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Maybe a whole day heart attack. Heart attack. Emergency treatment of a heart attack

The concept of "heart attack" is very wide. It combines a group of symptoms arising from different diseases. The most common attacks in the type of arrhythmia, angina and acute myocardial infarction are found. Such a condition requires emergency care and can lead to the death of a sick person.

The reasons

The following possible causes of heart attack are distinguished:

  • myocardial ischemia (angina);
  • acute heart attack;
  • thromboembolism of the pulmonary artery;
  • flickering arrhythmia;
  • aneurysm;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • acute heart failure;
  • cardiogenic shock.

Signs of heart attack in women specific. This makes it possible to eliminate diseases of other organs and provide proper medical care. The following symptoms of a heart attack are most often arising:

  • frequent heartbeat;
  • feeling of interruption in the work of the heart;
  • fear;
  • anxiety;
  • discomfort in hand, half of the face or blade;
  • dyspnea;
  • oxygen shortage;
  • lying or scoring;
  • sweating;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of edema.

The earliest sign is the pain in the heart.


Often in female sex develops a stainland attack. This is a manifestation of coronary heart disease. The most frequent causes are atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, spasm of vessels, thrombosis and high pressure. Stenzardia is stable and unstable. The following symptoms of a heart attack by type of angina region are observed:

  • sore pain;
  • weakness;
  • heart palpitations;
  • nausea;
  • sweating.

In female female, the attack often flows without pronounced pain syndrome. If he still appears, then it is characterized by the following signs:

  • duration less than 15 minutes;
  • communication with exercise;
  • purifying or compressive character.

The pain often puts in hand and jaw. It lasts a few minutes. The attack can occur when moving or at rest (during sleep). In some sick female, the attack of angina develops after a long walk or in cold windy weather. The attack is eliminated by the reception of nitrates (nitroglycerin). Pain syndrome most often disappears during the rest.

The attacks of unstable angina are most difficult. The appearance of pain can provoke experience, physical labor, running, cooling. Under the walls of the printela, the attack often occurs in a state of complete rest (at night or early in the morning). The pain is combined with intense sweating, change in pressure, nausea, headache, tachycardia.

Fund is possible. Often on the background of angina, heart rate and conductivity are disturbed. Often, attacks arise one by one. Their peculiarity is that they are poorly eliminated by nitroglycerin and arise with insignificant physical exertion.

Symptoms of myocardial infarction

The most bright symptoms of the heart attack in women are manifested with a heart attack.

This dangerous state requires emergency care. Mortality is very high. This attack is caused by an acute lack of oxygen in the heart. Attachment develops against the background of the computing of the vessel atherosclerotic plaque or thrombus. Symptoms are most pronounced in the sharpest period.

They arise due to the alignment of the myocardial site. Infarct attack manifests as follows:

  • intensive pain lasting more than 30 minutes;
  • severe weakness;
  • excitation;
  • fear;
  • breath;
  • the appearance of cold, sticky sweat;
  • skin pallor;
  • on the basis of the fingertips, ears and nose;
  • increase in pressure at the beginning and followed by hypotension;
  • violation of cardiac rhythm;
  • frequent heartbeat.

In the event of the development of edema of light and cardiac asthma, cough appears. Pain syndrome can last several hours and even days. In this case, the condition of the sick woman is deteriorating, it improves. Unlike angina, the attack with a heart attack is not eliminated by nitroglycerin. In the acute period of heart attack, pain syndrome disappears.

Signs of flickering arrhythmia

In a healthy person, the heart is reduced with a frequency of 60-80 beats per minute with a sinus rhythm. With many cardiovascular diseases, flickering arrhythmia is developing. Its species is fluttering or atrial fibrillation. Most often, this pathology develops against the background of the acquired heart defects.

The attacks of flicker arrhythmia are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • feeling of accelerated heartbeat;
  • feeling of myocardial interruptions;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • breath;
  • disadvantage of air.

The parodial nature of the disease is determined only in the early stages. Then arrhythmia becomes constant. The frequent manifestation of arrhythmia is trembling, sweating, feeling of fear. It is often reduced by diuresis. Sometimes severe dizziness causes a short-term loss of consciousness.

With the development of complications in women, the development of paresis and the pressure drop is possible. When atrial fibrillation, the frequency of their abbreviations is 400-800 beats per minute. A specific symptom is a deficit of the pulse. This condition in which the number of myocardial cuts is greater than the number of ripples.

