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Roof covering a straw. The roof of the professional flooring with their own hands: Installation instructions, recommendations. We select high-quality screws

One of the most inexpensive, durable, practical options for roofing material -, or, as they say, the professionalist, metal profile. This sheet of metal, which is covered by several protective layers, and then skipped through the molding machine, which pursues the protrusions and grooves in it - to give greater rigidity. The material turns out quite lightweight, the roof of the corrugated floor can be mounted independently and even "in one hands." The technology is not the most difficult, do it yourself quite possible.

Types of professional flooring

There are different types of professional flooring. There is a professional official - galvanized, there is color - with a layer of polymer applied over the zinc coating. At the polymer coating, the role is double - it protects against external influences, and gives the material a more decorative appearance. A simple galvanized professional flooring is used as roofing material mainly on temporary buildings, color has a completely solid look, it can be seen on the roofs of residential buildings and yard buildings.

By destination

Professor makes a metal sheet of different thickness. The thinnests are intended for the design of the walls, but can fit on the roof with a frequent crate and small snow loads. The sheets of this group are marked with the letter "C".

Of the thick metal, material with increased bearing capacity makes. It is labeled with the letter "H", used as roofing material in areas with increased wind or snow load. There is still a universal professionalist - it is denoted by "NS". It can be used both for walls and for the roofing device (the amount of snow should be average).

After an alphabetic encoding, the professional leaf cost numbers: C8, H35, NS20. They indicate the height of the wave in millimeters, which is formed in this material. In the example, it is 8 mm, 35 mm, 20 mm, respectively. The roof is placed by professional flooring with a wave height of at least 20 mm.

The waveform at the carrying metal profile is often more complex - it added additional grooves to increase rigidity.

By type of coating

With all the external similarity, the price of the professional flooring of the same type can differ significantly. The case, most often, not in the arrogance of the manufacturer or seller, and in different technologies and materials that are used in production. For example, a protective coating may be zinc and aluminum. The second type of protection appeared recently, the equipment is expensive, but the durability of the metal coated with aluminum is much higher.

Also on the durability of the coating affects the method of forming a wave. There are two technologies - cold rolling and with emulsion. With cold rolling, the sheet is simply asked to rollers without any preparation. In order not to damage the coating applied earlier, it takes expensive equipment. Accordingly, the professional rolling professional is expensive.

When forming a wave with an emulsion, the surface of the metal is wetted with liquid (oil, water, special fluid) and after the rolls are sent. If after rolling such a sheet is not dried, but send to the firing furnace - to fix the paint, the places that were wet will quickly begin to rust. It is impossible to see this defect in advance, it is necessary to hope that the technology is not broken. But the professionalist made on this technology is cheaper.

There are still different polymer coatings. They create a film of different thickness and density, with different properties.

  • Polyester (glossy and matte). The straightener with a plated from polyester has a relatively low price (the cheapest of color) and good characteristics - plating planing, for a long time does not change its color. Matte polyester has no glare on the surface, it looks like a velvety. This is achieved by another application technique and a thicker layer. This coating is the most sustainable mechanical damage.
  • Plaserisol. It has increased resistance to aggressive media, but poorly tolerates ultraviolet. The roof from the plastisol coating professional flooring will quickly overtake (two or three years).
  • Pural - polyamide and acrylic is added to the polyurethane. The coating is obtained more homogeneous, the service life without a change in color is from ten years. Disadvantage - high price.
  • PVDF is the composition of polyvinyl fluoride and acrylic. The coating is expensive, but for a long time, even in an aggressive environment. This roofing material can be used on sea coasts. Another wonderful property - he can self-fully. The slightest rain, and the roof of the professional flooring with the PVDF coating glitters like a new one.

Under normal conditions, a roof is made of a polyester coated corrugated. For price and quality ratio, it is optimal.

How to fit the roof straw

The roof of the corrugated floor is placed on the finished crate of the boards, in which the fragments are located parallel to the sink of the roof. The installation step is up to 60 cm. Usually type-incision-inches, 25 mm thick, use. Sheets are stacked one by one with a vertical overlap per wave. When laying a professional sheet on the roof, note that the extreme shelves have different lengths. The one, which is slightly shorter, should be from below, which is a little longer - covers short. In this case, they adjoin one to another tightly, without clearance. If you confuse and draw on the contrary, there is a few millimeters formed between the two shelves, which will fall into water. Therefore, when mounting, be careful.

The magnitude of the horizontal overlap. If the rows of professional flooring on the roof are more than one, the sheets are placed with overlapping. The value on which the upper sheet overlaps the lower, depends on the corner of the roof of the roof: the more common roof, the greater the occasion.

Most factories producing professional flooring can offer you to make sheets that will cover all your roof - from the skate to the sink - one long sheet (maximum length of 12 meters). When installing, it creates certain difficulties - such sheets are difficult to lift and lay. Especially it will be necessary to set the first sheet for a long time - it must be put strictly vertically, which is complex about height. But the main plus of such a solution is a solid coating from above-donomose, which at times increases the degree of protection of the attic room from the penetration of moisture, crosses all the inconvenience. After all, there are no horizontal joints, and therefore problems with the flowing too.

How to fix the roof career

For fastening the professional leaf use special self-tapping screws with rubber pads under the hats. They provide tightness of the connection. Such self-tapping screws are usually painted in one tone with roofing material. The quantity of fasteners per square meter - 5-7 pieces (do not forget to add about 20% - to fasten the skate element, fixing the joints and other similar works).

Install the screws in the lower shelf, where the sheet comes into contact with the crate. Their length is 20-25 mm, depends on the thickness of the crate board, as it is important that the sharp end of the screw did not speak on the back side of the board. There will be a waterproofing film that may be damaged.

