Repairs Design Furniture

Maximum stack height. Stacking of goods. Why don't you eat amansor? Customs exhaled sadness

The task is usually formulated as follows: there is a cargo packed in the boxes. You need to transport it. The carrier requires this load to be installed on pallets (pallets) to exclude manual labor when loading / unloading and secure transportation. What is the height you can make such a cargo place? Or what is the maximum number of boxes can be installed on the pallet so that the cargo place formed to fit into the car body and at the same time the lower rows of the boxes were crushed by the upper weight?

What box to choose? Select box size.

For example, you need to pack on Pallet some amount of caramel chocolates in bulk, which before that you need to decompose on the boxes of a certain size and capacity, and then install full boxes on pallet (pallet) for further secure transportation. Candies, as well as the boxes, have its own weight. In addition, the boxes have a certain strength, which is very important in this task. Pallets have standard dimensions (useful area) to which only a certain number of boxes can be installed.

How much the box itself weighs. Cut from cardboard square meter per meter and weigh it, we get the weight of the square meter of cardboard, equal, in our case, 350 grams. We consider the surface area of \u200b\u200bthe box or the sweep area in square meters. Multiplying the area of \u200b\u200bsweep weight (although it is no longer a weight, but density) 350 grams \u003d we get the weight of the box.

Alternating a height, length and width of the box, calculate the volume of the box. In our case, we miss the fact that in the calculation we use the external sizes of the box, as the thickness of the cardboard is very small in relation to other source data, therefore we will not consider the wall thickness.

When carrying out any calculation, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there is such a concept as system units (SI). And if we operate in data in different units of measurement, then in the process of the calculation, we need all units of measurement to reduce the same one. In the system SI as standard meters and kilograms are accepted. We will bring everything to them.

How many candy weighted in the box. For caramel candies, we take the caramel material from which sweets are made and pour it into some conditionally weightless cubic shape with the sizes of the parties 1 meter x 1 meter x 1 meter and weighed. We get the weight (although, again - no, no longer weight, but density) caramel candies. And this value we have 1220 kg / meter cubic (kg / mkub.).

Due to the fact that candy in nature has a form convenient for their eating, and not for transportation and storage, this form does not allow you to put them tightly (the emptiness between loosely filtered candy in the box does not weigh anything), and we defined the density of the candy theoretically using clean Caramel, without wrapping, and even in liquid form to achieve the most accurate density determination) - we enter the correction coefficient of 0.93, which takes into account the looseness of the laying (the same does not have the air between candy). The "Clean density" indicator 1220 is, as already mentioned above, theoretical value.

Alternating these three parameters: 1220 ("Clean" density of candy) on the volume of the box and then the coefficient described above 0.93 - we calculate the real weight of the candy in the box, adding the weight of the box itself to this parameter, we get the value from which we will work further - Weight box filled with candy. You can not complicate, immediately weigh the box with candy and calculate how much weighs 1 cubic meters. For example, a box of 0.75 cubic meters. Weigh 3 kg, therefore 1 cubic meters. Weighs 3 / 0.75 kg.

So, we calculated the weight of the filled box. Now all boxes must be downloaded to the pallet (pallet). But what about how many rows ("floors") can this be done so that the boxes do not break under the weight of the upper floors?

It is necessary to calculate the strength of the boxes. To calculate the strength (and we need to calculate exactly box strength), it is necessary to resort to attracting a number of additional data and correction coefficients, namely:

Cardboard box characteristics:

Calculate the area, weight and volume of boxes:

Load candy in boxes

Calculate the weight of candies in each box. To do this, take reference data on the density of candies and the volume of the box that we have already calculated.

Thus, the weight of the candy in one box will be: the weight of the candy is calculated by the formula $ (G \u003d ρ * V * λ) $ weight of sweets along with the box we expect by the formula $ (m \u003d m + g) $

BoxWeight of candiesCandy weight with box
1 $ (G_1 \u003d \\ Text (1200 * 0.021 * 0.93) \u003d) $ $ (\\ Text (23,910) \\, kg.) $ $ (M_1 \u003d \\ TEXT (23,910 + 0.173) \u003d) $ $ (\\ Text (24,083) \\, kg.) $
2 $ (G_2 \u003d \\ Text (1220 * 0.0026 * 0.93) \u003d) $ $ (\\ Text (2.905) \\, kg.) $ $ (M_2 \u003d \\ Text (2.905 + 0.0403) \u003d) $ $ (\\ Text (2.945) \\, kg.) $

Packaging strength

Based on the above-mentioned calculations, we calculated the weight of the boxes. Now it is necessary to calculate their strength. To do this, take reference data on the material from which our boxes are made. This data is the same for boxes_1 and box_2 because the boxes are made of one material:

Calculate the resistance to the end compression

Resistance to the end compression of the material $ (p_m \\, n / m) $ is the maximum allowable load that our boxes can withstand with vertical load on them or a compressive force acting on the cardboard box with candy measured in Newton. To calculate the maximum permissible load on the box, the following formula: $ (p_ (m) \u003d k_ (zap) \\ CDOT G \\ Cdot M \\ Cdot \\ DFRAC (HH) (2.55) \\ CDOT H \\ CDOT \\ SQRT (\\ Delta \\ Above, we mentioned that all units used in the calculation must lead to a common denominator. Since we have a new value - the load (power) and it is calculated in the kilonutytones - we will adapt to it. Acceleration of the free fall of $ (G) $ multiplied by a mass of $ (M) $, converts simply a lot of boxes in the load. And this load (it is strength), due to the presence of gravity on the planet, the Earth is directed vertically down and it is aimed at speculating by anything to crush the box. And what it is more - the more fallhing falls the box. $ (H-h) $. This calculation allows you to calculate the distance from the top point of the stack of boxes to the top of the lower box. That very, which takes the load from everything that it presses from above. $ (\\ sqrt (\\ delta \\ cdot z)) $. This calculation takes into account the load distribution calculated in the numerator, on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe walls of the walls of our box. $ (H) $ The height parameter is $ (h) $ in the denominator of the formula under consideration is present for the reason that we consider the load in this formula. Therefore, the height also has to be reckoned.

