Repairs Design Furniture

How to cut the ceiling plinth using stusl. How to cut the ceiling plinth in the corners: instructions and recommendations. Features of cutting ceiling plinths in the stub

To mount a flow of a plinth, it is necessary to properly dock it in the outer and inner corners, smoothly as with the adjacent elements and the wall. In this article we will tell about how to properly wash the ceiling plinth.

Methods of cutting angles on the ceiling plinth

There are three main methods of cutting corners on plinths:

  • with the help of stub;
  • using the drawing on the table;
  • using the markup on the ceiling.

How to block the ceiling plinth with the help of stusla?

What is a stub? This is a special tool that looks like a tray with slots. Grooves are designed for clear circumcision of corners on bars, rails and other elements. Standardly, the stubble has stencils of such angles as 45, 60, 67.5, 90 degrees.

Formation of an inner and outdoor corner

How to sprinkle the ceiling plinth for the outer corner? In order to cut it, it is necessary to put the plinth in the stubble from the other side with which the element will be fixed on the ceiling. Thus, the ceiling baguette is applied to the near wall of the stouch. After that, on the groove, which has a tilt of 45 degrees, cut the plinth itself.

Haller applies the bottom to the top of the stusl. Thus, we will see the element in that angle, in which it is attached to the ceiling. Do not forget that the bottom point of the slice will border the wall angle, that is, it will be an extreme point of the profile.

In order to trim the left plinth of the outer angle, the hacksaw have the left right, and for the plinth on the right, on the contrary, to the right left.

And how to do to cut off the inner corner of the left plinth? In this case, there will be a lower extreme point of the element, so the left cartel is cut into the right left, and the right - from left to right (read: ""). Thanks to this, we get an inner corner.

Cutting the corners with the drawing on the table

But how to wash the ceiling plinth if you do not have in the arsenal stusla? You can do otherwise. To do this, we need a drawing on the table, which will mimic stencil with corners.

At first, two lines are drawn on the surface in parallel, the distance between which is equal to the inner part of the stusl gutter, namely 8.5 cm. Now with the help of these lines, the square is made in which two diagonals are conducted. Thus, we obtained guide angles of 45 degrees.

Cutting the inner angle of the left plinth

Subsequent operations do not differ from how we did an inner angle with the help of stusl. Only in this case we press the plinth not to the side (which is simply not), but to the conducted line. In order for you to make it easier to set the plinth along the level, cut the box. Thus, you will get a surface on which the plinth can be opened. Do not forget that the plinth must not go directly on line. That is why the box is used.

When cutting, the lower part of the plinth will be directed from you. For the outer angle, the upper corner of the profile will be protruding, and for the internal - lower angle.

Ceiling markup for installation of plinth

This method is used if the angles of your room are not straight, that is, not 90 degrees. In this case, cutting along a stouch or stencil on the table will not give the desired results.

First you need to make a simple drawing. The plinth is applied into the angle and in its level on the ceiling is carried out. Similar operation is made on the adjacent wall. Now, if you attach plinth to the wall, then one of the lines cross it (see photo). This point and the lower corner of the plinth are on the cutting line. Thus, the required cutting angle is obtained.

For the formation of outer angles, a similar drawing is done. Only in this case the protruding will be the upper part of the plinth.

To cut the plinth of solid materials (wood, plaster, polyurethane), a hacksaw is used. Small teeth allow to make a slice smooth. But this does not mean that the tree hacksaw with small teeth will achieve the same results.

For cutting angles of foam plinth, a sharp construction knife is used. Drawing this material can not cut this material.

Since the predominant most premises are rectangular, during installation of plinths, straight angles of walls are drawn up (90 degrees). It is necessary to cut off the plinth at an angle of 45 degrees so that when docking 2 ceiling plinths, a straight angle was formed.

Important! The slope of the line will be different depending on whether we make an internal angle or external.

If you correctly cut the ceiling plinth, then the connection will be perfect an angle without cracks.

How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth with the help of stus

To make a smooth slice for an angle is quite difficult. We simplify the task and use the stub (you can buy in any construction store).

The cutting of the ceiling plinth is carried out with the help of a hacksaw. Cuts should be done very carefully. Do not put too much to put on the hacksaw to avoid chipping.

Important! With uneven walls, shorter plinth is suitable for the best dusting in the corners. With a short plinth, it is easier to achieve an angle without cracks, it will not be so strongly deformed due to irregularities, like a long plinth.

