Repairs Design Furniture

What a glue for a tree is better to choose - an overview of all kinds, their pros and cons. Choose a good frost-resistant retainer: glue for wood - what better gluing wooden parts

With the growth of technology and designer thought, more and more often resort to the use of new wood-based materials. In addition to ordinary wood, composite materials are often used, various tree species treated with different impregnations, as well as exotic species brought from other countries or grown in local atypical conditions.

The building materials market presents a huge selection of glue to work with wood.

In any case, the processing of these materials is increasingly complicated. Separately, it is worth examining the question of the need to glue different surfaces, structural parts, furniture or building lumber. But what exactly, what glue glue a tree? In general, what kind of varieties are there?

Can domestic manufacturers fully satisfy the wood wizard or should I look for the best options for manufacturers abroad?
To answer the question of which glue is better for a tree, and choose it, it is worth it to disassemble at least the most popular its views.

PVA glue

PVA is one of the most consumable wood and when sticking the composition. PVA glue for wood is known for most people since the school desk, since it is actively used for gluing paper products.

Before gluing the PVA, wood must be pre-mixed.

Polyvinyl acetate, he instantly grabbing the surface and quickly dries up. This is its advantage and made glue so popular. It is enough for 15-20 minutes so that the glued surfaces almost grown and no longer worked out. When different woody rocks glued, it is recommended to wait for complete wetting of surfaces and solidification for 24 hours. This allows for connected surfaces to make any load.


This is a whole series of glue, which is used for processing sufficiently different materials. The most famous and used in everyday life are the BF-2, 4 and 6 brands. Under normal conditions, the glue for the tree BF completely seizes the surfaces in one hour.

Tree glue "Moment"

"Moment" is one of the most common types and is used in almost any work that are related to the construction. "Moment" also, as can be seen from the name, glues the surface quickly enough.

"Moment" is suitable for gluing a tree with other materials.

But individual species are far from all materials. Most rubber products, for example, when processing "Moment" begins to decompose, replete and flow. Therefore, today to work with wood it is worth using a special kind of "moment", designed for wood. In addition, the "moment" is suitable when you need to glue wood with a tree or other material.

Hem-resistant glue

This glue is often used for wood processing, which during operation, as well as preparation for construction work will be under the influence of elevated temperatures. Such overheating occurs, for example, due to electrical appliances. Not all glued bars can be treated with a mill or circular, but the heat-resistant glue solves this problem, because even when the suture of such a surface, the sutures do not diverge on it.

Initially, this type of connecting fluid was intended to glue the wooden surfaces, which subsequently burn. But if you have it, it can be used for conventional connecting works.

Casein glue

There are cases when wood needs to be connected to high quality, after which it should withstand the intensive impact of moisture and liquids that can penetrate inside, disrupting the internal structure.

The value of casein glue in its water resistance.

In this case, it is best to use a connecting substance with waterproof properties.
Among the waterproof adhesives casein is the most consumed. It allows you to grab surfaces for 8 hours, and in less than a day (in just 20 hours) the surface is completely glued together, and the moisture is not terrible.

Wood joinery

In fact, this is not a certain type of glue, but rather, the team type, since it is a solution that is used to connect wooden surfaces. Moreover, the joinery glue is well processed both array and plywood or fiberboard.

As a rule, the glue carbon black is made on one of the two bases - a member or bone. The first is considered the best on the connecting properties.

To obtain high-quality joinery glue, it is important to fully stick to the technology of its creation. Joinery liquids have unusual ways to use. So for large surfaces, one layer of glue is used, and two layers are applied to the end connections. For the strength of the compound, the thickness of the layer plays an important role, which is optimally 0.1-0.15 mm.

Epoxy adhesive

This is the most universal connector of all known to date, since it connects almost any surfaces. It has a two-component structure, consists of a resin, as well as a special substance that contributes to hardening. The connections from it are strong enough.

In structure, dried adhesive is reminded by plastic, therefore it is well suited in order to glue synthetic materials. It is often used to process wooden furniture, metal surfaces, plastic toys and other materials.

