Repairs Design Furniture

Raw corner in the apartment what to do. In a private house, the wall is cheese - what are the causes of dampness of the bottom of the walls of the house only on the one hand? External leaks may form

A certain level of humidity is always present in the house: washing, cleaning in rooms, washing and even cooking. But you need to follow, so that the humidity has not increased above the norm.

The presence of excessive humidity in a private house is not only wet walls, coated corners with mold, unpleasant smell and spoiled furniture, but also violation of the functions of the respiratory system, allergic diseases and other medical problems. How to determine the optimal level of humidity in the house? This is done using a hygroscope. The optimal value of air humidity in the room for a comfortable residence of a person is considered 40 - 60%. The excess of this indicator is fraught with the appearance of problems, in the form of condensate, plush air and fungus.

Causes of damp in a private house

The reasons for the appearance of dampness in the house are not so much, the work on their elimination is quite accessible to any owner.

Cause №1. Wrong waterproofing foundation

This means that when the base is based, disorders were made during the arrangement of horizontal waterproofing. Now the impact of groundwater leads to gray-green stripes under the plinth, dying and falling down in the bottom wallpaper, the corners covered with mold.

To change the situation, it is necessary to develop soil around the perimeter of the foundation and apply vertical waterproofing of the base walls. It will no longer be simple and not cheap, but there are no other technicians to ensure complete deliverance from dampness.

Cause # 2. Violations in waterproofing basement

As a rule, it is caused by errors in the hydrogen waterproofing. The groundwater, having an impact on the floor, walls and ceiling of the basement, leads to the formation of dampness in the premises of the basement. Made of Togo Water can flood the basement. Then, after pumping fluid, it will have to carry out vertical waterproofing of the walls, as in the first case.

If there is no water in the basement of water, but only dampness, then coating and injectable waterproofing will help. Processing need to be carried out all surfaces of the basement.

Cause number 3. Legging roof

When falling out precipitation, find the place of leakage will be completely simple. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to restore roof defects by producing partial repairs in the leakage zone. This process will not require large material costs and can be performed with your own hands.

Cause №4. Lack of flashes

The scene must be performed according to a specific rules: to have a bias of 2-3 ° from the house, and the minimum width should be 70 cm. Otherwise, the executed site around the house will not be a pedestrian path and the function of protection of the house from water will not be carried out.

The base of the breakfast is a layer of clay, then fall asleep with a layer of sand and rubble, thoroughly tamper and poured with concrete solution or lay paving slabs. Such work is actually done with your own hands, and the cost of the necessary building materials will not hit the budget.

Cause number 5. Insufficient thermal insulation of walls

In this case, dampness occurs as a consequence of the rapid formation of condensate, due to the differences of temperatures on the outer and inside of the wall. You can get rid of this trouble as a result of work on the insulation of the facade of the house from the outdoor side. The procedure takes time and money. Perform insulation can be independently or involved in the involvement of professionals.

Cause №6. Wear of the drainage system

The exit of the building of the drainage chute can also be the cause of the appearance of dampness in the house. Rainwater, staining along the wall, will lead to her wetting, it will serve as the basis of trouble. The drainage system requires constant control, preventive cleaning and replacement of defective sections in case of damage. These works are under the power of the owner of the house, and the cost depends on the price of the used drainage.

Cause number 7. Ventilation system

For a comfortable stay and providing regulatory humidity, any room must be ventilated. According to state standards, a complete exchange of indoor air should occur within an hour. Therefore, during the construction of the house you need to pay attention to the ventilation system. If the house is not new, and got as a result of the purchase, in the event of a dampness, it is necessary to test the ventkanals.

When clogged, perform cleaning. If these measures are not enough, then you need to install additional ventilation channels, reverse ventblands or replace the natural air exchange system forced and exhaust option. This is a serious procedure and may entail large material costs, therefore it is more expedient to contact the specialists.

Reason number 8. Plastic windows

The installation of plastic glass windows can turn into a violation of the air exchange, which will lead to the formation of condensate and other problems from this flowing. Therefore, when purchasing plastic windows, pay attention to the presence of a built-in ventclipan, and during the operation, do not forget to put them into the ventilation mode. These methods do not require material investments and are available to any inhabitant at home.

Cause number 9. Insufficient heating

The low efficiency of the heating system will cause dampness in the house. To eliminate this problem, you need to contact the specialists. The optimal solution can be the installation of a circulation pump, cranes for air discharge in places of plugs or additional heating radiators. This is a time-consuming and expensive event, so it is better to trust professionals.

Cause number 10. Source of dampness inside the house

It happens that the performance of homemade hassle is associated with a large selection of condensate in the form of steam. These are frequent washing, digestion, forced drying of things in the room, cooking, canning billets for the winter. In order to prevent the appearance of dampness in the house, you need to reduce the intensity and volume of listed cases. This is the competence of each mistress.

Why raws floor and wall in the house

Raw wall in the house

The dampness on the walls is a frequent phenomenon, can be wedging a part of the wall, a whole wall or an angle of the room.

The effects of high moisture level:

  • Wallpaper are dug;
  • Dark walls;
  • Fungus appears;
  • Heavy air indoors;
  • The temperature is reduced.

Of course, you first need to find out why dampness appeared, sometimes reasons are immediately obvious and visible immediately, sometimes you need to carry out prevention and look at the result.

Classification of reasons

Sometimes to eliminate dampness, you just need to be attentive, constantly watch the condition of the house and detect problems at the initial stage, when it is much easier to cope with them.

Raw floor in the house

If the floor is cheese, then the problem is most likely in the basement, poor waterproofing, the absence of ventilation. That is, the causes are almost the same as in the case of the wall.

In general, it should be judged by the state of the floor, or it can be dried and the problem is to decide by itself (just you have an excessive moisture in your room) or it will be necessary to fully change, and transfer the floor.

Be sure to calm down on the floorproofing of the floor (shutter by film) Earn all the cracks, the basement floor (if it is under home).

