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Accurate hit: Male compatibility of a scorpion and female fish. Compatibility in love Men-Scorpio and Female Fish

In general, astrology is so developed that now it is possible to reliably get information about whether a good union will be with the future chosen. Therefore, the article will be useful for young people who are interested in the question of whether the marriage is successful if Scorpio is a man, a woman - fish. Let us dwell on this issue in more detail.

Astrological feature of the Union

From the point of view of astrology, this duet of the signs of the zodiac can be quite successful. According to astrologers, in such a union, as we consider when the Scorpio is a man, a woman - fish, love may arise literally at first sight. At the same time, there is quite strong mutual attachment between partners.

Secrets of durable Fish and Scorpion

If in your union scorpion - a man, a woman is a fish, then you need to take note of some secrets that will help to avoid unnecessary scandals. So, it is very important that the female fish can fully rely on his future chosen one, this step will compensate for its natural indecision. Also, a woman in such a duet signs of the zodiac must come to terms with the fact that the leading position will take her husband. As for the Men-Scorpio, so it will not be overshadowed by the attacks of jealousy, since the life companion will fill his heart to the edges. After all, it is no secret that women fish are able to give a very strong sense of love to their chosen one

Union, when Scorpio is a man, a woman is a fish, delightful. It is filled with strong mutual feelings. As a rule, partners are true to each other. Between them quite often arise mutual understanding at the level of intuition. As they speak in the people, they understand each other "no words". As for that and here is an amazing way, everything is very wonderful. The woman is more admitted, well, the Scorpio is not inferior in decisiveness and energetic.

Compatible? Why?

The secret of excellent mutual understanding in such a union is very simple. High compatibility is due to the fact that these two elements. In connection with these partners it is easy to find the so-called general wave, adjust the mood of your beloved. They are spiritually very close and can guess the thoughts of their satellite life. Therefore, you may not doubt the good union of such signs of the zodiac.

He is a fish, she - Scorpio

Let's now consider the duet when a man is fish, a woman - scorpion. Here are some difficulties, which, however, are easily allowed. It is enough to reduce your expectations from the chosen one. Studying such a union, or rather the horoscope: a man-fish, a scorpion woman, astrologers concluded that the marriage would take place if some subtleties are observed. Namely, a woman should understand that not only violent passions are proof of love. And a man-fish, in turn, must remember that his companion of life will not forgive him every of his miss, as he can do. So, knowing the characteristics of the sign of the zodiac of his beloved, you can avoid some unpleasant situations and strengthen your relationship.

The compatibility of the Love Union of Men-Scorpio and Female Fish - Almost Ideal, and almost considers the reference. This is the strongest and harmonious couple, and the energy that unites these partners - as if real magic, pulls them to each other, and allows you to dissolve in your beloved person. And scorpion and fish feel an inseparable bond, which runs on the deepest levels of their relationship and subconscious.

In this union, there are almost everything that is needed for ideal relationships - and deep devoted love, emotions, and reliability and strength of relationships, and the manifestation of friendly qualities and heat of communication, and is undoubtedly the greatest attachment towards another person. A male scorpion and female fish are so tied to each other that their fates as if they are united in one, and even after many years - they do not even have the shadows of thought that they could not be together. And this happens with their first meeting and the first date.

And you know what second words will help to fall in love with a scorpion-man very fast?

To find out this - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

It is important that despite this complete and unconditional harmony - their characters and temperatures are different, and they are most likely opposite to each other than they look at each other as in the mirror. After all, male scorpion has breakdown qualities, very tempered, can show pressure and exposure, and female fish is a bright dreamer, with a very rich fantasy. But with this woman recognizes his leader and defender in a man, and this is an unattainable attribute for the formation of a happy family and marriage, and conservation of feelings and love.

All this can lead to anxiety in the relationship of scorpion and fish, and raise partners - causing conflicts and quarrels on a regular basis.

