Repairs Design Furniture

Roll roof repair - preparation and conduct. Flat roofs with reinforced concrete supporting structures positive and negative sides of flat and pitched roofs

In the Moscow construction, two fundamentally excellent types of roofs were used: non-Cell and attic, and the boxless roofs are used in two constructive varieties - non-ventilated (Fig. 7.1) and ventilated (Fig. 7.2).

Bescaneous roofs received massive use in five and nine-storey large-pointed houses. The most characteristic example is the design of the combined roof in the houses of the 1605 or i-464 series (see Fig. 7.1). The supporting base serve here the same flat reinforced concrete plates as in the interlepting floors. According to the bearing plate under construction, the insulation of foam glass, cement-fibrolite plates, etc., cement screed and waterproofing carpet are placed in terms of construction. The drainage from the roof is organized through the inner drain.

This design is characterized by high difficulty, as all work is performed in the running conditions.

Ventilated combined roofs, the design of which consists of paired reinforced concrete plates with prisoners between them insulation (see Fig. 7.2, a), are manufactured in factory conditions. The drainage is also internal (see Fig. 7.2, b). As a heater, mineral wool plates are used on bitumen or phenolic bundles, cement fibrol and others. The bottom and upper plate are connected using clay-concrete wedge-shaped ribs (see Fig. 7.2, a), which simultaneously organizes the required slope of the upper roofing panel.

New in this design is the inclusion in the roof of the prefabricated element of it, which allows you to clearly organize the removal of water from the roof to the funnels of the inner drainage.

The weight of the complex panel of such a design is approximately 8 tons. It is used for nine-storey large-scale houses of mass series II-57, II-49 and 1605/9. The surveys showed a reliable operation of such a roof design, satisfactory waterproofing and heat engineering qualities.

The attic roofs usually perform on the buildings of high floors - more than 9 floors. The constructions are largely determined by the constructive solution of the house as a whole. With a panel construction of houses with a narrow step of transverse bearing walls, the roof is performed from special-platboratory vibrating rolling slabs in combination with a special element element of the Endament, as is done, for example, on a 17-storey house from vibrating rolling structures built on the Peace Prospect. In this case, the insulation is located on overlapping over the upper residential floor, and the attic thus remains cold.

In the houses with a wide step of transverse walls of the carrier base of the attic roof serve panels used in interoaded floors, or ribbed roofing flooring. In houses with longitudinal carriding walls, for example, the I-515 series or in brick houses, the roof is performed according to the vibrating rolling gearbird panels stacked on special transverse runs (Fig. 7.3) or by ribbed long-range fasteners.

Similar solutions of attic roofs are carried out in all houses of high floors, both large-poinner and frame. The use of attic roofs contributes to the increase in the operational qualities of residential buildings and, at the same time, is not associated with a tangible increase in building value.

Consider the peculiarities of the roof and comparable to the existing constructive solutions of the roofs.

The combined roof as an outer fence differs from the outer walls by the presence of a powerful waterproofing layer (carpet) located on the outside. The waterproofing layer is practically steamproof, creates conditions for moisture accumulation directly in the insulation layer under waterproofing. Due to the diffusion of water vapor penetrating out of the room, the moisture is delayed in the design and as a result of this (when operating the building in the winter), there is a sharp deterioration in the heat-shielding quality of the roof, bundle and disruption of the waterproofing carpet, the destruction of the insulation. The situation is exacerbated by the high initial humidity of thermal insulation materials - fibrolite, mineral wool slabs and other porous materials, easily absorbing and slowly giving moisture. As notes showed, the actual humidity of the heat-insulating material after 2.5 years of operation ranged from 12 to 28% instead of the regulatory 3-10%. Such a high humidity of the heat-insulating layer of combined roofs has a negative effect on their operational qualities, reducing durability and increasing the thermal conductivity of structures, which causes the roof freezing or the appearance of condensate on the ceiling of residential premises.

It is well known that with an increase in humidity of materials, thermal conductivity is significantly increased. For example, for foam concrete weight of 600 kg / m 3, the coefficient of thermal conductivity with a weight moisture content of about 10% is 0.226 kcal / m 2 · h · hail, and with weight humidity of about 20% - already 0.321 kcal / m 2 · h · hail. For the heating season of the heat loss through 1 m2 of coatings with an increase in the humidity of foam concrete from 10 to 20% increase by almost 30%. This can be compensated by the heating enhancement (and, accordingly, increasing the cost of fuel). But with the enhancement of heating in roofing panels with insufficient heat transfer resistance (due to increased humidity), sanitary and hygienic conditions are deteriorating, despite the increase in operating costs.