Perhaps the reason is the violation of the waterproofing of the foundation (in this case they will have to refuse and look for a problem place and eliminate it).

In general, the most difficult to start work on identifying and finding the causes of dampness of sex and walls.

Do not forget about the mold and fungus, if during the inspection of the room you found mold, it needs to be deleted and processing this place so that it does not appear again.

Pick out for you:

A certain level of humidity is always present in the house: washing, cleaning in rooms, washing and even cooking. But you need to follow, so that the humidity has not increased above the norm.

The presence of excessive humidity in a private house is not only wet walls, coated corners with mold, unpleasant smell and spoiled furniture, but also violation of the functions of the respiratory system, allergic diseases and other medical problems. How to determine the optimal level of humidity in the house? This is done using a hygroscope. The optimal value of air humidity in the room for a comfortable residence of a person is considered 40 - 60%. The excess of this indicator is fraught with the appearance of problems, in the form of condensate, plush air and fungus.

Causes of damp in a private house

The reasons for the appearance of dampness in the house are not so much, the work on their elimination is quite accessible to any owner.

Cause №1. Wrong waterproofing foundation

This means that when the base is based, disorders were made during the arrangement of horizontal waterproofing. Now the impact of groundwater leads to gray-green stripes under the plinth, dying and falling down in the bottom wallpaper, the corners covered with mold.

To change the situation, it is necessary to develop soil around the perimeter of the foundation and apply vertical waterproofing of the base walls. It will no longer be simple and not cheap, but there are no other technicians to ensure complete deliverance from dampness.

Cause # 2. Violations in waterproofing basement

waterProofing A Basement 4

As a rule, it is caused by errors in the hydrogen waterproofing. The groundwater, having an impact on the floor, walls and ceiling of the basement, leads to the formation of dampness in the premises of the basement. Made of Togo Water can flood the basement. Then, after pumping fluid, it will have to carry out vertical waterproofing of the walls, as in the first case.

If there is no water in the basement of water, but only dampness, then coating and injectable waterproofing will help. Processing need to be carried out all surfaces of the basement.

Cause number 3. Legging roof

When falling out precipitation, find the place of leakage will be completely simple. To eliminate the problem, it is necessary to restore roof defects by producing partial repairs in the leakage zone. This process will not require large material costs and can be performed with your own hands.

Cause №4. Lack of flashes

The scene must be performed according to a specific rules: to have a bias of 2-3 ° from the house, and the minimum width should be 70 cm. Otherwise, the executed site around the house will not be a pedestrian path and the function of protection of the house from water will not be carried out.

The base of the breakfast is a layer of clay, then fall asleep with a layer of sand and rubble, thoroughly tamper and poured with concrete solution or lay paving slabs. Such work is actually done with your own hands, and the cost of the necessary building materials will not hit the budget.

Cause number 5. Insufficient thermal insulation of walls

In this case, dampness occurs as a consequence of the rapid formation of condensate, due to the differences of temperatures on the outer and inside of the wall. You can get rid of this trouble as a result of work on the insulation of the facade of the house from the outdoor side. The procedure takes time and money. Perform insulation can be independently or involved in the involvement of professionals.

Cause №6. Wear of the drainage system

The exit of the building of the drainage chute can also be the cause of the appearance of dampness in the house. Rainwater, staining along the wall, will lead to her wetting, it will serve as the basis of trouble. The drainage system requires constant control, preventive cleaning and replacement of defective sections in case of damage. These works are under the power of the owner of the house, and the cost depends on the price of the used drainage.

Cause number 7. Ventilation system

For a comfortable stay and providing regulatory humidity, any room must be ventilated. According to state standards, a complete exchange of indoor air should occur within an hour. Therefore, during the construction of the house you need to pay attention to the ventilation system. If the house is not new, and got as a result of the purchase, in the event of a dampness, it is necessary to test the ventkanals.

When clogged, perform cleaning. If these measures are not enough, then you need to install additional ventilation channels, reverse ventblands or replace the natural air exchange system forced and exhaust option. This is a serious procedure and may entail large material costs, therefore it is more expedient to contact the specialists.

Reason number 8. Plastic windows

The installation of plastic glass windows can turn into a violation of the air exchange, which will lead to the formation of condensate and other problems from this flowing. Therefore, when purchasing plastic windows, pay attention to the presence of a built-in ventclipan, and during the operation, do not forget to put them into the ventilation mode. These methods do not require material investments and are available to any inhabitant at home.

Cause number 9. Insufficient heating

The low efficiency of the heating system will cause dampness in the house. To eliminate this problem, you need to contact the specialists. The optimal solution can be the installation of a circulation pump, cranes for air discharge in places of plugs or additional heating radiators. This is a time-consuming and expensive event, so it is better to trust professionals.

Cause number 10. Source of dampness inside the house

It happens that the performance of homemade hassle is associated with a large selection of condensate in the form of steam. These are frequent washing, digestion, forced drying of things in the room, cooking, canning billets for the winter. In order to prevent the appearance of dampness in the house, you need to reduce the intensity and volume of listed cases. This is the competence of each mistress.

Why raws floor and wall in the house

Raw wall in the house

The dampness on the walls is a frequent phenomenon, can be wedging a part of the wall, a whole wall or an angle of the room.

The effects of high moisture level:

  • Wallpaper are dug;
  • Dark walls;
  • Fungus appears;
  • Heavy air indoors;
  • The temperature is reduced.

Of course, you first need to find out why dampness appeared, sometimes reasons are immediately obvious and visible immediately, sometimes you need to carry out prevention and look at the result.

Classification of reasons

Sometimes to eliminate dampness, you just need to be attentive, constantly watch the condition of the house and detect problems at the initial stage, when it is much easier to cope with them.

Raw floor in the house

If the floor is cheese, then the problem is most likely in the basement, poor waterproofing, the absence of ventilation. That is, the causes are almost the same as in the case of the wall.

In general, it should be judged by the state of the floor, or it can be dried and the problem is to decide by itself (just you have an excessive moisture in your room) or it will be necessary to fully change, and transfer the floor.

