Repairs Design Furniture

How to clean the old paint from iron pipes. How to clean the pipe from paint. Drill with a special nozzle

How to clean the pipes from paint

The word "repair" for many is terrible. After all, you agree to a lot of trouble, starting with the choice of design and ending with building materials. By doing repairs, we update everything, glue wallpaper on the walls, we will drag the new floor covering and much more. But it is important not to forget to update the pipes. At first glance, it seems to be completely easy, you just need to clean the old pipes and cover fresh paint, but not so simple. Of course, if you plan to cosmetic repairs, then the pipes you need to cover the paint in the places of chips, for sure you will not need to be seriously cleaned. But if you moved to the old house, where for a long time there was no overhaul, then you just do not get caught, you will need a more serious approach.

How beautiful to repaint pipes

Tools for cleaning pipes from paint

Where to begin? Of course with tools. To remove paintwork pipe covering. You will need:

  1. technical acetone and solvent;
  2. metal brush;
  3. paper elaborate varying degrees of grainability;
  4. spatula and chisel;
  5. rag;
  6. knife and scraper;
  7. overalls;
  8. drill.

Respirators for work

Preparatory work before cleaning pipes from paint

You must temporarily transfer all interior items, you will need a space, and also do not forget about carpets and pales. After all, you do not want to stain a carpet cover, besides everything if you use chemicals, then the smell is very quick and hard to enter the fiber;
Will open all the doors and windows, because if you prefer chemicals, then fresh air you need in order not to suffocate, in addition, odors can be very saturated;
Put protective clothing, glasses and respirator. If you do not have a respirator, then use the mask. It is important to consider that the mask must be changed at least in every half hour;
Carefully inspect the pipes, it is recommended to treat a small area to make sure that the metallic base is integrity. If not, then you need to change them completely. If small spots of rust are observed, they can be treated with simple metal or chemical methods that we will tell a little later;

Preparatory work
Due to the toxicity of some chemicals, it is recommended to produce repair work in the absence of animals, children and the elderly.

Chemical Pipe Cleaning Methods

The most common problem when removing a paint coating from pipes is the hard-to-access site. Pipes in apartments are not always designed as smooth segments, the most often observed designs with hard-to-reach places. In this connection, there is a certain discomfort when girdbing and stripping pipes. In such cases, it is better to use chemical methods. Also, this method of stripping is the best option if you do not have a lot of free time or below or above you for riser live misunderstanding and grill neighbors. Thanks to a large assortment of chemicals to eliminate fat paints in construction hypermarkets, you will be able to choose the most affordable solvent or washing.
Excellent cope with the solar paint Solvent B-52, which has been successful for not the first year at the repair field. It is perfectly coping with all types of paints and varnishes. To remove the solar paint, you need to moisten the rag in the solvent and wipe the surface of the pipe. Paint instantly remains on the rag. In the event that the desired result is not reached, it is necessary to leave the paint, moistened with B-52 for a couple of minutes.

Solvent for paint

For metal and cast-iron pipes, special washes are presented in the building markets. A substantial minus in them is a caustic smell that can cause dizziness, poor well-being. While working with a washes, it is necessary to air the room as often as possible and of course not forget about protective clothing and the respirator. Before proceeding with work, you must carefully read the instructions from the manufacturer.
Many are mistaken when they acquire a bow for acrylic paints for oil paints, this acquisition will be thrown into cash. It is important to take into account this cleaning feature and not to be confused with the solvent. Method of application: Apply a wash at 5-30 minutes, depending on the desired final result, after which the pipes need to dry. Duration of drying at least one day. After that, the surface of the pipe can be coated with a paintwork. A significant minus in this method of getting rid of the solar paint on the pipes is a high cost. But, it pays off a good and rapid result, without much effort.

paint with batteries

Mechanical method of cleaning pipes from paint

If you have free time, and closely decided to repair in our own housing, then you can further familiarize yourself with the most effective mechanical methods for removing the solar paint on the pipes.
Construction hairdryer. The most common and efficient, the main essence is in heating the surface of the pipe, after which it is possible to remove the paint with a spatula or knife. If you wanted to use a hairdryer when processing the gas pipe, you need to be extremely neat, in order to avoid fire and accident.

Bulgarian or drill. Beautiful alternative to the construction festival. The configuration must be a special brush that perfectly patches the pipe from the solar paint coating. It is important when working with a grinder or a drill, you must be in a mask, since it is not to avoid a large amount of dust and small grainbones.
Grinder machine. Excellent option, if you wish in a short time get rid of the paint coating on the pipes. Completely sold special nozzles. After completing the work, the surface of the pipe must be wiped with a solvent.