In addition, high humidity of materials under roofing carpet sharply reduces its durability. Due to the intensive heating of the carpet in the summer in the pores of the material located under it, the pressure of the water vapor sharply increases, as a result of which the rugs are formed in the carpet, which reaches 20-30 mm. This phenomenon becomes even more intense due to the occurrence of cracks in the crude screed from the cement mortar, which repeatedly freeze and pulls away.

Big initial moisture content is especially characteristic of non-informal combined roofs, insulated by laying the heat insulating material on the bearing plate with the subsequent device of the screed and the carpet sticker (such as in the houses of the 1605 series). Designs of this type it is difficult to protect against soaking by atmospheric precipitation during construction.

As the surveys have shown, ventilated roofs quickly enhance: after a year of operation, the humidity decreases from 13% to the normative - 3%. The observations showed that air movement in ventilated roofs occurs constantly; The speed of this movement, depending on the speed and direction of the wind ranges from 0.08 to 1 m / s or more.

In the process of developing and improving the designs of combined roofs, many diverse solutions were developed, but still the roofs still remain busy and have insufficiently reliable operational qualities.

The construction of the roof in the houses of the 1605 series is the design of the roof in the houses of the 1605 series, the construction of the roof in the houses of the 1605 series. It was not by chance that it turned out to be 18% more expensive and 2.5 times more time-consuming than the design of the combined roof of a paired reinforced concrete shell (Table 7.1), in which the normal temperature and humidity mode is ensured. In the final solution, the construction of reinforced concrete rolling elements that have become more crack-resistant and rigid are significantly improved; The element of the tray, along which atmospheric waters are removed to the inner water jets are removed. All the main works on the device and configuration of the roof are performed at the factory, and on the construction only close the seams between the plates and glue the last layers of the waterproofing carpet.

Waterproofs with roofs are accepted by internal, as well as an organized and unorganized outer drainage inaccessible in the conditions of the Moscow climate, especially in the buildings of high floors.

The reliable and rational design of the inner drainage, which can be recommended for widespread use (Fig. 7.4). The inner drain is made of cast-iron or, more rationally, from asbestos-cement pipes with a diameter of 150 mm connected on the couplings. Its main feature is the organization of open issues on the surface of the Earth. Waterproofs with such open releases are already valid for more than 10 years.

Conducted in the winter period measuring the temperature of melting water in the drainage showed that it does not fall below -2 ° C, and therefore the possibility of forming ice traffic jams is eliminated. Thus, traditional solutions were completely optional from the inner drainage in the storm sewage system, which are far from everywhere and also lead to a sharp rise in the cost of drainage (Table 7.2).

In order to avoid the formation of forehead on Earth under open release, it is advisable to switch to the winter period the descent is essentially a very small number of melt waters into urban sewers.

The analysis shows (see Table 7.2) that the cost of the device of internal drains with an open water outlet system with immeasurably higher operational qualities is approximately equal to or below the cost of external organized drainage.

The drain funnels are usually located along the longitudinal axis of the building and one for each residential section. The maximum area of \u200b\u200bthe catchment on one drainage funnel must be taken no more than 400 m 2. Cross biases of the roof, aimed at the axis of the building, on which the drainage funnels are located, are usually 1.5-3%. Between the funnels, triangular inclined roofing rates are formed, called envelopes through which water flows into a funnel. In the ventilated roofs, the most rationally arrange straight gutters with a small longitudinal bias of 1-1.5% (see Fig. 7.2, b). On envelopes or in the groove, a waterproofing carpet of four rubberoid layers on one pergamine layer is stacked.

The correct design solutions of various types of superstructures on the roofs are important to ensure the high performance of the roofs: ventilation channels, hatches, etc. Currently, industrial solutions of add-ons are developed, which simultaneously include a reliable plant and fastening of the waterproofing carpet, in particular, combining one block of ventilation channels, sewer hoods and radio television antennas. Due to this, it is possible to significantly reduce the number of places of intersection of the roof with superstructures and eliminate possible damage to the rolled waterproofing that occur in areas near the intersections.

