as waterproofing.
  5. If the roof is exploited, then a concrete reinforced screed is made. For its gain, a metal mesh is applied. After that, if necessary, an additional layer of waterproofing and a coating of tiles can be laid.

Sometimes metal beams of the 2-way height of 120-150 mm are used to arrange a flat monolithic roof. Next, the design is performed as follows:

  1. The bottom shelves of these beams are mounted with a solid 5.5 cm thick cutter thickness, which are covered with rubberoid.
  2. After that, the reinforcement mesh is stacked so that it is located 30-50 mm at a distance from the runner.
  3. Then the space between the beams is filled with a concrete mixture.
  4. When the solution grabs, a classic soft rolled roof is placed.

Quite often, flat roofs of garages are made from the carrier proflist. This is the most economical embodiment of a flat roof structure. But this option is suitable only for non-exploitable roofs. The design of the roofing pie in this case is almost no different from the above described above with the difference, which will require an additional layer of heat insulator.

Classic design

This design in the section looks like a multi-layered structure, which includes the following mandatory layers:

  • flat base (concrete, made of metal beams or carrier proflist);
  • vapor insulation layer;
  • layer of heat-insulating material;
  • waterproofing carpet.

Polyethylene film is usually used as vaporizolation. It reliably protects the construction of the roof from the warm vapor of air, rising from the room and causing the formation of condensate in the insulation layer.

The following materials can be used as insulation:

  • ceramzit-gravel mixture;
  • mineral wool slabs;
  • polystyrene foam insulation.

The waterproofing carpet is performed from rolled materials produced on the basis of bitumen. Also for this you can use sprayed membranes and special mastic.

Inversion roofs

The design of the inversion roof is fundamentally different from the options discussed above. In section, such roofing pie has the following layers:

  1. The base is a flat concrete plate.
  2. With the help of a bitumen primer, a waterproofing roofing carpet is attached.
  3. Further places the slab hard thermal insulation material.
  4. Then follows the drain layer and the reinforced coating.
  5. After that, geotextiles are stacked, which protects the insulation from the negative impact of external factors.
  6. The final layer of the inversion roof can be any material suitable for these purposes, for example, paving slabs, a fertile layer with grass.

Important! The inversion roof can withstand significant loads, so it can be used as an exploited roof.

General rules of the device

According to the requirements of SNIP, the flat roof must be performed with a minimum bias in one direction to avoid accumulation of precipitation on the coating and flow. It is worth remembering that even the minimum amount of moisture, delayed on the coating, can lead to rapid roofing pieces of roofing pie. This is because due to multiple thawing and freezing of moisture, the design is deformed and destroyed.

To form the necessary angle of inclination, either beams (beams or overlapping plates) are used, which are mounted in accordance with the required slope, or a special flap from the ceramisitis is performed.

It is also worth remembering that there must be a separation interlayer between the insulation and layer of flashes from the bulk material. The soft roofing coating is placed in two layers with the overlap stripes. At the same time, the direction of laying of the bands in two layers should be mutually perpendicular.

Many motorists are very good and loved their car, so if possible, try to hide your cars in a warm and cozy garage. However, not every motorist has a warm and cozy garage. But many car owners are resolved to build their own garage.

Of course, we are not difficult to build a brickwork at all, the complexity is to build the roof of the garage. Therefore, many initially emerges a reasonable question: how to make the roof of the garage with your own hands?

Build the roof of the garage on their own possible, if you have the initial builder skills and have a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe final result of the construction.

The simplest and optimal option in the construction of the roof on the garage is a single roof. Assembly such a design will not be big problems and difficulties, and this option has its advantages:

  • does not require any experience and knowledge
  • does not require large financial costs
  • the construction process does not take much time, as a rule, not more than 3-4 days
  • the design of such a roof has a long service life.

