Repairs Design Furniture

How to install a knife in the plane. Five ways to learn how to throw the knife collect a manual meat grinder

Planting knife in the plane

The setting or adjustment is to set the exit value for the plane of the sole. Determine the degree of release with a look along the sole of the plane from its front part toward "Cash". If the blade of the knife is far extended from the block, it will capture too thick chips and tear the wood. This can be done at the shropel, intended for rough, coarse planing, and the planer must remove a thin, smooth chips. Too-little exhibited knife will slide on the material being processed and removed too thin chips, which greatly increases the cost of processing time. With a peasive knife, it is impossible to shock a smooth surface.

Now there are many varieties of Rubankov, we will analyze all the appropriate plans.

1. Installing a knife in a wooden plander with a single knife.

We put the knife on the pilot of the Fame Planting down (Fig.20)


Holding a knife Rubanka fix it with a wedge (Fig.21)


Slightly hit the wedge with a hammer then turn over the plates and keeping it for the front handle we look along the sole of the Rubanka (Fig. 22),


then begin to feed the knife Rubanka until the blade is out of the blade above the plane (Fig. 23)


the blade should go out above the sole of 0.2-0.3 mm. Evenly across the entire width of the sole if the blade came unevenly, it is equalized by the hammer at the sidelines of the knife (Fig. 24),

(Fig.24) After leveling the knife, the Rubankka is wicked by a wedge for the final fastening of the knife in the plane.

2. Installation of a knife in a wooden planer with a double knife.

We collect a double knife with a chip (Fig. 25)


Then repeat all the actions when installing a single knife (Fig. From 20 to 24).

3. Installing a knife in a metal planer with a single knife.

We put the knife for the pilot of the Farmer Rubank (Fig. 26)


Holding a knife Rubanka fix it with a wedge (Fig.27)


We press the knife with a screw, but not too much, then begin to feed the knife Rubanka until the blade is out of the surface of the planer 0.2-0.3 mm (Fig.28)


after alignment of the blade, I finally fix it with a screw.

4. Installing a knife in a metal tank with a single knife with adjusting screws.

We put the knife on the pilot Planchka Famed. Holding a knife Rubanka fix it with a wedge (Fig.29)


Then we press the knife with the screw, but not too much, then tightening the adjusting screws put forward a blade by 0.2-0.3 mm from the sole of the Rubanka (Fig. 30),

(Fig. 30)

after alignment, the blade finally fasten the knife in the plane.

5. Installing a knife in a metal tank with a double knife.

We collect a double knife with a chipper (Fig. 25). Put the knife on the pilot plane

Holding the roof knife, fix it with a wedge (Fig.31)


then we put forward the knife using the adjusting screw (Fig. 32),


with the help of adjusting rail, equalize the parallelism of the knife to the plane sole (Fig. 33),


then finally fasten the knife with the wedge.

The planer is one of the main tools of the joiner and its good work depends on the proper sharpening of the knife and properly setting the planer. Depending on which material it has to deal with the depends on the tank. The correct sharpening and setting is the plane - this is a pledge of half of success in the process of planing.

It is quite simple to collect a manual meat grinder, regardless of its model, as they have a practically the same principle of operation, and all parts of them are also identical. Manufacturers improve the housing, change the type of fastening to a more convenient and functional, however, the inner part of the device remains unchanged.

Photo: How to collect a manual meat grinder

The meat grinder is desirable to keep in a disassembled form to the kit of steel knife and the grille are not covered with rust. To properly assemble this kitchen device, you must know the basic principle of its work and then from which parts it consists.

In the housing of the meat grinder there are three holes, namely:

  • The meat receiver in which products for processing are loaded;
  • Rear outlet of the screw shaft intended for the handle;
  • Front output, where the knife and the grid is fixed.

So that the handle is firmly kept and not sculpted during operation, manufacturers are equipped with a special nut. At the bottom of the case is supplemented by the device, with which the meat grinder is firmly attached to the table for work. Thanks to a special attachment, the meat grinder will be very firmly standing on the surface of the table, and will not move during operation.

Before you start collecting a manual meat grinder step by step, you need to study the device that consists of:

  • Screw shaft;
  • A knife made in the form of a disk or propeller;
  • Lattices;
  • Clamping nut;
  • Pens.

