Repairs Design Furniture

Finishing facades of houses bricks - prices, photos, examples of work. Brick facade: possible problems and solutions how to bind the facade of silicate brick

Bricks are used not only as building material. It perfectly performs the features of the facade finish. It would seem that someone would surprise the brick facade, but modern manufacturers of this material learned how to create not only durable specimens, but also an interesting shape, texture, as well as colors.

From the name it turns out that the material is used to cladding at home. It is also called facial or facade, but this does not mean that the strength characteristics of manufacturers retissure into the background.

The brick, which is separated by the walls outside, should also have good strength indicators. This is due to the fact that the facade is constantly subjected to serious loads, such as:

  • Mechanical damage (blows, wind gusts).
  • Racing ambient temperature.
  • Atmospheric precipitation, which means regular high humidity.
  • Ultraviolet radiation.
  • Biological impact (mold, fungus, insects, rodents).

Thanks to the special manufacturing technologies, the brick facade is able to withstand all the above loads. In this case, the material for a long time retains an attractive appearance without excess care costs.

Advantages and disadvantages of such a finish

When choosing materials for decorating the facade, it is necessary to learn everything for and against one or another option. Consult with professionals, contact the owners of houses that have chosen the same finish and know how the material is manifested. Also suitable forums on the Internet. It is advisable to visit third-party sites, and not the online store of some manufacturer.

As for the brick cladding, then the following benefits are distinguished:

  1. High indicators of moisture repulsion.
  2. Strength and reliability.
  3. Construction frost resistance.
  4. Paropropuscability.
  5. Fire and environmental safety.
  6. Large service life of 50 years.
  7. Self-cleaning - dust and dirt are washed off with rainwater.
  8. Simple care.
  9. Universality of use - suitable for outdoor, and for internal decoration.
  10. Large selection of shades and factor.

Of course, there are several drawbacks, as well as in any other finishing material.
Read and with them:

  • High price.
  • Sub-quality products are covered with a white bloom (supreme).
  • It is important to buy the right amount of bricks from one batch, otherwise items will differ in color. Although some specially buy 2-3 shades and mix items in the installation process. Thus, create a unique picture on the facade.

Evaluating the information obtained, each decides independently, this option is suitable or not.

When you can, and when you can not make the walls of the walls brick?

But there are several moments that do not allow the use of brick

  1. Low strength foundation. Brick is still heavy material and requires a reliable base. Because at first it was planned to build a frame house with a light facing, but during operation it was decided to make a brick cladding, you would have to equip an additional foundation exclusively for the finishing wall.
  2. Affects the choice of facing and the strength of the carrier wall. The brick vertical is associated with the supporting structure so that it falls in one or the other side. This means that the main wall must withstand additional load. A gas silicate base is suitable.
  3. The need to redevelop the roof also has a lot of weight when choosing a brick facade. The finished roof will not be able to protect the new design.

All these nuances significantly increase the price of the already expensive cladding. If the house is old and is not able to withstand such loads, it is better to use easier repair options, for example, a sodium siding with brick imitation or ceramic tiles for the facade. Use the hinged facade.

Better if the brick facade is included in the project of the new home. Then, when the facing wall is erected according to the drawing, unforeseen costs or situations will not arise. In addition, when everything is scheduled and performed correctly, the design will be much stronger.

Types of bricks for wall cladding

The modern building materials market offers types of facing bricks, which differ in the composition of the original components and the method of production. But this does not mean that the specifications are different. All values \u200b\u200bare located approximately at the same level. There will be only appearance and colors. Therefore, consider several popular options.


The main raw material for the manufacture of such brick is the clay of different varieties. Several additional substances are added to the main component that improve its quality slightly. The material is created full or with cavities. The strength does not depend on the presence of cavities, the heat-insulating function is improved.

Basically offer a spectrum of shades from brown to orange and yellow, which is associated with raw materials. Dye in such a brick do not add. The surface of the elements is glossy or matte. Production features Such:

  1. Careful mixing of all components, especially if several clay varieties were used.
  2. Forming blanks.
  3. Firing at a temperature of 800-1000 degrees.

But even in the case of using one grade clay, the shade of individual elements is different, and this is due to the following factors:

  • Not enough high-quality kneading.
  • Raw materials from one career often differs in composition and color.
  • Temperature oscillations. The higher the blanks heated, the darker it will turn out to be brick.
  • The heat treatment duration is the same dependence as in the previous version. The longer the darling, the darker.

The disadvantage of ceramic brick is the frequent manifestation of verbs. The presence of such white spots is associated with poor-quality raw materials or low firing time. Also an influential factor is the composition of the adhesive composition. For the solution, select only high-quality components.


This is another option of ceramic brick, but differs from the predecessor as follows in the manufacture:

  1. Select only refractory clay varieties.
  2. Pigments add to the kneading, which allows you to make bricks of different colors.
  3. After the formation, the firing is performed at higher temperatures about 1300 degrees. The material becomes durable and withstands significant loads.

The clinker is distinguished by decorative properties, but it costs expensive. Everything is associated with a complex production process. In addition, the goods of foreign manufacturers are mainly represented in the domestic market. Russian manufacturers are not yet reaching quality standards.


It consists of such a brick mainly from waste of various industries:

  • limestone;
  • seven;
  • waste from the processing of natural stones;
  • slags.

In order to associate all components, a little cement is added. To get colored using mineral and natural pigments. Differs hypercasted brick and production process:

  1. Careful kneading components.
  2. Moisturizing the mixture with a small amount of water.
  3. Final formation.
  4. The impact of high pressure.

The billets are dried to the complete disappearance of moisture. As we see completely absent, the roasting process, but from this brick does not become fragile. On the contrary, due to the binder, the material acquires the same strength as natural stone. It is worth a hypersed cladding a little less than a clinker or ceramics, since the technological process is easier.

