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How to make ventkanals in a house of aerated concrete. Ventilation systems and air exchange in aerated concrete houses Ventilation in a house of aerated concrete

Reliable and budget. But will the construction worked in a short time, comfortable for living? Aerated concrete has powerful absorption properties, so quickly absorbs moisture. Its excess in residential premises reduces the heat-saving properties of the walls, causes the deformation of the finishing layer. A favorable atmosphere for human life and the normal functioning of a house-concrete cottage will provide properly organized ventilation. This channel system will provide air circulation in the house without giving it to stammer.

Features of the air exchange in the house of gas blocks

If ventilation is organized in brick houses by building special channels in the walls, the aerated concrete buildings are difficult in this regard. The material of their structure has a high gas permeability, which disrupts the tightness of the air ducts. Solve this problem will allow:

  1. Installation of a canal-box made of galvanized steel. It can be insulated in order to avoid condensate formation and to strip small-sized aerated concrete blocks.
  2. Lowing Ventkanal and adjacent inland walls with bricks.
  3. Gylind of plastic ventilation channel.

Device of air exchange system

In order for the ventilation in a house-concrete house with the current sanitary standards, a complex of natural and compulsory systems is used. Air ducts are constructed from galvanized, plastic and asbestos-cement pipes and stretch them into each room. Exhaust channels, departing from, toilet, kitchen are combined at the level of the attic, insulate and sealed in the locations of the roof.

For laying a system of natural ventilation, pipes are used with a cross section of 15 cm, for forced - 13 cm. The holes with a small gap (5 mm on each side) are cut into the aerated concrete blocks (5 mm on each side), in which the air ducts are fixed using a solution. The holes for the pipe in the floors and partitions are additionally hydroizing.

ATTENTION: The ventilation channels in the house of gas blocks are not packed in the outer bearing walls - it is fraught with a decrease in their heat-saving properties, the formation of condensate. Ventilation is equipped in a separate mine, or on the inner walls and partitions. This allows you to organize an air exchange even in the cottage constructed.

The most effective method of laying, built of aerated concrete blocks - with the help of a guilllection of plastic ventilation. For this, pipes are used, the cross section area is 150 cm 2. The ventilation removal is fixed in the initial block, and the system is separated from it. With further masonry, the holes of the appropriate size cut the holes in which the air ducts lay, producing their docking.

Note: The advantage of plastic ventilation channels is that condensate is practically not formed on them.

Additional actions

Along with the natural ventilation of the walls and the roof of the houses from aerated concrete blocks, it is worth taking care of the supply, cooling / heating of fresh air. Modern ventilation systems of the recovery type allow you to reduce the heat loss of the structure by 20-30%. This allows you to completely overlap the heat leakage caused by the air channels of aerated concrete blocks.

The fact that a house of aerated concrete can do without ventilation - no more than a myth. The porous structure of the blocks will not cope with the output of the moisture accumulated in the premises, which will lead to the destruction of the decoration and reduce the operational properties of the home. High-quality ventilation is needed from gasoblocks, allowing you to create a comfortable situation for people living.

The main element of the system of natural ventilation of housing is the general ventilation channels through which the conclusion of stagnant and contaminated air beyond the premises. In apartment buildings, Ventkanals are necessarily constructed during the construction of the house, they are held from the basement to the roof of the building and have access to all apartments.

During the construction of private houses, a little attention is often paid to the installation of ventilation channels. The air exchange system is saved, replaced with pipes and disassemble enough space in the wall to lay ventilation channels. This leads to a stagnation of air and may be unsafe when using gas boilers heating.

In this material we will tell you how to make brick, foam blocks and aerated concrete.

Natural ventilation channel in a private house: placement rules

Ventilation channels are an exhaust of a natural ventilation system. The air flow in it is carried out through the lootability of windows and doors, as well as with the help of special channels in the walls. The air from the street passes through all the rooms and is displayed in the Night Ventcanal, which has branches throughout the house.

In a private house of brick or aerated concrete, the laying of ventilation channels must be provided for the following rooms:

  • bathroom;
  • bathroom or shower room;
  • kitchen;
  • garage;
  • cellar;
  • boiler room.

It is in these premises that there is a large content of moisture, heat and various pollution in the air. For security reasons, special attention should be paid to the ventilation of the boiler room and the rooms adjacent to it - gas is accumulated in this place.

Air ducts in a brick house

Masonry of the ventilation canals of bricks is the most common way to organize an air exchange in private homes. The brick does not destroy under the influence of hot air, there are no pollution on its walls and does not settle moisture, so the material is often used for the organization of chimneys and air ducts.

Ventkanal is a solid vertical design that goes over to the mark above the roof. It is important to organize a permanent movement of air masses in the mine, to do this should avoid turns and irregularities inside the air duct.

Brick for Ventscanals is resistant to moisture and hot air. A mixture of sand and cement is used as a fastening solution, diluted with water.

The dimensions are, as a rule, 12 × 15 cm, for brick structures - 12 × 25 cm. The wall thickness should not be less than 10 cm. Since the brick ventosht has a lot of weight and creates a strong load, it is installed directly on the foundation of the building.

Stages of brick ventilation masonry

The process of installing brickwork is done with your own hands using a template, which can be made of plywood or chipboard sheet. This item has a square or rectangular shape, depending on the form of the cross section of the future duct. The length of the template is 8-10 bricks in thickness.

The masonry of the vantkanal from the brick is made from the corner of the wall. The first air duct is created after 2 layers of brick are laid. To focus on the template during operation, it needs to be installed vertically with a plumb. Between the two channels, leave the distance in one brick width.

Bricks need to be installed in bulk, and excess solutions to remove with a spatula. The rows are stacked with a small shift relative to the previous series. After laying out 5-7 rows of bricks, you need to carry a plywood pattern.
If the chimney is located next to Ventkanal, there must be a solid brickwork with a thickness of 40 cm with a thickness of 40 cm. This will avoid mixing air flows and burning products to the ventilation system.

Ventilation shaft in houses from aerated concrete and foam concrete

Ventilation in the house of aerated concrete has its own characteristics of the organization. Aerated concrete is an unsuitable material for the construction of the mine - it absorbs moisture, gases, exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, other materials and devices for the organization of air ducts should be used in houses from aerated concrete:

  • laying out the channel and adjacent brick walls;
  • studding of mines with resistant metal pipes, asbestos, plastic;
  • installation of galvanized box, protected by aerated concrete blocks.

Brick ventilations in such buildings are constructed according to the same rules as for brick buildings, however, it is necessary to pay special attention to the stability of the structure. For reliability, it is necessary to put the wall adjacent to the wall brick to create support.

The ventkane device in a gas-concrete wall can be produced by the hylnization method. It consists in fixing the outlet in the lower unit and layout the system from this channel. For docking, the air ducts are installed in the holes of the aerated concrete blocks. Channels can be made of plastic, asbestos cement or galvanized steel. It is also recommended to insulate in the top of the roof of the house.

In some cases, another method of manufacturing air ducts is also used. At the same time, the system consists of channels laid under the ceiling of rooms that merge into one mine under the roof of the house, where there is a conclusion of the stagnant air. The construction of such a design costs cheaper, but it is less efficient due to the horizontal direction of channels and low bandwidth. In addition, such a scheme is not applicable for two or three-story private buildings.

In a private house of foam blocks, the same rules are used when installing ventkanalov as in buildings from aerated concrete. This is due to the fact that foam blocks are very unstable to the effects of moisture and a decrease in temperature. For installation of air ducts in such houses, pipes made of PVC, asbestoscent and metal, as well as brick structures are used.

Requirements for the organization of ventilation channels and shaft parameters

For efficient and safe work, ventkanals in brick and aerated concrete masonry must meet the following requirements:

  • When withdrawing the mine over the roof next to the skate, the ventilation exhaust hole must be half a meter above the level of the skate.
  • If the hill is located 2-3 meters from the skate, it can be with it at one level.
  • When the distance to the skate exceeds 3 meters, the mouth must be at an angle of 10 ° relative to the horizon and with a vertex on the roof of the roof.