When connecting two adjacent sheets, they are also fastened with self-draws. But in this case, you have to screw the fastener in the wave, and also pierce the double layer of metal. For these purposes, fasteners goes longer - 40 mm and more (depends on the wave height) - the screw must go into the shawl board.

What to cut

Very rarely, the installation of professional flooring on the roof costs without trimming - it is just unique cases. What to cut a professional list? Scissors for metal or electric bison. Yes, it is slow, and not quite convenient, but this is how the manufacturers advise. It is impossible to use the ESM (Bulgarian) - when cut, with its help, a sheet is heated to very high temperatures, which leads to the evaporation of zinc. As a result, in this place, the material quickly begins to rust.

Mounting order

After collecting the rafter system, the front board is born, the hooks for installation are attached to it, and on top of the already special bar - a drip, on which the edge of the waterproofing film is then hardened. And the dropper, and the film is fastened with self-reserves with a sealing rubber washer.

The composition of the cake of materials under the professional flooring depends on whether you are going to do the attic room with cold or warm. If the attic is cold, the sequence of actions is as follows:

If the roof you will warm up, the order of work and the number of required materials changes. The layers will be more:

Roofing of professional flooring: nodes

Even with a constructive duplex roof, there are several complex areas that are usually formed at the junction of different planes and / or parts of the system. These sites are called "nodes". We looked at one such node in the previous paragraph - the design of the front board and the mounting of the drainage. But this is not the only node where a detailed explanation is required.

Installation and sealing of the skate

The underfloor space under the corrugated floor should be well ventilated. This material is quickly heated and also quickly cools, which contributes to the formation of condensate. Therefore, when installing metal products on the roof, in the upper part of the sheets with two side do not join closely, and leave the gap into several centimeters - so that the air can freely go out, carrying out water vapors.

If special skates with ventilation (in the photo), but even if you simply install the usual skate element, between the straightener and its edge, it turns out a large number of holes - in each corrugation depression. The magnitude of this clearance depends on the height of the wave - the higher the wave, the more the gaps are obtained. On the scene, where the front board is nailed, there are also similar holes. The air movement usually goes from the bottom-up - from the sweep, through the underpants space (for this, when installing the roofing material, leave ventilation gaps that are formed by the crate), to the sludge in the skate. So there is ventilation and regulation of the humidity of the insulation, the condensate evaporates and worn.

Great gaps are good for ventilation, but in them during rain / snow with the wind scores, and dust, leaves fall into the attic. Much worse, if the holes are broken by leaves - ventilation will immediately deteriorate. In order not to get into a similar situation, previously about 2/3 from the height of the gap was filled with sealant, imposing it with layers on the roofing material. Crawn there and here with a sealant, on the top of the roof, waiting for a little polymerizes the previous layer, is not very convenient. Also, this decision is incorrect from the point of view of ventilation - the gap decreases, the air movement worsens. But there was no other solution. Now it is - the seal for the professional flooring. It is made of foamed polyurethane, polyethylene or wood composite. The structure of these materials is porous, the air is well passed, but not dust, water or leaves. In shape, it or repeats the shape of the corrugations - there are for different types of the proflist, and there is also a universal tape, which in the right places is simply pressed.

Sealant "Sit" to sealant, bilateral scotch, glue, there are options with self-adhesive ribbon. With such a seal, the air passes fluently, and the precipitates remain in the outer layers, from which then evaporate.

Svet stitch professional owl

In order to strip Svet the straightener, a special profile is fixed to the front board. In its grooves inserted a straightener, sliced \u200b\u200bon the bands of the desired width. The second edge of the binder is attached to the board, brought to the ends of the rafter. The joints of the binder and the board closes with two droplets - one nourishes below, closing the lower half of the board, and the second one. The edge of the waterproofing film is then placed on it.

If the drainage system is attached, the hooks for the gutters are nailed after installing the lower drip. The upper drip is nailed after installing all hooks.

Promotion of professional flooring to the wall

In some cases, the roof from the metal flipper is adjacent to the wall of some kind of structure. How to make an adjoint so that there is no leakage? There are two options (see Figure). Both use an angular planka, only it has a different size and different profile.

You can take an angular bar with the sizes of the shelves 150 * 200 mm. A shorter side is raised on the wall, the roof is a longer attachment to the wall, using fasteners depending on the material from which it is made (nails or self-tapping screw, if it is a tree, dowel, if brick and building blocks). The stack of the plank with the wall pass with silicone sealant. From the side of the roofing fix the bar into the crest of the wave, setting special tapping screws with rubber washers. The length of them is also determined, as well as when connecting the adjacent sheets of the professional flooring (the wave height + 20 mm for entering the crate board).

The second option is more time-consuming: in the wall make a stroke (groove), into which the angular bar with bent under 45 ° shelves. Fastening in this case is similar, the difference in the size of the plank - it can be 100 * 100 mm or so.

Pipe pipe

Many questions occur when sealing the passage of a chimney pipe or ventilation through the roof of the corrugated floor. Pipes in cross section round and rectangular, for each type there is a solution.

For the passage of round pipes through the roofing material there are special steel or polymeric aprons. The upper part of them is made in the form of a cone, the lower - skirt - from an elastic material that can take a given form. The apron is tightly put on the pipe, it descends so that the "skirt" lay on the roofing material. Next, it is necessary to make an elastic skirt to give the form of corrugations. Use the hammer (ordinary or rubber - depends on the type of apron). In order for the skirt, the water does not register, the junction is riveted with sealant, pressing well.

After fixing the skirt fix the neck. If the apron is metallic, the top is covered by a clamp, tightened, the joint is groaned with a sealant. When using a polymer apron (master flash), it with a decent effort dressed on the pipe (sometimes it is necessary to even lubricate the pipe with soap solution), but the joint, after all, for reliability, pass sealant.