Be sure to calm down on the floorproofing of the floor (shutter by film) Earn all the cracks, the basement floor (if it is under home).

Perhaps the reason is the violation of the waterproofing of the foundation (in this case they will have to refuse and look for a problem place and eliminate it).

In general, the most difficult to start work on identifying and finding the causes of dampness of sex and walls.

Do not forget about the mold and fungus, if during the inspection of the room you found mold, it needs to be deleted and processing this place so that it does not appear again.

Pick out for you:

Cheese walls in a private house what to do?

Good day! I ask the advice!

Bought a private brick house in the village with steam heating. All windows are wooden.

The former owner made an extension of bricks to the house (this is + corridor + room + boiler room from where heating begins.)

Gas boiler old type but works properly. Everywhere through the house of the pipe of one diameter + d Obavna, they are wired in the middle between the upper and lower.

And in the room where 2 pipes are 2 times smaller than the diameter. Pipes there are flakenned. Ie come back.

I am not a special, so I write as I know and is deployed to be clear.

So a dining room (our prambma).

At that time, when we just watched the house before buying, this room was just whitening lime, there is a wooden interroom door, there is one wooden window.

We passed the primer penetrating into one layer and stuck clean wallpaper everywhere. Attaching photo.

In the next room, I cook to eat (boiler room)

The doors began to close after I understood that steam condenses on the walls in the form of moisture.

Due to the fact that there is no hood. The door there now swell.

Now when we hide, everywhere is hot, but in that room are not very (the walls do, respectively, are warmed normally)

We reduce the power of the boiler for savings.

  • Total first blaked the corner (which on the street) then the black appeared on top under the tile, and now below.
  • The smell of dampness.
  • Wallpaper Do not wash, they wet and stay on a rag ...
  • Those walls suffer that are friends with the street,
  • The remaining 2 is normal.

Help how to separate the walls ???

If there is a plastic window to put, spend the gas there and cook there under the hood, and add a radiator under the window (it is by the way raw forever and wet and rot) then the situation will change?

Is it possible to clothe everything and paint with a water-made with a kel (before once again projected?)

Write me the answer.

I will be very grateful. I apologize for the number of text, I wanted to clarify everything.

What if the Wall is cheese in a private house?

All methods of "treatment" (corrections of the situation) from the problem.

And problems can be the following:

The leaks in the gutters of the drain, water does not flow through the grooves into the funnel, it flows along the wall, from which it is raw.

"Treatment" replacement of drainage or sealing joints.

The installation of the gutters of the drain (or not that diameter) is not correct, the water partially falls into it, the rest along the wall, repair, alteration of the drainage system.

This can also be attributed and not the right sink of the roof.

Svet must protect the walls from moisture, he does not, there is a constructive error in the design of the roof.

Problems with the firemaker, it or not, or it is not correct, or it is destroyed, the wall pulls moisture from the soil.

Repair, this is the manufacture (arrangement) of the celestation around the perimeter of the house.

The house is erected from blocks, blocks from cellular concrete, these blocks pull moisture as a sponge, the walls need to be protected, otherwise it will be cooked.

If from the inside raw, then not the right "pie" when installing the insulation, the dew point is not there, or the insulation is not correctly mounted, it is a wet (for example mineral wool).

He insulated the wall from the inside, and this is originally "thermos" and high humidity, the walls will continue to be cooled, it is necessary to redo the ventilation system and insulate the building outside, and not from the inside.

There is no purge in the base part of the building, the moisture rises from the bottom up and raws everything, including walls.

Installed windows with double-glazed windows, and the PVC windows, they do not "breathe" (in contrast from wooden windows with double-glazed windows).

Poor natural ventilation indoors (no, or not sufficient gaps between doors and floor + double-glazed windows \u003d permanent elevation).

Repair, reinstalling doors and ventilation windows.

Doors can not reinstall, you can drill the vent holes and close them with grilles.

This is only part of the problems, the full list is much more.

Why raw the walls in a private house and how to deal with it

It is often a problem of many residents of private houses is the damp for the walls and in the corners of houses. This can cause more serious problems. From banal mold and fungus before the destruction of part of the wall.

In order not to happen, it is necessary to notice the problem in time and start fighting with it. And for successful struggle with such an unpleasant phenomenon, it is necessary to correctly establish the cause.

Classification of reasons

In general, all the reasons for the formation of dampness on the walls can be divided into external and internal. It depends on which side of the house there is a problem. An example of an external cause can be water from cracks in the walls in the rain period.

Internal reasons include those that are indoors. It may be bad ventilation at home or its absence, the presence of fungus in the finishing materials, insufficient heating of the premises.

This classification is quite conditional. In fact, there are a variety of causes of dampness in the house. This is a kind of disease that has its own symptoms. Depending on the cause of the disease, the symptoms and methods of treatment are also distinguished.

Causes of dampness and methods of struggle

With more detailed consideration, you can find a sufficient number of reasons for the damp walls. The main one is the absence of or incorrectly installed waterproofing between the wall and the foundation of the house. In addition, there are a number of other reasons.

Below are the most common of them.

Wetting of walls In the period of protracted rains. The method of solving this problem is the laying of the waterproofing layer between the basement and the foundation.

Groundwater. To eliminate this problem, it is necessary to pave drainage in the soil.

Wrong drain From the roof. In this case, the solution is obvious. It is necessary to repair the existing drainage.

Destruction of the roof. As in the previous case, everything is obvious. To solve the problem, it is necessary to eliminate faults and holes in the roof.

Freezing of walls in winter. Here, the case is the same as in one of the previous cases - lay waterproofing.

Lack of flashes near the wall. In this case, the solution to the problem is the fulfillment of the breakfast.

In the dry residue

Solving the problem of dampness on the walls or in the corners of the house must be chosen based on the cause of this phenomenon. In any case, it should be remembered that the problem of the discovered problem is already half of the decision.