To collect a mechanical meat grinder initially need to decompose all the details on the table. First take the metal case and insert the auger shaft into it, so that its larger edge came into a narrow hole of the meat grinder. At it to attach a handle and tightly tighten the nut. If the nut is missing, then the handle needs to be installed in the latter order.

The smaller side of the auger should be located in a wide round hole. It is long enough and two details will be attached on it. Initially, you need to wear a knife.

This is considered one of the most important stages in the assembly of the meat grinder, as you need to know which side to insert a knife, otherwise the meat grinder will not work.

On the one hand, the knife has a flat part, and with another somewhat convex. It is necessary to establish it so that the flat side is from the front side of the meat grinder and well visible, and the convex one was located inside the auger. The knife, made in the form of a disk, is mounted so that its cutting edges are located outside. It is important to use only those knives that walked with a meat grinder, as others may not come up in their parameters.

Then, at the end of a screw, put on the grid on which there are several beaches, and on a wide hole of the housing of the housing of the hodges, which necessarily must coincide with each other. After the entire grid is collected, mount the clamping nut and spin it. The installation is carried out so that the nut stood smoothly and firmly entered into the threads. The meat grinder assembly assembly scheme will help determine how to collect the device and prepare it to work.

Electrical model: how to assemble a meat grinder

Despite the fact that the kitchen combines and other types of equipment appeared, the meat grinder still remains a fairly popular adaptation. However, to get high-quality home stuffing, it is necessary to comply with the sequence of the meat grinder and take into account the structure of the device. The range of meat grinders is large enough, however, they are divided into just two types: manual and electric.

A wide variety of knives and nozzles makes this fixture multifunctional, as it is possible not only to grind mince, but also cook:

  • Sausages and sausages;
  • Various types of mashed potatoes;
  • Juices;
  • Pasta.

Many prefer to use the electrics, as it is a multifunctional and quite simple in the work. When it is used, you do not need to apply physical effort, it is enough just to place meat or other products in the meat receiver and press the button.

Important! The mechanical device is fairly easy to use and is not distinguished by the presence of a set of nozzles and speeds. The electric meat grinder allows you to control the degree of grinding grinding and the speed of its grinding.

The electrical meat grinder is quite simple, especially if the manual instrument assembly was previously mastered. Reducer to connect with a screw, for this, the end of the screw is placed in the plastic groove gearbox and scroll into the opposite side to the characteristic click. All items must be installed tight. On the opposite end of the screw, put on the blade and grille. The protrusion should strictly fall into the hole. Fix the parts with the nut, install the boot container and can be started.

It is worth noting that the electromazor, regardless of the manufacturer, is made of durable plastic. Among the most popular options, you need to highlight Mulinex, Scarlett, Bosch meat grinders, since all the proposed models are distinguished by high quality, reliability and functionality.

In the case of such a device there is a launcher and to start work, just press the button. In almost all models of electric meat grinders, the meat receiver is removable, which is why before starting work, it is necessary to put it. Included there is a special pusher, for better and fast promotion of products to the knife.

The surface of the knife has special convexities, which contributes to a better grinding of products.

Instructions: how to collect a manual meat grinder

You need to know not only how to properly collect the old Soviet manual meat grinder, but also how to disassemble the device after use. After use, this household appliance is subject to careful cleaning from products residues. In order to laundel all the details qualitatively, it is necessary to disassemble it, as it is categorically prohibited to wash the device.

Initially, you need to unscrew the clamping nut, then:

  • Remove the residue and knife;
  • Unscrew the screw and remove the handle;
  • Stretch the auger from the housing.

All elements are well rinsed with warm water, it is possible with the addition of detergent for dishes and decompose them until complete drying. It is undesirable to wash the knives with hot water, as it reduces their sharpness. The grille can be cleaned of stuff residues with toothpicks or matches. The housing after cleaning, you need to wash with warm water and wipe it carefully with a towel.

After several times, the builds of the manual meat grinder can be done without much difficulty, since the whole process will reach automatism. At first, you can use the instruction attached to the device, as this will allow you to determine the correct installation of additional elements.

Despite the fact that the process of assembling the meat grinder is quite simple, however, it is important to know how to properly put the knife so that you can work with the device without problems.

