Repairs Design Furniture

Out of boards. Floor overlap on wooden beams: Features of the floor device. How to overlap with support on the top edge of the beam

Often, during the construction of a house or non-residential premises, a problem arises with the installation of overlap structures, the construction of the base under the roof, flooring. It is in these areas of construction and repair work without a cranial bar simply not to do. This is an indispensable and absolutely universal building material that has been widely used in the domestic market.

This is due to its democratic cost and widespread access. And even a unqualified specialist will cope with such work with such work. This type of material has its own name due to the similarity with the skull. After all, it is the bar that is the support that all materials are already stacked, it gives the structure incredibly high strength, does not succinch.

How is the cranial bar in construction and repair

The cranial bar is a long wooden guide, nailed with ordinary nails to the side surface of the ceiling beam and thus acts as the basis for laying other materials. The bar is usually nailed only on one inner surface, but it can also be attached to both internal parties, if the construction strength is needed. The base of the roof is assembled from bars, which, after tiled.

From which materials the bar is manufactured

Most often, the cranial lumps are made of coniferous wood, most often pine. The cranial bar of pine is the most democratic at cost, has excellent characteristics in operation. It is produced in the amount of 40x50. Such a practical cranial bar is very easy to nourish the bottom edge of the beam and put on top of the necessary dance material. On top, the boards are usually stacked, less often - metal guides.

If one of the bars on subjective reasons come into disrepair - it is simply replaced with a similar one and there is no need to disassemble the entire design, only the site of the rolling material is removed, which was on top of the bar. All products are standardized and interchangeable.

Shielded overlap. The shield overlap consists of beams with cranial bars, which are stacked by the rolls. The shields are manufactured in the factory conditions and are delivered to the construction site at the finished form with a node to the lower surface, which are later produced by plaster. The upper surface of the shield is cooked with clay and falling asleep with sand or sifted slag.

In interhesive floors, the backstage serves as sound insulation, in attic - thermal insulation.

Shields for overlaps should be made in accordance with the standard - GOST 1005-49.

Panels with partial support are manufactured as well as shields with solid support. The only difference is that instead of a continuous series of transverse pumps, transverse strips are nailed, which the shield relies on the cranial bars.

The advantage of this design is that wood waste existing on massiflowers can be used for the manufacture of shields. The wood of each layer of the shield to the assembly must be carefully antiseptically. Assembling shields for floors of floors is made on special workbenches. There are many different designs of workbenches for the assembly of these parts, of which we point out to the erokhin workbench for the assembly of the shields and partitions and the Gleshchenko and Hergelevich workbench and the Hergelevich's workshop.

Both given workbenches have a general principle of the device, consisting in the fact that there are a number of bars of both removable and permanent servants for stop, lining and limiters. These bars are installed once for each part, thereby being a template. The workbenches have drawers for tools, nails, etc.

For the bending of nails on the table of workbench laid leaf steel. With the same purpose, the nails when the drill should be put slightly obliquely.

Overlapping with gypsum rolling. A more modern design of overlapping on wooden beams is the overlap of the rolling of gypsum blocks.

This overlap consists of wooden beams, which is placed on the rolls from the hollow plaster blocks with a thickness of 102 mm.

This compatibility has sufficient sound insulation, therefore, in interoaded floors, it is applied without frighting. In the attic ceilings on plaster blocks, insulation of mineral wool or other lights insulation is stacked.

Nutrition blocks do not require plaster, the lower surface is only rubbed; Grout layer thickness - 5 mm. The units are stacked at 1-1.5 cm below the bottom plane of the beams so that the beams can be placed.

At the top of the plaster rank, vapor barrier is needed, for which the roll is lubricated by bitumen.

Gypsum units are made mechanized in special plants.

Overlapping with rolling and switches. The oldest, already outlined by the type of overlapping, but still used on some construction sites, is overlapped on wooden beams with separate rolling and switches.

Between the beams along the cranial bars, the rolls of 4-5 cm thick are stacked, it is covered with clay and fall asleep with sand or slag. On the bottom on the beams, the boards are taken by a thickness of 19-25 mm, drank is nailed to the submail. To avoid boobing boards and as a result of this cracking, the plaster boards should be split, pegs are clogged into crevices.

