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Who invented the electric chair profession. What a man feels with execution on an electric chair. Reasonable people executed on an electric chair

The execution on an electric chair was recently considered one of the most humane ways to kill criminals. However, over the years of application, it turned out that such a type of execution is by no means completely painless, and on the contrary, a terrible torment may cause convicted. What can happen to a person who fell on an electric chair?

The criminals began to execute on an electric chair at the end of the XIX century, when supporters of the "progressive" society decided that the previously existing treasures, such as burning in the fire, hanging and beheading, inhuman. From their point of view, the criminal should not additionally suffer in the execution of the execution: after all, he also takes the most expensive - life.

It is believed that the first model of an electric chair was invented in 1888 by Harold Brown, who worked at Thomas Edison. According to other data, the inventor of the electric chair was the dentist Albert Southwick.

The essence of the execution is as follows. The convict shave the head of the top and the back of the leg of the leg. Then the torso and hands firmly bind belts to the chair made of dielectric, with a high back and armrests. Legs are fixed using special clamps. At first, the criminals tied their eyes, then began to wear a hood on the head, and recently - a special mask. One electrode is attached to the head on which the helmet is worn, the other to the leg. The executioner includes a switter button that passes through the body alternating current by force to 5 amps and voltage from 1,700 to 2400 volts. Usually execution takes about two minutes. Two discharge are served, each is turned on by one minute, the break between them is 10 seconds. Death, which should come from a heart stop, is mandatory records the doctor.

For the first time, this execution method was applied on August 6, 1890 in the American State of the American State of New York to William Cammler, sentenced to killing his mistress Tilly Zaigler.

Until now, more than 4 thousand people were executed so far in the United States. Also, a similar type of execution was used in the Philippines. On an electric chair, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who worked for Soviet intelligence graduated from the electric chair.

"Lzhegumanny" procedure

It was assumed that when passing through the body of an electric current, a person will die immediately. But it happened not always. Often, eyewitnesses had to be observed as people planted on an electric chair were fought in convulsions, they had a tongue, they had a foam, blood, her eyes got out of his eyes, an involuntary emptying of the intestines and a bladder occurred. Some during the execution published piercing shouts ... Almost always after the category of discharge from the skin and hair of the convict began to go easy smack. Cases were also recorded when a person sitting on an electric chair light up and exploded the head. Quite often, the burnt leather "stuck" to belts and seats. The bodies of the executed were, as a rule, so hot, that it was impossible to touch them, and in the room there was still a "aroma" of the magnificent human flesh for a long time.

In one of the protocols, an episode is described when for 15 seconds for the convicted person, a discharge of 2450 volts was influenced, but after a quarter of an hour after the procedure he was still alive. As a result, the execution had to repeat even three times, until the criminal was finally died. The last time he even melted eyeballs.

In 1985, in the state of Indiana William Vandaver, at five times later shock. To kill it, it took as many as 17 minutes.

According to experts, with the effects of such high voltage, the human body, including the brain and other internal organs, literally roasted alive. Even if death comes quickly enough, at least a person feels the strongest muscular spasm in the whole body, as well as sharp pain in the places of contact with the skin of the electrodes. After that, the loss of consciousness usually occurs. Here are the memories of one of the survivors: "In the mouth was the taste of cold peanut butter. I felt my head and left foot burn, so I tried to break out of the way. " 17-year-old Willie Francis, destroyed on an electric chair in 1947, shouted: "Turn off! Let me breathe! "

Repeated execution became painful as a result of various failures and problems. So, on May 4, 1990, when the criminal of Jessa D. Tofero executed, the synthetic gasket under his helmet occurred, and the convicts received burns of the third-fourth degree. Similar happened on March 25, 1997 with Pedro Medina. In both cases, I had to include a current several times. In total, the execution procedure took 6-7 minutes, so that it could not be called fast and painless.

The big resonance caused a story with the killer of the whole family of Allen Lee Davis, who, before execution, stuck with a leather ribbon not only mouth (instead of a swing), but also the nose. As a result, he suffered.

Chair or injection?

Over time, it became clear that the "humane" execution in fact often is an agonizing torture, and its use was limited. True, someone believes that the matter is not at all in humanity, but in the high cost of the procedure.

Currently, the execution on the electric chair is applied only in six American states - Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. Moreover, the convict is offered to choose - an electric chair or deadly injection. The last time the aforementioned measure was applied on January 16, 2013 in Virginia to Robert Gliscon, who specially killed two of his cellmates, so that a life sentence would be replaced by a death sentence.

In addition, the United States operates in the USA: if after the third discharge it survives, he gets a pardon: they say, it means that the will of God ...

And who came up with this humane tool of death

Electric chair invented Thomas Edison. He is the author of numerous essential inventions: During the life of Edison, the Patent Bureau in the United States gave him 1093 patent to things such as, for example, an electric meter of vote in elections (1868), coal telephone membrane (1870), an incandescent lamp with coal thread (1879 ) etc. However, here we will talk about its electric chair, patented in 1890.

What is it? We often saw American films, where the prisoner sentenced to the death penalty through an electric chair, but did we think about how this hello car works?

The electrical chair is a dielectric chair (that is, non-conductive) material with armrests and a high back, equipped with straps for rigid fixation of the sentence. The hands of the sentence are attached to armrests, legs in special clips of the legs. Also to the chair attached a special helmet. Electrical contacts are connected to the fastening places of the ankles and to the slope. The technical support includes a boost transformer. During the execution of execution, alternating current with a voltage of about 2700 V.

The chair is equipped with two choppers, which are turned on at the same time different executioners, and in reality the current includes only one of them. Such an order is used to ensure that no one, including the performers themselves, can not know who actually carried out the execution (apparently, it contributed to to save the sentences of the sentence from conscience remorse).

By the way, in some states there is a decree that if a person withstands in a row three sessions of "electrotherapy", he is released on the will. Do not believe, but there were such, although, of course, the overwhelming majority of sentences were dying after the first inclusion.

The electric chair was introduced from August 6, 1890 as a humane means of execution, which makes it possible to cease the criminal, without causing it unnecessary suffering. Those who wish for this kind of execution claim that it is painless, however, agree, it is difficult to check it into it.

Currently, the electric chair is applied in the six states - in Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia on the choice of a convicted along with mortal injection.

Electric chair

The electric shock is not so cruel as a sword and guillotine, but it generates a feeling of painful uncertainty regarding the moment of death. Photo "Sigma".

The expansion of the industrial use of electricity in the XIX century itself should lead to the idea that the power of electricity provides new, "progressive" possibilities of killing.