With a rectangular (brick) pipe all more complicated. From sheet metal sheets are cut out elements that close the joint with roofing pie.

In this article we offer to your attention a detailed guide for the installation of the roof of the roof of the corrugated floor. After studying the technology of work and view the thematic video, each wisp homeowner will be able to properly sash and consolidate roofing with their own hands.

Installation of the roof from the proflist

First of all, it is necessary to choose a brand of profiled sheet suitable for roof overlap. For sale there are products with such marking:

  • C - Low profile material for walls and fences;
  • N - sheets with an enlarged profile and rigids;
  • NA, MP, MK - universal professional flooring.

Reference. An example of full marking looks like this: H60-845-0.5. The figure 60 indicates the height of the profile in mm, 845 - the width of the sheet, 0.5 - the thickness of the metal.

Delivery on the wall, roofing and universal professionalist is quite conditional. Therefore, when choosing a coating, adhere to the following recommendations:

On a small country house or a garage will go galvanized metal without a polymer coating, it is significantly cheaper. To independently cover a private dwelling or a bath with a color straightener, prepare additional materials:

Important moment. From the set of tools, exclude a grinder. Metal with powder painting is allowed to cut only electrical or manual scissors.

Requirements for the crate

Before covering the roof of the corrugation, it is necessary to install a rafter system and prepare a crate. What should be done:

An important question is a step of laying the rivers, where the professionalist will be screwed. The interval depends on the roof slope: the angle is less, the greater the snow load and more often the boards are put. It is recommended to observe such distances between the planks:

  • a slope less than 10 ° is a solid doomer either step up to 10 mm;
  • the roof angle is 10-15 ° - the interval is not more than 45 cm;
  • tilt over 15 ° - 60 cm board installation step.

Council. Customize the distance between the slats to the length of the profiled sheets to securely secure them along the edges.

Under the trimming of funds that ensure the stock of a large amount of water, it will not hurt to put additional waterproofing from the rubberoid. In the case of a warmed attic roof, do not forget to ensure the ventilation of the underpants space, as shown in the diagram.

Installation instructions

Before starting the roof coating by a corrugation, the internal shaped elements should be installed. These include the endands and the framing of the chimney pipe - the edges of these parts need to be covered with a straighteness from above.

Chimney is trimmed by the following technology:

Highlights at the corners of it easier - fasten the shaped details to the crate, ranging from the cornice. The step of self-tapping screws fastened along the edges - 30-40 cm, the total of the overhead parts to the lower - 300 mm.

Now about how to properly cover the roofing design with your own hands:

Note. Professional flooring is allowed to be treated with both rows and "ladder" so that it does not have to constantly move the stirrer. The principle is simple: in the 1st row put 3 sheets, in the second - 2, in the 3rd one - one, then move to the side and continue the installation, starting from the cornice.

After overlapping the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe skates, it remains to attach the good parts (naschelniki), which closing the lumens from the fallout and the pending the roof is finished. List these works:

Installation of one-piece cauldron customized length is much simpler - you need to observe the siderest and clearly align the sheets before fastening. In order not to damage the powder paint when lifting long elements, it is recommended to bind them to a wooden frame or use more modern devices - construction suckers and clamps.

How to properly cover the roof in a professional floor, demonstrated on video:

Pros and disadvantages of profiled coverage

If you decide to block the roof of a straightened, then you should be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of this material. The pluses of the profiled painted sheet include such qualities:

  • acceptable price of building materials (cheaper of metal tile);
  • relatively low weight;
  • simplicity of processing and installation compared to other traditional coatings;
  • a wide selection of colors;
  • the duration of operation from 15 to 30 years.

Note. Professional flooring in galvanized performance without colored coating is cheaper than painted. The material is well suited for various household buildings and other utility facilities in the country.

Judging by the reviews of homeowners, the operational lack of steel profiled sheets on the roof is "sonicity". Even in the presence of insulation and sound insulation, the coating always "reports" to the owners of the house about the rain of a deaf knuckle droplets over the gland. Other disadvantages look like this:

  1. Metal perfectly carries out heat, protecting the attic space from the wind. If the roof is not inspired, then in winter it is quite cold in the attic, and in the summer - too hot.
  2. The polymer coating burns into the sun and loses the appearance after 3-4 years of operation.


As the advantages of the professional flooring outweigh the negative sides of its use, the material refers to the in demand from homeowners with a low intractor. Painted polymer sheets allow you to save on the installation, if you do it yourself. As you could make sure the task is quite solved.

Designer engineer with experience in construction for more than 8 years ..
He graduated from the Eastern Ukrainian National University. Vladimir Dalya in the specialty "Equipment of the Electronic Industry" in 2011.

Related records:

Metallic profiled sheet is quite popular both among professional builders and architects and among individual developers. The professional flooring, obtained from thin-sheet steel by the method of cold rolled, has a high bearing capacity and easily withstands even very large wind and snow loads. With the right installation, the cover of the roof with an anti-corrosion coating straw is very reliable - such a roof will last 20-25 years without any operating costs.

An important advantage of the professional flooring is the possibility of making sheets of long length. With the length of the roof of the roof to 12 m, the roof overlapping the roof can be made in one row without transverse joints. And any additional junction increases the likelihood of a roofing tightness.

Due to the low weight, the roof of the roof is often used when replacing older roofing coatings, since it is not necessary to strengthen the existing rafter system for a straightened. Among other things, thanks to modern colored decorative coatings, the metal profiled sheet looks very attractive.