How to remove dampness on the walls: reasons and troubleshooting

Regular tidy is needed to create comfortable accommodation conditions in the house. But maintenance of cleanliness does not protect the tenants from the formation of dampness, but as a result - mold. On how to remove dampness on the walls on their own, and than dangerous mold mushrooms for human health, we will tell in detail.

Causes of Education

Before dealing with humidity, you need to detect its source. Often dampness on the walls is the result of the complex of the reasons. The most common of them:

  • Leaks - happen with a damaged water supply system, a waste pipe, roof roof;
  • Unsatisfactory ventilation;
  • Unsuitable waterproofing of overlaps and foundation;
  • A large number of home plants;
  • External factors - the proximity of the river, strong rains, groundwater, etc.

However, the most important factor of high humidity is the person himself. Under normal conditions, an adult produces up to 2.5 liters of water vapor per day, including such when cooking, washing, water procedures, etc. Even a slight deviation from the norms, for example, when drying the linen in the bathroom, is fraught with consequences.

Methods of elimination

Finding the reason for the formation of high humidity and eliminating it, you can start drying the room. Such expensive methods such as the use of heat guns are needed only to eliminate the effects of flooding or for very large rooms. In the conditions of an apartment or a private house, the following measures are able to quickly eliminate dampness on the walls:

  • Heater - the device provides air convection; Even a small heater will cope with the task for 1-2 days;
  • Household air dryer - the power of the unit is determined by the dimensions of the dwelling; To eliminate dampness by 50 m², a sufficient device with a capacity of 400 W;
  • Silica gel is a substance absorbing moisture and organic pairs of air; For use in everyday life in the form of granules, they need to be decomposed in the raw room; Drying can last until the week;

Finally, the temperature in the house has a negative effect on dampness. Using the heating system or fireplace at full power, dried the walls relatively quickly. At the same time, the method is poorly suitable for houses from a bar - due to direct exposure to a strong temperature, wooden structures can crack.

Mold on the walls

The appearance of mold fungi in the house is possible if high humidity (70% or more) existed a long time. Of the huge variety of mold species in nature, only a few may appear in the human housing:

  • Black is the most dangerous variety. Refers to the fourth group of pathogenicity. Especially often affects building structures.
  • White - on the walls is rarely formed, only with condensate for weeks;
  • Blue - striking wooden walls, leads to rotting material from the inside, its cracking.

In addition to a non-psychic appearance, mold has great harm and human health. The reason for this is a saturation of mycotoxins that destroys any kind of lively fabric. Incoming into the body occurs both through direct contact, and through the selection of the dispute and their penetration into the respiratory system. If you do not remove the dampness in the house on the walls to the development of molds on them, the following diseases are possible:

  • Lesions of the skin - mycoses, dermatosis;
  • Defeat of the respiratory tract - asthma, bronchitis, cough;
  • Disorders of the digestive system;
  • The aggravation of chronic diseases is the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system.

Especially difficult, the presence of mold affects allergies and people with pulmonary failure.

Methods of elimination

Mold fungi are tangled hard. In all cases, the final coating will have to completely remove - wallpaper, plaster, and with a great depth of lesion and putty to the very base of the wall. An exception can be only a painted surface, as mold with difficulty penetrates the layer of paint, but it spreads more in its area.

Remove mold and dampness in the house reliably with the help of chemical compositions, some of which is easy to prepare at home:

  • Antiseptic primers - special means with a high content of fungicides; With their help, you can handle the wall to a depth of 0.5 cm;
  • Household bleachs - any species that have sodium hypochlorite are suitable;
  • Hydrogen peroxide - 3% composition is used; Because of the whitening effect, it is not suitable for processing painted surfaces;
  • Potassium permanganate - in everyday life occurs in the form of a solution of manganesev; Used in the form of a mixture - 15 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Vinegar and citric acid are effective at the initial stage of the development of mold.

Even after the elimination of the fungus indoors, a characteristic unpleasant smell is preserved. A simple method to get rid of it is to treat the floors with a solution of food soda. To prepare 15 g of substance dissolves in 100 ml of water.

Optimal microclimate in the house

The indoor microclimate depends a lot, including the health of the inhabitants. But the design of the house, the safety of the walls, gender, ceiling floors suffers at no less on temperature and humidity.

To do without costly repairs, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the premises. Such for humidity - no more than 60% in the winter season and 65% in the summer. For air temperature - at least 15 ° C. Notice the deviation from the norm is not difficult, dampness is manifested by the following signs:

  • Condensate on the glasses and sections of the walls articulated with the ceiling;
  • Characteristic "wet" smell;
  • Swelling of wooden structures; It is expressed, for example, in poorly covered doors;
  • Salted salt and sugar.

At the first signs of high humidity, slowly slows. If you do not withdraw dampness from the walls on time, a mold flare is definerly formed. His elimination will take the week, can lead to the need for cosmetic repair. "To the eye" to determine the humidity above the norm is problematic, this will help the simple home appliance hygrometer.

It should be noted that the elevated humidity devoid of not only on wooden structures, leading to their rotting, but also on stone - brick, concrete. Water impregnated with water, they crumble, the process is accelerated in the regions with cold winters. Metal structures suffer a little less, but they are corrosive.


So that the tenants do not have to worry, how to remove dampness on the walls, it is important to know the effective ways to prevent its appearance. It is enough to adopt a number of simple measures:

  • To air the room at least 10-15 minutes every day, creating drafts;
  • Dry underwear only on the balcony or on the street;
  • Equip the ventilation system in the kitchen;
  • Use air filters - more preferred models equipped with a non-filter;
  • Install air conditioners in combination with fungicidal filters against mold fungi;
  • Do not abuse wet cleaning.

To bring the fungus from damp on the walls is finally not so simple. It often happens his re-appearance from the dispute survived the processing in the depth of the ceiling.