The first electric fiber generator was demonstrated in New York in 1882. After eight years, in 1890, electricity has already made the first steps as a legitimate technical means of execution.

"Electric chair" is one of the most controversial tools for killing, causing doubts even among the supporters of the death penalty, it appeared as a result of the economic and industrial war between two competing companies, defending the superiority of different types of current: variable and permanent.

The building of the Saint-Quentin prison, in which the electrical chair is located. American Archive of the Punishment Department. Count Society.

It all started in 1882 in New York when the inventor of the electric light bulb and phonograph Thomas Edison opened his first power plant for Pearl Street, which was to cover the commercial and financial center of the city.

Four years later, in March 1886, Engineer George Westingauz, the inventor of pneumothorming, boring several patents, based on its electrical company. It will illuminate the whole city of Great Barrington.

From this, the opposition began two technological concepts ... Thomas Edison produces and supplies permanent current, and George Westinguz is a variable, which leads to an irreconcilable rivalry of the two largest scientists of our era.

Soon, the use of alternating current George Westingaus was recognized more efficient and - the main thing - more profitable compared to the constant current of Thomas Edison. And the rates are high: the maintenance of the residential and industrial sectors of the entire American continent.

Gradually, Thomas Edison begins to take positions on the market, many of its technical and trading specialists go to the company of a competitor. Edison, customized by the shareholders, decides to act and turns a large campaign in the press on the discredit of alternating current, representing it extremely dangerous. The calculation of Edison is simple: inspiring readers, as if alternating current is associated with fatal risk, push them to the use of direct current for homework.

Perturbation of the population

To bring Edison, a certain Harold Brown - the actual inventor of an electric chair (1888) - writes a long article in the "New York Ivning Post" on the hazards of AC, in which entrepreneurs accuses and industrialists are that they put their own financial interests above the safety consumers. George Westinguz answers him through the newspaper, he refutes the prosecuted, resting that Harold Brown does not have technical qualifications to make such applications. Defending his rightness, Harold Brown openly enters cooperation with Thomas Edison and uses his laboratories for test series. He even takes a trip around the country with a peculiar representation, in which dogs, cats, monkeys and even horses are sacrificed with electric motors in front of representatives of local authorities, journalists and entrepreneurs. In an effort to prove that the constant electric current of Thomas Edison is more suitable for use at home and in industry, it demonstrates the number: animals that survive with a load of 1000 volts of DC, getting less than 300 volts of alternating current, die.

Outopcia showed that the brain of the executed resembles the "burnt cupcake." Engraving. Private count

Harold Brown finished a trip to the state of Colombia by a national press conference, where he invited not only journalists from all over the country, but also a huge number of professional electricians: in front of the crowd, he executed a dog weighing 38 kg, demonstrating in such a way as he thought the danger of alternating Current, and solemnly stated: "Alternating current is suitable only for the destruction of dogs in receivers and livestock on the slaughterhouse." Finally, he let go of a dubious joke, adding: "Or for the execution of sentenced to death."

Chronicle of killing by electric shock

Electric current damage theoretically proceeds as a continuous automatic cycle for two minutes. When the executioner serves a current of 1900-2500 volts - depending on the model of the stool used, it hits the copper wires of the helmet contact plate, from which the convicted should instantly lose consciousness and no longer feel pain.

The two-minute cycle is divided into 8 consecutive series of 5 and 25 seconds.

- The strength of the current ranges from 5 to 15 amps. When the device turns on, usually condemned sharply twitching forward, and do not be reliably fastened with belts to the chair, it would drop it a few meters.

- According to numerous stories of direct witnesses, during the first cycle, losing consciousness, condemned completely loses control over muscle activity. It urins and defecates. Often blues and contacts my tongue.

- During the second cycle, he from the nose, bubble, blood flows.

- From the third to the fifth cycle, the body temperature increases above 100 degrees, the skin acquires a purple shade. There is fibrillation and palsy of the respiratory tract.

- In the seventh and eighth cycles "burns" the blood system of the brain, and often eyes get out of orbit. The head of the head becomes black in bright pink convection.

For the execution of the sentenced to sew a suit to order. As a linen, there are dense cereals from cotton knitwear with rubber bands on the waist and hips and absorbent gasket.

Persons present on execution:

- The director of the prison, which gives the order to "let go of the current";

- the officer responsible for execution, who, together with two-three guards, prepares the convicted and seats him into the chair;

- Electric, which connects cables and electrodes and monitors the technical side of the execution;

- a doctor who states the death of the convict;

- the executioner appointed by the court, which holds the execution, hiding from prying eyes;

- officials, including the representative of the state governor;

- accredited journalists and lawyers of the convict;

- Persons specified by the convicted personselm.

Witnesses of execution distribute brochures in which the calculation procedure is described in detail.

Official witnesses and journalists throughout the procedure are obliged to keep silence. They are located in a glazed room. Thanks to the speaker system, the invited hear everything happens around the electric chair.

The direct telephone line is set between the Cabinet of the state and the room, where the chair is under the case, if a deferment decision is made at the last minute.

Among the most famous executed on electric chairs: Sacco and Vanzetti (1927); Bruno Huputmann (1935), who kidnapped the child of the famous American Aviator Lindberg; Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (1953) accused of espionage.

The execution of Liz Place, the first woman, executed current in 1899 in the state of New York. Private count

Historical reference

In November 1990, 2151 convicted in the United States expected executions, 600 of them - on an electric chair.

On an electric chair, a large number of minors were executed. The latter execution of the adolescent took place on October 10, 1984 in South Carolina.

Of the 28 minors who stayed in 1989 in the "Corridor of Death", 11 were sentenced to an electric chair.

The record according to the number of convicts, waiting for an electric shock, belongs to Florida: 315 people as of July 1992, 35% of them black. Then Pennsylvania is 113 convicts, Georgia -105, Tennessee - 69 and Virginia - 38.

Two electrical stools, which over the past sixty years most often sat down convicts, are in Raidswick prison (Georgia, 300 executions) and Raiford (Florida, 196 executions).

Many electric chairs used in the US were equipped with Westinguz firm, others - local electricians and one - prisoners themselves.

The newspaper Miami Gerald published the data confirmed by the Administration in 1988, according to which 57 million dollars were spent on the execution of electric stake in Florida. This figure includes the costs of staying bonuses in prison, the costs of appeal procedures. The total amount of state costs per sensed to the electric chair was estimated at $ 3.17 million, which is six times the cost of a forty-year prison sentence.

