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Presentation, violence. Domestic violence is an actual problem of modern society. Domestic violence project

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Family violence against younger students and possible consequences

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Violence is the use of physical force against someone, coercive influence on someone, violation of personal integrity, harassment. Domestic violence is a type of relationship between close people when one oppresses the other or causes him any harm.

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Indicators of abuse against younger students: aggressiveness or, conversely, depression; neglect; deterioration in academic performance; deterioration of health; physical signs (abrasions, bruising, etc.); information from other sources (classmates, their parents, etc.).

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Factors that contribute to child maltreatment Acceptance of child abuse Critical situation or set of circumstances Lack of basic knowledge about child development Severe punishments are not usually considered violence

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The main types of family violence against younger students: physical violence; emotional (mental) abuse; sexual violence; lack of care for children;

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A group of children who, due to internal or external circumstances, have an increased risk of being subjected to violence by adults; disabled children with physical and mental disabilities; children born after a difficult pregnancy or childbirth; children whose gender does not meet the expectations of their parents; unwanted children; unloved child in the family; children resembling unloved relatives; children with disorders and atypical behaviors - irritable, hyperactive, aggressive, with poor behavior control, etc.; highly gifted or talented children

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Immediate consequences of violence Physical consequences - changes in the child's physical health and development. Cognitive consequences are changes in the cognitive sphere and in the system of ideas about the world and about oneself. Emotional consequences are negative changes in the emotional sphere and in self-perception. Behavioral consequences are persistent negative changes in a child's behavior. Social consequences - changes in the child's ability to build effective social relationships.

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Long-term consequences of violence Persistent impairments at the physiological, emotional, cognitive, behavioral and social levels

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The severity of the long-term consequences of violence in the development of a child depends on a combination of a number of factors: Characteristics of violence against a younger schoolchild: from whom the violence came; whether the child is a direct object of violent actions or a witness to violence against people significant to him; the type(s) of violence he/she has been subjected to; the duration of the situation of violence; the frequency of violent acts and episodes; the severity of violent acts; features of disclosure of the fact of violence; Personal characteristics of a younger student: the child's resistance to stress; level of self-esteem; level of intellectual development.

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The family is the primary environment where a person must learn to do good V. Sukhomlinsky

From history, children were killed for ritual purposes: it was believed that a murdered child could help barren women cope with illnesses, ensure health and youth; they were buried under the foundation of the building to make it stronger; children were sold and bought.

Violence is coercion, bondage, a shy, offensive, illegal, self-willed action. Domestic or family violence is understood as a certain system of behavior of one family member in relation to another (others), with the aim of maintaining power, control and instilling fear. Domestic violence is a type of relationship between close people when one oppresses the other or causes him any harm. There is another definition: family violence is understood as systematic aggressive and hostile actions against family members, as a result of which harm, injury, humiliation or sometimes death can be caused to the object of violence. Violence is also committed among teenagers.

The purpose of violence, as a rule, is to win certain rights and privileges, as well as domination and control over a person by insulting, intimidating, blackmailing, etc. Violence in the family can have a different vector of direction: from the side of the husband in relation to his wife; on the part of the wife in relation to her husband; on the part of one or both parents in relation to children; on the part of older children in relation to younger ones; on the part of adult children and grandchildren in relation to parents or elderly relatives; from one family member to another.

Scientific research has established that: violence in one form or another is committed in every fourth Russian family; every year about 2 million children under the age of 14 are beaten by their parents; for 10% of these children, the outcome is death, and for 2,000, suicide; more than 50,000 children leave home during the year to escape their parents, and 25,000 minors are wanted.

State protection of children Convention on the Rights of the Child; Law "On the Fundamentals of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency" Law "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation"; A group of deputies submitted to the State Duma a draft law providing for strengthening the guarantees of children's rights to proper spiritual and moral education, as well as liability for cruel treatment of minors.

In addition, the authors of the bill draw attention to the fact that the current legislation provides for a more severe punishment for cruelty to animals - imprisonment for up to two years, than for cruelty to minors - only restriction of freedom for up to three years. It is proposed to introduce criminal liability for ill-treatment of minors - imprisonment for up to three years.

The consequences of child abuse in the family leaving in religious sects; associations in informal groups with a criminal and fascist orientation; aggressive, criminal behavior of children; children who run away from home die of hunger and cold, become victims of other children who also ran away from domestic violence, etc.