The generalization of construction practices allows you to recommend as a basic solution for residential buildings. For more than 9 floors, an attic type of roof (with a warm attic device) with an internal drainage of asbestos-cement pipes and a water supply from the land level.

The reconstruction of the roof of apartment buildings is significantly different from similar works in a private house. Therefore, residents of high-rise buildings have to perform a whole algorithm of actions.

For this, applications from tenants are collected, submitted to the management organization, which, as a rule, does not particularly seek to delve into the problems of the wards of citizens. According to the result, the roof repair of such houses, taking into account the cost and scale, can be delayed for several years.

But if you do not intend to wait for a long time and tolerate the constant drops from the ceiling, it is worth contacting our Moscow roofers. Our specialists are ready in the shortest possible time to arrive for inspection of the roof, reveal the reason for the appearance of leaks and make a detailed defective statement.

Based on this document, the estimate is formed and the technical task for employees. Therefore, tenants already at the initial stage will know the real fixed cost of repairing the roof and will be able to fully appreciate the competence of a contracting organization.

It should be immediately noted that the cost of installation work during capital repairs is sufficiently high due to the need for serious investments. If a partial repair is produced, expenses, of course, decrease, but also the guarantees that soon it will not be necessary to produce repairs, it is impossible to produce.

As a rule, partial roofing repair is performed in the following situations:

  • damage to roof elements;
  • reduction of soundproofing and insulating properties;
  • the appearance of minor leaks;

Partial repair allows you to improve the appearance of the roof, which is also interested in many tenants. In turn, the overhaul of the roof is needed with more serious damage and the muffling. In this case, the specialists of the company "Moscow roofers" perform a complete replacement of the entire roofing pie, carrying structures, drainage systems, carry out the processing of a wooden frame.

In order to make a final decision on the need for capital or partial roof repair, it is worth the conclusion of our competent specialist. We are ready to go to the object at a convenient time for you, make a detailed shift and explain all the points of interest regarding the repair and maintenance of the roof of an apartment building.

Where to go and what to do if the roof of a multi-storey residential building flows? The easiest way is not to wait for help from local officials, but it is better to call for the rescue of our wizards of roofers!

"Moscow roofers" objectively assess the state of the object and make a conclusion about the necessary work on consideration by the customer.

Turning to Moscow specialists, you can count on a competent solution to problematic issues in a short time!

Repair of a soft roof with the referencerOd is widely used to arrange and repair a flat roof of multi-storey panel houses. Repair of the rolled roof is a roof device using the method of burning soft bitumen polymer compositions on a flat surface of the roof. Such materials are made on a fiber-based basis, soaked with bitumen, as well as modified polymers. This type of roof is considered to be the third generation of the development of a soft roof.

Roll roof has excellent physico-mechanical properties, namely heat resistance, strength, elasticity, waterproof, increased resistance to squeezing, has a low deformation with significant loads. Such a roof is perfectly combined with concrete and other roofing materials. Roll roof has good soundproofing and sound-absorbing properties, during the shower it is almost silent.

The filtering rolled roof, unlike other types, is not afraid of a strong hurricane wind. A lot of important advantage of this rolled material is that it is easily transported. In industrial conditions, a bitumen or polymer-bitumen mixture is imposed on the rubberoid layer, and then the material is covered with a special protective layer of special coarse crumbs. Often use sand, mica or slate. The lower layer is polyethylene film. The material produced can be used to burn. The quality of the rolled roof depends on the modifiers of the bitumen mixture. Such is the styrene-butadiene-styrene (Polymer SBS) and Atactic Polypropylene (APP). These components give the material heat resistance to +180 degrees, waterproof, fire resistance, ultraviolet resistance, flexibility.

Installation, device and repair of a flat rolled roof can be made in different season. Only precipitation can prevent the production of work. It is strongly recommended to completely dismantle the old cover, since it may contain a certain amount of moisture, which may further contribute to the formation of bloatings. It is because of them that puddles will be formed, and accordingly leaks and reducing the life of the roofing carpet will be possible.

The right technique of installation of a roll roof will extend the service life of up to 25 years. On the reinforced concrete surface, the rolled roof is placed by the method of swelling the layer of mastic. For this, gas, propane-butane or electric burners are usually used.

