Repairs Design Furniture

How to restore the kitchen table with your own hands. How from the old "event" kitchen table to make a new subject of the interior. The main stages of the restoration of the wooden table

The old table, breaking and quicken, and even, besides, a creaky, like a non-shy cart, and itch your hands send to the fire or landfill. But if you work a little over it, you can get a very good furniture accessory, such as a coffee table (if you shorten the legs up to a certain length), or a TV table. In my Saraj lay on the shelf, forgotten by everyone, the usual kitchen table. In disassembled state. Four legs on bolts, wooden base bonded by metal brackets, and three fragments of table tops.

Having inspected this rarity, I first decided to send it to the trash machine; From long lying, fragments of countertops, made of chipboard, were swollen under the influence of moisture, and after drying, it is already not returned to the original form. Yes, moreover, they became fragile and the opil, from which they, in fact, were fraught with ...

The wooden basis, on the contrary, was shuffled to the fact that he went to the chance, as a lively, it was worth it to take her! Thinking a little, I decided, after all, try to "reanimate" him. Anyway, I will not lose a lot, in case of failure.


  • Hacksaw.
  • Gas key or pliers.
  • Adhesive universal (you can "moment").
  • Adhesive composite (cold welding).
  • Cyan Cyan Acrylate (super glue).
  • Marker.
  • Drill and twisted for 4 and 9.
  • Long line (or level with line markup).
  • Four thick furniture screws under the hexagon.
  • A small sheet of chipboard for a new table top.
  • Decorative self-adhesive film for tabletop cladding (with a picture of your choice).

Restore the old table

First you need to disassemble the wooden basis. Unscrew all existing screws, remove metal brackets.

The table we will have twice as smaller than the former, and therefore the crossbars that were used to be a width of the table - now they will become long.

The width of the new table can be selected independently, to your taste. You can do it at least square! To do this, take the remaining long crossbars, and shorten them to the width of the future table you need.

Just calculate the width of the future table to be at least half of his long, otherwise it will be unstable! Now, on the unpacked ends of the crossbar, we will make a hacksaw groove for metal brackets, as before.

Next, we get holes left from the screws after disassembling the table. Most of these holes will again be in the former places, and that they keep screws that hold metal brackets well, we use matches and universal glue. Makazy match in glue (or dripping glue into the hole), pushing it until it stops into the hole, and climb.

It turned out a peculiar CHEKL card. Now in this hole, the screw will be well held, and the table will not be fused. Well, so that the "new" table does not creak - drip on a drop of machine oil to the places of contact of all individual fragments of the table, both wooden and metal. Now we will deal with legs. If the threaded compound is twisted in these legs, it is desirable to unscrew it from the leg. To coole the thread with composite or universal glue, and screw it back.

Before the stop. If the connection is dangling, but it does not get out (it happens when the thread pin has inside the legs "T" -ny end), then you will have to use Cyan acrylate (super glue). We drip it into the gap between the connection and wood until it stops to go inside. We leave the knocked legs to dry. For a couple of hours, so that I manage to grab composite glue. (By the way, the legs can also be shortened, to the height you need, overshadow the plane, to narrow them down the book, if they are square, and cover the mournicle.) During this time, you can collect a wooden foundation; We fasten the cooked crossbars using brackets and screws.

After the time allocated to frozen the composite glue, we screw the legs to the base. As before to the old table.

Now we take a prepared sheet of chipboard (I took the end wall from the old cabinet for this purpose), cut the required area of \u200b\u200bthe worktop and the sandpaper, or a wooden file, dumping edges.

We put the table top on a flat surface, facial (the most smooth!) Side down. We put on top on the table top the base, legs up and mark the marker of the corners of the legs.

We remove the basis and drill holes by 4 millimeters in every corner, with such a calculation so that the holes fall into the centers of the legs. Now we put the foundation on the legs, put onto the worktop on it, and look at the bottom to come together marker made earlier. Now on the holes available in the tabletop, drill holes further - inside the legs, on the length of the screw.

Well, by a drill on eight millimeters, we will make a small deepening-sweep over holes, for screws of screws and screw the screws.