Technical requirements suggest a mandatory organization of ventilation channels in those rooms where there are no windows (bathrooms, toilets, boiler rooms). It is also recommended to set an extract for the kitchen to avoid cluster of steam and smoke in the air.

Ventkanals can effectively operate at air temperature from +12 ° C on the street and +20 ° C inside the house. When cooling the structure, the process of venting and removing air slows down, so you should insulate those parts of the mine, which are removed to the street (pipes on the roof).

The mine's cross section should be the same along its entire length to improve the thrust inside the design. With the construction of Ventkanal for blocks, bends should be avoided, the angle of inclination of the pipe should not exceed 30 ° relative to the walls. If the mines are made of brick, it must be laid as soon as possible, and the seams are smoothed between the rows.

Natural ventilation itself is extremely simple on the principle of action. It does not need compressors, polluted air itself goes outside, replaced clean. This is due to the difference in pressures and temperatures. With the right construction, the system works continuously and in the house is always fresh air and comfort.

Of course, the room is easy to ventilate and manually, with the help of windows and windows. But this is not always acceptable, let's say in winter, and the drafts of anyone have not yet brought use. And in other cases, the ventilation is not at all, for example, in the bathroom, where there is often no window at all. Another minus in frequency. Ideally, the room should always circulate air, which will not achieve the vessels. Air conditioning also does not solve the problem. Whether they are even two, they are not able to drive the air throughout the house and replace it with pure street. In any case, efforts have to make and build a natural ventilation system. And the air conditioner is designed to solve very other tasks.

Primary requirements

So, air exchange system in private home ownership must meet the following basic requirements:

The system should not significantly affect the room temperature in the room, especially in the winter season;

There should be a continuous full-fledged air exchange of rooms with the street, and not among themselves;

A good system should provide clean air all the premises;

Especially important is the accelerated air exchange in the bathroom, kitchen and toilet;

Full absence of drafts.

Thus, it is not easy to exchange between rooms in the house, but replacement of polluted air to fresh in each room. Create full ventilation in finished housing is very problematic, so all work is better to produce at the stage of the walls. If you decide to make the overhaul of the dwelling, it is now possible to build a quality air exchange card.

Ventilation of a passive house

Passive houses do not require heating! They are heated at the expense of heat emitted by residents and household appliances, so each heat kilocalorium should be saved and used rationally. Equipment that is successfully used for ventilation of brick houses is unacceptable here. Cold air flows can not be allowed inside, as well as the loss of precious heat.

air movement in a passive house

Therefore, ideally hermetic passive houses are equipped with special supply and exhaust ventilation plants with. For passive houses, energy-efficient countercurrent heat exchangers and fans with EU-engines have been developed. Such equipment returns to 95% of the heat from the exhaust air and allows you to spend on the heating on average 5 kilowatt \\ hour per 1 square meter. Meter of the square of the house per year. One of the most important requirements for ventilation of the passive house is a very quiet operation of the equipment.

A good addition to the energy efficient ventilation of the passive house are soil heat exchangers (heat pumps). Devices get heat directly from the Earth or Water. The air, which passed through an underground heat exchanger, even in winter has a temperature not lower than 17 degrees. In the summer, the red-cooled street air is cooled in the same way. Therefore, there are always comfortable temperatures in passive houses.

More about what energy efficient house is and how to build it in the video:

Additional actions

Along with the natural ventilation of the walls and the roof of the houses from aerated concrete blocks, it is worth taking care of the supply, cooling / heating of fresh air. Modern ventilation systems of the recovery type allow you to reduce the heat loss of the structure by 20-30%. This allows you to completely overlap the heat leakage caused by the air channels of aerated concrete blocks.

The fact that a house of aerated concrete can do without ventilation - no more than a myth. The porous structure of the blocks will not cope with the output of the moisture accumulated in the premises, which will lead to the destruction of the decoration and reduce the operational properties of the home. High-quality ventilation is needed from gasoblocks, allowing you to create a comfortable situation for people living.

Ventilation for foam bed houses types of working circuits

In a large foam house, a mixed type ventilation is shown

For any home, an important point is insulation. For ventilation, this factor is also important. Ventilation can be divided into three main directions:

  • natural;
  • forced;
  • mixed.

In the first case, air flow circulation is made due to the pressure difference outside and inside the house. Air can act through windows, windows, doors, window valves. The removal of the exhaust air is made through the ventilation shaft.

Such ventilation does not require large financial costs, does not depend on electricity. The only minus is a dependence on weather conditions. In summer, the "exhaust air" closures will be formed due to the lack of appropriate traction.

Ventkanals in the walls of aerated concrete blocks Engineering standards

Ventilation pipe must be isolate

In houses built from aerated concrete, special attention is paid to the construction of Ventkanal. It is necessarily taken into account the ability of this building material to absorb moisture, gases, its fragility and inability to resist high temperatures

Consequently, Ventkanals perform in other ways:

  • laying out the channel itself and adjacent to it the walls of the brick;
  • gylind of plastic, steel or asbestos-cement pipes;
  • installation of galvanized box, which is trimmed with a block of aerated concrete.

Ventkanals are derived to a roof for a certain height. Violation of the pipe location is fraught with bad burden or in general "overturning". Thus, the channel derived at a distance of 1.5 m from the skate must exceed it with 500 mm. If it is located in 3 meters from the skate - height with him in height, more than 3 meters - not lower than an angle of 10 °, between the skate and the top edge of the pipe.

Important! It is categorically impossible to arrange from Ventkanal "Work of Art" and decorate it with devices that are not related to the ventilation system. The completion of the pipe can be an umbrella or a difflector that will improve the work of the natural exhaust

General requirements for good chimneys

A certain power of boilers, the furnaces or fireplaces correspond to chimneys with different sections of the channels. These sections need to be correctly counting. With too narrow channel, smoke will not have time to be deleted, the thrust will be bad, and the heating device will smoke. The type of material is often crucial, for example, chimney pipes in the wall of aerated concrete require more reliable thermal insulation than street pipes, but less than pipes passing through a tree.

The round shape of the chimney is preferably, in such no twists causing poor or reverse craving. At the same time, the installation of any chimney through the wall involves its optimal height of 5-10 meters. With individual construction pipe 10 meters long - this is something from the field of fiction. But the chimneys are shorter than 5 meters - a fairly common phenomenon, people are not too interested in how to bring the pipe from the furnace correctly. At the same time, what is the height is guaranteed to ensure bad thrust.

If the roofing coating is subject to fire, then a spark-like in the form of a metal mesh with cells of 0.5x0.5 centimeters should be installed on the removed boiler or furnace chimney. Near the heating device must be excellent ventilation. Horizontal sun beds should not exceed 1 meter (optimally 0.6 meters). Longer horizontal sections worsen cravings and can quickly clog the soot. In any pipeline, especially if this chimney is one-way and metal, a collector for condensate and a hole (or door) should be provided for cleaning from soot. It is advisable to avoid corners of 90 degrees, one such angle is better to replace two in 45 degrees.

Ventkanals in a house of aerated concrete brick masonry

Building ventilation systems of a private house is best trusted to be expert. If you follow the construction standards and comply with the rules of laying and installing, it is possible to arrange an extract. First of all, the exhaust channel will be mounted, which of the known methods will be mounted.

Ventilation shaft displays spent air from different rooms

When laying out the channels bricks need to be considered:

  • Location - in one of the walls of the room, where moisture is particularly accumulated.
  • The fewer channels are better. This issue is solved geographically - the premises of the kitchen, sanitary rooms are in close proximity to each other ("Neighboring"). By the way, such a requirement applies not only to ventilation, but also systems of sewerage and water supply.
  • Brick design should not come into contact with wooden building elements of the house - the channel temperature will gradually destroy the tree.
  • Only full brick is used. Styling is allowed from facing hollow, but with careful filling of emptiness with a solution. Not suitable for such works silicate, having the ability to crush, it does not tolerate the temperature mode formed inside the ventkane.
  • Channels are supplied to each other, separators are ½ bricks.
  • Brick is put on the single row dressing system. Outing a solution for the next row, it is necessary to monitor that the mixture does not fall inside the channel.