Features of the calculation of the roof for the garage

It should be noted that a single roof has several different types of structure structure. Therefore, there are such situations when the roof of the garage has a continuation of the residential building, but this is the most correct option, when the building of the garage has a separate and not adjacent construction to other buildings.

Determination of the corner of the Skate

In the process of designing the garage, it is very important to correctly and competently perform the slope of the skate, it is necessary to flow off the water during rains. In this case, it is necessary to establish the supporting walls with different levels. However, the slope of the skate depends on the various nuances.

Features of climatic conditions. In this case, the slopes are recommended to be done on the basis of climate features, so, for example, with a climate, where a large amount of precipitation falls in the form of rain and a strong and impetuous wind, the bias is recommended to perform no more than 5-7 °. But if the climate is more severe with a large number of snow, in this case the bias is recommended to perform no more than 25 °.

Select roofing material. Of course, one of the most important issues in the construction of the roof, how to cover the roof of the garage? Basically, the roofs of garages use bitumen-polymer rolls or the so-called "runneroid", also well used for such purposes slate or steel sheets or metal tile.

However, they all have a different angle of slope. For example, "Ruberoid" has an indicator of no more than 10 °, it is recommended to have a slope of no more than 20 ° for slate, and a slope is characterized for a metal tile.

The appearance of the architectural panorama of the site. In this case, it is necessary to observe almost the same slope of all the buildings of the roofs, it is necessary to create a single common panorama of the site.

Calculation of the rafter carcass

Nowadays, this time is not so difficult to calculate the necessary parameters when designing, if you use special modern programs or building calculators. In this case, you only need to enter all the parameters of the garage with a single-table roof and the result in automatic mode will give you the whole the most necessary information.

The complexity of the rafter system

In the process of building a single-table roof on its own very important to make the whole design very durable. At the same time, it is necessary to additionally mount the special components-enhancers.

As a rule, a single-piece garage for one passenger car has an indicative dimensions of 3.0x5.5 meters, but optionally can be changed in the direction of decreasing or increasing the dimensions.

Collection of a single-piece roof for the garage

Before purchasing materials, it is necessary to completely recalculate everything again, and only after that you can buy everything you need for construction. In fact, build a single roof of your garage is not so difficult.

It is only necessary to perform everything consistently and slowly. It is desirable that you have a roof drawing, which will serve you with a clear guidance to action.

An insulation of the roof also has an important meaning. Therefore, many do not know what and how to insulate the roof of the garage? The process of insulation of the garage is considered almost a final stage of construction. For insulation of the garage, you can use almost any insulation.

The insulation is laid between the rapid beams, with each other they must lie tightly. For the insulation of a single-sided garage, a heater with a thickness of 20 cm can be used.

Thus, repairing the roof of the garage can be made with their own hands. At the same time, in the process of construction there is nothing complicated. The only difficulty is that in some points you will need assistants. This is due to the fact that the beams and rafters are long and heavy and need to hold somewhere therefore, therefore, we need helpers.

If you have difficulty when choosing a roof design, you can see the colorful and illustrated photo of the roof of the garage. It is possible that you will enjoy any option.

Photo of the roof of the garage

Every car enthusiast seeks to equip a decent garage for his "iron horse", which will preserve the excellent appearance of the car and significantly increase its life. In addition to strong walls, reliable sex and competently performed ventilation, it is very important to have a properly designed and high-quality garage roof. If you have a desire and knowledge of how to properly make the roof of the garage, then this type of work can be performed independently. Consider more Questions related to the roof of the roof for the garage.

Requirements for high-quality roof for the garage

  • Construction reliability. The roof must withstand the temperature differences and atmospheric loads corresponding to your climatic zone. It should be borne in mind that the difficult overlap, the more powerful the walls should be to withstand this load.
  • Good hydro and thermal insulation. To eliminate the ingress of moisture of atmospheric precipitation on your car and creating favorable conditions for its storage.
  • Use non-combustible materials. The garages belong to the premises with an increased fire hazard, so it is extremely important in their construction to apply non-combustible materials.
  • Attractive appearance. Allows the garage to harmoniously fit into the overall appearance of the manor. At the same time, if the garage adjoins the house, its roof must be performed in one style.

