Repairs Design Furniture

How to make wrenches. Universal Caid Wrench. Sizes of wrench keys

Not rarely when unscrewed nuts, one horn key bursts from a large load, and most often such a tool is sent straight to the landfill. I suggest to breathe a second life into a broken wrench. As you could have guess, for our homemade, we will need a spanned horn key with a broken horn.

For the manufacture we will need:

  • spanned horn key with a broken horn, the size of a 17 mm nut;
  • two M8 nuts;
  • two M8 bolts, a long 40 mm;
  • a piece of metallic plate with a thickness of 6 mm.


We cut off the remaining horn from our key and align the surface with the grinder.

Also cut off the edge of the key on both sides.

Now we take a piece of metal with a thickness of 6 mm, we apply to the key and measure the distance on which the holes drill.

Drills holes for our M8 bolts.

In the resulting workpiece, we saw the corners, twilight the chamfer and grind it.

We produce bolts into the holes, screw the nuts on them and we combine them with the landing propuls on the key.

Now weld the nuts into place, and gluate welding.

How to use the key

After simple manipulations, we received a good universal key. To use such a key is very simple.

We need to let go of the bolts and adjust the size of the bolt or nut. It is enough to press the clamping bar bolts from the hand and you can unscrew the nut.

Here is a useful tool can turn out of a broken key. Very good solution for those who want to give a second chance to wrenches.

Also providing a video for viewing the article.

Hello everyone expensive friends! Today we will make a very simple and effective adaptation, which is probably useful to people who are engaged in car repair, plumbing, carpentry work, etc. Such a thing may well come in handy in the usual homemade house.

This simple thing is a universal key that can unscrew anything. The key perfectly copes with any diameters of nuts and bolts, as well as it has an excellent coupling with any smooth surfaces, such as a tap pipe.
Compared to a universal gas key, this design has certain advantages. The gas key has only two planes of engagement, which in turn can deform the rejected part at a strong pressure. Our instrument has a "soft" girth due to contacting throughout the plane of the revealed part.
Test on a wooden log. On the left of our universal key, and right gas.

Also, this key due to the specificity of its design is endowed with the ability to work as a universal key with a "ratchet" mechanism: not letting scroll parts in the desired direction and easily move back to the opposite position.

To make such a versatile key you need only two details:

  • - Square metal profile 25x25 300 mm long.
  • - Motorcycle chain with a length of 500 mm.

Build a universal key

The assembly is incredibly simple and will take you along with the preparation of no more than 5 minutes.
All you need to do is trigger one end chain to a metal profile. Welding is better to produce on both sides of the chain.
This assembly is over. The universal key is ready to use.

Using a universal key

The second end of the chain will skip into the center of the profile and you have such a ring, which is just needed to wear on the item you want to turn away.

In this tool, the chain is taken on the break and the more the arm of the lever, the stronger will be the power of the chain girth.
The key gently gears both round items and faceted. For him, there is no special difference, whether it is a nut or tube.


Key test on a round tube:

Key trial on hex nut:

The result in all cases is simply excellent. Height engagement. Nothing turns.
Also, this miracle turns greatly turns away with plastic and polypropylene tubes, without significant deformations, which is so important when working with soft plastic.

This useful key will not take a lot of space in the car in the garage or at home. But it may be necessary for you to come in handy at the most right moment.
So friends, boldly make yourself your universal key. It is reasonable to look at the video manufacturing and testing of a universal key.

Every time I independently replaced the oil in my van, I had difficulty replacing the oil filter.
The reason is that to replace it, you need to unscrew the lid, from top to which the hex protrusion is similar to the nut. Unfortunately, I do not have a suitable end key, and I used a separate or cape key for these purposes, or a combination thereof. All complexity lies in the fact that in a limited space it is quite difficult to apply an effort sufficient to unscrew the lid.

Therefore, I decided to make a key intended for this task.

What do you need

  • - Welding machine for electric arc welding.
  • - angle grinder.
  • - Other tools (file, metal brush, hammer ...).
  • - A small metal plate with a thickness of 8 mm (probably it is also thinner, but not less than 5 mm).
  • - Metal pipes (diameter 20 and 25 mm, about 40 cm in length each).

Cutting a metal strip

The first thing to be done is to measure the length of the face of the hexagon for which the key must be made.

This size is multiplied by six (the number of edges), and we obtain the length of the metal strip that you need to cut off.

The plate should be wider than the height of the bolt, which you make a key (enough pairs of millimeters).

When everyone was measured, cut off the strip.

Then you need to make cuts along the lines, deepening on 2/3 of the thickness of the plate.

As a result, a metal strip should be obtained, a chocolate tile.

Giving a hexagon form

At this stage will work it will be more convenient if the metal will warm up. (I did not support a constant temperature and I could not get all the detail in one piece).

Hold the band in vice at the level of earlier deepening.

Hammer start protruding on top of the vice segment.

