Repairs Design Furniture

How to open a carpentry workshop in the era of hypermarkets. Joinery workshop as business from scratch wooden products home

Own - the dream of many masters who want to receive decent money and know how to work with their hands. First of all, the beginning of the entrepreneur needs to decide what exactly he wants to engage: carving on stone, the manufacture of souvenir magnetics or wooden products with their own hands. The last option is one of the most profitable: the tree is an eco-friendly and beautiful proper processing Material in demand like connoisseurs of "natural" jewelry and those who are just wondering to all unusual.

In addition to all, wooden products made with their own hands, in contrast to bulky metal or stone, they are simple in the shipment and even customs control pass without any problems. It goes without saying, to organize production at home and subsequent sale, the master will have to acquire appropriate equipment and engage in advertising issues. What will be required for the start and on what profit can you expect - try to figure it out.

What can be made of wood for sale - Photo

Despite the opinion common in the global network, it is best (at least at the beginning of entrepreneurial activity) from the tree not large objects like furniture or doors, but relatively small: competition in this niche is significantly less, and the opportunity to express themselves from the master - more. In addition, we make a wooden bauble technically and physically easier, and even if it does not work, the entrepreneur can with a calm soul throw off the workpiece, without being stuck about the ruined material and in vain spent time.

  • souvenir products: key rings, magnets (or rims for magnetics), congratulatory inscriptions and even portraits;
  • decorative pieces: sculptures, carved paintings, salaries for icons, Netzke (can be used both key rings), copies of world architecture masterpieces (Cathedral of Basil Blessed, Eiffel Tower, Taj Mahal, and so on);
  • decorative dishes and household items: carved vases, jugs, candlesticks, coasters for smoking sticks, caskets, rill, cutting boards, cups, plates, dishes, plates;
  • board games: checkers, chess and backgammon with all sorts of variations, chips, playing cubes and other necessary inventory;
  • decorations: Beads, carved and painted, bracelets, rings, hairpins and crests;
  • a variety of children's toys: cubes, cars, train, dolls, designers and more - everything that comes to mind and what is in demand in the market.

Tip:it is not necessary to refuse from individual offers - they bring more profits by default than products produced for sale with their own hands in a mass order.

If the masters specializing in the manufacture of wooden rings are asking to decorate the door with a carvings (and it has the appropriate equipment), why not agree? It may be that this work will be the new stage of his career - and if she does not succeed, the entrepreneur can always return to the old lesson.

Stages of building their business

Now, firmly deciding on the sale of wood products, you can begin the implementation of the conceived. The first stage when opening your own business, unless the master really wants to succeed, -. This document, thoughtful, calculated and well written, will help the novice entrepreneur to attract investors or get a loan for the development of the project; After all, manufacturing equipment, like rental of premises or shop, costs a lot of money, and not at the disposal will be the right amount.

In addition, a business plan is a great way to systematize business activities: Only so, representing what to do tomorrow, a week later, a year later, a businessman will be able to completely surrender to the main work, without being distracted by minor organizational problems. Completely get rid of them will not come out, however the less these questions will shoot down the master, the one will be easier for him - and the big profit He can count.

Tip:finding suitable organization of manufacturing and selling wooden items An entrepreneur may on the Internet. If there is a desire to create your own (unique and unique) project, it is better to attract an experienced specialist or consultant to work: a well-compiled document is the key to the benefits of creditors and investors and a successful project start.

Business registration

Surely the entrepreneur realizes that he will have to pay taxes. In some cases, it will be necessary in others - the income tax and other contributions to the budget; But without visiting the tax inspection, it will not be possible to do.

Excluding shadow business, the master can choose between three options for relations with the Federal Tax Service:

  • do not register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity, thus going into the category of self-employed - laws regulating such a way of making a profit have not yet been worked out, and therefore, the craftsman who has chosen it will face a lot of surprises from the state;
  • register as an individual entrepreneur, after which paying taxes from income in general or one of the available simplified schemes;
  • register a legal entity (company, limited liability company or even joint-stock company) - This is a difficult, imposing a lot of additional duties and restrictions on the owner of the business, and therefore it is not necessary to choose it, at least not yet serious reasonable reason.
  • enter into contracts for the provision of services or the sale of wood products with individuals, intermediaries (agents), small, medium enterprises and large business on legal grounds;
  • hire employees: utility workers, apprentices, accountant, lawyer, marketer, and so on - right up to the driver and loader;
  • go with uncomfortable and in most cases disadvantage common system taxation on simplified, for example "income minus costs";
  • avoid bureaucratic obstacles: For registration of the PI, in particular, you do not need to start statutory documents Or look for co-founders.

So, the master who wants to make wooden products for sale with their own hands, acting within the framework of individual entrepreneurship, you need:

  1. To come to the local department of IFTS with a passport and the INN and submit a corresponding application in form P21001. Or, which is much more convenient, fill out an online form on the official website of the Federal Tax Service. On multiple pages of the electronic application, the submitter must be specified:
    • your last name, name and patronymic, if the latter is available;
    • date and place of birth;
    • address of accommodation (registration);
    • contact details: cellular or stationary number and email address;
    • information about a document certifying the identity: series, number, date of receipt, name and code of the issued passport (passport and so on) divisions;
    • estimated activities for oKVED classifier 2: the main and (optional) somewhat additional;
    • other information requested by the system.
  2. Based on the online questionnaire, the form p21001 is previously mentioned; At this stage, the applicant can print it and personally come to the FTS or continue remote registration - the latter is preferable, since only a pair of steps remains to the end.
  3. Pay the state duty, in 2018 the component of 800 rubles. You can do this by printing the receipt and reaching the nearest banking department or also online - in the latter case, logged in through public services, the user will be able to save 30% of the specified amount.
  4. Listing money to the budget and sending an online form, a novice entrepreneur must gain patience: the response from the Federal Tax Service will have to wait within three-five working days from the date of submission.