Dimensions from parts are almost the same, which is difficult to achieve when creating previous options. And this means that it is easier to set down the facade. The front side of the brick resembles a tornstone, because it has chips and layers. Such a texture only attracts buyers, because it is imitation of natural


For the manufacture of this version, clay is not used at all. The main components manufacturers choose:

  • Sand quartz.
  • Lime.
  • Pigments.
  • Mineral additives.

Before you send billets on the fir at a temperature of 120-200 0 s, they are pressed. Such actions make it possible to give the items to the right shape with small errors in size (up to 0.5 mm). It is worth saying that the silicate brick also burn at elevated pressure to 12 atmospheres.

This material is much cheaper than the above species. But as facing the facade is rarely used. It is connected with:

  1. High absorption of moisture.
  2. Low resistance to ultraviolet radiation.
  3. Bad reaction to negative ambient temperature indicators.

If this option is chosen for finishing, care about protection against destructive factors. The facade is treated with moisture-repellent compositions and increase the ropes of the roof.

What is the Bavarian Masonry?

As already mentioned above, the brick from different parties is significantly different in color. In the XVII century, the Bavarians collided with such a problem. They tried to pick raw materials more carefully, the manufacturing process was constantly improved, but nothing worked.

Then it occurred to sort the finished products in color. Unfortunately, the desired result was also not. Nothing remained to do how to mix all the elements of 2-4 shades and evenly distribute on the facade so that bright or dark areas are not formed on the surface.

The builders noticed that at home with such a pattern looked no worse than one-photographic buildings. In addition, the masonry gave the brightness and attractiveness building, highlighting the total mass. Now such a style of masonry brick is considered a sign of a good taste, and tourists go to Bavaria in order to admire the ancient buildings.

Stock Foto Beautiful houses of brick houses

Examples using bricks

Someone brickwork likes, and the owner strive to recreate such a facade in any way - using a facing brick or materials that can imitate this facing. Others try to escape from standards and mask brick walls in any known way.

About tastes are not arguing because everyone has its own vision of beauty. Therefore, we consider several options for facades, decorated with brick, but in different interpretations and styles.

Universal brick facade

The brick is so universal material that it is used even to finish houses with columns, arches, stucco and other facade decor. At the same time, the structure will not lose attractiveness, but on the contrary, will play with new paints, and it will not look like vulgar or tasteless.

Properly selected shade of cladding elements, as well as the texture only emphasize the taste and status of the owner of the house. Therefore, referring to the brickwork as an update of the facade should not worry whether the structure will be as beautiful. No, it will not, but will be completely new!

Painted brick, outdoor walls of different colors

With the help of paints and varnishes, the brick facade is transformed, which already fell. But be careful when choosing such a method for decorating a private building. The paint deep and unevenly penetrates the structure of the brick, and it will be extremely difficult to get rid of it.

As you know, the paint is not a material with a long service life, because once painting the brick facade needs to be maintained in an attractive form every 3-5 years depending on the type of paint selected. In addition, some species cover the facade of a durable film, which does not let moisture from the interior. It will negatively affect the main material.

If this option is suitable and does not scare the owner, then there are no borders fantasies. In the building market, a large number of facade paints are already melted or white, which can be pigmented. Pigment choose the same manufacturer as paint.

The facade combines no more than three shades. The window and doorways, the porch, and the contrast color. To select the color scheme, we will take advantage of advice from fashionable construction printing, their Internet analogues or professional designers.

In all the options there are photo gallery where they pick up the finished version or create a completely new one at the request of the client. The color is quite realistic to perform with your own hands, but if the building is large, a two-story, then it is better to resort to the services of a professional brigade with appropriate tools and equipment.

Bled brick

One of the options for staining the facade is the application of Belil on a brick. This method of decorating external houses will make it possible to achieve the effect of the composition. Often, brick whitewash used in English villages, because those who are interested in such a style can not do without Belil.

For whitames, a mixture of lime and food salt is used. If you add a small amount of white cement, then the layer is more durable and lasted longer.

Energy efficient brick

The energy efficiency of this material is to be able to heat up for a long time, and then give it a long time to give heat into the environment. Thus, we have the following:

  • In the summer, the facade warms up in the sun, but the heat in the room does not penetrate, therefore the coolness is saved there.
  • In winter, heated inner walls do not miss heat outward, but at the same time they retain heat inside the rooms.

Buildings, with a long service life require the insulation of the wall. Therefore, when performing decorative brick laying, there is a small gap between the main and the outer (decorative wall). In this interval, insulating material is placed, taking into account the ventilated gap.

If this is not done, then the moisture will accumulate in thermal insulation material, which will lead to destruction. In addition, the walls inside the rooms will be wet. And if you leave the gap, then you do not need to ventilate the room.

Natural beauty

For the manufacture of facing bricks, synthetic materials are rarely used. Therefore, such a cladding remains natural and absolutely safe for human health, as well as for the surrounding nature. If dyes are added to create bright colors finishes, then they will rather natural mineral origin.

Naturalness is always in fashion, and now, when the world around the world is stuffed with synthetic substances, I want to close in a country cottage or a city single-storey house from natural components.

Game with texture

Brick is well combined with different materials that possess the original texture. No difference Wooden tile or decorative elements on the facade of metal, a stone track or base and corners are separated by a stone. The brick facade will emphasize the originality of the finish.

You can separate several elements of plaster and leave a clean facade, which looks good. In addition, the brick of different types and shades are well combined. You just need to skillfully distinguish a separate area.

Mix the tile and brick

If there is a large number of green plantings around the house with an attic, then a raw brick is suitable as a finish for the facade. The roof is covered with unpainted tiles. This method of decorating the facade will create a comfort on the entire site, and will transmit the spirit of the forest age.