Neglect Neglect of the child's basic needs (moral cruelty) is the absence on the part of parents or persons replacing them of elementary care for him, as well as dishonest fulfillment of the duties of raising a child, as a result of which his health and development are violated.

Sexual abuse of children Sexual abuse of children by American researchers is defined as any sexual experience between a child under 16 years old (according to some sources - up to 18 years old) and a person who is at least 5 years older than him. This type of violence is characterized either as the involvement of dependent, mentally and physiologically immature children and adolescents in sexual activities that violate the social taboos of family roles, which they still cannot fully understand and for which they are not able to give meaningful consent. Sexual abuse is seen as a variant of particularly cruel treatment of children.

Psychological abuse Emotional (psychological) abuse is a single or chronic mental impact on a child or his rejection by parents and other adults, as a result of which the child's emotional development, behavior and ability to socialize are impaired.

Psychological violence includes threats against a child, manifested in verbal form without the use of physical force; insult and humiliation of his dignity; open rejection and constant criticism; depriving the child of the necessary stimulation, ignoring his basic needs in a safe environment, parental love; making excessive demands on the child that do not correspond to his age or abilities; a single rough mental impact that caused mental trauma in a child; deliberate isolation of the child, deprivation of his social contacts; involvement of a child or encouragement for antisocial or destructive behavior (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.).

The causes of violence that lie within the family itself: material difficulties; the presence in the family of the unemployed; unresolved housing problem; alcoholism and drunkenness among family members; the presence of drug addicts in the family; incomplete family; stepfather or stepmother in the family; a child with a disability or health problems; unwanted child; difficult child; removal of many moral prohibitions; family conflicts; self-affirmation at the expense of the weak; the cult of cruelty propagated in society.

Children are the main gift for the world, With them the earthly picture is more wonderful. They understand everything, they take on everything The best human life is with them Often their hands are weak, inept, But there is no time for the guys to think about boredom. In the movements, worries, their time passes, Good luck comes to the diligent over the years. Dreams bloom in childhood, Adults often do not know about it. It is necessary to explain the rights to the kids, Much needs to be taught to them. The world will be better on our planet If all children are happy! Victor Pavlov

Violence The use of force or various kinds of threats against certain social actors or their property for the purpose of intimidation and coercion to certain actions

About 40% of all murders and serious bodily injuries in Russia occur in the family According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for 2007, every 2 minutes (!) In Russia, a husband beats his wife, and every hour a husband kills his wife According to the UN, in Russia annually ( !) dies at the hands of husbands and partners 14,000 women 75% of husbands hit their wife at least once

Fleeing from domestic violence, every year 50,000 children leave home, and 2,000 children commit suicide Every seventh woman in Russia is afraid of her husband, expecting a "sudden breakdown" from him 57% of women systematically experience violence in the form of insults, humiliation, bullying 30% women are forced to beg for money from their husbands for every little thing and account for purchases. About 70% of children in families where mother violence is practiced experience the same violence

Criteria of violence intentional action asymmetry of forces violation of human rights action that causes physical pain and mental suffering to the victim of violence


Types of violence Physical Psychological Economic Sexual Use of physical force or tools to harm another person Total control over another person Constant criticism Blackmail Insults Isolation of the victim Denial of livelihood Withholding of income Spending family money alone Self-management of most financial matters Forced sexual intercourse (rape ) Sexual Harassment Coercion

Stage 1 - Rise in Tension CYCLE OF VIOLENCE 1979 - Leonor Walker, Abused Woman

Stage 2 - Act of Violence CYCLE OF VIOLENCE

Stage 3 - "Honeymoon" CYCLE OF VIOLENCE





Level I Loss of a sense of security Feeling like a small child Desire to isolate oneself from the environment Feeling powerless anger VICTIMINIZATION (injuries)


Level II = secondary trauma questioning the idea that she is a victim of violence denying or reducing trials accusing the victim of violence refusing help indifference to domestic violence issues VICTIMINIZATION (injury)


Level III Thinking about yourself as doomed to violence Blaming yourself for everything Questioning any personal difficulties Creating a philosophy of life peculiar to the victim Not recognizing one's own rights VICTIMINIZATION

Alcoholism Drug addiction Physical defense Verbal defense Minimizing contact with the perpetrator Threats STRATEGIES OF VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE Escape Talking Promises

THE ROLE OF SOCIETY FAMILY PARTNER FRIENDS Dispelling stereotypes and prejudices related to domestic violence

Myth: Only drunk men beat their wives.