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Not always the feeling of interruptions in the work of the heart and pain is a sign of acute disease. The reason for the reinforced products of catecholamines (adrenaline and norepinerenaline) in response to the stressful situation may be the cause. These hormones accelerate the heart rate. It is manifested by Tachycardia. Catecholamines can cause short-term spasm arteries, which is also manifested in the form of a small attack.

Interruptions in the heart are a frequent sign of a vegetative dystonia. The development of a heart attack is possible with good arterial patency in the case of disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome. In the women of the elderly, the paroxy state may be due to insufficiently developed collaterals. Sometimes interruptions in the work of the heart are observed in poisoning and eating some drugs.

In any case, when developing an attack, you need to be able to provide the affected assistance. It is required to give a half-sidic pose to a person, give a nitroglycerin tablet and aspirin, as well as to ensure the influx of clean air. It is necessary to call an ambulance. At heart attack anticoagulants (heparin), fibrinolities (streptocinase), antiagregants, painkillers are prescribed. Thus, the development of a heart attack requires immediate assistance, otherwise the likelihood of complications is high.

During the heart attack and men, women usually have pressure and sighting in the chest. But women also often have other, less well-known symptoms of heart attack. Therefore, women are likely to die from a heart attack higher than that of men, due to improper diagnosis and late treatment. Being a woman, it is very important to know which symptoms should be lost. If you think that you have a heart attack, immediately call an ambulance by phone 103 (from mobile) or 03 (from a landline phone).


Definition of symptoms

    Pay attention to the discomfort in the chest or back. The main symptoms of the heart attack is the feeling of gravity, constraint, compression or pressure in the chest or top of the back. This feeling does not necessarily arise suddenly and is not always accompanied by pain. It can last for a few minutes, go, and then freeze again.

    Pay attention to discomfort at the top of the back. In women with a heart attack, an acute pain may occur, resembling dental or ear pain in the jaw, neck, shoulders or back. This pain arises due to the fact that the nerves conducting electrical signals to these sites also hold them to the heart. The pain can come and disappear for a while, and then return with even greater force. It is so strong that can wake you up at night.

    • This pain may occur immediately in all places or only in one.
    • Women often do not experience pain in their hand and shoulder, which is usually reported with a man's heart attack.
  1. Follow the occurrence of dizziness and / or pre-imaging state. If you suddenly feel weakness, perhaps your heart does not get the necessary blood. If dizziness (the feeling that the room is moving) or a pre-corrosive condition (the feeling that you will lose consciousness now) is accompanied by a breath or cold later, you may have a heart attack. These symptoms leads to a decrease in blood flow into the brain.

    Pay attention to difficulty breathing. If you suddenly begin to fall, it may indicate a heart attack. Dyspnea occurs when a person lacks air. If you have difficulty breathing, try to breathe through compressed lips (like a whistle). You spend less forces when breathing in this way. This breathing method will also help you relax and remove the feeling of the lack of air.

    • If you have a heart attack, blood pressure in the lungs and the heart increases, with the pumping function of the heart decreases.
  2. Pay attention to the manifestation of gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea, indiscriminate stomach and vomiting. Gastrointestinal symptoms occur more often during the heart attack in women than in men. Women often neglect these symptoms, believing that they arose as a result of stress or influenza. All the wines are bad blood circulation and the lack of oxygen in the blood. The feeling of nausea and indigestion can last for quite a long time.

    Please note whether you are difficult to translate the Spirit after waking up. Obstructive apnea syndrome in a dream occurs when soft tissues in the mouth, like a language or throat, block the upper respiratory tract.

    Think if you have a feeling of anxiety. Enhanced sweating, difficulty breathing and fast (rapid) heartbeat are often signs of anxiety. These same symptoms often occur during a heart attack. If you suddenly begin to worry about something, perhaps, so your nerves react to heart surge. In some women, the feeling of anxiety can also lead to insomnia.

    Pay attention to the manifestations of weakness and fatigue. Although fatigue can indicate many things, including a difficult week at work, it can also be caused by a decrease in blood flow into the brain. If you find it difficult to finish everyday tasks without additional rest (more often than usual), perhaps blood is poorly pumped by your body. The same indicates that you may have a heart attack. Some women also inform the feeling of gravity in their feet, which arises from them in a few weeks and months to a heart attack.