In the process of evolution, humanity seeks everything and all measured, feel and weighed. Those values \u200b\u200bthat fail to measure, feel or weighed - the scientists are determined by multiple observations. On the basis of such observations, assumptions are based on all sorts of correction coefficients (for example, such as described above the factor of the filling of the box 0.93, or the storage factor of 1.65, as well as the empirical coefficient 2.55).

Data and settlement value:

Expecting the maximum allowable height of laying boxes on pallet

The maximum permissible height of the $ (H_ (max)) $ is calculated by the formula: $ (H_ (MAX) \u003d \\ DFRAC (2,55 \\ CDOT P_M \\ CDOT \\ SQRT (\\ Delta \\ Cdot Z) + K_ (zap) \\ )) $ Takes into account the load distribution on the total area of \u200b\u200bthe box ends, with adding to this moment of the force $ (G \\ Cdot M) multiplied by the reserve coefficient of 1.65. In the denominator: the reserve coefficient is 1.65, multiplied at the time of the force $ (G \\ Cdot M) $.

We get:
For box_1 $ (H_ (1) \u003d 1.002 \\, M) $.
For box_2 $ (H_ (2) \u003d 1.001 \\, M) $.

Laying boxes on pallet (pallet).

Each box in which we packed candy, as we already know, has the following dimensions:

Pallet (pallet), on which we will lay our boxes with candies, has dimensions:
Width pallets $ (w_p) $ \u003d 800 mm
Long pallets $ (L_P) $ \u003d 1200 mm

Build (graphically) download scheme Pallets for calculating the number of boxes_1 in one row.
Boxes_1 protrude in the perimeter of the pallet, but according to the standards such a speech is permissible not more than 20 mm per side. Check out the compliance of the norms: $ (\\ Text (protrusion) \u003d \\ DFRAC (L_K \\ CDOT 2 - W_P) (2) \\, mm \u003d 12< 20 \,мм}$. Условие выполняется.

Number of boxes_1 in row: $ (d_1 \u003d 6 \\, pc.) $
Number of boxes_1 on pallet: $ (S_1 \u003d \\ DFRAC (H) (H_K) \\ Cdot d_1 \u003d 36 \\, pcs.) $
The total weight of boxes_1 on one pallet: $ (m_ (1) \u003d s_1 \\ cdot m_1 \u003d \\ text (36 * 24,083) \u003d 866,988 \\, kg.) $
The weight of candies on the pallet (pure weight) packed by boxes_1: $ (\\ Text (36 * 23,910) \u003d 860.76 \\, kg.) $

Build (graphically) the loading diagram Pallets for calculating the number of boxes_2 in one row.
Number of boxes_2 in a row: $ (d_2 \u003d 35 \\, pcs.) $
Number of boxes_2 on pallet: $ (S_2 \u003d \\ DFRAC (H) (H_K) \\ CDOT D_2 \u003d 350 \\, pcs.) $
The total weight of boxes_2 on one pallet: $ (m_ (2) \u003d s_2 \\ cdot m_2 \u003d \\ text (350 * 2.945) \u003d 1030.75 \\, kg.) $
The weight of candies on the pallet (pure weight) packed by boxes_2: $ (\\ Text (350 * 2.905) \u003d 1016.75 \\, kg.) $

It can be seen that if you decompose candies in boxes_2, then on one pallet you can take a $ (\\ text (155.99) \\, kg.) $ More. 34 European Maternals fit in the standard semi-trailer. In one cargo car, the useful carrying weight in boxes_2 will already be 5300 kg. more. But early rejoice: the maximum weight of the cargo in the standard wagon (cargo vehicle with a trailer) can not exceed 21,000 kg. Therefore, there is no sense to rest and load the maximum weight on pallet. In the truck you can download only 24 pallets with boxes_1.

Calculation of the height of the cargo on the pallet for the canister with paint.

Available there is a number of plastic canisters with paint that need to be placed on a standard Europallet for their further secure transportation. We know the volume and weight of the paint in each canister and the size and weight of the canister.

Paint density $ (p_k \u003d 1400 \\, kg / m.Kub.) $
The weight of the paint in the bucket $ (G_k \u003d p_k \\ cdot v_k \u003d 1400 \\ cdot 0.01 \u003d 14 \\, kg) $
Weight canister with paint $ (m_1 \u003d g_k + m_k \u003d 14 + 0.38 \u003d 14.38 \\, kg) $

Strength plastic canister (packing)

The maximum load on the lower tier during stacking (declared container container) is $ (G_ (max) \u003d 20 \\, kg.) $
Thus, the maximum allowable loading height of pallets will be (with rounding to an integer in a smaller side) $ (H_ (additional) \u003d \\ dFrac (G_ (MAX)) (M_1) +1 \u003d 2) $ row.

Number of canister in a row $ (g_p \u003d 20 \\, (pieces)) $
Weight of one row $ (m_p \u003d g_p \\ cdot m_1 \u003d 20 \\ cdot 14,38 \u003d 287.6 \\, kg) $
The height of the cargo on the pallet $ (h_gr \u003d h_k \\ cdot h_ (additional) \u003d 0.544 \\, m) $
Total number of canisters on a pallet $ (q_k \u003d g_p \\ cdot h_ (additional) \u003d 40 \\, (pcs)) $
The total weight of the cargo on the pallet $ (G_ (sum) \u003d q_k \\ cdot m_1 \u003d 40 \\ cdot 14,38 \u003d 257.2 \\, kg) $

Terms and concepts

The coefficient of inhomogeneity of filling $ (\\ lambda \\, \\ text (%)) $ is a factor that takes into account the emptiness between the material.