In such a study regarding convicted in Tennessee, a figure of $ 3-5 million for each sentenced. In the state of New York, in 1982 published the results of the study, according to which, on average, the criminal proceedings accompanied by an appeal procedure costs about $ 1.8 million, that is, two times more than the lifelong content of the person.

The electric chair himself cost thirty thousand dollars in 1966.

The dramatic meaning of the "performances" Harold Brown did not slip away from the New York state legislators group, where over the invention is more humane than hanging, the execution of the Special Commission created by the governor. Recently, several very violent executions took place, which caused the perturbation of the wide masses. In particular, the unsuccessful hanging of one convict: his spine remained intact, and the person rummed on the rope twenty minutes, being in a clear consciousness, and died, choking saliva. In addition, in print, accidents were often reported when an ambulance was defended without explicit injuries from shocking.

In 1881, the death of Samyul Smith from Buffalo (New York) was widely covered in the press, his death was described by an emergency and painless, and it fell into the minds of many figures that it was a blow to an electric shock.

From 1883 to 1888, about 250 accidents with fatal exodus were registered due to electric shock.

First electric chair

Yellow Abolitionist Thomas Edison hoped to destroy a competitor, testifying to the commission that death from impact electric shock comes quickly and painlessly. Provided, of course, there will be an alternating current of the Westing.

Perhaps electricity will finally make the death penalty technically and impeccable from the point of view of humanity. The operating system of DC Edison is going to apply a decisive blow. It brings out of the Thailand half a dozen orangutans, big monkeys with a person with an increase that is killed by alternating current into the ignition legislators. This ominous ceremony, as they say, prompted them closer to get acquainted with the "wonderful world of electricity." The surveyed doctors express favorably, arguing that electric shock will lead to instant death due to heart stop and paralysis of the breathing apparatus. The US Supreme Court conducts a discussion and concludes that this type of execution does not contradict eight amendments of the Constitution prohibiting "cruel and inhuman punishments."

On June 4, 1889, in the state of New York we offer the killing of electric shock by charging the state forensic service to resolve technical details. Soon, naturally, Harold Brown is called. It renews a series of animal tests in Edison's laboratories and concludes that the execution should be conducted at 300 volts current within 15 seconds.

The first discharge is the most powerful one, then the voltage is gradually reduced, and at the end again increase to the maximum.

Harold Brown designed the first electric chair in history. Dr. George Fell from Buffalo helps him. Harold Brown and Thomas Edison considered their goal achieved: the alternating current of the Westingau will be known as the "Current for execution", the "current inevitable death".

George Westinguz sues the lawsuit on the scientific validity of Harold Brown tests, stressing that this officer Edison pursues one goal: scare the public, convincing it that the alternating current is dangerous in home everyday.

Despite the lack of a single opinion, by a decree, signed by the head of the administration of correctional institutions, Harrold Brown is allowed to establish its electric chair in a state prison oven. He is determined to do everything that the chair was associated with the name of the rival, and makes an attempt to buy three powerful generators in the Westingaus company. As you can guess, there it is denied him. Thomas Edison comes into account again and agrees with Thomson Hauston Electric about the acquisition for him through the Boston Merchant used electrical devices of the above-mentioned generators.

Authorities for sale

In the People's Republic of China, the government has found a way to extract profits from crimes: sentenced to death serve as a "bodies" for transplants.

At the beginning of the eighties, China's responsible persons decided that the executive bodies can be used as a source of foreign exchange income. Thus, the Chinese with the mediation of doctors working in Hong Kong, which they supply them western customers have become famous in the field of kidney transplant.

One responsible person of China, whose words in June 1991 published the Puen magazine, called the figure in 1000 transplants per year since 1990. And this is only the kidney data. The number of transplants of other organs is not known, but it is certainly about very significant figures.

Considering that in China, about a thousand official executions occurs every year (in reality, much more), it becomes clear why Chinese officials note with satisfaction, "that China is the only country in the world that has excess organs."

The execution of the order was left by one step that the Chinese authorities may have already done, if we take into account the booklet spread in Hong Kong, the price / quality of Nanjing Communist hospitals: "A trip to both ends, hospitalization, transplantation and the cost of the kidney - 76,000 Franks. " "The kidney is taken from the living donor," clarifies the brochure. In 1992, the Minister of Justice of Taiwan Liu Yu Ven stated that all sentenced to death in his country should voluntarily give their bodies to the state.

The first criminal chosen for the opposite of the "modern method" of execution - or for the "induction of electric current into the body", if you follow the official wording, the name of Francis Cammeter was called. He was sentenced to death for having shut a man with an ax. George Westinguz hires him the lawyers who serve the appeal to the Supreme Court, arguing that electric shock is an anti-constitutional, cruel and inhuman.

A court hearing is scheduled, where Harold Brown and Thomas Edison are called, who once again confirm that death from alternating current comes quickly and painlessly. Both swear that their position has nothing to do with financial interests. Francis Cammeler's lawyers refuse appeals.

On April 6, 1890, Francis Cammeler introduced a prison embankment into the room. It was 6 hours 30 minutes. He was shaved and stripped to panties. "Do not hurry and do everything well," he says the prison director. A few minutes later, he asks that the electrode attached to the helmet climbed the stronger.

At his execution there were about forty people, half of the invited were doctors and physicists.

The public, affected, but curious, was about twenty minutes to inspect the execution tool before introduced by the convicted person.

Francis Cammeler's penalty - the first executed on an electric chair. 1890 The execution of the execution of 17 minutes and caused a wave of protests worldwide. Engraving. Private count

The room is behind the glass where the witnesses and journalists are followed by execution. Archive of the management of the execution of the state of Louisin. Count Society.

Judicial errors

Many famous mathematicians of the XIX century, including Laplace, Kurto and Poisson, tried to determine the likelihood of erroneous and reasonable sentences on the basis of probability theory. So, Poisson thoroughly analyzed the French criminal procedure. If you believe the famous scientist, the mathematical probability of a judicial error in France is 1 case by 257 sentences to the highest punishment. Professors Hugo Bedo and Michael Radel proved that in the XX century in the USA 349 innocent were convicted of crimes punishable by the death penalty. 23 of them were executed. These data take into account only those cases when a true killer was found and the judicial authorities recognized their mistake.

The American Association of Fighters for Civil Freedoms speaks of 25 cases.

It was a wide and heavy wooden chair, followed by a control panel with three huge levers.

Two thick four-meter electrical wires stretched from the panel, which were connected to pre-moistened electrodes.