Horoscope Scorpion Fish - Union Welfare

The horoscope compatibility of Scorpio and Fish is such that the overwhelming majority of the couple passes through the heavy stage of "wipes" to each other, and the desire to react with their beloved person. At this time, relationships from love are transformed into a real field of hostilities. Who will win and who will be able to break the opponent.

Male Scorpio, with her bright temperament, will be very pressured over a woman-fish, trying to sell it, and impose his behavior style, and his interests. Fish female will not lag behind him, and will try to re-educate her man, and it will try to make scorpion to look at life from another angle - more simply, and more frivolously.

Yes, there are cases when spouses in such respects pass through this stage with almost loss, or even not notice it. This happens when a scorpion man refers to his woman with a special trepidation, and literally worst his spouse. In this case, it is responsible for reciprocity, and they can together find a common language - without imposing the partner of their installations, and does not show stiffness, and sometimes even cruelty.

The key point in this process is the adoption of another zodiac sign as it is. This is exactly the key to finding mutual understanding and harmony, which can be excess in this Union.

You can also clarify that for a male scorpion - female fish, this is a real treasure. No one, as she, is not able to give such a holiday for the soul and body, and give an unforgettable emotion to a man, from being close to them. But if a female fish gives care of the pressure of a scorpion man, and will begin to lead the hinge games and weave intrigue - both in this union will begin to experience discomfort, and feel that something is not the case, as it should be.

The greatest power of female fish is not in its rigidity, and the ability to manipulate a man (and sometimes she can do it with great success), and in its flexibility, plasticity and ability to adjust the man (at the same time, without losing their charming and their personality ). Over time, if the woman will give patience and excerpt - she still gently and tactfully change the spouse, and will give him the opportunity to act in a new way, as if he wanted it himself.

How female fish will be interested in a scorpion man and attract it

The scorpion guy can conquer the girl-fish, and it is undoubtedly. And in order for the Scorpio to be brought, the female fish should not show special talents - everything you need to attract it. It is its mild character, femininity, tenderness, and the ability to find a common language with a man. Such a girl is like a scorpion magnet, she pulls him to him like some kind of mystical strength, and does not allow to slip out, and put his focus on anything else.

Male Scorpio and Female Fish - very well found a common language, and perfectly understand each other - even sometimes without using words, but communicating among the eyes alone. Male Scorpio will be desirable by the fact that the female fish catches his thoughts not in the summer, and he does not have to chew something - she will understand and feel his mood. Scorpio can often be very observant, and notice exact practical conclusions, but it is difficult for him to tell others. With fish, this need disappears - that herself will feel everything.

The female fish is undoubtedly a storehouse of kindness and wisdom, and her gentle and affectionate approach is a balm on a skeptic and ulcer scorpion. He will also be attracted to her ability to listen to her ability, and also her unfortunate and desire to help all close people. Independence is a normal state for female fish, and it gives her that the most amazing charm, which can soften the complex and cruel character of a scorpion male. Together they acquire that wonderful power of harmony, and complement the quality of each other as good as possible.

Friendly Compatibility of Men Scorpio and Female Fish

A male scorpion and female fish usually communicate well as friends, and their friendly couples can exist over long years. And this is understandable - they understand each other well, catch the views and feelings of the partner, and belong to each other with tenderness and warmth. Sometimes around people it seems that they are too boring, and what they do are too common. But with each other it is interesting and definitely never boring.

Fish-Woman and Male Scorpio can spend hours behind conversations that they are fascinated. The friendship of scorpion and fish is reliable help and protection for each of them in the most difficult situations. They can be confident in each other by 1000%, and know it.

Male Scorpio is very strong and active, and can easily overcome serious barriers in life. Female fish is more hidden and closed, but waders are insightful, and can give a great advice at the right moment.

But the friendship of these signs of the zodiac - can be very fragile, because with ease can turn into a full-fledged novel, and their relationship will develop rapidly. Up to marriage, weddings and formation of a full-fledged family.