Under the execution of all conditions and requirements, the decision of the FTS is usually positive; Now, upon receipt of the answer, the master should personally come to the local tax branch in order to receive a package of documents confirming the registration and certifying the right to conduct commercial activities.

The next step is to organize the mass sale of products made of wood, made with your own hands, is to obtain a certificate from Rospotrebnadzor. In addition, an entrepreneur who rents a production room or a workshop, with some probability it will be necessary to take permission in the Mrs., especially if they have an input for buyers.

On all formalities will go on average from month to three; In order not to waste time wasted, a businessman can in parallel with obtaining permits to look for staff, form an assortment or even open an online store: then selling products "on site" can be combined with remote.

Search for premises

The room under a carpentry workshop focused on the manufacture of the types of products listed above must meet the following criteria:

  1. Area. The larger the scale of production and the more employees hire the entrepreneur, the more it is necessary; But even if the craftsman will work alone, it is necessary to take into account the place under the machine, workbenches, tables and other equipment, as well as for the placement of raw materials and workspace. Minimum recommended area - from 60 square meters; If the wizard plans to produce only small homogeneous wooden items, such as rings, beads and rinks, he can do and the room in the apartment - by giving himself a report that with the expansion of production, the question with an area inevitably will have to be addressed.
  2. Ceiling height. It is primarily in the industrial premises and workshops intended for the manufacture of dimensional items from wood with their own hands or with hired workers; If we are talking about decorative products, souvenirs or small kitchen utensils, can do, as in the previous case, can be ordinary room in the apartment. Master, working on cubes or miniature sculptures, will need only one table and several tools - and therefore it makes sense to rent large areas, spending a fair part of investments and income, there is no one.
  3. Natural illumination. But this item is much more important. Working with a tree, with its complex texture and the constant ability to detect a defect requires good lighting, ideally - natural, most secure for the human eye. This does not mean that it is possible to abandon artificial; But without windows on the sunny side to achieve good results (and therefore, and organize the massive sale of wood products) is almost impossible.
  4. Energy supply. Another the most important parameter, Especially if the wizard plans to use the machines: milling or tape, tracing or grinding. In most cases, such equipment is not only cumbersome (and therefore not suitable for accommodation in the apartment), but also is required nutrition in the standard 220, but at 380 volts. Equip one or two outlets with such a voltage in the apartment in principle, however, in a taking with electricity and washing machine They can create an excessive load on the home network that in the end will lead to a short circuit, if not a fire. However, there is a way out: a master specializing in the manufacture of small wooden items can purchase mini-machines already in sufficient quantity present in the market. They are not only easier and easier to maintain, but also quite often designed for standard stress, which completely removes the problem.
  5. Ventilation. Wood processing is always associated with the release of chips of all fractions, from large to small, almost dust. Part of it remains in the air, negatively affecting health; To avoid consequences, it is recommended to install at least a hood, and better - the full air conditioning system. The choice of a novice businessman has, while he works alone; With hiring staff, installing the equipment required for normal operation becomes mandatory. Already when searching for premises, it is worth paying attention to the presence of an exhaust or the ability to install it: on time the foresown will help to avoid difficulties in the future.
  6. Cost. It is both the most important and most undervalued factor. In order not to overpay for the rental of industrial premises or shop, a businessman, not intending to arrange a store or kiosk, can shoot the square in the area of \u200b\u200bworse and away from the center. If the manufacture of souvenirs and household items is planned to be combined with the sale, you will have to look for a more fashionable place - and hope that profit from sales will pay for rent.
  7. Conditions hiring. Before the conclusion of the Treaty, it is extremely recommended to clarify for the landlord, under what conditions he agrees to pass the production room. Otherwise, it may be necessary to look for a new workshop a couple of months after rent - which, of course, cannot have a positive effect on labor productivity and, as a result, profits.

To say which room is ideal for production, it is impossible: someone will have enough one or two rooms in the apartment; Someone will need a whole shop with a storage room for wood. The master already knowing what he wants to do with his own hands from the tree, must independently choose for himself best option, guided by the criteria.

Tip: optimum time rent - one year; Subsequently, the contract will be or renewed, or close (instead of moving from place to place every few months).

Purchase of equipment

Depending on the specialization, the master may be needed:

  1. Machines for the saw and cutting wood: Lentoopyl, circular, fugoval and tracing. The first three varieties are usually used to work with the source material: non-flame boards and round. The latter - for cutting small blanks; If, in the manufacture of furniture or cabinets, everything specified equipment is needed, then for rings, beads, rods, or figures, it is enough for a tracing machine - it is in a full-sized or portable version you need to be purchased.
  2. Tree Treatment Machines: milling, flight, grinding, polishing and others. Without the first two (again, in the manufacture of small items with their own hands) it is quite possible to do; Grinding the same wood, like polishing, is an integral stage of production, and therefore to spend money on the last two machines, in whatever the execution, the beginning of the entrepreneur will have to have in any case. Not necessarily acquire industrial models; To work at home, enough and "desktop" versions of the machines - the benefit of the disadvantage in them is no longer observed.
  3. Tools for manual processing of wooden blanks: saws, hammers, chisels, inquarks, plans and jigsaws (simple and electric), drills and screwdrivers, screwdrivers, roulettes, and so on - there is no number, and they all will be in demand to one degree or another. In addition, it is recommended to purchase good square, transport and plumb - without these tools to get high-quality blanks it will be impossible. Despite another common opinion, it is not necessary to acquire only high-quality products of well-known manufacturers; Part of the tool, such as roulette and dyeing, can be considered as the consumable material and change as needed, without overpaying for the "brandness".
  4. Tassels for working with substances for chemical treatment Woods: anti-flap solutions, veil, White spirit, olifami, varnishes, paints and so on.
  5. Tables and work stations For marking boards and plywood and directly work with wood with your own hands.