The small weight of the professional leaf allows you to overlap the roof of the roof with your own hands without attracting builders. In addition, information on how to properly cover the roof of a professional owner, and the process itself does not require many years of experience, special education and skills.

Below we will focus on the main features of the installation of this roofing material, with which you need to get acquainted before the roof of the roof of the professional flooring.

What professional owner to choose for roofing?

Before you focus on how to block the roof of the roof, we will shortly focus on the policy of choosing a profiled sheet for a roof. Today, it is widespread as a wall brand's wall-based brand, intended for the manufacture of sandwich panels, facing facades of buildings and construction of various fences and a special professional in for the installation of roofing coatings.

Many are interested, whether it is possible to cover the roof of the brand with the brand with, which is at times cheaper by the carrier of the professionalist. This question, in general, can be answered positively. However, the height of the trapezoid or the profile wave should be at least 20 mm. For steep roofs of small buildings, you can even use C10 professional flooring, but under it you need to perform a solid crate.

However, the use of wall professional flooring, albeit economically, but not reliable enough. Because you are interested in exactly how to cover the roof with a straightener, and not the ability to save on reliability and quality of the roof, I strongly recommend using a roofing profiled sheet. Especially if the building is built in a region with plenty of precipitation and high snow cover.

It differs from the wall by the fact that the width of the profile shelves is greater than the width of its crest. This facilitates the approach of water and snow from roofing. In addition, roofing professional flooring often have additional ribs and capillary groove along the edge of the sheet.

These features of the design increase the longitudinal rigidity of the profile and contribute to the moisture dismissed between the roofing sheets.

By choosing a profiled sheet, you can start covering the roof of the corrugation.

How to start the roof of the roof of a professional flooring?

To prevent accidental damage to the material, transportation and lifting of professional flooring on the roof must be performed with maximum precautions. After all, in case of deformation, the initial geometry is almost impossible to return the profiled sheet. In addition, even the most minor damage to the protective coating can lead to premature corrosion of corrosive and reduce the service life of the roofing coating.

If you have acquired a professional in advance, you can remember that you can keep it in the factory packaging. At the same time, it should be horizontally on lining, no less than 100 mm high. If it is supposed to keep a professional flooring for more than a month, wooden rails are stacked between individual sheets.

Before covering the roof of a straightener, with the help of bars, the counter tests need to perform ventilation gaps under the surface of the roofing coating. It is correct that the ventilation prevents the condensate accumulation on the inner surface of the roofing coating. The size of the ventilation gap must be 40-50 mm. To protect the undercase space from droplets of condensate, the waterproofing membrane is stacked on the rafter, on top of which a counterclaim is mounted.

The roof prepared for the covering of the professional flooring: a doom is made, a frontal and cornice plank are installed

Strictly performing installation technology, two or three people can cover the roof with their own hands without special skills.

We start mounting from installing a device for lifting a professional flooring on the roof. From the ground on the roof, the professionalist raise on wooden lags, and only one sheet at a time.

The order of further work with the profile largely depends on the angle of inclination of the roof. Although, in the theory, the profiled sheet can be used even for roofs with slopes of 2-3 °, it is better that the roof slope exceeds 10-12 °. In this case, Crow the roof of a professional flooring with the allen in just one wave. If the installation of the proflift on the roof scap is performed in several rows, the nestling between the rows should be from 100 to 200 mm, depending on the angle of inclination of the roof.

Fit the sheets of the sheets before the roof overlapping

Before overlapping the roof of the house by professional flooring, you need to adjust the coverage sheets. To cut the sheets of professional flooring, the electronics on metal, which neatly, smoothly, without jar and extra effort, allow you to make the desired cut. However, since we cut the roof of the roof of our own hands, therefore, there is no specialized tool, you can use the electrolybiz, and hand-hacksaw with small teeth. To prevent the edge corrosion, the edges of the slices need to be treated with anti-corrosion mastic.

For cutting, professional flooring is strictly forbidden to use high-speed power tools with abrasive circles. Red abrasive particles can seriously damage the polymer protective coating of the profiled sheet.

How to cover the roof of the professional flooring - cutting a profiled sheet

In order to overlap the roof of a professional flooring with your own hands, you also need to follow several simple rules that will avoid injuries when performing work:

  • it is necessary to work in a soft shoe that does not damage the polymer coating and, at the same time, it will not slide along its surface;
  • it is not recommended to work in windy weather due to the high sailness of sheets of professional flooring;
  • it is also impossible to work in the rain, because the wet surface of the professional leaf is very slippery and to stay on it even with a small slope of the roof is very difficult;
  • you can not raise several sheets at the same time, because when one of them is slipping, you can get a serious injury.

After laying and fitting the proflist, they start fastening it. To how it is properly and securely fasten the professional flooring, you need to pay special attention.

How to cover the roof of a professional flooring?

Mounting profiled sheet with nails can not be fixed, because under the action of wind loads, such fasteners will gradually relax. Subsequently, this will lead to deformation of the professional leaf and disruption of the roof tightness. Therefore, before the roof of the roof is a straightener, you need to purchase special roofing screws.

Roofing screws are usually a hexagon head with press. The tip in the form of a boraine makes it possible to fasten the roofing screws with roofing screws not only to wooden, but also to a metal crate, and without pre-drilling holes.

The hex head allows you to firmly and reliably press the professionalist to the crate with the help of a screwdriver or an electric drift with an adjustable rotational speed. Special importance are sealing gaskets of roofing screws manufactured from special neoprene rubber.

In order to close the professional flooring tightly to the crate, the mount is performed through the bottom wave of the profile. But it is this way that all water from the rain and melting of snow flows from the roofing coating. Therefore, when we cut the roof by a straightened, it is very important to ensure the tightness of the assemblies of the professional sheet. Neoprene rubber of the protective gasket is self-incanted when tightening the roofing self-drawing, completely excluding the possibility of penetrating moisture under the roof. Through the top wave, the self-tapping screws screw only when installing the skate.