How to keep the plinth in arbitrary angles

If your walls do not form a straight angle, then the cut should be made without the help of stub.

Cut the ceiling plinth must be a stationery knife. In general, you can use any, a rather sharp knife. Even the kitchen is suitable, but it should be very good and have a thin blade.

Measure our sections will be directly on the corner on the wall. We will need to make markers on the wall, so you should stock pencil.

If the details fit to each other during docking, the more thorough fit is needed. It can be carried out by trimming the plinth by the stationery knife, you can also handle edges with sandpaper.

Tip! If you do not get to fit the junction perfect, you should not worry. The slots can be filled with a sealant or putty.

The installation of the plinth is the final stroke of the repair. And if the installation of the product on the direct sections of the walls of the walls and the ceiling is performed quite easily, then the facing of the angles often causes problems. Many people, not knowing the technology of cutting the plinth, spoil not one dozen planks in the hope of docking them in difficult places. We will tell how to properly improve external and internal angles so that they look carefully and attached to the interior of the completed view.

Varieties of ceiling plinths and scope

Before moving on to the question of cutting the product, consider it a variety. After all, it depends on the choice of this finishing element, whether the premises will receive the desired visual volume and whether it will become a more cozy and pleasant look.

Pick up the perfect version of the ceiling joint finishes, which will be harmoniously combined with the design of the room, is not so difficult, because the product range is very wide today. Ceiling plinths are available (cartlers), made of different materials: plastic, foam, polyurethane, polystyrene foam, wood and gypsum. In this case, all the planks can have a different color color, texture, profile configuration, as well as dimensions. Consider the features of the use of cartoons depending on which material they are made.

Knowing what kind of plinth is better to use in a place in need of the finish, it will be easier for you to navigate when choosing a product and pay the maximum attention to creating your unique interior design.

  1. Plastic products, in addition to the decorative function, can be used as a groove for fastening wall PVC panels. Such quantities are not glued to the surface, and fasten to a predetermined frame by means of a bracket or self-tapping screws.
  2. Polyfoam planks It is advisable to use for decoration of suspended ceilings from plasterboard. Also, they can also be installed on the concrete base itself, pre-plastered. This is the most budget version of the ceiling plinth, as the product has a rough surface that is subject to pollution. Therefore, at such cartoons after installation, it is advisable to apply a layer of paint.
  3. Polyurethane decorative elements are used for the ultimate finish of false ceilings from polyvinyl chloride panels. Room fixation is performed using special glue for PVC products.
  4. The ceiling plinth of expanded polystyrene is a universal finishing element, since it can be used for finishing the engineered surfaces, as well as ceilings lined with plastic panels. The attachment of the plinth can be made on special glue either gypsum shnot.
  5. Gypsum products are often used to give the interior of some pomp, characteristic, for example, for royal houses. Installation of such plinths is performed on plaster materials, that is, the shp can either alabaster.
  6. Haller made of wood is a classic option for decorating ceiling and wall joints. This is the most expensive block of plinth, but also the most durable.

Gallery of types of ceiling plinth

Tools for work

The first question to which people are asked to assemble the installation of the plinth personally, - what to cut it? The tool is selected depending on the material from which the quilt is made. For example, products from polyvinyl chloride have a hollow structure. Therefore, so that when they cut the edge of the saws turned out as even as possible, it is necessary to use hacksaw with small teeth. Otherwise, cracks and chips can form on the finish.

The optimal option is to use saws for metal - its teeth are small, and the width of their divorce is suitable. However, the use of hacksaw is limited to products with a rigid structure, that is, for thin-walled cartoons it will not fit. The fact is that the teeth can hurt the surface of the plinth.

You can also use manual jigsaw for cutting. When cutting products, the corners are obtained as smooth as possible. But this device has several drawbacks. Because of the low length of the cutting canvas, the use of stusla (a special tool for cutting a plinth) becomes very problematic. In addition, the cut is performed slowly.

Useful advice: If the peller has thin walls, then for its cutting, use the stationery knife, namely its construction modification with a reinforced blade.

What is a stub?

High-quality pruning of the product is possible only with strict observance of geometric shapes. When installing the plinth, the execution of this condition is extremely important, because to obtain a neat connective seam between the decorative elements, it is necessary to have a smooth cut. If you do this procedure "on the eye", then the brushless connection of the two plinths will not be done, because the ends will not match each other.

