Repairs Design Furniture

Pictures panel do it yourself from different materials. Panel on the wall for interior decoration (77 photos of design). Wooden Panel of Wood Wood

Sometimes you want to revive home interior, make the situation more cozy or, on the contrary, muster, add sharpness. And at the same time I do not want to spend extra money or go shopping in endless searches, and create something like your own hands. Panel comes to revenue. And here it all depends on your imagination and girlfriend. In this article, we present the master class to create a panel on the wall at home.

Create a masterpiece from nails and threads

Yes, you read correctly: it is nails and threads. Perhaps it is hard to believe, but from such coarse views of the materials you can create a real masterpiece. Try to look at the String Art (this is exactly the name of this art) under a different angle. And you will be surprised by the result.

As working materials for such a panel we will need:

  • figure - the basis of the future masterpiece;
  • colored threads;
  • nails (preferably decorative);
  • a hammer;
  • passatia;
  • piece of foam / chipboard sheet (you can with frame).

It is simply impossible to cover all the variety of ideas for panels from the threads, so we will define only a guide for creativity:

Macrame lovers: weaving

Work in the technique of Macrame is quite complicated, but an exciting occupation. Macrame products are stunned by their beauty and fineness of work. With this technique you can create chic covers for various items, accessories for clothes (bags, belts, decorative inserts for shoes) and of course panel.

The choice of materials for work is very large. Experienced needlewomen prefer to work with flax, but also perfectly fit silk, Moulin, even ordinary threads.

Council. So that the material for Macrame has become stronger, hold it in boiling water for about 15 minutes.

Newcomers should be remembered by one rule so as not to break the technique of weaving - the main thread is attached to working surfaceBut not participating in work, in the future all the basic threads are attached. To quickly master the macrame technique, practice in weaving the main nodes and the work will continue quickly and easily.

Council. Threads for practice Use thick and bright, thread for the base - contrasting. The base is tightly stretched on the pillow and attached to it pins.

Now there is a huge number of schemes for weaving panels in Macrame technique. You can make a wonderful decoration for kitchen zone In the form of a panel with a pocket for kitchen accessories. In addition, you can create a large number christmas decorations in the form of a Christmas tree, toys, etc. Try to put the idea of \u200b\u200ba panel with the image of animals, birds, fish - will definitely get well. It will look original to the interior panel-decoration. For example, such a manner will greatly revive and decorate old wall clocks. Improvise, create, working in the style of Macrame, you can "get roaring".

Master Class: Panels from coffee beans

We are in a hurry to please those who caught fire with a desire to try themselves in this fairly new trend. Create original I. beautiful works With the help of coffee beans is quite simple. It is only a big desire and a little fantasy crumb.

There are several main directions in the coffee panels:

  • photo frame;
  • postcards;
  • decorative element for candles, vases, hours, cans, cups;
  • pictures.

As you can see, there is a choice of work for every taste. Consider the process of making a coffee panel on the example of a picture of coffee. Used set of materials:

  • dense cardboard;
  • sackcloth;
  • coffee beans
  • glue;
  • clear nail polish.
  • twine.

Work time-consuming, but simple. First you need to cover the cardboard burlap and with back side fasten with glue. The plot selected for the picture is transferred to the fabric using stencils / manually. Then glue coffee beans. Left Add decorative elementsMade from twine and covered grain with varnish coffee.

Panel from fabric do it yourself

Just and tasteful - it's about a panel of fabric. As a material, you can use everything that is at hand: silk, sitherge, burlap, knitwear, etc. Methods for creating a panel with the giving materials of the great set, consider several:

  • panel from flasks of fabric. Dense cardboard use as a working surface. We make markings on it, be sure to numerate individual parts of the picture so as not to confuse space for flap stripes. The pieces of fabric are twice as well as freshey so that the cutting part remains hidden, and the folded has a clear fold.

  • the felt panel - stencils from the felt stems are cut out stencils for creating a composition and glue to the base;
  • burlakovin in itself - pretty normal Material. Therefore, you can make a panel, just pulling a piece of burlap, but be sure to decorate it with contour ribbons, patterns, etc. From burlap you can make flowers that will serve edging for the other panel.
  • fabric panels - stylish and simple panels are the foundation covered with cloth Bright colors.