Handmade brick

Now the whole brick is manufactured at factories and large parties. Previously, everything was done manually without the use of complicated equipment. If you want to highlight your house from the total mass of the attack, you can do everything in the old manner.

To knead the solution, pour into wooden forms and burn on the fire. Washing sand on the bricks of irregularities, create an original velvety texture. Such blocks are aesthetically embedded with the facade, and will be passed the spirit of an ancient mansion.

Modern brick

The versatility of the brick facade allows you to use it and for modern minimalism buildings. Different colors and textures are suitable for creating an accent both on the facade, so indoors. In addition, there is nothing galloping to completely bind the facade.

Is it worth making a facing yourself?

Pretty brick styling process. Without experience in this area, make a smooth horizontal wall and vertical to do almost impossible. Yes, there are also features of the formation of an external decorative wall. It is necessary to make flexible connections, leave ventilation gaps between the elements. Control everything is very difficult. In addition, the work will go not enough.

Therefore, you should not feel fate and translate expensive bricks and mortar, and immediately hire a professional brigade of mason. Finding good workers will also be difficult. Compelate with friends or neighbors, you may have such in their environment. And be prepared for the fact that the cost of completing the work is also not cheaper.

After executing the box of the house there is a question than to separate the facade so that the building acquires expressiveness and become warmer. Along with the plaster and siding siding, the house is quite commonly used by brick. By itself, the facing brick is characterized by a beautiful surface, the correct dimensions, a large variety of colors and textures, so that the house, covered with brick, acquires an elegant and neat view without additional decorative parts and decorations. In addition, to bind the house with bricks beneficial and from functional considerations, because it protects the facade from the negative impact of weather factors, increases the sound and thermal insulation of the building.

Features and varieties of facing brick

The basis for the manufacture of facing brick is the same material that is used for the production of ordinary brick. However, regardless of the material from which the facing product is made, it must meet such requirements:

  • the correct geometric shape (the error of length cannot exceed 4.4 mm, the widths are 3.3 mm, and the height is 2.3 mm);
  • clear and smooth faces;
  • saturated uniform color;
  • there should be no defects in the form of chips, cracks and bundles (in this case, the surface may be smooth, glazed or textured);
  • the facing brick may have frost resistance within the F 25 - F value in the marking indicates the number of cycles of freezing and thawing, which the material can withstand without the appearance of visible damage and reduce compression strength no more than 20 percent;
  • water absorption should be below 6%.

IMPORTANT: If the laying of facing brick will be performed with their own hands, then you should know the following concepts: the long side of the product is called a spoonful, the end portion is the tilekova, the support plane (the largest surface) is a bed.

The following products can be used as facial bricks:

  1. Masonry ceramic brick, in which clay is used as a filler. In comparison with silicate products, production technology in ceramic elements is more complicated, which affects their price (they are more expensive). Among the positive qualities of these products it is worth lifying the following:
    • water absorption is 6-14% (this indicator may be greater according to GOST, depending on the type of clay used);
    • frost resistance - from 25 to 50 cycles;
    • thermal conductivity is 0.3-0.5;
    • a large range of colors, textures and sizes (due to this from the brick you can make decorative details of the facades, swaying with the arches and columns);
    • the density of the product is in the range of 1300-1460 kg / m³.
  1. Clinker brick has a dense structure, so practically does not absorb moisture. However, a solid clinker has a greater thermal conductivity. In addition, the price of the product is higher than that of ordinary ceramic bricks. His characteristics:
    • it is able to withstand up to 100 cycles of thawing and freezing, which makes the house lined with such bricks, more durable;
    • clinker can not only be a facade, but also lay out columns, decorative belts, details of facades, make a beautiful fence and use in the interior;
    • there is a large selection of forms, colors and textures of this product;
    • the density of clinker brick reaches up to 2100 kg / m³, so it can be used to masonry the carrier elements of the structure.
  1. You can put the house with bricks with your own hands using silicate products. Quartz sand is used as a filler. Looking at your home with such elements, it is worth considering their characteristics:
    • water absorption of the material is 6-8 percent;
    • frost resistance of elements is low and amounts to 15-50 alternate cycles;
    • thermal conductivity - 0.39-0.7;
    • the density of the element is 1500-1950 kg / m³.
  1. Looking at home products that are manufactured using hyperpress technology (semi-dry method), in their characteristics it is very similar to ceramic bricks, but its price is slightly higher. A brigade example of such facing elements may be a brick of the Fagot, in which a seven is used as a filler. Characteristics:
    • water absorption - 3-7%;
    • frost resistance from F 30 to F300;
    • strength from 1000 to 4000 kg / m³;
    • thermal conductivity 0.43-0.9.

Tip: If you take into account product characteristics, it is better to build a house with clinker bricks. Although its cost is higher, but such investments will quickly pay off durability and unpretentious in operation.

Various facing masonry

Facing brickwork can be performed in different ways. There are quite a lot of them. If you do not know how to put the house with a brick, you can choose one of the above laying options. We will list not all ways, but only the most popular:

  1. Laying brick track (spoonful) . In this case, the whole brick is laid by a long (spoonful) side. In each subsequent row, the elements are shifted relative to the lower row to half or a quarter of the product to ensure the overlap of the vertical seam.
  2. You can set the house with facing bricks laid block masonry . In this case, rows with spoonful and twin masonry alternate, that is, one row is stacked with a long side, and in the following all the elements are put on the end.
  3. Cross masonry Very reminds block - the alternation of spoonful and end rows is performed. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the shift of the joints on half of the brick. Thus, we will have a drawing, resembling a cross - the spoonful part will be above the end part of the brick, and there is no ending over it.
  4. You can lay out the walls Gothic masonry When elements with spoonful and twitch stacking alternate in one row. At the same time, in the neighboring ranks, the spoon shifts on a third of the length of the brick, and the stitch - half of the product.
  5. Brandenburg or Chain Masonry It is performed so that in one row every two spoons stacked the post. In the next row, the end parts of the bricks should be above the dish of two spoons of the lower row.
  6. Chaotic masonry - This is the most extraordinary way of cladding, when no order and alternation of long and short sides are not respected. If you first decide the facing brick yourself, the laying in this way will significantly simplify and facilitate the task for the beginner.