Fish and scorpion are perfectly soldered, but do not always understand each other. Scorpio is more confident in himself, and therefore more active and decisive. Fish fluctuate for a long time before making any solutions, so they stretch to stronger people who help it. No matter what kind of relationships this pair is associated, in any case, the scorpion will dominate. The fish cause him a sympathy and the desire to take them under their care, but only with the condition of honesty on both sides. Scorpio does not forgive false, and the fish tend to attract even where there is no point in that.

Man Fish and Woman Scorpio

In this pair, a woman leads, and it suits both. A man of fish tries to avoid responsibility, so in their life companions seek to choose a decisive and active woman who is not afraid of difficulties. A sign of the sign Scorpio arrange a respectful attitude from the man's men. He does not apply for leadership, it does not quit for trifles. If these people are interested in each other, their union will be very strong.

♓ + ♏: in love

Perfect para - Girl Scorpio is able to attract attention, and for the guy fish it is especially attractive. It is pleasant in communication, balanced and delicate. The inner strength, which comes from it, the young man will feel right away, and this is exactly what he will like it in it.

While the guy of the fish will think, as he is interested in a girl, she herself will initiate the initiative to get acquainted closer. From the very beginning of these relations it will be clear that the leadership will get scorpion. An indecisive guy will be only happy to turn the events, for him, even the slightest difficulty sometimes seems unresolved. His favorite problems are not frightened, it copes with them with enviable speed, but its actions will periodically shock fish guy.

Usually these people are very comfortable together. The girl Scorpion has no competitors in leadership, and the guy of fish with gratitude enjoys the results of the achievement of his beloved. Even if they are at the heart of their feelings there is no strong love, they will be enough for sympathy. Each of them found paired with the other exactly what was looking for.

♓ + ♏: married

Excellent compatibility - Usually in such marriages from the very beginning there is a clear distribution of roles. Woman Scorpio devotes her career, and a man of fish is engaged in the house and raising children. This does not mean that he does not work at all, as a rule, he has part-time employment or creative occupation. Anyway, the main income to the family budget bring the efforts of his wife.

In an intimate life, compatibility is very good, it is unlikely that someone from the spouses will seek adventures on the side. Nevertheless, the husband is jealous of his wife. In each successful feature of the opposite sex, a man of fish sees a worthy opponent, because it is not confident man. Fish prone much to exaggerate, and Scorpio understands it. The wife will find a way to convince her husband in his love and loyalty, but such situations will arise quite often.

A man of fish is often afraid to tell the truth, so unscrewed as it can, resorting to lies. The spouse sees him through, but the fact of deception itself is very unpleasant. If the husband once comes out of her confidence, there will be no way back. The marriage of this will not break up, but the Scorpio woman will check any information emanating from its mouth. Family and Scorpio family disintegrate extremely rarely.

♓ + ♏: in friendship

Girl Scorpio is usually friendly with people, if there is some sense or benefit in it. Fish guy does not cause her trust. From representatives of all the signs of the zodiac, he is in the first place of the heart of those with whom she will not frank. As for selfish interest, he can only be from the side of the fish guy, and the girl's plans do not include selfless charity.

If still fish and scorpion communicate a lot, most likely they are pretty each other, but it's not about. As soon as both are ready, the relationship from the friendly will move into love.

The relative relationship of fish and scorpion more has this pair to rapprochement. In this case, the guy of the fish will be the subject of constant worries of the scorpion girl, but in return beyond thanks, it is unlikely that she will receive something.

Male Scorpio and Fish Woman

The relationship of this pair is extremely successful. An explicit leader in the relationship is the male Scorpio, and the female of the fish is grateful to him for support. There are no serious reasons for disagreements, and uniting this pair of water element guarantees mutual understanding at the level of feelings. Intuition is really developed in both. Each of them knows when to silence, so as not to quarrel, so such couples are almost not conflicted.

♏ + ♓: In love relationships

Perfect para "From all representatives of the signs of the zodiac, a guy Scorpio most corresponds to the image of a fabulous prince, which the girl dreams of fish. He will not make any difficulty to interest the girl. A young man is strong in spirit, generous and confident. With him his chosen will feel in complete safety. Scorpio is not always delicate, it is tend to roughly criticize people, but in relation to the girl of the fish he will never allow such behavior. She is too defenseless, so it causes him the most touching feelings.