The knife has a fairly simple structure and consists of:

  • Convex surface;
  • Flat parts with cutting edges;
  • The central opening made in the shape of the auger's tip.

When assembling a manual meat grinder, you need to remember that the knife is always put on the flat side. Otherwise, the meat grinder will only put pressure on meat, but not chop it. If the meat grinder is equipped with a disk knife, then its installation should also not cause difficulties, since its cutting edges are very clearly visible and should also go out. In the event that there are difficulty with grinding products, you need to open a meat grinder and check the correctness of the installation of the knife and other parts of the device.

Electrical complicated models have a slightly different assembly algorithm, as they are two knives in their set. The first double-sided knife is installed on the auger, then the lattice goes, and then the second knife is put on, then the grille with smaller holes and only after that, the locking ring is put on.

How to assemble a manual meat grinder (video)

The process of assembling a mechanical and electric meat grinder is quite simple, the most important thing is to perform step by step, slowly, firmly fixing all the parts used.

How to install a knife on the trimmer

Alteration of trimmer, instead of a fishing line, knives

If you have "no" trimmer, it will not break his neighbor so, paraphrasing the famous song, you can start a story about dilemmas with manual lawn electric censuses. How to change and sharpen a knife on the trimmer, which one. Most of the models of the electrotrimmers brought from other countries (from the British word Trim - trimming, haircuts) are obviously not designed for the kit of Russian near-mandal cleans, and even more than the bungyan near fences. The 1st third-party object in the grass leads to the failure of the principled part of the trimmer - coils with a fishing line. Specifically, this problem occurred at my friend Nicholas. It is natural to stroll through shopping and purchase analog Chinese spare parts (as unique branded - expensive). But what's the point to waste funds and time to subsequent reinforcement in the grass!

There is another method of exiting the created position - to move the brains and find, so to speak, "bypass" option.

"My neighbor somehow screwed to the" native "coil of a puck with a knife-knife petals from a narrow stainless steel and now rubs everything apart!" - gave a tip companion.

All clear! I have a tube, and the washer, and the sheet stainless steel is just looking like a belly.

The position of knives in a free state

Upgraded working nozzle manual electric mower with metal knives instead of a fishing line:

1-valurator; 2-working nozzle; 3-protective casing; 4-copper pin

"Not up to aesthetics! The main thing is that the technique worked! " - In the hearts, quick-tempered, explained to me the task of Nikolai.

For the beginning, we turned on the trimmer and, substituting the coil of the coil to the remnants of the side walls of the coil, cut off everything overhaul. How to install the piston on chainsaw. Now there is a plastic shaft to which you need to adjust something.

He worked discordeauz, the rattle broke the rat, the welding has shuddered, the drill walked, I was walking the hammer. In the end of the Passatia dispersed the mustache of the copper pin.

Suitable tubes for the sleeve, as well as the washer, find it is not easy, because to fit the tube on the shaft, it makes sense to cut out of her longitudinal strip in 2 - 4 mm, and then siege to the hammer to a suitable diameter;

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The puck can be done with the help of chisel and round ruthlock from sheet steel;

The puck to the tube is pretty grabbed by welding in 3 - 4 points on the docking circle;

Indoor iron ripples use simple M4 screws;

Holes for a pin is more convenient to drill in place, after installing a new-fashioned tool attachment on the trimmer shaft.

The simplicity of the design was allowed to make all the minutes for 30 and spend successful tests at first on the Poultry Polyana, and later, unwinding the bay of their own and yet taken from the neighbor of the strokes, and on the street, destroying Byrian.

The position of knives in working condition

Choose a knife for trimmer

January 28, 2014

The trimmer is a good and very necessary tool, which today actually changed the hand braids for a hundred percent. With it, you can not only fill over the overgrown lawn, but even prepare for the winter of the hay.

Naturally, with rather hard mode of operation, increased attention should be paid to the choice of the right consumables. In almost all cases, a good choice will be a trimmer knife.

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how set Kosile head I. knife on the trimmer ? Purchase a trimmer head :? Purchase

how put it right Knives on the trimmer (motocos)

how right Put knives on the trimmer. In this video, you will find out in detail how much the rules are still.

Why a knife?