The wizard who needs to glue two surfaces can always choose one of the above types of glue, based on the recommendations and ratings telling what glue on a tree is better. But it is better to always try each option yourself, because the species of adhesives are very much, and each manufacturer offers something in its own way unique.

After all, it is sometimes enough to buy a joiner's composition or borrow a tube of an ordinary PVA, and sometimes you have to look for the heat-resistant and waterproof glue, and then you need to look for an epoxy mixture of imported production.

Video: adhesive for wood. How to choose

Specialists working with wood well know that without high-quality adhesive composition, it is not necessary, neither in the manufacture of furniture, nor with small repair work.

Can be used as old good recipes adhesives for woodSo acquire modern mixes that act quickly and efficiently and are actively used in production.

The selection of glue depends on the task. Some options will help connect the items between themselves, the other factory is spoiled, the third is suitable for processing the joints and protection of moisture.

Modern adhesive mixtures are distinguished by heat and moisture resistance, rapid frozen, durability and strength of the connection.

Types of wood adhesives - than glue

Consider the most popular types of glue for wood.

  1. Carpentry glue. It is traditionally made of bones and animal skins. Adhesive properties accompanies in its composition protein. More relatively recently, carbon black glue was actively used in the furniture industry and woodworking. Today it is rarely used, except for manual trowel. It is sold in the form of granules or grains that need to be dissolved in water using a special melting. You can also buy glue similar to jelly, it is diluted directly in the melting or in a container placed in hot water.
  2. Animal-based mixtures Safe, not toxic, give a solid glue seam that can be grinding and re-softening. Deserves the attention of I. wood glue moisture resistant casein. It fastens both wood and paper, skin, various fabrics. Casein Powder is mixed with water until the consistency of the liquid is sour cream. Then they are applied to the details and leave for five minutes. Next details are firmly compressed. He can leave traces, so you need to use carefully.
  3. Termocles. To use the thermoclause presented in the form of cylindrical sticks, a thermopystole is required. The composition is convenient, quickly freezes, therefore it is actively used for the manufacture of templates and models. Also in stores are the adhesives in the form of thin sheets. They are laying between the base and veneer and heat the iron.
  4. Glue for wood PVA. PVA is an affordable, inexpensive and convenient option. The water emulsion of PVA freezes due to evaporation of moisture or absorbing it with a tree. The non-toxic composition is perfect for performing simple repair work at home. The shelf life is almost unlimited if it is stored at room temperature. The semi-adhesive PVA has a tendency to "creep", but this property is usually manifested at an increased load. Standard PVA is not distinguished by moisture resistance, however, to perform external work, manufacturers offer waterproof solutions. Yellow with thick PVA consistency is characterized by a higher resistance to moisture and heating than white, and easily grinding.
  5. Urea-formaldehyde glue. It is considered a waterproof composition that fills the cavities well, quickly hard. Produced in the form of a powder to be mixed with water and then apply on both surfaces. Some adhesives are manufactured and delivered with a hardener, which is applied to one part, and on the second - a mixture of powder and water. The connected parts are additionally fixed to set the clamp. When working, protective glasses and gloves are used, provide fresh air access.
  6. Resorcian glue. This option is resistant to various weather effects, such as the Sun and moisture. It is a two-component, consists of a hardener and a resorcino-formaldehyde resin. Some types of mixture are already sold immediately in a liquid form or one of the components has a powder. Glue after frozen gives brown seam, which will be noticeable when working with light wood. For faster frozen, a temperature is required not lower than 15C.

Wood gluing technology - blanks and parts

Video on the topic

In general, the order of gluing looks like this:

  • preparation of surfaces
  • applying adhesive mixture
  • excerpt before pressing
  • pressing and exposure under pressure,
  • exposure after gluing.

Surface preparation

To successfully glue the wood, it is necessary to carefully clean the surfaces, degrease them, make smooth and smooth. The presence of roughness will not help get a better welcome, so they are trying to get rid of them.