If drawdowns were formed on the surface, then such techniques are used for alignment: if the drawdown has a deepening of more than 15 mm, then after clearing the place it will be necessary to fill asphalt concrete, followed by three layers of the material of the material, followed by the overlap of each layer by 150mm. If the drawdown is less than 15 mm, then incurred the extra layer is not necessary and it will be possible to do without using asphalt concrete.

You can repair the air bag with a simpler method. It will be necessary to pierce the swollen part, release the air and enter the caterosin or white-spirits in the cavity. After that, the repaired area must be sealing. If in places in the installation of the waterfront roofing funnel has small leaks, you need to replace the rigid connection between the riser and the pipe to remove the water to mobile, and also set the clamps for the clamping pipes. Before applying a layer of mastic, the place of sealing should be carefully dried and brew.

If, after a long time of operation, the roofing cover does not have defects and leakage, its service life can be extended. To do this, you must apply impregnation and protection of the surface of the material with special compositions. For the impregnation of the flooring of the roof, the composition of the mastic in the percentage should be: oil bitumen - 33, solar oil - 50, White spirit - 15, sodium siliconfluoride.

For the device of an additional protective layer, the composition must be: oil bitumen - 23, solar oil - 27.5, aluminum powder - 15.5, White spirit - 25.5, asbestos - 2.5, mica - 2.5, rubber Crumb - 4. The rubber crumb is introduced into the melted bitumen, slowly stirring to a homogeneous mass. Asbestos and mica as fillers are grinding to a dust-like state, and then stirred with bitumen-rubber binders. Solar oil and white spirit are introduced into such a mass. Later add aluminum powder.

The most time-consuming process in the repair of the roll roof is the removal of an old cover, which often consists of 10 or more layers of rubberoid. To mechanize this process, two machines use. The multi-layer carpet is cutting the machine with a rotating cutter. As a result, the operation of this machine turns out the seam width of 10 mm. Cover is cut in small sections 500x500 mm. Another machine These sections cut and removes with a base with a knife. Waste fit into a special container and remove from the roof. With this equipment for one shift, about 250 mm2 of the old roof can be removed.

Large drawdowns for the start are aligned with asphalt, and later in two layers, rolled with rolled material.

Repair of a rolled roof suggests:

  • preparing the roof base for subsequent laying provides for cleansing from garbage, dirt, water, dedusting and alignment;
  • installation of the thermal insulation layer using a monolith of a plate or bulk materials;
  • alignment of the lighting surface of the heat insulation;
  • applying the primer layer (primer);
  • the device of the waterproofing carpet with the help of laying a roll material and applying preheated mastic;
  • the device of cornisses, adjoins and parapets;
  • conducting sealing of outputs to the roof for antenna, pipes, etc.;
  • installation of the drain system;
  • the device for the anti-icing of eaves and drainage.

Most buildings having a flat roof need repairs. Despite the excellent physico-mechanical properties of the rolled material, in our climatic zone, the soft roof becomes fragile over time and requires repair. Repair of the floor roof will be required where there appeared visible cracks and defects. They can be triggered by many factors. It may be wind, water, snow, air, hail, shock noise, ultraviolet, mold mushrooms, solutions of chemical reagents, trash.

If end-to-end cracks were found in the upper layers of roofing material along their 1M width, it is necessary to free the roofing flooring from the crumb or the protective layer. On the crack it is necessary to impose a lane of a roofing material with a width of 150-200mm and on one side it is glued. Next to stick into three layers roofing flooring so that the next overlap the previous one is 100-150mm. After such a procedure impose a protective layer.

If the cracks are detected on the adjunct to the walls, it is necessary to remove or beat the protective apron for ease of work and remove all the layer of the material that is slightly above cracks. Next, it is necessary to arrange an inclined transition side, release the entire surface of the roofing carpet from the crumb or the protective layer to the width to 750mm from the bottom of the transition side. On the protruding surface, the stable and wooden plugs are suitable, to which an antiseptic wooden timber is fixed. The surface of the adjoining below the bar must be predicted and placed in cement-sandy solution.

The bent part of the installed carpet must be thoroughly cleaned from dust and propagate. Next, hot mastic is applied to it and glued tightly with the surface. At the same time, a protective apron is naked to a wooden bruster. With the help of a dowel to the concrete surface, they attach the steel strip, sealed with mastic, and then paint paint.