Ensure your own health and the safety of the home is not so difficult. To do this, it is enough to comply with the elementary rules for premises. And when the mold appears, in no case should the problem on samonek.

the causes of the emergence and methods of elimination

Dampness in the house not only accelerates its destruction, but also harmful to health: it causes allergies and other chronic diseases. Therefore, it is better not to give it a single chance than to deal with the consequences.

What should be humidity

For a person, normal humidity is 40-60%. With higher moisture indicators, the risk of chronic cold and skin diseases arises, and fungi, which are strongly developing in raw rooms, cause bronchial asthma.

Due to the ceiling, condensate is formed on the ceiling, walls and windows, wet spots appear, mold and unpleasant smell, furniture and equipment spawns. The moisturized designs of residential buildings are rapidly destroyed: stone and concrete crumbling, metal corrosive, and the wooden rot. To extend the life of the house, it is necessary to protect it from the harmful effect of moisture, creating an effective waterproofing system.

Why humidity is formed

The moisture enters the room both from the inside and outside. The main thing is to detect its source. To protect the house from dampness, it is necessary to periodically inspect it, paying attention to the zones in which moisture can accumulate, as well as possible places of its penetration.

We are talking about the waterproofing of the basement, the tightness of the window and door frames, the penetrations of pipes and the antennas on the roof, the integrity of the roof and the drainage system.

Also, moisture in the residential premises is formed as a result of human vital activity. Preparing food, watering plants, washing underwear and taking a shower, we increase air humidity. A family of 4 people daily highlights up to 10 liters of water as a pair.

If you do not delete excessive moisture with the help of natural ventilation, the humidity mode and disputes of fungi in the air will be broken in the house, will begin multiply and create whole colonies in warm and poorly ventilated rooms. This process acquires avalanche-like character if the humidity exceeds 70%, and the temperature is 15 ° C.

Before starting to deal with dampness, it is necessary to determine the level of humidity in the room. To do this, you can purchase a hygrometer - a device showing the percentage of humidity. If the device shows the increased moisture content, it is necessary to move to the next step - the source to determine the source and eliminate the problem. The reasons for the appearance of humidity in the house may be several.

Bad waterproofing foundation

Groundwater can rise to 1.5 m. In this case, the observed horizontal waterproofing of the foundation is the obstacle. If there is no such waterproofing, the soil moisture penetrates the walls of the building. Its traces can be seen above the plinth inside the house, on the spoiled wallpaper and the collapsed plaster at the bottom of the wall, in raw and coated mold corners.

To avoid the effects of poor waterproofing of the foundation, it is necessary to provide additional waterproofing or create it from scratch if it did not take care of it during the construction. When the house is built without basement, the foundation is usually put horizontal waterproofing, which protects the walls from the capillary penetration of moisture. If this was not done in a timely manner, you will have to pull the trench around the house, clean the walls from dirt and make the vertical waterproofing of the foundation (roller or coating).

Bad waterproofing basement

Bad waterproofing of the basement can lead not only to the wetting of the walls, but also to the flooding of the basement. Usually its walls are made of concrete or brick, and they are combined with a belt foundation. Groundwater, in contact with the surface of walls having a porous structure, penetrate inside and become a source of dampness and mold both in the basement and indoors above it.

In order to eliminate these phenomena, it is necessary to water the floor, the ceiling and the basement walls, having previously cleaned them from fungus and mold and disinfected by a special solution that prevents the appearance of organic raids, and the seams are lined with cement mortar.

If there are frank leaks in the walls, they need to be eliminated, applying rapid-hardening compositions, or to perform injection waterproofing. For further processing of the walls and the ceiling, you need to use antiospheres, penetrating (penetrating) impregnations and hydrophobizers related to coating repair materials.

To make re-waterproofing from the outside, you will have to dig up the backbone of the foundation. From the lateral penetration of moisture of the wall of the basement both outside and inside isolate two layers of hot bitumen or cold bitumen mastic. In addition to improving outside, rolled waterproofing materials are used (rubberoid, polymer membranes), laying them from bottom to the heated resin or bitumen with the adhesive panels 15 cm. Protect the air-powered beugressed indoors from groundwater can be used.

Processing the walls, proceed to the floor of the basement. On the entire area, the clay castle is arranged, it is tamped and covered with a layer of sand or rubble, after which the cement solution is applied and the rail. In the future, the waterproof adhesive can be put in ceramic tiles. For the ceiling, paint waterproofing, and, if necessary, insulate it.

Wrong scene around the house

Due to the nneivative arrangement of the scene to the basement penetrates part of atmospheric precipitation and economic water from the household site. The only way to solve the problem once and forever - to remake the breakfast. It should have a bias from home 2-3o and a regulatory width of 70-80 cm, but in any case to be 20 cm wider than the eaves, so that the water flowing from the roof does not blur the soil near the building.

After the backbone of the foundation's pockets, the base of the scene is placed on top, so that the moisture from the surface of the earth did not reach the walls of the foundation. The clay layer is falling asleep with gravel and sand, tram, and then covered with pavement plates or poured with cement mortar. If the basement is insulated, you need to insulate and the breakfast. In this case, under the plates around the perimeter of the house are placed by estrusional polystyrene foam.

Violation of the drainage system

The main reason for this phenomenon is clogging or destruction of the drain pipe or gutter. In this case, rainwater falls on the walls, and they watered.

To protect the walls from moisture, plastering on cement-based, mastic, waterproof mineral mixtures and hydrophobizers are used. The latter significantly reduce the consumption of paint and impregnating materials, and coatings formed water-based paints give water-repellent properties. In addition to hydrophobizers, bitumen waterproofing plasters protecting from harmful water action, and vapor-permeable plaster, helping to avoid damp-carrying walls.

Also use special "drying" plaster. Evaporation occurs inside the plaster layer, and the surface remains dry. In addition, salting fallout does not spoil the appearance of the coating and does not destroy the plaster. You can protect the facade of the house and waterproof finishing materials: vinyl siding, tile under stone, mounted panels from PVC. At the same time, it is important that the ventilation gap was between the trim and carrier wall.