The disadvantage of this design is the large complexity of its manufacture, which significantly slows down the pace of construction, as all processes (fusion, splitting, duching, etc.) are produced at the construction site. In addition, the air bearing between rolling and stitch increases overlapping.

In the case of the use of ceiling ceilings to cover, the method of filling the ceilings proposed by an innovator Sychev should be used.

The length of the clamp is made with such a calculation so that between the top of the suspended bar and the bottom of the beam, the width of at least 12-15 cm wide.

The specified clearance is necessary for the convenience of booking the ends of the suspended boards when the ceiling is bugging.

For beams height 20-25 cm, the clamp is made with a height of 45-50 cm.

The ceilings with the use of the Sychev tool is made in compliance with the following rules.

Sometimes (usually in wooden buildings) the ceilings are not placed, in this case it is satisfied with the so-called pure stitching branch. The lifting can be arranged in a quarter, in a quarter, and dr.

Individual and low-rise residential buildings are often elevated with wooden beam overlaps. They consist of a carrier wooden beam, gender, interbalable filling, which is heat and sound insulation, and a separate layer (ceiling). The lower part of the interbelny filling is called rolling And it is a flooring that supports the layer of thermal insulation of the upper part of the interbalable overlap.

The wooden beams of overlapping the first floor are placed on the brick poles, on the base of the building or drove in a frying pan between the first and second crown. Sometimes it is advisable to cut overlaps between the second and third crown. This is done so that the bustling crown, which perceives the load from the walls, was not weakened by the wristband. When describing the brickwork in it, special beams are performed in it. Wooden beams are placed at a distance of 0.6 ... 1 m from each other, which depends on the design of the overlap.

Fig. 1. The design of the beam overlap on wooden beams with rolling:
1 - beam; 2 - cranial bars; 3 - shields from boards; 4 - lime or clay lubricant; 5 - Sand for amplifying sound insulation; 6 - Cardboard laying; 7 - lag; 8 - gender by lagas; 9 - plaster.

If the beams are laid on the beams from the boards (28 mm thick), then it should not be more than 0.5 m. If the overlap consists of a larger beams, which laid lags, and then floorboards, then the beams can be stacked in increment 1 M. Wooden beams usually overlap the spans up to 4 ... 4.5 m. With large spans, it is more expedient to use reinforced concrete beams.

Fig. 2. Overlapping by blocking beams:
1 - cranial bars; 2 - cardboard; 3 - parquet; 4 - Black floor; 5 - lag; 6 - plaster; 7 - Ranach; 8 - clay lubricant; 9 - frustration.

Most often as beams use wooden bars from coniferous wood, rectangular cross section with brushes to them with a cross section of 40x40 - 50x50 mm, which are called cherberry Brucks. They are designed to support the rolls of wooden panels. In addition, it is possible to use logs with partially cut parties to support the boards.

Fig. 3. Wooden beam with cranial bars:
a - general view;
B, B - cross sections of beams;
g, d - beam with a skull;
1 - cranial bar.

The height of the beam depends on the magnitude of the span and should be at least 1/24 of its length. The width of the section depends on the height of the beam. The optimal ratio of the size of the section 7: 5. Instead of bars, you can use thick boards: the general cross section of two boards should be equal to the cross section of the bar. Applied and ordinary thick boards put on the edge with a step, 3 times less than bars.

When the overlap device, the first and last beam cannot be laid so that it comes into contact with the wall. Between them it is necessary to arrange a clearance of about 30 mm wide. The beams are based on the bearing walls, blocking the ends at 150 ... 200 mm. On the beams, it is satisfied with the cut from edged boards with a thickness of 24 mm, laid tight towards each other. So that in the seams between the boards did not wake up the insulation and soundproof belling, they are applied to the wooden planks with a cross section of 30x50 mm or a strip from the rubberoid. On the risk, it is arranged a backing of a thickness of about 80 mm, on top of which lags are placed to which the floor is usually nourished from the tank boards. From the bottom to the beams nourish the binder from thin boards with a thickness of 12 ... 18 mm.

All ceiling floors made of wood, as a rule, rest on the walls erected from any building material, high to the lower ceiling level.

Ceiling overlaps horizontally bind building structures, while they evenly distribute the load on the walls.

Wooden overlaps for the ceiling on a construction project are beams and their enclosing fills

The advantages of such wooden floors:

  • ease;
  • heat saving;
  • acoustic capabilities;
  • construction work is possible even at low temperature;
  • the variability of similar overlaps: attic, intermediates.