Complete confidence, however, there will be no time between these people. The girl of the fish in the eyes of her beloved is pretty frivolous, so it will periodically will arrange her to organize any verification of the truthfulness. Fishes tend to teach their own achievements, telling non-existent facts from their biography, so if a young man at least once caught her on a lie, there will be no speech on further trust from his parties. The girl of the fish will be an outstanding all to lose his beloved because of such nonsense, so she will have a serious stimulus to become more honest.

♏ + ♓: married

Perfect para - Fish woman and male Scorpion in marriage can find family happiness. Their pair can be called classic, where the husband copes with the duties of the getter, and the wife is a keeper of a homely hearth.

Mutual love This pair is usually strong and lasts for many years. Spouses do not quarrel without reasons, and if they have disagreements, both have enough tact and desire to settle this misunderstanding. Sophisticated rude man Scorpion never applies to his wife. She will be able to see him in anger, except that, as a result of his betrayal, but a female woman is unlikely to risk their married statement in marriage with a scorpion husband.

In the intimate life of the spouses, complete agreement is leading as before the Scorpio. The wife gets in bed with his spouse a great pleasure, and everything is doing to and he is satisfied. Even after several years of the collaboration of fish and Scorpio, do not cease to surprise each other with something new.

Divorce for such marriages is a rare phenomenon. If still a couple is caming, then only on the initiative of the husband. Without a reason, scorpions are not bred, they are very good in family relationships and are extremely permanent people. The only circumstance that can push it to dissolve is the infidelity of the spouse.

♏ + ♓: in friendship

Average compatibility - The guy Scorpion and the girl of the fish are unlikely to bring together. The fact is that scorpions do not believe at all, and the fish girl is too pretty to restrict themselves with a friendly relationship with her. It is likely that this couple will begin to communicate in a friendly style, but in fact the cause of their convergence will be mutual sympathy. Such relationships will very quickly change their character, and from friendly will go into love.

Video: Fish ♓ Zodiac Sign

Video: Scorpio ♏ Zodiac Sign

Natalia Erofeevskaya

The unusually harmonious, according to astrologers, the Union is due to the belonging of scorpion and fish to one cosmic element - water. The combination of very similar qualities and characteristics gives absolute mutual understanding and almost identical globility. Their life principles, attitude towards the circumstances and people, the confidence and the desire of endless care about each other allows you to talk about this pair as about a true sample of strength and constancy.

Walking for quite a long time to this meeting and having met once, these two can hardly be able to part. Whatever the union: business or love, one partner is needed in it as a sip of air. Moreover, that both Scorpio and fish are explicit introverts, they appreciate and do not limit the freedom of the other, but are always ready to go to mutual concessions, which makes such an alliance invulnerable and practically indispensable. The only theme that can catch up with a dark cloud to this serene sky - this is money.

In cash, the fish is generous almost without disaster, and scorpions are ready to help only those who really need it in need

Scorpio and Fish Compatibility Table

Compatibility Men-Scorpio and Women Fish: Pros and Cons Relations

They are will understand each other literally from the first seconds of dating: Male scorpion and female fish may not even speak to each other about their sympathy, they will be simply easily and what is called mentally. For a woman, a fish sign is characterized by stunning femininity and apparent humility. In fact, it is much stronger and can gently and tactically control a little sharp and selfish scorpion. In gratitude for attention and caress, a man surrongs her attention and care. Understanding the vicinity of the girlfriend, he will never allow an offensive statement or cruel treason. For him, a comparison of the elect, born under the sign of the fish, with other familiar female will be, of course, in favor of the first: he will admire the fineness of her mysterious nature even years after the acquaintance.

In business and friendly unions that are not fueled by the physical imposition of scorpion and fish are possible some shortcuts: Female female can show themselves unnecessary personality, which in some cases brings scorpion to depression attacks, and in some and to quite fair wrath.