The main types of garage roofs

  • Single-table (flat). It is the easiest view of the roof for the garage. It is characterized by a small amount of material required. The most often the angle of the skate is 20-30 °, but if desired, you can reduce an angle of up to 10 °, ensuring the required level of resistance to the effects of precipitation. The fastest way to manufacture this type of roof is the use of slabs of overlapping, which are also low thermal conductivity and a good soundproofing level. This option is most optimally solving fire safety issues.

  • Double. With all the beauty of this design, it is more complex in manufacturing and expensive. Therefore, the selection of this option is carried out mainly by architectural reasons or due to the need for an attic room for storing a variety of things. During the construction of a duplex roof, it is necessary to make a ceiling and insulate it. The design of this type of roof itself contributes to an excellent review of it from the side, so do not use cheap roofing materials so as not to spoil the overall impression of the structure.

Types of roofing materials

When erecting garage roofs, the following roofing materials are most common:

Slate. Popular roofing material with a long service life (up to 40 years). It is made of a light asbetic plate with a high degree of wear resistance.

Compared to the professional floor, slate has a greater weight and requires a stronger and reliable rafter system.

Laying slate is performed by rows from the bottom-up with the subsequent adhesive (about 20 cm). Fastening to the crate is performed using special nails, while the holes are desirable to drill.

Ruberoid. The main advantage of the rolled regteroid is its low cost, sufficient coating strength and efficient protection against water. The term of the roof of the roof made from the rubberoid with proper operation reaches 15 years.

This roofing material is mounted on a solid crate.

First of all, it is required to prepare the foundation for the roof. Then immediately before laying the first layer, it is necessary to wipe the base, roll out and press the rubberoid with bitumen mastic. Mounting Ruberoid bands is made from below-up with an adhesive 20 cm. This method of laying does not allow water to flow into the joints between the canvas. Further, in the same way, only in the perpendicular direction, the second layer is stacked. Finally, after scraping with bitumen mastic, it is necessary to put the third layer, also in the direction perpendicular to the previous layer.

Professional flooring. This material has gained popularity due to a long service life (up to 50 years) and low weight, which makes it possible to reduce the exercise costs of the lifting system and the manufacture of the crate. Professional flooring is performed from steel coated coated or zinc layer (galvanized steel). Giving a characteristic trapezoid profile is made by cold rolled products. The size of the sheet and the specific form of the profile from different models differ. Installation of sheets is made of peaks about 20 cm, bottom-up. Design of sidewalls, edges and tops are performed using special profiles.

When creating a roof on the basis of the corrugated floor, it should be hydroizing and insulated.

Properly designed and made roof for the garage will allow you to be sure that your car standing in the garage does not threaten leaks, and it is reliably protected from weather popsicles.


Check out the video roof mounted:

So correctly performed the roof of the garage rubberoid:

Garage - a room, of course, not intended for housing, but it cannot perform all its functions if the roof will constantly flow. Especially often with this phenomenon car owners face the spring period when the snow accumulated on the roof begins to melt. But a qualitatively made roof will not flow and will not deliver problems, and the house for the car will always be dry and cozy. What is better to cover the roof of the garage to avoid all the troubles?

The purpose of any garage is protection against external influences of a motor vehicle. Rain, snow, the wind is capable of pretty quickly spoiling the appearance of the car, and for the motorcycle standing on the street, such impacts are simply detached. Because of the excess moisture, the corrosion processes on metal products begin to pass quite quickly, destroying the metal. That is why the garage should be qualitative, not to have leaks.

The roof on the garage can be a single or twin. These are the most common options. In the first case, make the roof is the easiest way - it is one slope, based on the walls of the structure with different heights. The angle of inclination may be different (up to 60 degrees) - usually this indicator depends on the climate in the region, the roses of the winds, the selected roofing coating.