The highest quality cut can be performed using a special joinery tool called Stuslo. Its design can be different, but the principle of operation always remains unchanged. There are devices with manual adjustment of the corner of the corner, however, often builders use the standard variation of the tool, which is a wooden or plastic tray with vertical grooves in the walls to insert the saw. Thanks to the stub, you can easily perform vertical trimming of plinths at an angle of 45 and 90 degrees.

In addition to the cutting tool and carpentry, when installing the hall, you may need: pencil, vehicle, self-tapping screw, mounting glue and sealant.

Underlooking the corners

Cut cartel for external corners is performed in the opposite direction

Cut the plinth can be with a stouch without it. Consider each of the ways. Qualitatively cutting the angle through a special tool is very simple. First, the required quarrel length is measured. Then the first plinth is stacked in the stub, and the cutting tool is inserted into the vertical openings. The arrangement of the hacksaw is selected based on how the corner needs to be cut off the product. Next, it can be cut. At the second stage, trimming the second plank, which will be docked with the first one. At the same time, the knife should be inserted into opposite grooves at a similar angle.

Important: When combining two slats between them, a straight angle should be. Only in this case can be transferred to the next step - the fixation of the product.

Crimping the corners without using a joinery tool is made by markup at the installation site. The greatest inconvenience in this case is to hold the decorative element under the ceiling. First, measurements are performed here: the strap cut off at the right angle in turns are applied to the place of their installation and put pressure on the pencil. As a result, it turns out the connection point of the elements. Then on the plackers the line of the cut from the point of the joint to the corner and the products are cut off with the subsequent check of the accuracy of the connection.

Instructions for cutting

For the docking of the finishing element in the inner corner, you need to perform a subsidement and the right plank. Consider the method of cutting using Stusl. The procedure here is the following:

For convenience, insert the right plinth insert into the tray on the left side, turning it over

  1. First we make the markup of the angle, in order to exclude the situation with the shortage of the length of the prepared product.
  2. Take the left plank in the left hand and set the device's long-distance on my own. At the same time, the carter is located under the angle, as it will be installed to the ceiling.
  3. Next, we insert the saw into the near right and long-range left vertical holes of the stub (at an angle of 45 degrees to the bar). We produce cut.
  4. We establish the right bar by analogy with the left. At the same time, the product must be flipped over so that its ceiling facet lay on the base of the stus.
  5. Shot this time insert into the near left and far right grooves. Perform a cut.
  6. We take both planks, we connect on the floor and check the accuracy of their adjacent to each other.

As for external corners, they are in indoors in indoors, but, unlike internal, their flaws are more noticeable. In this case, an extremely accurate docking is required. If the value of the inner angle is 90 degrees, then external - 270 degrees. Therefore, the cartoons are cut here in the opposite direction.

To finish the outer angle, the left bar of the plinth is cut in the same way as the right for the inner corner, and the right - similar to the left

Stages of work:

  1. Measure the side of the corner.
  2. We take the left plank in the left hand and set in the stub.
  3. We insert the hacksaw to the near left and far right groove at an angle of 45 degrees to the plinth and cut the product.
  4. We start the response bar, turning it over it. Power put in the near right and far left holes. We produce cut.
  5. Check the accuracy of the joint of two slats on the floor. If everything is in order, then you can move to the fixation of the decorative element.

Video: how to cut the plinth

How to cut cartoons

If you have rounded corners in your house, then their finish will take more time and labor. Installation of the plinth in this case requires certain skills. Such angles can be made in two ways:

  1. Cut the carter to 5 cm widths. Depending on the length of the arc, it may be necessary to take a different number of parts, but it is advisable to use at least four. Straight ends should be only in the extreme parts that will be shrinking with the plinth itself.
  2. Now we glue the extreme pieces to the previously installed direct killers.
  3. Customize the rest of the pieces, trimmed by necessity. We glue all parts of the jack.
  4. Close up of gaps with a sealant or putty. Tin and disguise the joints, giving the finish the completed view.

Useful advice: Name all pieces so as not to confuse the order of their installation.

Similarly, the installation of a plinth on columns and pillars located indoors.

The use of a flexible quilt allows the maximum to reduce the number of angular parts, because in some situations there are enough single planks for finishing an angle. Often, such a plinth is made from polyurethane, so it can be bent at any angle. By the way, the product is often used to fabricate complex ceiling structures with rounded elements.