Stock coefficient of strength $ (K_ (zap)) $ This is a value showing the ability of the structure to withstand the loads accompanying above the calculated. The presence of a stock provides additional reliability of the design to avoid a catastrophe in case of possible design, manufacturing or operation errors. . The frequency reserve coefficient of the cardboard box depends on the duration of storage and is:

  • 1.6 (with a storage period of less than 30 days);
  • 1.65 (from 31 to 100 days);
  • 1.85 (if the shelf life is not limited).

How to calculate the safety factor of the strength? Take boxes with candy (for example) and begin to pray for them alone on the other in a stack to heaven. To the question of passing past honest people "and will not be sure?" George-theoreticals respond to it, briefly and accurately "should not!". And when after the 16th box installed on the stack, the lowest turns into a pancake (this is not an annoyance, and the fact that the carnival is baked) under the insurmountable force of ruthless gravity, one of the movers pulls out of his pocket the sweeping sweeping notebook, a pencil brazed and An uneven handwriting signs something in it, mumbling under the nose "so and write, the reserve coefficient is 1.6 ..."

The maximum allowable height of stacking. Reference value established by considerations of expediency and convenience of storage and transportation. It takes into account the distance between the shelves of racks in the warehouse and the height of the cargo compartment of cars.

Resistance to end grip. This indicator provides for the maximum load (applied strength), which is capable of withstanding the case material (brown cardboard), if the cardboard sheet put on the edge, attach the force expressed in kilonutets per meter (KN / M). This parameter is equal to the moment of force (KN) relative to the point located at a distance of 1 meter from the strength line.

Forwarder or carrier? Three Secret and International Cargo Transport

Forwarder or carrier: who may prefer? If the carrier is good, and the freight forwarder is bad, then the first. If the carrier is bad, and the freight forwarder is good, then the second. Such a choice is simple. But how to decide when they are good for both applicants? How to choose from two seemingly equivalent options? The fact is that these options are not equal.

Scary Stories of International Transportation

Between the hammer and anvil.

It is not easy to live between the customer of carriage and a very cunning-economical owner of the cargo. Once we received an order. Freight for three kopecks, additional conditions for two sheets, the collection is called .... on Wednesday Loading. The car on the spot is already on Tuesday, and to the aftermath of the next day, the warehouse begins to slowly throw everything into the trailer, which collected your forwarder addressed to his recipient customers.

Enchanted place - PTO Kozlovichi.

According to the legends and on experience, all who drove the goods from Europe by road, know how terrible place is PTO Kozlovichi, Brest customs. Which lawlessness is creating Belarusian customs officers, they come rapidly and derut Schurdogoga. And it is true. But not all ....

As for the new year we were drunk dry milk.

Loading by combined cargo on consolidation warehouse in Germany. One cargo is a dry milk from Italy, the delivery of which I ordered the forwarder .... The classic example of the operation forwarder is "transmitter" (it does not delve into anything, only transmits on a chain).

Documents for international transport

International cargo transportation of goods is very durable and oburified, a consequence - a lot of unified documents are used to implement international road transport of goods. It does not matter customer carrier or ordinary - it will not go without documents. Although it is not very exciting, but we tried to mention the appointment of these documents and the meaning they have. Lid an example of filling TIR, CMR, T1, EX1, INVOICE, Packing List ...

Calculation of the load on the axis for truck trucks

The goal is to study the possibility of redistribution of loads on the axis of the tractor and semi-trailer when changing the location of the cargo in the semi-trailer. And the use of this knowledge in practice.

In the system under consideration, there are 3 objects: $ (T) $ tractor (T) $, semi-trailer (\\ Large ((p.p.))) $ and cargo $ (\\ LARGE (GR)) $. All variables related to each of these objects will be marked with an upper index $ T $, $ (\\ large (p.p.)) $ and $ (\\ large (GR)) $, respectively. For example, the tractor's own mass will be designated as $ m ^ (t) $.

Why don't you eat amansor? Custom exhaled sadness.

What is happening in the international road transport market? The Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation banned TIR books without additional guarantees of several federal districts. And he notified that from December 1 of the current year, the agreement with the IRU as inappropriate the requirements of the Customs Union and puts forward non-deal financial claims.
IRU In response: "The explanations of the FCS of Russia regarding allegedly available at Asmap of debt in the amount of 20 billion rubles are a complete fiction, since all the old TIR claims were fully resolved ..... What do we think simple carriers?

STOWAGE FACTOR Weight and volume of cargo when calculating the cost of transportation

Calculation of the cost of transportation depends on weight and volume of cargo. For maritime transport, the volume is most often crucial for air - weight. For road transport, the value plays a comprehensive indicator. What parameter for calculations will be selected in one case - depends on specific weight (Stowage Factor) .

IV Group

414. The tendency of coal to oxidation and the maximum height of the coal stacks are adjusted on the basis of research on the characteristics of the coal of new deposits, taking into account the requirements of federal standards and regulations in the field of industrial safety "Instructions for determining the incubation period of coal self-burning", approved by the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic surveillance of April 2, 2013 N 132 (registered by the Ministry of Russian Federation on August 5, 2013, registration N 28997), with amendments made by the Order of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Atomic Supervision of June 22, 2016 N 236 (registered Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 24, 2016, registration N 43383).