In the statements both it is worth be careful: sharp words are able to give balanced relations negative color

Are you compatible in love?

Deep mutual understanding gives durable and long love relationships, frequently passing into the marriage. Male sign Scorpio and woman sign of fish will not even have to try to each other - a test through which there are not all pairs of other astrological combinations. The essence of these water natures is to give. It does not prevent them from the inner ego to care for the partner, strive to understand him and take it with all the shortcomings. Strong psychological communication helps both understand each other without unnecessary words - they are open and heart, and soul.

The problem in relations, oddly enough, it can be a complete immersion in each other: the world of this couple is concentrated only around them and over time they no longer pose lives without a partner. Alas, the situation often occurs unpredictable, and the loss of such a close person is able to plunge the remaining vital chaos and the psychological crisis. Loving each other they are almost nothing to themselves. This is an affair with some share of sacrifice, but such a pleasant and natural for both, which does not cause any protective reactions.

Scorpio Guy and Girl Fish in Sex

Deep cardiac attachment, full confidence and reciprocity allow this couple to quickly establish intimate relationships: they both will strive for physical union and find partner in the arms true love and pleasure. In bed, scorpion and fish will give the will of their sensuality and emotionality, there is nothing unauthorized for them: the bright fantasies of one will always find an understanding of the other, and therefore they will add a lot of experimental sex.

Sexual relations in the Union where he is Scorpio, she is fish, so good that even after proximity they will still physically feel affection for the partner

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

With such stunning astrological and everyday compatibility it would be difficult to expect something else: the marriage relationship of this pair of strong and durable, the percentage of divorces in them seeks zero. Male scorpion and female fish are both true friends, and supporting each other, and stunning attentive lovers. The consonance of their desires, the similarity of the views on the solution of household problems and raising children, the unwillingness to cause each other pain (consciously or by negligence), the lack of explicit leadership claims and confrontation in the distribution of family statuses - all this is the basis of a marriage that others will envy.

In this family, the role will be distributed in accordance with classic canons. Gentle and apparent defenseless wife will take on arrangement of the house and raising children, and rather aggressive in relation to others, but not allowing himself a bad word or action in the walls of the house. The husband will become a real knight of his lady and the defender of the entire family. From time to time, these two will try to manipulate each other, which, I must say, it is better to succeed in a woman: natural trick and softness will allow her to control the spouse softly and unobtrusively. He will sincerely believe that it makes important decisions to himself.

Is there a friendship if he is scorpion, and she is fish?

Friendly relationships of this couple will not look like a female buuch parties, as they are not located and to constant physical activity: hiking in the mountains, exhausting workouts - all this is not for them. For them, friendship - this is primarily conversations About much and nothing about that, moreover, scorpion and fish are not averse to sucking. If a financial and social status allows, as a friend, Scorpio can solve a lot of everyday problems of their girlfriend, and she will give it emotional support and will save depressive states from such a man characteristic for this.

Attempts to pretty cunning scorpion to benefit from friendship with a woman's sign of the sign can lead to a break of relationships - mutual mercantility is completely alien to her

Excellent understanding can lead to the fact that friends can quickly become loversAnd then the development of events depends on the degree of freedom of both. However, even if they are not free, and scorpion, and fish can decide on gaps with second halves to connect with such an ideal partner.

How to win a scorpion man?

This man likes almost all women, but few people can get along with him. Fish woman is much easier: she has the same looks and worldview with scorpion, they understand each other perfectly and at the stage of acquaintance, and already being lovers. Her live fantasy and dynamism, the ability to illuminate the whole world with their radiance, serenity, cleanliness and mercy will conquer the heart of a man born under the sign of Scorpio. This woman do not seem stronger than it is: For scorpion, an important psychological moment will be the formation of a reliable shoulder, a bold and brave defender from life storms.

Woman should not seem stronger than it is

How to achieve female fish?