Important! Ventilation in the bearing wall of aerated concrete, as in other matters and in homes from other materials, does not launch! This is not a mandatory requirement, but experts are recommended due to the fact that, mostly carrying walls have the outside of the building - condensate will be formed. . The inner surface of the channels, ventilation and smoke should be as possible, smooth

Therefore, during the masonry of bricks, an excess solution is removed from the joints, and the surface is smoothed by Kelma (workshop). Also on the inner surface should not be protrusions or depressions - they prevent normal air circulation.

  • The inner surface of the channels, ventilation and smoke should be as possible, smooth. Therefore, during the masonry of bricks, an excess solution is removed from the joints, and the surface is smoothed by Kelma (workshop). Also on the inner surface should not be protrusions or depressions - they prevent normal air circulation.

Special attention is paid to the seams that should be filled with a solution and loss, in order to avoid hitting the combustion products, exhauvated air into adjacent channels or rooms at home. Grouting is made after laying 2-3 rows of bricks

The process is carried out manually, reciprocating and circular motions along the inner surface of the structure.

Important! The peculiarity of the vantkanalov from bricks is not equipped with mechanical devices.

Channels base principle

Inputs and channel outputs are closed with decorative light graves. This will allow regular cleaning of air ducts, from times to several per year. The channel itself is better to perform from stainless steel metals to ensure the necessary durability of the system. The possibility for heating air will significantly increase ventilation efficiency. If you do everything correctly, then the outer wall with the channel will not differ from the usual.

To heal, it is better to install the ventilation channel next to the stove or install the heater. Installing the "umbrella" above the stove immediately solves several tasks. This is not only the removal of children and unpleasant odors from the kitchen, but also an additional heated system, which is at times amplify air exchange.

In total, today they use round plastic channels. However, as practice shows, the circular cross-section of the channels sharply reduces the efficiency of the system. The optimal cross section of the pipe is a square. Savings here are inappropriate. Therefore, we turn to tinsmiths so that they make pipes and square sections. And only the input and output of the air is permissible to carry out the pipes of the circular cross section.

Ventilation at home from sip panels

the system of "breathable house" from sip-panels

Houses from the sip panels are not in vain called "thermos" for high thermal insulation. Energy efficiency is achieved by the absence of cracks, cold bridges and special qualities of the Sip panels themselves. Not any natural ventilation in such houses does not speak. All air exchange is forcibly. But here there are more or less costly options for ventilation at home from sip-panels.

The most inexpensive solution is this: exhaust channels are held only in the kitchen and bathrooms. These are two separate channels, they do not unite them so that the smell from the toilet does not penetrate the kitchen and vice versa. Thus, there will be a 2-3 duct in the house (depending on the number of bathrooms). Before passing the roof, the air ducts are combined together so as not to breathe the roof in several places.

With a high-quality hood, the inflow can be organized by microwing through windows or supply valves. This method slightly reduces the energy efficiency of the structure. Therefore, such houses use ventilation aircraft with heating air, which is difficult to mount with their own hands.

The second version of the budget ventilation of the house from sip-panels is to install brizers. Brizers are compact supply and exhaust installations on one room. At an hour, the brizer delivers about 100 cubic meters of air to the house. If there are 3-4 people living, set to ventilate at home, at least two units.

Each brizer has two streets out: for fence and removal of air. Air is heated with a recuperator or calorifer. The installation of the brizers will cost 2-4 times cheaper than full-fledged supply and exhaust ventilation. But what kind of ventilation plan at home without hoods from the toilet and kitchen.

The most expensive and efficient version of the ventilation of the sip-panels is a supply and exhaust installation that serves all the rooms at home. Many owners of finished houses such ventilation disfixes the need for air ducts. Therefore, it is desirable to design it as early as possible.

Where better to place the yield of chimney

It is best if the street chimney will pass through the wall from the front of the front. If it is impossible, and the sleeve will leave the roofing rod, you will have to construct a support rack, if the roofing Sax is more than 40 centimeters. If the sink is small, then the pipe can be skipped right through it. With proper flax, especially if the chimney is built through the wall in a wooden house, it will serve as an additional retainer.

It is very important to properly fasten to the wall of chimney pipes from the street. There are two options for such an attachment :. In the first version of the clamp, clasping the pipe, on both sides, rigidly attached to the wall.
The second option is a standard clamp that is delayed, and then attached to the wall on the anchor pin

The third fastening element is the bottom console that picks up the pipe and does not allow it to collapse down. This console has the appearance of 3-coal metal backups, one side of which is screwed to the wall, and the chimney is based on the second side, and so that the supports do not interfere with opening the door to clean. These supports need two. The scope with the studs is traditionally considered to be more budget.

  • In the first version of the clamp, clasping the pipe, on both sides, rigidly attached to the wall.
  • The second option is a standard clamp that is delayed, and then attached to the wall on the anchor pin. The third fastening element is the bottom console that picks up the pipe and does not allow it to collapse down. This console has the appearance of 3-coal metal backups, one side of which is screwed to the wall, and the chimney is based on the second side, and so that the supports do not interfere with opening the door to clean. These supports need two. The scope with the studs is traditionally considered to be more budget.

The advantages of passing through the wall

  • Saving places, i.e. useful area;
  • The chimney through the wall can not be built at the beginning, but at the end, if the budget of the house construction is limited;
  • Installation and passage of any chimney through the wall is easier than the construction of standard indoors;
  • Increased fire safety. By making your own chimney, you must remember that sooner or later it can spontaneously ignite the soot, and the temperature inside the pipe reaches 1200 degrees. If the chimney is metallic and is located indoors, especially near the flammable walls or decor elements, the fire will happen with a large share of probability. The hellish flame in the tube on the street does not threaten such disastrous consequences;
  • Brick chimneys inside the premises over time begin to skip smoke and carbon monoxide through the seams, and the installation of the chimney through the wall and its connection to the street tube from this reliably protects;
  • In the case of problems with the adjustment, the outer chimney in height is much easier, not the touch of the pipeline passage through the wall and the plot to the boiler.


Any building requires a private project of the air duct system. But there are two main varieties of systems:

Natural Forced
The simplest and most accessible option for organizing air circulation.

If you introduce this system into a gasket design, you can eliminate the use of auxiliary equipment: air movement is carried out at the expense of the natural climatic features of the external environment.

The parameters of the location of the system, the length and cross-section of the pipes depend on the temperature background inside and outside, pressure and wind speed.

This species suits ordinary climatic conditions when the temperature does not rise above 45 - 50 degrees Celsius.

It is possible to regulate ventilation through specialized valves.

The hood is capable of producing air change, then the number of times in one hour, how much it was provided in advance.

Before the introduction of the system, it is necessary to make preliminary calculations during which special attention is paid to:

  1. Conditions that should be created in the end.
  2. The size of the room for which the project will be performed.
  3. The number of people regularly staying in the house.

If at home made of aerated concrete, then we need such systems that, taking into account the total area and the number of people, will be able to fully change air about 5 times.

What decorative materials are used to finish weak

Starikovsky ceramzite is rarely used in modern passing devices, now more use various basalt fillers or various fibro-cement plates. They look like plasterboard and are well cut. This is generally the best material at the moment. Fibro cement plates have a lot of commercial names.

It is often used brick, there is a rule of simple - the brick is laid from the pipe for the entire length, and that, in principle, enough for fire protection. The heat is mainly removed by the brick, but a little bit of the fibric cement plate around the perimeter does not interfere.

Great porcelain tile is excellent, because it can withstand temperatures up to 1500 degrees, and it can be used for decorative trim together with flame retardant. You can put it analogue - it is a very resistant special heat-resistant tile with the title of terracotta. Excellent tile, which is used for thermal protection and at the same time for the design of the room, both on the floor near the stove and on the wall at the scene of the chimney.

