Repair Design Furniture

Engineering systems. Engineering networks in houses made of rounded logs Device of engineering communications in a wooden house

Once upon a time, nature lovers had to choose between comfortable urban conditions and the delights of suburban life. Now there is no need for this - today any private housing can be equipped with all the necessary engineering systems - electricity, sewerage, water, heating. Moreover, it is possible to create an engineering infrastructure even where there are no centralized networks. How to organize life in a country cottage so that it is more comfortable in it than in an apartment - we share the experience of our users in the topic of this week.


The efficiency of work, durability and trouble-free operation of the "engineer" depends on its competent design and high-quality installation. We consider the priority tasks that are associated with the design of sewer and other engineering systems.

Water heater, ventilation unit with heat recuperator, underfloor heating, polypropylene pipes, wiring, inverter and water leakage sensor. We present products for the arrangement of engineering infrastructure.

How to choose the right way to lay electrical wiring indoors, taking into account the peculiarities of building structures.

Without properly constructed water supply, electricity, ventilation, sewerage and drainage, the normal use of the bath is impossible. The article also discusses communication in the bath when laying the foundation. We understand everything with specialists.

For an autonomous water supply system to work "at five", it needs high-quality components. We summarized the experience of the portal users in choosing and laying a drinking water supply system.

A comfortable microclimate in a home largely depends on the efficiency of the ventilation system. We study the issue from the experience of others.

FORUMHOUSE experts talk about how to independently supply gas to a cottage, and what documents need to be collected for this.


Wireframe alone: ​​engineering communications. Roman Moskvin from Moscow erected the frame alone, and one of the previous FORUMHOUSE stories was dedicated to this construction. Now let's consider an "engineer" organized in a wireframe.

Heating and water supply pipes. Selection and installation features. In this story we will talk about what types of plastic pipes to lay for the distribution of heating and hot water supply, about what is the difference between metal-plastic, polypropylene pipes and PE-RT pipes, how to choose and install them correctly, as well as how would partially make radiator heating more economical.

Ventilation with ground heat exchanger. In an energy efficient home, most of the energy is spent not on heating, but on ventilation. In order to achieve minimum costs, it was decided to make supply and exhaust ventilation with a ground heat exchanger in this building.

The choice of engineering equipment for the heating system. The choice of engineering equipment for a heating system is not an easy task. Specialist Alexander Makeev from Moscow will help you choose the right equipment and tell you which elements you can save on.

A house made of chopped logs. Engineering Communication . In this plot, we will show the engineering communications carried out in the cottage, consider the features of their laying in a wooden house, let's call the cost of the systems.

Gasification of the site. If gas has not yet been supplied to the site, be sure to watch this story: in it, experts talk about what you need to do to get gas in your country estate, as well as the cost of this service and the features of the work being done.

Installing a radiator and working with XLPE pipes. The craftsmen will demonstrate the installation of a radiator in a house made of timber, as well as talk about working with XLPE pipes and the types of tools that help in this work.

Forum thread:

In this topic, FORUMHOUSE participants discuss the features of a winter cottage, both in terms of energy efficiency and in terms of comfort: how to save on heating and quickly heat up the premises of the house, how we should protect engineering systems from damage, what materials to use, how to organize ventilation in the mode operation and downtime, what costs to budget.

Here our users post photos of poor-quality installation of engineering systems with an analysis of violations.

Bathroom, shower, sink, washing machine - how to distribute pipes, where you need to make a drain pipe, how sewage is done in a slab foundation, how to avoid freezing, whether engineering systems depend on the type of soil - the portal participants analyze special cases and specific schemes.

You can't do without a water heater outside the city. Where and how to install it, how to solve the problems that have arisen - is discussed in this topic.

Here, experts tell you what and how best to do, what options are available, share recommendations, examples, photographs, and those uninformed about this topic ask questions.

The likelihood that after a while there will be problems with "tightly buried" communications, there is. How to solve them, how maintainable is the wiring of communications in a private house under the stove, what are the options for repairable structures of the "plate" type, as well as the feasibility of spending on their device, users of the portal discuss in this topic.