Yes, the fishing line is more common and costs less. But when grazing high grass often it often happens that it is wound on the spindle, the process is very difficult and accelerating the tool wear. Household trimmer as a proper working fastening and install cutting knife. In many ways, the frequency of this phenomenon depends on the correctness of the head design, but it will not be avoided anyway. That is why the knife for the trimmer is much more convenient and preferable.

Some characteristics

To date, the industry produces dozens of species of these consumables, and they can be manufactured not only from metal, but also from plastic. It should not be considered that the latter are disposable, as they can become a comfortable and durable replacement of the fishing line in those areas where high strength is not required.

When and how to apply

If you use a trimmer with a flexible bar, then it is permissible to use only plastic knives or fishing line. This requirement is caused by the safety regulations. Note that the plastic knife for the trimmer often applies the manufacturer to its products.

But much better disk metal head with a variable number of blades. It is not necessary for her even thickets of old Burnah and Lopukhov, which can be existed not one hundred meters of fishing line. Yes, and plastic knives in this case are bad helpers.

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What form to choose?

Do not believe the sellers who with foam at the mouth try to sell you a knife for a trimmer of some exotic form, equipped with a tenth blade. Experienced gardeners say that the shape and size of the blades are virtually no matter. The amount is important only when you harm the hay. If there are four and more blades, it turns out herbal cutting.

It is believed that for hay, the knife for trimmer patriot is optimally suited, equipped with several small teeth (it is almost round). If you need to deal with the site, which is completely overgrown by the bunor, and the power of your tool is not too large, it is better to buy perforated knives of hardened steel. They are very lungs, but they just cut perfectly.

By the way, a good knife for the Stihl trimmer with similar characteristics will allow not only to remove the dry and hard grass from the site, but also to be divided into small trees that have been crawled out for a couple of years. Note that for such outstanding results you need to buy consumables only in specialized stores, since the knife from poor Chinese steel can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

As correct put the knives on trimmer (motocos)

Description: On this video you will find out in detail how much it all right Put knives for motocos (trimmer) More-http: //

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I see. Put this cup-washer on the cutter! And it is not needed on the coil.

3 turns and removed the mosquito head (coil bobbing). This is a flight. It turns out the coil hangs on the 3 threads of the thread. The campaign here is an excess detail of a cup of washers. That Vasily removed the coils later and laid for the candle 6 branches. I now encountered such garbage! I bought a benzo-trimmer Hedai there 2 drawings, through the zhow are inscribed. I will say one thing. How to install the rings on the piston of the two-stroke. This cupcakes need to be installed then cutters. Later throwing the glass and tighten the nut. This cup-washer is needed in order. What if tightening the nut. The glass rested in bowls. After all, it must be a groove under 6 rays. How to install the rings on the piston of the two-stroke in the setting of the rings on the piston. I am in time visits the idea of- manufacturers write such manuals and draw such drawings and fig. Whatever the usual user-breeder has broken the fluid technique. People be attentive and judged when adjusting at least what equipment!

For throwing, any knife is suitable, even foldable. True, after a dozen throws, he loarse, and his flight will not be able to control, "says Vladimir Sergeevich Kovrov, instructor for sports throwing knives of the" solid hand "club.

If you ever gather seriously engage in throwing the split steel, look in the hunting store one of the models of the throwing knife (for example, "Ostr-2"). In the meantime, you can use any object with a handle and blade for fun.

The rules of throwing are equally applicable not only to a special throwing knives, but also to conventional table-melchior appliances and even long nails.

After an unsuccessful throw, the knife bounces off the goal at the same speed that it flies to her, but you have time to jump off - another question. Therefore, attasses the blade (strongly) and the temptation itself (a little). In a tree, the knife will still cry, and in you already hardly.

Changing from the target of all the audience. When throwing the penetrating force of the blade twice as much as when hitting. Especially in a person you may not come, but by chance you may unexpectedly get.

Make time!

Find the center of gravity of the knife by relacing them on the index finger. Well, if at first it will be a "balanced" knife - one that the center of gravity is exactly in the geometric center.

Do two!

Take exactly the found point by index and thumbs. The tips of the rest of the verge of the blade to the palm, placing it on the line of life towards yourself.

"Do not squeeze the knife with all my might. Hold it as if you try not to release a sparrow from the palm, "Vladimir Kovrov appeals to your figurative thinking. The blade should be freely passing between your fingers.