Horizontally professional flooring to the crate is fixed through one wave. Vertical Self-tapping screws are installed through one piece of crate in a checker order. On the front-line squeezing, the mount is performed for each shell board. On the cornese swelling, the self-tapping screw screws into each wave of the profile.

In each wave, the professional flooring is also fastened in the places of the allen between the neighboring rows of coverage. Sheets of coating in places of longitudinal adhesive are recommended to be additionally copped with special rivets.

When screwing the screws or drilling in roofing holes, a small metal chips is formed. Before the final tightening of the screws, it must be removed to avoid damage to the polymer protective coating. In addition, this chips can interfere with the dense fit of neoprene gasket.

Each error made during the roof overlapping is inevitable in the future will give himself felt.Sampleslemia may beinsignificant, eliminatethem notwill be labor but suchmeet rarely. More oftentotalarise medium, and sometimes criticaldamage Roofing system.Developers shouldunderstandWhat to preventerrorsloses farless time than forliquidation themconsequences. This is not to mention the material side of the case. The price of repairs in some cases can exceed the cost of building a new roof, and this is not given possibleelimination of damage internalpremises.

The quality, durability and reliability of the roof of the corrugated floor depends on several factors:

  • accuracy of compliance with recommended technologies, construction standards and rules.Only experienced roofers can make changes to generally accepted technologies and only to increase the stability of the rafter system;

  • experience and responsibility of roofers.It is impossible to take place for complex work, if in practice even the simplest roofs did not cover the general recommendation - inexperienced developers can only be covered with a professional flooring of the roofs of household attacks and economic buildings. Residents are better not to do, these works must perform professionals. No need to take an example from the heroes of numerous videos, which describe the successful first experience of covering the roof. None of them publishes the results of their work in 3-5 years, and they mostly very sad;

  • quality and completeness of roofing materials. Very important factor, requires attentive approach. The fact is that you can spoil the roof from the most expensive metal profile for the roof, and you can make a very high-quality coating of cheap professional finishing of the walls. There are several construction secrets how to save financial costs and at the same time increase the tightness and durability of the roof, we will tell about them slightly lower.

    Independent factors - quality and completeness of roofing materials

The technology of coating should take into account the features of the roof: the type of the rafting system, the appointment of the building, the type of attic room.

Prices for professional flooring


To make a right decision, you need to have objective information on profiled sheets and the effect of each characteristic of operational properties. All profiled sheets are conditionally divided into three large groups: for vertical structures (walls), universal (for walls and roofs) and roofing. This is a very conditional classification, if there are certain knowledge, then each type of professional flooring can be applied in any of the above objectives.

Parameter sheetsImpact on performance characteristics

Linear parameters of sheets are regulated by the provisions of the GOST 24045-94. For sheets of roofing coatings (H) and universal (ns), the length of 3-12m is a multiple of 250mm. For wall (c) length 2.4-12 m multiple 300 mm. Width 800-900 mm. The larger the length of the sheet, the less the alternate, the amounts of the roof. But it is necessary to keep in mind that it is quite difficult to work with very long profiled sheets because of their large sailiness. In addition, the risks of sharp bends and fractures appear, and in these places anti-corrosion coatings are disturbed and oxidative processes are significantly accelerated. For the roof of the house it is recommended to buy sheets of no more than three meters long. Another advantage of long sheets is minimizing material loss by reducing the number of adhesive.

The thickness of the sheets for roofing coatings (H) is 0.6-1.0mm, universal use (NA) 0.6-0.8 mm, and wall (C) 0.6-0.7mm. The physical parameters of bending resistance at the same thickness are adjusted due to various types of profiles in height and width, the presence of additional elements of the increase in mechanical strength. Please note that standard sheet metal thicknesses cannot be less than 0.6 mm. In fact, modern manufacturers produce proflists with a thickness of 0.45mm. In order to avoid problems, they write down the special specifications under their substandard products, claim them in higher organizations and implement customers non-standard products are quite officially on legal grounds.

The height of the roofing sheets of 57-114mm, universal 35-44mm and walls 10-21mm. You can immediately see the difference between the requirements of the standard and the actual technical parameters of the professionalists. Some manufacturers have a profile height begins with a few millimeters. Why do the manufacturers do this? The lower the height of the profile, the less the metal is deformed. This means that it is possible to worsen the quality of the metal (use cheap alloys), the thickness of the galvanizing and paints and varnish. A small metal thickness and the height of the profile should be compensated for by the rafting system - reduce the step of the rail or to make it solid. Experienced builders argue that such a roof will cost much cheaper than buying thick and very high-quality roofing sheets in all parameters.

The highest quality sheets have modern aluminum anti-corrosion coatings, the presence of electrolytic zinc protection is allowed. The mass of zinc on both sides should be at least 414g, aluminum is at least 170 grams. Each on one square meter. Take the most important attention to this parameter. It is from it that is 80% depends on the operation of the roof.

The type and thickness of the paintwork is regulated by the provisions of GOST 30246, in some cases the parameters may vary after coordination with consumers. From the quality of the paint coating, the duration of operation depends by about 15%. We do not advise you to choose matte and rough paints. The fact is that dust accumulates faster on such surfaces, its rainwater is not completely wash off. As a result, after a few years the mossi begin to grow on the roof, their roots penetrate the colors and destroy it. Water with all negative consequences fall into micreelines.

Unfortunately, theseimportant Data can not learn frommarking Sheets.It indicates only an alphabet classorification of the destination (C, NS or N), profile height, useful width and metal thickness.For instance,C15-800-0.6.Information Ras.encrypts as follows - fromtEN leaf S. 15mm profile high, 800 mm useful width and thickness Metal 0,6mm.