Mind screw screw with composite glue, so that the countertop should have a smooth surface. You can pre-lubricate the surface of the deepening, and the screw screw in it, machine oil, then it will be possible to easily dig these reversed plugs to dismantle the table, if necessary.

We are waiting for the composite glue and, in conclusion, we glue the countertop with a sticky decorative film.

Plug by self-adhesive wallpaper should be as accurate as possible; The second chance will not be to cross. To do this, I had to dismantle the table (good, it is not long - unscrew the four screws and unscrew the four nuts!). I moistened in the room the air with a sprayer, so that the dusting does not lie down on the surface placed, and have not formed irregularities and bubbles after the work done. The surface of the surface with alcohol, and carefully, starting with one of the corners, smoothing the film in different directions from the angle of a dry cloth, for each item in turn, pasted the film. If bubbles could not be avoided, pinched them with a thin needle in several places, put an ordinary kitchen napkin on the bubble and put a mug with a flat bottom filled with boiling water on this place. For one or two minutes. After this procedure, the bubble will disappear. And one moment; Ploying the countertop, I changed my mind to hide the screws of the screws - I really liked it, how the shiny metal caps are looking, recessed in the texture of "stone".

But this is the case of each individual. If anyone does not like it - you can hide the hats. It is also smeared with glue and stick on top of the patch cut from the same film ... This table was (in size!):

And so became small and compact:

He will fit well in the interior of some small room in the country house. I think it turned out well. Even very good!

If you have an old dining table that you are roads like memory, or you just want to reasonably save on the purchase of new furniture, then you have to be interested in the quality of the restorer or decorator.

Keep in mind that the restoration of the kitchen table with their own hands is not the simplest and, in some cases, not justified, because not every table is subject to repair, and antiques are better to entrust professionals at all. But most often, the correct "upgrade" can return your old friend to life and transform it to be unrecognizable.

What ways can we update the table?

To update the kitchen table with your own hands, you can use one of the following proven technologies:

  1. Traditional painting - it is this way that we will consider in detail in a step-by-step master class.
  • An interesting way to decorate and paint furniture is staining through tulle - a tabletop is painted through it, and on the principle of the stencil is formed a lace pattern.

  1. Ceramic tile will allow you to decorate the dilapidative, strongly damaged countertop and make it more practical - you can put hot and soak on this surface in any way.

  1. Refresh the old table in the technique of decoupage. We will also talk about it in more detail about him.

  1. Easy way to modify the table with your own hands quickly and budget - to kill it with a self-adhesive film.
  2. The burning will refresh the non-damaged wooden surface.

Master class - 6 steps on the way to a new life

In this master class on a simple restoration of the dining table, we will update, repair and repaint this old veneered table with a moderate amount of defects.

So, to update the kitchen table you will need:

  1. grinders or sandpaper large, medium and shallow grain, as well as glasses, respirator and gloves;
  2. alkyd enamel paint of the desired color (or other desired coating, for example, a simulator), as well as a flat non-liner painting or artistic brush;
  3. fortress for wood and small roller / brush for priming;
  4. wax pasta or varnish.

Step 1. View and repair the details

Carefully inspect all the attachments in the designs and defects of the countertops - as far as the veneer was smelled or the tree was damaged.

If the table is a bit broken, then you just need to pull out all the screws. If it requires a more serious restoration, then you need to fully disassemble the table, reject all the details or clean and sand all the grooves and places of compounds so that the new glue is better grabbed, fix the glued parts with clamps or screws, and then remove them after 15 hours, and then remove them after 15 hours, When the glue dries completely.

  • Sometimes a substole requires a replacement not only because its details have dilapidated themselves, but also because the legs will be able to fully change your old table. For example, if before the legs were simple, now you can replace them with beautiful carved bales.
  • Disassembled furniture, do not forget to mark the installation site of each of the parts, so you do not confuse and quickly cope with the task.

Step 2. Remove the old coating

Now wear safety glasses and prepare 2 kinds of sandpaper: coarse-grained - for primary processing and fine-grained - for giving smoothness. Get ready for long and time-consuming work - to remove the old paint or varnish the case is not simple.

Step 3. Close the cracks and chips

After grinding, we carefully clean the table from dust, inspect the worktop and looking for defects. Keep in mind that even the smallest damage will be noticeable after painting. All chips and cracks should be locally closeing with a putty for a tree or a polyester putty, and then abandon the entire surface again, when "patches" dried.