On interoaded floors, we make only noise insulation, and when the basement of the basement and bathrooms is overlapping, there are still thermal and mandatory waterproofing.

The attic floors are equipped with heat and sound insulation.

Selection of wooden beams overlap

Materials for such floors are lumber, glued wood or plywood, special prefabricated designs, bars, boards, and as fasteners - beam shoes.

Product specifications

  • The load on the wooden floors is their own mass plus temporary operational loads.
    The own weight of intermediate wooden ceilings reaches 230 kg / m2, and their temporary loads are up to 200 kg / m2.
  • The mass of attic ceiling depends on the weight of the insulation and reaches 300 kg / m2 with a time load of 100 kg / m2.
  • Considering the carrying characteristics, the length of their span, the load value we define the distance between the beams, but, as a rule, not more than 1 m.
  • The optimal beams with a thickness of 5, and 18 cm high, if they lay them every 50 cm using a mineral wool insulation. This will warn the beam brake and the destruction of the ceiling.

Constructive features of overlaps

Any overlaps wooden cofocculation to the frame and frame-shield design of the house, since its walls are not designed for heavy loads.

Here the ceiling is a horizontal fence, a peculiar wall, but the installation of this overlap differ from the construction of walls.

  • The bearing base is beams, the size of which is designed in the scheme of the power frame at home.
  • Beams we get from the roundabout processed to timber, edge or boards with a thickness of at least 60 mm, which are installed on the edge. You can use paired nails or boobes 50 mm thick. But it is better to construct the box from the board.

  • The prostinal flooring is done in non-residential premises due to low noise absorbing and thermal insulation of its qualities.
    The essence of the overlapping: the caps are stuffed on the beams - the floor of the attic.
  • The stitched overlap is made in the country, an attic house, as the thermal insulation properties of such a ceiling sufficient only for seasonal operation of the room.
    To do this, with 2 sides of the beams, press the headboards.
  • On the lower binder, we laid noise absorbing material. A warm backfilling on the lower overlap boards should be easy to not tear the boards from the beam. Sawdust or husk fit. This is the ceiling of the lower floor.
  • The upper flooring is the floor of the attic.

1 Lovers of plasterboard; 2 - Bounded boards - shield of overlapping; 3 - waterproofing; 4 - sound insulation; 5 - overlap beam; 6 - lag; 7 - floorboards; 8 - Bar Beams Chernoy

If the ceiling is then planning to plaster, then the boards take the unpleasant and label duch for them for better clutch with plaster.

  • Ceiling overlaps with a roll are made for residential buildings: they are well saved heat and muffle sounds.
    On the bearing beams, the rolls are built from shields - shot down boards. It will withstand the weight of the insulation layer and safely give it to the beam. Shields rely on cranial bars, nailed to the sides of the beams.

Installation of overlapping


  • First, all the beams with humidity up to 20% clean from the bark, the Luba - this will prevent them from rotting and damage to the fungus.
    In addition, such a cleaning will reveal the strength characteristics of each beam: knots, blasphemy, etc.
  • Purified beams are treated with a special antiseptic, as well as fire impregnation.
  • Working Tool: In addition to the usual tool, we argue with a manual circular saw or a motorcip, as well as a measuring nivera tube.

Beach beams

  • We set the beams parallel to the short cross section of the span. The distance between them should correspond to the bearing walls of the walls, avoiding window and doorways.
  • First, put extreme beams by checking the Waterpas or level.
  • Then at the same distance we install intermediate beams, checking over the rail or template.

Overlapping beams

  • They attach them (stem) to the cloves of the upper strapping of the walls right above the carrier stands of this frame.
  • The ends of the beams are outside the walls to create a carnis, protecting the wall from rain and snow.


  • Card bars nail the side of the beams, equal to their bottom with beams. These are bars of coniferous breeds with a cross section of 40 × 40.
  • Their durable mount should withstand the weight of insulating material.
  • Instead of bars, corner steel are nourished, at one shelf, attaching the pavement shields.
  • Modern durable single-layer panels made of backelovan board, plywood, hillside, gypsum-leaf and fibrolite sheets will simplify and accelerate the construction of the rolling.
  • Plates tightly fit, avoiding slots.

To reduce the noise from the vibration of the part parts, all items are better to connect to the spout.