415. With long-term storage to reduce the intensity of the oxidation of coal and prevent its heating and self-burning, as well as to prevent its spraying and washing, special measures should be carried out. Freshing the surface of the stack of coal trifles and layer-by-layer seal, the whitening of the stack of stacks 5 is 10% lime and coating the stacks. Special compositions that slow down oxidative processes in the coals specified in Appendix N 2

416. With long-term storage of coal, which do not require subsequent sorting, rollers and vibration tamps are used to seal horizontal surfaces of the stack. For the movement of rinks on the surface of the stack, screamers and retractable winches are used.

417. With long-term storage, layer laying of coal into a stall layers with a thickness of up to 1.5 m with a uniform distribution of large pieces and a seal as each layer accumulates with a load of 3 - 4 kg / cm2.

418. The compaction of the dusts of the stack is made by special rams, which are simultaneously ironing to align the layer of coal trifles in front of the tamper, as well as rollers.

For coal seal, vibration models used to seal concrete on construction work are used.

419. Varietary corners of MAROK GK, GO, DK, BC, BK, Bo, OSK, SSK, CSO, TK and LCD and anthracite brands AP, AK, AO, AM, AU, as well as rich coals (varietal concentrates) fit into the stack without layer-by-layer seal. Sealing the coal of the brand of the Pechora and Sukhansky deposits is carried out on the upper base and dusts of the stack. To reduce the intensity of oxidation, insulating coatings of the coal stacks specified in Appendix N 3 to this safety regulation should be applied.

420. It is forbidden to avoid grinding of varietal coal and anthracite formation of them into a stack with screamers.

421. To prevent the heating and self-burning of coal in the stack with long-term storage, except for the measures mentioned above are carried out:

Periodic replacement of old coal from a stack of fresh production with pre-complete shipment of old coal to consumers from a refreshed part of the stack;

The slowdown in the oxidative processes in the inclined to oxidation and self-burning of ordinary brown and stone coals and the associated selection of harmful gases by making inhibitors of antioxidants in the form of solutions, water emulsions, suspensions (in the warm season) or dry reagents specified in Appendix N 2 to this safety rules, with a layer-by-layer formation of a stack with a subsequent layer-by-layer and superficial coal seal;

The saturation of the coal stack with water to 10 is 12% and continuous maintaining it in such a state; Moisturizing applies only for waterproof coal;

Uniform wetting of coal at its laying into a stack of 2 - 3% aqueous suspension of hawed lime at the rate of 3 weight percent of the suspension to the weight of coal.

422. Control over the storage of coal in the stack should be carried out by measuring the coal temperature.

To measure the coal temperature in the stack, a portable thermospectopen or a mercury laboratory type thermometer with a scale up to 150 ° C should be applied.

In the case of measuring the coal temperature using a thermometer in the stack, vertical control metal pipes with a diameter of 25 - 50 mm should be installed, the lower ends of which are closed tightly and sharpen, and the upper ends are closed with a wooden cork tied to the end of the pipe. The cork on the cord should be suspended the thermometer and descended inside the pipe.

423. The installation of pipes to the stack should be carried out on the upper base of the stack in a checker order at a distance of one pipe from another no more than 25 m.

When storing stable when storing coal and anthracite (anthracite pins, skinny t, Ekibastuz SS), the installation of iron pipes for measuring the coal temperature is prohibited. In this case, a portable thermospectopen is used to determine the temperature of coal during control checks.

Pipes should be installed in the stack so that their ends do not reach the lower base of the stack at a distance of 1/4 of the height of the stack. After installing the pipes into the stack, the surface of the stack around the pipes should be filtered with a manual traam.

Each pipe should be assigned a number that is affixed at the end of the pipe, protruding above the surface of the coal stack by 0.2 - 0.3 m and tightly closed cork.

424. Temperature measurements should be carried out by lowering the thermometer on the cord in the control tubes to the depth desired to measure at least 20 minutes. So that the thermometers do not change during the removal of them from the pipes to the surface, mercury balls of thermometers should be immersed in a capsule with machine oil, attached to a metal cover of the thermometer. The distance from the walls of the oil capsule to the walls of the mercury ball should be 4 mm. Inside the metal cover, the thermometer should be strengthened with rubber traffic jams.

425. Temperature measurements should be carried out for coal:

I groups - after 10 days;

Group II - after 5 days;

Group III - after 3 days;

IV groups - daily.

When the coal temperature is reached in the stack of 40 ° C, the control measurements for the coal of all groups should be carried out at least two times a day. When the coal is detected at a temperature of 60 ° C and more or with an increase in temperature at a rate of 5 ° C per day, measures should immediately be taken to eliminate the focus of self-burning.

Measurements of the temperature for coals I - III of the Group should be carried out at a depth of 2.5 - 3.5 m from the surface of the stack, for coal of the IV group - at a depth of 1 - 2 m.

426. In the factory there should be a temperature observation of coal stacks separately for each stack. When registered, the main results of observations should be recorded:

Inspections of the health of the thermocouple, thermometers, pipes (probe);

Inspections of coal for signs of heating and self-burning (gas release, steam, melting snow in the cold time);

Temperature measurements in coal stacks subject to security measures.

427. Measurement measurements should be carried out by a responsible worker of coal warehouse. The results of measurements are reported by the technical leader (chief engineer) of the factory.

428. External signs of the appearance of foci of self-heating coal in summer, in spring and autumn should serve:

The appearance of a stack overnight on the surface close to the focus of self-burning, wet spots disappearing with the sunrise;

The appearance of white spots disappearing when rain falling;

The appearance of non-drying wet spots;

The emergence of ozoliganese coal;

The appearance of steam and smell of coal decomposition products;

Sparking at night.