Insufficient or incorrect warming of the walls and disruption of the integrity of the roof

Due to the difference in the external and internal temperature on the wall surface, condensate appears. Get rid of condensate on the walls simple: you need to insulate the building outside. This will increase the thickness of the walls, and the dew point will shift inside the design. With sufficient heat, condensate under conditions of increased humidity, as a rule, is not formed. This is possible only with its rapid heating or late inclusion of heating.

Increased humidity can also be observed with incorrect warming, when water vapors cannot be out. So, they accumulate indoors and in the building structure. In addition, the flowing roof is the reason for the wetting of walls and ceilings at home.

As for the roof, its flowing sites should be replaced by replacing damaged elements on integer, the installation of the patch (for metal roofs), as well as using the treatment with coating waterproofing materials.

Warming the walls, you need to comply with technology and a sequence of work, and not replace one materials by others. The order of laying materials is subordinate to the principle: the vapor permeability of the layers should increase from the inside out. Then the moisture will be able to go unhindered without accumulating indoors.

Insufficient or incorrect ventilation

As a result of insufficient ventilation, a foxhable air appears, excessive humidity and condensate, the consequence of which is raw corners, wet walls and windows swollen. Ventilation is so important that its quantitative characteristics have the power of the law and are registered in the construction norms and rules (SNiP). Every hour a person needs at least 30 m3 of fresh air.

High-quality ventilation is a pledge of a comfortable stay. But since the construction began to use hermetic double-glazed windows and monolithic concrete, the house became like a vessel that does not transmit air. Therefore, it is necessary to check the permeability of the ventilation mines and regularly air the room to get rid of humidity, tobacco smoke, harmful substances allocated to furniture, finishing materials and cleaning agents. The best way to ventilate - draft, at which after 5-10 minutes the air indoors completely changes. And create an optimal microclimate in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, the gym and the worship will help forced ventilation.

Supply will provide door ventilators located at the bottom, and the exhaust will create a fan built into the exhaust hole, which can be synchronized with the inclusion of light or opening the door.

Wrong installation of double-glazed windows, installation of sealed windows or low-quality seals

These are the causes of poor ventilating rooms, stamped glasses, wet window sills and wall areas under them, as well as raw slopes.

By installing metal-plastic windows, it is necessary to choose those that have ventilation valves, closing with strong wind and open in weak weather. If there are no them in the installed windows, you can mount them into the upper part of the profile. In addition, you need to air the premises twice a day for 10 minutes. By installing the windowsill and filling the mounting foam depth of its attachment, insulating the place of the adjuncing frame from warm air inside the room so that the heat does not penetrate the cold zone and the condensate was not accumulated under the windowsill. Check the integrity and elasticity of window seals, which provide the window tightness. Finding a defect, replace them with new ones.

In addition, increased humidity in the house creates improper operation of the premises. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that too many water vapor from the kitchen and the bathroom do not come to the living rooms. No need to dry in rooms wet things and store liquids in open containers. And in the fall and in winter, the premises need to be regularly measured, maintaining a constant temperature in them.

You can protect the house from high humidity in many ways, but the effect is maximum, use them in the complex.

Regular tidy is needed to create comfortable accommodation conditions in the house. But maintenance of cleanliness does not protect the tenants from the formation of dampness, but as a result - mold. On how to remove dampness on the walls on their own, and than dangerous mold mushrooms for human health, we will tell in detail.

Causes of Education

Before dealing with humidity, you need to detect its source. Often dampness on the walls is the result of the complex of the reasons. The most common of them:

  • Leaks - happen with a damaged water supply system, a waste pipe, roof roof;
  • Unsatisfactory ventilation;
  • Unsuitable waterproofing of overlaps and foundation;
  • A large number of home plants;
  • External factors - the proximity of the river, strong rains, groundwater, etc.

However, the most important factor of high humidity is the person himself. Under normal conditions, an adult produces up to 2.5 liters of water vapor per day, including such when cooking, washing, water procedures, etc. Even a slight deviation from the norms, for example, when drying the linen in the bathroom, is fraught with consequences.

Methods of elimination

Finding the reason for the formation of high humidity and eliminating it, you can start drying the room. Such expensive methods such as the use of heat guns are needed only to eliminate the effects of flooding or for very large rooms. In the conditions of an apartment or a private house, the following measures are able to quickly eliminate dampness on the walls:

  • Heater - the device provides air convection; Even a small heater will cope with the task for 1-2 days;
  • Household air dryer - the power of the unit is determined by the dimensions of the dwelling; To eliminate dampness by 50 m², a sufficient device with a capacity of 400 W;
  • Silica gel is a substance absorbing moisture and organic pairs of air; For use in everyday life in the form of granules, they need to be decomposed in the raw room; Drying can last until the week;

Finally, the temperature in the house has a negative effect on dampness. Using the heating system or fireplace at full power, dried the walls relatively quickly. At the same time, the method is poorly suitable for houses from a bar - due to direct exposure to a strong temperature, wooden structures can crack.

Mold on the walls

The appearance of mold fungi in the house is possible if high humidity (70% or more) existed a long time. Of the huge variety of mold species in nature, only a few may appear in the human housing:

  • Black is the most dangerous variety. Refers to the fourth group of pathogenicity. Especially often affects building structures.
  • White - on the walls is rarely formed, only with condensate for weeks;
  • Blue - striking wooden walls, leads to rotting material from the inside, its cracking.

In addition to a non-psychic appearance, mold has great harm and human health. The reason for this is a saturation of mycotoxins that destroys any kind of lively fabric. Incoming into the body occurs both through direct contact, and through the selection of the dispute and their penetration into the respiratory system. If you do not remove the dampness in the house on the walls to the development of molds on them, the following diseases are possible:

  • Lesions of the skin - mycoses, dermatosis;
  • Defeat of the respiratory tract - asthma, bronchitis, cough;
  • Disorders of the digestive system;
  • The aggravation of chronic diseases is the nervous system, the musculoskeletal system.

Especially difficult, the presence of mold affects allergies and people with pulmonary failure.