A lot has been written about how to build the building box itself. Here all the ways of bookmarking "engineers" in wireframes are considered.

In order for a wooden country house to provide the proper level of comfort, engineering communications are needed. Here we will discuss how, in principle, the problems associated with the engineering of a wooden house are solved, where to start and in what order to do it, and the details will be discussed in special sections on heating, water supply and sewerage systems.

Influence of infrastructure on the scheme of utilities in a wooden house

What kind of engineering communications in a wooden house will be depends, in particular, on the external infrastructure of the village in which the site is located.

When choosing a site for construction, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to what is the allocated electric power, whether the gas main is supplied to the site and, if not, whether gas is foreseen in the future. After all, we always get electricity from the central network, and the type and cost of heating will depend on the presence or absence of main gas. Water supply and sewerage can also be central, which, of course, is convenient, but most often in country houses they are autonomous.

Wooden house engineering equipment

It includes power supply, heating, water supply, sewerage and ventilation systems.

Heating system device

What, in principle, are the options for heating a wooden house? It can be gas - this, of course, is the most convenient and most profitable of all - diesel (using diesel fuel or fuel oil, if there is no gas main) or electric. Electric heating is often used as an auxiliary heating - or it is installed in homes that are not designed for year-round use.

The boiler may require a separate room and chimney. But, in order to heat a relatively small area, especially with good insulation of the house, a compact wall-mounted gas boiler will be sufficient, which does not require the construction of a major chimney and can be located in the kitchen. In this case, there is no need to arrange a special room for the boiler room.

If in winter the house is not used constantly, but only on short visits, then the question arises, which is better: to heat continuously in winter or only in the presence of the owners? In the second case, you will have to drain the water from the heating and plumbing systems, - comfort suffers, you have to be heated with electricity or a stove. Therefore, in country houses, as a rule, constant heating is used. Modern heating systems allow you to regulate the temperature, setting it to a minimum during the absence of the owners, and thereby save energy. At the same time, it is important that the wooden house is well insulated - this will minimize heating costs.

Water supply and sewerage

Is a well or a well. It is a good idea to test the water quality before designing a water supply system. After all, the water may have to be purified, and then it will be necessary to provide for a sufficient area for the tanks of the water treatment system: they take up quite a lot of space.

If the village has a central sewerage system, then we connect to it - and the problem is removed. The issue of autonomous sewerage in wooden houses is also solved simply: either you need to install a treatment plant, or, if the daily volume of wastewater is small and irregular, then perhaps it will be possible to get by with a simple treatment system, consisting of two wells: concreted overflow and absorbing. But this is only in areas with good absorbing soil.

Power supply system in a wooden house

The main requirement for electrical wiring in a wooden house is to ensure fire safety. It is necessary to be very careful about protection against short circuits and against current leaks, for which differential automatic devices and RCDs are used.

  • the power supply system must be competently designed;
  • you should use high-quality wiring products.

Concealed wiring, as a rule, runs inside ceilings and frame partitions, and in insulated timber houses - under internal decorative cladding. Wires hidden in channels drilled in logs and beams must be in metal pipes for safety and repair.


The ventilation system is needed in order to remove unpleasant odors and provide fresh air. It can be very simple: hoods in bathrooms, in the kitchen and in the boiler room. In this case, fresh air enters through the vents and ventilation ducts in the double-glazed windows. But you can also make a forced supply and exhaust ventilation system with fans and air ducts, which ensures constant air exchange. In this case, at the design stage, it is necessary to provide a place for the distribution of air ducts.

What, when and how to connect during the installation of utilities

The scheme of utilities in a wooden house is developed at the design stage of the house. In the engineering section of a house project, it is determined what, when, in what order and how to do it. It takes into account the order of interaction between engineering and finishing works, as well as the presence of shrinkage of a wooden house.

The laying of communications in a wooden house occurs simultaneously with insulation and decoration. This is logical: the subfloor is laid, insulation is placed on it, and cables and pipes pass inside it. The necessary holes are drilled in the beams.