  • If there is no symptoms of a heart attack, but you are worried about the heart, consult a doctor to spend a complete examination.


The growing amount of heart disease is frightening, but many people ignore their signals and manifestations. This may lead to a more serious situation: a heart attack is similar to the symptoms of other heart activities, and it is vital to learn to recognize such pathology of a sharp lack of blood supply to the heart, preferably emerging in men than in women.

What is a heart attack

Speaking by a medical language, the attack of the heart is a serious pathological condition of the body, which arose due to the emergence of a sharp lack of protection of the heart muscle. This happens when the vessels are blocked by a thrombo or spasome of the body of the artery. The situation is dangerous in that it provokes the motion of heart cells. The irreversibility of the process leads to myocardial infarction, up to the stop of the heart and death.

Cardiac relapse can happen if the coronary artery is blocked by the formation on the walls of fat deposits, that is, due to atherosclerosis. The bloom accumulates, the artery is narrowed by comparing blood flow. When breaking the plaque, the blood clot may appear, overlapping a completely artery heart. The artery no longer provides the heart muscle with the necessary volume of blood and oxygen. The muscle is damaged, which causes the attack. In the place of muscular damage is formed a scar cloth.

How to recognize

Recurrement can accompany the increased frequency of abbreviations of the heart, manifested by rapid pulsation. However, the state of the attack of the heart is primarily manifested by pain in the chest, after which it spreads to the neck and face, shoulders and arms, going down on the back and belly, and it can last a few minutes or continue for a few hours. However, breast pains do not always testify to the attack of the heart, it may be intercostal neuralgia. The definition of the disease requires clarification of certain conditions:

  • How pain arose. The painful sensations characteristic of this state are associated with physical or emotional load, with neuralgia they arise from a sharp movement or unfortunately.
  • How pain pokes. The attack of the hearter passes against the backdrop of nitroglycerin during short time (a few minutes), with neuralgia the effect of effect, does not bring to the heart relief.
  • How pain is manifested. The graceful, cruel-cutting pain is characteristic, with neuralgia, pain is manifested by the attacks of a concerning nature, intensifying with the movements of the body, cough, deep breath.


The attack has gender features. For men, it is not only an earlier manifestation of pathology, but also frequent exposure than women. In addition, painful syndrome by men and women perceived in different ways, but the signs of a heart attack in men are the same in essence, as for everyone:

  • shortness of breath, manifested with a minimum of activity, even in calm condition;
  • pain of the sternum of burning, godic properties;
  • dizziness to the loss of equilibrium;
  • cough;
  • lying skin to gray shade;
  • feeling of panic fear;
  • nausea;
  • cold abundant sweat;
  • vomiting.

In men

Men's half is exposed to the risk of infarction more than women, by virtue of the factors of physical and psychological characteristic of them. Most of them smoke, lead a low-effective lifestyle, suffer obesity. The blood circulation system of a male organism is slightly different, the frequency of the heartbeat is less, the belonging of the overwhelming number of men to the type of personality A with a tendency to stress increases the risk of attack. Among the forerunners there is an early weakening of male potency, common symptom of a male heart attack - acute chest pain.

Among women

Women having a more enduring cardiovascular system, which is associated with childbearing, is less at risk of a heart attack, but during the menopause the chances of the occurrence of this problem are compared with men. Due to the fact that women are blocked by small heart vessels, in contrast to the blockage of men's main arteries, signs of a heart attack in women can manifest themselves shortness, pain in hand, stomach, neck, dizziness. The pain behind the sternum in women is more likely to burn, and not presidate, manifests itself sharp.

Card seizure pressure

If cardiac pathology occurs, the pressure begins to rise. It happens on the first day, after which it falls, without rising to the original size. Hypertensive pressure can decrease. In a number of situations, the pressure for a long time remains normal. Normalization of pressure indicators is a positive trend with a heart attack, but in its progression there is an insufficient blood circulation of the heart, which leads to a complication.

The first signs of a heart attack

For the timely appeal to the doctor and prevent complications, it is necessary to pay attention to the warning symptoms to prevent the occurrence of cardiac recurrence:

  • fatigue, weakness, fatigue;
  • bad sleep, snoring;
  • anxiety without reason;
  • swelling, gravity in the legs;
  • increased heartbeat, rapid pulse;
  • painful discomfort in the stomach, heartburn;
  • constant sweating;
  • the exacerbation of periodontalosis.