Now, having everything you need for work, the master can go to the next step - the purchase of raw materials: different breeds Tree, plywood, veneer and glued plates.

Acquisition of raw materials

Several tips for choosing wood and related materials:

  1. Primary wood requires more time to prepare for production, but it is cheaper. It includes: rounding, raw branches, logs and other materials, of which it is impossible to get a blank in one action.
  2. The acquisition of secondary wood allows you to save time and strength, and if the master makes souvenirs and utensils at home, it is simply necessary: \u200b\u200bto install a disintegration machine in the apartment, without causing surprise and reasonable criticism of neighbors, it will not be possible. The secondary wood is boards, timber, plywood, veneer and other materials - everything, from which you can immediately make a mastery.
  3. For the manufacture of small carved products, including beads, rings, chess figures and caskets, the best way Suitable soft wood: cedar, spruce, pine, poplar, Iva, Alder, chestnut and linden. If it is assumed that the thing will be in active use, but not related to serious mechanical loads, it is recommended to use medium-weighing wood: birch, pear, beech, larch, apple tree, ash, elm or rowan. If the object manufactured by the wizard must have special wear resistance, it is necessary to purchase expensive, but necessary for high-quality work to the Samshat, Dogwood, Olive, Acacia or Grab. In addition, it is strongly recommended to consult with the customer, and if possible, to demonstrate it to the texture of the tree used. The more prudency will show the master, the sooner the number of its customers will grow - and therefore, the more income will be.
  4. The most important factors of the selection of wood are humidity and number of defects. A tree, suitable for processing, should be naturally dry: not raw, but not faster from the lack of water. And if you can fix the increased moisture content, then from the tree with cracks you need to refuse immediately: it will not be guaranteed to work. Raw wood, if it does not have mold or traces of rotting, it is possible to dry in a gentle mode, and after - to be treated with mold with solution. The same applies to defects: it is almost unrealless to find the material without a single flaw, so the master should be able to present in advance how it can cope with one or another problem. If there are too many defects, but it is impossible to disguise them during processing, you need to refuse from purchase: whatever the price is attractive, the entrepreneur will lose more on trying to hide a defect or as a result of the customer's refusal to pay a poor-quality product.
  5. It is important and take into account the structure of the tree: a swivel, straight or layered, as well as amorphous. The greater the location of the fibers, the easier it is to process the tree and the stronger the surface of the product will be; At the same time, the drawing of the crafts will be, compared with other options, boring; Sometimes it makes sense to prefer the refinement of simplicity and quality. Ideally, the master must have a contract with several suppliers and samples of the material they offer so that the buyer or customer can be pre-present that it is waiting at the exit.
  6. Cost. For ordinary crafts made by their own hands not to order, you do not need to acquire expensive wood; Quite more accessible, "running" rocks like pines - as practice shows, no drawing of the product has a greater value for the buyer, but the quality of processing. If the master plans to make souvenirs or household items to order, it is worth agreed with the buyer of the nuances of work, warning it on the inclusion of the cost of searches for searching, acquiring and processing exclusive material.

Important:in some cases, cracks on a treated tree, such as oak, are considered a sign of quality. In the domestic market, such ideas are not yet sufficiently distributed, therefore, an entrepreneur who predicts such problems should be informed in advance to the customer about possible deformations and to obtain his consent to the beginning of work.

Approximate costs and income

To accurately evaluate the expenses and income of the master engaged in the manufacture of souvenirs from the tree with their own hands for sale, it is impossible. Russian prices for equipment and raw materials are constantly changing, and, as the master can notice, not at a smaller side; In addition, the total costs depend on the current and long-term needs of the businessman.

On average, for the start of the project will have to spend:

  • for rental of premises - 20-45 thousand rubles;
  • to purchase machines - 50-400 thousand rubles;
  • to purchase other equipment - 15-100 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of consumables and fasteners - 5-15 thousand rubles;
  • for the purchase of raw materials - 5-20 thousand rubles;
  • for other expenses - up to 50 thousand rubles.

To the same extent it is impossible to predict what income the entrepreneur will receive in the first and subsequent months. It all depends on its efforts, the quality and diversity of the goods offered, the purchasing power of the local population and other factors, the dynamics of a number of which in lately disappointing.

On average, working full week, the entrepreneur will be able to receive from 30 to 100 thousand net profit per month - Not much, but not so little compared to other ways to make money on sales.

Where to look for Channels for finished products?

To find buyers, an entrepreneur can:

  • , other social networks and specialized sites and forums;
  • place ads about the products offered in paper and electronic media, on ad sites, as well as in the running line of the local TV channel and in the radio;
  • With as many detailed catalog of wooden products, their descriptions, prices taking into account various shares (you can not forget about marketing) and useful articles in the subject of the site;
  • take care of outdoor advertising: from ordinary ads and handouts, including business Cards and leaflets, before billboards and stretch marks;
  • try to establish links with shops and retaling networks;
  • hire an agent (intermediary), which will be engaged in finding customers and preparation of business and accompanying documentation;
  • serve several manufactured own hands baubles and household items to friends, acquaintances and colleagues; Those, appreciating the quality of products, tell about them with their friends, which will eventually bring additional customers to an entrepreneur.

There is no ready-made sales recipe: the master, engaged in the manufacture of items from the tree with your own hands, you need to independently build a marketing policy or, if it is too difficult, to seek help from a specialist.

What requirements are presented to wooden products?

Special requirements are not presented to wooden subjects manufactured by the piece of wood or to order. They, like any other products, should be safe for buyers' health, durable and aesthetic; All this is meant by default.

To know what to navigate, the entrepreneur is obliged to familiarize himself with the GOSTS on the products manufactured by them, while having in mind that these requirements are minimal; The more its products will differ from the "regulatory" for the better, the more successful it will become.