Flooring and stitching

  • Row by rolling the layer of pergamine or roofing.
  • It is placed on it insulation: mineral wool, perlite, granulated slag, clayzit or other suitable material.
  • Slag, ceramzite from above covered with sand and lime mortar, so that the crust is formed - protection against dust. The choice and thickness can be done, guided by Table 20.
  • We like the ceiling by boards, firewall sheets of fire-resistant drywall, fiberboard, chipboard or decorative panels.
  • Upper flooring let it be double: first 20-mm boards, and on them - cardboard.
  • Then we make the floor of the second floor.


To comply with the fire safety, the parts made of wood are located 350 mm from the chimney, and the overlap pasumes are sewn by non-heat.

All ceiling plates wooden are more durable, simple for installation and environmentally friendly, which is especially important to create a healthy coziness with their own hands.

And requirements for them

Functional purpose, Classification of overlaps

Overlap and floors

Overlapping, like walls, are the main structural parts of buildings. . Overlapping - This is a structural element that performs carriers and enclosing functions. In this connection, the overlaps consist of a carrier part that perceives the load and transmitting it to walls or other supports, and the enclosing part, which also includes floors and ceilings.

Depending on the location of the overlap, there are intermediate, attic, adequate and lower and, accordingly, they have different enclosing functions. Interlets separated rooms in height and provide their sound insulation, and the attic, oversight and lower additionally protect the room from the temperature difference.

Depending on the material and design of the carrier part of the overlap, there are wooden beams, steel beams and reinforced concrete, and on a constructive solution and method of the ceiling device are: 1) bedroom teams; 2) combined; 3) monolithic; 4) collected-monolithic.

Precast beam overlaps Consist of carrying beams and a fencing part - slab-rings with a frighting for sound insulation or insulation. Instead of swelling, slab insulation or soundproofing materials can be stacked. IN combined overlaps Bearing and enclosing functions are among the same elements. Combined overlaps from reinforced concrete plates of flooring or panels. Monolithic reinforced concrete floors It is arranged in a building under construction using formwork and they consist of molded as one whole beams and plates or may be boardless. Collecting-monolithic floors It is also suitable at the construction site using special stone-liners or precast concrete elements in their designs, which, with their posimization (omonolism), can partially perform the role of formwork.

The overlaps must meet the requirements for strength, rigidity, fire resistance, durability, ensure the required sound insulation, and if necessary, and thermal insulation. Overlapping of rooms with wet processes must be waterproof, and in rooms with gas releases - gasproof.

Wooden beams It is used in wooden buildings, as well as them can be used in buildings with stone (preferably with inner transverse carriers) walls in the following cases: in residential buildings up to 4 floors, in buildings of cultural and household agencies - up to 3 floors and in Buildings for children's institutions - up to 2 floors. Wooden floors consist of beams that are a carrier part, and an interbellasting filling intended for sound and thermal insulation. Filling consists of a supporting part - a roll and aggregate. The overlap also includes the floor and the ceiling layer.

Wooden beams are the bars of a rectangular cross section. Beams can also be made from boards connected to glue or nails. The size of the cross section of the beams from 80x180 mm to 100x240 mm depending on the length of the beams and the perceived loads. In tab. 2 shows the recommended sizes of the transverse sections of the beams depending on their length.

table 2

Dimensions of wooden beams

The side surfaces of the beams near the bottom face are nails (Ø 4-5 mm; 125 mm long; pitch 300 mm) so-called cranial bruises with a cross section of 40x50 mm for painting on them. Speakers can be arranged in glue or assembled on nails of boarded beams instead of cranial bars.

The distance between the axes of the beams on the plan depends on the blurred span and the perceived load. It ranges from 600 to 1100 mm. In fig. 21.1 showing wooden beams with cranial bars.

Fig. 21.1. Wooden beams with cranial bars: A - general view; B, B - cross sections of the BD type (with two cranial bars) and Bo (with one cranial

Wooden elements are used as a row, for example, wooden shields are used more often. with solid supportor with painting on the planks (Fig. 21.2) .

Fig. 21.2. Wooden pavement shields: a - with solid support for cranial bars; B - with intermittent painting on the Pop River Planks

In addition to wooden shields, ribbed or hollow plaster or light concrete plates can be rolled. Such rises are harder wooden, but they are not loaded and do not rot. The width of the elements of the rank depends on the distance between the beams, and their length is taken taking into account that these overlaps are collected manually. In fig. 21.3 shows a fragment of overlapping plan on wooden beams.