Blowtorch. Pipe processing technique, as with a construction hairdryer. In the end, it is necessary to wipe the pipe with a solvent.
Iron (Soviet production). A couple of dozen years ago, in the absence of new-fashioned devices, our grandparents used iron, Soviet times. It was heated and led through the foil to the surface of the pipe, after which the paint was dumbfounded with a knife, emery foil or solvent. Do not experiment with modern iron.
Sandpaper. If the paintwork is easily removed, then you can use sandpaper. But you need to be in a mask and in glasses, as a lot of dust is formed. Ultimately, pipes will need to wipe away from dust.

Let's summarize

We have told you the most common and efficient methods of getting rid of the solar paint on the pipes. Now you do not need to spend extra money, inviting experienced workshops in the field of repair, you can do everything yourself.

http: //www.xn-----8kcg4aacboreodxjfen5a.xn--p1ai.

Staining heating pipes on a previously imposed paint layer is undesirable, even if it seems that old does not have damage, and the only task of such small repair is only to update it. The reason is the specificity of the system operation. Temperature drops lead to a gradual deformation of the paint and varnish coating. Even if visually its defects and are not viewed, the risk of detachalions at least in some sections is quite large.

Applying a new paint will only give the novelty to the whole contour, but as far as it will hold on, it is unknown. In order to not engage in a short time, do not engage in the same work, the pipes must be carefully cleaned to the base (metal). How to remove the old paint from the metal, which exist for this technique - all these questions will be considered in this article.

Methods and metal removal means



The products commeromed are universal, as they are intended for softening almost any soil, paintwork, and some - and for. Approximately half an hour (± 10 min, depending on the manufacturer), the scattered mass of paint is easy to remove mechanically. For example, a spatula, a knife, a chisel.

Price - from 188 rubles / score. (0.5 ml).


Such means are called. Unlike aerosols, they are not sprayed, but are applied with a brush. The processing process is longer, but as practice shows, their consumption is much lower.

Price - from 258 rubles / l.


The specific agent is chosen depending on the type of paint. This technique is applicable to remove the old layer only in separate areas, and that if its thickness is insignificant. No high efficiency and is used less frequently.

Features - any "chemistry" contains toxic components. Before use, it is necessary to take care of the means of protection and provide high-quality ventilation in the room.


The choice of tools and devices is limited only by the presence of what is in the house.

  • EL / Drill (perforator, "Bulgarian") with a nozzle (). It is advisable to use if you need to remove the paint from the pipe on a fairly large (over longness) area.
  • Brush with metal "VILLINS".
  • Frame with large teeth (for example, rasp).
  • Paper emery with large abrasive fractions.


The meaning of such a technological operation is in the heating of the metal, after which the softened paint layer is removed by the mechanical method. Basically, this uses a hair dryer (construction), less often (with some precautionary measures) - soldering lamp.

Using mechanical methods for cleaning pipes from paint, rust, should not be made to considerable effort. The "Mode" of surface processing must be gentle. Why? It is visually difficult, especially under the layer of paintwork, determine the degree of metal wear. Therefore, excessive zeal can lead to cracks, depressurization of the joints. The result - the emergence (maybe after some time) leaks and new, but already more voluminous and complex repairs.

Before processing the pipe by any drug, it should be securely cover all adjacent surfaces. Moreover, it is not a newspaper, which is done quite often before painting, but by a waterproof material (better - rubberized cloth).

Such a suspension will not be superfluous, as it is not known how "chemistry" will behave when contact with floor-coating, wall decoration, plinths (especially if they are from the newcomer plastic).

Watch the video to remove paint from the heating radiator and pipes:

Many owners of their own housing during the examination of the pipelines in the apartment have to be noticed that have emerged troubles with iron pipes (significantly more - plumbing), in which traces of rust and contaminants are viewed through damaged and swollen colorful coating. Leave them in this state very undesirable, because the upcoming destruction of the metal can lead to an important accident. It is better to disassemble how to clean the pipe from paint and paint it again.

When the protective coating is detected, it is necessary to close the condition of the damaged area, after the end of which it will be possible to decide on the upcoming actions. If in the course of the examination under the layer of paints, strong metal destruction was found - you should think about the complete replacement of this part of the pipeline. But if the corrosion was only undergoing the top layer of the metal - it is enough to carry out the cosmetic repair of the pipe, which is consisted in cleaning it from the wind paint and rust (followed by the restoration of the protective coating).

Methods and nuances of cleaning

The choice of the recovery method of the damaged section depends on the possibility of accessing it, which, for its part, is determined by the placement of this part of the pipeline. So, in the areas of direct laying of pipes to get to the damaged place very simply, which permits to apply simple mechanical cleaning methods for these purposes.

Tip! In some parts of any pipeline there are constantly space, access to what is limited. In this case, you will need to take advantage of the so-called chemical method involving the use of special cleaning facilities.