Engineering work in a wooden house, along with insulation and finishing work, is carried out after a long break, which is done in order to let the constructed log house dry out and settle down.

All communications are "turnkey" with a 1 year warranty!

The Zagorodny Dom company performs all types of engineering work in the construction of turnkey wooden country houses, and can also take on the functions of a subcontractor. The warranty period for engineering communications is 1 year.... This is quite enough to reveal all the flaws and hidden defects associated with their installation.

After a year of shrinkage of a wooden house, it is time for communication systems. Masters of the company "MariSrub" will carry out a stage-by-stage competent design of heating and sewerage of water supply and electricity. After agreement and approval of the project, experienced employees will quickly and efficiently perform the installation of engineering systems.


Design, calculations and drawing up diagrams is a necessary part of the installation of communications in a country house. The company's engineers will carry out the project in strict accordance with the established rules and regulations. We carry out the following works:

  • Thermal calculation;
  • Boiler room project;
  • Heating project;
  • Ventilation project;
  • Electrical wiring project;
  • Sewerage and water supply project.

The company's specialists will help you choose the right and reliable equipment, calculate the required volume and cost of materials.

The installation of electricity in a wooden house requires special care and responsibility, certain knowledge and skills. In this case, the list of fire safety requirements is expanding. Experienced craftsmen of the company "MariSrub" will carry out the installation of an electrician in a wooden cottage, a country house or a bathhouse in accordance with building codes and regulations (SNiP) and electrical installation rules (PUE).

We lay the lead-in cable through the air and in a trench. We organize open and closed internal wiring. We install switchboards, electrical appliances, switches and switches, sockets.

Heating system installation

We install various heating systems depending on the type of building and the area. For a gasified area, water heating using a gas boiler would be a suitable option. It is a rational and easy heating method. We lay a one-pipe and two-pipe system.

If there is no gas in the area, it is rational to choose an electric heating system. Particularly popular are “underfloor heating” and the use of standard electric heaters. We will select and install the necessary equipment.

Installation of water supply and sewerage

A country house is connected to a central water supply system or to autonomous water sources. Wells and wells are distinguished among such sources. For water supply equipment in a private house, you will need a pumping station, a hydraulic accumulator and a tank for storing water supplies. In addition, it is necessary to install coarse and fine filters to protect the water source from contamination. To transport water into the house, steel, copper or polymer pipes are laid.

To carry out the sewerage, a local installation with the principle of deep biological treatment is required. Such installations are safe for the environment and do not require additional maintenance. They are practical and easy to use. Pipes inside the house are mounted from PVC pipes, as it is a durable and inexpensive material.

Before installing water supply and sewerage systems, specialists will develop a layout of the networks, measure the depth of the sewer pipeline and measure the height of the groundwater. They will install a well or a well, a pit for a reservoir. The latter, by the way, is located at least five meters from the building.

Ventilation in a wooden house

The tree “breathes” and supplies oxygen to the room, however, natural ventilation even in a log house is not enough for a comfortable life. Condensation build-up on walls causes mold and mildew, which destroys the wood and spoils the appearance.

The company's foremen will install a supply and exhaust (forced) ventilation system. Such ventilation guarantees stable and normal air exchange, eliminates unpleasant odors in the room. Special fans provide fresh air and, if necessary, heat the room.

In any house, comfortable living conditions are created provided that all household communications necessary for life are correctly laid in the room. If you plan to build, then it is necessary to design the laying of communications at the initial stage of construction.

Unlike other materials, wood is not particularly suited for drilling and grooving cable channels and creating openings and gaps for installing units and devices. That is, in theory, this can be done, but in practice, the aesthetic aspects will be reduced to zero, and the quality of laying communications will be questionable.

Electrical wiring in a wooden house

This project creates at the stage of creating a general architectural plan for the entire house. So, installing electrical wiring and pipes after building a house is no longer just difficult, but completely impossible.

In a house made of wooden beams, you can install open or closed wiring. For greater safety, when laying open wiring, the wires are laid in corrugated pipes or plastic boxes, and all sockets and switches are of the overhead type.