On a note! The roof with one slope is usually constructed if there is no need to create a attic.

The roofing material is placed on a tree rafyled. The height of the difference is calculated by the formula H \u003d d x tan awhere D is the garage width. The last indicator is selected according to the brady's table. A tree for rafters should be processed by antiseptic compositions that will protect the material from the effects of biological organisms, and it is also recommended to coat it with compositions that reduce the likelihood of fire (antipirens). The category of a single-table roof can also be attributed to the roof, which is often found on garages built from concrete.

Two-tight roof is built if the garage is planned to be equipped with an attic. Usually such a roof has a triangle shape. The frame is a plumbing legs connected at a certain angle, having a support on the walls and at the upper point of their compound. The height of the rod of the roofing n and the length of the rafted with determine the formulas H \u003d 0.5 x H (z: 2) and C \u003d 0.5 x H / SIN (Z: 2)where Z is the magnitude of the tilt. For an equilateral roof, an option is suitable for using the Pythagores theorem.

Less often, a multi-skin roof is also equipped. However, it is already much more difficult in performance, because rarely, who is taken to build it with their own hands.

Tip! To create a roof on the garage with your own hands, it is recommended to stop your choice on a simple single-chain roof.

Table. What else to take into account?


To select the type of roof and materials, it is worth considering the type of foundation and its strength, the strength of the bearing walls, overlap. After taking into account the main indicators, the roofing material is chosen in accordance with them.

It is important to take into account the wind load on the structure, the location of the garage, the frequency of snowfall and rain.

If the garage is in the cooperative, it is recommended to select such roofing material so that it harmonies with the rest of the buildings.

To create a roof and its coatings, various tools may be needed. It is worth making a list of necessary and acquire them or rent before the start of work.

Comparison of materials

For the roof roof of the garage, you can use any roofing materials. Of course, most owners want to save on the construction, choosing the material that is suitable in quality and cost. Consider the main types of coatings used for the roof.

Tile from ceramics

This is one of the most beautiful and popular types of roofing material. It is made of clay and therefore has such advantages as resistance to rust, exposure to sunlight, low temperatures and microorganis attacks. The service life of the coating is large and amounts to about 100 years. The disadvantages include the considerable weight of the material, the complexity in transportation due to fragility and quite high cost.

Installation of such a roof is easily performed, but at the corner of the roof coal, more than 12 degrees should not use tile. It is also not suitable for finishing a garage from concrete.

Prices for various types of tiles



This is a kind of soft sifer variant, otherwise called euroshofer. It has several color variations, which allows you to choose it for any structure of the structure. The service life of the coating is 20 years (warranty period), the material well protects the roof from leaks, is not dangerous from an ecological point of view, easy to install and easy. The benefits include its low price. From the disadvantages you can mark the combustion of the coatings, but by itself will never light up. Also, he quickly burns into the sun and loses the brightness of the color.

Prices for various types of Ondulina

One of the oldest options for roofing. It is a wavy sheets made from asbesto-cement mixture. The material is durable, easily repaired, does not rust, cheap, does not burn. However, it is quite fragile, and with insufficient sealing of the roof, leaks can form.

On a note! Slate is one of the cheapest coating options, therefore is often used to finish the roof of the budget garage.

Prices for various types of slate

Metal professional flooring

The option of roofing, which came to shift the sector. It is made of galvanized thin steel sheet, there has waves or trapezium corrugations, due to which additional strength acquires.

The material is simple in the laying, has a lot of color variations, serves as long as properly edited. Due to the polymer protective coating, rust is not afraid and does not fade. The main disadvantage of the material is that in case of damage to the polymer layer, the sheet quickly rusts. Moreover, it is possible to damage the coating, just passing on it in a rough shoe. It costs it more expensive than ordinary slate.