ATTENTION: When the stone laying is performed by the end part, the element is pre-cut in half. Thus, all the whole products and halves alternate.

  1. Since the facing brick needs to be purchased from one party to avoid discrepancies in color or tone, before purchasing it, you need to accurately calculate the total amount of material. This is easy if you find the total area of \u200b\u200bthe facades minus all the openings, and then the resulting value is multiplied by 51 - the amount of bricks in the laying on 1 m² walls.
  2. Before looking forwarding a building from a bar or a wooden house, you need to produce antiseptic processing of all wooden elements. The tree is better to handle twice by repeating the procedure every other day.
  3. Also before performing these works, it is necessary to strengthen the foundation or pour a new ribbon next to it. For this make the following:
    • In the old concrete base, the holes are placed on a depth of 10 cm, a cross section of 1.2 cm. In the brick foundation, the depth of the holes should be greater than - 20 cm. These holes should be located 10 cm below the top of the base, their step is 50 cm, and the angle of inclination is 15-20 °.
    • In the resulting holes, reinforcement pins of a bar with a diameter of 1.2 cm are clogged. In this case, the end of the reinforcement is 100 cm long.
    • Next, next to the existing foundation poured a new tape with a width of 30 cm from the monolithic reinforced concrete. Releases of fittings are associated with a frame of a new base and remain in concrete forever.
    • It is performed horizontal and vertical waterproofing of a new foundation of two layers of rolled material - rubberoid.
  1. Before laying a wooden house with brick, you need to equip the ventilation system so as not to give wood to be installed under the lining. To do this, there should be an air layer with a width of 3-4 cm between the brick masonry and the wooden surface. Also on the facade are additionally equipped with ventilation products, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich should be 0.75 m² for every 20 m² of the facade area. So that rodents could not get into production, they are closed with special grids.

Facing Brick Stacking Technology

Typically, the masonry of facing bricks is performed under the extension. At the same time adhere to the following technology:

  • The laying of the brick is carried out in the calf day at a temperature not lower than + 5 ° C. It is impossible to perform work at a temperature below zero, since the cement solution will change its properties.
  • Before starting to install on the solution, laying the "dry" stone. This will allow you to determine the amount of stone that needs fitting in size, select products for the design of door and window openings.
  • Before masonry of the first row, the base is always aligned.
  • For cutting stones, a Bulgarian with a stone disk is used. It is forbidden to rock elements using a hammer.
  • For styling, a cement solution is used, which is prepared from 1 h Portland cement, 3 hours of sifted river sand and 1 hour of water. The mortar mixture should be sufficiently rigid so that when laying the item is not "sailed."
  • The solution is superimposed on a flat piece of bricks with a thin layer. At the same time, it should not reach the face of 1 cm.
  • When performing masonry, the angular rows are performed to the height of 4-6 bricks. In order for reliability of dressing was higher, do not advise the use of halves of stone. It is better to take elements length ¾.
  • Between two angles stretch the cord or fishing line, which lead styling and aligning intermediate bricks.
  • So that the facial brick does not take moisture from the cement mortar, the products are wetted before installation.
  • The height of the horizontal seam is 1.2 cm, vertical - 1 cm.
  • To perform the ventilation of the brick masonry in the lower row, every three vertical seam is made without a solution and filled with insulating material, in the upper part of the facade, ventilation is carried out due to the fact that the laying on 1 row does not reach the cornice.
  • After every 5 rows, it is recommended to remove the cement with a wet cloth that fell to the front surface.
  • The facing layer is necessarily tied to the walls of the building. To do this, during the execution of masonry into the walls, anchors with a diameter of 0.4-0.6 cm are clogged. At the same time, at the same square meter of the plane of the facade should account for at least 45 anchors, and 8-12 fastening points are performed above the window processes.
  • If you can't put a dowel in the laying of the walls in advance, the dowels are clogged into the walls, to which the wire is tied. It should reach the middle of the facing layer and go for 20 cm in each direction. Thus, the wire is hidden inside the masonry. The installation step of such dowels is 50 cm. In frame and wooden houses for the dressing arrangement, nails are used with a length of 120 mm. In block structure for these purposes, Clammers approach.
  • When the cement grab slightly, the seams are expanded with a wooden rod. The solution is simply pressed inside.
  • Window and doorways are always laid by twist masonry. For greater attractions, you can use the elements of another shade.

Video guide to laying a facing brick:

Facing the facade of the house brick technology has a number of nuances, knowing which the master can cope with the work much faster and more efficiently, and the result will be much better. We will tell our readers about this below.

Facing a brick gives the house a beautiful view.

The outer laying around the finished walls is performed in the following cases:

  • with reconstruction or major repair of the building;
  • during work on the insulation of the object;
  • for decorating outdoor walls.

Let us dwell on each of them. The first option is applied when the house is in a wind state, but it is impossible to restructure or the construction of a new one. In this case, the outdoor finish of the facade brick will strengthen the existing wooden or stone walls.

Modern ceramic brick is produced in a hollow execution, which increases its thermal insulation properties. Simultaneously with this, the soundproofing quality of the material is improved. Therefore, the laying of walls with brick reduces the loss of heat at home and allows you to even better protect its inhabitants from street noise.

Manufacturers have settled the production of a large range of decorative facing material. Due to this, the owners have the opportunity in the process of construction to make the appearance of the house more attractive, and its design is unique. This will help the laying of walls with ready-made ceramic blocks. In this case, the cladding technology is somewhat different from the usual laying, which we will tell below.