Men Scorpio at any stage of relations should be remembered that this woman very raven and sensitive. Galanament, the complete absence of aggression (which, by the way, is Slary, the Scorpio in relation to others), attention and tenderness are the qualities that first will appreciate the woman's sign of the fish. In a man, purely men's qualities are important for her: brutality, solid appearance, even some coldness and detachment. Oddly enough, the bright romantic manifestations of gentle feelings from the side of the man, it can write off the weakness of character. And all, the fan has no chance.

The conquest of this woman is a kind of balance of male emotions between cold weather and sensuality.

Horoscope Compatibility Women Scorpio and Men Fish

Compatibility and in this pair is awesome, although not without some nuances. Yes, these two were accustomed to understanding each other with a half-clow, from half a preview, but in relations for the sake of harmony and balance will try, in fact, only one man. A scorpio woman has a very difficult character: it seeks to a dominant position, even if it does not take it objectively. In addition, often this young lady provokes unpleasant situations for fish, it is important for it to know that its partner is not going anywhere, and therefore, since once it is waiting for confirmation of his readiness to stay with her forever.

Whatever the union: business or love - will be better for both sides, if it reaches equality. For the thickening of the leading qualities of Women Scorpio, a man will take it from time to time to her the brazers of the board in one or another sphere, but in critical situations he will take the decision.

Love relationship

Attitude towards love, as a phenomenon, in a pair of a scorpion woman and man-fish, in the root differently. Fish by nature incruitable romance: From love, such a man is waiting for cleanliness and even impossible, unearthly magic and ideal in all its manifestations. For a woman sign Scorpio Love acquires significantly plot quality: Feelings should be passionate and burning, and partners with dusting. Love relations will be at risk if Scorpio does not immediately die, and the fish will not devourge from heaven to the ground. By the way, it is from a man that will depend on whether the relationship is harmoniously (only the power of his love is curled several consumer desires of the Scorpion sign and will allow you to translate a love affair into a calmer and productive channel right up to marriage.

Fish by nature of their incorrigible romance

Sexual attraction of a pair

Strong sexual attraction To each other will give both incredible intimate sensations and make bed a place for obtaining true pleasure, harmony and relaxation. For violent passions, a woman is replied here, and a careful and romantic man's sign is ready to realize any of her fantasies. They will be so good together that they will hardly even think about the search for another partner, and the sexual life will make the already harmonious love and family relationships brighter and rich.


In most cases, it will be a harmonious and strong family in which husband and wife equal and happy together. Of course, they have opposite views and qualities, but they exactly bring partners, allowing them to learn from each other for a year. A rather an authoritarian scorpion woman is most likely to become a true family manager, but man-fish will be happy to fulfill its instructions. You will not hear a bad feedback about His wife, he sincerely loves her and is ready for this bright and passionate woman for everything. Proper education of children Mostly will fall on men's shoulders: it is in this fish will be able to show all the hardness of their own character.

Excessively emotional scorpion is capable of raising common children more harvest more than help

How are the scorpion and boyfriend kid friends?

It would seem that this pair has all the prerequisites for a strong friendship, but it is not. Unrelated with love feelings and physical imposition Scorpion and fish will seem to each other too different: it is for her - a fireless and too soft for a man, she for him is a selfish dictator . Together they will be just uncomfortable.

How to win a male fish and build a relationship with him?

In the process of conquering this dreamer and romance, ladies-scorpion will not have to take serious efforts: by itself passionate and mysterious, practically rocky womanShe is able to drive away any man crazy. They understand each other perfectly, the joint pastime will seem interesting and calm them. Scorpion only should not be exploring the first minutes of dating all the power of its character and temperament. The unbridled fervor of this nature is able to scare a vane and sensual man of the sign of fish.

They understand each other perfectly, the joint pastime will seem interesting and calm

Is it possible to fall in love with a scorpion woman?