Glue Application Technology

  1. Usually the mixture is applied with a smooth thin layer on both parts. Two-component options are applied differently - one piece of hardener, on the second resin, and then the parts are connected to start the reaction.
  2. Most often it is not without the clamp of parts, for example, with clamps. As a result of close contact, excess glue is squeezed out, and while it is not frozen, they can be carefully removed with a damp cloth.
  3. If pin glue is used, the parts after the connection are collected immediately. Some species allow for some time to correct the position of the details before setting.
  4. Also, depending on the technology and methods of fastening wooden parts, they are divided into two groups - cold and hot gluing.

Cold gluing wood

This method of gluing does not imply the heating of the mixture. To work will be required:

  • glue,
  • clamp,
  • viima
  • special clamps.

Viima is cold presses, irreplaceable in gluing parts from a bar, frame, panel. Cold gluing involves the use of PVAD based compounds. Due to the water base, the glue quickly absorbs into the tree and gives a reliable connection. It hardens on average for 15-25 minutes, then requires exposure under the press for an hour.


Hot gluing wood

This technique is convenient when gluing thin sheets, implies the heating of the glue using electricity or steam. After heating, it solidifies 30-40 seconds.

Wood gluing presss for:

  • inclined, horizontal, vertical depending on the location of the shield,
  • electromechanical, manual, hydraulic, pneumatic, depending on the type of actuator,
  • position and passing type based on the mode of operation,
  • steam, electric, tweak, water depending on the type of heating.

The glue is imposed on the details in advance, then placed in the press of hot gluing. Pressing takes up to 5 minutes, and the complete pouring of glue occurs outside the press equipment.

Thus, for high-quality and reliable compounds of wood parts glue Today you can use both inexpensive PVAs that are suitable for use at home and professional views from well-known manufacturers. The latter provide a solid and durable connection of parts on an industrial scale, facilitate the work of furniture manufacturing masters and other wood structures.

A tree is a huge value, without which it is impossible to present our lives. This is one of the most friendly materials to the man, so we love to surround our life of wooden subjects. In the manufacture of many things, adhesive for wood is used to produce all-point details. It is indispensable in cases where the product requires repair.

Wood in our lives

Nature has endowed wood with such a unique set of qualities, which no other material on earth is posted: environmental friendliness, wear resistance, wealth of textures, etc. It is impossible to list all areas of its use. Here is just a brief list:

  • building;
  • furniture;
  • paper production;
  • musical instruments;
  • toys;
  • home stuff.

Despite the fact that this material is quite durable, but it also has a property break, crack and split into parts. In order to resurrect the damaged thing to life, a tree gluing is necessary.

Factors affecting the selection of glue for wood

Humanity invented considerable amount of adhesive compositions for wood work. To know how to glue the tree with the best result, you need to own information about the assortment and features of adhesive substances.

Solving the question of how to take advantage of, it is necessary to take into account the most diverse factors that can affect your choice. For example:

  • type of operation (glue a broken stool or connect thin carved fragments);
  • set of connected textures (glue tree to wood or fix it to metal, fabric, skin, etc.);
  • conditions in which glued objects will be operated;
  • expected reliability of the connection;
  • the time required for gluing;
  • price.

The Master Council: No matter what makeup you will use, the general rules must be observed to achieve a durable setting: it is thoroughly cleaned, degreased well and dry the connected areas. And more: the thinner will be the adhesive seam - the stronger the joint will turn out.

Overview of glue varieties


Under this brand, there are several compositions that differ in digital marking. The greater the digit in the marking, the higher the plasticity and below the strength. BF-2 is suitable for bonding hard structures that are not flexing and vibrations. BF-4 is more elastic, but the strength of the adhesive seam is somewhat lower than that of BF-2. What type is better to apply - depends on your tasks.

Technology: to dry out the first layer 1 hour is given. Then they apply the second layer, they give dry 10 - 20 minutes and tightly press both parts to each other. Note that glue BF is functional and resistant to high humidity and to most chemical influences. Disadvantage: contains aldehydes and phenol, therefore is not allowed to use in the production of dishes and children's toys.

Polyvinila acetate (PVA)

This view has long been widely known; It has different modifications. To work with wooden products, you can apply PVA-MB (universal) or PVA-M (super glue). The latter is considered the highest quality due to greater viscosity. Suitable for the performance of expensive and responsible operations.