Fact: alcohol is not a cause of violence alcohol can only be a concomitant cause when the situation of violence already exists alcohol can also be a convenient excuse for violence some women convince themselves that this would never happen if the man was sober

Domestic violence is only typical for working-class families Myth:

The profession and business success of women do not affect the behavior of offenders. They beat women who make a brilliant career and housekeepers. The survey data showed that more than half of women have higher and incomplete higher education. Fact:

Probably, everything is not so bad, otherwise women would not stay with such men. Myth:

Ashamed to tell strangers about what happened Fear of judgment from others Some believe that children should grow up in a family where there are both parents Some women are afraid of being completely without money (economic dependence) Fear that the abuser will become more aggressive Nowhere to go (housing problems) Fact:

By their behavior, women themselves are asking to be beaten - they deserve to be beaten Myth:

No human being deserves to be beaten The abuser will always find an excuse for his actions - no matter how the victim behaved. Fact:

A slap does not seriously hurt Myth:

Even a single instance of violence brings pain and grief Remains a humiliating and insulting event in a person's life Becomes a serious psychological trauma Fact:


It believes that she will not believe - the woman can be confident that only she turned out to be in such a difficult situation and depending on the rapist disease, the loneliness of the faith in traditional values, such as the inviolability of marriage - at all costs you need to save the family why a woman STAYING WITH THE OFFENDER?


General Characteristics of Women Victims of Violence Low self-esteem; Adherence to traditional ideas about the family, the role of women in the family and society, "women's destiny"; Assigning responsibility for the actions of the offender; Feelings of guilt and denial of the feelings of anger they feel towards the offender;

General characteristics of women - victims of violence Pronounced reactions to stress and psychophysiological complaints; Belief that sexual relationships can stabilize the relationship as a whole; Feelings of helplessness and disbelief that someone can help them; Psychological dependence on a partner

Psychological characteristics of the rapist Low self-esteem; Low tolerance for frustration; Desire for power and control over another person; Emotional instability (inability to adequately cope with strong emotions); Possibility of alcohol or drug abuse; Presence of traumatic events in the past (I myself was a victim or witness of violence)

Consequences of domestic violence Self-confidence is destroyed Self-esteem decreases An irresponsible attitude towards one’s life develops, and in parallel, one takes responsibility (self-accusation) for the partner’s violent behavior, for his tendency to offensive, violent behavior

Consequences of domestic violence Anxiety develops A noogenic neurosis is formed (loss of the meaning of life) A realistic perception of the situation and the surrounding reality is lost A distorted “portrait” of the partner and a distorted perception of oneself and one’s feelings are formed Decisions regarding one’s actions, satisfaction of various needs are made depending on the partner’s reactions

Consequences of domestic violence Evaluation of the actions of others occurs in accordance with the assessments of the partner There is a desire to "save" the partner when he gets into an unpleasant or difficult situation, while there is often joyful excitement as an expectation of softening the relationship as a response to care (which in fact never not happening)

Consequences for children who have been subjected to male violence 1) immediately after the violence they experience a state of trauma; 2) the course of normal processes of child development changes; 3) they live in fear for themselves and their mothers and suffer from other stress-related problems; 4) violent men become their role models; 5) in later adult life may demonstrate a higher risk of problems such as physical and mental problems, chemical dependence, relationship problems, including violence and abuse of children, involvement in criminal activities. Materials from Barnett, Miller-Perrin, and Perrin's Lifetime Domestic Violence

first conversation police intervention first conversation with a specialist VICTIMS SAFETY PLAN family friends referral to a help center social worker assistance legal assistance police assistance medical assistance therapy self-help groups ongoing counseling HELP PLAN



