Repairs Design Furniture

How to mount plasterboard to the ceiling: Learning to mount single-level and multi-level ceiling designs. How to mount drywall to the ceiling: Krepim frame and fastening sheets HCL to the ceiling profile independently

Plasterboard - perfectly suitable for finishing the ceiling space. It has a lot of positive qualities, and with it you can create an interior in an absolutely any style. However, the drywall ceiling is unstable to mechanical damage, so so as not to spoil it during the installation process, you need to know how to fix the GCC correctly.

Plasterboard is the perfect material for the design of modern apartments. With it, you can hide the irregularities of the old ceiling overlap, hide all inset communications or simply give the interior with a modern and neat appearance. From what purpose use the design of plasterboard, it depends on which methods can be used to mount it to the ceiling.

What methods are used for attaching plasterboard to the ceiling:

  1. The frame of metal products perfectly hides the communications and irregularities of the base the base. The assembly of a metal frame includes the following steps: markup, installation of guide profiles, fastening of suspensions, laying longitudinal and transverse profiles. This method of installing GLC has only one disadvantage - it strongly places the height of the room.
  2. Wooden frame with the ability to hide the shortcomings of the ceiling carrier overlap, minimize reduces the height of the room. However, it is less resistant to unfavorable environmental factors than metal films. When installing a frame of wooden rails, it is especially important to correctly make the layout of the base ceiling.
  3. The frameless fastening method implies with the connection of GLK directly with the ceiling of the base. If this scheme will be used to assemble the plasterboard ceiling, then the height of the room will absolutely not decrease. Unfortunately, this is a way to approach only with the presence of a perfectly flat wooden ceiling.

All three ways are good in their own way. To determine which of them to use, you need to know exactly the characteristics of the room in which repair work is undergoing. If you can not make a decision yourself, you can refer to the professional. In any case, keep in mind that the metal frame, although the ceiling is replaced, is the most reliable.

Frameless fasteners to the ceiling for plasterboard

Frameless way, although it is considered not the most reliable, often used in houses with wooden ceiling. This is due to the fact that in some apartments the ceilings are so low that even 10-15 cm, which can take a frame, are critical.

Despite some disadvantages of this method of fastening, if fixing the plasterboard on the basis of correctly, it will serve for quite a long time.

There are two ways to fix the GLK on the ceiling based on your own hands. They can be glued with a special glue for drywall or fasten with screws.

In the first case, laying of drywall is only on the ceiling covered with a layer. A special mastic consisting of bone glue and gypsum is applied to GLC in small portions. It is distributed along the edges of the material and in the center. Then the plasterboard plate is tightly pressed to the ceiling and is held in this position for several minutes.

In the second case, it is not necessary to primitive surface surface. GlKl sheets are simply screwed to the ceiling with 8-10 cm of self-sufficiency.

How to fix plasterboard on the ceiling with frame

For mounting drywall to the frame, a slightly different technology is used. Collect such a design with a partner is simple enough. The main thing with attentiveness and accuracy approach the installation process.

Stages of mounting plasterboard on the frame:

  1. Before laying GLCs need to trim. This is done with the help of painting knife and roulette. From the cropted edges of the plasterboard at an angle of 45 degrees, the chamfer is cut.
  2. In plasterboard elements on which lighting devices will be fixed, round slots are made using a drill with a special nozzle.
  3. Next, plasterboard sheets need to be attached to the frame, for this you need assistant. At the same time, the edge of the sheet carcarter should be held strictly in the middle of the frame profile. It is necessary so that the next plasterboard has enough space for fastening.

Hats of selflessness need to drown a little in the drywall, but at the same time, they should not break through the top paper layer. Of course, you can adjust the depth of planting screws and yourself, but it is better to purchase a special nozzle for drywall, it will help you correctly make the installation of GLC to the frame.

How to screw the plasterboard to the ceiling

Install plasterboard sheets on the ceiling one difficult, but it is quite possible. Of course, such work will take you more time and will require additional equipment, but if there are no options, you can handle yourself.

The device for holding a sheet of plasterboard near the ceiling reminds with its appearance huge mop. Such subways can be made of metal profiles.