We held a master class to create a panel with your own hands. As you might make sure the field for creativity is huge. Inspiration will be able to find everything: newcomers, and master. We wish you creative success!

Kitchen Panel: Video

Panel do it yourself: photo

The panel made of natural materials from the tree, complements the interior of the room and forms a visual accent. You can place in the room or the office, but before that it is worth checking how well it fit into the interior. As the basis for creating a composition is used beech, birch, alder, oak and pine. The technology came from Thailand, where natural materials are in fashion.

Eye is most pleased handmadeSo designers try to use them more often. First you need to measure the wall. After that, a board with the required parameters is bought or manufactured. Designers advise add to the initial size of about 5-7 cm required to make possible adjustments.

The following tools will be needed for work:

  • Scotch larger.
  • Paint brush.
  • Transfer glue.
  • The desired image is printed on the laser printer.

With the help of painting scotch on plywood or a solid tree, the contours of the future picture are formed. The printed image is thoroughly lubricated with the front side of the glue shuttle. It is also necessary to smear wooden base. You can find glue in the art goods store. After that, the image on the surface is neatly transferred.

A to avoid the appearance of folds and small air clusters will help a paint roller, which is carefully smoothed by the canvas. The minimum time to dry the applied glue is 70 minutes. Accelerate the hair dryer process.

When the glue dries, it is necessary to gently moisten the drawing with water gently with a small tassel. The wet image is removed using a sponge for washing dishes.

If everything is done correctly, the paint with a pattern will remain on the plywood. A layer of transparent varnish, providing shine and durability, is applied on top of it. Creating a panel with your own hands will take no more than 3 hours. The main thing is to choose designer solution The features of the room were taken into account.

Wooden panel in the interior: practical advice

The versatility of the panel is the ability to supplement the interior of residential or non-residential premises.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account several factors affecting the final choice:

  • Room size.
  • The degree of illumination.
  • Prevailing color gamut.
  • The type used in the placement of the material.

Acquaintance with the room begins with the living room, in the interior of which it is preferable to use the product of large sizes. Depending on the geometry of the room, the panel is ordered, covering ½ part or the entire wall. At the request of the client, it is complemented by artificial illumination.

In an ordinary apartment, there is a pacifying landscape, for example, Indonesia and her nature. Travel fans choose discreet coloring. Wooden panel includes landmarks or scenery of cities where you want to visit.

Diametrically the opposite is recommended for residential premises, where an active lifestyle is placed at the head of the corner. Work from wood includes images of nightlife in a metropolis, abstract forms, reproduction of modern artists or dynamic scenes of the elements of the elements. In the luxurious interior decorative panel images of the old part famous city, stairs or paradise garden.

In the residential room there are restrictions in the part possible options. In the room of medium-sized, with a standard area of \u200b\u200bwindows, panel is allowed in the corner of the room. Several visual centimeters room will add a screw staircase applied on the panel. IN small rooms It is recommended to use double drawings. It is important that both drawings are symmetrically arranged.

Kitchen. It uses wall panels from varieties of wood that can be cleaned. It is forbidden to place them near the stove, refrigerator or sinks. As a picture, fruits and berries will be optimally. Light compositions are selected for the bedroom and children's bedrooms: pets or water surface .

Create a panel of drinking wood

Before starting better View photo different optionsthat will help determine the concept. After that, the layout of work is made. It is necessary to do it in natural magnitude. It will help to determine the size of the spike. As the basis is better to use birch or alder.

To perform the work, call the wizard is not worth it. Enough the main skills of working with instruments.

Need to follow of the following order Actions:

  • Carefully sand spoke sandpaper.
  • Apply acrylic soil or white paint I slept on the surface with a foam sponge.
  • Drying process lasts up to 65 minutes.
  • After drying to sand.
  • In advance, the printed picture you need to cut across the contour.
  • If it contains a variety of small parts, for example, an image of coins, then to the first element you need to leave 1-2 cm from the edge.
  • Island landscapes, for example, Cyprus or Indonesia, then pruning here without additional see.
  • The back of the picture is thoroughly lubricated with decoupage glue.
  • Apply an image on a spell.
  • Smooth the roller.
  • It is forbidden to smooth out the surface of the picture by hand, because the usual material or composite under the influence of pressure and moisture forms noticeable strips.
  • When the workpiece dries, the file from the edges is deleted too much.