It is necessary to determine whether the repair of the floor can be obtained by these signs:

  • microcracks, breaks, bubbles on the upper layer of material;
  • rotting and vegetation in the middle layer;
  • detachment and bundle from the screed of the roofing material;
  • software gluing mastic.

Experts recommend repairing the floor roof, if there is up to 40% of damage on the roof. Repairs can be carried out with the assay of the patch or smelting seam to the place of defect. The overhaul of the floor roof is required if 60% and more roofs are damaged.

The consequences of late repair

The roof flow can lead to serious consequences. It may be damage to furniture, equipment, a bad appearance of the structure, the flow of the ceiling part in the apartments and even before the accident in the whole building. That is why the roof repair should be high-quality, professional and timely. It includes a thorough examination of the entire roof surface.

Roof repair with cold mastic

For such a repair, it is necessary to pre-prepare the surface: cleanse from garbage, dust, dirt fix the adjunctions and slopes. It will also be necessary to make a complete or partial repair of defective roof sections. Since this type of repair is carried out without reinforcing fiberglass, the next step will be the fill with mastic.

Repair with cold mastic with reinforcement Fiberglass suggests such work:

  • cleaning the surface from dirt garbage, dust, correction of slopes, repair of damaged areas;
  • applying the first layer of mastic;
  • reinforcement of fiberglass;
  • applying the second layer of mastic;
  • final fill with mastic;
  • applying protective aluminum paint on mastic.

Sometimes the repair is used by the combined method, i.e. Using cold mastic without reinforcement with special fiberglass with a small top layer from rolled materials. To do this, perform the same surface preparation, as in previous cases. The first layer of mastic is applied, reinforced with a glasswork. After that, the second layer of mastic is applied and the top layer of rolled materials is applied.

Repairs from rolled materials in one layer suggests:

  • surface preparation;
  • priming the old coating of mastic;
  • pointing the upper layer of the roof of soft material;
  • for ventilated coatings, installing fluguards.

Types of device and repair of the rolled roof

  • Roof emergency repair. The need for such repairs occurs when the proceeding sites is detected or under emergency circumstances, such as extreme weather conditions or a fall in a tree. Often, it is replaced by a small part of roofing cover (5-20%).
  • Current roof repair. Current roof maintenance is carried out regularly or when signs of disruption of the tightness or strength of individual sections are detected. This type of repair involves a replacement from 10% to 40% of the entire surface, as well as the elimination of all sorts of damage.
  • Overhaul of the roof. Such repairs implies the complete or partial bulkhead of the roof. Old and damaged areas are completely cut and replaced with new ones. Overhaul involves:
  • dismantling of an old coating
  • dismantling of thermal insulation materials and screed
  • evaluation and repair of steam barrier system
  • repair of water system
  • creation of ransom
  • installation of thermal insulation materials
  • laying sand-cement screed
  • protecting cement tie.
  • installation of roofing around the funnels and aerators
  • laying the roofing coating in two layers in places of parapet and structural elements
  • the creation of parapets and protective aprons in the field of adjustment (such elements are made of galvanized steel, which is covered with polymer material).
  • Roll roofing device:
  • installation of the livneeperience
  • installation of a parobaric film
  • installation of insulation
  • installation on the insulation reinforcement grid
  • laying cement screed with a thickness of 50 mm
  • oGRANTOKA PriMer
  • outrunning adjoins
  • pointing a front layer runner
  • pointing Ruberoid Adhesions
  • pointing a second layer runner
  • installation of fluugaras
  • installation of the presser plank
  • installation of galvanized apron
  • installation of galvanized parapet.

For insulation, the roof is often used with bulk or slab insulation. The basis of the bulk insulation is clay gravel. This material is used for the device of slopes on a flat roof, which will ensure the natural flow of water into the drainage system. Plate roofing insulation These are usually a foam, mineral wool and extruded polystycleol.

The perfect base for roofing should be solid and smooth. This criterion will correspond to the screed, which is concrete, cement-sand and asphalt concrete.

If used as a base asphalt screed, it will make it possible to avoid wet processes that require a long drying. Also, such a type of screed makes it possible to reduce the process of installing the roof. It will be reduced and the likelihood of overvoltling insulation during roofing works.