Let's sum up

Wood products with their own hands can be manufactured for sale both at home and leaseing the production room or shop. The first step of a novice businessman is to register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. Then it should be obtained from government instances: Rospotrebnadzor, Mrselfzhdanzor and others.

Simultaneously with the registration, the entrepreneur may begin to look for the room, acquire production equipment, consumables and raw materials. Choose too expensive wood for "stream" products should not be; So it is necessary to come only in coordination with the customer. To establish sales, it is recommended to post ads on social networks, on specialized sites, as well as building connections with sales points and disseminate information about the product through friends, relatives and acquaintances.

Sometimes the money is lying with us right under your feet, you just need to see them on time and competently master. So there are smeared entrepreneurs. As an example, take work with wood and waste from its processing - sawdust. In this article, we will tell you what can be made of wood and sawdust

What can be made of wood - business ideas

Wood different breeds Widespread in all regions of Russia, with the exception of individual arid places or areas with adverse climatic conditions. But even where the tree is not mined, it can be processed.

That is why business associated with the tree is sufficiently developed in Russia. Below will consider the most relevant areas of production activities for small businesses and microenterprises.

It is necessary to make a reservation that under the tree is understood not only an array, but also slab materials (plywood, OSP, chipboard, etc.).

Production of furniture from chipboard

This is probably the most popular realization of business ideas from a tree. If you want to sell in large retail chains, furniture stores etc., it will have to significantly invest in the equipment, with the trained personnel there should be no problems (the complexity of the work is low).

Minimum necessary equipment (taking into account existing overall premises for processing, storage of materials / finished products):

  1. Sawing machine - from 500,000 rubles (used without feeding sheets, two people need for service).
  2. Edge (edgebanding machine) - about 200,000 rubles. (These are manual models without automatic feed feed, only for direct faces).
  3. System of dusting (extract for sawdust) - about 70,000 rubles.

At first, with small amounts of orders and simple details The additive can be hand-made drill, sharpening the saw disks to perform a fee in the appropriate workshops.

* The calculations use average data in Russia

Starting attachments:

from 200 000 ₽

Necessary area:

Today, carpentry workshops are rare, so before opening your business in this direction, it is easy to think about what products you can offer the market.

A carpentry workshop is a business that can become not only your hobby or a means of earnings, but also by calling. Thus, the case that brings and material, and spiritual satisfaction, pleases at the same time the soul and pocket. But for such a happy combination will have to be very and very try. In this article, we will talk not about the creation of a large joinery shop, but we limit themselves with relevant tips on the opening of a small workshop at home "for one" with the prospect of turning self-employment into something more.

Pros and cons of carpentry workshops as a business



    a carpent business belongs to the so-called business "on Earth": workshops open on their own sites, in garages, sheds, and so on. You work at home, and at home, as they say, and the walls help;

    such material as a tree will always be in demand even in the era of superpopular plastic. This is a natural and eco-friendly material that has been associated with the centuries in people with home comfort and remains so now. Moreover, many things are still impossible to make something other than wood;

    joinery business has small costs of many other types of business;

    joinery implies a wide range of products that you can produce. And this means that you can always rebuild on the release of other types of wooden products and choose a new niche if they suddenly become unpopular, and market conditions will change;

    joiner's business is a certain freedom in the issue of pricing. Wooden crafts They can cost both a penny and hundreds of thousands of rubles. It all depends on your skill level and the ability to sell your products expensive.

    the joinery workshop cannot exist without a master. This is the type of business, where it will be necessary to invest and all your strength is the complete opposite of modern so-called methods of "passive earnings";

    as in any business "for one", everything is limited to your physical forces and time. Often, many people, coming from employment, are disappointed and understood that the "business for themselves" is not when you work when you want, and when you always work;

    it is no secret that the joiner's workshops today is a business extinction. Suhibito is large factories that produce products cheaper and represent them in large construction and furniture stores and hypermarkets;

    the carpentry workshops on one master usually do not have any permanent and at the same time large orders, so it takes a lot of time on the formation of the client base, the execution of small orders;

    in the joinery business risks of production injuries. Sliced \u200b\u200bfingers and severe cuts - phenomenon of the rank;

    financial returns from the spent effort in most cases does not justify itself. Most single workshops for various reasons (unclaimed assortment, incorrect pricing policy, inability to sell and find a client) can not build a matter so that it brings them a permanent and high earnings.

The first, of which it is necessary to proceed in the joinery business, this is the presence of hands and the desire to create something with these hands. People who are going to open a carpentry workshop, and even more so earn money on this, the focus should be given to improving skill. But before seriously proceeding to the arrangement of the room and equipped with its equipment, it is necessary at least in general terms to deal with the current market situation. The approach to the joinery of how to business differs from the approach to it as a hobby three things. This is a rational and deeply thoughtful approach to the choice of specialization, to the quality of work and to promotion methods.

The first thing to start, so this is from the question of what you will produce. A tree is a material with an infinite number of use methods. To begin with, look at what small carpentry workshops specialize today, that is, your future competitors, and how they are doing.

Regarding the choice of the range of carpentry workshops, there are usually two ways: wide specialization or narrow specialization. In the first case, the emphasis goes to the quantity (more customers, more assortment, more choice), in the second - on quality (narrow range, high quality, narrow audience). In other words, if you learn how to create many different products from a tree, you can offer them more People, and focusing on one or two products, it will be easier for you to improve your skills and create exclusive goods.

What goods can make carpentry workshops:

    Doors / windows. The most obvious solution for the joinery workshop is to create doors and window blocksAll needed, and additionally earn them on their installation. The problem is that the doors and windows have long been and actively "stamped" by large manufacturers, and the market is very saturated today. Competed with the factories of the joinery workshop in most cases is useless. The price of these products they will still be cheaper, and the customer's surprise has become difficult.