Additionally, it is possible to apply small decorative elements, for example, creating volumetric compositions can be created using the correct slices of tissue. In the eastern interior, you can use additional decorations from branches and leaves.

Panel Threaded Tree: Minimalistic Solutions

To create the entire composition, it is necessary to initially choose the material correctly. If it is better to make simple drawings on plywood, then volume diptych is desirable to post on birch or aspen. Then, the level of detail of the sketch is taken into account. Uncomplicated images of people or animals can be made of soft lip thread.

For other options, you need to adhere to such recommendations:

  • For a bath you have to take a birch with mandatory processing Waterproof varnish.
  • The hallway will decorate a large composition from the boards, on top of which drawing is applied.
  • For a country house, it is better to take a lip or pine.
  • The living room will suit bamboo panels.
  • A well-lit room will complement alder.
  • The billet for the children's always hippaliergenic.

Panel ship from wood with their own hands (video)

Panel from natural material will decorate the interior provided right choice Material and drawing. The kitchen and the balcony uses chipboard or plywood, and in the living room and bedroom - linden, aspen or alder. If desired, the panel can be made independently. The main thing is to follow the dimension and the image creation rules: transferring the finished pattern or cutting the entire composition.

Wood panel options (photo)

People decorated with their own hands from ancient times. Initially, the craftsmen were used for this herriad of nature, then learned to make items from metal, and in the development era chemical industry Much appeared synthetic materialswhich successfully apply in modern design.

Of course, it is stupid to abandon the amenities that appeared with the development of the industry and new technologies in the manufacture of furniture, decor items, but so you want to revive the house, create a special atmosphere of comfort with natural materials in any room! And the best of the materials for this was all times and the Majesty tree remains and remains.

Real masters create magnificent carved panels, exclusive wood furniture, amazing paintings in the marquetry style. To implement the most bold ideas in the interior, skill, artistic taste, special tools, knowledge and skills. But anyone can do uncomplicated decorations with their own hands.

Beautiful wood decor

The easiest way to use a tree is to abandon plastic Ram., put wooden doors, get furniture from whole array. This material has the ability to breathe. Wooden Rama The windows will allow maintaining a pleasant atmosphere in the room.

Furniture headset natural wood It is able to give any apartment a feeling of goodness, wealth, to speak on an independent decoration of the house. True, not everyone can afford such a luxury. However, even several items are able to change the appearance. modern apartment. Very profitable look at any interior:

    the coffee table, for the finishing of the surface of which the technique of Marquetry or Spike of valuable breed was applied;

    armchair swept from a solid massif;

    wooden stands for home plants;

    open shelves.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Therefore, if there is no opportunity to furnish your housing by expensive furniture, it is enough to purchase one or two products, or decorate already existing furniture, applying decorative tree For interior, do it yourself.

As for the doors - then the options are set. In order to isolate the room, you can install:

    Solid doors made of natural boards;

    Set from the rails of the canvas;

    Doors with glazing;

    Sliding doors;

    Doors - "Shirma" in a common room, folding "accordion".

The last two options allow you to significantly save space. small premises. You can make such doors with your own hands, or order an experienced master.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Tree in the interior do it yourself: advantages

Since wood is one of the natural materials, it has a lot of advantages for making various items with their own hands:

    Environmental Safety. You can use in the interior of any room without prejudice to health. In addition, people beliefsWood is capable of healing - for example, the dies from Osin remove inflammation, and oak - give the strength to a weakened organism.

    Practically free: she is lying on us literally under their feet - they will go squirts, dried bumps of trees, which can be found in the nearest sheet. Dachini most often burned waste, which appeared as a result of cleaning and thinning the garden. And you can not burn all these rusties, and you can perform beautiful accessories from them that can add individuality in your interior, put it with your own soul.