Recommended literature Moskalenko V.D. Addiction: family disease - M.: PER SE, 2009 Savina E.A. Return of Kai - M.: Publishing House Adrus, 2006 Savina E.A. “I love him…” -M.: Adrus Publishing House, 2008 Johnson V. Method of persuasion. How to help a drug addict or alcoholic make a decision - M .: IOI, V. Sekachev, 2007 Beatty M. An alcoholic in the family, or Overcoming codependence - M., "Physical culture and sport", 1997 Smith W. Grandchildren of alcoholics: problems of interdependence in family - M., Education, 1991 Emelyanova E.V. Crisis in co-dependent relationships. Principles and algorithms of counseling. - St. Petersburg, Speech, 2004 Emelyanova E.V. How to communicate with a drunk husband. Practical advice to women - St. Petersburg, Rech, 2008 Emelyanova E.V. Women in trouble. The program of work with victims of domestic violence "The Dignity of Love" - ​​St. Petersburg. Speech, 2008

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Violence in the family: types, forms, consequences VIOLENCE is one of the most acute and widespread social problems. VIOLENT ACTIONS are committed on purpose and aimed at achieving a specific goal; cause harm (physical, moral, material) to another person; the rights and freedoms of this person are violated; make it impossible for victims to effectively protect themselves from violence (the one who commits violence, in most cases, has advantages) Scientific studies have established that: violence in one form or another is committed in every fourth Ukrainian family; every year about 2 million children under the age of 14 are beaten by their parents; for 10% of these children, the outcome is death, and for 2,000 suicide; more than 50,000 children leave home during the year to escape their parents, and 25,000 minors are wanted. in 2008, 1,914 children died from child abuse and 2,330 children were maimed; about 10,000 parents are deprived of their parental rights by the courts, and more than 2,500 children are taken away from their parents without such deprivation, since the presence of a child in a family poses a threat to his life and health. In 80% of cases, children end up in orphanages and orphanages because their parents fail to fulfill their direct duties of upbringing, which poses a real threat to their life and health. The main reason for child abuse is internal aggressiveness - an emotional state that occurs as a reaction to the experience of the insurmountability of some barriers or the inaccessibility of something desired. Types of child abuse in the family physical abuse; neglect; psychological abuse; sexual abuse. PHYSICAL ABUSE Physical abuse Physical abuse is the intentional infliction of injury and/or damage to a child that causes serious (requiring medical attention) impairment of physical, mental health, developmental delay. PHYSICAL VIOLENCE As well as the involvement of the child in the use of alcohol, drugs, toxic substances. Physical abuse of a child can be committed by parents, surrogates, or other adults. Most often this happens in families where: they are convinced that physical punishment is the method of choice for raising children; parents (or one of them) are alcoholics, drug addicts, substance abusers; parents (or one of them) have mental illness; disturbed emotional and psychological climate (frequent quarrels, scandals, lack of respect for each other); parents are under stress due to the death of loved ones, illness, job loss, economic crisis, etc. ; parents make excessive demands on children that do not correspond to their age and level of development; children have features: a history of prematurity, the presence of somatic or mental illness; they are hyperactive, restless. Physical violence manifests itself as: blows to the face; shaking, pushing; cracks, strangulations, kicks; confinement in a locked room where they are held by force; beating with a belt, ropes; mutilation with heavy objects, even with a knife. PSYCHOLOGICAL VIOLENCE PSYCHOLOGICAL (EMOTIONAL) VIOLENCE - constant or periodic verbal abuse of the child, threat from parents, guardians, teachers, humiliation of his human dignity, accusation of what he is not guilty of, demonstration of dislike, hatred for the child, constant lies, deceit child. Psychological violence includes: threats against a child, manifested in verbal form without the use of physical force; insult and humiliation of his dignity; open rejection and constant criticism; depriving the child of the necessary stimulation, ignoring his basic needs in a safe environment, parental love; making excessive demands on the child that do not correspond to his age or abilities; a single rough mental impact that caused mental trauma in a child; deliberate isolation of the child, deprivation of his social contacts; involvement of a child or encouragement for antisocial or destructive behavior (alcoholism, drug addiction, etc.). FEATURES OF CHILDREN UNDER PSYCHOLOGICAL (EMOTIONAL) VIOLENCE: mental retardation; inability to concentrate, poor academic performance; low self-esteem; emotional disturbances in the form of aggression, anger (often directed against oneself), depression; excessive need for attention; depression, suicide attempts; inability to communicate with peers (ingratiating behavior, excessive compliance or