At first it may seem that scorpion just regrets This incorrigible romance with a dreamy look and a soft character, it is that a man of a sign of fish will appear in front of her. There is nothing in it that I would respember this strong and bright woman, but it is with him she can feel his beloved, tender and feminine. Fish - Master of the Organization of Romantic Surprises And just pleasant, often even without the reason for the moments that she will remember long years. "Bought" for all this romantic beauty, the emotional scorpion woman melts pretty quickly, and the relationship arising is promised to become at least interesting.

December 14, 2017, 15:28

Compatibility of a male scorpion and female fish on astrological standards is ideal. The world will be long and happy. The pair becomes one of the whole, their energy is combined and the connection is no longer possible. It will seem amazing, but the characters of scorpion and fish, as if white and black, are so different that it is impossible to imagine how they get along.

Compatibility of the signs of the zodiac on a horoscope

The horoscope of these signs of the zodiac indicates that before reaching harmony, they have to go through a difficult stage of wipes. The guy will try to subjugate to himself, suppress her resistance, wanting to change her under him. Woman dreams of making it easier for perception, it will be easier to learn to look at many things. It happens sometimes that scorpion is just happy to appear in the life of the fish, not wanting to change anything, looks at her in love with eyes, and everyone is satisfied. In her company he is calm, is in Aure of Love and Understanding. This position is a rare exception.

The lady is able to create a situation where a man can fully relax, be himself, it is better to understand himself. From her part it is not worth offended by him, to build a goat, succumb to provocations, and even more so to part with him, just not to experience pressure and pressure emanating from it. The girl fish is good because it is perfectly adaptable to any environment, very plastic, while it retains its own "I". Over time, imperceptibly for the partner, it begins imperceptibly, subtle, gently impose his will, making it more optimistic.

General compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Compatibility in love and marriage

Compatibility in love relationships is good. Love to each other arises at first sight. He touches the defenselessness, the helplessness of the girl, because he can not pass by, as he needs to take care of someone, to protect, help. She will attract it like a magnet, and he immediately forgets that he was looking for a completely different girlfriend, more sterling and independent. His compliance with her, softness, the desire to live according to his rules.

There are some moments in its character, capable of overshadowing the cloudless existence - excessive dreaminess, embellishment of ordinary facts. Over time, it can irritate. But she will not be able to show these qualities too obviously, in order to achieve peace in their union. Lie for him is unacceptable, even by the most trifling things. It should be considered a woman to take into account at once, otherwise the man will simply indicate the door.

A male scorpion in marriage will all arrange if the wife is so smart that she will try not to contradict her husband. For this he will surround his beloved care, tenderness, attention. It will be under reliable, mighty defense. Family life will be even stronger after the appearance of children. Fishes come out excellent mothers. They go to the upbringing of their children. Male Scorpio also pays a lot of time to children, not forgetting about the career. While children small couple sometimes forget about their own relationship, plunging into the care of siblings.

Compatibility in love relationships: 5 out of 5.

Sexual compatibility

In bed, the woman's fish and a man of scorpion waits the same harmony as in relationships. Good compatibility of signs in sex helps forget about disagreements in everyday life, in everyday life. The bed is a place where energy bars accumulated per day are restored. They come to each other because of characters. The lady by nature is prone to submission, and the man is used to dominate. Adhering to the chosen roles, a couple waiting for many happy years of life.

There are difficulties in the intimate sphere, again, arising from the difference in sensations, desires. The girl is waiting for caresses, tenderness, sensuality, and a man acts choppy, aggressively, as if the conqueror going to the attack. They need to agree, find out the desires of each other, and act in accordance with them. Couple easily goes towards each other, seeking the most harmonious relationship.

Sexual compatibility: 4 out of 5.

Friendship compatibility

The signs of the zodiac in friendship are combined perfectly. They are able to be friends for many years. People of these zodiac constellations are so understanding each other that sometimes they are just looking to get an answer to the question, or understand the attitude towards a particular problem.

When friends are near, the other becomes boring. They can share experiences, alarms, joys, discuss plans, prospects for the future. The guy Scorpio is always ready to help the girl fish, help and business, and advice. In any unpleasant and difficult situation, a man turns out to be near, substitute his reliable shoulder. He perfectly solves his problems, and his friends. The fish helps Scorpio in an emotional plan, does not give him to go into the puchin of pessimism.