You do not need you to dear and spit on the palm. From moisture friction will increase, and the sliding knife is slow. If your palm sweats, just sprinkle it with a talc or starch.

Stand from the target at a distance of at least three and no more than four meters. The knife abandoned from this point by making the floor turnover, will definitely be flown to the target precisely forward (thanks to the section of the physics "Dynamics of rotating bodies").

Experimenting in the future with a cast range, remember: if it is less than 3 m, keep the knife is slightly closer to the edge, if more than 4 m - move the grip closer to the handle.

For the distance more than 5m knife throw, holding the handle. In this case, in the air, he has time to make one or a half turn. However, it is necessary to start training from a distance of about 3.5 m.

Do three!

Exhibition left foot forward, right hand to twist up and back, without bending your wrist. By turning the body to the left and the same movement that you throw the snowball, we went to the target.

At the time of full straightening, the knife itself will fly out of your grip. "In no case do not squeeze your fingers," says Vladimir Sergeevich. - Together with the palm, they play the same role as the pistol barrel canal.

If you at the last moment instinctively open the capture, the knife swollen in the air and change the trajectory. "

Do four!

Pay attention to the drawing below. It is in this way that, and in no way, your wrist should be recorded in a moment of departure knife from hand. You certainly want to lower the brush down, as the mind will be sure that from such a position of the blade, which is almost perpendicular to the Earth, will definitely persist somewhere up. But you do not believe our feelings. Your inner voice is mistaken again, as and that time he advised to put all the money on the Zero.

Looking for a lesson, which will at the same time strengthen your coordination, improve the eye and mood, will it help to sober up a glowing heater? Do not torque boxing pear, not forth your psychos in bottle, And try to learn how to throw the knife.

Believe that it is this male hobby will ideally remove stress (especially if the photo of the culprit hangs on the shield instead of a target) and teach you to find a quiet approach to any problem.

Help you to master this art five simple steps:

1. Zone defeat

Learn how to throw the knife anywhere, even in the apartment. This requires a wooden shield (area of \u200b\u200babout 1 square meters. M) and the absence of easily sprinkling furniture, home appliances and other material goods. It is also desirable that the junior sisters, a different kind of grandmothers, calling food, cats, dogs and street hamsters have not run into the defeat area.

2. Knife from the resort

No kitchen or peer knives - they easily break and bend. And they also crumble a handle, quickly comes in disrepair of the sharpening of the blade. It is best to get special knives for throwing.

Sometimes they come across in armory stores, but more often they have to be ordered in knight clubs or by private owners. Another option is to twit with throwing weapons at the resort. In the same Turkey or Bulgaria, a decent set of five knives will be asked $ 30. In Spain or Italy, prices are higher - up to 100 euros.

3. How to make a knife test drive

The knife for throwing is a narrow blade from 10 to 20 cm long, half of which is a metallic injustrial handle. The blade has, as a rule, double-sided sharpening, and the end of the blade is a sharp angle.

The most important thing in the knife is balancing. Therefore, before putting the money for him, money earned, it would be nice to check it. The center of gravity must be accurately in the middle - both in length and in width. Put the knife on the stretched finger of the middle part of the strip separating the handle and the blade. If he lies exactly and does not deviate, start bargaining - the product is high-quality.

4. Accurate throw

So, take a knife for the blade - when throwing it, it should slide in hand. Then make the shimas - so that the brush is at an extreme dead point in about the ear level.

Then the throw itself - the hand goes softly, but quickly. In no case do not need to make great efforts. The hand stops completely straightening. It is important that at the time of the stop it was directed exactly in the intended purpose. Remember that the hand, rejected from the target for a centimeter, gives the las for centimeters in 15-20 minimum.

Shoulder and forearm participate in the throw, but not a brush that is practically not moving. The biggest mistake of newbies is the unconscious use of the brush. So the throw will be unpredictable.

5. Tips from pros

Remember that the maximum throwing distance of the knives is 5-6 m (about 3-4 knives turns). And also: constantly change the distance. As soon as you learn to get steadily, for example, from two meters, go to Polaxag and work on. From the very beginning, pay more attention to the correctness of the throw - that is, try to do so that the knife goes into the shield every time. When it will be easily obtained, start training the accuracy.