Professional flooring C-15 roofing wall (useful width 1120 mm)

The rest of the very important technical parameters haveon certificates of conformityandx alwaysneed to demandseller.

An experimental roofer can touch to approximately determine the sheet thickness, sometimes micrometers are used for this.But so you can learnbto the common valuen.i, and measure separately the thickness of the metalc.inca coati and the layer of paint canonly in specialized Laboratoriesix.As we already mentioned above, it is these parameters that I havet. The main impact on the qualitymaterialroofs, no need to be shy to demand documents. If sellers for some reason do not show the technical passport of sheets, taboutbetter byandfromkat others the shops.

Preparatory activities

The roofing process will be rapid and successful if it is pre-prepared. What should I do for this?

  1. Calculate the number of sheets.If the roof is ordinary duple, then the calculation is simple. Learn the length and width of the skates. Length need to be increased by about 30 cm - the amount of the sheets of sheets. Calculate the roof area. The resulting value is divided into an efficient width and length of the sheet, they are indicated in the designation of the material. The complex walm roof is broken into separate rods, calculate the area of \u200b\u200beach, taking into account its geometry. Such roofs require an increased margin of sheets, in most cases it is 10% of the summable area. The harder the roof, the greater the amount of waste.
    Important. If the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe roof is made in meters, then the leaf area should be translated into the same units.

  2. Learn the amount of metal end (wind), cornice and skate slats. It must be remembered that each joint should overlap for about 10 cm and buy elements with a reserve in length. For a complex roof, you need to have a plank for funds (internal and external).

  3. If there are square or round chimneys on the roof, then you should buy special Elements for sealing joints in places of adjoining.

    Prices for roofing Master Flash

    Roofing Master Flash.

  4. Calculate the number of items and decide on the nomenclature of the water-feling system. Some elements need to be recorded before installing sheets, it is very difficult to do this after covering the roof, in some cases there will have to dismiss already fixed sheets. Any dismantling has negative consequences, this should be remembered and planned for several steps forward.

  5. When arranging a warm roof you need to buy Thermal insulation materials, steam and windproof.

Of course, you need to prepare the tools and make a revision of their technical condition.

List of necessary tools and devices

Measuring instruments and devices, scissors for metal, screwdriver, hammer, marker, stapler is needed. If you need to cut a large footage of sheets, then many roofers use grinders with metal discs.

Prices for popular models of corner grinders (Bulgarians)

Corner grinders

You should not pay attention to the warnings about the appearance of rust in the location of the cut, so they write incompetent "specialists" who have never done anything themselves. Why?

  1. First, the cut is never located in the open space, it always hides under whole sheets or good elements of the roof. It is dry and very slowly oxidized.
  2. Secondly, the grinder work is much faster and easier than manual scissors. This is very important, especially if in connection with the peculiarities of the roof you have to cut a lot of sheets.
  3. Thirdly, cut with scissors very uncomfortable - hands and handles rest about metal, it bends, the fingers hurt. It is especially difficult to work across or at an angle to the waves of a metal profile.
  4. Fourth, overlapping sections of at least 10 cm, even if it starts rust, then for damage to such an area, several decades are required. It is much larger than the guarantee of coverage.
  5. Fifth, if the concerns remained, the location of the cut can be covered with paint.

Step-by-step instructionpreparation for mounting Proflists

Consider the most complex version of the roof improvement - warm.

If the width of the rafter feet is insufficient for the insulation, then to the rafters it is necessary to navigate the rails with such a calculation so that the insulation layer is not only placed, but there was a minimum of 4-5 cm between it for production.

Otherwise, the natural processes of getting rid of excess moisture will violate, the Minvata will answer, will lose its initial heat-saving properties. But this is not all negative consequences. Wet wool extremely negatively affects all nearby wooden structures of the rafter system. If the lumber is not processed by antiseptics before the construction of the rafter system, then this error needs to be corrected.

Practical advice. The quality of impregnation is much improved, if you add a keler into the solution. It allows you to detect pass and eliminate the shortcomings.

Initially, a thermal cake should be made, it consists of several layers.

Step 1.Come on the stapler from the inside of vapor barrier, do not forget to make a total of about 10 cm. The joints are defined with bilateral scotch. You can use expensive modern materials or an ordinary cheap polyethylene film as vaporizolation. The physical effect is the same, and the cost savings are tangible. The film has another advantage - large sizes. There are 3 m wide sleeves, if you cut them, then it turns out 6m. Such a wide material accelerates the installation process and minimizes the number of joints. The smaller the joints, the more effective the protection of mineral wool from steam.

Step 2.Surfing horizontal rails to rafylines. They will keep mineral wool and provide natural ventilation between the roof and the finishing finish of the attic walls.

Step 3. Place Mineral Watu. You can use both rolled and pressed views. Everyone has its own characteristics of the styling, but this does not affect the operational indicators.

Step 4.Load windproof. You can meet the various names of this layer: hydraulic protection, hydrotherapist, membrane protection, etc. But the correct name is windproof.

It performs two tasks.

The first - does not allow the weathered of warm air from the wool, otherwise the effectiveness of the roof insulation decreases sharply. Minvat has a lot of positive characteristics. There are, unfortunately, and three negative. The first is the cost, there is nothing to do here. The second is purity. Minvat easily passes air and almost does not interfere with natural ventilation. And she takes warm air into the atmosphere and serves fresh cold. The third is a negative reaction to increasing relative humidity.

The second task of windscreens - not to increase wool humidity, with increasing humidity, thermal conductivity increases sharply. A modern membrane that transmits pairs is used, but does not allow the wind to remove warm air, and the condensate leaving back to mineral wool.