Note - Wall coating by Morilka:

  • if the countertop does not have strong damage, then you may not hide the natural beauty of the tree and cover it with a verse, and then varnish, shellac or wax. In the photo below, an example of a renovated table with a tabletop, a moraine in the color "Chojled oak".

Step 4. Ground and spool again

We continue work. Now we need not only to clean the table, but also to degrease it. And after the table is dry, proceed to the primer. This stage is required, since without it, the paint coating will be laid uneven and will be raised quickly. You can use alkyd or shellak primer for wood. In this master class, a universal alkyd primer Zinsser Cover Stain was used (in the photo below), which dries in just 1 hour, protects the tree well and prepares it to paint. It is worth it about 500-600 rubles, but is not sold everywhere. The table can be predicted in 1-2 layers using a small spongy roller, while each layer must dry completely.

When the primer is driving (in 1 day), again stratum the tabletop with a sandpaper or grinding sponge of medium grain to smooth the projected surface and prepare it to paint. And do not forget to put the respirator again!

Step 5. And now proceed to painting.

It is very important to choose the right paint and its color. Avoid cheap paints, because it is a dining table, which means that the countertop must wear frequent wash, wiping, shocking, and so on. In this case, the enamel alkyd paint premium class is used with satin finishes, but you can choose more eco-friendly enamel on acrylic basis. Also with addiction, select a high-quality brush so that it does not learn in the process. Not painful, but a large flat artistic brush.

The paint should be applied in 2 thin layers, while the finishing layer is better to leave to be dried for 3-4 days.

  • If you chose the dark color of the paint, then it is better to apply in 3 thin layers;
  • To create crash styles, you can take a sand in some places, for example, on the end of the table;
  • Also, to create the effect "under ancient", the table can be sent.

Step 6. Apply Protective Coating

As we have already said, you can protect the surface of the table with varnish, for example, matte polyurethane on a water basis (on the photo on the left, great varnish from Varathane). It is necessary to apply it evenly in 2-3 thin layers, slightly squeaking each layer before applying the next layer of varnish. Of course, all layers before the Okurivation must completely dry (4 hours).

The second option is to protect the wax that will make the worktop matte and it can be gratened to shine. For this, the wax must be milded with cotton fabric in wood, then give the first layer to dry for at least 1 hour. After that, polish the surface with circular motions, and repeat the procedure 2 more times within one day. Well, now take patience and leave the table for 1 week so that the surface has acquired the necessary operational properties.

Well, that's all - the restoration is finished, and the old table has gained a new life in a trendy white color.

And here is another interesting video from the transfer of "cheap and angry" on the topic of tabletop restoration at home from the remedies.

Countertop Update With Decoupage

If you do not want to stop there or your table does not have serious damage, but simply needs a small update, you can decorate the table with drawings: to write it with acrylic paints manually, use stencils and stamps, or update the table with the help of decoupage. Perhaps, it is this particularly popular decorative technique that will look at more detail, after all, decoupage will allow not only budget and quickly transform a table or, for example, to stylize it under Shebby Chic (as in the photo below), but also hide some defects of the dilapidated surface.

To update the table with your own hands in the technique of decoupage you will need:

  • acrylic primer and acrylic paints - if desired;
  • putty for a beige tree;
  • grinding and emery paper of varying degrees of graininess;
  • rubber spatulas;
  • art brushes flat and artificial;
  • matte or semi-axle wood varnish;
  • napkins for decoupage or decoupage card;
  • scissors;
  • pVA glue or special decoupage glue.

Decor in the technique of decoupage can be started either after the primer stage and its grinding (see Step number 4 above), or after painting and lacquer. Then you should select a picture - it can be any image on paper or dining napkins, as well as special rice paper for decoupage.

Initially, mark the markup, gently marking the pencil that the images will be located. To the container with water, we put the cut-out paper image "face" down and withstand half a minute. Then the spacious image is laid out as "face" down on a plastic file, and all extra paper layers roll. Then the picture is thoroughly labeled with glue and attached to the tabletop. The file is not removed - through it the image is as smoothed as much as possible.