Video: I got angles from cartoons

The presence in the interior of the connecting parts is not always appropriate. A more aesthetic approach to the docking of the ceiling plinth is the formation of connecting seams. Neat crucified product is the key to the beautiful appearance of the entire finish.

Installation of the ceiling plinth only seems like a very simple occupation. In fact, you can face small and not very problems that can not be used, but also to completely repel the desire to make repairs. One such problem is a dusting of the ceiling plinth in the corners.

A lot of copies of ordinary residents of apartments were broken about the question of how to make the angle of ceiling plinth, because it cannot be simply cut at an angle of 45 °. What to do in this case? Let us turn for advice to professionals.

How to make the corner of the ceiling plinth, how to properly dock and crop plinth

Yes, the main and most cunning nuance in the installation technology of the ceiling plinth is how to trim the plinth and dock it on inner and external corners. The fact is that, in contrast to conventional plinths, the ceiling baguette is attached to the base at an angle of 38-45 °, which is why the classic section of 45 ° is carried out in places of junction. From the inside, the trimmed edges are not joined, leaving the gaps.

But this is all the complex professional lyrics. And how to make the corner of the ceiling plinth at home? The easiest way to work with accessories from foam. First of all, measure the angle itself between the walls. If it is 90 ° or so, then cut the edges at an angle of 45 °. Do the same with the second trimmer. With uneven joints between the walls and the ceiling, the radius of an angle is divided into two. Do not confuse the details of each other: that baguette that will be pasted on the left, should have a slice on the right side, and the right carter with the left.

To create an inner corner of the plinth on the ceiling, its lower part should perform above the top, for the outer corner, the opposite is the opposite. Due to the soft and fuel texture, to customize the polystyrene cartoons to each other is optional, but with plastic or wooden you will have to tinker. By making lateral sections, try the strap to the ceiling and, if necessary, cut down in accordance with the direction of the accessory adjustment to the surfaces.

After a rough docking of ceiling plinths, screw or glue the cartoons to the ceiling and the wall, and then take the seams.

How to cut the corners of the ceiling plinth, tools for trimming and cutting angles

To cut the angle of the ceiling plinth, you will need certain tools. If you want to make joints no worse than a mast to the repairman, then you will be useful to the electric tracing saw or stub. Using these devices, it is possible to achieve a high cut accuracy. At the same time, no effort is needed. You need to simply set the necessary parameters and omit the sharp blade of the saw into a plastic or wooden surface.

Crop the ceiling plinth can be both more cost-effective materials, such as hacksaw or manual stub. A simple saw is very cheap, and it is extremely simple to work. The only disadvantage of such adaptation is rudeness. Always risk spoil the material. If you bought a plastic or a tree of poor quality, then during operation, the product may begin to crumble or flaw on the fibers.

Make an angle on the ceiling plinth without burrs, will help the electrolybiz. The advantage of this tool, in addition to the high accuracy and efficiency of work, is also ease of control. Lobzika can be set any direction of movement and make the highest quality sections.

But these are all products to help solve the problem, how to dock the ceiling plinth of wood or PVC. To work with foam, it does not make sense to use such a complex technique. The usual construction knife is suitable here. The main thing is that he has a well sharpened blade, then you will be able to make a high-quality cut without breaking and stratification of the material.

You have never decided how to cut the ceiling plinth? No problem. In stores you can find cartel, already prepared for docking in the corners. In this case, the principle of the opposite is valid. Working with such a plinth, you need to do not oblique, but only straight cuts for the frontal connection of the parts. True, the cost of such accessories is higher compared to classical.

In order to start cutting the corners of the plinth, you need to get such a tool as a stub. This device configures the desired cutting angle by mounting knife or spatula. Its dimensions depend on the complexity of the work done. To install the plastic design, it is enough to use a stouch with low inclons up to 90 degrees. The most difficult moment here is, perhaps, dusting of all elements so that there are no cracks between them. First you need to make a sketch. Plinth is placed directly on the wall. If the stusla does not turn out to be at hand, you can do the usual stencil. On the photo is shown the process of cutting a small piece of polyfoam with a knife.

How to make an angle on the ceiling plinth

In order to make an angle on the ceiling plinth, you need to get two important elements. This is the material that you will be glued the ceiling, as well as a measuring line, with which you can measure the corners on the ceiling. If the wall is smooth, then, as a rule, no special problems with measurements arise, but if there are gaps on it, then it is not necessary to do without girlfriend. It is better to pre-process the corners with a sealant, sometimes it can be required to paint. It is important to remember that first you need to decide with the angle of the product, and then carry out the following operations, such as, for example, as cutting the ceiling angle. In the diagram you see the hint how to make the angles correctly.