In order to put a sheet of plasterboard on the ceiling, you need to tighten it on the table (or goat), and then raise it to my head. One hand you helps to keep GLC on your head, and the second led the backup, gradually straightening it. Thus, you need to install two backups, and then you can freely attach plasterboard lying on them.

How to mount plasterboard to the ceiling (video)

Attach the plasterboard to the ceiling is quite possible without the help of the wizard. To do this, it is desirable to have a responsible assistant, but if there is no such thing, you can do on your own. Believe in yourself, and you will definitely work out!

Tsugunov Anton Valerevich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Creation of simple and complex ceiling structures is beneficial to produce with drywall sheets (GLC). The material has good specifications and relatively cheap. The easiest way to make a single-level suspended ceiling. In this process, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to figure out how to fix plasterboard to the ceiling or, in other words, with the technology of mounting the frame and the installation of plasterboard sheets.

There are the following methods for fastening drywall:

  • installation on a metal frame;
  • fastening on wooden rails.

Fastening sheets to ceiling knitting materials

Plasterboard can be glued to the ceiling and walls without a frame, which allows you to save space space. The base surface should be pre-prepared:

  • First of all, the peeling paint or plaster is removed.
  • All irregularities are eliminated by putty after pre-processing by primer.
  • The surface must be degreased.

If there are significant drops and defects, the adhesive method is not suitable, in this case the framework is used. Also without a crate can not do when laying on the ceiling of communications.

Plasterboard can not be glued to the following surfaces:

  • wooden, since the tree can change the dimensions;
  • wet or painted oil paint;
  • on a smooth concrete surface (notches are made first on it).

Installation on glue

Plasterboard is glued to the ceiling on mastic - reliable and inexpensive adhesive material. You can buy special glue "Perlfix".

  • A spatula on the surface of the sheet is applied sour cream.
  • Plasterboard is applied to the ceiling and pressed. To create a dense connection, holders are applied.

Important! Sheets are located in a checker order so that neighboring seams do not coincide.

  • The horizontal surface of the leaf surface is checked by the level, if necessary, the position of the plasterboard is corrected by the rubber-cutting hammer.

Near the windows and doors glue is applied to the entire surface of the sheet.

You can glue any plasterboard, for rooms with high humidity, moisture-resistant material is chosen. Ceiling and wall plasterboard should be distinguished: ceiling sheets have a smaller thickness, they are easier and attached to them more convenient.

Mounting for mounting foam and dowels

Foam can be glued with sheets not only on the ceiling, but also on the walls. The surface is prepared in the same way as under glue, only no longer need to align the base surface, because the air clearance remains between it and sheets.

  • The sheet is attached to the ceiling and through it on the surface holes under the dowel with a step of 0.5 m.
  • The sheet is removed, after which a distance of 10 cm from the holes to it from the inside, the pieces of the foam rubber equal to the thickness are glued, and the spacers of the dowels are inserted into the ceiling holes.
  • Then the sheet is aligned again along the holes with the base surface and is attached to it with dowels. The puck is installed under the head of each self-press.
  • The position of the sheet is set using a level. Due to the foam pads between it and the basis forms a gap.
  • Near each attachment in the drywall, a hole with a diameter of 6 mm is drilled and foam is injected into it. Then, with the help of dowels and a rubberized hammer, the position of the horizontal sheet is adjusted.
  • The next day the washers are removed, and the self-tapping screws are screwed back with the head. The sheet attached to the foam will be additionally fixed using a dowel.

Frame mounting of plasterboard

Installation of sheets is made in several stages.


It is followed as follows:

  • On the base surface is the lowest point, which should be translated into the wall in the nearest corner. The minimum indent from the ceiling to the metal profile is 25 mm - the value corresponding to its thickness.
  • Rates from the mark on the wall of 30 mm, you should make another label and transfer it to all angles by applying the construction level.

If point lamps will be mounted in the ceiling, the carcass indent from the base surface is made taking into account their height.