The surface around the pictures is decorated with paint. The final stage of the decoupage is varnish with acrylic varnish. Through three days, the lacquer dries and the table can be fully used.

Finally, a selection of photos for your inspiration.

Do not rush to throw out the old table. He served you for many years and serve even if you give him a little attention.

The table can be reedded so that it will compete any designer thing.

New life can be inhaled with absolutely different ways and techniques.

Consider the most common methods.

In contact with


Ways to transform the table

  • painting;
  • veneering (pasting of the old wooden surface with veneer);
  • claiming self-adhesive film;
  • (table applique with napkins, rice or banana paper);
  • tile cladding;
  • painting of the table using a stencil (through fabric, paper or plastic stencil);
  • the decor was sweaty (foil, which is glued in the form of a pattern).

Some methods of decoration, we will consider in this article a little more. In addition, it is possible to turn the old table into a modern and original design element using a conventional LED tape. Perfectly fit into any interior.

Materials and tools

To return to the old table former beauty, we need the following:
  • sander;
  • wood paint;
  • impregnation;
  • roller for primer;
  • varnish (color or colorless);
  • brushes for each type of coating.

As well as personal protective equipment:

  • protective glasses;
  • respirator;
  • work gloves.


Step 1. First you need to examine the table for breakdowns, cracks, scratches. If there is a breakdown, it is necessary to eliminate them. We check all the bolts on the legs and the countertop, tighten them.
The best option will disassemble the table in detail, clean from dirt and dust, then collect it again. You can add glue to all locations of the mounts and wait until it dry (at least 15 hours).

Step 2. Next you need to polish the table using the machine or sand it manually. This allows you to identify all the problem areas that were not visible earlier.
Remove the old paint and varnish is a very time-consuming and long process. We clean the surface of fine-grained and medium-hearted emery paper.

Note! Grind wood follows along the fibers. In case of incorrect processing, difficult defects occur.

Step 3. All detected cracks and deep scratches should be embossed using. Completely dry patches. Next, we clean and gluify the surface.

Step 4. Degrease the table with acetone and stuffing its surface. For this, a universal primer is suitable. Instead of impregnation, the tabletop soaked 2-3 times, completely drying each layer.

Step 5. Spin the surface of the table again.

Step 6. If the countertop does not have scratches, chips and cracks, it can be treated with a water-repellent impregnation and coat it with several layers of simulat or varnish. This will give the unique effect of fresh wood.

Step 7. If the condition of the surface is unimportant or scheduled for subsequent decoration of the table, it is necessary to paint it. Select water-based paint. We apply a large brush (better if it is not painted, and artistic). When the paint is dry, we apply the second layer. Application should be fast, short strokes, thin layers. We dry table at least 4 days.

Note! Dark paint should be applied in two or three layers to avoid light lumen.

Decorating table tops


The painting is one of the most popular techniques of interior decoration and items. There are several options for painting furniture: art painting with a thin tassel, painting through the stencil (pattern), painting by stamps.

For glass countertops, a great solution is a bright and air painting with stained in paints.

It looks very beautifully painted with the help of Tulle or any other lace. To apply an openwork on the surface of the table, you need to apply tulle to the tabletop (it is desirable to fix it with a tape from the reverse side).

Color the table in the same way as through the usual stencil, with the help of a sponge, roller or canister with paint. Emale color pick up the contrasting surface.

Note! On the glass countertop, the painted is applied from the inside, the front side remains smooth.


Tile glue first lay out the mosaic frame elements. We try to make the same seams as much as possible. Then from the center of the table, we begin to lay out the tile (or pieces of tiles). An interesting solution will be laying tiles of different colors. Top tiles are covered with a special grout. In order not to be visible to the tile ends, you can attach plastic corners on the edges of the table in the tile grout color.

In the technique of mosaic, it is possible to apply not only tiles, but also other materials and a variety of items - shells , Pebbles, pieces of glass, egg shell, etc.


Paltal is the finest sheets from different metal alloys, which are used to simulate any surface under gold, bronze or silver. Appliances of gilding is often used in furniture finishing along with other decorative techniques.

To begin with, draw stencils along which it will be glued. Then we applose the glue with a thin brush.

Sheets swept carefully impose on glue. Soft brush carefully remove unnecessary parts of the sheet.