Ceiling baguettes

Ceiling baguettes are special decorative slats for the ceiling, which can be decorated in various elements. Such a product can give the surfaces a beautiful aesthetic appearance. Most often, the baguette acts as a cornice and is used in the theaters and other cultural education buildings. However, now in stores you can acquire it varieties and for home use. Most often, the product acts as an additional element. Its execution can be different, both the inner corner of the plinth, and the outer angle of the plinth. Baguettes are recommended to install experienced repairmen.
The figure shows one of the varieties of ceiling baguettes.

How to cut ceiling plinths in the corners

In order to cut ceiling plinths in the corners, you need to have several important building materials with you and follow certain important rules:

  1. pencil measure the required ceiling length in which you intend to lay the plinth.
  2. using the stouch, you need to measure the length to which you will lay the corner of the plinth and make the cutting angle.
  3. create an approximate layout with lengths of length and cut the directly by the mounting knife.

Stusl can be purchased at any construction store of your city.
The figure mark the area, the angle of which it is necessary to carry out.
Read more video:

Ceiling cartel

Ceiling cartoons are now gaining wide popularity due to their simplicity in the installation. To start installing, you need to measure the perimeter of the room using a conventional line. We divide the area of \u200b\u200babout 2, depending on the area of \u200b\u200bthe room itself. You need to decide how many rockets should be taken. You can kill them in two ways: with glue or putty. In the first version, a flat surface of the wallpaper is required, for the second cutting the corners of the PVC bracket, the stationery knife, and further strengthen the product with a putty.

How to trim the ceiling plinth

In order to trim the ceiling plinth, you need to use stupid. If you are resorting to professional repair, you can buy the easiest option with an unbreakable range of angles of angles, from about 45 to 90 degrees. In order not to make a mistake in how to cut the plinth, draw the layout. This can help, for example, when installing a plastic product. It is cut into the very edge of the stub, if there are uneven edges, they are sawing them with a mounting knife. In plastic plinths, it is desirable to measure several stucco segments, and then engage in their separation. You can use the usual saw for cutting the ceiling plinth.

What is corners for ceiling plinth

Corners for the ceiling plinth or, as they are also called them, baguettes are special pieces of plastic, which have decorative trim. In everyday life, you can still meet such a name as ceiling eaves. Initially, they were used to finish in buildings of cultural importance, but over time, their use expanded to simple finishes at home. For corners, it is also necessary to make measurements of the ceiling length. Corners are most often made of polystyrene and have a dense texture and structure. In order to establish such baguettes, concentration and care are necessary. Installation is a little different from the usual ceiling finish.

Corners for plinths are different forms. The main feature is the decorativeness and protection of the outer corner.

How to roll the ceiling plinth

We will give you some tips, how to properly docile ceiling plinths. And it does not matter, you have a narrow or wide ceiling plinth. In order to start a dusting of each piece, you need to set one piece of foam plinth on the diameter of the wall and to dope with a pencil line to another corner. In this way, you can measure the mix of the ceiling plinth and its angular connection. Next, you need to put the carter straight at the angle (not on the label!), And with the help of an ordinary stationery knife. For a good connection, use bars with sandpaper. Corners are individually already in the monolithic design and one color.

What is a wooden ceiling plinth

Wooden ceiling plinth is a type of decorative decoration for the ceiling, which allows you to hide the visible irregularities of the wall and add the attractiveness to your room. In addition to standard plastic products, there are also wooden. You can get them in warehouses of logging factories, or in a conventional construction store. Only the one that will correspond to the finishing of your home should be chosen. Must be necessary to purchase nails or self-tapping screws to hold the wooden ceiling cornice. Setting the data of the elements takes some time, but the installation process itself is not so complicated, as it seems.

You need to carefully styled pieces, cut the corners, and process the places of future junctions. You will need various tools and fixtures for cutting wood. Docking techniques are practically no different from other types of similar products. The main thing is to carefully read how to calculate and how to fit all the connections. Then the connection will be held without problems.

How to dock the plinth

In order to engage in the docking process of plinths, you need to prepare several tools:

  1. pencil for measurements;
  2. docking stationery knife.