    Stairs. The stairs give more space for creative thoughts. Unlike the doors and windows, the joinery workshop, which specializes in stairs, has the opportunity to offer both original sizes, and unusual forms, and spatial rocks, and unique execution as a whole. However, many companies that create stairs have already been operating on the market and reached high level skill in their business, and catch them from scratch very hard.

    Furniture. With furniture Situation is about the same as with the first two categories. Now there is a huge number of furniture on the market for every taste and wallet. Thanks to such hypermarkets as Castorama, Lerua Merlen, IKEA furniture is becoming an increasingly affordable and massive product. However, even the diversity that is on the market leaves many opportunities to create an exclusive assortment that is not found in stores. A small workshop can be betted on the original range, offering tables, chairs, dressers, cabinets, chairs and other of expensive types of wood and with an unusual design.

    Small products. This wide category of goods, which combines one quality - size. Souvenir goods, and all sorts of gift kitchen sets with cutting boards, spatulars and rolling rolling, and frames with baguettes, and board games, wooden toys ( unusual ideas wooden toys You can see) and so on. If, let's say, in jewelry, the size does not matter, then everything is different in the joiner. Even for the author's wooden product, you will not help a big income from expensive wood, since the price of 1500-2000 rubles will seem to the buyer overly overestimated. An ordinary consumer will always be an alternative in the form of plastic product At the cost of 5-10 times cheaper. The connoisseurs of origional art will always have to be mined with great difficulty. Therefore, before you decide on the production of wooden toys, tubes, straws, ashtons, cutting or gingerboards, and other things, think about whether you can regularly produce and sell at least 50 such small products to receive at least 50 thousand . rubles. Or better during the same time make one chest and realize it for the same money?

How best today is positioning your products

The second question, which is also better to think in advance, is a matter of a unique trading proposal and the question of quality. So that your products differ from what Massmarket offers, first of all, pay attention to the material. First, what kind of tree will it be? What colors and what consumables will you use? What will be the design of your products?

* According to Yandex Wordstat on 09/12/2018

Professional set to create business ideas

Trend Product 2019 ..

If we talk about the furniture segment, then according to search queries, the most sought-after wood is pine for it. In popularity, she is almost five times ahead of oak. At the same time, experienced joiners and carpenters are advised not to dedicate pine. First, well dried pine find difficult. The properties of this wood are such that it is difficult to give in quality color, leaves a lot of dirt on the tools, and as a result, leads to costs.

* According to Yandex Wordstat on 09/11/2018.

Secondly, the products from the scenery of the wood have the price corresponding to its own mass. For example, Furniture from Tika will cost several times more expensive of pine furniture. That is, choosing an unusual material, you can significantly increase the profitable component that is laid in the price of the finished product.

One way or another, the quality of your furniture products will depend on the components. You can work along the way to maximize cost cuts, acquiring cheap components from China, or give preference to more expensive, but reliable suppliers of fittings. Austrian, German and Italian fittings manufacturers who have representative offices in Russia and actively promoting their products are considered recognized leaders in the quality of fittings.

Representatives of the joinery business are increasingly supporters of the fact that today products handmade It is necessary to position expensive. The situation on the market diametrically changed. If earlier everything that was done by the joiners was bought with hands and legs, and there was constant demand for carpentry work, now it is for survival to work on quality, and not by quantity. As in many other business spheres, modern joiners are increasingly required to master sales and marketing.

*according to google service Trends.

The feature of the joinery business is that no one will definitely tell you, what price should be prescribed by the table, a chair or bedside table, because the average rates in the joinery business does not happen. Modern approach Such: You consider the price of the expended material, paints, varnishes and components, and then multiply the resulting several times. And what exactly exactly, it is already depends on how expensive the master is positioning itself and on the level of his skill. As a rule, the markup is 100% not justified, today it is possible to prescribe a much greater price for manual work.

What room is needed for a joinery shop

Let's return to more traditional issues relating to the workshop directly. To accommodate a small joinery shop, a room of 50-60 square meters is best. meters. Rent of such a premises will cost about 20 thousand rubles per month.

Middle Rental fee for the production of industrial premises in Russia, rub. *

Premises 50-60 square meters. M.

Premises 70-80 kV. m.

* According to the analysis of AVITO ads on 09/12/2018

Affected business, rent can afford not all, especially at the start. Therefore, most often the joinery workshops open at home, using sheds, garages or basements for these purposes.

Ready ideas for your business

When choosing the area, first of all, you need to consider the length of the room. If you are engaged in the manufacture of door and window RamsThe length of the room should be at least four meters. Inside the workshop should be warm and dry, since the wood is afraid of moisture. Highlighting the room, do not forget that you need smooth floors, as the machines must be steadily installed.

For uninterrupted work, it is advisable to provide a premises with a three-phase electricity workshop. In the event that the premises for the workshop are built of wood, the wiring must be laid in the wire or corrugation, and the outlets and equipment must be grounded.

If the workshop is located near the housing, take care of the sound insulation of the walls and the door. It is desirable that the windows go to the other side where there are no residential buildings. Also need to comply with the requirements for fire safety. The inner covering of the carpets is usually treated with antipirens that prevent fire. It is advisable to have a powder fire extinguisher in the building or, at least, a bucket with sand in case of inflammation of electrical appliances.

Ready ideas for your business

Many workshops are not paying special attention to ventilation. However, without tributary fresh air In the workshop you are doomed to constant inhalation of wood dust. And it threatens certain health problems that you can easily learn from the Internet.

What equipment is needed for a joinery shop

Equipment issue is one of the most difficult carpentry workshops. It should be borne in mind that some universal and generally accepted list does not exist for the joinery workshop. The choice of equipment depends on a large number of variables: from what is made in the workshop, from the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, the volume of production, the experience of the master and so on.