The main advantage is fire safety. Drying is given a day. The glued surfaces should be carefully deguted.


"Moment" is known as universal strong glue. Among his varieties there is a specialized - "moment of the joiner". The distinctive features of this brand are:

  • rapid grasp - 10 -15 minutes in room conditions;
  • heat resistance (for example, fix the veneer to the heated iron);
  • special strength;
  • unchanged color.

The minuses include insufficient water and frost resistance.


There are two types - bone and metering. The first is made from animal horns, the second - from the insisted of the unseasonable skin of animals. Of the two varieties - the bone is considered the best. It comes in the form of granules, grains or scales.

When preparation, the dry fraction is soaked in cold water, then boiled in a water bath at a temperature of about 70 degrees, thoroughly stirring until the onset of complete dissolution. It is used in the form of a warm liquid mass. It is better to use immediately after breeding.

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Council of the Master: Mix two types of joinery glue in one solution does not make sense: the performance does not improve from this.


Made based on epoxy resins, and consists of two components - resin and hardener. It is suitable for any material, fills the cavities well and smoothes irregularities. Therefore, it is especially convenient for restoration works. Is a dielectric. Neither water, nor fat, nor oil nor surfactants, which are contained in any cleaning products. It freezes very quickly, and something to fix it after hardening will be impossible.


It is distinguished by resistance to moisture and elevated temperatures. It has natural origin (in its basis - milk protein), does not contain any harmful impurities. Fully grabbed in 20 hours.

The disadvantages include the ability to change the color of the glued wood. Sometimes there are spots that are darker over time. The finished solution is capable of stored no longer than 2 - 4 hours, and it cannot be reanimated.

Master Council: The degree of waterproof the adhesive is easily determined by packing markings. It is denoted by the Literary "D" and the number: 2 - low, 3 - good, 4 is very high. However, the class D4 is very expensive, and its use must be justified.


Very good, but the most expensive choice. Indispensable in cases where you need to provide a responsible compound or create a multi-layer design. Adhesion will be extremely strong, immune to the effects of sea and chlorinated water.

Watch the video:

Polyurethane glue for gluing wooden items does not respond to aggressive chemical environments and ultraviolet. In short, if you need expremodation in extreme conditions, including a significant mechanical load, this is the best option.


We are needed in cases where the wooden product will be subject to burning; For example, a gas burner. The use of adhesive with improved thermal properties is a guarantee that the surface connected to it will not disintegrate even under the influence of very high temperatures.

As you can see, even such a detailed overview of all sorts of adhesive compositions is unlikely to give an unequivocal answer to the question: "What kind of wood glue is better?" Probably the one that is better to cope with a specific task in a particular case, and at the same time will be available to you at a price. If it turns out, take the glue of two different types and try alternately each. So you can choose the most suitable option for your carpentry work.

Wood products are valued at all times, so many masters love this material. Making small models requires care, accuracy. The fasteners are not used in such cases, because they often spoil the appearance. And what to glue the tree to the tree? Modern manufacturers offer a large range of products, which will qualitatively connect these parts.

When creating wooden structures, gluing is the most responsible stage. Even the most experienced masters sometimes allow mistakes that cause big disappointments. After all, the workpiece because of this becomes spoiled, and all the work must be redone.

What is better to use for gluing?

To date, there are many adhesive materials that use for joinery needs:

  • polyurethane compositions;
  • contact glue;
  • multiple PVA-adhesives;
  • epoxy resin.

Each master in the reserve always has several of the substances presented. So, what to glue the tree to the tree? The appropriate option is chosen by paying attention to certain features of the future project:

  • tree features;
  • the conditions in which the product will use;
  • the degree of load that will fall on the seam.

Features of glue

Choosing glue, you should also pay attention to its composition. It should be resistant to temperature drop, water and light. The most popular today belongs:

  • "BF";
  • PVA for wood;
  • industrial glue for working with a wooden surface.

Glue "BF" uses many wood masters due to minimal drying time. The composition is not terrible corrosion, rotting. It is resistant to oil, gasoline, water.