To begin with, the length and perimeter of the ceiling and placed with a pencil. If your surface is smooth, you can get a conventional stupid. The device is used in the lining of the plinths under small angles, approximately 90-120 degrees. Under the stubble put one strap of the product and already with a knife make cuts to form grooves for layout. The docking stationery knife is used if the ceiling angles are not smooth.

What is foam plinth

Polystyrene has long established itself as a good building material, due to its simplicity in terms of installation. For the ceilings, there was a wide application of foaming precincts. Such products are now easily accessible, and they can be purchased absolutely in any construction market. Polystyrene foam possesses good decorative properties. Such a plinth is usually supplied by particles. To secure it, several items are used, such as Stusl, a stationery knife. In order to measure the length, you can do the usual well-sharpened pencil

How to cut angle for ceiling plinth

How to cut an angle? In order to start the installation of ceiling plinths, first you need to know how to cut the angle of the ceiling plinth. Corners are measured with the help of angles and marking pencil, by means of which can be calculated, from which side of the angle we need to apply a piece. If we have a flat surface, we do it in a stub under small angles, and then, using a stationery knife, carries out the reserved corners. If it is a plastic plinth, you need to draw an exemplary scheme in order not to be mistaken in the pile of elements. Circumcision must be carried out carefully

How to slaughter plinth

In order to know how to set the plinth in the installation process, it is necessary to have a stub (for smooth surfaces) or a stationery knife, which is used for uneven angles. If you have a plastic product, it is best to take advantage of a special hacking for metal, then the trimming will be much easier. Cut the plinth must be carefully, not pressing hard on the knife or saw so as not to cut your hand instead of the angle of the plinth. Stuslo apply only for smooth surfaces. The product is most often under small angles, at a distance of about 90 degrees. The Stationery knife acts as a universal solution. When picking, it is advisable to avoid places in which there are slots.

What is a stood for the ceiling plinth

Stuslo for ceiling plinth is the most important tool for processing the plinth in the ceiling. It is distinguished by the presence from two sides of the cutting tips at different angles from 45 to 90 degrees, which are usually located with the left and on the right side. With the help of these tips, the plinth is clamped on both sides and is diverted by the cutting tool. In order to attach part of the plinth, it is necessary to drain the desired angles for dusting with a pencil. The marked product is inserted into the stub so that it stably stood on its surface. The plinth is kept with one hand, and the second, from another angle, you need to cut the material.

How to glue ceiling plinth

In order to know how to glue the ceiling plinth, you need to follow several rules:

  1. start always from the corners of the room, they are the easiest, and then you can also start the rest of the room (you need to beat the corners so that the cracks are not formed);
  2. with plastic plinth for Leplin, the finish putty is used.

Places for mounting are wetted with soil or ordinary water. After putty dry, the surface is recommended to close the slots. It uses sealants of various content to make them, but it is best to take a substance on an acrylic basis. For a small room there is enough single packaging. Installation with a sealant looks like a putty.

Plinth is an integral element required for the design of the room and giving it a complete and neat look. It can be made of various materials, but the plastic plinth is now especially popular. It is easy to install, but even in this process there are some subtleties about which it is important to know. How to cut the plastic plinth correctly, so that it is possible to take it gently docile in the corners?

Previously, the plinth was made mainly from the tree and were considered to be wooden products. But now in construction stores you can find such elements of the decor that are created from metal, and from plastic and other materials.

Wooden plinth is a classic. It is a natural product, as it is made of a solid wood massif. This species is characterized by high strength and durability - plinths installed in the times of the USSR, so far faithfully serve in some apartments and homes. Now they are made mainly of pine wood, but there are products from walnut, oak, ash and other breeds. However, due to this, the cost of products is growing - such plinths are not for everyone on the pocket.

Because of this, brackets veneered at the market appeared on the market - they are an order of magnitude lower. However, they are practically no different from products made from expensive wood. The fact is that the upper part of them, which plays a decorative role, is made from a thin layer of expensive wood. Without certain knowledge and experience, veneered plinth from ordinary wooden to distinguish almost impossible.

On a note! For cutting of plinths - wooden and veneered - the usual tree hacksaw is used.

The plinth plastic is now especially popular, that is, made of PVC. He partially displaced ordinary wooden products from the market, as it has a number of benefits:

  • it looks beautiful and neat - able to imitate products from a natural tree;
  • easy to install, flexible and very easily cut;
  • it can serve as a cable channel for laying wires;
  • it is not afraid of water exposure, and also does not rot, the mold does not start;
  • it is inexpensive compared to wooden or veneered products.