  • With the help of the painting cord, horizontal lines are fighting around the entire perimeter of the room. On them there will be a lower frame level.
  • Also on the ceiling, the lines of the arrangement of the suspension with the calculation of the placement of sheets of 50 cm width is taken. From the wall, the first mark is made at a distance of 30 cm.

Installation of carcass

Installation of plasterboard sheets

Have a lot of weight and dimensions. For their installation, you need an assistant. But before attaching the plasterboard to the ceiling, additional operations are necessary.

  • If the sheets were cropped in size, in these places should be made chamders for further sealing the joints with putty.
  • In addition, the holes should be cut down on the lamps.

The use of drywall, as material for finishing work in the process of repair and construction is quite wide. With the help of this material, the walls are made, the formation of niches and partitions, as well as the ceiling trim.

In order to figure out how to fix plasterboard to the ceiling, you should carefully examine the recommendations on this issue. This work is not particularly difficult, but not professionals will have to work hard by mastering a new skill.

The surface created from plasterboard sheets has many advantages:

  • the ceiling will be perfectly even - such a quality of the coating is difficult to achieve any other ways;
  • the possibility of accommodating communications and isolation, hiding them under the coating;
  • the ability to create unusual designs in accordance with your own ideas or designer project. It is possible to form devices from one or several levels, giving them various colors and shades using the finish;
  • creating a unique lighting system, which is carried out using special lamps. There is an opportunity to choose not only power, but also direction of light flow, as well as the appearance of the lamp;
  • you can form a plasterboard ceiling in any room. There are special varieties of this material having moisture resistance and refractory, which makes it possible to mount such a ceiling in the bathroom, in the kitchen, in the sauna, and so on;
  • in the conditions of a wet room, it is possible to use conventional sheets, soaking them with a special composition. This option may be savoring than the purchase of special sheets. The issue of waterproofing such surfaces deserves separate consideration.

GLC fastening technology to ceiling

  • Marking of the area of \u200b\u200bwork using a level.
  • Fastening the UD profile around the ceiling perimeter.
  • Fastening the suspensions to the ceiling.
  • Installation of CD profiles to guides and to suspensions.
  • Fastening sheet carp sheets on carrier profiles.
  • Putclone joints and places of installation of self-tapping screws.
  • Finish surface finish.

To obtain a qualitative result, it is necessary to adhere to the sequence of work, as well as responsibly approach the selection of drywall and fasteners. Save on such a design like a ceiling, it should be thoughtfully, otherwise excessive savings may affect the reliability and service life of the entire structure.

How to choose a profile and accessories for drywall

Creating a structure from several levels involves the presence of three types of fasteners: the initial, main and longitudinal profile.

  • Profiles that perform supporting function must comply with the requirements of strength and withstand the weight of the entire design. The wrong selection of these elements can lead to deformation, for example, the provisions of the elements that from the outside will appear in the appearance of cracks or bends.
  • In addition to the lack of aesthetic attractiveness, such defects are fraught with a violation of the integrity of the sheets of material.
  • The mounting of the suspensions to the base of the ceiling is performed by anchors or dowels. All mounts should be made of metal. Plastic parts will not provide the necessary strength.

The guide profiles are attached to the suspensions, and the plasterboard panels are attached to them. Do not stop the choice on too thin sheets. 12.5 mm width sheets will provide sufficient structure stiffness.

Required tools

  • screwdriver;
  • level;
  • pencil and measuring roulette.

Often, complete with profiles are provided with fastening elements, if they are missing, they must be purchased independently.

Marking of the ceiling surface and mounting frame under plasterboard

  • Like all finishing works with the participation of drywall, the ceiling installation begins with marking.
  • The base line is applied on the wall with an indentation from the ceiling of 10-12 cm. This line is a guide for mounting the guides, which you want to check with the level.
  • Bearing parts need to be inserted into the profiles placed around the perimeter of the room, leaving the lumen for the possible deformation of the sheets during expansion.
  • Fixing of plasterboard sheets is performed along carrier profiles. Sheets are attached to the guides across the longitudinal structures. Thus, the ceiling is formed from one level.

Mounting drywall to ceiling without frame

In the case when the room has small sizes and the formation of the frame can significantly reduce it, it is possible to fix the plasterboard to the ceiling on the glue.