The convict was tied to the chair, a metal hard hat was put on his head. The electrode attached to the helmet. The second electrode is long and flat - the belt was pressed to the back. The last time I checked everything, gave the first discharge of 300 volts, which lasts 17 seconds. Having received a blow, Cemmaler began to fight in convulsions, hardly tipping the chair. Officials noted that the chair would continue to be attached to the floor.

Cemmaler was still alive. Then they gave the second category. The body of the convict blushed and start charred, the emitting strong smell and yellowish smoke, which tribosed the tribune of witnesses. After three minutes, the current turned off.

Oh God! It seemed that a man was still alive. Again the current, as a result, a tiny blue light was noticed on his back up and down. "

Finally, the convicted died. An autopsy showed that the brain of executed became similar to the "burnt cupcake", the blood in the head curled and blaked, and the back was completely charred. Both doctors officially stated that the convict did not suffer.

Part of the American society applauded the new invention as "step forward to the highest civilization" and "Triumph of Science and Humanism over barbarism and atrocity." Others were outraged by reading terrifying stories in the press. When one serious morning newspaper enthusiasm his article "Cammeler Wrestnghausned", Thomas Edison thought that his victory was not far off.

The forensic medical commission and state deputies were in a very difficult position after the unsuccessful execution of Kemmel. From Harold Brown and Thomas Edison demanded to improve the technical aspect of subsequent executions.

The electrodes first fastened to the head and back, then to the head and the calf muscle. At the suggestion of Thomas Edison tried to attach them to the palms. Seven treated treasures were terrible. Some convicts who could not execute immediately died, only when the location of the electrodes changed, returning to the "head of the head".

Execution of minor criminals

In the 80s of the 20th century, minor criminals were executed in eight countries: Bangladesh, Barbados, Iraq, Iran, Nigeria, Rwanda, Pakistan and the USA. In the 90s, 72 countries had particularly stipulated in the legislation that a criminal sentence could not be submitted to the criminal.

In the period between 1974 and 1991, 92 minor criminal, including 4 girls, were sentenced to the United States to the highest punishment.

In 1989, the US Supreme Court issued a decree, according to which the Constitution does not contradict the execute of sixteen-year-old criminals.

Of the 37 US states, in the legislation of which the death penalty is provided, in 26 it is applicable to criminals under 18: Idaho, Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Washington, Wyoming, Vermont, Virginia, South Dakota, Delaware, Georgia, Indiana, North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Florida.

Of the 26 states in which the death penalty is applicable to minors, ELL has no clearly defined age qualification: Idaho, Arizona, Vermont, Washington, Wyoming, South Dakota, Delaware, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Florida. In 15 lower age limit less than 18 years:

- Montana: 12 years old.

- Mississippi: 13 years old.

- Alabama, Missouri, Utah: 14 years old.

- Arkansas, Louisiana, Virginia: 15 years.

- Indiana, Kentucky, Nevada: 16 years old.

- North Carolina, Georgia, New Hampshire, Texas: 17 years old.

According to the results of the study of Professor Viktor Straibe from the University of Cleveland, in the period from 1600 to 1991, 286 minors criminals, including 9 girls, were legally executed in the United States for crimes committed in a minor age. Twelve from them at the time of the crime was less than 14 years old, Troim turned 12, one - 10 years. Most of juvenile executed in the 20th century - 190 of 286 executions passed after 1905.

The youngest executed in the 20th century became the Thoune Ferguson, which was heated in 1927 at the age of 16 for rape committed by him at the age of 13.

Two sixteen years of suicide bumps. USA. 1959 Photo "Kexton".

The first woman executed by electric shock

The first woman executed by electric shock was called Liz Place. She was killed in 1899 in the state of New York for the murder of Snohy and her husband. About the method of execution sentenced to warned a few hours before execution and transported it to the Sing-Sing jail in a men's prison, at that time the only one in the state where an electric chair had.

The press reported that the victim demonstrated the highest degree of mental courage. She sat down on an electric chair without hesitation and allowed himself to tie himself, without exploring a single word. But this time the penalty was not at the proper level. As wrote in the press, "she did not died from the first discharge at 1700 volts, although he lasted forty seconds." Witnesses have seen, as between the first and second discharge, her lips moved: she prayed. The spectacle was so terrifying that the confessor could not bear it and turned away. After the second discharge from the chair, finally removed the blackened, half charred body. The electrodes are added to the body, after the second discharge began to "roast" the head. The journalist concluded: "The last word in the improvement of the execution process is not yet indicated, since death comes by no means instantly, as it wanted."

Indeed, like all the new items, the killing of electric shock represented some problems requiring "refinement".

According to many, these problems did not disappear to this day. But, despite the unreliability of this method of execution, electric shock has become applied increasingly. In 1906, more than a hundred criminals sat on the chair, which by that time was awarded the many nicknames that are still used in the criminal world.

Aboliusists, whose outrage over the years increased, was answered that since 1905, about 500 random electric shocks occurred in the country and that unfortunately died absolutely painlessly. Since the first execution of the current, which was held in 1890, each subsequent becomes a reason for long and serious disputes among specialists.

What is the "perfect tension" in reality? 1350 volts at the beginning of the execution look low enough. So how many: 1750? 1900? 2000? 2500? What are the limits of the current oscillations: 7.5-10 amps, 15 or 20? Do I need to take into account the weight of the convict? Heart size? Health status?

Today, medicine admits that some individuals are better tolerated the blow to the current. In the period between world wars, it existed that these are people of small growth, anemic and almost wonderful. It was even considered that they should not be neglected by such factors as the ambient temperature and the last meal menu.

The execution in 1933 Zangara, the killer of the mayor of Chicago. Count Society.

It is easier for a person to kill the current when the discharge is 10,000 or 20,000 volts through the body, from 50 to 100 amps. Then he will die instantly, but the corpse will be so disfigured that there will remain little from him. However, Jewish-Christian morality requires respect for the body, and justice - at least minimal decency, and the difficulty was to find a voltage capable of killing at once without causing visible injuries. Despite the existing technical problems, the Americans at the beginning of the 20th century were generally quite satisfied with the incomparable scientific achievement, which was an electric shock. They so praised his advantages that many countries sent competent observers in the United States. Thus, in 1905, Kaiser Wilhelm II sent a famous cryminologist Boris Fressing in the United States so that he would join the execution of execution and expressed his opinion on the introduction of this method of killing in German Criminal Code.

Boris Fressandala New execution method did not attract. He wrote: "Electric current defeat is not as cruel as a sword and guillotine that we use, but this method can be submitted one serious reproach - uncertainty, painful uncertainty, relative to the exact moment of death. Is it really coming or is it just visibility? How long is the time between the flow of current and the loss of consciousness? ". In its conclusion, he categorically rejects the introduction of this method in Germany, motivating this by technical imperfection of execution.