Tip! To make it easier to mount the boards, it is worth using a pattern - a segment of the rail. The template put between two horizontal boards before fixing the top of them.

On this, the insulation is made, you can nourish the frontal boards and begin to lay the roof.

Prices for windproof membranes

Hydro-windproof membrane

IN.fromt.arctic on layingproflists

The main thing here is to put the first row. In the future, all sheets are aligned on it. We have already said that the presence of markup significantly facilitates the process, do not be lazy to do it.

Step 1. Attach the gutter fixing brackets. Before it should be installed a metal bar, and already fasten the brackets.

Single can be made of sheet steel. Steel strip bend hammer blows

Finished Planck (Sweeping)

Metal planet fixed

Blowing approximately centimeter on the temporon meter. No longer recommended. Why? If you make a slope of 2 cm, then on a 6m straight, the difference in altitude will be 20 cm. It is very bad - too low from the edge of the sheets will be a chute, rainwater will flock past him. How to prepare the fastening? Place all the details on the flat site, between the first and last, mark the difference of 10 cm (for our example), spend a line at an angle through all brackets.

Now it remains neatly on this line to bend a metal bar. In order to confuse the brackets during the installation, number the items.

Step 2.Screw the cornice strips. These are not only decorative elements, they protect the underfloor space from the hit of oblique rain and snow. Do not forget to make a total of about 10 cm.

Important. The minimum sizes for the overlap should be strictly withstanding, due to this board, they are protected from moisture. If the allen are insufficient, the water will fall into the gap and wet the board. And it dries under the plank for a very long time, which increases the risks of the appearance of fungal diseases and rot.

Step 3. Raise the first sheet to the crate and set it to the labels.

Practical advice. In order to facilitate the process of installing profiled sheets and make it safe, it is recommended to make a special staircase. It is fixed with two legs to the skit and allows you to move along the slope without fears to screw the screws.

Sagitt the center in the center so that the leaf can be slightly turned. The position is chosen - put a few more screws, but do not forget to leave the free space for overlapping the waves of the profiled sheet. You can start installation from either side, the alignment is done on the eaves. To ensure the warranty it is recommended to tighten the thread along the future of the chute installation.

Step 4.Raise the second sheet of professional flooring, put in place and check the position. If everything is normal, you can fix both. Self-tapping screws should be screwed in a chess order at the rate of 10 pcs. on 1m2.

Important. The second row is recommended to start with half of the sheet, due to this at one point there will not be four corners. This rule is mandatory for thick sheets, thin can not be shifted. The decision is made by a master in place.

Self-tapping screws across the wave, if the thickness is about 0.8-1.0 m, then it is possible through two. But these thick proflists are very rarely covered with roofs, they are too expensive. At the skate and the karnis is fixed every deflection.

Practical advice. Works are much eased, ate wind strap fixed immediately after the fastening of the first row of sheets, and to separate the horse as the workshop is promoted. Move on the already installed profiled sheets is difficult and unsafe. In addition, there is a high probability of their mechanical damage.

Each chimney is frozen, the sheets are cut. Special metal strips are used to seal joints and decorative design.

All the good items need to be bought simultaneously with sheets and from one manufacturer. This ensures that lobes, wind and cornice bar will have the same appearance.

If you do not rush to do everything, responsibly, and taking into account the recommendations, the roof of the profiled sheets will serve for a long time and reliably.

Video - Installation of Profile

How to roof the roof of a professional flooring

We choose the material

  1. List of necessary tools
  2. Preparatory stage
  3. Basics of mounting

Professional flooring is a popular roofing material, which produces many specialized companies. He got widespread due to numerous advantages:

  • available cost. The main advantage of the roof, because in this regard she wins in many analogues presented on the market;
  • durability. Professional flooring is made of galvanized steel, covered by modern polymer composition, guaranteeing protection against the negative impact of ultraviolet rays, an aggressive chemical environment and corrosion;
  • wide selection. Due to popularity, the material is offered by a huge assortment, so it is absolutely easy to select an option that comes up at cost and technical characteristics;
  • strength that guarantees a long service life reaching 15 years or more;
  • a small mass that simplifies the transportation and installation of the professional flooring;
  • aesthetic attractiveness provided by an extensive palette of colors and variations of execution;
  • universality allowing to apply roofing material on different types of buildings.

Now the doubt in the justification of the choice should not be left. And before you understand how to cover the roof of a professional flooring, consider the features of its choice.

Principles of choice of professional flooring

It is important to understand that its durability depends on the quality of the material. So, planning the purchase by defining with a suitable product, thinking what professional flooring is better to cover the roof, look at the following points:

  • coating. Galvanized sheets are the cheapest, but they cannot boast of essential strength, they are used mainly in economic buildings. More durable will be options with a polymer coating, but they stand just more expensive. There is also a pair of options. For the roofs with a significant slope, the roof is suitable, covered with polyester, the snow comes with it very quickly, and the likelihood of damage to the base under its weight is minimal. For the roofs with a small bias, it is better to buy professional flooring, covered with a pural or polyvinyl difluoride - it is stronger;
  • the presence of a capillary groove. It will provide a rapid diversion of rain and melt water from the surface. Please note - in the cheap product, the groove will soon be deformed under the action of loads, ceases to bring proper benefits;
  • thickness. Determined by the requirements for the strength of the coating, the minimum is 0.5 mm;
  • color - depends on your personal aesthetic preferences, designer idea;
  • the type of profile is also more affected by the attractiveness of sheets, rather than practicing.