An option that is often used to finish single-table roofs and flat roofs. It is a rolled material consisting of dense cardboard impregnated with bitumen and a protective sprinkle. It is very cheap, durable, well isolates the roof from water, easy to work. However, the material lights easily, rushes, but looks, to put it mildly, ugly. Can be used as a waterproofing layer during the construction of the roof.


Yes, from this material you can also make the roof of the garage or create a small canopy for the car. Polycarbonate is structured or monolithic. The latter reminds glass and completely transparent. Suitable for creating a flat roof option.

The first version of the polycarbonate is known as cellular or cellular. Very lightweight, rather durable and flexible.

The process of roofing work

Registration of the roof of the garage can consist of several stages depending on which roof is needed. For example, it can be built from scratch and for this will have to build a rafter system, put waterproofing, mount the coating. If you do not need to do a warming layer, then work will be greatly simplified. Also, the roof can already be finished (for example, concrete), but in need of additional finish.

Important! Choosing the material, it is worth considering the angle of inclination of the roof. For rubberoid, the optimal option is an angle of up to 5 degrees, for slate - no more than 25-35, the professional flooring is placed on the roof with a row of up to 8 degrees, and the metal tile can be used on the skate up to 30 degrees.

All work needs to be performed only under the condition of sunny weather. It is best to get acquainted with the forecast of at least a week and choose warm days.

Finishing concrete roofing

Even if the garage already has a roof of concrete, it must pass special preparation before the new roofing material will be laid. In general, the process begins precisely from this stage and ends with laying a new coating.


Step 1. An old coating with a concrete slab, if any, will have to be deleted completely. This is done with the help of subwoys - for example, shovels, chisel, etc.

Step 2. The concrete surface is inspected - its condition should be good before further trim. It is confrontated by a hammer - everything in the process peeles must be removed.

Step 3. All small cracks are closed with cement milk (or liquid glass), which is applied by a conventional wide brush. Wide cracks can be chopped by mounting foam, the excess of which is then cut into a sharp knife.

Step 4. An uneven base is aligned with cement mortar. It is applied to the surface and recalls with the help of the rule. Next, the cement layer is dried.

Step 5. The cemented surface after drying is processed deeply penetrating soil. It is applied with a roller or with a sprayer with a uniform layer.

Step 6. When the primer layer is dry, the surface is covered with bitumen mastic.

Roofing on concrete roof

Step 1. Works on the installation of rubberoid on the roof begin with raising the rolls of the material on the surface of the roof. Next, one of the rolls is placed in the angle of the roof and with the help of a gas burner, the bitumen mastic applied to the base is heated.

Step 2. Roll Ruberoid without a sprinkling with a metal hook As the mastic heating is heated gently unfolds. The flame of the burner is also sent to the lower part of the rolled material. Thus, the entire roof is closed, separate strips of the material are stacked with the allen on each other.

Step 3. The upper layer of material already has a powder on the surface is stacked. To begin with, the necessary dimensions of the segment are measured. For convenience, they are twisted into rolls.

Step 4. Laying the upper layer of material should be made on the lower so that the seams overlap each other, that is, with a displacement. Laying begins with the bottom point of the roof of the roof.

Step 5. And again there is a gas burner. The previously stacked bottom layer is heated.

Step 6. After the bottom layer is good warm, heating and roll rolling starts with a sprinkler. Rolling is also carried out with the help of a hook.

Used all the same metal hook

Step 7. The material laid in this way is sprayed with water to speed up the cooler process. Also, the water layer will not give a crumb on the surface of the coating to stick to hand and tools.

Step 8. Material with pattering movements with a wooden bounquer, wrapped with a cloth, is attached to the surface of the roof.

Step 9. Similarly, the entire roof is closed. Separate floor stripes are stacked.

Step 10. Blood sides are also closed by rubberoid.

Video - How to cover the roof with TEHNONIKOL?