Air ducts in a brick house

Masonry of the ventilation canals of bricks is the most common way to organize an air exchange in private homes. The brick does not destroy under the influence of hot air, there are no pollution on its walls and does not settle moisture, so the material is often used for the organization of chimneys and air ducts.

Ventkanal is a solid vertical design, which emerges above the roof

It is important to organize a permanent movement of air masses in the mine, to do this should avoid turns and irregularities inside the air duct.

Brick for Ventscanals is resistant to moisture and hot air. A mixture of sand and cement is used as a fastening solution, diluted with water.

The dimensions are, as a rule, 12 × 15 cm, for brick structures - 12 × 25 cm. The wall thickness should not be less than 10 cm. Since the brick ventosht has a lot of weight and creates a strong load, it is installed directly on the foundation of the building.

Stages of brick ventilation masonry

The process of installing brickwork is done with your own hands using a template, which can be made of plywood or chipboard sheet. This item has a square or rectangular shape, depending on the form of the cross section of the future duct. The length of the template is 8-10 bricks in thickness.

The masonry of the vantkanal from the brick is made from the corner of the wall. The first air duct is created after 2 layers of brick are laid. To focus on the template during operation, it needs to be installed vertically with a plumb. Between the two channels, leave the distance in one brick width.

Bricks need to be installed in bulk, and excess solutions to remove with a spatula. The rows are stacked with a small shift relative to the previous series. After laying out 5-7 rows of bricks, you need to carry a plywood pattern.
If the chimney is located next to Ventkanal, there must be a solid brickwork with a thickness of 40 cm with a thickness of 40 cm. This will avoid mixing air flows and burning products to the ventilation system.

Air ducts from PVC

An important feature is the material from which Ventkanal was made. PVC air ducts are very popular due to low prices

They are most often used in the installation of the ventilation and water supply system. In its characteristics, they have a number of advantages, namely:

  • resistant to many aggressive chemicals;
  • do not rust;
  • lightweight by weight.

PVC is often used when installing forced ventilation. But, while decent competition is more expensive plastic pipes on a metal basis. They are more perfect in their design, do not require an additional insulating layer.

System device

In a private medium-sized house there must be at least two hoods. At all, you do not need to put the exhaust pipe in each room. As a rule, enough exhaust for the bathroom and for the kitchen. Exhaust pipe is not just a hole in the wall. All this is a rather complicated system that is best to design at the stages of housing. The main thing here is a subtle calculation, only the system will work as efficiently as possible.

If the construction of the system itself can be performed independently, the design and calculation is better to entrust the professional. It is much easier to take advantage of the finished project, because it will not be necessary to take into account many of those or other factors required in the calculation.

Forced type of ventilation

Such a design and more difficult in installation, and more expensive, and the operation implies the use of electricity, as well as various devices. But the cost of all equipment quickly pays off due to the fact that in the house the microclimate becomes much better.

Let's highlight a few features of the system:

  1. The exhaust fans are installed on the air ducts, the air from the outside enters the channel network.
  2. In order not to break the temperature mode in the cold season, you must install in the air ventilation system for air warming.
  3. The cheapest method of heating is not an electric heater, but a recuperator. This is a kind of heat exchanger, which has two fans - exhaust and trim. Heating the air entering the house is carried out by gas, which is given to the street.

Note that when installing a system with a heat loss recuperator decreases by about 30%. As a rule, the device put on the attic and connect with a common channel

It combines the air ducts that go from all rooms. It is necessary to provide free access to the recuperator - it will have to sometimes clean the plates and change the filter elements.

Highlights of installation

In standard buildings, the ventilation system is introduced using specialized channels that are mounted in the walls. In aerated concrete houses, another system needs, so they deliver complexity.

The material used has gas permeability, which has positive and negative consequences. (Violation of the tightness of the air ducts). The following options apply to solve the task:

  1. Installation of the central channel produced from reliable galvanized steel. To avoid the formation of condensate, it can be insulated (to trim with aerated concrete blocks).
  2. Laying by the brick of the canal and the inner walls.
  3. Giller feed from high-quality plastic.

Additional steps

It is important to take care of the temperature modes, that is, heating or cooling the supplied air. If preference is given to the system of recovery type, this will reduce the level of heat loss by 25-30 percent

This action is due to the overlap of heat leakage, which is caused by air channels.

The uniqueness of the aerated concrete is the porosity of the structure, so the blocks are simply not able to cope with the elimination of the accumulated amount of moisture. The level of operational properties is reduced and the internal and exterior decoration begins to deteriate.

Professionals argue that the high-quality air duct system is essential, which allows you to create the most comfortable (lack of moisture, drafts, fast and regular air shift) and acceptable living conditions for people.

Types of ventilation systems

Ventilation in a gas-concrete house has its own characteristics. If in buildings from traditional materials of Ventkanals is placed only in rooms with high humidity, then it is desirable to arrange them in each room.

Council. If it is too difficult, then the ventilation system is necessarily equipped with such premises, like a kitchen, bathroom, boiler room and basement. And in residential premises, interior doors need to be equipped with ventilation lattices or leave a small clearance for free air circulation under them.

Door with ventilation grille

Private house ventilation can be natural, forced or mixed.

Examples of different schemes are shown in the table.

Ventilation scheme Explanations

Passive ventilation
Venting occurs naturally through the ventilation channels derived to the roof of the house.

Mixed ventilation
Mixed ventilation system with exhaust fans indoors with the greatest air pollution. Fans are turned on as needed manually or automatically at regular intervals.

Forced exhaust ventilation
The exhaust fan is installed in a shared channel, combining all air ducts from rooms.

Forced suppressian ventilation
The influx of fresh air and the exhaust outflow is carried out forcibly with the help of a mechanical ventilation system with a recuperator.

Now more about each form.

Natural (passive) ventilation

So that the passive ventilation of the house of the aerated concrete worked fine, you need to make some effort.


  • Arrange channels for removing dirty and wet air from home. So that it is pulled out, these channels should go to the roof of the house for a certain height. If they are from the skate on one and a half meters, then there must be 50 cm above it. When a distance of up to 3 meters, the channel's headpoint can be at the same level with a skate. And and if this distance exceeds 3 meters, the top of the channel should not be lower than the line from the skate at an angle of 100 to the horizon. Violation of these requirements is caused by bad thrust or even its "tipping".

Ventcanal output circuit on the roof

Council. To the top of the exhaust pipe it is necessary to install an umbrella to protect against precipitation or a deflector that improves the work of natural ventilation.

  • Provide the influx of fresh air. Sealed plastic windows are practically not allowed into the house, but you can find the output. For example, install window blocks with supply valves or ventilator embedded in outer walls.

Council. If the ventilators are installed directly under the windows, coming from the street the air in the winter will warm up with warmth, coming from heating radiators.

Forced ventilation

Such a system will be more expensive in installation, and in operation due to the use of electricity and special devices for forced air circulation.

But their price pays off greater ventilation efficiency and improvement of home microclimate.

  • Air ducts in such a system are equipped with exhaust fans, and the air from the street is served through its network of channels.
  • So that in cold weather, the temperature regime in the premises, the ventilation system is supplied with aggregates for heating outdoor air.
  • The most economical in this case is the option is not an electric heater, but heat recuperator. This is a heat exchanger with two fans - inlets and exhaust, in which the fresh air is heated from the heat of the vehicle allocated from the house.

Principle of operation of the recovery

For reference. When using systems with heat lifter, a heated building is reduced by 20-30%.

Typically, the recuperator is installed on the attic at home and connect to a common channel, which combines the air ducts from all ventilated rooms. Access to it must be free, as it requires maintenance - cleaning plates when changing seasons and replacing filters.

Recuperative installation in the attic

Ventilation of mixed type

In such a system, the inflow of fresh air occurs in a natural way, and exhaust fans are installed for removal of the used air masses.