In 1950, the British Royal Commission, which conducted a study of the methods of death, made a similar conclusion. Recall that in many US states from this method, out of twenty-three states, who used it in 1967, only fourteen remained by the end of the 20th century, in others they preferred to execute hanging, gas chamber or execution, and since 1977 - through deadly Injection.

Only the Philippines and Taiwan have used an electric chair for some time, but then returned to the shooting.

During the XX century, many terrible evidence of executions on an electric chair have accumulated. Kurt Ross, referring to the testimony of Congressman and Senator Emmanuel Teller, describes one failed execution, which took place in 1926. On an electric chair executed a woman named Jude. "Tumbler turned on, went current. The woman arched on a chair, but did not lose consciousness. The body threw out of the side to the side ... The Ball changed the power of the current and gave a discharge again. The discharge was held through the body of the convicted person, but it did not lose consciousness and remained alive. Then they gave 2000 volts. Overweight passed, I still sparkled in my eyes, the prosecutor made a badge to turn off the current ... Unhappy was still alive. "

She was taken to the prison station, and the director of the prison under pressure from witnesses and journalists called the governor to ask for pardon. He objected that there is no document that allows him a similar solution. An hour later, the convict was returned to the party for executions, where this time she died of the first discharge.

Deadly performances

From the beginning of the eighties of the 20th century, the number of countries conducted by public executions, often broadcast on radio and television increased.

Angola, Cameroon, United Arab Emirates, Cameroon, United Arab Emirates, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Mozambique, Pakistan, Uganda, North Yemen, Somalia, Liberia, Nigeria, Chad, Sudan and China as part of the National Crimination Campaign.

Most often with such executions that collected thousands of spectators, they became shooting and hanging. In 1992, 27 people were publicly hung in Afghanistan; In Saudi Arabia, 66 people begged.

In 1928, Joseph Lang, the Palace of State Prison Columbus (Ohio), testifies: "The first discharge of 1150 volts was not deadly, the heart beat exactly. And the second category did not give results. Then the tension increased three times. 3 000 volts. A bright flame embraced the body shook in convulsions, and the Hall of executions was filled with the smell of fried meat ... However, the cause of death was not actually defeated by electric shock in the narrow sense of the word, but burning the body. " In 1941, after the execution of electric current in New York, the Sing-Sing Prison will write the following: "It was possible to think that these are burns from the too long lying under the bright sun, the whole body swelled, gaining dark red."

In 1946, another witness would declare: "The blood vessels inflated so that they were breaking ... couples wrapped her head and naked knees, the latter purchased a black and blue color. The lips handled, the foam went out of his mouth. "

The performers suffered the possibility of breakdown. In the first quarter of the XX century, the car was tested on a large piece of meat. Later, the law determined the mandatory presence throughout the execution of a qualified electrician. In the event of an accident accident, it was responsible for the immediate connection of the electric chair to the diesel generator, set up in almost all the "death rooms".

1900 Volt and 7.5 amps: the perfect combination for killing. Private count

In American court chronicles, the accident, which occurred in 1938 in Khantaxville Prison (Texas), was mentioned when the convict was already planted for a chair. The chair could not be turned on for several hours, and all this time convicted told: "Pardon! Pardon! This is God's Will! " As a result, the execution was postponed for three days, despite thousands of demonstrators, rallying at the prison building in defense of the convicted person. It should not be thought that the age-old practice brought explicit improvements in the electric shock process.

Another failure occurred in July 1989 during the execution of Hurat Dunkins in Alabama. Due to the wiring defect, the first bit did not kill the convicted one. Electricians needed about ten minutes to eliminate the malfunction, and all this time the heart of Dunkens affected by the chair was fucked. He was announced about his death in nineteen minutes after the first discharge.

In December 1984, an article described the execution of Alfa Otis Stephen, who took place in Georgia prison was published in the New York Time. The condemned for a long time resisted electric discharges: "The first lasted two minutes, but he did not kill him, for the next two - he continued to fight and resist. After that, the doctors examined him and stated that he was still alive.

Then he was given an additional discharge of the same durability as the first. But the witnesses of execution saw that he was still breathing. " The newspaper clarifies: "In six minutes - the time that is given to the cooling of the body so that the doctors could examine him, - the convict made another twenty three sighs."

Full technical damage

Many specialists today believe that the killing of electric shock suffered a complete fiasco. Of course, many convicts die, so to speak, "normally", but many and those who go into the world by only the price of unbearable suffering.

In 1983, in Alabam, the thirty-half-year-old John Louis Evans died only after three discharges of thirty seconds and 1900 volts each, which was received for fourteen minutes. Thirty witnesses have seen how "Fire arc broke out from under his mask. From under the electrode on the right leg went smoke. The belt, fixed the leg, caloring, broke. " After the second category of the lawyers of the convict contacted Governor George Wallace to stop the procedure that turned into unbearably cruel torture. The governor rejected a petition, and John Evans received the third, this time a deadly discharge.

In 1985, in the state of Indiana during the execution of William Vandevera, it took five discharges of 2250 volts each. The execution lasted seventeen minutes. Even after the third category, the doctor stated that the heart of the convict is still fighting with a frequency of forty blows per minute.

Many doctors argue that convicts lose consciousness after the first discharge, and even if the heart continues to fight, and the easy to work, during subsequent discharges, no longer feel anything.

This statement completely refutes the execution of Judo, which we have already written, as well as the execution in 1946 of the young black named Willie Francis. He was one of the youngest in the history of convicts on an electric chair: he was barely seventeen when he was executed.

Welcome execution tells: "I saw the performer turned on the current. The lips of convicted swelling, the body began to bent. I heard the responsible for the execution shouts the executioner to increase the tension, because Willie Francis did not die. But the executioner replied that he was given the maximum current. " Willie Francis shouted: "Stop! Let me breathe! "

The execution stopped. The surviving told: "I felt burning on my head and leg. Multicolored specks flashed. After the discussion, the Supreme Court ruled that nothing prevents the execution of a wonderful execution. Willie Francis again sat on the chair, and this time he died at the first discharge.

In 1972, the US Supreme Court canceled the death penalty, rejected the verdict in the case of "Furman against Georgia". The court accepted this extremely important decision, determining that the death penalty was used "arbitrarily and unreasonable" and in violation of the Constitution turned into a cruel and inhuman punishment.