During the installation of polymer membranes, mechanical fastening is often used. With hot air welding with a temperature of about 600 degrees, thermoplastic membranes panels are welded. This use automatic welding equipment. The adjustment device is carried out with the help of a manual construction dryer.

To repair the roof it is necessary to have such tools, mechanisms and devices:

  • electravertising single-trumped winches with a carrying capacity of 125 kg;
  • console-beam lifts with a loading capacity of 200 kg;
  • metal cantilever beams
  • rope with a diameter of 4.8 mm.

Using an asphalt screed, it will not require priming the base under the waterproofing layer. Laying the material of the material is carried out using a burner flame by melting the primary base and the lower side of the stacked material. If there is no possibility to use an open flame, then you can use ballast or mechanical fastening of bitumen-polymeric material.

Contemporary flooring, made of polymer roofing membranes or bitumen polymer compositions, is a durable reliable system with a service life of 15-35 years. Repair of the floor roof will not require additional labor.

Safety technique

Repair of the roof of liquid rubber is prohibited from producing during a strong wind (more than 6 points), ice and wet roof. While working, workers must have safety belts, non-slip (felted or felt shoes), safety belts, safety glasses and mittens.

In case of any inclination of the roof, it is necessary to take measures to prevent mastic mastic dragging and drop from it. Near the fire is forbidden to store primers, solvents and mastic.

Bituminous boilers must be located on the allotted specialists, which are removed from the buildings at least 50m. Near such a boiler there must be a set of fire inventory (dry sand in boxes, shovel, foam fire extinguishers). The boiler must have a well-closing non-splashing lid. Filling the container must not more than 2/3 of the total volume.

With the flow of the roof, the inhabitants of the upper floor and the tenants of the lower floors under them are facing. In the panel 5-storey, coated with rolled materials, water can penetrate the 4th and even 3rd floor. In the brick 9-storey, the 9th, 8th floor is exposed to flow. And how the room in which water comes from the ceiling of the last floor does not look.

In addition, often leaks are observed in apartments and on the staircases. In this case, water can end the 1st floor, running around the stairs without obstacles. Such a disaster is fraught with water penetration into electric shields placed on the site, which will lead to a closure and "burnout" of the shield. These are serious damage, fraught, not only water invasion and dampness, but can also lead to accidents. Therefore, it should be repaired immediately.

What and who can help with a roof leakage?

Photo 1 - covering the flowing roof with new roofing material
Photo 2 - Roof Coating Bituminous Polymer Roll

Stock Foto 3 -Irted rolled materials
Photo 4 - roof repair of an apartment building

About, what to do if the roof flows in an apartment building, there are many different tips:

  • seek help to public utilities, in a housing cooperative, society co-owners;
  • write a statement in the city executive committee, the state housing inspection;
  • file a lawsuit in court;
  • collect the neighbors of the entrance to solve the problem;
  • try to prevent leaking on your own.

As experience shows, now nothing helps nothing but the initiative and funds of owners who suffer from the development of roof leaks. However, you need to try other methods, but suddenly - someone will help at least partially, or your home is put on scheduled repair!

Repair at the expense of tenants

To the question: "What to do if the roof flows in an apartment building?" There is one right answer today. "Need to repair!" The tenants themselves collect money for material and work, and thus solve the problem. What else to do? Refuses come from managers, postpone, unsubscribers. The court decision can be expected for years. If the entrance lives careless people who do not bother to flow, then "fade away" accounted for the tenants of those apartments in which the flow is observed. In this case, you can try to solve the issue of partial compensation from the company that the rent is paid monthly.

How and what to do if the roof is in an apartment building?

Preventing the flow depends on the form of coating and applied roofing materials. Consider the most common case of a flat roof leakage covered with rolled bitumen materials. Ruberoid last time was covered by most of the houses. Of course, over the time of operation, the ruberoid managed to wear out, the sections peeling and precipitate appeared.

Photo 5 - detachment of roofing material
Photo 6 - crack

1. First you need to inspect the coating and determine the level of damage to visually.

2. The best way to eliminate trouble is to fully cover the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire plane with new roofing material (F.1-2). Competently do those owners of high-rise buildings, which are solved on the overlapping of the whole house. For this there are many high-quality materials (F.3). If there are no funds on the overlapping of all at home, they are repaired at least one entrance completely. Such a solution can eliminate lesion foci, but do not guarantee full protection. All the trick of the leaks of a flat roof is that water can move around overlap in any direction. If the roof "was tested" at the junction or near the drainage pipe, that is, the probability that the flow will stop if these places are taken (F.4).