It can be:

  • Devices built into the outer walls or windows of each ventilated room;

Exhaust fan in the wall

  • One powerful channel fan in the attic to which several vents are supplied.

Channel fan

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Optimal ventilation system for a fuel house

It is necessary to start again from reminding that gas-silicate blocks have high hygroscopicity. So, the optimal version of the facilities of the ventilation system in such a house is the installation of vertical channels and mines. Let the installation of Ventkanal not easy, let it take a lot of time and means, but the perfect version of this one.

Installation of air valves into the walls of the gas-silicate house is a high probability, firstly, to reduce the carrying capacity of the wall, and secondly, the possibility of penetration of moisture into the body of gas-blocks in the contact of warm air from the premises with cold on the street. That is, the appearance of condensate is a real opportunity. And this is a moisture, which destroys the aerated concrete.

Therefore, it is proposed additionally three more options that will help to avoid trouble.

  1. Use only the supply diagram with an output through the central risers.
  2. Use materials for insulation of air exhaust valves. By the way, many manufacturers do today. In their models, a cylindrical shape is used insulating material that is inserted inside the valve. It provides the protection of the wall from the appearance of condensate.
  3. Use only window structures as a supply device.

By the way, the supply ventilation system has shown itself in this situation much better than exhaust. But many craftsmen found their way out of the difficult situation. For example, to install the valve with a diameter of 100 mm in the wall, a hole with a diameter of 130-150 mm was made. The valve was installed in the wall, and the gap between it and the wall was filled with the mounting foam. The latter is polyurethane foam with high thermal insulation characteristics.

Another option, which is well suited for houses from aerated concrete, is a system with recovery or with caloric heating of incoming air. That is, cold air, before getting into the inner premises and go through the wall, gaining warmth, that by itself eliminates the formation of condensate. True, it should be noted that such ventilation systems are very expensive, besides, they are energy consumption, so you have to pay for electricity bills all the time.

Create comfort and comfort

Ideally, ventilation channels must be mounted in the walls of the building. It will save the square and will not spoil the indoor interior of the room. Each channel should have an outlet of the room, closed with a decorative grid. And the entire system should at least have two exits to the street. One air duct is designed for a fence of fresh outside air. The optimal option is to arrange it in the wall at an altitude of 1.8-2.2 meters above the foundation. Decorative deflector will protect the entrance from extraneous garbage and improve the efficiency of the system. The second output is designed to output polluted air from the room. It is located on the roof and combines all channels for ventilation. The diameter of the exhaust pipe should be sufficient to not form air traffic jams.

To ensure the necessary efficiency, place the pipe at an altitude of 70 cm above the roof level. In the case of a large household of such pipes may be up to five. Installing the deflectors for each of the pipes will help to improve.

Ventilation of the foundation

fastening plastic pipes in the formwork of the foundation

Taking care of the right ventilation of the house, it is important not to forget about the safety of the enclosing structures: the roof, overlappings, foundation. Private house ventilation should be designed comprehensively, including auxiliary buildings and sewers

Ventilation of the foundation of the house is desirable to plan during the construction of the foundation itself. When the floor overlap is installed for the floor of the ground floor, it is impossible to get to the necessary sections.

Ventilation of the foundation of the house is the system of holes (production) placed in the basement. The total area of \u200b\u200bblood production and their placement depend on the size and location of the house.

Rules of home establishment of the foundation of the house:

  • The area of \u200b\u200bone product should be from 0.25 sq.m. You can make several nearby holes of a smaller area or one more. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe holes should be 0.25 square meters for every 100 square meters of the area of \u200b\u200bthe house.
  • Production is placed evenly, otherwise the areas of stagnation of air are formed.
  • From a deaf angle to the nearest product distance up to 1 meter.
  • On each side of the foundation make 2 products.

If the cottage is located on the hill or plain and is well purged by winds, for high-quality ventilation of the foundation of the house, it is sufficient to equip 2 products with a diameter of 0.15 m on each side.

If product is closed with grids or decorative lattices, the clean area of \u200b\u200bthe holes is reduced. Therefore, it is advisable to make one additional product on each side of the house.

In winter, the ventilation in the foundation of the house is closed, some products are opened periodically for ventilation. Then the floor in the house will retain its temperature, but in the scene, the surplus of moisture will not be accumulated.

Ventilation in the foundation of the house can be made after it is erected. The holes are made by a perforator with a carbide crown of a suitable size. If during drilling, the fittings of the base will be cut, the foundation will weaken in this place.

Galvanized Ventscanals

Galvanized stainless steel ventilations also have their advantages. They are fireproof, easily end the temperature differences and excess humidity (under condensate). The minus is weight - pipes are quite heavy, which makes it difficult to install and fixation.

It is often practiced that in the ventilation system I use PVC pipes intended for sewage. It is allowed. If we compare vent rows from polyvinyl chloride and metal, then it is better to choose the first. They are cheaper, and more practical.

Important! Pipes made of polymeric materials can not be mounted next to the chims. They do not have refractory properties

Installation of Ventscanalov

In the selection of ventkanalov, it is necessary to focus on the material from which the pipe consists, and correctly select the diameter of the cross section. After all, the better than Ventkanal, the longer it will last

In the form of ducts are:

  • rectangular;
  • round.

The latter have less noise insulation. Pipes with a round diameter of the section are mounted in houses with a high ceiling. Ventkanal rectangular shape looks more effectively. However, those and those can be reeded by a thin plastic box.

When laying it is more convenient to perform a rectangular channel

By design, air ducts are:

  • flexible;
  • hard.

Corrugated pipes are easy to install, because any position and direction can take. However, when installed in place of operation, the corrugation is necessary to stretch the maximum. This is done so that the "harmonica" does not create extra noise when passing the air inside the air duct. Corrugated pipes are attached with clamps. Such an air duct is suitable for drawing in the kitchen.

Important! When installing ventilation, it is necessary to avoid excess bends. They increase the aerodynamic resistance of passing flows

With the operation of the ventsy system, dust particles settled on the inner surface of the "accordion", taking it. Rigid pipes, due to the smooth inner surface, have not only high noise insulation, but also prevent the mud seen on the inner walls. They are more reliable in operation, as not subject to mechanical damage, dents.

Performance calculations and optimal dimensions

With the calculations that take into account the temperature, the number of people living, the area of \u200b\u200bglazing and other parameters, only a specialist can cope. However, every owner of the structure is able to make a simple approximate calculation of ventilation of its home using only a few parameters.

So, before build ventkaneal in the carrier wall of aerated concrete, it is necessary to calculate its performance. For example, take: one-storey house, the area of \u200b\u200bfive residential premises is 80 sq. M. m, ceilings height - 2.7 m, a kitchen with an electric stove, combined bath and a toilet, boiler room - 10 sq. M and data from SP 54.13330.2011 "Buildings residential complex buildings".

  • The inflow - 80x2,7x1 \u003d 216 cubic meters / h.
  • Required removal removal: kitchen - 60 cubic meters / h; Bathroom - 50 cubic meters / h. Boiler room - 100 cubic meters / h - 60 + 50 + 100 \u003d 210 cubic meters / h.
  • The estimated rate is 216 cubic meters / h.

The elevation height of the one-storey house is 4 m. At a temperature of 25 ° C, the drawing capacity is 58.59 cubic meters / h, therefore, 216 / 58.59 \u003d 3.69. Based on the calculated data - it is necessary to arrange 4 ducts that will ensure efficient ventilation of the house.

Ventilation in a brick house

ventilation of a brick house plan on the earliest stage of construction

When creating a ventilation plan of a brick house, you need to pay special attention to the location of ventilation mines for natural ventilation. Brick ventilation channels in private homes can be held :. parallel to chimneys;
Install individual risers.

  • parallel to chimneys;
  • install individual risers.

In any case, the exhaust mines are output through the roof. The thrust is formed due to the difference in air pressure in the house and above the roof, making pairs and gases beyond the dwellings. This type of ventilation in the brick house is most effective in the cold period of the year.