Check if the angle is suitable, having across it to the appropriate nut.

We repeat for each segment.

Since my stripe was cooled, with metal it became harder to work. This led to suprame over the third segment. In my case, it went to me for the benefit, since when I started to bend the fourth segment, it turned out that its length is not enough and need to run a little metal so that the nut normally approached. (I think that adding to each cut millimeter will help avoid the lack of the length of the inner face of the key).

So I got a detail consisting of two parts, on each three faces. (It is possible with such a work easier than with a one-piece detail, curved in the ring, as I planned to make it initially).

Check that the workpiece normally put on the nut. But not too tight. (If necessary, you can run part of the inner surface of the faces)

Welding hexagon form

Now it remains to cook the item in one. (In my case I used 2.5 mm welding electrode)

After that, you need to try the nut again, and if everything is suitable, you can fill the cuts with welding. (3.2 mm electrode).

We try to wear on the nut again, because the high temperature during welding can deform the metal.

(This time I additionally tried the workpiece to the six-sided protrusion on the filter ...)

After that, you can clean it all too much, making the form of the part more smooth.

Weld the cover

After grinding, place the part on the metal sheet, from which they did the strip, and circle her outlines on it.

I preferred the line to lead along the inside by adding a pair of millimeters around the edges. But you probably may want to circle a detail on the outside, on the contrary, removing the extra pair of millimeters.

Then weld the obtained top to the item made earlier. (Use 2.5 mm and 3.2 mm electrodes)

We again check whether everything is suitable.

Pipe welding

After grinding and rubbing the brush, I struck the black paint from the can.

Now everything is ready.


This end wrench has a rather clear purpose.
With it to change the oil filter is a pleasure.
But I think the way I made the tool can be applied to any other bolts and nuts that are in hard-to-reach places.
Method of manufacture is quite simple. The work does not take much time (I made it for 3 hours), and the key costs pretty cheap, even if all the materials you will buy in the store. I think that after this project, in the future I will make such instruments anymore.
I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for attention!

Posted in the header "Universal Wrench" and Cool doubted. What this is the key when it comes to the most real almighty reservoir-twist, which can be made in a couple of minutes from the old and none of an unnecessary cycling chain. Having such a homemade device, you can no longer google and do not yandex something like "buy universal wrench". You have a truly almighty tool at your hands if you take a rusty chain in your hands and decide to make quite a bit effort.

So, let's go. First we will tell how this adaptation is done, and then on several examples show how it can turn the mountains.

Making a universal wrench: a minimum of words and a maximum photo

For the manufacture of this fantastically simple tool, you will need:

  • unnecessary bicycle chain;
  • wooden bar of such a thickness that allows you to freely grab his hand;
  • a rather long screw with a nut;
  • drill with a diameter corresponding to the sizes of the screw.

From the wooden bar, I refue a piece of length, slightly superior to the width of the palm.

Gently cut off the die out.

In 2-3 cm from the edge, we plan space for fastening the chain.

We select the drill with a diameter corresponding to the size of the screw.

Serve the through hole in which the screw freely enters and insert it there. Then we take the chain from which our wrench wrench will be manufactured, and we find a collapsible link in it, allowing you to break it down.

Sille remove the stopping lining, disassemble the collapsible link, and then reveal the chain.

One of the extreme links of the opened circuit is put on the screw tail.

The link is fixed using the nut, which is then purely clamp.

And here is our universal wrench to buy which we just intended, ready. Now let's see how our miracle tool works and how to use it.

How to use a universal wrench and that it can

The magnitude of the gripping of the homemade key can be chosen by throwing the chain link on the tail of the screw, which provides the desired size of the grip loop.

So the loop turned out quite large.

If for the tail of the screw to hook another link, then the loop can be smaller.

As for the possibilities, they are practically endless for our tool. For example, they can easily open a resting plug of plastic bottle.

Our key can be absolutely free to ride a completely round old man-haired old man.

The versatile wrench made in this way will allow you to twist the rusty bolt of any size.

To reveal our tool, it would seem that the bunched head of the old crane.

So, we see that an easily manufactured universal wrench is practically implicated. Like such thing? Want to raise us praise for the fact that we reminded you about the existence of a long enough famous self-catering or this tool seems unnecessary to you and you have a desire to scold us? Write about your impressions, and your opinion will be perpetuated on the Internet.

To unscrew or spin the nut, bolt, coupling, crane head, etc. A wrench is used. Any master who performs men's home or is dealing with technology, at least once in his life came across this tool.

Size of wrench keys

Any device has its own parameters and characteristics. There are generally accepted standard Dimensions spanic keys. To determine the size of the key drawn attention to the lumen, which is formed by the real lines. it zev tool. The handle of any wrench contains digital Designation. This is the number of millimeters, which determines the distance between sponges. The wrenches of the wrench keys are fluctuated from the smallest (2.5x3.2) and to the largest (75x80 mm). These are GOST indicators that cannot be violated under any circumstances. Specified and others requirements for wrenches. Any manufactured tool must have installed hardness and strength. A special calculation of the limit deviations of the nominal size of the zea; The protective and decorative key cover is taken into account; The marking of the trademark is made, etc.