What brick is used for cladding?

The manufacturers have established a variety of types of monolithic and hollow blocks that differ not only by appearance, but also materials from which they are made.

In addition to traditional ceramics for wall cladding, silicate brick is also used. However, it has greater weight in comparison with clay, which requires additional strengthening of the foundation. And this leads to an increase in construction costs.

Therefore, clinker bricks are the most popular. They have excellent physical data that are laid in them in the manufacturing process. It:

  • hardness;
  • durability;
  • resistance to ultraviolet action;
  • frost resistance;
  • unresponsibility for dampness.

In addition, the aesthetic attractiveness of the material and a variety of color solutions make the clinker one of the most sought-after materials when lining houses.

Features of the foundation of walls for lining

Even the hollow ceramic brick has a certain weight. And in the amount of the load on the base of the house after decoration of the walls significantly increases.

The width of the foundation during the cladding of the walls is taken with the fact that there should be a technological gap required for ventilation of the internal space between the main wall and its facing. Permanent air traffic will not give the opportunity to form damp, which can cause mold and fungi.

When calculating the size of the base, it should be borne in mind that the material used during finishing should not be over the edge of the foundation more than 1/3 of part.

If the wall decoration is performed for the finished object, the foundation should additionally strengthen. To do this, the so-called subordinated basis is created, which is created in principle to the already existing and additionally strengthened by the rammed soil.

What is needed for facing work?

Facing technology resembles the usual masonry of brick walls, so work tools are also needed standard.

To do this, the wizard will be needed:

  • concrete mixer;
  • shovel Soviet;
  • trowel (Kelm);
  • bushhammer;
  • kirk construction;
  • switching exercise.

In addition, measuring instruments will be needed, such as a roulette, level and a square.

For masonry bricks, a standard mixture of cement and fine river sand is used in the ratio of 1: 3. It should not be liquid, its consistency is recommended to bring sour cream.

Brick facing starts from the base. In this case, the row is recommended to start from the angle, withdrawing a few rows, taking into account the displacement of bricks. It is usually chosen to a half-block shift, which provides a reliable dressing of the row.

When laying hollow bricks, the solution should not be applied to the entire surface, otherwise it will fall into existing emptiness and will be lost.

The processing of seams is performed as each row is ready. Excess cement need to be removed immediately so that they do not frozen.

As noted above, when finishing the walls between the outer and outer layers, a technological gap of 20-30 mm is left. And in the wall itself during the masonry process, hole-drying holes are left. They should not be much, quite a few below near the base and above. They will ensure air movement and prevent his stress.

Facing at home is completed without reaching one row of bricks to the roof. This makes it possible to remove the air from the technological pockets provided during the construction. From the rain and melt water, an internal empty space will protect the sinks of the roof.

So that the outer wall is not separated from the inner, in the process of masonry, metal rods or self-tapping screws are used. They are injected into the finished wall so that the protruding part fell between 2 rows of facing materials. Such clamps will make the design more reliable.

To bind the house, it is better to use Portland cement M400 or M500 brand. In the solution, impurities containing salts should not be added, otherwise a white flare will appear through time on the bricks.


Works must be performed only at the plus air temperature. If rain starts during the masonry, the bricks should be covered with a polyethylene film so that the water does not blur the cement has not yet frozen completely.

Brick is reliable and durable. This material looks attractive and presentable. But brick walls have one significant disadvantage: thermal conductivity. Even a relatively warm ceramic material is well carried out warm and not enough protects the building from the cold. In our climate, it will be necessary to build walls with a thickness of 64-90 cm to ensure sufficient thermal resistance. A more rational option will be the manufacture of outer walls of the building from other materials with insulation and cladding. How to look a house with facing brick? It is not difficult if you know the technology and nuances of work.

The house covered with brick looks overhau and presentable, it is protected from wind and other unpleasant weather events. This option is used for both houses from light concrete and wooden.

How to choose a facing brick for home

Before putting the house with brick, it is worth carefully choosing the material. It is important to pick up cladding not only on the cost, but also by technical specifications and properties.

Most often in construction use ceramic bricks. This material has sufficiently good (compared to other types) thermal insulation indicators. The disadvantage in this case will be high hygroscopicity. The technology implies the use of both ordinary serial material and a special facial.

Ceramic brick is simple, durable and unpretentious in operation

In the first case, it is strongly recommended to perform the processing of the outer surface after laying by hydrophobic composition. Facial brick does not need such processing. The processing composition is chosen with sufficient vapor permeability. This is especially important when finishing a wooden house brick. It is required that the impregnation does not form a film on the surface that prevents the permeability of the walls for air and steam. What brick choose from frost resistance? The brand must be not lower than F35 according to the standards, and not lower than the F50 on the recommendations of the builders.

Another popular option is silicate material. It is cheaper than everything, but does not differ in durability. The house facing the brick of this type is well spent warm and absorbs moisture. Most often, silicate is heavier ceramics. This option is not recommended when finishing a brusade house (also here we will take a frame house and log).

Silicate brick is less durable than ceramic, but within 20-30 years about the problem can not remember

For decoration bricks, you can use clinker material with your own hands. It is specifically designed for cladding at home, therefore it has low moisture permeability and high strength. Clinker finish looks attractive, but this pleasure is not cheap: prices are average above 50-150%.

Undoubtedly, clinker brick is the best choice among all options. You can choose almost any color and shades

How to put a wooden house brick

Brick and tree have too different characteristics, so in the process of work there may be certain difficulties. Facing a wooden house brick must necessarily provide sufficient ventilation of the main part of the wall. Otherwise, wood will begin to rot or pour mold.
Before putting the house with facing brick, it is worth carefully examining the wall pie. Three-layer walls with brick facing in this case will include:

  • wooden carrier part;
  • vaporizolation;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing and windproof;
  • ventilation gap min. 50-60 mm;
  • planmark brick.