Methods of elimination

Mold fungi are tangled hard. In all cases, the final coating will have to completely remove - wallpaper, plaster, and with a great depth of lesion and putty to the very base of the wall. An exception can be only a painted surface, as mold with difficulty penetrates the layer of paint, but it spreads more in its area.

Remove mold and dampness in the house reliably with the help of chemical compositions, some of which is easy to prepare at home:

  • Antiseptic primers - special means with a high content of fungicides; With their help, you can handle the wall to a depth of 0.5 cm;
  • Household bleachs - any species that have sodium hypochlorite are suitable;
  • Hydrogen peroxide - 3% composition is used; Because of the whitening effect, it is not suitable for processing painted surfaces;
  • Potassium permanganate - in everyday life occurs in the form of a solution of manganesev; Used in the form of a mixture - 15 g per 1 liter of water;
  • Vinegar and citric acid are effective at the initial stage of the development of mold.

Even after the elimination of the fungus indoors, a characteristic unpleasant smell is preserved. A simple method to get rid of it is to treat the floors with a solution of food soda. To prepare 15 g of substance dissolves in 100 ml of water.

Optimal microclimate in the house

The indoor microclimate depends a lot, including the health of the inhabitants. But the design of the house, the safety of the walls, gender, ceiling floors suffers at no less on temperature and humidity.

To do without costly repairs, it is important to maintain an optimal microclimate in the premises. Such for humidity - no more than 60% in the winter season and 65% in the summer. For air temperature - at least 15 ° C. Notice the deviation from the norm is not difficult, dampness is manifested by the following signs:

  • Condensate on the glasses and sections of the walls articulated with the ceiling;
  • Characteristic "wet" smell;
  • Swelling of wooden structures; It is expressed, for example, in poorly covered doors;
  • Salted salt and sugar.

At the first signs of high humidity, slowly slows. If you do not withdraw dampness from the walls on time, a mold flare is definerly formed. His elimination will take the week, can lead to the need for cosmetic repair. "To the eye" to determine the humidity above the norm is problematic, this will help the simple home appliance hygrometer.

It should be noted that the elevated humidity devoid of not only on wooden structures, leading to their rotting, but also on stone - brick, concrete. Water impregnated with water, they crumble, the process is accelerated in the regions with cold winters. Metal structures suffer a little less, but they are corrosive.


So that the tenants do not have to worry, how to remove dampness on the walls, it is important to know the effective ways to prevent its appearance. It is enough to adopt a number of simple measures:

  • To air the room at least 10-15 minutes every day, creating drafts;
  • Dry underwear only on the balcony or on the street;
  • Equip the ventilation system in the kitchen;
  • Use air filters - more preferred models equipped with a non-filter;
  • Install air conditioners in combination with fungicidal filters against mold fungi;
  • Do not abuse wet cleaning.

To bring the fungus from damp on the walls is finally not so simple. It often happens his re-appearance from the dispute survived the processing in the depth of the ceiling.

Ensure your own health and the safety of the home is not so difficult. To do this, it is enough to comply with the elementary rules for premises. And when the mold appears, in no case should the problem on samonek.

For a person, normal humidity is 40-60%. With higher moisture indicators, the risk of chronic cold and skin diseases arises, and fungi, which are strongly developing in raw rooms, cause bronchial asthma.

Due to the ceiling, condensate is formed on the ceiling, walls and windows, wet spots appear, mold and unpleasant smell, furniture and equipment spawns. The moisturized designs of residential buildings are rapidly destroyed: stone and concrete crumbling, metal corrosive, and the wooden rot. To extend the life of the house, it is necessary to protect it from the harmful effect of moisture, creating an effective waterproofing system.

Why humidity is formed

The moisture enters the room both from the inside and outside. The main thing is to detect its source. To protect the house from dampness, it is necessary to periodically inspect it, paying attention to the zones in which moisture can accumulate, as well as possible places of its penetration.

We are talking about the waterproofing of the basement, the tightness of the window and door frames, the penetrations of pipes and the antennas on the roof, the integrity of the roof and the drainage system.

Also, moisture in the residential premises is formed as a result of human vital activity. Preparing food, watering plants, washing underwear and taking a shower, we increase air humidity. A family of 4 people daily highlights up to 10 liters of water as a pair.

If you do not delete excessive moisture with the help of natural ventilation, the humidity mode and disputes of fungi in the air will be broken in the house, will begin multiply and create whole colonies in warm and poorly ventilated rooms. This process acquires avalanche-like character if the humidity exceeds 70%, and the temperature is 15 ° C.

Before starting to deal with dampness, it is necessary to determine the level of humidity in the room. To do this, you can purchase a hygrometer - a device showing the percentage of humidity. If the device shows the increased moisture content, it is necessary to move to the next step - the source to determine the source and eliminate the problem. The reasons for the appearance of humidity in the house may be several.

Bad waterproofing foundation

Groundwater can rise to 1.5 m. In this case, the observed horizontal waterproofing of the foundation is the obstacle. If there is no such waterproofing, the soil moisture penetrates the walls of the building. Its traces can be seen above the plinth inside the house, on the spoiled wallpaper and the collapsed plaster at the bottom of the wall, in raw and coated mold corners.

To avoid the effects of poor waterproofing of the foundation, it is necessary to provide additional waterproofing or create it from scratch if it did not take care of it during the construction. When the house is built without basement, the foundation is usually put horizontal waterproofing, which protects the walls from the capillary penetration of moisture. If this was not done in a timely manner, you will have to pull the trench around the house, clean the walls from dirt and make the vertical waterproofing of the foundation (roller or coating).

Bad waterproofing basement

Bad waterproofing of the basement can lead not only to the wetting of the walls, but also to the flooding of the basement. Usually its walls are made of concrete or brick, and they are combined with a belt foundation. Groundwater, in contact with the surface of walls having a porous structure, penetrate inside and become a source of dampness and mold both in the basement and indoors above it.