  • The surface should not have obvious irregularities, and should also be protected from moisture and freezing.
  • Before applying glue, it is important to clean the ceiling from dust, dirt and fat spots. If the ceiling was covered with a putty or primer, you need to wait for it to complete drying.
  • For the ceiling covering, which has significant irregularities, you can build a kind of drywall frame. You need to cut 10 cm wide strips, then paste them to the surface in the form of a mesh with square cells with the sides of about 50 cm. The process should be monitored using a level.
  • Cutting sheets of plasterboard is performed by a sharp knife. A cardboard layer is applied on one side, a sheet is premounced in the place of the end, after which the cut from the reverse side is performed.
  • Application of glue on the surface is performed by a special spatula with cloth.
  • Fixing the sheet on the wall is performed using the holder, after which it is necessary to check its horizontality using a level.
  • Bugs and other irregularities can be eliminated by climbing the surface with a hammer through a wooden bar.
  • The seams that are formed between the sheets of drywall should not be located crosswise, so it is necessary to perform stacking in a checker order.

Mounting drywall for construction foam

Another material, with which you can strengthen the sheets of plasterboard on the ceiling, is the mounting foam. Before performing such an attachment, it is necessary to level the surface and treat it with primer.

  • Before applying the composition you need to make several holes on the surface of the sheet.
  • On the back side, the strokes of the foam rubber needed to create the springs effect when aligning the structure should be glued.
  • Then the sheet is fastened with washers to the ceiling, leaving the cavity of about 10-15 cm.

Adjusting the sheet plane by the level, you can fill the foam cavity. After complete drying of the composition, you can unscrew the screws and screw the screws.

The finished surface should be coated with a layer of primer, close the seams with a reinforcing ribbon and coat the surface first, and after drying by the second layer of putty. After drying, you need to handle fine sandpaper.

Even the most beautiful and fashionable design of the modern interior can spoil the uneven ceiling, so the first thing to do during the repair is leveling the ceiling surface. For this there are many ways, but for independent work two options are optimal - installing plastic panels or installation of the ceiling of drywall. The second solution gives more opportunities for further decoration. Consider whether it is possible to build a plasterboard design yourself, without attracting assistants from the side.

What to prepare for installation of plasterboard ceiling

Preparatory work for convenience is better divided into several stages. Before starting installation of the frame and cutting the GK panels, you must perform the following steps:

  • draw up a repair scheme;
  • calculate the number of sheets, profile, fasteners;
  • purchase the necessary material;
  • pick up the necessary tools;
  • clean the ceiling surface;
  • mark up according to the scheme.

Designs made of drywalls differ in shape, complexity, light design and decoration

On the usual sheet of paper in the cell, draw the scheme of the room in which you planned repairs. Mark the profile fastening locations, distance between the guides, calculate the amount of consumables. A correctly composed ceiling installation scheme from the plasterboard panels will provide an opportunity not only to save funds allocated for repairs, but also more clearly imagine a plan for further events.

Decide with the purpose - for which the design requires first: for simple alignment or still masking communications. In the first case, it is enough to make a markup at a distance of 10 cm from the ceiling, in the second - preferably below to leave enough space for cables, pipes or insulation.

One of the options for plasterboard sheets on the ceiling

Here is an exemplary set of tools needed to cut the metal profile and GLC, as well as the profile attachment to the ceiling, and sheets to the profile:

  • roulette, level, marker for marking;
  • drill Il perforator;
  • hacksaw, logsik or circular;
  • screwdriver.

For finishing works, a putty, spatula and overtaking for grouting will be required.

Before starting drilling holes under the dowel, it is necessary to prepare a ceiling surface: close the cracks, remove the remains of the old finish, determine the wiring of electrical wires for lighting. If the installation of a standard ceiling from the backlit plasterboard is scheduled, even at the preliminary step, the places of fixture of the lamps should be scheduled.

Green plasterboard sheets - moisture resistant, more durable and thick

Installation of the suspended design from GLC

The construction process of a new ceiling from GLC can be divided into 3 main stages.