Doubts have remained, and do you consider alternative options? Do you think the better the roof is a roof - professional flooring or metal tile? They are similar on the basis, therefore there are no fundamental differences in the technical specifications and operational properties. More attention is paid to the manufacturer, because the quality of the roof depends on it, its service life. Among domestic companies there are many reliable firms whose goods can be acquired calmly and confidently.

As for transportation to the site of construction, it is also worth paying due attention to eliminate the likelihood of material damage. Putting a professional flooring in stacks laid on a rigid basis, reliably on it recorded to protect against deformation. Sheets should feel tightly to each other, it minimizes friction capable of damping decorative coating. During transportation, it is not recommended to move at a speed of more than 80 km / h. Upon arrival on the object, unload the car is better together, carrying each sheet separately. It is impossible to move a profile of the wolf, because then it does not avoid damage.

How to roof the roof of a professional flooring: Cooking tools

Taking care of how to properly cover the roof of a professional flooring, learn the list of instruments required for work. You will need to prepare:

  • scissors for metal;
  • electrolovik;
  • screwdriver;
  • building level.

When choosing scissors for metal, pay attention to their teeth - they must be small. We need a tool designed for cutting steel sheets with a thickness of 0.6 mm. We will also need strong cords that you tighten on the roof to simplify the sheet alignment procedure.

How to cover the roof of a professional flooring: preparation for the workflow

First of all, find shoes with a soft sole. After laying the first row, you will have to walk on the material, and it is important to take care that he does not rush and not deformed. You can attack where the sheets are based on wooden boards.

Be sure to wear tight gloves so as not to be covered with sharp edges of the roofing material. You can endure it exclusively vertically, not allowing bending.

Roofing work Plan for good weather, with a strong wind, it is impossible to raise professional flooring, because there is a risk of damaging it. It is best to equip the lands from the ground to the labels for which the material will be raised. It moves one sheet. To be more convenient, find the helper in advance.

How to cover the roof of a professional flooring: Installation of professional flooring and its foundations

Consider a step-by-step instruction explaining how to properly cover the roof of a professional flooring. First of all, it is assumed to build a crate. It is performed from wooden boards with 50 cm increments if the angle of the slope is at least 15º. Otherwise, it is recommended to make a solid crate, eliminating the flexing of the roof under the action of loads.

  • parosolation (). Protects the insulation from moisture. Represents a special film, stacked with the overtrown, which after is sicked with a wide scotch;

  • insulation. It stacked between the rafters, protects the design from the accumulation of moisture, smoothing the temperature differences. You can use leafy, rolled and other types of insulation depending on the climatic features of the region, financial capabilities, quality requirements;

  • waterproofing (isospan). Exclude moisture penetration, extending the term of the insulation and vaporizolation. It rolls out from the skate to the eaves, it stacked with an overlap at 15 cm.

Many are interested, whether it is possible to cover the roof of a professional flooring on the ruberoid. There is definitely faithful answer. Builders disagree in opinions. It is believed that in this case the condensate will accumulate inside, because the runner does not miss moisture. This will lead to premature damage to the design, the emergence of the need for overlapping. In addition, when it is hot on the street, the professional flooring is very heated, as a result, the insulating material, located under it, will begin to allocate harmful substances and unpleasant odor. If the combination under consideration is inevitable, it is easy to solve the problem easily by setting the crate to the refinement that allows you to create a kind of airbag.

Now you can safely cover the roof of your hands with your own hands, without experienceing the quality of the finished result.

Important! Stacked the material is always bottom-up.

So it is possible to provide a nest in the right direction, avoiding the getting of rain and melt water inside.

First we put the first sheet by making the protrusion 5-7 cm above the eaves. Align it in a building level, fasten with roofing self-drawing. These are fastening elements made of high-strength metal having an anti-corrosion coating and a wide hat. Included, a seal is sold under the Hat to ensure the tightness of the connection. Initially, the self-tapping screws are installed in the lower row along the edges in the center of the depressions. After, the upper part is fixed in the same way. Next will remain to distribute the remaining fasteners. From the bottom and above the fasteners are installed in each depression, in the center - through one.

It is very important to fix the first sheet correctly Because on it, you will navigate, laying the remaining parts. Remember, we cut the roof of your own handwritten, so only the quality of the result depends on us. How to cover the roof of a professional flooring

The second sheet is stacked with the overlap In one or two waves, depending on the angle of the roof of the roof. The mount is carried out by the same scheme. All subsequent elements are identical.

When the first row is completed, the second is starting with a half of the sheet, shifting the backstage. This technique makes it possible to obtain a durable and reliable roof characterized by proper tightness.

Cutting professional flooring is allowed only by metal scissors , stained with bare edges. Bulgarian is impossible for this purpose, because it contributes to the destruction of the polymer protective coating.

When both roofs are decorated with roofing coating, install a horse.

It should be located flax on the finish. A special insulating tape is stacked under it, which enhances the inner space from moisture penetration. After its laying, bars are installed parallel to the axis of the skate. They will be attached to the pieces of the skate, fixing the fasteners in a step of 20-30 cm. If the decorative part of the semicircular, the ends are closed by specially intended plugs. For the P-shaped version installed in the center of the bar, to which the decor lies.

Observing the sequence of work, precisely understanding how to cover the roof of the roof of your own hands correctly, you receive guarantees of the quality of the result, the durability of the roofing coating, reliable protection of the attic space from the influence of atmospheric factors. If there are doubts, look at the additionally training video, where all the subtleties of the workflow are described in detail.

Many are interested in the question whether it is possible to cover the roof of a professional flooring, if it comes to a residential building. The material is quite noisy, therefore there is a risk of formophore inner atmosphere. But, above, we talked about the fact that the insulation and insulating films are stacked in the crate. They perform the role of noise insulation, guaranteeing the residents of comfort.