    The ability to create decor from wood with your own hands. Nature is unique, and you will not find two absolutely identical branches. Therefore, working with natural material, you every time create unique things that will give your home your special style and attractiveness. In addition, there will be a reason to boast before friends with its fantasy and skillful hands.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Decorations for the house of wood cuts

Anyone who knows how to keep the hammer in the hands and other simple tools, cutting the tree with their own hands for the interior to get the appropriate material. Wood can be cleaned in advance from the bark, or leave the original form - everything depends on what kinds of wood you have and where are you going to stick wooden dies.

Here are just a few ideas where ordinary weighs of the tree will be useful in the interior:

    decoration of walls slices of logs;

    production of furniture;

    decor of individual furniture items with wooden dies of various diameters.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor of wood do it yourself for walls

If you decide to apply a tree to decorate the walls, you can do it in two ways:

    covered with wooden dies the surface of one or all walls in the room;

    select a separate segment of the wall and arrange it as a panel.

First option will suit Not for each room - it will fit better in the interior of the veranda, corridors stylized under the country kitchen or homemade bath. But for decorating a separate section of the wall you can show all your fantasy. It can be:

    Apron for kitchen or panel over the working area. Beautiful sleeves obtain from different breeds Tree - apple trees, pears, plums, cherries, walnut, ash, where everyone has its own unique color. You will remain well polling the surface of the dies and cover the bright web with a protective layer of colorless varnish.

    In the interior of the children's room are appropriate beautiful panels From wooden sleeves, made in the form of stylized butterflies, colors or a whole fabulous landscape.

    For the decor of the walls of the spacious corridor, we can take wooden squigs found in the forest and nature. If you do some of them, leaving one side untouched, then on one of the walls will appear in color flowers, each of which will be unique in its natural beauty.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Transform furniture

To arrange the interior of the tree with your own hands, you can use the already existing items old furniture. Decorated with dies of different breeds of a tree, she will acquire a second life and perfectly fit into the interior.

The main rule that should be observed - all work should be carried out without a rush, very carefully to get the desired effect:

    Pick up the branches of the desired wood rocks of a small diameter;

    Well dry them, remove the bore, if necessary;

    Cut the dice of the same thickness using a jigsaw or a grinder;

    Collect the surface of Spilov emery paper on both sides;

    Prepare furniture you are going to transform: Clean it from old paint., varnish, align the surfaces with grinding;

    Clepping the heel glue for wood - carpentry or pva.

    Let them dry, then cover the surface treated with colorless varnish.

So you can decorate the chest of drawers, old cabinet, table and other furniture items.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

Decor items

In addition to the already listed techniques, you can make other items of wood decor with your own hands. It looks original in the interior of the cabinet amateur photo or small pictures placed in a frame made from thin twigs. You just need to cut down 3-4 thin branches, a little long more sizes Photos and tie them around the perimeter in places of compounds with ordinary harness or twine.

By the same principle you can make a stand from pencils:

    Cut U. plastic bottle Or tin can top, so that the cup is, where you can add pencils.

    Cut thin branches so that their length is slightly larger than the height of the obtained glass;

    Stick them with adhesive pistol And reinforce with a few twine or twine twists.

Design decoration tree

Contemporary wood decor do it yourself

Decor's idea with do-it-yourself

Showing a little fantasy and smelting, you can make a stand for a phone using twigs, a plastic bottle or a tin jar from under the juice. And if you work a little, you can, using suitable solid spears, hollow out the docking station for the iPhone or the original candlestick.

Spike suitable diameter You can use for manufacture with your own hands:

    original coats under cups in the form of topographic symbols;

    from the bottle unusual shape the original vessel, saving her surface with wooden dies;

    stands under the hot, the basis for which can serve plywood sheet Any shape.

Decorating with wood with your own hands

Beautiful wood decor

A bottle of wine, saved by wooden spil, can be used as a basis for a lamp in Eco interior. It is suitable for shameter from the usual cotton rope, which needs to be wounded on the already ready metallic, or made of wooden rod framework.