The reasons

The reasons for the development of attack are explained by the impact of supplying the muscles of the heart due to the narrowing, compression of coronary vessels. The main category of patients constitutes individuals, patients with atherosclerosis, tachycardia, heart ischemya. As the main risk factors are determined by age (for men from 45, for women from 55 years old), hypertension, sudden strong stress (both positive and negative). Conditions of heart attacks can be diabetes, obesity, heat, physical overload, alcohol, nicotine and genetic predisposition.

What to do

First of all, it is necessary to be more attentive to the signals of your body and when the harbingers appear at least to see a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. With suspected exacerbation of the state, call immediately "ambulance". Even if the alarm was false, there will be no bigger harm, and in the case of a real attack of the heart, the patient immediately needs to be directed to the hospital, where the cardiologist has only a few minutes to open the artery and assist, preventing serious consequences.

First aid

Timely urgent effects in the occurrence of the heart attack can be decisive in the patient's life:

  • Calling "ambulance" is the first thing to be immediately required to do.
  • To put the painful, raising my head.
  • Disseminate the belt, collar, weaken the tie, which will help to remove the suffocation.
  • Provide air access to the room.
  • To give a tablet aspirin, if it is not contraindicated, and nitroglycerin under the tongue (in the aggregate to take no more than three tablets if the pain does not weaken).
  • When a strong weakness appears to raise his legs at the level of the head, give to drink water and nitroglycerin is no longer possible.
  • You can put the mustard on the chest.
  • Do not leave the patient before the doctor's arrival.
  • The doctor needs to show all adopted medicines.

How to remove the heart attack at home

It is important to know what to do with a heart attack, being one, without drugs. After calling the doctor, it is fast, not a panic, to fully exhale, then start flipping a lot and many times. Repeat a deep breath with dying on exhalation and so with intensity every 2 seconds, up to the arrival of the doctor. These respiratory activities during the attack compensate for the heart of the lack of oxygen, restoring it with rhythm. Inhale gives oxygen to get into the lungs, and cough compresses the heart valves, stimulating blood circulation. All this helps to enter the heart into normal rhythm, reduce arrhythmia.


In the majority after the transfer of the attack, changes and physiological, and psychological type are observed:

  • violation of heart rhythm, angina;
  • negative psycho-emotional mood;
  • reducing performance.

Serious complications, threat of life for a person after illness are:

  • heart failure;
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • aneurysm;
  • pericarditis;
  • pulmonary edema;
  • ischemic stroke.


Active image of life is the main recipe for the prevention of all diseases, and the attack of the heart, myocardial infarction is not an exception. In addition to playing sports, proper non-fat food, a lot of fruits and vegetables, reducing salt and carbohydrate consumption, refusal of smoking and alcoholic beverages, sports. After 50 years, it will be necessary to constantly control hell, follow the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood, pay attention to the weather - the heat and magnetic storms are dangerous for the work of the heart. It is important to be in a positive life setting, avoiding sources of stress.


The one who suffered a heart attack is important to realize:

  • The damaged heart muscle is capable of healing.
  • The return of the patient to a normal lifestyle after the attack really over time.
  • The resulting angina is treated.
  • No need to despair, transfer the attack - not yet a disabled sentence, it is simply necessary to start to give the heart and the whole body has reinforced care.

More than half of people return to their work after the rehabilitation period. Restoration can last to six months, starting in a hospital with gradual physical actions. You need to load yourself gradually: walking on the ward, then go to the stairs. The exact dosage of activity will be able to recommend only the doctor, there is no amateurness and a hurry. The patient requires patience and more positive.


Attention! The information presented in the article is familiarized. Article materials do not call for independent treatment. Only a qualified doctor may diagnose and give recommendations on treatment, based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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The first signs of a heart attack in women and men - how to provide trial aid, treatment and consequences

Cardiac attack is one of the most common causes of mortality among men and women. The heart attack is a sharp disruption of blood circulation, with the development of subsequent necrotization in the myocardine layer of the heart. This pathology may have a lightning course - when death comes from the time of the first symptoms in a few minutes.

Usually the consequences of this violation are irreversible, so it is imperative to recognize the heart attack in the early stages and to provide effective first aid. Treatment of pathology is aimed at preventing recurrence development.

Causes of pathology

Often the heart attack is developing against the background of cardiological pathologies available in humans. In particular, the predisposing factor leading to the emergence of this violation in the work of the heart is.