Therefore, you only have a desire to create wooden products, say, your own furniture, and there is only experience in making simple products for which no special tools are required (tables, simple shelves, stools, etc.). In this case, it is not necessary to start with the purchase of serious aggregates and machines, about the purpose of which you do not have a clear idea, but from the acquisition of the basic set. It can be divided into four groups.

Minimum basic set of tools that will allow creating simple furniture

Hand tool

Equipment and consumables

Measuring instruments

Power tools

Saw on wood and metal manual

Roulette for 3-5 meters


Furies and plans manual

Clamp clamps

Metal line 50-100 cm

Hammer drill

Mine with rubber or wooden slaughter

Forcener drills for drilling a non-cured holes with a flat bottom

Metal Cornel, side 30 cm.



Metal drills with a diameter of 2 to 10 mm in increments of 0.5 to 1 mm

Level 50-60 cm

Ribbon grinder

Wood chisels (set)

Tree drills with a diameter of 2 to 12 mm

Screwdrivers straight and crusades (set)

Drill with a carbide tip

Furniture stapler

Bits for screwdriver (set)


Marker or pencil

Baby knife

Adjustable wrench

If you do not spend money on the purchase of a workbench, but to collect it manually, then for the purchase of such a set, 30-40 thousand rubles will be enough. With the same wide swing, the screwdrivers and electroballs, of course, can no longer be done, will expand significantly, and at least 200 thousand rubles will go to the equipment of the workshop, with the purchase of a good milling machine - more than 300 thousand rubles.

Approximate list of equipment for a small joinery

Here are some principles regarding the acquisition and use of equipment that are advised to adhere to the owners of joinery workshops:

    The equipment price must comply with the level of development of your business.. Many masters without experience experience the temptation to spend funds on unreasonably expensive equipment that does not meet the level of development of their business and needs, and also does not give any significant advantages in speed / quality. It is necessary to remember that expensive equipment of elite brands is always less definition, the cheaper and "folk". It is more expensive in service, and more difficult for sale. Therefore, to begin with, it is better to do the most proven devices. For example, if your products do not have a long length, the so-called handicraft, there is no good sense to acquire a milling machine for 100 thousand rubles and more expensive. To begin with it is better to do manual millingThat can do almost the same thing, but will cost several times cheaper.

    Strive for universality of equipment. It should not be done without need to be discharged to those types of equipment that can be replaced or which will simply stand so. For example, spend money on a submersible saw with a guide bus when there are cheaper and universal circular tables. Even if you need to dissolve the sheet - it is easier and faster to use the services of firms that own format-cutting machines that can at a low price and with more high quality Disturb a sheet.

    Purchase new equipment gradually or from large orders. It is a reasonable to think about the acquisition of new equipment as mastery grows and after large orders. The rest of the time should try to gradually postpone a small share of profit to depreciation costs, and already acquire new machines.

    Observe priority principles when placeing equipment. If drilling and turning machines are placed near the workbench, then grinding devices are placed at some distance from the workplace. In addition, a good master should always be at hand, so the workbench is usually located stands, racks and mounted shelves.

    Do not forget about safety technician. No matter how safe and acquaintances did not seem to work the work process, have a first-aid kit with a set of first aid. Also use safety glasses, tight clothing. Work with fastened sleeves, if the hair is long - hide them into the headdress.

    Do not arrange a jet. During the arrangement of the room, keep a drink in the mind of new machines in perspective. Ideally, the free space should be doubled to exceed the place under the machine. No place can disrupt the technological process. The working plane should have an approach from several sides. It is also not worth turning the room to the warehouse: the tree should go to the turn, and not roll in the corners.

Do I need to hire workers in the joiner

On the initial stageAs long as the volume is small, the master is easier and faster to act alone. However, this does not mean that no wage to you never come in handy. Joiners usually require helpers for draft work or subset. They can wear boards, fugitive, clean chips and garbage or perform other simple duties. As a labor force, teenagers are usually used, who are looking for part-timeing in summer or young people.

It is worth noting that the joiners with experience usually do not rush to grow a full-fledged replacement. And their concerns are clear: the risk of growing from the student of its competitor, who can handle customers to themselves. Therefore, it is often limited to the utility workers with a contractual payment.

Please note that the average stainless salary in Russia at the time of writing the article is about 38 thousand rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg - about 54.5 thousand rubles. Therefore, if you are exactly sure that the net income will not be very different from these numbers, again think about the feasibility of opening your workshop. Today, the word "business" is very popular, but with such low revolutions, employment will have much more advantages compared to independent swimming. In this case, it is wiser to continue to produce wooden products in the format of part-time and hobby, gradually developing experience and customer base.

The average level of wages by the profession of "carpenter / carpenter", "assistant carpenter / carpenter", rub.

* According to ads on the AVITO website 09/12/2018

If you visited the idea to open a carpentry workshop, but at the same time working in it you are not going to find a free joiner, which will work for you, are close to zero. All the masters with experience are usually attached and have good incomeAnd the masters "worse and cheaper" are often abused by alcohol or have the experience of staying in places not so distant and, let's say, are lost for society. In this case, it will be easier for you and more rational to place your orders from existing workshops and pay for their work, and then engage in the sale of finished products.

Ways to implement and promote joinery

It is no secret that traditional carpentry workshops on sales today are in an explicit loss. As a rule, they are located on the outskirts of the cities and in industrial zones, where their activities do not see them, and owners who managed to find some permanent clientele, there is always a case before promoting modern ways to communicate with the audience.