As a result, more than a thousand suicide bombers changed the measure of restraint on life imprisonment. Such criminals like Charles Manson, the killer actress Sharon Teit, Sirhan Sirhan, the killer Bob Kennedy, laughed, left the "death corridor".

As a result, the decision in some states began to revise the law. In 1976, the Supreme Court, when considering the case of Gregg against the state of Georgia, issued a resolution that the punishment in the form of a death penalty does not contradict the Constitution, approving the laws revised by some states.

Since the decision in the case of Furman, thirty-six states changed their legislation, and today they provide for the use of death penalty with aggravating circumstances.

For several decades have been practically no change in electric shock for several decades. The principle of operation of an electric chair is everywhere the same, although between the states there are certain differences in the duration of the discharge and current voltage, which varies from 1750 to 2500 volts, depending on the device.

The execution itself and preparation for it take place on a clearly established regulation, which is sometimes registered in the subtitle acts, which turns into a real ritual.

The death ritual on an electric chair is similar to what operates with other methods of execution used in the United States. When the countdown of time begins, the prisoner is derived from the "Corridor of Death" and placed in a chamber called "Speccar Means" or "Death Chamber". Here the convict holds the last days under continuous round-the-clock observation. Summer has all the personal belongings. Certificate of death is compiled in advance with the "legal execution of electric shock".

A few hours before the execution of the prisoner in handcuffs lead to the "room of cooking". In this room, located next to the room of executions, sentenced to a thorough inspection. Explore all the holes - the nose, ears, mouth, anus - checking whether something is hidden there, in particular, metal objects that can interfere with the killing procedure.

Inspection of the body began to spend after a case with a certain Albert Fische, which vanal himself into the body of several dozen long metal needles to disrupt the treasury. He was confident that when discharged 2000 volts, the needles will get out of the body, turning it into the dickery. Nothing like this happened.

After inspection, the guard trimbs the sentenced by the hedgehog, then he shares the square on the top of the top for reliable adjuncing the helmets of helmets.

Then, with a convicted person, remove handcuffs and sent to the shower, located in the corner of the room. He is given five to six minutes to wash, after which a suit provided by a correctional institution is put on it. He can choose - stay bare or put out socks.

Richard's penalty (Bruno) Hauptman in 1935. Photo "Kexton".

The death penalty on the electric chair Willy Bragg, who killed his wife. The execution took place in the state of Mississippi on a new chair, improved by Jimmy Thompson. Engraving. Private count

States applying electric shock

In 1992, the electric chair was a legitimate execution method in 14 America's states: Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nebraska, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia.

Earlier in Louisiana and Mississippi used portable electrical chairs. If necessary, they were brought into prisons and plugged into generators located outside the chassis room.

The most young victim of electric flow became George Stinny, convicted at the age of 16 in South Carolina in 1944 for the murder, and the Frenchman William Francis, executed at the age of 17 in Louisiana in 1946.

Usually, a confessor comes during dressing, and the prison director promises to be convicted that he will die instantly and without pain.

So far, the convict is prepared, the Deputy Director solemnly meets official witnesses appointed by the convict himself, as well as journalists selected by lot. "The Witness Room" is located opposite the chair, behind which there is a small yarn with electrical equipment for the murder.

Searing the Witnesses, the Deputy Director gives them written instructions, which, in particular, recommend to behave adequately and in any kind of pretext did not communicate with the convict. Witnesses inform that during the execution there will be "ambulance", in case, if one of them has ailment.

The last time the direct telephone lines between the death room and the offices of the Prosecutor General and the Governor are always checked - there is always a chance of pardon at the last second.

As soon as the prisoner is dressed, handcuffs are put on him, and he makes the last steps separating it from an electric chair. He is accompanied by four guards, Prison and Capellan director. He sees a chair.

"Electric chair" is a large oak chair on three or four legs, often painted in white, standing on a thick rubber carpet and screwed to the floor.

Each electric chair in the US is unique. In some states, they make firms or local artisans on the terms of reference provided by the State Department of Justice. In other states, their prisoners themselves are created. As, for example, the electric chair of the famous Raford prison in Florida. It was made by prisoners in 1924 from oak, fired in prison.

Signal bulbs are often used, indicating that "stool stool". On the seat lies black rubber rug. The back of the chair continues two vertical racks of twenty-five centimeters high, which serve to fix the head of the convict. Hands are tied to armrests. Ahead between the legs there is a wooden plank, which serves to fix ankle.

In most cases, the convicts are immobilized by the seven belts: one on the lower back, one on the chest, one on the head, two on the wrists, two on the ankles.

A bill that works anonymously is in another room.

Location of electrodes

The electric cabinet, from which two cables come out on the wall, hangs on the wall. The box is attached to the same wall, in which there are "Accessories": helmet and contact plate, "GETER" and performers gloves.

The helmet is made of dense skin, equipped with a chore belt and a special strip of ten to twenty centimeters, which the convict closes the eyes. Inside the "contact plate" is placed - the copper part of the curved shape of ten centimeters in diameter, having a rod protruding over the helmet, which is attached to the first electrode.

Press conference S. T. Judy before his execution in Michigan City in 1981. Photo "Kexton".

The inner side of the helmet is covered with a thin layer of a natural sponge. It provides a more dense fit of the helmet and grows the smell of the burner flesh. Previously, the electrode was fastened directly to the head of the convicted person, which led to serious burns and terrible vony. However, today the witnesses argue that the execution is accompanied by a terrible smell. The contact plate and sponge are often dipped into the solution of salted water to improve the conductivity.

The director of the correctional institution proposes a convicted person to make a statement, after that a helmet is put on his head.

"GETER" is also leather. Usually it has twenty centimeters in length and eight width. The right side of the knee is cut and "GETER" with the inner layer of metallic, usually lead, foils are worn on the shaking ankle. On the one hand, a copper plate is recorded with a protruding outward rod, to which the second electrode is fixed.

The passage of the current through the contact plate of the helmet to the electrode on the ankle, through the lungs and heart, and leads to the death of the convicted person.

Does the Americans themselves be the first to question the impregnity of execution of the Talk? Probably because almost all states where it is practiced, adopted laws that prescribe autopsy immediately after execution.

In the state of New York indicated the reason without false modesty: "To eliminate all the possibility of returning the object to life." On August 23, 1991 in Greensville (Virginia), Derrick Peterson received a discharge in 1725 volts for 10 seconds, then 240 volts for 90 seconds. When the body was removed from the stool, the doctor stated the presence of a pulse. The operation had to repeat.