In order to eliminate these phenomena, it is necessary to water the floor, the ceiling and the basement walls, having previously cleaned them from fungus and mold and disinfected by a special solution that prevents the appearance of organic raids, and the seams are lined with cement mortar.

If there are frank leaks in the walls, they need to be eliminated, applying rapid-hardening compositions, or to perform injection waterproofing. For further processing of the walls and the ceiling, you need to use antiospheres, penetrating (penetrating) impregnations and hydrophobizers related to coating repair materials.

To make re-waterproofing from the outside, you will have to dig up the backbone of the foundation. From the lateral penetration of moisture of the wall of the basement both outside and inside isolate two layers of hot bitumen or cold bitumen mastic. In addition to improving outside, rolled waterproofing materials are used (rubberoid, polymer membranes), laying them from bottom to the heated resin or bitumen with the adhesive panels 15 cm. Protect the air-powered beugressed indoors from groundwater can be used.

Processing the walls, proceed to the floor of the basement. On the entire area, the clay castle is arranged, it is tamped and covered with a layer of sand or rubble, after which the cement solution is applied and the rail. In the future, the waterproof adhesive can be put in ceramic tiles. For the ceiling, paint waterproofing, and, if necessary, insulate it.

Wrong scene around the house

Due to the nneivative arrangement of the scene to the basement penetrates part of atmospheric precipitation and economic water from the household site. The only way to solve the problem once and forever - to remake the breakfast. It should have a bias from home 2-3o and a regulatory width of 70-80 cm, but in any case to be 20 cm wider than the eaves, so that the water flowing from the roof does not blur the soil near the building.

After the backbone of the foundation's pockets, the base of the scene is placed on top, so that the moisture from the surface of the earth did not reach the walls of the foundation. The clay layer is falling asleep with gravel and sand, tram, and then covered with pavement plates or poured with cement mortar. If the basement is insulated, you need to insulate and the breakfast. In this case, under the plates around the perimeter of the house are placed by estrusional polystyrene foam.

Violation of the drainage system

The main reason for this phenomenon is clogging or destruction of the drain pipe or gutter. In this case, rainwater falls on the walls, and they watered.

To protect the walls from moisture, plastering on cement-based, mastic, waterproof mineral mixtures and hydrophobizers are used. The latter significantly reduce the consumption of paint and impregnating materials, and coatings formed water-based paints give water-repellent properties. In addition to hydrophobizers, bitumen waterproofing plasters protecting from harmful water action, and vapor-permeable plaster, helping to avoid damp-carrying walls.

Also use special "drying" plaster. Evaporation occurs inside the plaster layer, and the surface remains dry. In addition, salting fallout does not spoil the appearance of the coating and does not destroy the plaster. You can protect the facade of the house and waterproof finishing materials: vinyl siding, tile under stone, mounted panels from PVC. At the same time, it is important that the ventilation gap was between the trim and carrier wall.

Insufficient or incorrect warming of the walls and disruption of the integrity of the roof

Due to the difference in the external and internal temperature on the wall surface, condensate appears. Get rid of condensate on the walls simple: you need to insulate the building outside. This will increase the thickness of the walls, and the dew point will shift inside the design. With sufficient heat, condensate under conditions of increased humidity, as a rule, is not formed. This is possible only with its rapid heating or late inclusion of heating.

Increased humidity can also be observed with incorrect warming, when water vapors cannot be out. So, they accumulate indoors and in the building structure. In addition, the flowing roof is the reason for the wetting of walls and ceilings at home.

As for the roof, its flowing sites should be replaced by replacing damaged elements on integer, the installation of the patch (for metal roofs), as well as using the treatment with coating waterproofing materials.

Warming the walls, you need to comply with technology and a sequence of work, and not replace one materials by others. The order of laying materials is subordinate to the principle: the vapor permeability of the layers should increase from the inside out. Then the moisture will be able to go unhindered without accumulating indoors.

Insufficient or incorrect ventilation

As a result of insufficient ventilation, a foxhable air appears, excessive humidity and condensate, the consequence of which is raw corners, wet walls and windows swollen. Ventilation is so important that its quantitative characteristics have the power of the law and are registered in the construction norms and rules (SNiP). Every hour a person needs at least 30 m3 of fresh air.

High-quality ventilation is a pledge of a comfortable stay. But since the construction began to use hermetic double-glazed windows and monolithic concrete, the house became like a vessel that does not transmit air. Therefore, it is necessary to check the permeability of the ventilation mines and regularly air the room to get rid of humidity, tobacco smoke, harmful substances allocated to furniture, finishing materials and cleaning agents. The best way to ventilate - draft, at which after 5-10 minutes the air indoors completely changes. And create an optimal microclimate in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the bathroom, the gym and the worship will help forced ventilation.

Supply will provide door ventilators located at the bottom, and the exhaust will create a fan built into the exhaust hole, which can be synchronized with the inclusion of light or opening the door.

Wrong installation of double-glazed windows, installation of sealed windows or low-quality seals

These are the causes of poor ventilating rooms, stamped glasses, wet window sills and wall areas under them, as well as raw slopes.

By installing metal-plastic windows, it is necessary to choose those that have ventilation valves, closing with strong wind and open in weak weather. If there are no them in the installed windows, you can mount them into the upper part of the profile. In addition, you need to air the premises twice a day for 10 minutes. By installing the windowsill and filling the mounting foam depth of its attachment, insulating the place of the adjuncing frame from warm air inside the room so that the heat does not penetrate the cold zone and the condensate was not accumulated under the windowsill. Check the integrity and elasticity of window seals, which provide the window tightness. Finding a defect, replace them with new ones.

In addition, increased humidity in the house creates improper operation of the premises. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that too many water vapor from the kitchen and the bathroom do not come to the living rooms. No need to dry in rooms wet things and store liquids in open containers. And in the fall and in winter, the premises need to be regularly measured, maintaining a constant temperature in them.

You can protect the house from high humidity in many ways, but the effect is maximum, use them in the complex.