In winter, the appearance of prostalin in the snow cover is an external sign of the appearance of sampling (with snow cover on stacks).

429. When the coal appeared in the stacks of coal, coal sampling with a temperature above 30 - 35 ° C, the following measures are taken:

Immediate shipment is performed from the stack of heated coal into railway cars and other vehicles;

If it is impossible to ship such a shipment, an additional coal seal is carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bheating foci.

430. In the case when the additional coal seal in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foci of its heating did not give results and the temperature of the coal increases to 50 to 60 ° C, it is necessary to remove all heated coal from the stack and place it in a free place in separate stacks of no more than 1.5 - 2 m.

431. In the occurrence of foci of self-heating of coal with a temperature of 60 ° C and above, the following measures should be taken as well as foci of focal coal:

The heated or married coal from the stack is removed, and the coal is stored for a separate area with a thin layer with a height of no more than 0.5 m and is intensively watering with water to full extinguishing. To prevent re-self-burning coal, it immediately has been shipped in the cooled;

If it is impossible to remove coal from the stack and its shipment, the foci of focused coal is extinguished by fueling the focus of burning aqueous 3 - 4% suspension of hazed lime.

The pouring should be carried out by filing to the stack of coal directly to the burning center and near its suspension of hare-lime on the iron pipes immersed in the stack of coal with holes (injelers).

432. Fire protection of coal warehouses should be carried out in accordance with project decisions.

433. Fire breaks and drives from the base of the stack of coal should be as follows:

To the axis of the railway path - at least 2.5 m;

To buildings and structures (depending on their degree of fire resistance):

For half-racing and semi-part buildings and structures - at least 15 m;

For the combustible buildings and structures - at least 20 m;

To warehouses of lubricants, lighting materials and liquid fuels, as well as forest warehouses - at least 60 m;

To ventilation mines, shurts and receiving devices for supplying fresh air to mines - at least 60 m.

434. The hydrants of fire water supply should be located on the platforms that are not covered with coal. The distance from any hydrant to the place of coal laying should be no more than 100 m.

435. In cases where the shipment of coal from the warehouse is impossible before the deadline for storage, its further stay in the warehouse is carried out with the use of measures to prevent coal self-burning measures.

Piece loads, transported in a container or without packaging, are stored in ports in covered warehouses or open sites in a stack of certain shapes and sizes. The cargo stack is formed depending on how the cargo comes - the piece or in the packages. The territory in the covered warehouse or on an open area, designed to store the cargo, should be cleaned from the garbage, the entrance to the square must be free. Regardless of the type of placement of the site or floor of the warehouse, all goods must be laid on the subtipters - dry wooden boards, shields, bars, logs, etc. Dimensions, shape and height of subtopers are determined by the specific features of the cargo, the length of its storage and the status of the warehouse area.
Upon admission to the port each party of cargo It is stored separately from one another. The stacks are formed by a blangon or bonus, form and dimensions of them are determined by the features of the cargo and the size of storage sites in the port. In all cases of storage, the possibility of checking the state of the entire cargo and approach to any place of stack is complied with the rules of fire safety and labor safety requirements.
In covered warehouses, the distance between the stacks and walls of the warehouse is 0.7 m; between loads of cargo - not less than 2 m; The width of the transverse and longitudinal passages is accepted by 3.5 m for the passage of loaders; The main passages between the groups of stacks - 6 m. The height of the storage of cargo depends on the strength of the container, the method of manufacturing work and the allowable load on the floor of the warehouse. With manual laying of goods, the height of the stack is usually 1.75-2 m, with a mechanized-3.5-5 m.
Loads must be laid tight, the stack should not have emptiness. At a small height of the stack (up to 2 m), its width may be the same all over. If the height exceeds 2 m, then for stability, the stack is made precipitating. Large batches of homogeneous bag, boiled and other piece goods are stored for short-term storage in large stacks (rebetes). It is important that the upper part of the stack is correctly laid. Top of stacks covered warehouses Must be smooth and flat; Stacks stacked on open areas should have a convex vertex for a free flow of water by tarpaulin, which is covered with a stack.
Formation I. disassembly stacks Using the crane when porter workers, the stack should be produced in the stack along its entire area, and, depending on the type of cargo and the type of packaging, the following recesses are allowed: for bag goods - up to 1.5 m; boiled (except rubber) - up to 1 m; rubber - up to 4 instrumentation (in height of stacking); small drawers - up to 1.2 m; Large boxes - 1 drawer; right-barrels - 1st place; Cargo in packages - 1 package.

Piece loads, transported in a container or without packaging, are stored in ports in covered warehouses or open sites in a stack of certain shapes and sizes. The cargo stack is formed depending on how the cargo is in, - individually or in packages. The territory in the covered warehouse or on an open area, designed to store the cargo, should be cleaned from the garbage, the entrance to the square must be free. Regardless of the type of cover of the site or floor of the warehouse, all goods must be laid on the sublinks - dry wooden boards, shields, bars, logs, etc. Dimensions, shape and height of subdivocks are determined by the specific features of the cargo, the length of its storage and the state of the warehouse area. Prints in Port Each batch of cargo is stored separately one from another. The stacks are formed by a blangon or bonus, form and dimensions of them are determined by the characteristics of the "cargo and the size of storage sites in the port. In all cases of warehousing, the possibility of checking the state of all loads and approach to any place of stack should be checked, the rules of fire safety and labor safety requirements are observed. In indoor warehouses, the distance between stacks and warehouse walls is 0.7 m; between loads of cargo - not less than 2 m; The width of the transverse and longitudinal passages is accepted by 3.5 m for the passage of loaders; Main travel between groups of stacks - 6m. The height of the storage of cargo depends on the strength of the container, the method of production of work and the allowable load on the floor of the warehouse. With manual laying of goods, the height of the stack is usually 1.75-2 m, with a mechanized - 3.5-5 m.