Plinth plastic is made of polyvinyl chloride, which is passed through special forms under high pressure. After soaring the mass, a neat plastic product is obtained.

On a note! Some manufacturers draw up edges of plastic tire plinths. This measure helps the product not slide along the walls and floor during installation and tightly lay down to the surfaces.

Plastic plinths are several species - for example used for carpet (have a special form in the form of the letter G, fix the material) or for Linoleuma. There are versatile products that can be installed on any form of floor covering. They may be classified and depending on rigidity.

Table. Types of plastic plinths depending on rigidity.


Out of shape resemble ordinary wooden plinths, can be installed both by the floor, and under the ceiling. The product is based on ordinary polyvinyl chloride, due to which the plinth has all the qualities inherent in this substance - durability, rigidity, all sorts of colors and moderate flexibility. However, with a strong pressure, the product can be easily breaking easily.

This type of plinths in appearance resembles a flexible tape, which is stacked along the wall without having to pruning, which makes the installation is much easier than in the case of rigid plinths. They are also made of PVC, but in view of the modest external data do not have such popularity as ordinary hard. The main advantage is the possibility of using indoors with uneven walls, but products are glued on a special polyurethane-based adhesive or putty.

How to trim the corners of the plinth

Since during repairs, it is more common that rigid plastic plinths are used, then it is about them that will be discussed. Their installation is inevitably associated with the need to cutting and forming beautiful junctions in the corners. From how the plinth will be docked, as a whole and will depend on the quality of all the work and the appearance of the room where the repair is made.

Methods of cutting plastic plinths

Cutting the plinth - seemingly simple, but responsible occupation. If the angles are incorrectly cut, they will not correctly stick and all work will go to the pump, since the product will no longer have a beautiful view - the gaps will remain between the two plots of the plinth and decorative inserts (corners, docking elements, etc.).

Most often for cutting the plinth applies usual hoven for metalwhich has small teeth. However, for thin plinths it will not work, as the product simply breaks under the influence of this tool.

Sometimes plinth cut and scissors for metal. But the method also has its drawbacks, because the product can be sought under the pressure of the blades. Less frequently, but still used Bulgarian. However, the cut line after it can be non-accurant, since the tool often "tears" soft plastic. Especially often this method is unsuccessful in newcomers in the repair world, which still do not know how to control the work completely. So the grinder can be attributed to fairly specific ways.

On a note! To cut a thin baseboard, you can use a sharp knife or stationery knife. But such work requires some skill, therefore it is recommended to first take off on the trimming of the old plastic plinth.

The most important thing in the procedure of cutting the plinth is observing the necessary geometry. The procedure is never performed "on the eye", the accuracy of measurements and accuracy are important here. Therefore, there are other methods of plinth cutting.

Cutting on stencil

The method is recommended for cutting products intended for installation in non-standard rooms in the form of rooms with angles that differ from the standard mark of 90 degrees. Stencils of the desired angle can be made of paper or fine cardboard. First, the strips are cut out of the draft material that have exactly the same width as the plinth. Next they are applied into the angle and fixed, after which they are cut on the form of an angle. Then, on the obtained stencils, the plinth itself is cut under the necessary angle.

Cutting outdoor baseboard with stusla

For proper trimming of the plinth, a special device was invented, which was named stuslo. It is a small bar with a stripping for a plinth and gaps located at different angles - for the cutting tool.

With the help of a stub, you can get neat and smooth sections. The plinth is fixed inside the product, then the angle and direction of the cut is selected in a particular case.

On a note! If you need to form a beautiful angle with a stouch, then one plinth segment is cut at one angle, and the second is in the mirror image.

During working with a stupid, it is important to ensure that the edges of the plinth be played by the edges of the selected slot on a short distance. If the trim tool has a greater width than the plinth itself, it is recommended that it is recommended that it is recommended to secure the product inside the stus. Otherwise, the plinth can move inside, the cutting angle will constantly change, because of which it (cut) is incorrect and wrong.

Important! During the cutting pressure on the plinth should be moderate. Otherwise, he may break.

Using a ruler and pencil in the absence of stub

If there is no stouch at hand, but I don't want to do stencils, you can try to apply the necessary markup on the plinth with a pencil. In the case of the formation of an inner angle, the line width is measured, then the resulting value is deposited on the end part of the plinth, and from its angle to this marked point, a pencil line is performed, according to which the cut will be made. The second plinth, which will be together with the first to form an angle, is simply clipped by the first one applied to it.