Consider some features of each of the specified methods of stripping damaged places.

To remove the paint from the site located on the direct run of the pipeline, you have the opportunity to use the following mechanical methods:

  • apply a construction hairdryer for heating the location of damage with subsequent cleaning of it from paint using a spatula or a knife;
  • in the absence of a wonderful hair dryer, you have the opportunity to take advantage of a classic grinder or an electric drill equipped with a special nozzle in the form of an iron brush;
  • in the event that the paint layer on the damaged place is narrow - it will be possible to apply a soldering lamp to it.

And finally, in the case, at a time when the paint is easily lagging behind the metal - you have the opportunity to try to clean the surface through the emery paper of the required grain. Upon completion of this cleaning, it will be necessary to wipe the surface with a wet rag, removing the remains of emery dust from it.

Tip! At the time when access to the damaged place is limited (either with reluctance to spend time not for a long removal of a working paint with a mechanical method) - you will need to take advantage of special chemicals. Recall that their use is probably in the event that when you failed to fully remove the dilapidated paint with mechanical means.

When considering the purification process, we will proceed from the need to share these two ways, which must be taken into account both during preparatory operations and when choosing the required tool.

In the case of chemical processing (or when applying one of the mechanical methods, with subsequent additional chemical cleaning), you may need the following tools and materials:

  • medium-sized spatula;
  • a set of brushes of different quantities;
  • rag;
  • special chemical solvent;
  • scraper and knife;
  • manual iron brush;
  • set of emery paper of various grainability;
  • drill with a special nozzle;
  • workwear and safety glasses;
  • respirator (mask).

Preparatory activities

Before cleaning the pipe from paint by any of the considered methods, it is designed to prepare to prepare for repair work. Such preparation is as follows:

  1. First of all, from the room in which toxic chemicals will be used, it is necessary to remove children, older people and animals, and then provide the possibility of fresh air inflows in this place (all windows and doors in the apartment are revealed in most cases) .
  2. If there are closest from the place of work of the carpets or Palasas, they are removed and temporarily transferred to another room. Such prudency will not allow the fibers of the carpet products to be soaked in caustic odors, and will exclude the possibility of random damage to the processing of pipes.
  3. In addition, it will be necessary to remove all objects interfering with it from the work.
  4. Before you begin work with reactivities you need to change clothes into work clothes, and put on safety glasses and a respirator. In the absence of a respirator, it will be possible to take advantage of the marry bandage (mask), which you need to change in times of thirty minutes.
  5. Then it is possible to intently examine the place of damage and completely make sure that the iron base of the Tumbler and does not lack the replacement.

Features processing

Purification of pipes with a mechanical method is reduced, as already noted, to heat the surface with a damaged protective layer and to its subsequent stripper using a spatula, a knife-cutter, an iron brush or simple emery paper (the choice of a particular tool depends on the surface state).

In the case of chemical cleaning, you have the opportunity to use a whole set of special means (solvents and washes), extensively represented now in the domestic market. The following items deserve special attention to:

  1. Solvent B-52, allowing to remove dyes of a variety of stamps. Its use comes down to the impregnation of a cloth with a subsequent wetting of a damaged place with paint residues. For better decomposition of the dye, a rag with a reagent is recommended to leave at the place of treatment for 5-10 minutes ..
  2. Special washes used both for iron and iron pipes, much more often having a unpleasant, sharp smell. Just this case includes the requirement of compulsory air conditioning, and the use of respirator or a protective mask.

Tip! The washes is applied to the surface being processed by means of a yield of the brush at a time from 5 to 30 minutes. (depending on the result required). Before painting purified, the pipes are mandatory, it is necessary to give time to all scenes.


In this video, it is demonstrated how the pipe cleaning is performed:

See how it is possible to remove the dilapidated paint from the iron pipe wash:

How to remove old paint from metal? This question occurs when the previous decorative layer comes into disrepair. The coating can be collapped by various reasons, but the main factor is the constant contact of the surface with oxygen. It is possible to remove the old layer in various ways, but the method must take into account the specific situation and do not take a lot of time.

The removal of an obstructed or obsolete protective and decorative layer can be carried out in various ways, during which certain materials and tools will be involved. The following options are considered the most popular and effective:

  • The use of primary heating appliances. Thermal impact allows you to quickly remove the old composition, but can negatively affect the surface. For work, a construction hairdryer, a soldering lamp or gas burner is used. If necessary, the details can be immersed in a furnace or bonfire.

The removal of paint using thermal exposure is a time-consuming process, the speed of work depends on the heating device and the thickness of the metal layer: the thicker, the longer cleans

Important! Many decorative compositions have good flammability even after complete drying, which can lead to poor consequences. Also, this method is not suitable in cases where it is necessary to process a small portion of a single design.