PVA for wood is non-toxic, cheap and practical substance that reliably can glue the wooden details. The final adhesion occurs after 24 hours.

Industrial glue compositions are waterproof, able to fasten various woods among themselves. At the final stage of operation, this composition does not spoil the working tools.


This is the perfect substance for connecting parts of wood. It is environmentally friendly, not harmful to human health, not toxic. It is easy to apply to the surface of any configuration. The compound can withstand the limit load of up to 60 kg / cm². In this case, the substance is characterized by a long shelf life. PVA glue is actively used in the manufacture of furniture.

Which PVA is better to glue the tree - the choice of each wizard. Its only its disadvantage is a low moisture resistance rate.

Glue for Tree "BF"

Many are interested, the better to glue the tree to the tree. Glue of the BF series allows you to securely connect different types of surfaces. To date, such modifications of the adhesive substance are popular: BF-2 and BF-4. The first is used for internal works, the second - for external.

A high-quality compound can be achieved by applying two layers:

  • the first - primer - should dry for 1 hour;
  • the second is the final - dries through a short period of time.

How to glue tree to the tree

Before proceeding to gluing wooden parts, it is necessary to prepare the surface:

  1. Fastened areas of wood should be cleaned of dust and pollution. To do this, on the surface you should walk with a file or emery paper. It must be seized until a homogeneous state.
  2. Joineric glue should be applied with a thin layer on both surfaces. In this case, it should be launched a little. An exception is the combination of wooden surfaces with polyurethane glue. It is applied only on one surface, and the second slightly moistened with water.
  3. The glue layer must be uniform, in the required quantity, since the overall substance does not improve the quality of the compound, but only contributes to the irrational consumption of the material. In addition, the surfaces are smeared by surplus, and this adds the work to the master at the stage of finishing a wooden product.
  4. Details are connected and installed under the press for a certain time, which indicates the manufacturer on the package.

The most reliable gluing of wooden parts when connecting a spike groove. At the same time lubricate only the walls of the groove and cheap spikes. Such a connection is very reliable and durable.

The adhesive material should be applied as described above. After all, the wrappers, you do not improve the quality of the gluing. In this case, only excess surplus, which in the future will have to be removed.

What should the glue

The main rules for applying glue on the surface of the tree is its uniform distribution, and the extrusion of the substance does not contribute from the tube. How to glue a tree?

For uniform application, the substance should be smeared. Often, for such purposes, tight bristles are used. But experienced professionals recommend using a toothbrush. In it, the bristles of optimal stiffness and can evenly and gently distribute the composition over the surface.

Preparation of the surface: degreasing

Many experts argue that when gluing wooden elements is not required to degrease the surface. But with oil rocks, such a procedure will not be superfluous. You can do this with the help of White Spirit.

Degtees of the surface is necessary and when gluing heterogeneous elements, for example, with plastic, glass. At the same time, only one surface is degreased.

Clamps guarantee high-quality clutch?

The connection strength directly depends on the accuracy of fitting parts and the quality of their glue processing. The magnitude of the clamping effort is practically not important here, so it is not necessary to strongly tighten the clamps. A sign of good clamping pressure is a small amount of outlined glue.

Experts rarely use clamps. Wooders on wood that make small products are used for tightening tape or painting tape. With well-fitted joints of this happens enough.

Cleaning the surface from dried glue

It seems that the main thing is to decide how to glue the tree to the tree. But it is important that this process is neat. It is necessary to clean the same surplus when the glue fully hardened or immediately after applying. Solving toasting the surface of the moistened wood ahead of time, you can get even more aesthetic defect. And already hardened glue can be cut off the chisel or clean the grinding, moves along the fibers.

Final stage

At the final stage of the manufacture of any wooden design, a decorative finish of the product is carried out. But first should be checked, and whether the product remained on the product. After all, traces of dried glue will be bought under the layer of decorative material.