Channels are most often placed inside brickwork walls:

  • with a wall thickness of 0.38 m - in one row;
  • with a thickness of 0.64 m - in two rows.

For ventilation of a two- or one-storey house, it is convenient to do the channels of the square section 14x14 cm. Brick is placed on a solution for masonry walls, but a clay-sand mixture can be made.

Prepare a full-length burned brick, bugs, check ball and pattern. A platform boxes with a cross-section of 14x14 cm, up to 10 bricks, are used as inventory buosh. The template is a 2.5 x 0.14 x 0.025 m board, the holes, shape and arrangement corresponding to future air ducts are cut into it.

During the masonry, it is necessary to check the vertical plumb. Upon completion of the walls, the walls are moving. The masonry is performed vertically. The distance to the corners and doorways from 38 cm. Between the exhaust mine and chimney, it is necessary to pave thermal insulation.

Important moments in the construction of house ventilation do it yourself:

  • Install the end template to the inside of the transverse wall. Chalk mark the location of the holes and during the work from time to time, check with the template;
  • Channel walls make 1 brick thickness;
  • The solution is trimmed and the channels are styled in principle;
  • Next to Ventkanals, the stamp bandage is performed in one row;
  • So that the mine gets tightly, you can lay the bricks channel across, but it will be more difficult to clean such a channel;
  • The tap channels are laid out of the bricks dying under the desired angle (more than 60 degrees to the horizon). The diameter of the main and tanning channels must coincide;
  • The bandage of the walls and mines is made by three-hardtinks and halves of bricks;
  • BUY, which are rearranged from time to time, at the same time help keep the shape of the channel and leave it clean;
  • When moving the walls moisturized and thoroughly rub.

The deviation of the channel from the vertical worsens the thrust. In this case, the output is only one - exhaust fan.

Forced ventilation

Circulation of air flows in a foam house is performed using mechanical devices. The ventilating room can be made in three different schemes:

  • mechanical exhaust;
  • mechanical intake;
  • continuous-exhaust mechanical.

In the case of mechanical removal of dirty air, exhaust fans are mounted in the ducts. These devices are divided into:

  • centrifugal;
  • axis;
  • kitchen.

Unsuitable air can be straight to the street or in the ventshach. In the last option, to prevent the reverse outflow of dirty air, you must equip the check valve.

Mechanical supply ventilation is carried out by supplying fresh air through ventilation paths with air valves, channel air conditioners. It serves as an addition to natural ventilation. The incoming flow of the air masses can be cleaned and heated.

In the supply and exhaust ventilation with heat recovery, the heating of the supply air is carried out due to the spent. That is, air flows are not mixed, but pass along the contaminated parallel channels. Thus, the trim air warms up. Recovers for operation use little electricity. Another advantage is that the mechanical device is not noisy. There is a balance of tributary and outflow of air, therefore the circulation of air flows inside the house will be uniformly.

Why it is worth choosing inertial hoods

If a person wonders the choice of the air duct system in the house, then it is worth considering inertial supply-exhaust structures. Before purchasing, it is necessary to calculate the length and sections of the channels.

Then the location of absolutely all valves is determined. For proper execution, a full ventilation scheme is compiled, which is based on air interaction characteristics. According to the laws of physics, warm air rises, and the cold goes away.

Even if the installation of the ventilation system is made independently, then you need to think about which materials and tools are needed for installation. At the moment, stores offer a wide range of goods, with which you can establish a system of air circulation in the shortest possible time.

Wantkanals what are they for and for what

In the house of aerated concrete ventilation ideally, it is necessary to build along with the construction of walls

Ventilation channels are a hood for a natural ventilation system. Natural ventilation can still be called - round-the-clock, without mechanical motivation

Very important, the device of Ventkanalov in houses from aerated concrete blocks. Such buildings especially need good ventilating, as aerated concrete, due to its porous structure, an excellent moisture absorber

It is not possible to absorb her not only outside, from the environment, but also in the wet premises inside the house. Because of which, when the temperature decreases, the moisture in the pores freezes and expands, which leads to the appearance of cracks. That is why it is necessary to the timely removal of moisture from the premises in which it is capable of lingering.

Ventkanals in a house of aerated concrete must be provided for the premises:

  • bathroom;
  • bathroom;
  • kitchen;
  • pool;
  • boiler room;
  • garage;
  • cellar.

Also in this list includes a room directly over the boiler room, regardless of its purpose. Such security measures are taken to avoid possible to enter the exhaust gases.

The ventilation channel is a solid design that displays a continuous channel to mark above the roof and providing a constant movement of air. Basically, the size of the ventkanal is 120x120 mm, for brickwork - 120x250 mm, the wall thickness is 100 mm. Due to the fact that the brick channel for a two-storey house, weighs approximately 5.5 tons, then it is set to the foundation.

What parts is the street chimney

As already mentioned, the most popular and most reliable outdoor is sandwich. Standard pipe passage sleeve should be outlined through a tree with a particularly careful flame retardant, which can only provide sandwich technology. At the same time, at the place of transition through the wall, no joints should not be! So, from which parts is the usual chimney, which is removed through the wall? It:

  • Pipes;
  • Tees;
  • Knee for the bend of the pipeline in the right direction;
  • Skin support;
  • Clamps. The distance between the clamps when attaching to the wall: 60-100 cm;
  • Tee with revisions, i.e. door to clean the chimney;
  • Collection of condensate with a spout for its removal.

Ventilation of a house of aerated concrete

The big plus of projects of gas-silicate turnkey blocks is their faster-based and acceptable price. But quickly by building the house, it is not at all necessary that it will be possible to live comfortably and worthy. Avoid climatic discomfort will help the correct calculation - the minimum value of the multiplicity of air exchange for residential buildings and premises is 1m3, and the temperature is 22 gr.c.

System of ventilation and air conditioning in the house of foam blocks: cottage from gas-silicate blocks in Odintsovo

Achieve the values \u200b\u200bof the corresponding sanitary standards without serious costs can be used by a complex of natural and forced ventilation. The modern ventilation system is designed with air recovery, which reduces heat loss by 20-30%. This corresponds to heat loss from the air channels of aerated concrete blocks.

Project of the climatic system of houses from gas silicate blocks

In the cottage near Moscow, the principles of climatic comfort and budget construction were embodied. In order for the temperature-humidity parameters and the multiplicity of air exchange in the house of aerated concrete, the following equipment was installed:

  • roof ventilation mine - Natural ventilation;
  • helios fans, Wolf supply installation, Hidria-exhaust installation - Supply exhaust ventilation;
  • compressor-capacitor unit with freonovdrovods - air conditioning;
  • fire valve, air damper - smoke removal;
  • automation for Klimair2 / Topair - Automation;
  • summifiers GTP1-5, galvanized ducts - consumables.

The house was made of ultralight blocks of foamed concrete autoclave drying. After commissioning the ventilation and air conditioning system with automation and smoke removal, climatic comfort was provided, the house began to "breathe" and stopped being afraid of moisture. Despite the low permeability of the walls of foam blocks, due to the forced ventilation in the residential premises ceased to be stuffy, it became more environmentally and easy to breathe.

How to build a climate comfortable house

Specialists of the Climate Company LLC "Stroyingering" will help you correctly build a house and organize a better ventilation system and air conditioning for your cottages from foam blocks, cottages from aerated concrete, private houses from foam concrete. Experienced designers will select the optimal technical equipment and will prepare high-quality climatic systems for internal comfort in Townhouses and turnkey cottage villages.

We offer excellent conditions - favorable prices, rapid deadlines, refinement of projects, warranty of the participant SRO. Managing companies, HOA, construction and repair organizations from Moscow and the region - a special relationship, discount on service of air conditioners!

Qualified specialists will carry out professional installation of ventilation equipment, strictly in accordance with the technologies and requirements of the installation of supply and exhaust ventilation and central air conditioning. Your dwelling from foam concrete blocks will be provided well thought out, comfortable and environmentally friendly climate.