In addition, violations of the heart occur in the elderly people, which is associated with functional impairment in the work of the cardiovascular system. And the pathology is determined more often in men than in women.

Cardiac asthma is a syndrome of acute left-selling deficiency, which manifests itself in the form of shortness of shortness of short rhythm. Often, this pathology can lead to edema and, as a result, to death. The ailment is equally striking both men and women. In the main risk group, people over 60 years old.

According to statistics, a heart attack (heart attack) - almost the most common cause of sudden death today. Most of us know real examples from the life of acquaintances who have suffered a heart attack. Very many cases end with a fatal outcome. It may happen to happen with everyone, especially after a person stepped over a certain age line.

Alas, in the modern world, this age planka decreases literally in front of her eyes. Therefore, it is extremely important to know signs of a heart attack - because most often the infarction does not happen suddenly, by itself, without previous characteristic symptoms.

What happens during heart attack

Signs of the heart attack appear when one of the arteries that feed myocardium, ceases to function normally and deliver the desired blood volume. Thus, the heart attack is damaged part of the heart, that is, the local area of \u200b\u200bmuscle tissue suffers. If you do not take urgent measures, a fatal outcome is quite possible.

Statistics say that approximately half of deaths due to a heart attack comes from too late appealing for medical care or the impossibility of its timely provision.

The pathological condition is developing in violation of blood flow of blood vessels leading to the heart, due to a sudden spasm or unexpectedly blocking blood clots or cholesterol. The reason for the dying of the muscle site is the lack of oxygen.

As a result, death occurs due to the developed extensive damage to the heart muscle and the complications arising. If you manage to take urgent measures, the patient can often be saved.

Who threatens the heart attack?

Cardiac attacks, the reasons for which are quite diverse, can be found each. Nevertheless, the risk of a sudden heart attack increases certain factors. What exactly?

First, hereditary predisposition. Death from a heart attack from someone from relatives is a serious reason to think about their own health.

Second, diabetes. His presence is provoking a factor for a whole bouquet of diseases, including cardiovascular.

Thirdly, high pressure leading to overloads of blood vessels and the very heart muscle.

Well, finally, age. Than a person older than, the higher the risk. Starting from 40 years, you give your heart close attention.

To heart attack - voluntarily!

Oh neither twist, completely and near the heart attacks are observed, the reasons for which we create our own hands, without thinking about health. What is it talking about? What are these reasons?

Of course, in the first place - all the well-known harmful habits: drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking. Avoid smokers almost always have heart disease. Alcoholic intoxication is able to aggravate the situation. A sharp heart attack often can be fascinated against the background of a deep hangover. There is nothing to say about drugs, especially harmful to cocaine hearts.

On the second - high cholesterol content. The vessels are clogged with cholesterol plaques experienced colossal overloads, some of which goes to the heart muscle. Plus banal obesity. Purchased fat organs of a fat person do not give the heart to carry out their work. This cause of cardiological disorders is the most common.

And, in addition, chronic stress. It is the cause of a huge amount of diseases, especially hearty.

How can it start

Here are signs of a heart attack, with the appearance of which the doctor urgently needs to be called:

1. Pain (feeling of compresses, gravity) in the field of chest. This is the most typical sign of an impending heart attack. May also disturb burning or tingling. If the symptoms mentioned do not pass a short time, you need to urgently go to the hospital.

2. Spirill, strong sweating. In the summer you can miss this symptom, but when it is observed in a cool room, it is an alarming sign.

3. Attacks of shortness of shortness of breath even with a small load (a walk, lift into several floors), especially in combination with pain in the chest. Symptoms can enhance when turning and sharp movements.

4. Twist of fingers, turning to elbows and forearms.

5. Nausea, especially with dizziness. Although this feature is characteristic of a number of parables.

6. Violation of speech that becomes unbearable. Especially if a person is completely sober.

7. Loss of motor coordination. The body ceases to obey, mostly hands, shoulders, neck. In combination with an inadvertent speech, it looks like an alcoholic intoxication. And others may not rush to help such a person, which is very dangerous.

If you pay attention to the listed symptoms on time, you can save a person life.

Women are more difficult

A separate conversation about cardiac attacks in women. We are all accustomed to to represent the beginning of such a notem sudden and pronounced. But in practice it often happens differently.