Friends from the clans of scorpions and fish are drawn to each other, looking for meetings, any reasons to see that it complicates their relationship in marriage. Meeting, they begin to discuss their partners devoting to the nuances of personal life. Often friendly relationships lead to a strong emotional connection that develops into something more, and they are ready to break their unions to never part.

Friendly compatibility: 5 out of 5.

Compatibility in work and career

In the work of scorpions, men easily find a common language with female fish. They understand each other well and their cooperation promises to be fruitful. Both are working in a single pace, have similar views on workflows. The leader, of course, in the business union will be an oven scorpion. Fish monitors the emotional background. Sometimes both love to suck.

An option where in business these signs of the zodiac - colleagues, not bad. A woman does not pretend to the dominant role. She agrees to the role of the slave. A man directs, puts forward ideas, projects, and the woman helps to embody them. There is a disadvantage. Both suffer from excessive contiguity. If a black cat runs between them, the hidden war and intrigue will begin. Scorpio will try to get rid of the opponent.

In the case when a man is the boss, and the woman is a subordinate, not very suitable for successful interaction. Scorpio can make employee employee with ultra-comments, hurt by baffles than to heat the situation, lead it into a state of stress. Well, when initially representatives of these signs constituted a friendly tandem.

The reverse option, where the woman is the boss, and the man - the subordinate will be successful if the Scorpio will be configured to business lines. He dismantled in working moments, understands what guidance is waiting for him. When he has an interest, he is ready to do everything perfectly. If it does not burn at work, indifferent to what is happening, then everything can endure crying. Moreover, the fish can not insist and force.

Business compatibility: 4 out of 5.

What do they need to know about each other

The characteristic features of a male scorpion.

  1. Sometimes he appears a desire to cite, to say rudeness, knife, withdraw on emotions.
  2. This is a domineering type, loving to poop.
  3. He is not a lover of calm, measured life and often flows into extremes, wanting to diversify the emotional part of its existence.
  4. Sometimes is unnecessarily suspicious, aggressive.
  5. Not always able to show sympathy and understanding.
  6. Hidden, which interferes with the establishment of contact.

Characteristic features of female fish.

  1. This is a very wounded and sensual person.
  2. A woman loves comfort, comfort, peace, convenience and trying to create it for a loved one.
  3. She always goes to meet, bribes sincerity and openness.
  4. Loves to turn somewhere in the clouds and dreamed in a dreamable state.
  5. Modest and shy.
  6. Prefers to keep all his resentment.

Benefits of relationships

A male scorpion and a woman fish in the Union is waiting for confidence and mutual understanding. They are better together than separately. Each complements the other and makes it more confident. Relationships them are filled with calm, love and affection. They are confident that in difficult moments will always find support in a partner.

Often they lead a joint business, or prefer to work together. It does not touch its business qualities more, and that moral support that it can have. Fish well feel the internal state of the partner, and at any moment ready to give the Psychological Council, to sympathize.

Alone is both difficult to become materially secured, but together they are almost always achieving financial well-being, and their children are very lucky to be born in such a family. They will always be surrounded by parental love. They are inserted at the maximum.

Disadvantages of relationships

The problems of watermarks arise due to different perception of the world. Fish calmly applies to many things. Scorpion there will also see obstacles and dangerous moments. The lady in general hovers a lot in the clouds, slightly slow down and melancholic. With trouble, she tries to hide, get into themselves, adjust the situation under the current situation. A man in such situations goes alive, is actively involved in the fight against enemies. It is difficult for them to understand each other.

If nothing to make a woman in the end tired of self-confidence, pressure, rudeness of the partner. And it begins to annoy her fuel and softness. He is increasingly trying to subordinate it to himself, stirring, call emotions in it. This leads to the fact that the woman turns into a completely unsure, in everything doubting. For her, to make some step, you need someone's advice.