In everyday life, there are often situations related to the conduct of various works with wooden surfaces and woods from wood of different breeds. To repair or make something independently, it is not always appropriate to use nails or self-tapping screws, so the question of choosing an effective tool that can be fastened. Most often, the choice is in favor of glue, but not all adhesive compositions are recommended for work with wood.


The adhesive for wood applies everywhere, but the specificity of the gluing of such a material is somewhat different from the connection of the surfaces from rubber or plastics. The technology of performing these works does not involve drying or pressed the elements to each other. The tree needs a different approach, which depends on the individual characteristics of each individual breed. Today, the assortment of adhesive compositions is presented in the market weighing a variety of products.

But in this manifold, it is enough to get enough to get confused, and without sobering, which products will be optimal for a particular situation.

To make the right choice of composition, which will provide the most durable connection, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • the characteristic of the material is the degree of adhesion, consistentness;
  • features of each material that will be attached - wood with plastic or tree with wood;
  • level of load on glue seam;
  • conditions for the further use of the product.

Also should take into account the features of the adhesive composition, among which you can allocate:

  • bonding density level;
  • moisture resistance products;
  • the time required for complete drying;
  • multifunction of glue;
  • bonding strength;
  • indicators of products toxicity.


Products for gluing wood has a different composition and scope. Most materials are positioned as universal goods for which wooden elements fasteners are just one of the areas of use. Other products are available as a narrow formulations, so they are not intended for contact with the other types of materials.

Several a variety of compounds.

  • PVA glue Sometimes they are called the dispersed tool for gluing.

The main characteristics of such products are:

  1. lack of toxicity due to which the composition can be applied indoors without additional security measures;
  2. fast setting with a surface;
  3. unlimited production life;
  4. ability to use with any surface.

The disadvantage of such adhesion is the method of its breeding, which is based on the addition of water, which negatively affects the reliability of fixing in rooms with high humidity. To ensure high-quality gluing elements in such adhesive, it is recommended to add wood dust.

  • Epoxy adhesiveit is a two-component composition, for the use of which the mixing of substances in a given ratio will be required. Products provide solid fixation, universal in the field of application. Epoxy compositions are distinguished by water resistance, resistance to aggressive substances and fuel. The time of complete solidification depends on the thickness of the applied layer. The minus of the material includes the need to ensure the protection of skin cover and overrun, since it is impossible to calculate exactly how much the finished solution for surface treatment is impossible.
  • Bf - The type of glue, which includes several options for the means. For materials from wood, a series 2 and 4. This composition has such a feature as very rapid frozen. On average, it is necessary 50-60 minutes for this, but provided that the humidity and temperature will be within the normal range.

The compositions should be applied in two layers with small intervals in time. The fourth series of glue is frost-resistant products. The disadvantage of BF is the need for a mandatory pretresting of a wooden surface with degreasing.

  • Heat-resistant adhesive compositionsmanufactured in the form of stealing. To work with such products, you will need a special pistol. The product scope mainly concerns the fastening of small parts or sealing defects in a wooden surface.
  • Joinery adhesives. For work, products need to be prepared. The base of the joinery glue includes an organic protein, which is the main adhesive substance. It is necessary for connecting various wood materials: organic, paper, cardboard, wooden products. Natural composition ensures the safety of use.

The origin of the main component of the joinery compositions is different.

Products are classified based on the type of source raw materials.

  • Mind. The main component in such products is a substance that is formed during the processing of the animal skin. The material can be produced in the form of scales, tiles or powder.
  • Bone. Raw materials for him are the bone remains of animals. Products have an average cost. It is better to use a transparent composition, instead of untreated mixtures with impurities.

  • Casein. Widely used in aircraft production and shipbuilding. It is neutral to dampness and forms a solid connection. To prepare the composition, you need to strictly observe the proportions and the time interval.
  • Fish. Prepared on the basis of reels of fins and scales. The composition is considered to be professional products intended for gluing surfaces having a different degree of rigidity. The glue has a rather high cost, therefore it is positioned as furnace and is used for repair or restoration of expensive furniture.
  • Moisture-resistant solution. It can be prepared by himself, using haired lime and cottage cheese, who rushed not so long ago.