Recent studies have shown that women are less likely to diagnose heart attacks, the symptoms of which are often expressed in Neurko. Many women are experiencing them without giving much ailment.

All this is due to the fact that the signs of a heart attack in women are a little others than in men. The inability to recognize them leads to the fact that the weak half of humanity often suddenly dies "from the heart."

Heart attacks. Symptoms in women

The main "disturbing calls" should include the following violations of life:

Strong, knocking out fatigue;

Insomnia or sleep disorders (even against the background of fatigue). May be observed for a month and more than a heart attack;

Stressful state, infusion and extreme concern;

Nausea, disorders of digestion, especially with normal power;

Difficulties with breathing during normal load or lifting on the stairs;

Sweaty and sticky skin, weakness, like with flu;

Paints in the face and neck, in the ears and jaws (in contrast to men who basically have hands and shoulders. The pain can "drain" to the shoulders and hands, especially on the left, or felt as a stretching of the muscles of the back and neck).

What to help yourself?

Noticing unusual symptoms, do not wait, go to the doctor and seriously examine. At the reception, be sure to voice all possible risk factors - high pressure or cholesterol level, smoking, the presence of relatives with heart disease.

Remember that with a heart attack, the pain is usually localized for the sternum, can give to the left brush, hand until the forearm, shoulder blade, lower jaw and even at the top of the abdomen. Its character is a strong compressing, brutal, burning or gulling, often with a breath. Rarely in such cases, pain happens to a crigneling or cutting. Its duration - longer than 5 minutes.

If signs are obscured

What to do with a heart attack? Of course, it is better if the trouble caresses you at home, not outside or in a deserted place.

Try to sit in a comfortable chair or lie on a bed with a high headboard. Open the window or window for the influx of fresh air. Accept (inlets and swallow) aspirin tablet (250 mg), then a capsule or nitroglycerin tablet (Purchase under the tongue).

If after that there was a sharp weakness or headache, drink a glass of water and lie, putting his legs on a roller or pillow. Additionally, nitroglycerin is not necessary. With a positive effect (reduction or disappearance of pain), you can confine ourselves to a call to the doctor.

In the absence of effect, once again, accept nitroglycerin and as soon as possible, call the ambulance carriage. For the third time, nitroglycerin is taken if the pain does not pass within 10 minutes after the second reception.

What can I do

It is impossible to take aspirin in its intolerance or re-on the same day when aggravating the stomach or gastritis ulcers.

Nitroglycerin is contraindicated at low pressure, harsh weaknesses and headaches, dizziness, violations of speech, coordination of movements or vision.

With increased risk of heart attack or coronary heart disease, it is necessary to firmly know and be able to apply the rules of first aid, and also constantly have nitroglycerin and aspirin with it.

When trouble is clouded

If you have on your eyes with someone from relatives or colleagues is going on something wrong, try to help immediately. Knowing classic infarct symptoms, you can prevent irreparable.

First of all, we assume to what is happening seriously. Perhaps the patient himself does not believe that something like this can happen to him, and refuses hospitalization. Women are especially inclined to underestimate the danger threatening, which catastrophically increases the sad statistics.

Remember that the doctor's timely call is your main task in this case. As if the patient did not resist, your business - as quickly and competently assess the situation and take action.

Before the arrival of the "Emergency", do the same events with patients - to laid, unbutton the belt and collar, ensure the influx of oxygen, give the nitroglycerin tablet.

Watch that the patient does not get up and did not move. Try to calm down and pick up a person, since additional experiences only worsen the picture.

How to help yourself in case of an attack?

Help with a heart attack in the absence of drugs and phone at hand - the task is not easy.

Try to win an invaluable time and call the attack of a strong cough, making each time a deep breath. Inhale and cough about every two seconds. It should bring some relief before the admission of medicines and the arrival of the doctor.

It is based on the effect of cough on improving blood circulation and the supply of the heart muscle with oxygen.

"Core" note

Medicines from the heart should be constantly at hand, even in those who do not write themselves while "cores". A man with a margin of nitroglycerin or "walkedordine" is more security than the careless "healthy" without any medication. Let the medicines both have at home and at work. Do not need yourself - help someone else.

Stationary or mobile phone at hand - not a whim, but the need. Although it is not yet a fact that in the case of a sharp attack, you will have time to make a call.

Having survived stress, breathe deeper, do not sit behind the wheel and take a sedative, written by the doctor.