The formation and disassembly of the stack using the crane while finding port workers on the stack should be produced in layers along its entire area, and, depending on the type of cargo and the type of packaging, the following recesses are allowed: for bag goods - up to 1.5 m; boiled (except rubber) - up to 1 m; rubber - up to 4 instrumentation (in height of stacking); small drawers - up to 1,2m; Large boxes - 1 drawer; rod-barrel - 1st place; Cargo in packages - 1 package.

When storing piece goods, you should choose the structure of the stack, determine its dimensions and the relative position of the stacks on the warehouse area. To solve these issues, it is necessary to know the nature of the packaging of the cargo, the features of the account of freight places, air humidity and the condition of the goods itself. The stack of drawers of boiler goods consists of stacks, rows and tiers (Fig. 20). The freight places of the same shape and sizes laid one on the other vertical make up a stack of stacks located along the length - its longitudinal rows, and in width - transverse. The horizontal layer of stack, limited by the height of freight places, is a tier or layer.

General loads of the correct geometric shape with a piece of magnificent storage are laid in a straight masonry stack (smooth rows), i.e. Cargo places of the same sizes are placed in such a way that each overlying place coincides with the place underlying below. In the high stacks due to the fragility of the container or improper laying of the cargo vehicles possible. In order to avoid this, the extreme rows of stacks lay with a small bias to the middle, for which the prismatic gaskets are submitted for them or they make a "dressing" of a number of stacks through two or three tiers with boards with a thickness of 2.5 cm. In the absence of stack layers, they are laid out by ledge or displacement The center of the stack on half of the cargo location. In the formation of the stack. To ensure greater strength of the cargo, the cross will be laid down, backstage, tee or five. Loads in a faulty container should be stored only in specially designated places with separate stacks height in one row or package. The cost of cargo storage has a number of disadvantages: the participation of a large number of workers has inwarehouse operations, a large labor-intensity of overload work, a short service life of the container and significant cargo losses due to numerous transshipments. With batch storage, these disadvantages are eliminated. Form cargoes in packages on flat pallets can be in various ways. The storage process is performed by machines. Packages in the warehouse are installed at an altitude of up to four tiers. If the pallets are loaded with light load and their carrying capacity is used by incompleteness, you can install packages in five tiers of the stack height before the stack of stack packets must be laid out the ledges. Storage of bag cargo.When storing bags of bags, the bags are placed in closed dry and pure warehouses separately from cargo with a specific odor. Storage of bags of bags in open areas is allowed, but it is necessary to strengthen the stacks with a tarpaulter. In all cases, the stacks are formed on the sublinks. Logging into the stack of bags is carried out in the following ways: straight masonry; with shifting on floor bag, starting from the height of the stack ; reclamation, or crosswise; cells - tee, Pizhalik, well. Laying the well provides good ventilation of cargo and is used if the cargo in the bags is wet and there is a danger of heating and damage. With the development of batch transport by ports, various ways of forming bags in packages on flat pallets and in sling containers are proposed. Depending on the sizes of bags on the pallet, you can place 15-60 bags of 3-8 tiers. On the pallet, the bags are disposed of twice, the tee turnader, the chimeter, Pizhalik, firstvice, a perevikovka turns onwarding, the eight turn direction. Similarly, packages in sling containers can be formed. In the stack such packages are stacked at a height of 3-4 tiers. Storage of drawers . Conditions for storing goods in drawers depend on the property of the cargo. Most small-scale boxes are stored in indoor premises, while for heavy and large-sized boxes, as a rule, this is not. Required. Print the magnificent formation of the stack of boxes is placed in a way of straight masonry or a cell. Permissible loads should be taken into account on 1 m 2 warehouse flooring or pier. According to special rules, boxes with glass are stored. Packages of drawers are formed by styling the boxes of cross-cross, tee, PITAIKI, depending on the size of the boxes and sites on which they are placed. Boxes are placed in packets with parallel rows leading. When packaging cargo in cardboard boxes, it is necessary to protect the corners of the package of bouts. When storing drawers in packages formed on flat pallets, the latter are installed in a stack of stacks on each other.

Storage of boiled cargo . Cargoes in the piles are about 15-20% of the total volume of carboards overloaded in seaports. Most boiled goods are affected by atmospheric precipitation and is afraid of pollution, so they must be stored in closed warehouses. For example, cotton, laziness other fibrous goods, as a rule, should be stored in dry warehouses or under sheds. Storage is allowed in open areas, but at the same time kips must be laid on special flooring and. The stacks are securely covered. Boiler loads are laid in the stack of mostly in the same way as both the boxes, but due to the fact that cotton and other fibrous goods relate to the group of dangerous, during storage they must be followed by the relevant rules of fire safety. Storage of rod-barrelscargo . The features of the formation of loads of goods of this category are determined by the properties of the contents of the barrels, their shape (cylindrical or conical), the plug location (cork in the barrel must be up) and the means of mechanization, with which the goods are laid into the stack. Barrel loads are placed in the stack in two ways; With the installation of barrels to the end (vertical position) or on the forming (horizontal position). When stored on the ends of the barrel of the lower tier should be based on the entire end part. The storage of the barrels to the forming is carried out by smooth rows with gaskets from the boards for each tier and the crushing of extreme rows: "tee" - the barrels of the upper tier are stacked in the recess between the bench of the lower; "PITAIKOM" - the barrel of the upper tier relies on four lower barrels. Storage of containers. Development of container shipments required the construction of specialized berths - container terminals (Fig. 23). Storage areas of marine container terminals reaches 500 hectares and are equipped with high-performance overload equipment. The sea cargo front, where the loading (unloading) of the container trucks is made, as a rule, has one - three berths located in line. The width reaches 15-50 m. Slap technological areas on the territory are planned to be considerable depths (up to 1000 m). Depending on the used car technology in the warehouse process area, the storage area and the container reception zone are highlighted, placed locations of containers, special strips for the movement of overload machines on the sea freight in front of the technological areas of the warehouses of the configuration are covered with an area of \u200b\u200b10-40. Thousand M 2, located most often behind the Terminal territory. The design of the warehouses of the configuration is very diverse on the planning and presence of a ramp. The height of the floor level of the warehouses provides processing through the transitional bridges of containers standing on the chassis. In warehouses, arriving loads are unloaded, sort them and complete for loading in containers of one direction. Warehouses are equipped with radio communications and telecons, which make it possible to monitor the approach.