The process of finishing the roof of the garage by professional flooring

Quite often, professional flooring is used as roofing in the construction of the garage. This durable and durable material will serve as faithful, if you put it correctly.


Step 1. The roof is preparing - if necessary, the waterproofing layer is stacked. Next, the installation of the supports under the material begins - bars 50x50 mm are stacked on the base, and across them - 40x15 mm boards.

Step 2. Bruks are aligned strictly in terms of level, boards are also aligned.

Step 3. Longitudinal bars are attached to the base of the roof with the help of frame bolts.

Step 4. The transverse boards are fixed by self-drawing to Brukes - along the edges of two pieces, and in the middle of the boards - one.

Step 5. On the perimeter of a kind of crates, planks are nailed. Their upper part should be closed with blackboard. You can proceed to laying a professional flooring.

Installation of professional flooring

Step 1. The sheets of professional flooring rose to the roof, stacked on the crate and align. Separate sheets are stacked by 2 waves. To install the roof it is better to use sheets of this size to close the roofing rod from the edge to the edge.

Step 2. In the place of the outlet of the pipe pipe, it is required to trim the material so that the chimney hole formed is formed. The easiest thing in general is a sheet cut a hole, and then put on a sheet on the pipe.

Step 3. The sheets of professional flooring will be bonded with self-drawing. For convenience, you can apply markup along exactly stranded from one edge of the roof to another twine. Marking is applied with a marker. Marking should be straight along the boards-cross.

Step 4. Special roofing screws with a rubber washer-gasket are screwed. In the perimeter of the sheets, their step is 40-50 cm, and they screw in the remaining sheet on the markup through one corrugation.

Step 5. The side of the roof can be separated by a rubberoid, strengthened on bitumen mastic, or closed with metal shields of the desired height.

Step 6. The shields are fixed with the help of roofing screws, and the joints between them and the roof are embarrassed by bitumen mastic.

Step 7. Fissure strips are glued to the first bitumen layer, which are then scolded again by bitumen.

Step 8. The junction between the pipe and the professional flooring is closed by waterproofing material or sealant.

Prices for professional flooring


Video - Roof made of profile on the garage

What material to use for the roof of the garage? Here, it is necessary to decide the owner itself in accordance with its wishes and budget. It is also important to take into account the features of each coating. But from the above two main materials it is better to use professional flooring - it will be more reliable and durable for the roof than Ruberoid.

For the garage acquired popularity among car owners at the expense of simplicity and economy. Creating a single-table roof will require modest skills and inexpensive materials. But at the same time, the design will come out durable, it will safely serve you for a long time.

Also greater dignity is a short installation time. All this makes a single-stand optimal solution for.

How to do roof garage do it yourself? The most important thing in the device single Roof Garage with your own hands there will be a rafter system. It takes and distributes most of the weight, transfers it to mauerlat.

No less important crates. The crates will serve as a support for fastening roofing. The final element - the outer layer, itself roofing. In addition, it is impossible to forget about waterproofing and thermal insulation.

Single roof of the garage - Photo:

For garage S. flat roof Manufacturers offer a wide range of materials for the roof:

  1. Slate - It has a good appearance, it is relatively easy to mount. Service life is 35-40 years;
  2. Tile - best suited to create a roof on medium / large garages;
  3. Professor - Low price, a fairly reliable option;
  4. Soft materials - Rolled building materials differ in low cost. The service life of modern materials is 30-40 years. Ruberoid has significantly less - 10-15 years.

The angle of inclination of the plane roof for the garage depends on several factors. First - material type. Ruberoid has the lowest angle of inclination - 5-10 degrees. Slate and tiles are more - 20 and 30 degrees, respectively.

Second factor - climate. To determine the desired angle of inclination, you need to know the average wind power, the amount of precipitation. For example, if the garage is exposed to a strong wind, the roof should be made with a smaller angle, more common.

Please note that the angle and strength of the design are in reverse Addiction. Compensate the loss of strength will need special backups and other structural solutions.