We have offered you only a few ideas of wood jewelry with your own hands for the interior. There are still many options how to perform with your own hands. wooden decorations And beautiful accessories using other gifts of nature. It all depends on the overall design, your fantasy and present materials.

The house is the place where you want to feel as comfortable as possible. there is various methods Make it even more cozy. But it is especially nice when decor elements are made with their own hands. Decorative panels in the interior always attract admiring views, and they will not make them difficult to make them difficult if you properly comply with the technology and act step by step and according to the instructions.

What it is

Panno is an element of decor and its purpose consists in decorating the interior and filling the empty space on the walls or ceiling. Sounds very similar to the description of the painting, is not it? What is different from the picture, if both of the decor are designed to decorate the room? The answer is simple: the picture is the subject of painting art, and the panel can consist of anything. Dough, plastic, plaster, beads, fabric, tree - no fantasy limit, when it comes to the manufacture of panels and material for the decor can be any. If there is a desire to make your interior unique, then Panel will cope with this!

Definition of work scale

The first stage in creating a wall panel is to determine the design of the future product. If it is already known, at what place it will be located, it complicates the task. Need to weigh color solution, Dimensions what it will be to possess whether the material fits from which it is planned to be made, into the overall picture of the interior.

So, we define: size, color solution and what materials will be used. This is the first step. If possible, it is worth drawing a sketch of the planned product. This will help take into account all the nuances performed by the task.

If a piece of cardboard is taken as the basis, a canvas or any other solid surface is taken, markings are made on it: where and how the decor elements will be located. If the base is fabric, it is tensioned on the basis (for example, on a piece of plywood, board or plastic), and the remainder of the tissue is fixed from the back side. After the craft is made, it is placed in the frame and hang on the wall.

There is another option to manufacture a panel on a tissue basis. It will be necessary to take a solid foundation, for example, plasterboard sheet desired size and glue a foam rubber to it. On the resulting soft base and tensioned fabric. In this case, you can do without frame.

After all the preparations, you can proceed to the main part of the manufacture: decorating.

Types of panel do it yourself

Consider the main species used in decorating:

FabricThese are all embroidery options, appliqués and tapestry techniques that are made on the fabric. Performance technique can be anything: from manual embroidery to machine, made by serial production.
StoneFrequently performed in mosaic technique. Are used natural stoneswhich are considered noble: basalt, marble and others. Less frequently, artificial stone is present in such products.
From ceramicsMade with the use of ceramic tiles and are usually placed in the bathroom or kitchen.
SculpturalThe bulk version of the product that is manufactured from special plaster, plaster or metal.
GraphicAll that is done with different species Print. It can be reproduction of painting works, photo printing.
Other speciesHandmade products are presented here, which are made using any girlfriend. Salty dough, tree, dried flowers and plants, shells, clay, beads - no fantasy limit for decoration.

We give examples of manufacturing various types of panels:

From fruit and vegetables

When creating this panel can also participate a child, as it is very simple. Bright, color design of this creation is ideal for the kitchen.

For the manufacture you will need:

  • Solid vegetables or fruits (it can be apples, any citrus, pears, cabbage, etc.);
  • Paint (gouache, butter, acrylic);
  • The basis on which decoration will be made. It can be a cardboard, a board, a fabric stretched on a sheet of plasterboard.

The surface of the base is preventing and painted in the desired shade. Fruits and vegetables cut on halves and dip them in paint. The dye is best pouring a thin layer in a plate. We apply the painted fruit by the cut side to the base and get a stamp.

Stamps are made in any plenty place on the basis, but the images are best looking for, which are symmetrically located.

From paper

There are many options for making paper creations. Let's consider the main of them:

From round paper structures

This product can be made with your own hands for an hour and this is a great tool to decorate the interior, as well as get a lot of positive emotions.

Prepare materials:

  • Colored paper;
  • Clips;
  • Scotch;
  • Pins;
  • Stapler.