1. The storage of materials should be carried out in accordance with the storage technological cards, work plan manufacturing and labor protection instructions.

2. To make storage of materials only on specially dedicated places, it is forbidden to clutter approaches to fire inventory, hydrants and outlets out of the premises.

3. Forbidden Stop loads on faulty racks and overload racks

4. Warehousing of goods (including on loading and unloading sites and in places of temporary storage) close to the walls of the building, columns and equipment, the stack to the stack is not allowed.

5. When warehousing goods, events and means ensuring the stability of the laid goods should be provided.

6. When forming a stack in the lower rows, it is advisable to lay heavier loads.

7. In case of detection of an incorrectly folded stack take measures to disassemble and laying again with the elimination of the noticeable disadvantage.

8. To correct manually tanking, unstable lying loads are allowed if this does not threaten the safety of the loader itself and people working next to him.

9. The shaking stacks are allowed to disassemble only during the daytime, in accordance with the previously developed way of conducting work under the leadership of the person responsible for loading and unloading.

10. Disassembly of the stacks must be produced only from above evenly along the entire length. Forbidden Disassemble the stack by samping the lower cargo in the layer.

11. Work is not allowed on two adjacent stacks at the same time.

12. Methods of laying of goods must ensure stability of stackers, packages and goods located in them.; Mechanized disassembly of the stack and lifting the cargo by mounted seizures of lifting - transport equipment; Safety working on a stack or near him; the possibility of applying and normal operation of the protection of employees and fire equipment; Circulation of air flows with natural or artificial ventilation of closed warehouses.

13. It is not allowed to find people and movement of vehicles in the zone of a possible falling of goods during loading and unloading from rolling stock, as well as when moving goods by lifting and transport equipment.

14. Installation of materials should be carried out without a leaning (support) on products, fences and elements of fences.

15. In open areas in the winter time, in order to avoid evidence of the vertical position of the stack, it is necessary to pre-clean the platform from garbage and snow.

16. When placing goods (except loose), measures are taken to prevent pinched or face them to cover the platform.

17. When placing goods stacks in warehouses and at sites, the following storage conditions must be observed:

Passages between rows of stacks or racks should be at least 1 m;

Passages between stacks or racks in a row must be at least 0.8 m;

Travel width is at least 3.5 m;

The distance between the wall or column and the cargo must be at least 1 m;

There should be at least 1 m between the overlap and the cargo;

There should be at least 0.5 m between the lamp and cargo (in height).

Passages between stacks combined with transitions through crane and railroad tracks, not less than 2 m wide.

18. The height of the stack with manual loading should not exceed 3m, when applying the mechanisms for lifting the cargo - 6m.

19. The distance between the rows of stacks should be determined, taking into account the possibility of installing the packaging to the stack, removal of containers with a stack of shipping devices applied to the means of mechanization and ensuring the necessary firebugs.

20. For the safe movement of load-lifting mechanisms when laying the stacks, it is necessary to have them in such a way that the distance between the stacks exceeds the width of the loading transport (loaders, carts, etc.) at least 0.8 m, and if necessary to ensure the oncoming traffic - Transport width plus 1.5 m.

21. The distance from the protruding parts of the crane portal to the cargo stack should be at least 0.7 m.

22. Loads (except for ballasts discharged for travel works) with a stack height of up to 1.2 m should be from the outer edge of the head of the railway railway rail or ground crane pathway at a distance of at least 2 m, and with a greater height of the stack - not less 2.5 m.

23. Loads stored in bulk should be laid in the stacks with a steepness of a slope corresponding to the corner of the natural slope of the stored material. If necessary, install protective lattices.

24. Loads in Tara and in the kipa are stacked in sustainable stacks, loads in bags are stacked in a dressing stack. Each row, increasing in height, should fit with 50 cm raid from all sides.

25. Loads in torn and faulty package to lay in stabeels Forbidden.

26. Loads in drawers lay in the stack of dressing.

27. Packages from drawers of various sizes can be laid in the stack only in cases where the stack is sustainable and smooth. When unloading or loading drawers manually, in order to avoid injury, it is necessary to preview each place, the protruding ends of the iron strapping and the protruding nails score.

28. If you need to remove the box with the top of the stack, it is necessary to pre-make sure that the cargo lying next to the cargo occupies a steady position and cannot fall.

29. Move the cargo along the horizontal plane, pushing it over the edges, is prohibited.

30. Boxes in closed warehouses are placed with ensuring the width of the main passage of at least 3-5m.

31. Large and heavy loads must be laid in one row on lining.

32. Forbidden Applying linings and gaskets of round section.

33. To maintain stacks of more than 1.5 m high. Apply portable stairs. It is not allowed to rise on the stacks on the protruding products or gaskets.