1 Stage - Profile Fastening

Initially, the walls along the entire perimeter fix the guide profile. For dowels, it is necessary to drill holes with an interval of 50-55 cm. The ceiling profile insert into the groovers to the grooves using connectors for extension, if the length of the ridges will be insufficient. The distance between the ceiling profile depends on the type of drywall: for the usual, it is quite enough and 60 cm, whereas for a moisture-proof interval must be reduced to 40 cm.

To protect the planks from sagging and make them more rigid, using suspensions. Direct suspensions are securely straight to the ceiling, free ends bend. In addition to long longitudinal rails, we are installed and transverse to perform the installation of brittle drywall on the ceiling with their own hands and on the short side.

Metal profile differs in size and appointment

2 Stage - installation of plasterboard panels

Professionals know several secrets, how to install plasterboard on the ceiling. For example, they recommend fixing the panels so that their joints do not coincide. This means that the first row consists of entire sheets, the second - from the circumcised, possibly the opposite.

Breeping panels to the longitudinal and transverse profile with self-draws, the step between which is not more than 20 cm. In places of docking two sheets, the mount slightly displacing, increasing strength. The main parts will have direct sides: leaf we cut a knife, then lying manually. The complex element is better cut by a jigsaw or hacksaw. Installing panels one after one, cover the entire ceiling.

Screwdriver perfectly suitable for screwing screws

3 Stage - Spike

We perform in two right. First, only junctions and recessed hats of self-tapping screws are put off. To strengthen the seams, we use the sulfyan tape. We wait until it snacks, and the renewable, but the entire surface. Orthodiy eliminating sandpaper or grinding. As a result, we obtain a homogeneous smooth surface of white, ready for primer, painting and further finish.

5 ways to install GCC on the ceiling alone

If you make repairs in a small room, installing ceilings from any type of drywall does not cause difficulties: it is enough to cut the panel into small fragments, lungs and convenient for installation. But in large rooms it is irrational to use pieces of GLC, the process will delay for a long time and the amount of work will increase several times. To mount large sheets to the profile, various homemade designs and fixtures are used to mount the plasterboard panels on the ceiling. Consider how convenient they are for working at home.

  • 1 method - "Two backups"

Perhaps the most convenient option for independent repairs in an apartment with a small work area. From wooden bars and poles, it is necessary to lend two devices for mounting drywall on the ceiling, seemingly reminiscent of the mop. The width of the lower bar is 80-90 cm, the pole centimeters is 8-10 longer than the ceiling height.

The procedure is simple. Put the swab with the crossing up, to the wall, so that the slot remains between the BRAN and the ceiling. In this slit it is necessary to insert one edge of the plasterboard panel. The opposite edge lift up, and then lift to the ceiling prepared in advance by BR. When the leaf is raised completely, the opposite end is also made by the second device. The sheet is pressed to the profile, you can engage in screwing screws.

Elementary devices are used to work alone - backups

  • 2 Method - "Wooden Frame"

From the bars, the frame is laid, the length of which is slightly smaller than the length of the room. To one end, screw the door loops. Loops Breppy under the ceiling, right under the frame of the profile. Thus, one end of the frame is under the ceiling, the other on the floor. We put on the frame of the sheet of drywall and raise up the second end, securing the backup. After that, you can not rush to align the sheet and secure it with self-draws. With a self-made frame, it is easy to install plasterboard on the ceiling one, without someone else's help.

  • 3 Method - "The Principle of Ironing Board"

From thick bars and DSP panels, a device with crossed "legs" resembling a ironing board is roamed. The height of the design can be adjusted by shifting the "legs". The sheet is put on the top panel and raise the ceiling, where they are fixed.

Variants of the lighting device are quite a lot - from exclusive point lamps to elegant chandeliers

  • 4 Method - "Winch"

The design of the device is similar to a regular table, with the difference that a special device similar to a winch is capable of lifting the "table" cover.

  • 5 Method - "Platform on the rollers"

Mobile mobile platform is good for large premises - Gym Go Forest. It moves on the rollers, and on the upper part has rotary racks, to which the sheet is stacked and rises up.