In the meantime, as far as the horrors and economic crises through the media, we were not frightened from all sides, the number of target audience, which can bring a good income to the joiner's workshop, gradually grows. Pay attention to the pace country construction, the emergence of new cottage settlements, people who are interested in buying garden furniture and high-quality wooden products for home. These people want to equip their homes with maximum comfort and make them unique at the same time. Therefore, it's good if your workshop will be placed in sight of the target audience and imprint her memory. In the workshop, it should not just be convenient to get, people should see what you are doing. A good location will help in the development and achievement of the effect of "sarafined radio". According to the experience of masters, a person who visited the workshop live almost 100% becomes its client.

Ideally, the owner of the workshop should try to throw the maximum number of "fishing rods" into all channels that can contribute to sales growth.

Ways to access customers:

If one ways to access clients is quite passive (for example, publishing ads) and require one-time efforts (creating a website-business card), then for others, for example, social networksIt will require constant maintenance and time. Therefore, it will be good if you will have an assistant to control these questions. Cost items for promotion can also be exhibition samples for presentations and exhibitions, custom photos of finished products, printing of expenditure promotional products, such as business cards.

How to open a restoration workshop

A complete set of all equipment for the organization of the restoration workshop will cost in the amount of about three million rubles. You can reduce the cost of investments, excluding the list of services offered ...

People decorated with their own hands from ancient times. Initially, the craftsmen used for this herriad of nature, then learned to make items from the metal, and a lot appeared in the era of the development of the chemical industry synthetic materialswhich successfully apply in modern design.

Of course, it is stupid to refuse amenities that appeared with the development of industry and new technologies in the production of furniture, decor items, but so you want to revive the house, create with natural materials A special atmosphere of comfort and peace in any room! And the best of the materials for this was all times and the Majesty tree remains and remains.

Real masters create magnificent carved panels, exclusive wood furniture, amazing paintings in the marquetry style. To implement the most bold ideas in the interior, skill, artistic taste, special tools, knowledge and skills. But anyone can do uncomplicated decorations with their own hands.

Beautiful wood decor

The easiest way to use a tree is to abandon plastic Ram., put wooden doors, get furniture from whole array. This material has the ability to breathe. Wooden Rama The windows will allow maintaining a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

Furniture set of natural wood is able to give any apartment a feeling of goodness, wealth, to speak on an independent decoration of the house. True, not everyone can afford such a luxury. However, even several items are able to change the appearance. modern apartment. Very profitable look at any interior:

    the coffee table, for the finishing of the surface of which the technique of Marquetry or Spike of valuable breed was applied;

    armchair swept from a solid massif;

    wooden stands for home plants;

    open shelves.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Therefore, if there is no opportunity to furnish your housing by expensive furniture, it is enough to purchase one or two products, or decorate already existing furniture, applying decorative tree For interior, do it yourself.

As for the doors - then the options are many. In order to isolate the room, you can install:

    Solid doors made of natural boards;

    Set from the rails of the canvas;

    Doors with glazing;

    Sliding doors;

    Doors - "Shirma" in a common room, folding "accordion".

The last two options allow you to significantly save space. small premises. You can make such doors with your own hands, or order an experienced master.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Tree in the interior do it yourself: advantages

Since wood is one of the natural materials, it has a lot of advantages for making various items do it yourself:

    Environmental Safety. You can use in the interior of any room without prejudice to health. In addition, according to popular beliefs, wood is capable of healing - for example, the dies from Osin remove inflammation, and oak - give the strength to a weakened organism.

    Practically free: she is lying on us literally under their feet - they will go squirts, dried bumps of trees, which can be found in the nearest sheet. Dachini most often burned waste, which appeared as a result of cleaning and thinning the garden. And you can not burn all these rusties, and you can perform beautiful accessories from them that can add individuality in your interior, put it with your own soul.

    The ability to create decor from wood with your own hands. Nature is unique, and you will not find two absolutely identical branches. Therefore, working with natural Material, you create unique things every time, which will give your home your special style and attractiveness. In addition, there will be a reason to boast before friends with its fantasy and skillful hands.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Decorations for the house of wood cuts

Anyone who knows how to keep the hammer in the hands and other non-slip tools, cutting the tree with their own hands for the interior to get suitable material. Wood can be cleaned in advance from the bark, or leave the original form - everything depends on what kinds of wood you have and where are you going to stick wooden dies.

Here are just a few ideas where ordinary weighs of the tree will be useful in the interior:

    decoration of walls slices of logs;

    production of furniture;

    decor of individual furniture items with wooden dies of various diameters.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor of wood do it yourself for walls

If you decide to apply a tree to decorate the walls, you can do it in two ways:

    covered with wooden dies the surface of one or all walls in the room;

    select a separate segment of the wall and arrange it as a panel.

First option will suit Not for each room - it will fit better in the interior of the veranda, corridors stylized under the country kitchen or homemade bath. But for decorating a separate section of the wall you can show all your fantasy. It can be:

    Apron for kitchen or panel over the working area. Beautiful sleeves are obtained from different wood breeds - apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, walnut, ash, where everyone has its own unique color. You will remain well polling the surface of the dies and cover the bright web with a protective layer of colorless varnish.

    In the interior of the children's room, beautiful panels made of wooden sleeves, made in the form of stylized butterflies, colors or a whole fabulous landscape.

    For the decor of the walls of the spacious corridor, we can take wooden squigs found in the forest and nature. If you do some of them, leaving one side untouched, then on one of the walls will appear in color flowers, each of which will be unique in its natural beauty.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Transform furniture

To arrange the interior of the tree with your own hands, you can use the already existing objects of old furniture. Decorated with dies of different breeds of a tree, she will acquire a second life and perfectly fit into the interior.

The main rule that should be observed - all work should be carried out without a rush, very carefully to get the desired effect:

    Pick up the branches of the desired wood rocks of a small diameter;

    Well dry them, remove the bore, if necessary;

    Cut the dice of the same thickness using a jigsaw or a grinder;

    Collect the surface of Spilov emery paper on both sides;

    Prepare furniture you are going to transform: Clean it from old paint., varnish, align the surfaces with grinding;

    Clepping the heel glue for wood - carpentry or pva.