The thicker brush, which we apply glue, the thicker it will be a drawing from Potali.

Note! Particles of sheets sweat, remaining from decorating table tops, can be collected and used in the form of powder.

Color in different colors

For starters, the countertop is completely covered with one color. After drying, it is necessary to stick a raner tape by creating a stencil from it for other colors.

With the help of a roller or brush, one after another are all the other colors. After that, the malarious scotch is removed.

On a colored background, you can draw or glue various pictures.

At the end, the table must be coated with two layers of transparent varnish. This will add storage decor and protects from external influences. Varnish can be taken glossy or matte.

How to renovate the old table with a veneer, look in the video:

Photo Gallery

Many at home remained old dining or kitchen tables, usually they are polished or wooden and have an absolutely not trendy look. Want to throw it away? Not worth it! Why is spent on a new table, especially old tables are much better than modern and can serve many more years.

In this article, we will show 4 universal ways how to update the old dining table with your own hands, not hard to spend the family budget!

The main methods of the restaurant include the following works:

  • Painting table. (Usually apply special paint for wooden surfaces, it can be both an acrylic basis and enameling)
  • Replacement table top (The table top can be ordered ready for size, or do it yourself, as shown in master classes below)

They can be used onely or combine depending on the damage and state of your furniture.

We update the kitchen table countertop

Look at your dining table. If his general condition is more or less satisfied with his appearance, but the tabletop completely worn out or the table top simply can not be removed without damaging the entire design, this master class is exactly for you.


  • White enamel paint for wood;
  • Degloss;
  • Polyurethane varnish on a water-based water-based (you can use glossy at your discretion);
  • Boards;
  • Liquid Nails;
  • Putty for wood;
  • Thin sandpaper;
  • Brush, fabric, water.

Restriction instructions

Step 1: We remove old paint

  • Treat the feet of the table by the mounted.
  • Thanks to this medium, you do not need to be sander and handy the former paint, but simply apply it over, wait for drying and paint in the right color.
  • Apply 3 enamel paint layers and wait for it to complete drying.

Step 2.

  • Turn the table upside down the table. If you shot the legs for painting, then it will be more convenient for you to paint table tops and side wooden mounts.
  • Apply the Number and paint as well as on the legs.

After drying, turn the table back and paint the worktop at the edges, capturing centimeters of 10, it is not necessary to cry.

Step 3: Lay out a new countertop from the boards

  1. After complete drying, measure the sizes of the table top, its length and width. Boards must be a little more in size, centimeters on 5 exceeding the futuree - countertop.
  2. Take liquid nails and evenly distribute them in the middle of the table. Then repel from the number of available boards.
  3. If their even number, for example, 6, then they must put in exactly in the middle. In the case of an odd quantity, you must put in the middle of the unpaired board. Again, see how it will be better, based on the size of the specifically of your desk and boards.

By gluing the middle, the remaining boards on the sides. Leave the table to dry by 12 hours or a day, depending on the glue.

Step 4: Spike

  1. Be sure to fill the gaps between the placts with a putty for wood, otherwise they will be stuck pieces of food.
  2. Smooth it with a finger, and surplus wipe with damp cloth.

Tip: Let the putty will dry during a couple of hours, and after passing all the boards with thin sandpaper.

Step 5: Polishing

  • Wipe the boards well, without leaving the dust and garbage on them. Take polyurethane varnish, stir it up and long strokes begin to apply on the boards. Try to make the first layer thin.
  • Leave to dry the countertop for a day, then carefully pass the surface with sandpaper, erase dust and apply the second layer of varnish.

Step 6: Tells

As soon as the lacquer is dry after the last paint, start cooking paint. In this case, the effect of blissing is planned, to achieve it mix 1 part of the paint with 4 parts of water.

Browse the area of \u200b\u200bthe board, and then clean the cloth immediately. Krable so the entire worktop, then add some more water in the paint and walk again.

After complete drying, the table is ready for use.

How to update polished table

If you have a small polishing table in the corner of the corner, which it's time to send to a landfill, but the hand is not rising, then you should take magic tools in the hands and become a cross fae.