  1. The sheet of paper is folded by the harmonica, like a fan.
  2. Harmrock bend in half.
  3. The stapler fasten the face with the bend so that the harmonica does not disintegrate and the little fan turned out. We connect three such ves and get a circle.
  4. Harmoshki different colors You can combine into one circle, then the panel will turn out also brighter.
  5. Many circles connect together, attaching them to the wall by English pins. The size of the circles and the composition itself can be any large and take any shape.

From photos

In fact, it is a collage of photographs or artistic pictures, which can both have a certain topic and be absolutely abstract. Photos are combined into one composition and fixed on the wall or another basis. Design Option: Combine many images of the sea and sky.

From colored paper

Options for making crafts from colored paper Great set. Today we offer an option "Flowers from hearts", which will even suit for children's master class. It is very simple in performance, is an excellent tool for the development of a small baby's shallow motility, and looks amazing!

We need:

  • Office colored paper;
  • Base for panel;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Cardboard;
  • Paints;
  • Tassels;
  • Frame.

Let's proceed to fulfill:

  1. Cut the pattern in the form of a heart. To make one flower, we need from eight such hearts. All hearts in the flower must be the same size.
  2. We fold the heart in half and get the petal.
  3. We glue a flower from such petals to the base. It can be a cardboard or wall.
  4. To make flower leaves, you need smaller green hearts.
  5. We lay out flowers in any order, depending on the total form of the desired panel. It may be a heart shape, and you can lay out flowers and in the form of a tree. We show fantasy and embody it in life!

From newspaper tubes

Newspapers can be perfectly suitable for the manufacture of panels with their own hands.

Necessary materials:

  • Newspapers;
  • Knitting needles;
  • Glue;
  • Wire;
  • Brush;
  • Knife;
  • Acrylic paint.


  1. The newspaper sheet is cut into two parts with a knife.
  2. We apply glue with a thin layer with a thin layer.
  3. We screw the sheets of newspapers to the needle diagonally. There should be thin tubes.
  4. Take acrylic paint And we look at the newspaper tubes in the desired color.
  5. We scroll the resulting flagery flagery once again and wrap the ends of each newspaper tube so that the helix turned out. Both ends need to be spinning in opposite sides if you want to get the shape of the sea skate. You can make a circle: for this you just need to turn the entire tube on the spiral.
  6. Spirals fix with rubber bands and leave for 24 hours to dry.
  7. We remove the rubber bands and make up the desired drawing from the resulting items. Elements can be immediately attached to the wall, or create a panel on a predetermined basis.

Circles from newspaper tubes can be painted in various colors, connecting several shades in one circle. It is interesting to look circles with a gradient: the transition from one color to another.

From wallpaper

it interesting solutionthat your interior will revive and give him even more comfort.
There are several ways to independently make a panel of wallpaper:

  • Technique Loskutkov

Cut fragments from available wallpapers. Pieces can be any form, but must approach each other. Consider general form all future composition. For example, you can cut squares with flowers from three different species Wallpaper and combine them together in several rows in a certain sequence. At the same time, paired elements are not necessarily playing symmetrically.

  • Technique whole wallpaper

We take the wallpaper with the desired image (for example, the Sakura branch), gently cut it into the frame, or we stick to the wall and decorate the molding or panels.

  • Combination of styles

Here the design is limited to your fantasy! Combine whole pieces of wallpapers with small cut fragments. This is a modern and inexpensive way to decorate your home.
Important! If you can not decide with the style of the future composition, it is necessary to look at the image of flowers and plants in non-timers. It is always appropriate and looks beautiful.

From salted dough

This type of panel is one of the most budget, as it requires a minimum of material for its manufacture and usually everything is always needed at home.

We offer the version of the stucco panel, where the handles and legs of your child will be printed. This creation will allow you to decorate your baby's bedroom. in the original way And for a long time to save the memory of his childhood.

We need:

  • Flour;
  • Salt;
  • Color gouache (optional).


