Repairs Design Furniture

Rounded machine - vortex head. Characteristics of a rapid machine for cuttings: Device, models and self-making final processing of cuttings

  1. Popular models
  2. Making a grinding block

The round machine is the equipment for the production of long wooden products of a round profile.

Such products are necessary for equipping hand tools cuttings and handles.

IN furniture manufacturing Also use such details of small diameter. The principle of operation of the machine can be compared with the action of an ordinary pencil sharpener.

Machine equipment

Today there are roundal stans different models, various productive power and dimensions. The main node of the machine for the manufacture of cuttings is a special nozzle - a vortex head, which is a block with a pass-through hole. Inside the head of the head, knives are installed. The knife passage is adjusted so that the wooden billet at the outlet turns into a roundal diameter of the desired diameter.

Large stationary roundal machines: kPa 20 50, KP 61, KP 62 and kPa 50 are equipped with a rotating vortex head, into which sticks are served.

The scheme of operation of small-sized devices is based on the fact that the rotating billet is extended through mounted knives in a stationary block.

SAME important details The machine are cutters (wood knives). Knives are made of steel brand R6M5.

The cutter thickness of 12 mm is capable of sharpening a cylindrical wooden rod with a diameter of up to 40 mm inclusive. A knife with a thickness of 14 mm can cut wood with a diameter of up to 50 mm. A 16 mm thick cutter is used to accurate round cuttings, whose cross section is 60 mm and more.

The abbreviation in the labeling of the equipment models is the following: KPA is a round machine with automatic billets, the number is the product diameter at the output.

Popular models

Consider the technical characteristics of popular brands of machines:

KP 20-50

The machine is designed for the manufacture of cuttings and similar products. round cross section of different breeds the woods. The installed three knife vortex head in the cast iron casting body, gives the output of the product with a diameter of 20 mm to 50 mm.

Model KP-61 manufactures round wooden crafts For household instruments, sports equipment, furniture and other purposes. The cutter adjustment allows to obtain products with a diameter of 10 mm to 50 mm.

In contrast to the previous model, KP-62 is equipped with two rows of lengthy rollers. Rollers provide increased axial accuracy of entering the cutting unit. Square profile can be supplied at a speed of up to 12 m / min. The section obtained by products varies from 10 mm to 60 mm.


The KP-50 machine is equipped with two electric motors, thanks to which you can install an increased material processing rate - 18 m / min. Production diameters range from 20 mm to 50 mm.


The raspberry Machine FS is equipped with a powerful vortex head capable of cutting wooden bars with a diameter of 18 mm to 160 mm. Multidisciplinary equipment is beneficial to exploit in factory conditions with large volumes of wood production.

For comparison of the main technical characteristics and the cost of the above machines, we will reduce their indicators to a common table:


Product diameter, mm

M / min feed rate

Number of knives in the head, pcs

Head rotation speed, rpm

Gabarites, M.

0.90x 0.86 x 1

0.85 x 500 x 1

1.27 x 0.5 x 1

1 x 0.7 x 1.15

0.92 x 0.76x 1

Mass, kg.

Approximate price, rub

Self-making machine

On his own population, the owner of the house may well make a woodworking round machine. The drawing diagram of the machine, the design of which is quite simple, is presented below. To accommodate the equipment, you need to create certain conditions:

  1. The cuttings machine should be placed in a warm dry utility electrified room (shed). As a power plant, you need to purchase a three-phase electric motor with a capacity of at least 0.5 kW.
  2. Connection three-phase engine Must produce an electrician specialist. Must be completed grounding of power equipment.
  3. The engine is connected to the network through the voltage rotation regulator.
  4. The workbench is best made from metal at least 2 meters long. The table must be grounded.
  5. I install the engine on the motor shaft special nozzle. The nozzle is fixed on the shaft with three bolts. FROM outside The item has a hole for fastening wooden blanks. Wooden profile Clamping in the nozzle bolts from four sides.
  6. Two guides from a metal profile are installed on the workbench.
  7. The head with the cutting elements is equipped with supporting elements that allow the block to move along the directing guides. At the same time, supports should not be shifted in the transverse direction.
  8. Guide strips are covered with lubrication. Two horizontal transverse handles are inserted into the cutting unit, comfortable to pick up palms.

Work of self-made equipment

The manufacture of cuttings begin with the fact that wooden bar. Hardly fasten in the nozzle. The cutting unit is installed on the guide strips. The engine is included on low revs. The free end of the bar is inserted into the head.

Worker, holding the handle of the cutting block, slowly compensates for a rotating bar. To obtain a high-quality surface of a cutlery, adjust the frequency of nozzle revolutions and push up the head.

Homemade equipment is best intended for processing blanks from coniferous rocks Tree.

So how the processing process is pretty dusty, you need to use the means individual protection Breathing and vision organs (gauze bandage, respirator, safety glasses).