Materials and tools:

  • Sander;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Morilka;
  • Gel to remove paint;
  • Plastic scraper;
  • Brush;
  • Polyurethane varnish on a water basis;
  • Dark enamel paint;
  • Pens for a box.

Order of work

Step 1: Remove the old varnish

  • Take yourself into the closed clothes and shoes. If the legs are removed, then for convenience when grinding separated them from the tabletop.
  • Spank all parts of the table well, getting rid of all dents and scratches.
  • Small details, as well as places where you can damage the table, grind sandpaper.

Step 2: Apply the Morkin

Apply your favorite brain on the prepared parts of the table, following the instructions. Depending on the selected veil, lift the time laid for drying.

Step 3: Process the shelf of the table

  • To clean the shelf of the table, use a gel to remove paint.
  • After applying it, wait minutes 4 (depends on the gel) and neatly, plastic scraper, read the shelf, trying not to scrape the wood.
  • After apply the veil.

Step 4: Lacrem Surface

  • Well wipe all parts of the table, without leaving them dust and garbage. Take polyurethane varnish, stir it up and start to apply long strokes.
  • Try the first layer to make a subtle. Leave everything to dry for a day, then carefully pass the surface with sandpaper, erase dust and apply the second layer of varnish.
  • You can, after drying, apply the third layer, but not more.

Step 5: Color Coloring

  • Color the table in your chosen color, wait until we dry, and collect it.
  • Screw the handles into the drawer of the table.

Agree that the result of the work done is impressive!

How to paint a wooden table in white

In one of the evenings, you realized, looking around, what are you among the monophonic dark things? Want to refresh the room and do not know where to start? White wooden furniture always looks very effectively and expands the space.

Make a white table can be absolutely from any color. In this workshop, we will show how to paint the black table in white.

Prepare the following:

  • Means for removing paintwork products;
  • Means for degreasing;
  • Plastic scraper;
  • Thin sandpaper;
  • Brush;
  • Polyurethane varnish;
  • Emaley paint.

Order of work:

Step 1: We remove old paint

  1. It is necessary to remove the old layer of varnish from the tables. To do this, we use the means to remove paintwork products. To protect yourself from harmful chemicals, put on protective gloves, mask and glasses.
  2. Apply tools to the place of deletion of paint. Depending on the instruction, you will leave the specified time and start gently removing the paint layer, trying not to scrape the tree.
  3. After removing the whole paint, degrease the surface with a special solution.

Step 2: Spin and lacquer

  1. Go through sandpaper over the entire surface of the tables. After trying them well from dust.
  2. Take Polyurethane lacquer, Stir it and begin to apply long strokes. Try to make the first layer thin.
  3. Leave everything to dry for a day, then carefully pass the surface with sandpaper, erase dust and apply the second layer of varnish.

Step 3: Painting Table

Wait for the full drying of the varnish and start applying paint. Paint in 3 layers and leave to dry one day. After you can place the tables and please the eye of the update.

Wooden loft dining table

Now very fashionable countertops made of wood on the legs of a contrasting color. Such tables came to us from Loft style - it is distinguished by its simplicity and a little rudeness. But such wooden tables do to any interior.

We look at the master class as an old table to make a stylish loft.


  • Saw;
  • Boards;
  • Polyurethane varnish;
  • Brush;
  • Enamel paint;
  • Liquid Nails;

Montaja technology

Step 1: Cut the board

Measure the sizes of the table top, its length and width. Boards must be a little more in size, centimeters on 5 exceeding the future base - countertop

  1. Prepared boards cover polyurethane varnish. To do this, stir it up and start to apply long strokes. Try to make the first layer thin.
  2. Leave the boards to dry for a day, then carefully pass the surface with sandpaper, erase dust and apply the second layer of varnish.
  3. After drying the varnish, turn the boards of enamel paint in 2 layers and leave to dry for 12 hours.

Step 2: Mounting table top

  1. Prepare an old worktop, pouring a little sand and rubbed with a cloth.
  2. As soon as the paint dries, apply liquid nails to the old table top and start gluing colored boards to it.
  3. So that the boards glued well, put the cargo on the table top and leave for a day.

As a result, it turned out a great little dining table in Loft style!

You can refresh the interior, even slightly updating the old thing. It is not worth spending huge money to buy a new dining or coffee table when possible to do everything with your own hands. After adding a little imagination, you, with the help of stencils, you can make a table just amazing.