  • The use of devices having abrasive nozzles. The mechanical method allows you to clean the metal parts systematic, adjusting the load on the surface. This method is not always suitable for working with small or embossed elements. The process will require a lot of time, but it may be the only right solution. Among the devices used, sandpaper, grinding and polishing machine, grinder and nozzle brushes are distinguished.
  • You can wash the metal base with your own hands using acetone and white spirit. But if the film formed has good adhesion with the base, it will not help. This option is an excellent addition of the previous method.
  • The quick result is achieved when using a special washing. The chemical method is good because it allows you to remove the paint in a short period of time, even complex areas are exposed to cleansing.

The use of any tool or material should occur with caution, harm can be applied not only to the metal, but also health.

Paint deletion thermal method

Such technology involves the use of available devices. The principle is that under the action of high temperatures, the coating soften, after which it can immediately be removed. When using an open flame tool, the firing effect is created, due to this paint burns, freeing the base for subsequent purification.

Procedure for performing work:

  1. The state of the cleaned place is estimated. If the design is easily removed, it is better to dismantle it, it will allow you to perform work more secure. In the absence of such a possibility, make sure that adjacent areas will not be exposed to high temperatures.
  2. It is cleaned all unnecessary, if necessary, adjacent surfaces are protected. For this, asbestos plates can be used.
  3. The subject is thoroughly cleaned from dirt and dust, washed with water and dried.
  4. The heating device is prepared. It is better to use a construction hairdryer because it is much safer than a gas burner or a soldering lamp. It is also necessary to have a metal brush and a spatula. To avoid unpleasant consequences, protective equipment: gloves, glasses, respirator.
  5. Heating occurs evenly. The large plot is initially captured so that the coating is easier to be filmed, then individual zones are heated. As soon as the structure of the layer being removed becomes noticeably softer, a spatula or brush applies.
  6. To achieve a better result, all movements must be interrelated and consistent: heating - removal.
  7. To completely remove the residues, the solvent is applied. The main thing - the base should not be highly heated.

This method is suitable when it is required to clean the oil coloring composition. Work is better to carry out outdoors or in a constantly ventilated room.

On a note! The heat treatment cannot be subjected to heating battery from cast iron, brass and aluminum, as well as thin sheets and forged decorative elements that are details of the composition from other materials.

Cleaning abrasives

Drills, grinders, grinding machines appear as a tool. The choice of a suitable nozzle, which should have an abrasive coating is very important. To work in hard-to-reach places and with small items, it is better to use a manual method: sandpaper is used independently or installed on a special bar.

It happens that for removing paint from the metal, it does not require much time when using the mechanical method when the surface has a large amount of detachals and bloats as a result of the effects of rust. In this case, a spatula and knife are used. The main thing is to undergo a reason for thorough cleaning and anti-corrosion processing.

Process algorithm:

  1. Prepared place, removes everything too much. The respirator, gloves and glasses are used as protection.
  2. Removal begins with the selected area. Move is better planned, cleaning all the territory without skipping.
  3. Different types of tools and abrasives have different effects on the surface. If the paint is applied with a thick layer or absorbed well, the process begins with the coarser products, then the nozzle changes.
  4. Due to the formation of dust and dirt, it is recommended to spray the treated area with a pulverizer with water. This method is suitable when using brushes, disks or petal circles.

Strong mechanical impact can damage the base, so the tools are used for coarse cleaning. For details requiring gentle processing, a manual method is selected.

Chemical removal

Simple but unsafe way. The chemical variant allows you to quickly and qualitatively flush a water-level acrylic or other polymer composition, as well as organic paints. For work, various types of products are used. Aerosols have proven well, with their help you can easily process the desired area.

Attention! If you need to clean brass or other decorative parts, they are pre-boiled in a soap solution. Deleting paint is performed manually.

When working at home, it is advisable to take care of the health of others, animals and indoor plants. All procedures are carried out in a ventilated room in gloves, respirator and protective glasses.

Technology Next:

  1. The treated surface is well purified and washed, and after drying it is degreased.
  2. Related sections are closed, removed unnecessary items.
  3. The chemical reagent is applied abundantly and carefully. Aerosol or liquid composition can be used for processing. For the second option requires a brush.
  4. The product is closed by a polyethylene film, it will improve the reaction.
  5. Depending on the manufacturer's recommendation, then you should wait from 1 to 10 hours, and then with a spatula and brush, remove the swollen layer.
  6. The surface is immediately washed with solvent and water, otherwise the likelihood that the composition will damage the structure of the metal.

Such a means is suitable for cleaning powder paint, but it is better to choose more caustic connections.