1 - ventilating layer; 2 - fastening the cladding to the wall; 3 - facing brick; 4 - add. Heater with windproof membrane; 5 - vaporizolation; 6 - finishing; 7 - thermal insulation; 9 - Breed Wall

It is important not to confuse vaporizolation and waterproofing. The latter should be permeable for steam so that it would be free from the insulation and brick in the ventilation gap. It is recommended to use modern parodiffusion windproof membranes.

To ensure free air movement, facing the wooden house with bricks, it is necessary to provide a product in the lower part and the outlet openings at the top. As thermal insulation, it is recommended to use mineral wool. It is characterized by low cost, ease of installation and good air permeability.

Before you correctly set the wooden house with brick, it is necessary to wait for the shrinkage of the walls. This process can take a couple of years, so the easiest way to set the old house.

Pros and cons

Construction is very difficult to combine different materials on the properties. In this case, nuances and negative sides always appear. The trim of the facade brick for the wooden structure has three drawbacks:

  • reducing ventilation, probability of moisture accumulation in the insulation;
  • different shrinkage of the wall parts, which does not allow hard to tie the cladding and the main wall;
  • the high mass of the brick compared to the tree (more than 3 times) makes it construct more powerful and expensive foundations.

In general, we can say that it is better to separate the old house with bricks. With new construction, it is recommended to consider other more economical and efficient options.

But technology has its advantages:

  • improvement of thermal indicators (especially when using ceramics);
  • decline in fire hazard;
  • reliable and durable wood protection from negative atmospheric phenomena.


Facing the facade of the house with brick is performed after wood processing by antiseptic. The composition for impregnation is worth choosing a special - for outdoor work. He will protect the wall from mold, fungus and other dangerous microorganisms. Next to the wall on the construction stapler attach vaporizolation. Installation is performed with an adhesive minimum of 10 cm.

Parosolation, located on the inside of the wall, will prevent moisture vapors from the room in the insulation

Facing the facade brick begins with the installation of the crate. Sizes of frame bars depend on the required thickness of the insulation. The thickness of thermal insulation can be chosen approximately based on the recommendations of the neighbors or the Internet, but it is better to use a special calculation. With the help of a fairly simple "Teremok" program, even unprofessional will be able to make a heat engineering. You need to know only the thickness of the wooden wall and its thermal conductivity, as well as the thermal conductivity of the selected insulation. Brick (and all layers after the ventilation gap) are not taken into account.

The frame of the frame is attached to the walls on the self-tapping screw or nails. Next, the house needs to be insulated with insulation. Mineral wool stacked between the crate tightly. To do this, the distance between the bars should be 2-3 cm less than the width of the insulation.

Waterproofing and windproof are fixed over the insulation. Fastening is carried out on a construction stapler. After such training, it is started directly to the lining of the house brick.

Hydro-windproof membrane protects the insulation from wind and moisture, but does not interfere with the exit of excessive water vapor from the wall outward

The thickness of the brick verst is usually 120 mm. This is not enough to ensure sustainability, so the wall must be associated with the main part of the outer structure.

You can do this in two methods:

Fastenings are located in the location of the carrier frame

Finishing technology is also relevant for frame buildings. The difference lies only in the fact that the links between the wall and the outer materials are attached to the frame racks. In all cases, it is necessary to fabulous with the ventilation gap.


To put the building with brick, it is recommended to provide for finishing reinitions. To increase the strength and rigidity, a wire mesh with a diameter of 3-4 mm and cells 50x50mm are used. The grid is placed in the seams between horizontal rows. The frequency depends on the brick:

  • looking down the building with single brick (65 mm high) - every 5 rows;
  • one-time (88 mm high) - every 4 rows.

The sizes of seams with reinforcement and should be the same. To control the grid on one side, slightly remove the masonry. This option increases reliability, but increases the cost and complexity of work.

How to bind a house from light concrete

The lined house in this case can be built from aerated concrete, gas silicate, foam concrete, slag blocks, ceramzite concrete. The house from facing brick is worse through the air than the listed materials. For this reason, as in the previous case, you will have to provide ventilation gap.

Method of installation is very similar to the wooden house. The difference lies only that it is possible to use tight connections between the wall and cladding. Minimum number of connections - 3 pcs. per 1 sq.m. Communications is not allowed to lay the main wall in the seams, they are naked to the surface.

When building a building from fragile slag blocks, it is recommended to build a framework, which will take the load from overlaps and other building designs. In this case, the walls will be self-supporting. The finish of the house is fadding brick attached to the slagoblock very carefully.

The house lined with brick is beautiful and reliable. But when working, you need to comply with certain recommendations.

Facing of facing bricks always attract admiring glances. Each developer knows: Little to build a strong wall. They need to be separated by such material so that it helps to get a triple benefit right away: he insulated, strengthened and decorated the building. This requirements fully corresponds to facing brick. It is able to reliably protect the external walls and increase their carrying ability.

Brick, designed to finish facades, are called differently:

  • facing;
  • facade;
  • facial.

All this is the same material that has the properties necessary for high-quality decoration of the building. Of these stones, the outer layer of the wall is built, which directly contacts the environment and is experiencing all its adverse effects. Therefore, special requirements are presented to the technical characteristics of these products.

Depending on the type of materials used in the manufacture of materials and method, there are several types of facing bricks:

  • clinker;
  • ceramic;
  • hyper pressed;
  • silicate.

These products have different operational characteristics, but there is one general time: they can all have a traditional form of parallelepiped or figure. Second type bricks are called shaped. For each of the options, there are its production standards that all manufacturers hold.

Traditional bricks are:

  • single;
  • half;
  • thickened;
  • double.

Each of the listed products may be full or hollow (empty). Second-type stones can have a different shape of holes and their different amounts.