aggressiveness); lying, stealing, deviant (or "deviant", asocial) behavior; neuropsychiatric and psychosomatic diseases: neurosis, enuresis, tics, sleep disorders, appetite disorders, obesity, skin diseases, asthma, etc.). Features of the behavior of adults who commit emotional abuse: do not console the child when he needs it; publicly insult, scold, humiliate, ridicule the child; compared with other children not in his favor, constantly supercritical about him; blame him for all their failures, make a "scapegoat" out of the child, etc. Neglect Neglect of the child's basic needs (moral cruelty) is the absence on the part of parents or persons replacing them of elementary care for him, as well as dishonest fulfillment of the duties of raising a child, as a result of which his health and development are violated. Most often, the basic needs of children are neglected by parents or persons replacing them: alcoholics, drug addicts; persons with mental disorders; young parents who do not have the experience and skills of parenthood; with a low socio-economic standard of living; having chronic diseases, disability, mental retardation; survivors of childhood abuse; socially isolated. The consequences of child abuse in the family leaving in religious sects; associations in informal groups with a criminal and fascist orientation; aggressive, criminal behavior of children; children who run away from home die of hunger and cold, become victims of other children who have also run away from domestic violence, etc. SEXUAL VIOLENCE , porn business. Sexual violence most often occurs in families where: patriarchal-authoritarian way of life; poor relationship between the child and parents, especially with the mother; conflict relations between parents; the mother of the child is overly busy at work; the child lived for a long time without a father; instead of the natural father - the stepfather or the mother's cohabitant; the mother has a chronic illness or disability and spends a long time in the hospital; parents (or one of them) are alcoholics, drug addicts, substance abusers; parents (or one of them) have mental illness; the mother was sexually abused as a child, etc. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE is a repeating cycle of increasing frequency: physical, verbal, spiritual and economic abuse for the purpose of control, intimidation, instilling a sense of fear. Economic abuse: denial of child support, withholding income, spending family money, making most financial decisions on their own - this can manifest itself, for example, in the fact that the needs of the children or the wife are not taken into account when buying products, and as a result, children may not receive what they need. age food; the wife, when making purchases, must report with checks, etc. How is violence manifested? Intimidation and threats - instilling fear with a cry, gestures, facial expressions; threats of physical punishment by the police, a special school, God; manifestation of violence against animals; threats to abandon the child or take him away, deprive him of money, etc. 2. Isolation - constant monitoring of what a woman or child is doing, with whom they are friends, meet, talk; a ban on communication with loved ones, attending entertainment events, etc. 3. Physical punishment - beating, slapping, torture, pulling hair, pinching, etc. 4. Emotional (mental) violence - not only intimidation, threats, isolation, but also humiliation of self-esteem and honor, verbal abuse, rudeness; suggestion of the idea that the child is the worst, and the woman is a bad mother or wife, humiliation in the presence of other people; constant criticism of a child or a woman, etc. Causes of violence: - material difficulties; the presence in the family of the unemployed; unresolved housing problem; alcoholism and drunkenness among family members; the presence of drug addicts in the family; incomplete family; stepfather or stepmother in the family; a child with a disability or health problems; unwanted child; difficult child; removal of many moral prohibitions; family conflicts; self-affirmation at the expense of the weak; the cult of cruelty propagated in society. Consequences of domestic violence child learns violence; the child becomes anxious; the child is not sure that he is loved in the family; Where to go for help? Department of Family and Youth Affairs. Address: 70 Lenin Ave. tel. 54-17-92 2. Service for Children of the Ilyichevsk District Administration. Address: 193 Metallurgov Ave. Tel.: 47-30-53 3. Internal affairs bodies. Tel 102 4. Social service centers for families, children and youth. 5. - Mariupol city center of social services for families, children and youth. Address: bul. Khmelnitsky, 24-A. Tel.: 33-52-25 6. - Ilyichevsk regional center of social services for families, children and youth. Address: st. Karpinsky, 56. Tel.: 4731-03 7. - Primorsky regional center of social services for families, children and youth. Address: Builders Ave., 85-A. Tel.: 54-37-83. 8. - Ordzhonikidzevsky regional center of social services for families, children and youth. Address: Per. Riga, 40. Tel.: 24-71-51 9. - Zhovtnevy regional center of social services for families, children and youth. Address: bul. Khmelnitsky, 24-A. Tel.: 54-38-54 10. 5) Tel. Trust: 24-99-99/ 23-99-99 1.