Important! If the installation of plinths is performed in a room having a complex geometry, then all the angles will have to be thoroughly washed to prevent an error.

Experienced masters recommend starting the installation of the plinth from the inner corner. At the place of the joint of two walls, which form an inner corner, the slice on the plinth will be equal to 45 degrees (in the room with the right and accurate geometry). Cutting is recommended to be performed using a stouch - only this can be achieved perfectly smooth cut.

Tip! If you need, you can easily fit the plinth to each other with a grinder or a rashpil, slightly "removing" their edges.

In general, in any case, the cropped edges of plastic plinths should be stamped - so it will be possible to get rid of sharp edges, and it will work easier. And the cutting of plinths with cable channels is made only after the product disassembly is a decorative plank, designed to conceal the wires and attachment places of the plinth, is cut separately.

It is recommended immediately before installing the plinth cut on the required length of the segment and arrange the angles in order not to be distracted by this procedure during the plinth assembly. You should not neglect the use of additional elements - plugs, corners and other products for the plinth. With their help, it will be possible to make the finished work finished and harmonious appearance.

Tip! If the angles where the plinth is stacked, uneven, then it is possible to cut even decorative plugs and other elements if necessary.

How to cut outdoor plastic plinth

If the angle in the room where the walls of the walls and the floor of the plinth are planned, is equal to 90 degrees, which happens extremely rarely, then plinth sections should have an angle each in 45 degrees. This is the easiest to make such a cut, especially with the use of stusl. It is enough to insert the plinth in the stub, then select the groove of 45 degrees and make a cut.

However, such angles of 90 degrees in the premises are extremely rare, usually they differ in several values \u200b\u200bin one direction or another. And in some rooms and at all angles may be more. Then cutting is performed differently: markup is drawn on the floor with a pencil, where, from the same side of the corner, the location of the plinth is drawn - it will turn out to be a small rhombus. Diagonal of this rhombus and will be the very line of cutting products. Next, the plinth is applied to the markup, which makes the markup in accordance with the diagonal of the rhombus. If there is a straight line from this mark to the angle of the plinth, then the desired cut slicer is obtained.

The external corners of the plinths are formed a little differently, or rather, in the room with an ideal geometry, it is also possible to cut the products at an angle of 45 degrees (but in another direction) and after docking to close the edges of the plug. Non-standard angles are cut into this: one of the plinths is applied to one of the walls, its borders of the pencil are noted. The same procedure is made with another product - again on the floor there is a rhombus, the diagonal of which will become a guide for cutting products.

Instructions for trimming the plinth

Consider how the trimming of the plinth takes place with the help of stouch and hacksaws.

Step 1. After all the sizes dropped, the plinth is placed in the inner part of the stouch and pressed to one of its walls.

Step 2. With the help of the hacksaw, the plinth trimming is performed. Cutting (sawing) The tool is inserted into the selected groove - it can be cut.

However, sometimes plastic plinths are enough to trim at right angles - now a large number of different additional products have appeared on sale. For example, there are such corners that will allow to hide smooth cuts and it is beautiful to arrange everything. Your attention is an instruction on the installation of plastic plinth.

How to mount the plinth? The answer is here!

In general, all existing methods for fastening the plinth can be divided into two categories - installation by mounting to the floor and mounting to the walls. You will have to choose depending on the type of plinth and the design features of the residential premises. Read more in detail.

Step 1. All measurements are removed - the required length is determined for the plinth segments. These values \u200b\u200bare deposited on two products from which the angles will be formed.

Step 2. The plinth is trimmed with a stouch and any cutting tool and applied to the walls - it is necessary to make sure that products are cut correctly and have the necessary length.

Step 3. If everything is done correctly, then the plinth is screwed to the wall using self-tapping and dowels. But before this, plugs or corners are put on their ends.

Step 4. At the outer corners of the plinth are connected with each other with special plastic devices.

Step 5. The plinth is installed on the place appointed to it and is screwed to the wall by self-draws.

Step 7. The cable channel with laid wires is closed with a decorative plug.

Step 8. External angles are closed with special corner plugs, which are simply put on the edges of the plinths forming the angle.

Plinth prices Outdoor plastic

plinth floor plastic

Video - how to cut the plinth

Video - secrets of plastic plinth installation