Shaped bricks are impressive with their spectacular appearance. With the help of these building stones, you can realize the most original ideas of architects and designers.

Manufacturers offer shaped bricks of the following types:

  • trapezoid form with beveled ribs;
  • twisted;
  • wedge-shaped;
  • with a facial surface (under the crusted or natural stone).

The spectacular appearance of figure stones largely depends on the method of decorative processing of their surfaces.

Three technologies are used:

  • glazing;
  • toping;
  • angodie.

For lining the facade of a residential building are more suitable for Ageled bricks. They have a matte surface and thanks to the production method have a lower thermal conductivity coefficient. Angodic technology provides for the applied to the stone-raw of an additional clay layer. It is he who makes the product more "warm."

Alfo Bricks

Glazed bricks have a glossy surface. Color range of such stones is very wide. Glazing can be applied in two ways: on raw or finished product. Regardless of the methodology, the quality and appearance of the product will be the same.

Treading is the process of application on the front surface of the brick of mineral crumbs. After the roasting product acquires a beautiful embossed texture. Such stones are often used to underline the architectural elements of the building: arches, entrance group, window openings, eaves.

Ceramic brick, torcotted by mineral crumb.

Pros and cons clinker bricks

Clinker is one of the best representatives of facing bricks. Interdependent characteristics such as water absorption and frost resistance, he has height. These stones are able to withstand up to 300 cycles of frost-thawing (frost-resistant coefficient F300). But thermal conductivity is quite high: 0.7 W / (m * ° C). Durability - not less than 100 years.

Among the features of this material the duration of its masonry. This is associated with a low water absorption coefficient. The stone slowly absorbs moisture from the solution, so working with it requires a certain skill.

The minuses of this material include the fact that even in one batch of clinker bricks often encounter products of different shade. This greatly complicates the masonry process and increases the construction time. The workers have to choose the color identical on the color and most beautifully distribute on the wall of those whose shade is darker.

Clinker brick requires masonry for special solutions. The cost of these compositions is high, as well as the price of the material itself. There is a possibility of masonry on cement-sandy solution, but you need to know the recipe for the preparation of the mixture and be able to work with it. On the usual solution, the clinker brick "floats".

Price for clinker brick

Clinker brick

Pros and cons ceramic facing bricks

Ceramic brick is distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors. The undoubted advantage of these products is ecological purity. At first glance, these stones look fragile due to a large number of emptiness. But this is a deceptive impression. Ceramic bricks have high strength.

The main minus of these stones is the error in the shape geometry. This complicates the masonry process, as it is necessary to check the compliance of the size of the stones. Another disadvantage is the limestone inclusions, which subsequently absorb moisture and begin to stand out on the wall surface with their more rich color.

Price on ceramic brick

Ceramic brick

Pros and cons of hyperpressed brick

The composition of hyperpressed brick includes a seven, cement, special additives.

The advantages of the stones of this type:

  • perfectly smooth geometric shape;
  • the same dimensions of all the products of the same type;
  • variety of color scheme;
  • compliance with processing (easy in sawing);
  • high strength 150-300 kg / cm2;
  • water absorption 5-6%;
  • frost resistance F150;
  • a wide range of shaped models.

Hypersed brick has practically no shortcomings. The minuses include high weight (4.2-4.4 kg), which affects the cost of transportation and complexity of masonry.

The price of hypercasted brick

Pros and cons of silicate facing brick

Silicate brick is distinguished by the correctness of forms and high strength. Among the advantages of this facing material, the ability to withstand high temperatures, ease of processing, high sound insulation characteristics, acceptable price.


  • high thermal conductivity, which increases with moisturizing;
  • high weight (single 3.3-3.6 kg, one and a half - 4-4.3 kg);
  • monotony color gamut;
  • high coefficient of moisture absorption;
  • lack of shaped models.

Price on silicate brick

Does the hollow facade brick buy?

The peculiarity of the majority available at the price of this species is that they have the highest possible amount of emptiness. This is caused by the peculiarities of manufacturing technology and the desire of manufacturers to save. With the same purpose, they (manufacturers) often make only two ribs of the product: one spoonful and one stalk. But such a decision is justified, since the stone is facing only one side. Dimensions and shape of voids can be different, respectively, the weight of bricks is also different.

The facing layer is usually thin. Since it is a stone of a porous structure with a variety of voids, the front layer does not receive sufficient heat from it and is often hypocheated. This leads to the appearance of microcracks. They penetrate water, which periodically freezes and pulls off. The wind and the rays of the sun are contributed to the process of destruction. All this leads to the sad for the consequences. Therefore, it is often possible to see the facades, the front brick of which is partially destroyed.

The disadvantage of such building stones was the first to understand Europeans. They decided to reduce the width of the product and enhance its facing layer. Such material today is called "EUROKRPICH".

What is it good? A small width (2 times less than that of standard stone) allows him to quickly freeze. The adjacent wall transmits heat and thereby helps to stabilize the temperature of the facing layer.

We conclude: when choosing a hollow facing brick, you need, first of all, pay attention to the thickness of its wall with the face layer. The thicker it is, the more durable stone.

How to check the degree of water absorption of bricks when purchasing it

Not always information communicated by the building materials store manager is true. The point is not in the desire of the seller to deceive the buyer, but in the fact that it operates with the data transferred to him by the manufacturer.

The competent owner comes to choosing a building material extremely responsible. He will definitely ask about all the characteristics of the product stated by the manufacturer. For such a buyer, information will be useful on how to choose a facing brick according to the degree of water absorption.

You need to put all those products that were selected for comparison. Each of them is applied a small amount of water. You can use a spoon or any other subject suitable for this purpose. Next, they are watching how fast the building stones absorb water. Make conclusions and make a decision. You can navigate to the table.

Table. Moisture absorption of different types of facing bricks.