How to lift the sheet of plasterboard

Single-level suspended ceiling of plasterboard - installation lesson

I would like to note that the installation of a plasterboard design alone - the occupation is complex and longer, so at the stage of fastening the panels to the profile it is better to invite 1-2 assistants.

Almost always the ceiling cover with plasterboard precedes the construction of the frame. This is not a very fast process that requires certain skills and using profiles and not only. Attach the plasterboard directly on the wall, we can only use simple fasteners. In this case, pressing the wall even minimally, it will be injured in the fastening site.

Thus, plasterboard is attached only to a wooden wall, but these situations are rare. Wooden ceiling will meet not often. And yet there is a way out - dry nonfilic plaster. If the ceiling from the gas block, this method is the only correct.

Alignment comes down to the fact that after attaching plasterboard sheets you will get a perfectly smooth surface. It, naturally, should be perpendicular to the floor, because the installation is carried out in the countdown of the biggest irregularity on the wall.

ATTENTION, if the unevenness of the ceiling is such that it exceeds 5 cm, still without profiles and drawing a frame can not do. Do not risk.

If the difference is permissible, proceed further:

  • Select one of the fastening methods. The first - for lighthouses. The exhibition of lighthouses occupies time, but it is easier to work with plasterboard. The second - without lighthouses, the work itself will begin faster, but with each sheet will have to tinker.
  • A compromise solution is the installation of beacons on a large area, and the refusal of them is small.

Ceiling surface prepare - clean it carefully, cover the primer layer. Next, decide how to fix sheets, most often they need to just glue.

Installation of plasterboard on glue without frame (video)

Mounting drywall to the ceiling without a frame: installation

So, the surface is prepared, fat stains are removed, the old plaster is removed (if it was).

  • Ceiling markup in fastening places;
  • Applying sheet to the ceiling plate, drilling marks in 8 places;
  • The sheet is removed, the holes are drilled by labels, dowels or wooden chops are inserted into them;
  • A piece of foam rubber is glued to the sheet from the drilled holes, the foamo plays the role of an adjusting spring;
  • The sheet is applied to the ceiling, fastened with screws, the washers are pre-on it;
  • Level adjust the equation;
  • A five-meantimeter hole is drilled around the screws, 3 mm retreat from screw;
  • In this hole pumped the mounting foam, which plays the role of the clamp, the foam feed process;
  • All sheets are fixed by foam, controlled equation by the level;
  • After dried up, screws are unscrewed, holes are applied.

After drying, the ceiling is fully prepared for the finish finish.

Plasterboard on a wooden ceiling without a frame: Is there a sense

He lies in the fastening of sheets straight to the ceiling. This is a way that requires a minimum of costs and financial, and temporary. At the same time, the height of the room is preserved.

But what disadvantages of such fixture:

  • A high-quality baseline - this condition is not always available before work, and without it, such fasteners will not be reliable;
  • Not all the wood "loves" hardware, they simply do not hold out in some;
  • The natural movement of wood leads to the deformation of plasterboard.

In the latter case, there may be seams. In a word, this method is only good for a smooth ceiling of very good wood. Glk can be glued to the ceiling or mounted on the tapping screw. But in most cases, with similar repair, still inclined to the framework method.

Fastening GLC to the ceiling on mastic

This method is far from the most common. You cannot make a multi-level ceiling in this way, as you can not hide communications under it. But still plaster mastic is used, and in some cases it is a rather successful solution.

When working with mastic, remember:

  • To make more convenient to fix the sheet on it, it will have to cut it on 2-3, and sometimes on 4 parts;
  • The mastic must be applied in small portions, first of all around the edges, and only then in the center;
  • Without preliminary preparation of the surface of the ceiling and then do not do - and this is cleaning and primer.

And yet these methods are possible in rare cases, with a significant ceiling alignment they are impossible.

Plasterboard ceiling without profiles (video)

You can do without constructing a frame if you use the dry plaster method. This fixation of sheet cabarton sheets directly to the ceiling by drilling the hole, screw the fastener, fill the mounting foam. Sometimes plates are fixed directly on glue, or on plaster mastic.