And if you are with the table with the table , You will plunge your guests in envy - after all, you will have an original, unique collection of furniture, which can be called even designer if you try and decorate it. Create to amaze!

Give gloss, exclusive and chic, make an unusual accent in the interior with the help of the original table. Moreover, no one guess that this subject of the interior was used to be non-zeal collapse.

Restoration methods

There are many ways to improve, decorate and renovating the old table. But before proceeding to work, you need to prepare the future "canvas" - to remove the old coating, to Occhat, screw all the nuts and screws (so as not to be worse and did not hang out), sharpen, cover the vessel (if necessary) or varnish. Then you begin to decorate. Conditionally all methods for decorating the wooden table can be divided into two groups:

    Painting surface, including independent painting, staining via stencil or with stamps;

    Cowing surface Special materials - wallpaper, self-adhesive film, decoupage with napkins or interesting cuttings, pasting, photo printing, mosaic or tile.

The glass table will have to update a little differently. Pack it with wallpaper, film or make a decoupage is quite possible from the inside.

And you can also paint the glass surface with special colors and get an interesting design.

How to upgrade a glass table?

Beautiful glass coffee table can often be found in modern apartments. As a result of the wrong departure, the glass countertop loses its attractive appearance.

The legs are loosened, chips and scratches appear on the glass. If the tabletop formed scratches in which the nail could fit, then it is better to give the table to a special workshop, dispose of or replace the glass to a new one.

If damage is not as terrible, you can try to reanimate this subject of the interior.

You can save the glass countertop from scratches at home as a submitted (toothpaste, soda, transparent nail polish) and special means (gay paste, automotive polyters, precious metal polishing agents).

First you need to clean the surface, then carefully launch or apply the composition of the scratch. Do not overdo it, otherwise, instead of one scratch, you can get some more. Wait a bit so that the makeup grabbing and clean the glass again.

To get rid of scratches, the most ordinary, non-gel toothpaste is used. The soda is dissolved with water to the state of the kashitz, approximately in the ratio of 1: 1. Goe paste you need to use the proven valve. Transparent varnish, will not completely eliminate the problem, but only partially. At a certain corner of illumination it will be noticeable that there were scratches on that place.

Flawing table legs are also repaired. Usually, the feet of the table are attached to special glue. This glue can eventually refuse. It can be removed and replaced with a new adhesive composition. If the legs are attached to screws, screws, then they can be promoted and replaced with new ones.

Now the table can be given a completely new sound with the help of various decorator techniques:

    Cut the table with an invented side with a decorative film. When the table is pasted, do not allow bubbles formation. Film glued better gradually, gradually pushing the substrate. If bubbles still appeared, then you can pierce them with a needle and smooth out;

    Make a decoupage. To do this, you will need pictures (for example, with napkins or on rice paper, or specially prepared for this image), PVC glue or special for these works, tassels, file, lacquer for decoupage. The necessary inventory can be purchased in stores for creativity and scrapbooking;

    Coloring stained in paints. Acrylic outline, stained glass paints, cotton wands and napkins, alcohol for degreasing surface, sketch of drawing, tape - here is a set of objects that will be needed for this work;

    Fix around the perimeter of the table backlight, LED ribbon;

    If the design allows the design of the mini-garden, aquarium or a bright composition of stones, seashells. When the table has a small box, which is covered with a worktop on top, then you can put the pallet on its bottom and sear the succulents (plants that do not need frequent watering). Or decorate the box with shells, stones or other things.

How to restore the wooden table?

The wooden table can be made from both MDFs or chipboard and from a wood array. In any case, the restoration of the ancient table of the house will be held in a few gradually. Consider all these steps.

    Preparatory- Check all attachments, disassemble the table and reinforce, clean the surface.

    Removing the old coating. Sometimes for this can only need a special composition, which removes varnish, paint. But most often you also have to use coarse-grained and fine-grained sandpaper, grinding machine. You need to swee along the fibers, in order to avoid the formation of new scratches.