There is a certain technology for the manufacture of joinery glue. For this, the dry mass is poured with water and leave for 6-12 hours so that the composition completely absorbed moisture. The remaining water is drained, and the mixture is heated in a water bath until the substance is completely dissolved. The cooking process requires periodic stirring. It is important to control the process so that the mixture does not boil. Application of adhesive is carried out strictly in the direction of the arrangement of wood fibers, then the elements are pressed to each other and fixed. The main disadvantage of products is to reduce gluing efficiency in the case of moisture of wood greater than 10%.

  • Sindial glue.It is prepared from a joinery of adhesive composition with the addition of lime and sugar powder. Products are distinguished by a high level of strength of the connection of the elements. Glue waterproof, has resistant to chemicals. The disadvantage of products is considered a fairly long process of preparation, since the mass for the solution should be maintained 24 hours in water.
  • Adhesive paste. Prepare it on the basis of joinery composition, wood ash and chalk. The material manifests itself well with the priming and putty tree.
  • Polyurethane products. It is the most expensive among the above assortment. The material has a number of positive features. The area where the composition is deposited is perfectly withstanding high dynamic loads.

Such material is ideal for the repair of furniture, for example, for the legs of the chairs, which overproof over time. Also, the composition is highly resistant to different temperatures, moisture and solar radiation. Designs from wood, which are operated in extreme conditions, it is better to glue such a composition.

Scope of application

One- and two-component PVA adhesives are used to glue the surfaces that are indoors. And two-component funds with a hardener can easily be purchased to work with a board located outside the premises, a staircase, garden furniture, window or door structures. Polyurethane liquid glue compositions perfectly glue the tree with a tree, as well as ceramic tiles, phaneur, metal and plastic. Products are considered an ideal option for oily wood. Glue-alloy creates connections without fixing the clamp, provides a connection of parts with minor gaps.

The contact composition forms elastic seams, resistant to mechanical effects. The glue ensures reliable textile fixation in the production of upholstered furniture and gluing large plastic parts on wood.

Supercles are most often used at home, as it refers to quick-drying compositions. However, in addition, it is widely used for wood. It is indispensable for fastening wooden elements of small size and intermediate fixation of parts. The composition is recommended for sealing cracks on wooden surfaces, and it can also be used to repair a cutting kitchen board with their own hands.

Bone glue is the perfect products for work with antique furniture.

How to use?

Each type of glue for wood involves compliance with individual rules that are reflected in the scope of application.

Total methods should be attributed to:

  • the need to clean the working surfaces before applying the composition;
  • conducting a test assembly without glue.

Since the details that do not come out to come to each other during the provision of a small pressure, it will not be cleaned. Already connected parts with the help of the composition must be fixed with clamps until the material is completely drying. On average, the frozen products comes in a day. Glue, as a fixation tool between the wooden elements, is an old and very effective option that has repeatedly strengthened its properties thanks to the latest technological developments. Any products contain detailed instructions on the application on the package.


In the market, glue for wood is represented by a large variety of well-known brands. The leaders in this segment are "moment", "Titeburg" and "Titan".

Titebond.the company is produced Franklin International. Products are recommended for furniture from plywood, floor wooden surfaces, as well as other types of wood. The composition does not include solvents, and the main components are natural and synthetic polymers. This feature provides a good clutch of surfaces with each other.

There is a series of compositions Titebond II Premium.which is in great demand for work on the production of doors and windows. The composition has a high level of moisture resistance, so perfectly manifests itself during operation on the street. Quite often, a similar means are decorated with a wooden facade with various elements.

Company Henkelpopular to its products "Moment Super PVA D3". It is used for industrial purposes, as well as in everyday life for gluing cardboard, paper or plywood. Waterproof PVA glue acts as an additive to concrete solutions, due to which the plasticity of the finished mass increases. D4 compositions indicate a high class concerning the water resistance of products. Similar funds are positioned as special-purpose goods, therefore, they are characterized by a high price.

"Moment of the joiner" - The best Russian glue, which is a water dispersion, perfectly gluing any wood breeds, as well as building materials. Professional joiners mark its rapid drying, availability and strength.