  1. We take flour and salt in proportions two to one. Two cups of flour are mixed with a glass of salt, then water is added. The approximate volume of water on such a number of flour and salt will be 125 ml.
  2. We mix cool dough. If it sticks to hand, add more flour. The dough should be elastic and not stick to the hands.
  3. If you want to make a panel color, then the time to add a gouache, blowing her the dough.
  4. Roll over the dough. The approximate thickness of it must be about 2 centimeters. Shape a piece of dough can be any.
  5. Drive the dough to the baby and gently pressing his palm and a feet into the mass. Pressing should be easy, but sufficient to leaving the trace.
  6. We make two through holes in the test - this is for the future ribbon, which will then hang panels.
  7. We lay out everything on the baking sheet and close the baking paper.
  8. Heat the oven to 90 degrees and put the dough dough there. It will take about two to two and a half hours. It is necessary to flip carefully dough once, in the middle of drying.
  9. Color the resulting panel with color or white gouache, inventing the tape into the holes - voila! Very touching and cute decoration for your home is ready!

From fabric

Panel design with cloth has been in fashion not so long ago: only in last years Hand-Made lovers turned their fabric close attention. Such a product is ideal for the interior in the style of Provence. Consider the main types of woven panels that can be made with their own hands:


The various techniques for the manufacture of such panels are used, but everyone has one in general: this is the use of flavors of fabric in the work. On the Internet there are many margins of such products. Panno can be both on a tissue basis and on rigid structures. The fabric for the manufacture is needed any: from pieces of tulle to trimming of old bed linen.

Felt for creativity

Panel from felt is one of the most popular among needlewomen. We only need pieces of felt of different colors, the pattern of future pictures, threads with a needle or glue and the basis for which all parts are planned to be consolidated. Felt is very felling material for creativity: it will help to realize all fantasies into life. Panel from felt will become an excellent decoration of the living room or hallway.

Burlakovin on the form of an extremely small material, but begins to play very other paints when the craftsmen use it in their work. Burlap can be covered with a frame for panels, you can use as a basis for other materials: beads, lace and others. This coarse material ideally emphasizes the tenderness and refinement of other tissues.

Panel from wool is the most simple product In the technique of wet fooling. This is an interesting process in which wool is compacted in a certain way in order to get felt. The drawing on such a panel can be any: it all depends on the skill of the needlewoman.

If you want to take a single-color piece of fabric and draw a certain picture on it, then consider that it is not as simple as it seems. It is worth practicing on the draft, and then click on the tissue that you plan to use on the panel.

From beads

In this embodiment, all or part of its elements are made of beads. For starters, elements themselves are made, and then fixed on the basis and, if desired, are drawn up into the framework.

From threads and nails

This is not new, but very interesting way Make panel with your own hands! It reigns minimalism in the choice of materials, but from this panel does not become fresh and boring, but, on the contrary, attracts admiring glances.

The whole point is that cloves are clogged on a solid basis. This can be done chaotic, and it is also possible according to a specific scheme that you can successfully find on the Internet. Between nails in several layers, threads are stretched. Due to this, a kind of drawing is created.

From buttons

Perfect option for beginners! Buttons can be decorated with a panel made of fabric or paper, and you can create a product fully made of buttons. To do this will need

  • PVA glue;
  • Buttons;
  • The foundation.


  1. Draw on the basis of a sketch: where the buttons will be located and what figure they must be depicted together.
  2. Stick Buttons with PVA glue to the base.

The design can be any: inscriptions, abstraction, flora and fauna and others.

Mirror panel

Modern panel created from pieces of mirrors. His complex options will be able to manufacture only experts, and simple - very much accessible to independent work. Mirror panel will be added in the room.

Necessary materials:

  • Mirror tiles;
  • Liquid Nails;
  • The basis of S. wooden planksIf you plan to stick the mirrors not straight on the wall.

The principle of operation is clear: we combine various mirror pieces and secure them in the desired order to the wall or another on liquid nails.

Made usually in an abstract style of various wood species. Very profitable in classic interior Wooden panels look with inlaid semi-precious stones.

Dry flowers and leaves

Great for children's creativity. We are determined with the plot of future work, and then on a hard framework (cardboard, fiberboard) with glue glue dried flowers and leaves (juniper sprigs, leaves of trees - any flora is suitable). Excellent additions will be grains, seeds and twigs.