Sizes of wrench keys

Varieties of wrench keys

Now we will deal with what are spanners. The keys are more applicable, which contains two oz. His second name is Two-barrel key. If you need to unscrew the parts with a distance of 19 or 22 mm between the polar faces, then you need to use the keys with the handle, where there is a designation 19 and 22. It happens that in the force majeure situation is not always at hand there is a tool of the desired size. In this case, the key is suitable for size. When applying inappropriate tool, use scolding or knife and put them into an empty space.

So, what are spanners. Firstly, divorced. These are horn keys whose size can vary. Secondly, compound. Their composition includes a hollow socket, the nozzle of the end structure and the handle, long or short. there is specific profile keys. This is unusual wrench. There are hexagon, Bristol and star-shaped keys designed to work with computer and cycling equipment, with twisting parts in hard-to-reach places, which borders almost with jewelry.

Choose a wrench

how select wrenchSo that he meets all the requirements? A variety of keys demonstrates that for each need there are varieties of wrench keys. It is necessary to proceed from the purpose of its acquisition and the complexity of the task you are in front of it. Material for the manufacture of modern keys is special tool Steel.which consists of chromium and vanadium. Therefore, when refer to the material, it is usually said that wearing wrenches are available. chrome.

There is a unique thing that can solve all the problems with one felling and save you from the need to break your head over what key to choose. there is universal A wrench that contains all the keys taken together. He is under the power of nuts of any sizes with different shapes of the head. It does not slide on a smooth surface due to its powerful tooth, which is its explicit advantage.

There is also electricthe wrench whose name speaks for itself. This tool works on batteries and battery. So each master itself decides which wrenches are better for him.

Electric wrench

The price policy of the keys is very diverse. As a rule, on the wrenches price Ring from 21 rubles to 415, depending on the manufacturer's company and the multifunctionality of the technical characteristics. It will cost cheaper one-sided key Open zev is from 3.2 to 85 mm. When buying, it is also worth remembering a long handle that limits the amplitude of the key movement in turns. If one of the lips are shortened, then, accordingly, the radius of the key will increase. In this case, it is possible to wear the key on the side of the nut. If the handle is artificially increasing, then the accompanying force will increase, and the sponge of the oz will be divorced or stayed at all. A sledgehammer can put them in place in the event of breeding, but the material will not be so durable as before. If you have a key made by Steel 40x or 40HF, then there is an option to harden the sponge.

There is another way, how to renovateworn or dried zev. Through the boiling of the metal layer, the volume of the mouth is corrected using an abrasive tool. If the open zev is more than 24 mm, then this option to restore the key will be more efficient. Life time Wrench keys range from year to three. When they talk about the durability of use, always mention ring keys. It can not be distributed, but it is extended. There are restrictions on the operation of this type of key. It can be used if you wear on the nuts, but it will not be able to use it for unscrewing, for example, catch nuts of flexible hoses. For plumbing works, ring keys are used to unscrew or wrap the valves, cast iron siphons, etc. The advantage of this key has a hex or twelve-marginal zev, which allows you to more intensively perform work.

Ring wrench

Make a wrench with your own hands

There is a natural question as make a wrench Without the help of a specialist. For those who decided to personally make themselves this tool, there are small tips. It is worth starting to make a wrench with the manufacture of a one-way or bilateral key. Use the sample of the ready-made similar product. Make drawingspanner, based on which you will make your tool.

First do it bootfrom the sheet of steel with an overall size of 2-3 mm than the outer size of the key sides. There are difficulties with thick blanks. With the help of the hacksaw it does not cut. And use the gas burner is contraindicated. It is best to put in the course of blacksmith. This is done through the flattening of the steel rod.

After the workpiece is, we start to apply markup. If the workpiece has uneven sides, it is better to fill them, remove scale. Then need apply painton treated top. You can apply quick-dry paint or varnish. The imposition of the sample occurs after the painting is dry. It is best to use some press so that the sample does not move during outlined. Steel sharpened wire will perform. After separating the sample and the workpiece, you need to bring final risks after 1-2 mm from the already applied, then put them on. I first set the core with the slope at risk, and when applying a blow, straighten with a hammer. By the distance between the pits in Zev should be 3-4 mm.

Well, in conclusion you need take upproduction. At home this can be done using gas. If you use a blacksmith mining or special oven, it will be perfect. To remove the key uses ticks, lowering one side of the key into the water. After that, you need to remove and omit to the full darkening of the sponges. Then we cool them in water. The opposite side of the key must be processed in the same way. This is the technology of manufacturing a wrench.

Production of a wrench