What projects will help create comfortable living conditions

  • Calculation and ventilation device in the cottage
  • Supply-exhaust ventilation basement - scheme
  • Ventilation system in baths and paired
  • How to make the ventilation of the garage?

Construction of houses from turnkey foam blocks at low prices helped qualified designers and performers who ordered the development of a climate system in our company.

Ventilation of the panel house

panel home ventilation scheme

The panel house ventilation system is a set of concrete structures collected by each other as a children's designer. Ventilation of all panel houses refers to an uncontrollable natural type and is based solely on the use of natural phenomena. The airclasses occurs due to the difference in temperature and pressure in the ventilation shaft and above the roof of the house. The apartments are formed atmospheric discharge, which is replenished due to the supply air.

According to the ventilation plan, the exhaust channels are bred in such a way that the air flows do not flow from one apartment to another. Correct to each bathroom and kitchen at home to bring a satellite channel, which on the next floor is poured into a ventilation shaft. In order for the latest floors of Stalin's houses in the latest floors, the air ducts throw out gases into the atmosphere, bypassing the overall riser.

The influx of air in the apartment is scheduled through the opening vents, door and window slots. Ventilation of panel houses is not designed for modern building technologies, providing complete isolation of apartments from the outside world. Therefore, without modernization, the ventilation of multi-storey houses is inactive.

Modernization of ventilation with your own hands

Dampness, crying windows and stuff forces residents to think about how to make ventilation in the house. Most often, attempts to make ventilation in the house do with your own hands begin with the installation of an exhaust fan and kitchen exhaust. Before doing with your own hands, deal with the principles of ventilation in the house:

  • The ventilation plan at home includes hood and inflow.
  • Inside the apartment provides free passage of air flows.
  • Clean air is served in the bedrooms and living rooms, spent removed from the toilet, bathroom, kitchen.

patch valve

This is the minimum of conditions for proper ventilation in the house. Properly installed ventilation in the house except the hood provides and air supply. For this, a variety of supply devices are developed:

  • wall and window valves;
  • compact supply installations;
  • carryingors.

Any of the listed devices will cope with the ventilation of the apartment in a high-rise building, providing greater or less comfort. Valves Serving the street air without heating, only filtering it. And here supply installations and compact ventilators Heat the inflow without disturbing the temperature of the apartment.

Before starting work, order the diagnosis of secregnate exhaust ventilation in the Stalinist house. If the mines are covered with neighbors or roasted garbage - the exhaust fan will not save.

Calculation and design

Let's look at how you can calculate the ventilation system using the example of a single-storey house of gas blocks. We will take into account that the house uses a natural air exchange, where the hood is installed in the kitchen, in the bathroom and toilet. And the influx is made through three living rooms. It turns out that it is necessary to take into account or a proliferation volume, taking into account the standard, or exhaust. Therefore, both indicators are calculated first, and more of them are chosen.

  1. In the house there are three living rooms with a total area of \u200b\u200b100 m² and the height of the ceilings 3 m. In them, the air exchange according to the standards is 30 m³ / hour. That is, the general value is 90 m³ / hour.
  2. Now three rooms, from where the hood come from: the kitchen - 60 m³ / hour, bathroom and toilet on 25. That is, the total air outflow will be 110 m³ / hour.

Of the two values, the larger - 110. So, it takes it to calculate. Now it is necessary to refer to the table value, which is based on two indicators: the height of the hood, let it be equal to the height of the roof of 4 m, and the temperature inside the rooms - + 20c. For these two values, a channel area of \u200b\u200b204 cm² (0.2 m²) is suitable, which passes through itself in one hour of 46 m³ of air mass.

Now you can find out how many ventilations of this size requires for air outflow in a volume of 110 m³. To do this, it is necessary to carry out one mathematical action: 110/46 \u003d 2.4, rounded in a major side, we get "3". This is the number of necessary ventilation channels installed: one in the kitchen, the second in the bathroom, the third in the toilet.

Features planning

For a good air, interior doors should not close too tight. Special channels must be provided for air passage. However, in itself the design of interior doors does not provide for density. Interior suspension doors create ideal conditions for natural ventilation at home. The house in the house should also be equipped with the windows, which will allow you to adjust the speed of air exchange in one direction or the other, especially this is true in the offseason. The furnace or fireplace themselves are part of natural ventilation. As an addition to the system, a special fan can be installed in the kitchen window. All this will make it very effectively to air the room.

Aza setting Ventkanalov

Ventcanal device involves mandatory seams

In SNIP 2.04.05-86, all requirements for ventilation highways are displayed. Ventilation pipes, mines are combined into one common ventilation system. In case of fire, there may be dangerous, so their construction must comply with the requirements of SNiP 41-01-2003.

  • Ventkanals in the house of foam blocks can not be erected in the outer walls. Due to the high probability of condensate formation during the cold season.
  • The mine should be built in a vertical position. In the event of erection of its horizontal orientation, the angle of inclination should be at least 60 ° to the base of the house.
  • If there are rooms with high humidity in the house, then the construction of Ventcanals in their walls is prohibited. From dampness, they can collapse over time.
  • When the air duct is removed through the roof, at a distance further than 3 m from the roof of the roof, the height of the wanden should be at least 50 cm from the roof.

The size of the vertical ventshacht depends on the two main factors - the heat source and the air exchange required for this building.

For example, if the equipment with a thermal power is 3.5 kW, then the ventshacht is erected with a cross section of 140 x 140 mm. If the heat source with a capacity of 5.2 kW, the size of the ventilation shaft is 140 x 200 mm. If the power is greater, then respectively the diameter of the mine 140 x270 mm.

Important! Ventshachts are upgraded at a distance of 40 cm from the windows and doors. This indicator also applies to the installation of Ventkanalov

The inner part of the channel of any diameter should be smooth, the seams should be sweat carefully.

Natural ventilation channel in private house placement rules

Ventilation channels are an exhaust of a natural ventilation system. The air flow in it is carried out through the lootability of windows and doors, as well as with the help of special channels in the walls. The air from the street passes through all the rooms and is displayed in the Night Ventcanal, which has branches throughout the house.

In a private house of brick or aerated concrete, the laying of ventilation channels must be provided for the following rooms:

  • bathroom;
  • bathroom or shower room;
  • kitchen;
  • garage;
  • cellar;
  • boiler room.

It is in these premises that the large content of moisture, heat and various air pollution is celebrated

For security reasons, special attention should be paid to the ventilation of the boiler room and the rooms adjacent to it - gas is accumulated in this place.

Why do you need ventilation

An unpropered air exchange in the premises creates tangible discomfort for all domestic inhabitants, from pets to man. Not only does it make a tangible damage for a wallet, first of all health suffers. The accumulation of productivity products - carbon dioxide and moisture - extremely negatively affects a person. In addition, the smell of damp creates discomfort, so natural ventilation is simply necessary for any home ownership.

As a rule, bad ventilation dramatically reduces the life of the house. Mold and fungus, harsh moisture drops and the lack of flow air raise all efforts to preserve housing in good condition. Unlike multi-storey houses, where everything is provided for by the project, in a private house, the ventilation system has to be thought out on its own. This is a rather laborious process that requires knowledge and experience. However, contrary to emerging opinion, if desired, all concerns on the design and construction of the air exchange system can be imposed on its shoulders. If you doubt your abilities, it is better not to tempt fate and seek help from a specialist.

What not to do

Professionals strongly recommend not to install in houses from aerated concrete in the carrier walls of the ventilation system. This leads to negative consequences, since it begins the creation of condensate in the premises, the indicators of heat-saving qualities are reduced.

Aerated concrete houses require special attention, so the systems are equipped in the mines or partitions settled for these purposes, which are located between the inner walls. So you can create an excellent exchange of air with your own hands even in a large building.

The most effective method of laying is a hylnification using a ventkala from plastic. In the aerated concrete construction, the ventilation removal is fixed, it is made in the first block and the system is modified from it.