Electric current damage theoretically proceeds as a continuous automatic cycle for two minutes. When the executioner serves a current of 1900-2500 volts - depending on the model of the stool used, it hits the copper wires of the helmet contact plate, from which the convicted should instantly lose consciousness and no longer feel pain.

Gloomy collection

In May 1972, a unique collection of Michael Foreman, the English shipowner, who gathered several hundred tools of torture and killing from the VII century was sold at the Christian Auction. The result of trading is more than a million dollars.

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On August 6, 1890, humanity entered a new page in his history. Scientific and technical progress reached such a specific kind of activity as the execution of death sentences. In the United States of America, the first death penalty was carried out on the "electric chair".

"Electric chair" by its appearance indirectly obliged to the famous inventor Thomas Edison. In the 1880s, "War of currents" broke out in the USA - the struggle between power supply systems on constant and alternating current. The adept of DC systems was Edison, A variable - Nikola Tesla.

Edison, seeking to lean the scales in his direction, indicated the extreme danger of alternating current systems. For clarity, the inventor sometimes demonstrated the cracked experiments, killing animals by alternating current.

In the American society of the late XIX century, literally inlent into electricity, at the same time the issue of humanization of the death penalty was discussed. Many believed that hanging is too big atrocity that should be replaced by a more humane method of killing.

It is not surprising that the idea of \u200b\u200bthe death penalty with the help of electricity has become extremely popular.

Observatory dentist

First, the thought of the "electric death machine" came to the American dentist Albert Southwick. One day, in his eyes, the elderly drinking was touched by the electrical generator contacts. The death of the unfortunate was instantaneous.

Southwitch, who witnessed this scene, shared an observation with his patient and friend David McMillan.

Mr. McMilllan was a senator and, considering the proposal of Southwica Delny, turned to the Legislative Assembly of the State of New York with an initiative about the introduction of a new, "progressive" way of execution.

The discussion of the initiative continued for about two years, and the number of supporters of the new way of execution constantly grew. Among those who were both hands "For", turned out to be Thomas Edison.

In 1888, a series of additional experiments were held in Edison's laboratories, after which the authorities received a positive conclusion from experts on the possibility of using the death penalty "Electric chair". On January 1, 1889, the state of the electric execution entered into force in New York.

Supporters of the use of alternating current in every way opposed its use in order to murder, but were powerless.

In 1890, the electrician of the prison of the city of Obern Edwin Davis Built the first acting model of a new "death machine".

Electrocution. The illustration was made after the experiments on the feasibility of holding the death penalty in 1888. Photo:

Humane theory

The humanity of the execution, according to supporters of the invention, was that the electric current rapidly destroys the brain and the nervous system of sentenced, thereby paying him from suffering. The executive loses consciousness for thousands of seconds of a second, and the pain simply does not have time to achieve the brain during this time.

The "Electric Chair" itself is an armchair from dielectric material with armrests and a high back, equipped with straps for tough fixation of the sentence. Hands are attached to armrests, legs - in special clips of the armchair's legs. Also to the chair attached a special helmet. Electrical contacts are connected to the fastening places of the ankles and to the slope. The current limitation system is designed so that the body of the sentence does not catch up during an execution.

After the sentenced sits on the chair and fix it, the helmet is put on his head. Before that, hair on the top shave. Eyes either stick to the plaster, or just put on the head of the black hood. The helmet is invested with a sponge impregnated with brine: this is done in order to ensure the minimum electrical resistance of contact in the helmet with head and thus accelerate death and alleviate the physical suffering of the execution.

Then turns on the current that is served twice one minute with a break in 10 seconds. It is believed that by the time of the expiration of the second minute, the sentence must be dead.

Critics "electric chair" from the very beginning indicated that all reasoning about his humanity is purely theoretical, and in practice everything can turn out quite differently.

First Client

Candidates for entering the history as the first victim of the electric chair, there were two - Joseph Chaplowho killed a neighbor and William Cemlerhaving fallen an ax misty.

As a result, the lawyers of the chaplo achieved pardon, and "honor" to try out the new invention to himself went to Cammler.

By the time of execution, William Cammler turned 30 years old. His parents were immigrants from Germany, which in America did not build a new life, and tritely cut and died, leaving the son of the orphan.

Difficult childhood affected her further life, which Cammler did not indulge. In the spring of 1889 after a quarrel with her mistress Tilly Tsigler The man killed her blow of the ax.

The court sentenced Cammer to the death penalty, which was supposed to be carried out on an electric chair.

Lawyers, referring to the US Constitution, prohibiting "cruel and unusual punishments," tried to cancel the cancellation of the court decision, but their appeal was rejected.

On August 6, 1890, at 6 o'clock in the morning, the first electric discharge ran the first electric discharge in the prison of the city of Obern on the body of William Cammler.

"Fried" facts

Everything went wrong, as described theorists. Cammler's body beat in convulsions so much that the prison physician who was confused from the seen seen was given to turn off the current in less than 20 seconds, and not after a minute, as planned. At first it seemed that Cammler was dead, but then he began to make convulsive sighs and moan. For a new attempt to kill, it took time to recharge the device. Finally, the current gave the second time this time for one minute. Cammerler's body began to smoke, the smell of burned meat spread around the room. After a minute, the Medic stated that convicted dead.

The opinion of the witnesses of the execution, which were more than twenty people, turned out to be extremely unanimous - the king of Cammerle looked extremely disgusting. One of the reporters wrote that the sentenced literally "fried to death."

The external impression of the journalist was not so deceptive. Judicial physicians who worked with the bodies of executed on the "electric chair", said that the brain, subjected to the strongest exposure to the current, turns out to be practically cooked.

Despite the negative impressions of William Cammler's executions, "Electric Chair" began to rapidly gain popularity. To the outcome of the first decade of the XX century, it became the most popular way of death in the United States.

Executed on your own accord

Abroad, however, this kind of execution did not get widespread. And in the United States themselves in the 1970s, the "Electric Chair" gradually began to crowd out a deadly injection.

In the entire history of the use of the "electric chair", more than 4,300 people were executed on it.

Currently, the execution on the "Electric Chair" is officially preserved in eight states. However, in practice, this execution is resorted to all less often, including due to technical difficulties. The newest "samples" of these "death cars" today is more than thirty years, and some have already more than 70, so during the executions they often give failures.

In a number of US states, there is a norm according to which the offender himself can choose a way of execution. This is how the executed in January 2013 in Virginia is 42-year-old Robert Glison. Condemned in 2007 on a life imprisonment for the murder of the FBI Glison agent in prison was dealt with two samplers, explaining his actions to the desire to get to the "electric chair". Moreover, the criminal promised to continue to kill the ceamers, if such an opportunity he was not provided. As a result, Robert Glison achieved his, becoming, perhaps, one of the last "customers" in the history of the "electric chair".