    Seeling cracks and chips. To do this, we will need a putty on a tree or polyester equivalent. After putty, repeated grinding. At this stage, you can stop and do not further work (except for varnishing), cover the tree by the Morilka, which will give the table a new color and view. For example, turn an oak table into an imitation of a wenge or another wood breed. But when the damage is greatly needed.

    Primer and subsequent putty.Without primer, the lacquer will be very bad and uneven. Alkyd or shellak primer is suitable for wood.

    Putting the final design.At this stage, painting, stamp pasting. If the table is painted, then the paint should be applied at least 2 layers.

    Final coating with varnish or wax. Varnish and wax need to be covered in several layers.

Such a renovated polished table will serve for a long time.

Written or journal, children or toilet - regardless of his destination, will decorate the interior, because you spent so much time on it and put the soul.

How to repaint?

Table staining is the most popular way of restoration. What could be concise than a white table? Only black. Therefore, the choice of paint (acrylic or oil, enamel) is very important. From what paint was repaired, or rather from its characteristics, it depends on how long the renovated table will serve.

To pick up paint, you need to understand where and how the table will be used, from which materials it is made.

    Water-dispersion acrylic paintsuitable for heated premises, well withstands moisture. Quickly dries. In the process of applying can be washed with water. But after drying, it does not affect water. Alkidic compositions are considered more reliable.

    Oil paints Lose popularity due to unreasonably much expensive.

    Enamels for wood attract their glossy surface and high characteristics. Nitroeemaliye paints are also quickly seized.

The paint is chosen and purchased, the further repair of the table suggests its painting.

Pre-surfaces must be pre-treated, clean, remove the old coating, remove scratches and chippers, sharpen, primitive, protect decorative inserts, such as glass, scotch. And only after the primer dried, you can paint.

To make a smooth color, the paint is applied in several layers. The first layer is actually rubbed into the surface.

Two-three layers sufficient to stick the rich color.

To apply additional drawings on the table top, you can use pre-prepared stencils or the most ordinary tulle. When the main color is dry, tulle (or stencil) fix and apply paint pattern. It is possible to make it a tassel, but it is better to use a sponge or a canister with paint. The finished product, to give greater aesthetic and strengthen the surface, cover with varnish.

To give a graphic pattern (lines, zigzags, diamonds, squares), you can use scotch tape. Stick up a sticky tape future drawing, put the first color paint. If necessary, the procedure can repeat other colors. Read the worktop to check.

If it is necessary to achieve the effect of the composition of the wood, then first on the treated surface (purified, sandy and primed) are applied special composition.

Patinating can be made dark verses. Then the first layer of paint is applied to the tree. Then it is applied with a second layer of lighter and more liquid paint. When the paint is driving, go through the surface of the sandpaper. The desired effect is achieved.

The table is ready for the finish coating of varnish.

We update the plastic table

Many are afraid to start decoking the plastic table due to its material. In fact, the plastic surface is more than grateful material for the restoration. Pret and long-term processing it does not require.

Maximum, it is getting rid of scratches and chips. Well, if the surface is smooth, it is enough to sand enough to give roughness, paint or soil could be better clung, or degreased for further work - sticking film, wallpaper, tiles, mosaic, egg shell or decoupage.

For decoupage of the plastic table, you will first need to process the tabletop. Sand it, put acrylic soil. Then think how you will have drawings. Make small marks of their future location. Usually, napkins or drawings on rice paper are used for decoupage, but for these purposes you can use any clippings and even printer pictures.

At the end of the work, the tabletop is covered with varnish.

For a spectacular decoupage, you can use tissue. For decorator purposes, cotton material is suitable with a bright pattern. The decoupage procedure is the same, only PVC glue is applied immediately to all the fabric.

Decor options

Restoration and subsequent decoration of the table - a very long process. But the result is worth it, because you can get an exclusive designer thing with the memories of already connected. The decor of furniture can be completely copyrighted and at the same time very organically fit into the concept of using the subject and room.

For a table book or folding fit concise design. It can be painted in one or two colors. And you can give nobility and emphasize the natural structure of the tree.

The sliding table can be decorated with drawings that may appear only when the tabletop is disassembled as much as possible. And of course, if this kind of table is used as a dining, in its decor you can use kitchen topics - images of food, fruits and vegetables, canteens. The kitchen table can be reeded with tiles and mosaic. This will be a very practical solution.