Some "specialists" are advised to do without a workbench. The block is kept in the hands on the weight. This method is far from being safe. The slightest longitudinal curvature of the workpiece can cause a bruise. The billet can escape from the block and cause an injury to the employee.

Making a grinding block

The cutting unit can be made with your own hands. It is necessary to take a person who has sufficient experience in handling carpentry and plumbing tools.

Homemade head collected from oak boobs In the form of a cube. Inside the loan place two knives. Cutters are fixed with self-drawing. Holes in knives are made of oval shape. This allows you to make the set of the grinding gap of the desired diameter.

To reliably fix the knives under the screws of the self-tapping screws, the gown washers are put. Due to its wavy surface, the washers are not allowed to be arbitrarily shifted by the cutters.

Final processing Cherenkov

The resulting cuttings are not taken out of the nozzle. The lump with the attached sandpaper is pressed to the rotating cutlets. Moving abrasive along the stick, get a smooth surface of the tree.

Round rod covered with furniture varnish. Varnish creates reliable protection Ot moisture and prevents the detachal of the material in the form of sharp offpass. The resulting cuttings are cut to the desired length. For shovel and robbery, the lower end of the cutter is cut at an angle of 45 o.

To form cylindrical products from billets of square section, a roundal machine is required. This type of equipment is used for the manufacture of various kinds of holders, furniture elements and building materials.

Constructive features

All models of rounding machines belong to woodworking equipment. Structurally, they consist of a supply block and cutting part. The processing of the material is due to the removal of excess wood from the surface of the workpiece.

As the basis, the bed is used, made of cast iron or steel sheets, where it is located power point, as well as some controls. The supply of material into the processing zone occurs due to the roller system located in two rows. To optimize the working process, a similar supply system is often installed after passing the material through the processing unit. The latter is the shaft on which the cutting knives are installed. During their rotation, the formation of a cylindrical part.

Before starting the work, the round machine must undergo certain stages of adjustment.

  1. Choice cutting tool. It can be two types - riding or for execution finishing. In the second case, the edges of the blades are smooth.
  2. Fixation wooden blanks. For this purpose, tables, centers or guide rollers are used. The latter are more popular, as they have a wide range of sizes.
  3. Setting the machine parameters. These include the speed of rotation of the cutting tool, the displacement value wooden details By guides.

To obtain a good result, it is recommended to do several steps of processing. In the process of performing the draft, the primary layer is removed, the necessary configuration is formed. During finishing, the part acquires fit form. Often, after it, grinding is not needed.

For fastening the cutting tool, it is best to use cartridges with sliding cams. They make it possible to install cutters or blades different sizesWhat will increase the functionality of the equipment.


After determining optimal model It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the operational and technical parameters that a roundal machine must have. All manufacturers indicate these characteristics in the passport of the equipment. Additionally, it is recommended to explore the reviews of the actual work of a particular model of the machine.

Often, a roundal machine has sufficiently large dimensions and weight. This is due to the specifics of its design. Many spaces occupy power units, as well as a system for controlling the movement of the guide shafts. This must be considered when choosing a place of installation.

Almost all roundal machines must have the following specifications:

  • maximum I. minimum diameters billets, as well as the product obtained;
  • the feed rate of wooden parts, m / min;
  • minimum blank length;
  • limits of the speed of the knife shaft, rpm;
  • the number of electric motors and their total power.

Double-wheel drive provides high accuracy Processing. Also, if available, only one worker is required for the normal functioning of the machine.

In addition to proper Installation, the round machine must be serviced according to the manufacturer's rules. During the entire period of operation, moving parts are lubricated special compositionsThe degree of spicy of knives is checked, as well as the initial configuration of the feeding mechanism.

In addition, the billets are also presented certain requirements. Initially, their configuration must correspond to the maximum permissible section specified in the passport. Deviations from this parameter must be minimal. In order to prevent emergency situations, the possible presence in the structure of the wooden part of steel elements is checked.

After a long work, the surface of the machine must be cleaned from chips and dust. Otherwise, this may lead to equipment wear.

The video material shows the acting round machine:

Woodworking round machine (vortex head) KPS-1 is designed for the manufacture of round wooden rods,
Cherenkov, wrenches (brazers) with a diameter of 28 to 40mm
Almost any length of the corresponding blanks (squares of the square section) of any tree of wood.

On a rainbar (vortex head) CPP-1 manufactures a huge range of all sorts of handles, rods, cuttings and others
Auxiliary component parts for a large nomenclature of products used in the national economy.

Quality of treated surface finished product Almost does not require additional finishing.

The breed of the treated tree: - any

The finishing diameter of the processed rods:

Minimum - 28mm

Maximum - 40mm

Rolls of the vortex head: - 4500 rpm

The number of cutters of the vortex head: - 3 pcs

Feeding the workpiece: - manual

Cost of drawings: 15 $

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