If there is an opportunity, you need to know whether the factory has the processing of the front layer of bricks with a hydrophobizer. If so, it is necessary to clarify what exactly. Most modern hydropobicators are manufactured on a paraffin basis. The surface treated with them has a water-repellent property. But simultaneously with this plus the product acquires two minuses at once.

  1. The vapor permeability of the facial layer of brick is reduced. Moisture, which comes out of the inner premises of the building through its external walls, meets the barrier - layer of the hydrophobizator. For this reason, condensate accumulates in stone.
  2. Closed paraffin pores do not allow water to leave the brick. Therefore, after laying the stones on cement-sandy solution, the level of their humidity increases significantly and remains there for a long time.

In addition to paraffin, there are imported hydropobicators made on the basis of chemicals. But because of the high cost, they are rarely used by brick manufacturers. Hydropobic facades - the process is important and necessary. But it is impossible to be held in the first year after the completion of construction. It is necessary to wait for the complete drying of the stones after the masonry.

Video - facing brick for the facade. Which to choose?

Facing brick facade options

Any project of a public or production building is compulsory includes a detailed description of the facade device. Architects and designers often use facing brick to make the structure of individuality.

A privately owned private house can independently choose a finish option and thereby realize his dream, not other fantasies. In this difficult case, serious help will provide information on the types of facing brickwork and the most successful combinations of color and textures.

The main reception that is used for the design of the facades is a color selection.

Two options are possible:

  • the use of a colored masonry mixture contrasting or harmoniously combined with the color of facing bricks;
  • use of building stones of different colors; In this way, you can emphasize the main lines of the building (arches, eaves, moldings) or allocate entire sectors.

There are many ways of decorative masonry. Each of them is originally original and is able to decorate the building.

Selection by color when designing facades

Types of facing bricks

When choosing a masonry pattern, you need to focus on the architectural style of the building. It should be noted that the fence, the gate, the entrance group of the house must be a single ensemble.

Frequently used reception of facades - underscounted by color or texture of angles and window openings.

Underline the color or texture of corners and window openings

At the same time, different types of brick dressings can be used, which creates an additional decorative effect.

Harmonious combinations of various types of masonry allow you to create a series of ornaments that make the appearance of the house in unique.

If you use a facing brick with a rough texture, the house will find a deliberate brutal view.

Brick with rough texture

The use of shaped bricks of different types and size allows you to build spectacular decorative lines. The design of the facades can be the most different. A variety of colors, textures and types of facing brick allows you to make a house beautiful and cozy.

Laying of facing bricks

The facade cladding technology is practically no different from the masonry of the usual ordinary brick. Practically the same requirements are presented to the process and quality of work. The difference in the type of laying and the form of the binder used.

But the facade finish is facing brick - the task is not easy. It requires the skills of masonry and knowledge of the nuances of working with each type of this facing material. In addition, the artist must be extremely neat and perfectly own all necessary for masonry, tools.

Most often in the process of facing facades use:

  • trowel (the most convenient length of the blade 18-19 cm);
  • hammer-kirk;
  • mortar blade (for applying and distributing a binder on relatively large squares);
  • fishing (needed to give the masonry seams of a beautiful form);
  • devices for control (containers, gentle cords, rule).

Types of facing masonry

For finishing facades, the most spectacular types of brick laying are chosen.

  1. Track. In this type of masonry, each row consists of bricks laid "spoon" and is shifted relative to the previous one or ¼ brick.
  2. Blust. It is performed by alternating the ranks, in one of which the brick is laid with a "spoon", and in the next - "twitch".
  3. Cross. It is a type of block masonry, but is performed with a displacement in each 2nd row on ½ brick. As a result, a cruciform pattern is obtained, in which each "spoons" from above and is surrounded by one "twitch".
  4. Gothic. One of the complex facing masonry, which requires the accuracy of bricks offset. Consists of alternating rows of "spoents" and "tychkov". In each next row, the "spoon" shift is performed on the length, and the "Vault" on ½.

Facing Masonry Technology

Step 1. Preparation for masonry per solution. Before putting bricks per solution, always perform the "dry" masonry.

It is necessary in order to:

  • determine the required number of building stones;
  • pick them in size and color;
  • determine the desired number of brick halves;
  • determine the location of stones when designing corners and openings.

During the arrangement of stones on the base, labels are made, which serve as a reference when laying per solution. At this stage of work, cutting bricks with the help of a grinder equipped with a stone disk.

Step 2. Preparation of the solution. The solution for facing masonry brick differs from the standard in that it is necessary to make only a sacred, preferably river, sand. The proportions for cement-sandy solution Standard: 1 part of the portland cement brand is not lower than M400, 3 parts of sand, water, plasticizer, coloring pigment (if necessary). The consistency of the binder must be sour cream. From a properly cooked solution, you can roll a soft ball.

Step 3.For masonry of the first row, the following steps:

  • determine the highest point of the base;
  • the waterproofing coating is placed as a reinforcing grid;
  • install, focusing on the labels made during the "dry" masonry, two angular bricks;
  • stretch between them the thread so that it indicates the height of the row;
  • perform the laying of intermediate bricks, following the seam between them the same width (optimally 8-10 mm);
  • in order for the brick to get into place, he is povered with blades;
  • for alignment and decoration of seams, use the extender.

Step 4. Figure masonry. To dress a facing masonry with a carrier wall, metal anchors are used, which are powered into the wall at least by 10 mm. Perform additional reinforcement of corners and openings of reinforcement rods. Anchor is installed in a step of 2-2.5 bricks. Brick are laid in accordance with the pattern of masonry.

When performing facing work, it is necessary to ensure that the cement-sandy solution does not pack the facial surface of building stones. If cement falls on it, it needs to be removed by dry rag. Every 4-5 rows of facing masonry wipe the wall with a wet rag.

Video - facade facade brick