If the wiring is of a hidden type, then a steel pipe is laid in the laid channels, and electric wires are pulled through it. This is important, since when the house shrinks, the corrugation or plastic may break and not protect the wires from breaks and excessive compression. And this is already a potentially fire hazardous situation. Concealed wiring has a significant disadvantage with its visual advantage. It is not visible, but in case of any malfunctions, it is much more difficult to find the cause and eliminate it. As for the electric input, then if we we build a house from a bar, then it is necessary to set the wire cross-section of at least 16 sq. mm. Do not use aluminum wires, today almost all modern types of wiring are made using copper, and when copper and aluminum wires are combined, serious problems can arise, oxidation of the wires up to the failure of the entire system. In addition, copper wires are more heat resistant.

Be sure to use cables with high-quality insulation, they are labeled VVGng or NYM. Otherwise, you will have to install a cable route.

Laying of heating and water supply systems

In order to build a heating system, it is best to use metal-plastic or PEX pipes. This is especially important if we are planning construction of a bath from a profiled bar... These materials are much more resistant to mold, mildew and rust than metal. In addition, they can withstand high temperatures. At the same time, they do not heat up to the surface temperature impossible to touch. Reinforced-plastic pipes are not welded, but assembled using a fitting.

When are being built one-storey houses from a bar, many people prefer to create their own infrastructure of heating and water supply / sanitation systems on the site. Including the installation of a well, a septic tank, a boiler and so on. This is the smartest choice, albeit the most expensive one.

Construction of a house from a bar, price which consists, among other things, of the cost of laying communications, it is more expensive, but over time, after 10-15 years, it turns out that the owner of the house has received an obvious financial benefit. Wherein. If it is possible to connect the house to central gas heating, it is better to prefer this method. It is more profitable economically, but at the same time, it will not be possible to establish a personal centralized gas supply due to legal restrictions, and this must be understood.

When installing a water supply and heating system, do not stint and purchase a boiler with a good circulation pump, which will evenly transfer heated water through the pipes.

To heat a small house, you can generally do with electric novectors, then construction of a turnkey bath house will be even more cost effective for you.

Communications in a wooden house in Podolsk

Wooden house building is gaining popularity as the most environmentally friendly, economical, aesthetic, warm, and most importantly health-friendly housing option. In order to live in such a cottage or in the country it was comfortable and safe, it is necessary to professionally design and equip engineering life support systems in a qualified manner. Communications in wooden home have their own characteristics that are associated with the characteristics of this building material.

Features of the design of communications in a wooden house

It is no secret that wooden houses differ from stone buildings in less resistance to moisture, and can also shrink noticeably after a while. In this regard, the arrangement of engineering networks in buildings made of natural wood has its own differences. Design communications in a wooden house must be experienced professionals who are well aware of the features of the installation technology. A competent approach to solving this problem will ensure the placement of electrical wiring, sewerage, water supply systems, heating in such a way as to combine their reliability with safety, and most importantly, provide an aesthetic appearance of the interior.

Features of the installation of communications in a wooden house

Since wooden walls do not allow chipping, it is necessary to provide technological channels for the routing of utilities even at the design stage of the house. One of the main options for laying networks in a wooden house involves placing them between the logs, under the floor covering. For the water supply of such a building, it is necessary to use pipes that are resistant to corrosion. For the sewer network, it is preferable to use plastic pipes, ensuring their reliable fastening with a vertical tolerance in order to neutralize the effects of shrinkage. One of the most critical moments is the installation of electrical wiring.

Heating communications in a wooden house

When placed in the floor, it must be placed in special pipes or ducts. The possibility of such an installation option is also provided at the design stage of a wooden house. For this, vertical technological holes or grooves are created. To ensure the safety of electrical wiring, a reliable grounding system is provided. There are also many other features of the laying of engineering networks, which depend on the individual parameters of the house, as well as on the chosen heating system.

The most reliable option for arranging communications in a house made of natural wood is to contact specialized companies that offer such a "turnkey" service.