    Let them dry, then cover the surface treated with colorless varnish.

Thus, you can decorate the chest of drawers, the old cabinet, the table and other furniture items.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor items

In addition to the already listed techniques, you can make other items of wood decor with your own hands. It looks original in the interior of the cabinet amateur photo or small pictures placed in a frame made from thin twigs. It is easy to cut into 3-4 thin branches, a little more than the size of the photo, and link them around the perimeter in the places of compounds with ordinary harness or twine.

By the same principle you can make a stand from pencils:

    Cut U. plastic bottle Or tin can top, so that the cup is, where you can add pencils.

    Cut thin branches so that their length is slightly larger than the height of the obtained glass;

    Stick them with an adhesive gun and tie over several twine or twine twists.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Showing a little fantasy and smelting, you can make a stand for a phone using twigs, a plastic bottle or a tin jar from under the juice. And if you work a little, you can, using suitable solid spears, hollow out the docking station for the iPhone or the original candlestick.

Spike suitable diameter You can use for manufacture with your own hands:

    original coats under cups in the form of topographic symbols;

    from the bottle unusual shape the original vessel, saving her surface with wooden dies;

    stands are hot, the basis for which a plywood sheet of any form can serve.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Wine bottle wooden spil, You can use as a basis for the lamp in Eco interior. It is suitable for shameter from the usual cotton rope, which needs to be wounded on the already ready metallic, or made of wooden rod framework.

We have offered you only a few ideas of wood jewelry with your own hands for the interior. There are still many options how to perform wooden decorations and beautiful accessories with your own hands using other gifts of nature. It all depends on the overall design, your fantasy and present materials.

Video: Decor of wood do it yourself

Looking for an idea for opening a business abroad? Want to know what you can profitably sell in Germany for the first quarter of 2018?

In this publication, a list of the 5 most popular Russian products in Germany is assembled.

For the selection of goods applied criteria:

An increase in export volume has been continuing more than six months;

Interest rates by 1 quarter of 2017 amounted to at least 14%;

Germany is imported to the goods worth not less than $ 500 thousand.

Enjoy reading!

Decorative products made of non-wind wood

Products crosses the border under the code TN VED 4420101900., Under it to Germany (and not only), a variety of things are departed: from statuettes and matretory to designer wood and twigs for cats. Russia's largest exporter - Vladimir region, 41% The goods were sold by enterprises located there. In total, this foreign trade market is present 21 Region exporter.

Wood products sold for the amount $ 1,116 thousand. Of these, they went to Germany 43,8% total Russian exports of wooden statuettes and decor elements.

It resembles the crossword: so, the Russian decorative product made of wood, eight letters, hmm ... Matryoshka! Well, of course!

Wooden bedroom furniture

Predominantly carcasses for beds and collected beds under the code TN VED 9403500001 which implies the cost on the conditions of the Franco-border of the country of import, not exceeding 1.8 euros per 1 kg of gross mass.

The advantages of the sleeping furniture market are not in the volume of imports, but in the duration and volumes of its growth. This suggests that buyers have a need for this product, he has taken root in the market, consumers appreciated its quality and now the demand for it is growing only. According to the results of the 1st quarter of 2018 such wooden furniture It was sold "total" on $ 1,610 thousand And this is the volume of sales 22 Regions!

The leading position among exporters occupies Kaliningrad region with market share in21,6% . Germany was sent to Germany 35,8% Supply of wooden furniture.

At the end of the article, infographics are presented, which compares the length of growth and the percentage increase of all submitted export markets.

Wood Furniture Parts

Countertops, doors, shelves, boxes and other are customs under the code TN VED 9403903000.

Russian exports of parts for furniture swollen much wider compared to export decorative Products. So the volume of exports in monetary terms amounted to $ 17,276 thousand, of which Germany purchased goods on $ 6,415 thousand or 37,1% Total Russian exports, occupying a leading share in this market.

Furniture parts were sold from 34 Russian regions. The leader among them was Ulyanovsk regionfrom which were sent 26% Wooden pieces for furniture.

Somehow I saw tweet about the "right" purchase of furniture in IKEA, it said in it that you just need to periodically contact support: "I miss such a detail, send me it, please." And so, a person could collect a wardrobe from the "missing details" for a couple of months.

Well, what, they really lacked them!

Wooden pallets

The necessary things for loading and unloading are sent to foreign buyers under the code. TN VED 4415202000.. Also, this code for sale the shells used to assemble pallets.

Pallets sell enterprises from 18 regions of Russia, first place among exporters with 36,4% Market occupy moscow. In total foreign enterprises bought Russian pallets in the amount $ 3,336 thousand.

It is noteworthy that Germany takes 70,7% Export market Pallet from Russia.

Tree pallets were a very effective invention of the twentieth century, which allowed optimizing the work of the loading equipment without attracting additional labor. Pallets are also produced, for example, from metal or plastic, but wooden pallets still make up golden middle Between price, strength and weight, which makes them in demand.

Toilet paper

The goods are sent to foreign buyers under the code. TN VED 4818101000.. Under this code, it is paper that has a mass of 25 g or less than 1 m 2 of each layer is sent for sale.

Volumes of Russian exports for the 1st quarter of 2018 of this product turned out to be even more than the volume of exports of wooden pallets and amounted to $ 4,027 thousand

Sales were carried out from 15 Russian regions. The leader among exporters has become Tula region which occupied67% market share. Germany was sent to Germany 44% Total export of Russian toilet paper.

Such goods are always in demand, and sometimes highly In demand!

The infographics compare the parameters of the "export growth duration" and the interest in market growth to the same quarter last year "for all the headings presented above.

This is the first of the three publications of the cycle "Russian exports: what can be sold in Germany"

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