3. When the problems of the financial plan do not allow overlapping the entire entrance, you can try to correct the flow of selective repair. The success of such a repair will be temporary, (if it). But, if the overhaul of your house with the replacement of the roof is scheduled after a couple of years, then you should try to correct the situation at least for several seasons. At the same time close the cracks, bloating, detachment at the joints (f. 5,6)

4. Often the owner experiencing "waterfall" is most trying to correct the situation independently or with the help of specialists. If he has a 2-bedroom apartment with a total area of \u200b\u200b56 sq. M. He buys one or two 10-meter rolls of the rubregass or other similar material. Such a coating can be closed 20 sq.m. Planes in places of lesion. New roofing material is laid on the most emergency sites. In places near the drainage pipes and in other areas, a plane can be treated with a special polymer mastic.

How to repair?

When swolling, the place of the lesion is opened with a cruciform cutting tool and turn the edges. Then the spatula is applied to mastic inside, and the edges are returned to the place and nail them. The overlapping of the damaged area is carried out by a patch, greater in size of damage to several cm. Separated seams are cleaned, lubricated with mastic and nails. If there is a material, apply a patch from above throughout the seam. Cracks close up in a similar way by mastic, and on top superimpose "Pack". In those places where the damage is frequent, weal the strip or two new material.

The overwhelming part of the people of the urban population lives in apartment buildings. Here I do not want to consider and discuss all sorts of neighbors, but only try to illuminate the types of roofing of residential apartment buildings. It may be interesting not only to those who are trying to create such a house on their own, but also a simple private developer who is looking for inspiration.

Dimensions of the roofs depending on the flood of the building

Residential homes were built by construction organizations for a very long time. First, these were small buildings that included a couple of floors. They could accommodate several people to a variety of family couples with children. Such dwellings were built from sawn timber, reinforced concrete, stones and other suitable products. Over time, the length of such buildings began to decrease, and the floods increase.

Low buildings (1-2 floors), as a rule, equipped two-tie or holm roof. In the first case, the developers chased the goal to create a simple, but at the same time high-quality roof. As you know, two skates can reliably protect the design over long years, and thanks to the good angle of inclination, they allow you to install almost any coverage. The favorite material of the majority of developers was slate. Thanks to him, the finished building had a quite acceptable price, which reduced the cost of removal of premises.

Higher buildings took the idea of \u200b\u200ba roof from industrial buildings. Flat roofs allowed to take advantage of even more favorable coating - ruberoid. The bituminous rolled product has high waterproofing indicators, so it is very valuable in the entire field of construction. The disadvantages of such a material can be attributed to the fact that it has to be installed in several layers for a high-quality surface, only then the underlying layers will be reliably protected from the harmful effects of moisture.

The old bracedo production technology could not give the material for a long operating period. It was only a few years, and after this period, the roofing plane had to be installed another layer of identical product. To date, such problems have been eliminated, and bituminous rolled material has a rather impressive operating period despite the remaining cheapness.

Flat roofs of multi-storey buildings over time are somewhat transformed. In the modern world, they can grow plants on them, spend their free time or simply go to the cross. Such roofs are called exploited. Their roofing pie is different from most flat roofs. It has a cement screed, a lot of insulation and other components with a large mass. If you think such a roof has a higher price tag compared to non-exploitable, but its advantages are obvious.

To date, complex roofs prevail in the construction of apartment buildings. They can see the totality of almost all species, such as flat and spherical, dome-shaped and scope. In most cases, the roof of the building is selected on the basis of the functional purpose of the building itself, and only the other nuances are customized.

Material for coating apartment building

If the construction is carried out by some kind of organization, then the economy becomes becoming obvious. Following this logic it is not difficult to understand that cheap coatings will be used for flooring the pitched roofs. This category includes:

  • Professor
  • Ondulin
  • Bituminous tile
  • Metal tile.
  • Ruberoid

The professional flooring is attached to the crate with special self-tapping screws, therefore, the work of the flooring is not so complicated, the main thing is to understand where to start.