Crupes and seeds

A sketch of a future picture is applied to solid, already painted base. Then, the cereals and seeds are based on the basis with the help of PVA glue. Large grains need to be glued every individual, and small scatter, for example, rice, should be poured on the glue already applied to the base.

Creating a panel can fill not only the house with beautiful design things, but also life is bright colors. This hobby fits all without exception, so be sure to take it note.

The ability to draw is not everyone, but there is a very interesting alternative to painting - creating a panel. If paints use paints, almost any materials are used for panels, including natural origin And thrus. Mix is \u200b\u200ballowed various techniques and components. Master this hobby is easy, because you can choose more attractive technology for yourself and start with the simplest plots that do not require complex actions.

History and modernity panels and interesting facts

The first panels found in the caves of primitive people - on stone Walls Pictured animals and phenomena of nature. What it was - the desire to decorate your home, the way to capture seen or protection against evil spirits, now historians can only guess about it. Later, a panel of stone, mosaic, stucco appeared venetian plaster. This type of creativity has become an integral part of cultural development.

Modern panels make from stone, mosaic, fabrics, leather, glass fragments, paper. Needlewomen use ribbons for their masterpieces, beads, embroidery. Come and very unusual materials: Coffee, cereals, pasta. Do not be disabled creative people and waste, for example, bushings from toilet paper and newspapers.

Separately, modular panels - compositions created from several elements, which are a single product. A decor from mirrors, photo frames, small paintings can be attributed to the modular panel.

For example, to create a panel on the wall with your own hands, you can take a few round mirrors without frames and glue them to the wall on the tape or a special velcro for paintings.

Task panel - interior decoration, but designers make it work in full strength. With the help of a wall decor, it is easy to visually expand the space, disguise defects and irregularities of the walls, protect the wall coating from pollution.

Panel manufacturers of textiles

Fabric paintings are made according to the principle of appliqués, use embroidery and patchwork technique. With the help of a patchwork mosaic, paintings are decent admiration. For creating decorative Punk From the fabric, first collect the textile picture, and then put it in the frame.

From textiles you can make fashionable modular patterns. The easiest option is to place beautiful fabrics in the same framework with different drawings and use them in the decoration of the walls. For fabric paintings fits tapestry, brocade, sewing, burlap. IN rustic style It is better to use simple natural materials - Flax, hazard, sitherium with a cheerful pattern.

The simplest decor of the walls

Sea motifs - decor made of stones and seashells

Returning from vacation, in addition to a relaxation and sun, people tend to bring pebbles and shells with them. This is an excellent material for creating panels with your own hands. Even if you have not brought anything from the sea or did not go anywhere, all this can be bought in stores for needlework or in the construction departments. There is even a ready mosaic from pebbles on the grid.

Materials S. marine theme Suitable for the decor of the bathroom. The author's composition can be decorated with a wall above the bathroom or a free wall opposite the mirror. Extra picture appropriately small mirror symbolizing the surface of water.

Practical mosaic panels

Mosaic is ancient art, which originated many millennia ago. The most ancient mosaic work of about three thousand years. To create a home panel from a mosaic comes ready mosaic tile. It can be ceramic, glass, mirror, metal.

All these materials are not afraid of humidity, which means to decorate the wall with their help in the bathroom, in the kitchen, on the terrace or in winter Garden. The decor can be any scale - on the whole wall, above the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen or in the form of a miniature composition. Read more about this technique in our other.

What types of needlework are suitable for panel

To create panels, you can use almost all types of needlework. Consider the most popular and interesting.

Very beautiful and realistic wall decorations are obtained from artificial fruits and vegetables that can be bought in stores for decor and needlework. Fruit compositions are ideal for the kitchen. For the bedroom, a floristic picture of artificial colors (ready or made with your own hands) is more suitable.

Also for bulk decoration use all kinds of items: coffee cups, toy kitchenware sets with miniature copies, clock and everything that will seem interesting and suitable for reincarnation.

To create a panel on the wall, you can use objects that are practically nothing. For example, plastic spoons, colored plastic traffic jams from water ,.

Master classes and new ideas

If you have become infected with a simple, pleasant and useful hobby, then proceed to creating a panel using ideas and master classes on our website.