Recently, in the United States, the criminals were sentenced to the death penalty sent to an electric chair. But in recent years, from such a "high-tech" method of execution practically refused. What is the reason?

Who invented an electric chair

Execution on an electric chair steel at the end of the XIX century. The "progressive" society decided that such species such as burning on the fire, hanging and beheading, inhuman. The offender should not additionally suffer in the execution of the execution: after all, he is still taking the most expensive life.

According to the official version, the impetus to this invention was a certain incident in 1881. Dentist Albert Southwick from Buffalo (New York) once became an eyewitness of how a certain elderly man died, accidentally touched the contacts of the electric generator. The sautvik occurred that such death could be quick and painless. At first, he suggested using electricity to get rid of unnecessary animals, such as kittens or puppies. This killing method seemed to him more humane than, say, practiced drowning. The idea also visited the head of the Company to protect animals from Rockwell's cruelty.

Southwick began to conduct experiments on the killing of animals by electricity.

He published the results of their experiments in scientific publications, and then showed these articles to his friend - Senator David McMillan. He addressed to D.B. Hill, Governor of New York. In 1886, a special commission was established, in whose tasks was a study of the issue "On the most humane and deserving approval of the method of bringing to death sentences." The commission entered the Southwick.

Official tests took to spend the inventor of electricity - the famous Thomas Edison. In West Orange (New Jersey) staged an indicative experiment on cats and dogs. They were placed on a metal plate under a voltage of 1000 volts, as a result of which the animals died. In 1888, the inventor Harold Brown and an employee of Columbia University Fred Peterson tested in Edison's laboratories the appropriate equipment, for several months, killing more than two dozens of dogs. On January 1, 1889, the previously adopted "Electrical Execution Act" was introduced in New York.

The first operating model of an electric chair was developed in 1890 by the usual electrician named Edwin Davis, a prison officer in the city of Obern.

Operating principle

The essence of the execution is as follows. The condemned shave with a pin and caviar on one leg. Then the torso and hands firmly tie belts to the chair made from dielectric material, with a high back and armrests. Legs are fixed using special clamps. At first, the criminals tied their eyes, then began to wear a hood on the head, and recently - a special mask. One electrode is attached to the head on which the helmet is worn, the other to the leg. The executioner includes a switch button that is passed through the body alternating current by force to 5 amps and voltage from 1700 to 2400 volts. Usually execution takes about two minutes. Two discharge are served, each is turned on by one minute, the break between them is 10 seconds. The first discharge destroys the brain and the central nervous system, the second leads to a complete stop of the heart. Death is obligatory records the doctor.

Cruel and unusual punishment

Not everyone approved innovation. Thus, the main competitor Edison George Westinguz, which supplied consumers with electric equipment, refused to supply the prisons of electric current generators, counting such a way inlaborate.

For the first time on an electric chair, it was executed on August 6, 1890 in the American State of the American State of New York William Cemmler, condemned for killing his mistress Tilly Zaigler. Westinguz tried to save this man, even hired lawyers for him demanding to appeal the sentence on the basis that the execution on the electric chair is cruel and unusual punishment, therefore it should be prohibited by the eighth amendment to the US Constitution. But it did not help. The sentence was carried out. What is characteristic, the executed died did not immediately, I had to turn on the chop again. Westinguz commented: "They would have a better ax."

Until now in the United States, more than four thousand people were executed in the United States. One of them was Leon Cholgosh - the killer of the American president McKornley. A similar type of execution was used in the Philippines.

The spouse communists Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, accused of work on Soviet intelligence and transfer to it by American nuclear secrets, graduated from the electric chair. In particular, they allegedly handed over to the tips of the atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki. On the defense of the Rosenberg family, prominent public figures were faced - among them the famous physicist Albert Einstein, writer Thomas Mann and even Pope Pius XII. But all the petitions about the pardon were rejected, and in 1953 the US President Duight Eisenhuer approved the death sentence. To this day there are people who doubt the guilt of spouse Rosenberg: evidence against them were supposedly fabricated by the CIA - it is possible to get an advantage over the USSR in the Cold War.

"Let me breathe!"

It was assumed that when the electric current is passed through the body, the person will die immediately. But it happened not always. Often, eyewitnesses had to watch how people placed on an electric chair were fought in convulsions, they had a tongue, they had a foam, blood from their mouths, blood, eyes got out of the eye, there was an involuntary emptying of the intestine and bladder ... Some shouted during the execution. Almost always after the failure of the discharge from the skin and the hair of the convict began to go light smoke. Cases were also recorded when a person sitting on an electric chair light up and exploded the head. Quite often, the burnt leather "stuck" to belts and seats. The bodies of execution were, as a rule, so hot, that it was impossible to touch them, and in the room there was still a wave of burned meat.

In one of the protocols, an episode is described when, for 15 seconds, a 2450 volt discharged on a convicted, but after a quarter of an hour after the procedure, he was still alive. As a result, the execution had to repeat three times until the criminal died.

In 1985, in Indiana, William Vandaver had a stream of current in Indiana. To kill him, it took 17 minutes.

According to experts, when exposed to such a high voltage, the human body literally roasted alive. Here are the memories of one of the survivors: "In the mouth was the taste of cold peanut butter. I felt my head and left leg burn, so I tried to break out of my best. " 17-year-old Willie Francis, destroyed on an electric chair in 1947, shouted: "Turn off! Let me breathe! "

Repeated execution turned out to be painful as a result of various failures and problems. For example, May 4, 1990, when the criminal of Jessa D. Tofero executed, the gaskets under the helmet occurred, the convicts received the fourth and fourth burns. In 1991, one of the criminals during the execution so hit the legs of the chair that he broke them.

The big resonance caused a story with the killer of the whole family of Allen Lee Davis, who, before execution, stuck with a leather ribbon not only mouth (instead of a swing), but also the nose. As a result, he suffered.

Electric chair or injection?

Soon it became clear that the "humane" execution often turns into torture, and its use was limited. True, some believes that the whole thing is not at all in humanity, but in the high cost of the procedure.

Currently, the execution on an electric chair is used in six American states - Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. Moreover, a condemned is offered an electric chair or mortal injection. Some states are also practiced as an alternative, hanging, gas chamber.

The last time the execution on an electric chair took place on January 16, 2013 in Virginia. This measure was applied to Robert Glison, which, by the way, was specially killed by two cemers, so that a life sentence would be replaced by a death sentence.