Ondulin came to us from Europe and to date, it displaces the old asbestos slate. The only drawback in terms of savings is the need to create a solid crate, can leave a decent amount of sawn timber. The most pronounced plus of Ondulin is considered his little weight, thanks to which it can be surfaced over the old coating. This is not a cunning trick will save a decent amount on the dismantling of the coating.

Bituminous tile is reluctant to be used by developers chainning for savings. The process of its laying is quite volatile, and the price of such a job is not small. In terms of benefits, you get an excellent coating, almost 100 percent protected from moisture. On the surface of the tiles there is mineral pumping, which reliably protects the material from mechanical damage.

Metal tile allows you to build a noble appearance. The price of such a material is pretty rather big, so it rarely meet on economics projects. Despite this, this product is a very profitable purchase. When it is installed, the minimum amount of waste remains, and this is very important.

About the regteroid heard absolutely everything. This is a bituminous rolled material with a base of cellulose. The service life is a maximum of 10 years, and after this period will have to be installed a new carpet. To create a high-quality surface, it is placed in several layers. Manufacturers of modern materials do not consider such a product worthy and somewhat changed its structure.

From the composition removed cellulose and replaced it with a more durable product. Due to this, the service life of the rubberoid increased significantly. By the way, some developers were extremely outraged with the removal of old material from production, and large companies went to them for concessions resumed its production.

If the construction of the building is carried out by a private developer, most likely priority will be given to appearance.

Recently, many families are united and build one apartment building. It is quite profitable if the land in the city is expensive, and I don't want to remove housing for a long time.

As a rule, the height of such buildings does not exceed the 3rd floors, therefore, as a roofing system, you can choose both scanty and flat species.

Since preference is given to appearance, such products are best for this role as:

  • Ceramic tile
  • Copper and aluminum stacked by the folded method
  • Metal tile.
  • Ondulin
  • Other

Positive and negative sides of flat and pitched roofs

It is difficult to identify the pros and cons of the design, if you just looked at it. Let's start considering a simpler root, namely: flat.

The pluses of a flat roof include the following:

  • If you compare the plane roof area and scope area, then the first will turn out to be much smaller, although the building does not change its size. If the surface is less, then there will be little materials for its coverage.
  • The resulting surface can be used in their own intended purpose. For example, in the countries of Europe, the planet ecology is very much worried and grow their gardens on the roof. These are the most helping the nature of processing carbon dioxide in clean air.
  • All materials for flooring flat roofs have high waterproofing indicators.
  • Fencing on flat roofs can be issued with the help of a designer idea by making their construction unique.
  • The flat roof on a private house looks pretty defiant, you can attract attention.
  • Relative cheapness.

Minuses in flat surfaces abound. It makes no sense to list them all, the main thing is focused on the main.

  • Since flat roofs are almost always created without an attic room, then the overlap will be a ceiling. Through it, the heat will leave the room very quickly, therefore the insulation of the room should be created exclusively from high-quality products.
  • When using some coatings, such as liquid rubber, for movement over the surface you will need to create special lathes or bridges. Otherwise, you risk damage to the waterproofing layer, which will lead to the formation of leaks.
  • A poor-quality selected drainage system can form a large accumulation of moisture on the surface. The ideal solution to the problem is the vacuum gravitational system. It is able to cope with any volumes of moisture and during operation it is hardly clogged.

  • The flat roof must have a fencing.
  • In the snow regions, the country may have a service problem.
  • No attic room.

Now, when you have familiarized yourself with the strong and weak sides of flat roofs, you can start learning the scanty.

The scope roof has the following advantages:

  • Steep slides make it possible to remove the precipitate naturally and do not require human intervention.
  • Skates have an optimal angle for many coatings, the choice of material remains for the developer.
  • An attic room can be used as a warehouse. If the roof is a mansard, there may be a living room.
  • The attic acts as an air layer, so one layer of thermal insulation, laid over the overlap, is quite enough.

Cons of pitched systems:

  • When creating a high roof, the wind gusts will create a strong load that can deform the coating, and if you make a sharp heat, then atmospheric precipitates will be accumulated on the surface.
  • Most of the pitched systems are already tired of all developers.
  • Large consumption of lumber, which increases the cost of the entire building.

Selecting the roof for an apartment building. You must learn quite a lot of nuances, for example, the region of building, wind rose, climate, floors. Collecting all the data, you can easily decide what exactly to you personally.