Further installation involves drinking holes of a suitable size, where the air duct is laid. Plastic ventilation channels have their advantages if they are embedded in a non-private housekeeper, the owners may forget about condensate.

If ventilation is needed in an apartment building, then two types of systems are offered:

  1. Valve in the window profile.
  2. Built-in wall.

The second option is not always available, because we need certain technical capacities, so the window valves are a simple solution, even if you have aerated concrete walls.

If air flow increases, then you will have to install a reliable and powerful exhaust fan in a multi-storey building, which provides a high air exchange rate. The device is chosen based on the room parameters.

In some cases, you will have to install a powerful fan

Aerated concrete is a fairly high-quality building material that has a lot of advantages. The most important thing is that it has a low cost and houses built from it, very warm. But there is a disadvantage - moisture absorbs aerated concrete is also good, and the heat-saving qualities are very deteriorating.

In order to get rid of all flaws, you need to provide high-quality air circulation in the rooms. It is easy to make it easily, but you have to study all the recommendations and nuances. Otherwise, the system will work incorrectly.

What do you need a ventilation system

Before they began to introduce metalplastic windows, stretch ceilings and a variety of park-refromer materials for wall decoration, there was practically no need for forced ventilation. As a rule, fresh air flowed through looseness and slots in the frames of the tree, and excessive moisture, absorbed by the walls of the brick (or wood), gradually came out.

Thanks to modern materials, our life is comfortable and easier, but new troubles appear. There is a need to create ventilation in a private house of aerated concrete. Most of the homeowners do not forget to make the protection of walls from the outside of precipitation.

But the peculiarity of the aerated concrete is that it easily absorbs excess moisture from all rooms. At the same time, it is possible to deform the finish, the appearance of mold and fungi, and most importantly - the unfavorable microclimate will reign in the house. But if you do not see the air, you can avoid such consequences. And for this you need to make a high-quality ventilation system.

Validation of ventilation systems

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the ventilation device in the house of aerated concrete has distinctive features. If in houses from traditional building materials, the channels are packed, as a rule, only in those rooms in which high air humidity, then it is recommended to make them in all rooms without exception.

If it is difficult to realize ventilation in all rooms, it is necessary to make it in the bathroom, kitchen, basement (if any), boiler room. At the same time, in all residential rooms, it is necessary to install special ventilation lattices on interior doors or leave the gap under them, so that the air can circulate freely. Ventilation types are used in private homes:

  • Natural.
  • Mixed.
  • Forced.

Examples of ventilation schemes

The ventilation system in a housekeeping house can be built according to one such schemes:

    Ventilation of passive type. The air exchange occurs naturally through the channels derived through the roof.

    Mixed - installed in those rooms in which air pollution is the greatest. Turning on the fans is manually or in automatic mode after a set time interval.

    Exhaust forced ventilation - fans put in a common channel, which combines all air ducts coming from rooms.

    Supply-exhaust forced type - Fresh air flows and exhausted using a mechanical type ventilation system with a recuperator.

And now let's look at each system as much as possible.

Natural air ventilation

Sometimes it is called passive - no means for artificial air movement is not provided. How to make ventilation in a natural type of aerated concrete house? To do this, you need to know certain features, otherwise the entire system will not be able to function correctly.

If specifically, you need to do the following:

    To equip all channels for which wet spent air from the rooms will be given. In order for it to pull out, you need to withdraw the channels above the roof of the house for a certain height. If there is a pipe at one and a half meters from the skate, then it is necessary to lift it over 0.5 m above it. If the distance is less than 3 meters, then the top of the pipe is allowed to position at one level with a skate. In the same case, if the distance is more than 3 meters, it is necessary to carry out a line from the skate at an angle of 10 degrees to the horizon. And the top of the pipe must be placed below this line. If you do not fulfill these conditions, the thrust will be bad.

    It is also necessary to make air flow from the street. Note that metal-plastic windows are not allowed to the room, but there is a way out. You can install special window blocks with valves for tributary. Installation is also allowed in the outer walls of the embedded ventilators.

    Forced type of ventilation

    Such a design and more difficult in installation, and more expensive, and the operation implies the use of electricity, as well as various devices. But the cost of all equipment quickly pays off due to the fact that in the house the microclimate becomes much better.

    Let's highlight a few features of the system:

  1. The exhaust fans are installed on the air ducts, the air from the outside enters the channel network.
  2. In order not to break the temperature mode in the cold season, you must install in the air ventilation system for air warming.
  3. The cheapest method of heating is not an electric heater, but a recuperator. This is a kind of heat exchanger, which has two fans - exhaust and trim. Heating the air entering the house is carried out by gas, which is given to the street.

Note that when installing a system with a heat loss recuperator decreases by about 30%. As a rule, the device put in the attic and connect with a shared channel. It combines the air ducts that go from all rooms. It is necessary to provide free access to the recuperator - it will have to sometimes clean the plates and change the filter elements.

Mixed ventilation

In such a design, fresh air enters the house naturally, but the discharge is performed using fans. Can be used:

  • Fans embedded in the outer walls of the house or windows of each room.
  • One high power fan installed in the attic. Several ventilation channels are supplied to it.

The design of Ventkanalov

If you do ventilation in a single-storey house of aerated concrete, you need to take into account that this building material was very fragile, unstable to the effects of high temperatures, absorbs moisture well.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the air ducts cannot be put on the outer walls, as the risk of condensate is increasing.

You can make the channels in the following ways:

  1. Laying out of the brick.
  2. Giller with plastic or asbestos pipes.
  3. Installation of galvanized box and cladding with small blocks of aerated concrete.

The last method is considered the most expensive and time consuming, at the same time condensate appears on the walls of metal elements. And he is destroyed for aerated concrete. For this reason, the thermal insulation material is required.

Channels from bricks

If you have not yet decided whether the ventilation is needed in a house of aerated concrete, read the consequences that you expect if not to make it.

When laying ventilation channels from brick, you need to know such nuances:

  1. The smaller number of channels will be in the house, the better. It is recommended to make them in the walls of adjacent rooms, in which the high degree of humidity. Usually it is a bathroom, boiler room, shower.
  2. Be sure to use full-scale brick brands when laying. If you decide to apply hollow, then all the holes in it must be filled with concrete solution. You can not use silicate brick stamps - they do not withstand the temperature regime and crumble.
  3. The solution must be applied neatly, do not allow falling inside the mixture channel. All seams necessarily need to be fully filling out, grouting to carry out 2-3 rows. In this case, the air will not penetrate into adjacent rooms and channels.
  4. The walls of the channels are needed from the inside to do smooth so that no protrusions prevent air circulation. To achieve this, you need to remove the entire solution from the inside and smear with the workshop. It is also allowed to carry out the guilt of the air ducts from the metal.

Is it possible to guilize plastic pipes?

Metal pipes are expensive and sometimes more complicated, but there are many plastic on sale. The advantage of plastic is also that condensate does not appear on it. Typically, when mounting, the pipes of the circular section with a diameter of 130 mm are used. Sometimes it uses rectangular with a cross-section of 150 kV. cm.

The improvement of ventilation in a house of aerated concrete is performed at a time when the walls are laid out:

  • In the block, which is located at the level of ventilation hole, you need to fasten the tap and connect it with a plastic tube.
  • To make up the air duct in blocks, you need to cut holes that will be a couple of millimeters more than the sizes of pipes. Note that the aerated concrete blocks are easily seen by the usual tree hacksaws.
  • Between the air duct and walls you need to fill the space with a solution.
  • Be sure to warm the places in which the pipes through the roof and the attic pass.

In the attic, all air ducts must be combined into one channel and remove to the roof. You can also connect it to the fan or recuperator.

According to sanitary standards, the requirements are based on air exchange per hour, so they will differ for each room. To comply with them, you need to install pipes with the necessary cross section of the channel. For example, the diameter of the pipe 150 mm will be enough for the living room, kitchen or bathroom. Choose the fan is even easier, since the performance of each of them is indicated on the package.