To ensure the required sound insulation on the laid downpass arrange malnice putty A thickness of 20-30 mm and the slag puffed on it or dry the crumpled sand with a layer with a thickness of 60-80 mm. Malypesecanian puttyit serves to compact the shields of the rolling and places to adjoin the rolling to beams. Instead of grinding madness, you can apply only or runner. In the attic floors and in the floors over the cold basements and underground, the backstage performs the function of thermal insulation and its thickness is determined by calculating heat shield (Fig. 21.4).

Fig. 21.3. Fragment of overlap planned on wooden beams

The floors from the wooden beams are lagged on the lags from the plates stacked by the beams after 500-700 mm, or directly on the beams (with a step between them no more than 0.7 m). If the floor is laid on the lags, then the ventilation of the underground space is provided through the ventilation grids, installed in the floor in the corners of the rooms, or hobbling plinths, and if the floor is filling directly on the beams, the ventilation of the underground interbursement space is provided through slotted plinths or ventilation grids embedded in plinths . Plinthus. call the wooden bar of the shaped profile, nailed to the wall, and gallery. - nailed to the floor.

Fig. 21.4. Overlapping on wooden beams: A - attic with rolling out of the naked; b - intermediate with rolled out of the naked; V - the same with the rolls of their shields; 1 - beam; 2 - rolls from the porn; 3 - shield roll; 4 - Malnice puttage; 5 - Flipping from slag or crumpled sand; 6 - fat gasket; 7 - lag; 8 - floor coating from boards; 9 - Plaster

The bottom surface of the wooden floors (ceiling) is plastered along duranka or suck out dry plasterboard plaster sheets (see Fig. 21.4 and 21.5).

Fig. 21.5. The design option for wooden interoaded overlap with parquet floors: 1 - cranial bars; 2 - beam; 3 - parquet; 4 - black floor; 5 - lag; 6 - plaster; 7 - shield of the park; 8 - Malnice puttage; 9 - backfilling

Fig. 21.6. Opportuning wooden beams on the outer walls: A - deaf sealing; b - open seal

The depth of the sealing of wooden beams into the wall should be at least 180 mm. The support ends of the beams to prevent the rotofing antiseptic to a length of 750 mm, and the surface of the support areas are coated with two layers of roofing on the resin. To ensure the possibility of evaporation of moisture from the supporting parts of the beams, their ends perform the bevered and the toll are not covered, and there is a gap of at least 30 mm between the end of the beam and masonry wall. The side and upper gaps between the beams and the masonry of the walls are filled with a solution, and for dry rooms, it is left above the beam of 30-50 mm (Fig. 21.6). Perpendicular pairing between wooden beams is suitable with writing or steel clamps (Fig. 21.7).

Fig. 21.7. Options for pairing wooden beams among themselves: a - with the help of wrist; b - with the help of a steel clamp; 1, 2 - beams; 3 - steel clamp

Options for supporting wooden beams on the inner walls having a thickness of 380 mm and less are shown in Fig. 21.8.

Fig. 21.8. Opportuning wooden beams on the inner walls: A - in raw rooms (deaf sealing); b - in dry rooms (open seal)

To increase the stiffness and stability of the walls and the building as a whole, the ends of wooden beams through one are fixed in the laying of the outer walls using steel plates-anchors, and the ends of the beams on the interior walls are connected by steel plates after every 3 beams.

As a rule, in stone buildings with wooden floors in sanitary nodes, reinforced concrete prefabricated or monolithic floors are organized, but it is also possible to also the device of overlaps in these places along wooden beams (Fig. 21.9). In this case, the beams are placed in a solid flooring with a thickness of 50-60 mm with a thickness of 50-60 mm, then the waterproofing carpet is arranged along the flooring and the reinforced layer of the cement mortar is placed on it, and at the top - clean floor of ceramic tiles. All wooden elements in these overlaps are antiseptic, and the beams from the bottom for better ventilation are left open.

Fig. 21.9. Wooden overlap of the sanitary node: 1 - Cera-honest tiles; 2 is an armored screed of cement-sandy solution; 3 - hydraulicism; 4 - flooring from tipped bars