Repairs Design Furniture

How to beat the baguettes on the ceiling. Recommendations for fastening frames from plastic baguette attached baguette

The concept of high-quality repair lightningly changes with the birth of fresh designer elements and ideas. In the recent past, the top of the skill was considered accurately glued wallpapers in combination with the correct edging, which is multicolored paper strips, and sometimes a conventional tape tape.

The modern decoration of the apartment is impossible to imagine without a bug. After all, the faithful, harmonious combination of the design of two planes is the key to the beauty and comfort of the room. Let us dwell on how to cool the baguettes so that the finish looks out the exemplary.

Properties and features of baguettes

The use of such decor elements includes a number of significant advantages:

  • excellent masking small defects ceiling and walls, such as differential, roughness and irregularities;
  • decoration of the joint of two surfaces;
  • simple installation that does not require professional skills;
  • ease and flexibility of material;
  • large selection of design;
  • saving money due to moderate price.

Tip! Before choosing baguettes on the ceiling, you should consider that they can be produced from miscellaneous materialThere are various textures, widths, have a smooth or patterned surface. These qualities affect not only their cost, but also the appointment, differences in application for various interiors.

Baguette, it is also called molding, ceiling plinth or frieze, made from materials:

  • polyurethane;
  • foam;
  • plastic;
  • plaster;
  • tree.

In most cases, polyurethane and foam baguettes are used. Plastic molding is used only under tension ceilings, wooden - in connection with the same ceilings.

We select the right glue

Everyone an experienced master For the installation of friece uses the adhesive-tested adhesive composition. Such means can be:

  • polymeric;
  • acrylic.

Polymeric The composition is characterized by weak stickiness. So that such glue reliably secure molding, it must be kept in right position Pretty for a long time, And this is not quite easy to provide for a two-meter part.

On the silicone and acrylic Glue set freez quickly and comfortable. Manufacturers are facing them in a pistol tube. It is superimposed with ease, and its flow rate with the diameter of the outlet on the tip is controlled.

The order of sticking baguette silicone and acrylic compositions Usually outlined in the instructions for the material. Negative side These funds can be called their high price.

Most budget way baguette stickings on their own - this is a traditional finish spacure or composition for plasterboardif it is used in the finish. Such a mixture is reliable, it takes less time on its frost, so that after half an hour you can already paint the ceiling and baguettes.

However, there are also disadvantages of applying putty as glue:

  • the inconvenience of applying a thin layer of the mixture with a spatula for molding;
  • at the end of the sticking of the excess putty or plasterboard glue, it will be necessary to thoroughly remove with a moistened brush. Otherwise, pieces of a visible dry mix will spoil the picture.

How to punish baguettes on the ceiling

There are two options for fastening the ceiling plinth:

  • on the surface of the wallpaper;
  • before sticking wallpaper.

As a rule, baguettes purely white color, in view of this, so as not to pollute the products, before starting work, you need to thoroughly rinse your hands using soap.

Tip! To start mounting baguettes, you can choose any corner of the room.

Some features of the work on the ceiling plinth sticker are:

  1. Much attention should be paid to cleansing the wall and ceiling from traces adhesive composition. Acrylic and silicone based agents can be removed using rubber spatula and moisturized cloth. Excess putty is recommended to remove a small wet brush.
  2. It is required to fill with glue of all the cracks around the molding. Should also be processed and corner connections. Do not rely on the fact that these gaps are disguised as painting or gluing wallpaper. This will not happen. And the adhesive fell on the wall and the ceiling should be taken carefully.
  3. Often, when soaring glue at the joints, the end of the baguette is leaving, and the step turns out. To protect against such an effect, two adjacent end must be fixed in the required position. sewing needles or pins. When the glue is freezing, the needles should be removed and the holes to smell the adhesive mixture.
  4. Several layers of paint are applied to baguettes. First, the priming is performed, allowing you to mask the covered joints. Then the layers playing a decorative role, both the ceiling and the ceiling.
  5. Excess glue along the plinth must be trimmed with a sharp spatula.

Sticker baguettes on wallpaper

The vowel dignity of this method is that there is no need for fitting wallpaper under the baguette. Fris will close all errors upper edge Finishes.


  1. Cut ends when taking advantage of stupid.
  2. On the glued surface of the plinth, apply glue with a thin layer.
  3. The bar is applied to the wall and keep, according to the reminder to the glue.
  4. Remove excess material with sponge or cloth.
  5. Button shoes close up with white sealant.
  6. For painting baguette, apply acrylic or water-emulsion paint.

Tip! In order to do not blur with the wallpaper when coloring the plinth, laid a rairy tape along the baguette, and after drying the paint - remove the protection.

How to fix baguette until the wallpaper

This is a professional method that is performed in the following order:

  1. Perform the preparation of walls and ceiling. Get rid of roughness, irregular skins, remove building dust From the surface, then cover the primer mixture.
  2. Cut the flocks of the plinth by taking advantage of the stupid.
  3. Secure baguette on putty or plasterboard glue.
  4. Fill out all the slots putty, surplus remove a clean cloth.
  5. Wait to frozen putty.
  6. Perform primer surfaces.
  7. Pain ceiling and baguettes.
  8. Bloom the wallpaper. Upper lamb to plinth smoothly cut sharp knife, Having attached a wide spatula.

The advantage of this method can be called ease of correction of the defects of the adhesive and the possibility of painting the baguette installed on the place without fear of staining the wallpaper.

Features of the installation of baguette in the corners

It is necessary to customize the last bar with a cut out angle to prevent the material damage when the error is detected with an angle.

If the room S. smooth corners (90 degrees), the corners between the two walls and between the ceiling and the wall should be straight. In this case, it is possible to correctly cut the corners through the stouch.

First you need to cut corner baguettes using the stouch. Then bring their ends to the necessary sizes with a sharp knife. Clauses evenly distribute on both segments to prevent the steps effect.

The procedure for applying a joinery stuscha:

  1. If there is no experience of such work, we recommend exercise on small slices of frieze.
  2. Put the bar in the stouch as it will be on the ceiling.
  3. The bottom of the frieze close to the sidewall of the stusl.

If there is no stouch, you can trim in this way:

  1. Attach the frieze to the corner from the left side.
  2. On the ceiling from the angle, draw a pencil segment (10-15 cm) along the plinth.
  3. Do these same actions on the right side of the corner.
  4. Where the lines intersect, there is a start point of the cut.
  5. On the left and right bar, mark the place of intersection of segments.
  6. From the mark to the opposite side of the left and right frieze, smoothly cut the construction blade at an angle of 45 degrees.
  7. Check the trimming correctness, attaching processed friezes to the corner.

As you were convinced, there is nothing complicated in sticking baguettes. Guided by our advice, you successfully do this work.

Buy curtains. If you have not bought neither curtains or baguettes, you need to decide what kind of curtain style is suitable for you. Exist various stylesEach of which gives the room its highlight and at the same time has some functional differences. To some options include:

  • Drapening curtains are usually made of heavy tissues and collected with folds, which requires eaves with sliding mechanism. To hang them, you need to push hooks on the loop of the curtain and hang on the cornice. You can open and close the curtains with the cord.
  • Panel curtains, curtains with champs and curtains on a serebral journey are designed for hanging on a simple round rod. Such curtains at the top there can be fabric loops, rods, champs through which the bar is skipped. Such curtains can be short, reach the windowsill, to the floor or even be even longer and spread across the floor.
  • Coffee curtains close only low part Windows, allowing the light to penetrate through the window and ensuring some degree of confidentiality. They are widely used in the kitchens and are usually suspended on spring cornices installed in window noise.
  • Door curtains have a row at the top and below, they need two rods that are attached to the door or simply join magnets. Door curtains are often used on French doors and doors with partial glazing.

Decide where Curtains should end. When buying a curtain, remember that they must close the entire window (if only it is not coffee curtains). When buying a curtain on a row, determining the length of the curtains, do not take into account the length coming to the scene.

  • Floor-length curtains should end with 1.25 cm from the floor, if you do not live in a humid climate, otherwise they must end 2.5 cm from the floor, since the curtains are more stretched in humidity. If you want the curtains to spread through the floor, then you must make sure that they have sufficient length for this.
  • Sweating curtains should descend 10 cm below the windowsill to cover it with themselves.
  • Curtains length to the windowsill must slide on it.
  • Think about how widely the curtains should be moved. If you want to be able to completely remove them from the windows, buy a longer baguette with coordinates along the edges (90-degree worshipers at the ends of the baguette allow you to remove the slope to the wall). The length of the rogues on the baguette is determined by the width and type of your curtains.

  • Decide whether you will mock the baguette in the window opening or above it. Installing the baguette in the window opening will mean that the part of the window will always be closed with curtains, while the installation of the baguette above the window opening will allow fully pushing the curtains. Your choice will partially depend on the style you have chosen and type, but you can also take into account the material of the wall or window opening. If you have a plastic window opening, then the baguette will need to be attached to the wall. If your walls are plastered or stacked, it is easier to fasten the baguette in the window opening.

    • Remember that the curtains will be moved only to fastening brackets baguettes (with or without viscots on it), and the style of the curtain will determine whether it is possible to collect them or not. The volume on which you can collect the slurry is called it at opening.
    • You can wish that the part of the window remains covered even when the curtains are smastered, or the window is completely found, skipping the maximum amount of light.
  • 09.06.2017

    It is no secret that, when choosing a working range, almost all companies engaged in baguette business, among other products, stop their choice on. After all, plastic baguette is an inexpensive wooden alternative, optimal in price and quality ratio, resistant to high humidity and low temperatures. That is why plastic baguette, over the years of its existence, took a worthy place in the bagent market. The possibilities of its use is extremely wide. In most cases, plastic baguette is an economical analogues or copies of popular wooden baguette models.

    In the assortment of Neoarte, plastic baguette takes a worthy place, and its collection is constantly updated with new products. When choosing suppliers of plastic baguette, the company pays special attention not only to design, but also its qualitative characteristics. Caring for the quality of clients using Neoart products is also an integral part of the quality system operating in the company. Therefore, Neoart specialists have prepared a number of recommendations for the bonding frames for bagent workshops. The advice of professionals is easily applicable in the work of any bagent workshop and help avoid problems when bonding frames from plastic baguette.

    1. The surface of the shoulder of the frame, drunk on disk saw, Before the bonding it is necessary to clean the influx of plastic.
    2. Before fastening the frame, it is advisable to rinse the surface of the sleeve with glue to fasten the plastic.
    3. When fastening the frame, it is necessary to use brackets for a soft tree.
    4. When fastening the frame, it is recommended to use clamp for a soft tree.
    5. On the fastening machine, set pressure from 2 to 4 atmospheres.
    6. To avoid splitting the baguette, it is necessary to install the locking point of the scab, not closer to 6-7 mm. From the outer edge of the baguette and 3-4 mm. From the inside edge of the frame (quarter).
    7. Selection brackets for fastening plastic depends on the profile of baguette, its width and height. For proper bonding, it is necessary to choose the height of the bracket so that at the point of fastening the bracket (or the set of brackets) was below the baguette height at least 5 mm.
    8. Depending on the size of the frame and the width of the baguette, it is necessary to establish the desired number of scabing points:
      • with a baguette width to 1 cm. - 1 point of bonding;
      • with a baguette width to 2 cm. - 2 point of bonding;
      • with baguette width up to 3 cm. - 3 bonding points;
      • with baguette width to 7 cm. - from 3 to 5 bond points;
      • with baguette width over 7 cm. The number of bond points may vary from 5 to need quantity For fastening reliability.
    9. One of the bond points must be point maximum height Baguette.
    10. For a stronger connection of the combined and fastened angles, the finished frame should be to stand for at least a day before the design of the design should be attached.

    Stretch ceiling in a house or apartment - the thing has long been not excellent, but quite real. Stretch ceilings, due to many reasons, ceased to be the prerogative of only rich people. Relatively inexpensive material, quite simple installation, made this type of finish available to most apartments.

    IN lately Such ceilings such as perforated and 3d ceiling became especially popular. They can be seen both in Karaganda and in Saratov, both in Minsk and in Zhytomyr. The popularity of the tissue ceiling has grown, and more soaping ceilings appear. The latter is better to look at the photo and video rollers to visually appreciate their magnificence. The cornerstone for mounting is baguette for stretch ceilings, from whose choice, as well as the ability to work with it, depends largely quality mounting Stretch ceiling. In order for your ceiling to please you for many years, and did not call the eye to the next repairs, and even at all, did not cause the "building of the century" and the endless alterations, you need to choose the correct materials correctly, the list of which enters and baguette.

    Many ask how to mount baguettes to the stretch ceiling, when there is a need to stick a foam baguette, in order to enjoy the wall of the wall-ceiling.

    In this situation, two opinions can not be: baguette categorically impossible to glue to the stretch ceiling!

    The stretch ceiling is a rather thin film that can be accidentally damaged, say, a knife. But these are not all nuances that can be ruined the stretch ceiling, and, irrevocably. The integrity of the film can be broken, and therefore, during installation, the finishes work very carefully and neatly, for example, the joint did not go. However, if you try to stick the baguette right on the ceiling, you can also ruin the surface.

    Causes of damage to the ceiling when sticking:

    • Thin film of the stretch ceiling can be dissolved by glue. Not knowing thoroughly chemical composition Films and glue, it can be easily done, but fix - hardly.
    • The stretch ceiling is not a rigid structure, and the film, even with the slightest pressed. Therefore, hardly sticking will be neat.
    • The glue after a burnt can give some ceiling stretch that adversely affect the appearance of the film.

    Thus, to successfully avoid listed nuances, the glue apply to the surface of the baguette, which will be in contact directly with the wall. What to use glue, you can learn from the seller-consultant in a construction store. It is quite suitable, for example, liquid nails. The adhesives are a lot, and answer the question exactly what exactly needs to be glued, it is simply impressionless! And the sticking itself is simple, and most importantly - accuracy.

    And there are situations where suddenly the selection of the wall-ceiling was formed a certain technological gap. It seems to be a sticker of the baguette, but, in this case, a flexible camouflage insert is provided. It is easy to deliver, and no less easy to dismantle as necessary. Baguette is not always appropriate due to elevated curvature of walls.

    Stretch ceiling: mounting baguette with their own hands

    Installation of a baguette can be made with your own hands without resorting to the help of specialists. The easiest task is fasteners of PVC baguettes. Any baguette for the stretch ceiling is installed on the wall.

    Consider how you need to install a PVC baguette.


    1. After measurements, cut the baguette to the desired size;
    2. Drilling holes in the baguette using the electric drill;
    3. We make the markup of the retarded holes on the wall;
    4. If the wall is made of wood, then such a fastening is noticeably simplified - just secure baguettes by means of screws, and if the wall is made of concrete or brick, then the holes are previously drilled under the dowel perforator.

    As can be seen from all the above, this work It does not represent special difficulties - only patience and accuracy are needed. PVC baguettes are not even professionals, because, as can be seen from the above, fasteners are elementary simple. If there are difficulties associated with aluminum drilling in the installation of aluminum baguettes, then there are no such problems with PVC baguettes.

    Recently, there are three types of installation of stretch ceilings: stroke (special tape), harpoon and wedge.

    Quite often uses a drywall box to enhance the design and installation of heavy gypsum stucco and backlight.

    Sizes Baguette for stretch ceilings: without a large scatter

    Baguette for stretch ceilings is not only the most important component, but also the key to the correct and reliable installation of the stretch ceiling.

    The length of any profile, regardless of the material, is, as a rule, 2,5 meters.

    Baguette sizes, depending on their profile, have different width and height.

    Sizes by types:

    • PVC wall baguette. Width - 27mm, height - 10mm.
    • Baguette wallless. Width - 28mm, height - 13mm.
    • Baguette ceiling for seamless ceilings. Width - 27mm, height - 12mm.

    All listed baguettes have one length - 2, 5 m. So standard Length varies from 2-3-pm, and the average width is 26-28cm.

    How to fix aluminum baguette for stretch ceilings: correct recommendations

    Consider step by step how to fix aluminum baguette. This baguette is made on automatic lines, on high-quality equipmentand therefore all components are made with high accuracy. This design Very durable, connections need to drill a drill, which creates additional laboriousness.

    Step by step:

    1. Baguette cuts into the desired size;
    2. Holes in baguettes are pre-drilled by a drill. More convenient to do it on the floor or on the table. The distance between the holes is approximately 20cm. The distance from the end of the baguette to the first hole is approximately 5-6 cm.
    3. Elements are applied to the wall. In this case, the level is used, or in advance the fascinated line. We produce marking walls under the hole.
    4. I remove the baguette, on the markup drills the hole in the wall of the perforator.
    5. Fasteners are made by shock dowels or self-drawing.

    Slicing of baguettes is made either by a laminated hacksaw or the "grinder".

    The installation level of the stretch ceiling is usually below the base ceiling by 3-4 cm. Self-samples - 3 cm length, diameter - 6mm. It is with such a fix that you can be one hundred percent confident in the reliability of the whole design!

    Types of baguettes for stretch ceilings: the design takes into account all

    The entire design of the stretch ceiling is based on the baguette.

    If the web is rightly stretched, then it does not carry it, very long holds its original shape, and pleases the eye of the apartment owl.

    Baguettes for the ceiling are several species.

    Types of baguettes (profiles):

    • Wall;
    • Ceiling;
    • Dividing;
    • Universal;
    • Fixing.

    In addition, baguettes are divided into invisible and visible. This means that if one of the edges of the profile is visible, and is located slightly below the stretch ceiling, then such a baguette is called visible.

    In addition, these profiles are still divided by type of material:

    1. Aluminum;
    2. Plastic.

    Aluminum baguette is most popular, despite its higher price.

    His advantages:

    • It, of course, is more durable, and reliable.
    • Aluminum baguette appeared in the construction market Several previously baguette from PVC. They are accustomed to enjoy both designers and finishing.

    To disadvantages this profile It is possible to attribute its heavier weight, as well as the fact that aluminum profile It is difficult to use for two-level (or more!) Ceiling curvilinear systems. The drilling of the profile under the self-tapping screw is more laborious, and it is inconvenient.

    PVC baguette for stretch ceilings: cheap and angry

    PVC baguette (it is plastic), of course, is much easier by weight aluminum baguette, and more mobile.

    This baguette has several advantages over aluminum baguette.


    1. Baguette is ideal for curvilinear ceiling systems, as well as widely applicable for a device of multi-level ceilings;
    2. Inexpensive, compared with aluminum;
    3. The cost of work related to the installation of tension ceilings, using PVC baguette is significantly lower;
    4. Most of the finishers prefer to work with this profile.

    However, U. pVC profile There are significant drawbacks.


    • With a significant tension of the ceiling, a plastic rail deflection may occur, up to its breakdown;
    • The profile material is far from always high quality.

    Based on the outlined information, given all the advantages and disadvantages of the described profiles, you need to make your rational choice.

    The price of materials is hardly a decisive factor in the century of budget repairs.

    And only weighing everything "for" and "against", you need to finally decide on the choice.

    How to glue baguette to stretch ceiling (video)

    And in conclusion, I would like to note the following. Stretch ceiling is one of the most common and aesthetic types of ceiling finishes. It is an excellent alternative plasterboard. Of course, everyone wants to do high-quality repair, and, when minimum costs. As you already understood, a considerable role in this event plays how the material will be used by baguettes. To say unequivocally, which is better - it is impossible, because it will not be quite right, because all the material has its own advantages and some shortcomings. So, consulting with masters, sales assistants, as well as soberly weighing their budget, you need to make your own right choice. Good luck in the arrangement of your home!

    Baguette for stretch ceilings (photo)

    Baguette, fixed on the wall or ceiling, forms a peculiar frame for the tension ceiling canvas, it can be different design. There are several ways to install it.

    Initially, the baguette is a bar designed for making frames. This is not the same thing that the plinth produced from plastic or foam. Installation of the tension ceiling baguette gives the surface to the finished look and makes the interior of the room stylish.

    Types of ceiling baguettes

    There are situations when the wall at the location level suspended construction Screw screws are not impossible. Usually there are two reasons - these are hidden engineering Communication, for example, wiring, or a weak layer of plaster.

    In such cases, the ceiling baguette is involved for stretch ceilings. To arrange such ceiling structures requires high-quality textile or polyvinyl chloride cloth and components intended for its retention. This kit includes a fastening profile of two types - wall and ceiling.

    There are three options for fixing baguette for different methods Fasteners of the canvas:

    • harpoon;
    • wedge;
    • cam

    Baguettes for the harpoon fastening method

    The ceiling baguette used for the harpoon fastening of tensioned canvas is made of aluminum or plastics. This method is more expensive than others, but deservedly enjoys in high demand. Baguette for tensioning PVC ceilings is characterized by sufficient flexibility and, if necessary, can repeat the contour of the ceiling of the figure structural.

    In order to correctly mount the ceiling profile of any kind, the surface of the draft base should be absolutely even, since the cloth is stretched in the same plane in which the mounting components are located.

    Capoon version of the baguette fastening for stretch ceilings is considered the most reliable among all methods. This is explained by the fact that the latch in the form of harpoon, located on the edge of the canvas, is fixed as strong as possible. When the material is tension, it will not pop up from the baguette and will not weaken.

    In the latch, one part is movable as a spring. In the process of entering the head of the profile, it is compressed, and after passing the protrusion, it is reappearing and again cling to the protruding part.

    Such stretch ceiling structures can be dismantled if necessary. For this, the spatula is pressed the spring part of the harpoon and gradually pull it out of the groove along the entire perimeter. At the same time, the polyvinyl chloride cloth will absolutely not suffer.

    The main disadvantage this method Fastenings are considered long installation and there is an explanation. The fact is that the canvas is cut into accordance with the size and configuration of the room. Then the harpoon is soldered along its perimeter. Tailoring of the web is made in the factory.

    That the master did stop, sent data to the plant, where solder fastening element And sent an order to the addressee, takes a certain time. Preparation of the installation of plastic or aluminum baguette for stretch ceilings by the harpoon method will fully justify the expectation. Despite the fact that such a construction is expensive, but also the service life is much more.

    Features of the wedge fastening of the stretch ceiling

    The wedge method is also called the Strapikov. It belongs to frequently used options for installation of cloths, since it is convenient and provides a sufficient level of strength. Installation of a baguette for the stretch ceiling used in a wedge method provides a rigid fixation of the web.

    The fastener process with this method looks like this:

    1. Twice canvas are placed in the profile groove and drive a wedge in the shape of a stapper.
    2. Then, in a nearby groove, the decorative bar of the plinth is placed. It will additionally fit the wedge, which fixes the cloth.

    Insofar as PVC Material Customized directly from the customer at the place of installation of a baguette for stretch ceilings, then this feature affects the rate of arrangement ceiling construction.

    But this method has a significant drawback. The canvas, which is clamped by the stroke, in the fastening site is deformed. For this reason, it is undesirable to dismantle PVC baguettes for ceilings with PVC web installed by a wedge method.

    Baguettes for cam fastening

    Installation of stretch ceilings using this method is considered the most unpretentious. After completing the work, such a baguette will not need to cover decorative plank.Yes, and the cloth is installed in it. It has a fastening that consists of a fixed and movable cam. These elements are designed to fix the film.

    When the canvas are placed between cams, it pulls out one of them - movable. As a result, he still begins to cuddle to the stationary element, fixing the polyvinyl chloride material even more stronger.

    But this method Fastenings do not provide sufficient stiffness, so specialists do not advise to install cam baguettes on the surface, which exceeds 20 "squares", since wrinkles will be collected at large sizes on the surface.

    If making decisions how to mount baguette for stretch ceilings, a cam method is selected, the bar must be additionally strengthened. To do this, you can use the invoice chandelier, for it in the ceiling sinus, the console is pre-mounted.

    The use of baguette does not mean that one should not use decorative plinth. A similar product of foam or plastics in the form of an elegant edging will become an excellent addition to the stretch ceiling design.