34. The ratio of the height of the stack to the length of the smallest side of the Tara stackable should not be more:

For unsolved packaging: 6;

For folding containers (assembled): 4.5.

35. The load on the lower tar of the stack should not exceed the values \u200b\u200bspecified in the working drawings.

36. Storage of foundation beams is allowed into the stack laid in the working position with a parallel location, in each tier at least two beams, the height of no more than two tiers.

37. Storage to the stack on lining and gaskets of coal products is allowed:

Coal blocks - no more than two tiers,

Blood blocks - no more than four tiers.

38. Loads on the territory of the branch of RUS-Engineering LLC in Novokuznetsk should be laid as follows:

Pipes of small diameters (up to 100 mm) and rod fittings - on racks or in inventory metal brackets;

Pipes with a diameter of up to 300 mm - in a stack of up to 3 m high on lining and gaskets with terminal stops;

Pipes with a diameter of more than 300 mm - in a stack of a height of up to 3 m in the saddle without gaskets;

The lower row of pipes must be laid on the lining, reinforced with inventory metal shoes or end stops, securely fixed on lining with bolts;

Pig-iron pipes in a stack of not more than 1.5 m high, while they are placed alternately along and across, in each row, the crops in opposite sides;

Rigels, columns - to a stack of up to 2 m high;

Truck beams and runs - to the stack, high up to 1.2 m;

Fireproofs in stock - in packets on pallets - in a stack of no more than two tiers, the height of the stack is not more than 2m; In the workshop for the current consumption - on flat sites, the height of the stack should not exceed 1.5 m;

Drums with cable, cable and other large-sized cylindrical items In order to avoid rolling when laying, it is necessary to strengthen the retaining devices (wedges, slats, boards, etc.). It should be putting load only on flat gaskets;

Details of machines with protruding sharp working bodies to launch in a stack or packages so as to exclude the possibility of injury to people in contact with them during operation;

Tires of cars and tractors to lay on the shelves of racks only in a vertical position.

39. Stacks and racks with metal products should be located parallel to the railway tracks or main drives.

40. Forbidden Storage of metal rolling and metal structures, blanks in the location zone of power lines without coordination with the organization operating these lines.

41. Placement of metal rolling into the stack must be produced on pre-laid on the floor lining. Railway sleepers, bars, etc. can be applied as lining. Laying of metal rolling on the floor of the warehouse or on the ground of the site without lining Forbidden.

42. The height of the stack or shelving during manual laying of the metal should not exceed 1.5 m. High stacks does not exceed 2 m with a hook capture and 4 m with an automated cargo capture.

43. Hire stacking should be done so that the ends of the end sides of the stacks located at the passages were laid out exactly, regardless of the length of the ponds, pipes, etc.

44. The height of the stack or shelving during mechanized laying of metal depends on the permissible load on the floor and the laying scheme and is determined by the capacity of 20 tons from the condition for ensuring the stability of the stack or the shelving and safety of the work of work with mechanisms. At the same time, special platforms, devices or stairs should be provided, allowing the soloer to safely rise to the upper zone of the stack, the rack and produce the lines of cargo without being on the metal.

45. When laying a metal rolling into a stack or a rack, it is necessary between packs and ligaments to lay metal square gaskets with a thickness of at least 40 mm for the possibility of exemption from under them slings, as well as for greater stability of the stored cargo. The ends of the gaskets should not be outside the stack or rack of more than 100 mm.

46. \u200b\u200bMetal rolling stacked on racks should not exceed the maximum permissible load on them. The value of the maximum permissible load on the shelves of the rack is indicated on each shelving.

47. To avoid rolling metal Forbidden Filling the cell above racks of the rack.

48. The varietal and shaped rental should be laid in stacks, christmas or racks. Pipes should fit into the stack of rows, separated by gaskets.

49. Height of the laying of rolled steel during storage in the Christmas racks - up to 4.5 m when laying for automatic loaders. Stacking height during storage racks - up to 2 m.

50. Preparation of measuring length from varietal and shaped rolled products, semi-finished products and finished products are placed in a container.

51. Tolstolic steel (steel thickness from 4 mm) should fit on the edge into racks with supporting platforms that have a tilt toward support racks, or a plasther on wooden lining with a thickness of at least 200 mm.

52. Plonic steel steel (steel thickness up to 4 mm) should be placed on wooden lining, located across the stacks of sheets. The thin-sheet steel in bundles weighing up to 5 tons are allowed to be laid on the edge in special racks so that the bends in the ends are not formed.

53. Metal products entering coils (steel rope, wire, etc.) must be stored in closed rooms and fit on the wooden flooring on the end no more than two tiers.

54. The cold ribbon tape is placed on flat wooden pallets into frame racks. The placement is produced by tiers, and each subsequent tier shifts relative to the previous one by half the radius of the maid. The third tier is stacked as the first, the fourth - as the second and so on. Motions in the upper tier are not placed on extreme places.

55. Motions of rolling wire, should be laid on a wooden flooring with a bulk high of no more than 1.6 m.

56. Electrodes are placed in a dry closed room in the factory package on pallets in frame racks.

57. The varietal metal (corners, beams, channel) should be laid into the dressing that ensures stability of the stack. They are placed shelf on the shelf or their edges on the neck of the underlying row. The first row put on the wooden lining edges of the shelves down, the second row edges of the shelves on the neck of the first row of beams (channels), the subsequent rows are performed similarly with the dressing edges of the shelves.

58. To give a stack of greater stability and the possibility of its fast disassembly after 5 - 6 rows of height, transverse gaskets are installed. The distances between them are prescribed from the conditions that exclude the appearance of the residual deflection of metal rolling.

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