How to make a roof of the garage? Need to start S. calculation. In practical terms, the angle of inclination will show the difference in the height of the walls. That is, as far as one wall of the construction is above another. For a regular one, a single garage is a difference in 40-60 centimeters. The roof will come out durable and reliable. To produce calculations, use trigonometric equations.

Height difference:

Pv \u003d ds x TGA, Where

RV. - difference of heights;

DS. - responsible for the length of the wall of the garage;

tG A. - Tangent Angle A, Angle A is an angle of inclination of the roof, which you have planned.

Slinge foot:

CH \u003d pv x sin a, Where

SN - size of the rafter leg;

sIN A. - sinus angle of inclination of the roof;

RV. - The difference of heights, it is obtained from the past formula.

For calculations, you can use special programs and calculators, it is not necessary to do everything manually.

Hand made frame garage with single Roof - Photo:


Single Roof with your own hands for the garage - step by step:


How to make a roof on the garage? Stacking slate It is necessary to start below. We put out the material with rows, the upper sheets are superimposed on the lower, and partially cover them. If four slate sheets intersect in one place, special nails are used for fastening. On the roof edge, the roofing material nails a pair of nails.

To reduce the effect of wind, use wind board. It is placed on the rafter lags, the board will provide some protection against strong wind gusts. The slate plus is its low price and durability (30-40 years). The angle of inclination is 20 degrees.


How to make a single garage roof? Via profile - inexpensive roofing material. The angle of inclination is 20-40 degrees. But the angle is more than 25-30 degrees must be chosen reasonably, as the strength of the structure will suffer. The basis for such a solution may be abundant precipitation (especially snow) in your region.

Laying material start with nizhny Angle. We must not forget about the alignment of the professional flooring, the landmark for this will serve the burdock of the cornice.

It is necessary to strictly stick to the selected size of the flask. The size directly depends on the roof inclination angle. The greater the angle, the smaller the outlet will be needed.

With roof roofs of a devounted garage, sheets from profile Must with self-drawing. Special attention should be paid to the end of the structure. On this site, the self-tapping screws are fixed to all beams. Do not save on self-stairs, use the standard number, otherwise suffers reliability Roofs.

To install, you need a simple tool - electric saw, an electric drill, a screwdriver.

Garage with your own hands with a single roof:

Soft roof

K include many building materials. Soft materials do not fit under a large angle, maximum - 10-15 degrees. The cheapest and most common - ruberoid.

How to make a roof on the garage? To start laying, you need to prepare a roof, clean its surface from Sora, give it well seeking. Preparation is needed ruberoid - A couple of days before the start of work, it is revealed, they give it to be searched. Then the roof is applied to the roof, which will remove cracks and lumets.

After that, rolls are applied mastica (Cold or hot). Rolls of rubberoid should be laid in the mustache, layers. The top layer necessarily has a protective sprinkling. The protruding edges are separated and fasten with nails.

Modern rolled materials are distinguished by an increased service life and improved characteristics, but the laying process as a whole is similar to the ruberoid.

Made with your hands roof for a garage - Photo:


How to build a roof on the garage? The first step in the construction of a single-piece roof is the creation mauerlat.. Mauerlat distributes weight from the roof on the walls of the garage. Then go to the rafter system.

The ledge of the beam should be about 30-40 centimeters. Ends will protect the garage from falling into the interior. Stacking step - 70-80 centimeters. The next stage will be okeekhet.

The shapper for soft, rolled materials should be solid. For slate and professional flooring it is not necessary. The crate is fixed perpendicular to the rafters. After that you need to do waterproofing Chatters.

For waterproofing is well suited ruberoid. It is cheap and simple in laying. Instead of runner, you can use the film, it is placed in the same way. Then the outer layer of the roof is placed.

Useful video

Watch the video on how to properly make a single roof on the garage with your own hands:

Another cognitive video about how to make a roof on the garage - a single roof: