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Cyclones for air purification from dust. Homemade Building Cyclone Vacuum Cleaner Homemade Vacuum Cleaner for Saws

This is the video channel "lawyer egor" about how in five minutes from the bucket and two corners of the fan pipe to collect homemade full-fledged cyclone. In other words, the separator for chips, sawdust and other garbage.

If a household vacuum cleaner was used in the workshop or during the repair of the apartment, then his dust collector will quickly be filled and the work will have to interrupt. But using the cyclone, the replacement of the dust bag can be forgotten for years. This separator serves the second year, and the author of the development is not being redemed. In just two minutes, make sure that the name of this video is not exaggerated, and a full-fledged separator is possible to collect in my garage in just a couple of minutes.

For consistency of use in the cyclone workshop, it can be installed on a home-made platform in the form of a cart, which will require no less than half an hour. But the separator can be used without it. In the case when it is connected to the chip-diversion of a stationary installed milling mill, parsum saws and other equipment producing sawdust, the cart is not needed at all. But it is very convenient when cleaning the workshop. Bucket, two trimming hose and vacuum cleaner will easily fit under any household machine. By the way, if you plan to organize with your own hands in a small domestic workshop, a unified dust system system, it is possible that the connection to each machine of such a separate chip-suction will eliminate you from superfluous engineering difficulties.

Of circular tableequipped with a cyclone, sawdust almost flutter. It is recommended to feed the tool and the chip-suck connected to it through one toggle switch. Then, when the machine is turned on immediately earn and vacuum cleaner. In the manufacture of his onions, I used a milling mill, and dust from it flew in all directions. For this reason, has not yet made his cyclone, the mill tried not to use. Now from the garbage milling mill. For flights, it is better a corner of a larger diameter hose.

By placing the chamber inside the homemade working cyclone, you can see how the sawdust is absorbed into the separator, but cannot break out of it and get into the vacuum cleaner. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe separator of a cyclone type is to force the large-dispersed dust sucking into the container, fall on the bottom of the container, prevent this dust into the zone from which air pumping occurs. Gravity, friction and centrifugal force force sawdust to rotate inside the bucket, pressing to its walls, and fall on the spirals on the bottom of the tank. As you can see, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe separator is extremely simple and there is simply nothing to break in this primitive design.

Everyone got used to that such a container has a cone form, but as practice has shown, the separator can be cylindrical. The advantage of the proposed design is that the entrance to the separator of the tangential air flow is carried out not through the curvilinear side wall, which is not easy, but through a flat cover. And this is an order of magnitude easier and faster. In addition, reduces design dimensions. The entire design of the cyclone is placed on one lid, which allows you to transfer the cyclone, simply removing the cover from one bucket and covering it another.

There is unsurpassed mobility. So you can consistently fill in sawdresses a bucket per bucket, and then get rid of sawdust at once. For example, fall asleep them in composted bile, heated by them, loading them into the oven long burningor use them in any other way.

How homely cyclone was made

I described my cyclone more than detail. It's time to show how it did. So, drilled two holes in the lid. One in the center of the lid, the other - with the edge, close to the ribbar. This made a crown drill a little smaller diameter than a polypropylene corner of the fan pipe. In this design, I used the corner with a diameter of forty millimeters. Remove burrs and at the same time spread the holes for a dense planting of the corner, conveniently wound on the leaf of the skins. It is important to stay on time. Do not squander over the necessary. It remains to insert two polypropylene corners into the hole, and the full cyclone is ready. As noted, even sealing joints did not. Inserted hoses from the vacuum cleaner into the corners, the benefit in the corners there are sealing rings in the size of the corrugated hose of the vacuum cleaner, and immediately began using the separator. All operations did not occupy more than two minutes.

For the convenience of using the cyclone and the increase in its mobility has assembled a T-shaped trolley. Collected more than half an hour, but with repeated use this work pays off. The trolley assembled from the waste curve of the unsuitable plywood. Stopped the platform at the place. Put on a sheet of plywood bucket and vacuum cleaner, placing the dimensions of the pencil.

Sawing table looks non-zero, because it is assembled from garbage on skouring hand And these are all temporary solutions. As parallel stop Used piece square pipe and two clamps. But, despite the primitiveness of the design, it is possible to work on this homemade. I propyl depth to exhibit plywood in the thickness ...


  1. All vacuum cleaners (except for one species) have two, at least significant disadvantage. The first-they emit again into the room the smallest (and the most dangerous!) Dust (even water-ejected back into the room the smallest dust together with the smallest drops of water). Second-when working -Ethty emissions lift dust into the air available in the room. In the Internet, experts indicate that small dust settles for many hours, and even days! And this small dust is practically not excreted by the body.
    But there is a type of vacuum cleaners that do not have these drawbacks are central (or-built) vacuum cleaners. These vacuum cleaners, sucking the air, it is not served back into the room perfectly, and after cleaning, it is thrown out of the room (usually beyond the building). This, the vacuum cleaner itself does not need to be dragged, carrying it, because It is stationary installed in another (utility) room, and special sockets are installed in the processed premises, which are plastic pipes with a central vacuum cleaner, and already connected to these rosettes. flexible hose. with a tip-nozzle for dust collecting In hotels, children's institutions and hospitals. They are certified and for use in everyday life. (Such a vacuum cleaner I am pleased to use 4 years old at the cottage.
  2. I have done experience in making such a cyclone. It turns out that it is not suitable for any bucket. First, the bucket should be deep enough. The upper part with a height of about 15-20 cm is the vortex zone. If the garbage rose reaches it, then the garbage will fly directly to the hood. So the 12-liter body from the paint is unsuitable, they are tritely filled with half (and chips, for example, from under the flight - very voluminous) per minute. Secondly, the bucket must be rigid. If the inlet tube is plugged, then the vacuum encounters a bucket, deforming its wall, and the whirlwind will no longer be cylindrical, - the garbage will fly again in the hood. I took two buckets of paint, a little different diameter. Cut out the bottom of more, leaving a narrow side - it turned out to ribs. And inserted one thing. The double wall and the side provide an acceptable rigidity, and the total height gives a greater volume - the lower bucket is completely filled. Thirdly, the lid should easily be removed. At the bucket from the paint, the cover is self-adjustable, and even its vacuum is embarrassed. Then you have to go up with a scolder - unfolding. Need to somehow break the lid or planting placemay be cut or beat the sealing fragments. The tightness will still be provided with a vacuum, the cover will be very tight.
  3. I would like to see how this vacuum cleaner gets rid of finely dispersed construction dust and how much is it enough? Another question?? It is difficult to find such an iron empty bucket? Suppose you do not have any economic store, and everyone has such a friend)) Well, on a tenth person who says that there is no such bucket! Already searches turn into some kind of ship. And without a real vacuum cleaner, this device will not work. In short, the result is necessary to find an unnecessary good vacuum cleaner, which works more or less, then find the ill-fated iron bucket of hell knows where to buy two San those pipes to fold it all into the diplomat and throw it away! Because how to go and buy industrial for 6 rubles and do not engage in amateur. I agree for sawdust. This miracle is good !!!
  4. Good video. Everything is shown with a sense, without unnecessary long explanation. I suffer with a homemade dry vacuum cleaner Steel 1600W. As soon as I turn on for cleaning - the cloud of shallow dust flies out of it, then it is already working fine. But not suitable for large cleaning of the room, a corridor or something else volumetric. His bag is instantly filled, the bag is not very convenient, because The dust itself is clogged, and knocking out the twigs from it - the process is unpleasant. I liked you idea with a bucket. I dreamed to be in the bucket on the bottom there was water that would absorb pollen. Is it dangerous to pour in it a little water? Will the system be clicked?

Wood has always been considered environmentally friendly and safe Material. Small wood dust formed during the processing of a wooden billet is not so harmless as it may seem. Its inhalation does not contribute to the saturation of the body with useful trace elements. Accumulating in the lungs and upper respiratory tract (and the wood dust is not processed by the body), it is slow, but efficiently destroys respiratory system. Large chips constantly accumulates near the machines and working instruments. It is better to clean it right away, without waiting for the appearance of insurmountable dawns in the joiner's space.

In order to maintain in home joinery necessary level purity, you can buy a expensive exhaust system consisting of a powerful fan, cyclone, chips, chip capacities and auxiliary elements. But the users of our portal are not from those who are used to buying what can be done with their own hands. Using their experience, anyone can assemble the exhaust system, the power of which will correspond to the needs of a small homemade workshop.

Vacuum cleaner

Chipotto with the use of an ordinary household vacuum cleaner - the most a budget option Of all existing solutions. And if you manage to engage in the work of your old helper for cleaning, which has not yet been thrown out of pity, it means that you have searched for you a good service.

Adkxxi. User forumhouse.

My vacuum cleaner is more than fifty years (Mark - "Uralets"). It is completely coping with the role of chips. He is only heavy, as my sins, but knows how to suck not only, but also blow. Sometimes I use this opportunity.

The household vacuum cleaner itself, mounted on an honorable place in the workshop as a chips, will be useless. And the main reason is too small, the volume of the bag (container) for dust collection. That is why there should be between the vacuum cleaner and the machine additional node exhaust systemconsisting of cyclone and volumetric sealing tank.

Axiness User forumhouse.

SAMI simple installation Vacuum cleaner and cyclone. And, the vacuum cleaner can use the most homely. Instead of cyclone (cylindrical cone), you can use the separation lid.

Vacuum cleaner for sawdust do it yourself

The scheme of the chip covers considered by us is extremely simple.

The device consists of two main modules: cyclone (pos. 1) and chip container (pos. 2). The principle of its work is as follows: With the help of a vacuum cleaner in the cyclone chamber, there is a vacuum. Due to the pressure difference inside and outside the sawdust device, along with air and dust enter the internal cavity of the cyclone. Here, under the action of the inertia and severity forces, mechanical suspension is separated from the air flow and fall into the lower capacity.

Consider the design of the device in more detail.


Cyclone can be made as a lid, which is installed on top of the storage capacity, and you can simply combine these two modules. To begin with, we consider the second option - the cyclone, made in the case of the chip container.

First of all, we should purchase a reservoir with a suitable volume.

ForceUser user Forumhouse,

Capacity - 65 liters. I took according to the principle - we need volume and convenience during carrying a filled container. This barrel has handles, which is very convenient for cleaning it.

Here is the list additional elements and materials that we need to collect the device:

  • Screws, washers and nuts - for mounting the inlet;
  • Section sewer pipe with cuffs;
  • Transitional coupling (from the sewer pipe to the suction pipe of the vacuum cleaner);
  • Pistol with mounting glue.

Vacuum cleaner from the barrel do it yourself: the sequence of assembly

First of all, a hole is done in the sidewall of the tank under the inlet nozzle, which will be located on the tangent of the case. The figure shows a view from the outdoor side of the reservoir.

The nozzle is advisable to install in the upper part of the plastic barrel. This will make it possible to achieve the maximum degree of cleaning.

From the inside the inlet nozzle is as follows.

The slots between the pipe and the walls of the reservoir should be pouring the mounting sealant.

At the next stage, we do a hole in the lid, insert the transition clutch there and thoroughly seal all the slots around the nozzle. Ultimately, the design of the chips will have the following form.

The vacuum cleaner is connected to the upper output of the device, and the nozzle, which takes place the chips from the machine, is in the side pipe.

As we see, the design presented is not equipped with additional filters, which is not strongly reflected on the quality of air purification.

den_61 User forumhouse.

Made a chip-beam based on the topic. As the basis of the vacuum cleaner "Rocket" with a capacity of 400 W and a barrel of 100 liters. After assembling the unit, tests were successfully carried out. Everything works as it should: sawdust - in barrel, the bag of the vacuum cleaner is empty. So far, the dust collector is connected only to the milling.

Whatever it was, but a certain percentage of wood dust cyclone can still be delayed. And in order to bring the degree of cleaning to a maximum, some users of our portal are thinking about the need to install an additional filter thin cleaning. Yes, the filter is needed, but not every filter element will be appropriate.

Axiness User forumhouse.

I think that after the cyclone, a fine cleaning filter is not entirely correct. Rather, you need to put it, but torture it to be brought (very often). There and simply the filter fabric rolling (type of bag in the vacuum cleaner). In my corvette, the top bag delays the bulk of small dust. I see it when I remove the bottom bag to remove sawdust.

The fabric filter can be created by attaching the frame to the top cover of the cyclone and covering it with a dense material (can be tarpaulin).

The main task of the cyclone is to divert sawdust and dust from working area (from the machine, etc.). Therefore, the quality of airflow cleaning from fine suspension plays in our case a minor role. And, given that the standard dustmaker installed in the vacuum cleaner must definitely delay the remaining garbage (the required cyclone), we will achieve necessary degree Cleaning.

Cyclone Cover

As we said, the cyclone can be made in the form of a lid, which will dress on the storage tank. A valid example of such a device is represented in the photo.

Ostrikrebrena User forumhouse.

Photo images should be clear. Plastic soldered by a regular soldering iron using fine steel grid. Cyclone is quite effective: when filling the barrel on 40 liters, the garbage in the bag of the vacuum cleaner was accumulated at no more glasses.

Despite the fact that this cyclone is part of the homemade construction vacuum cleaner, it can be successfully implemented into the construction of a jajcotus.


The hoses connected to the chipotto are better to acquire from the vacuum cleaner. On the wall you can pave plastic pipeline with smooth inner walls. It will connect the machine with the suckering nozzle of the cyclone.

A certain danger represents static electricity, which is formed during the movement of sawdust on the plastic tube: sticking sawdust on the walls of the pipeline, ignition of wood dust, etc. If you wish to neutralize a similar phenomenon, it is better to do it in the process of building an opilk pipe.

Not all home workshops are paying attention to the phenomenon of static electricity inside the opilk pipe. But if you do the design of the chips in accordance with the rules of fire safety, then the corrugation with a built-in metallic conductor should be used as a solidcructure. Connecting such a system to a grounding circuit will help avoid problems during operation.

alex_k11 User forumhouse.

Plastic pipes necessarily start grounding. Hoses should be taken with a wire, otherwise the static accumulates very much.

But what decision to combat static electricity in plastic pipes offers one of the users of Forumhouse: plastic pipe Foil and connect it to a grounding circuit.

Exhaust devices

The design of devices that take place directly from the working bodies of joinery equipment depends on the features of the machines themselves. Therefore, as exhaust elements, it is possible to use products from plastic, plywood and other suitable materials.

In order to solve this problem, the casing of the tank can be equipped metal carcasy, or insert a few metal hoars suitable diameter (as the user offers alex_k11). The design will be more cumbersome, but it is absolutely reliable.

Chips for several machines

The system based on a domestic vacuum cleaner has a small performance. Therefore, at the same time, it can serve only one machine. In other words, in the presence of several machines, the suction nozzle will have to connect alternately. You can also install the chips of the centrally. But in order for the power of suction does not fall, non-working machines should be disconnected from common system Using Sewberries (dampers).

Very simple cyclone from undergraduate materials, it fully copes with its maintenance work. self-made CNC Mill.

On the video: the first inclusion, the test showed that the bottom bottle must add stiffness that is done.

Materials and tools:
1. Old worker vacuum cleaner and two hoses for it
Pipe sewage PVC. D \u003d 100mm, d \u003d 40mm
Sample pipe

2. Thin sheet metal ~ 0.2-0.5mm or metal roofing (it is necessary to straighten with a hammer)
3. Two plastic bottles 2.5 liters with plugs, 5 liter eggplant.
4. Scissors for metal, email. Drill, drills, paper scissors, knife, PVC tape, gun with a thermoclaster, a riveter and rivets
5. Welding electrodes or similar rods 6 pieces, scotch wide, pencil

The cyclone filter is designed for rough Cleaning Available air, it removes heavy fractions before entering air to the impeller of the pump turbine. Thanks to this, you can absorb a rather large garbage, chips, chips and it will not hurt and will not border the impeller of the pump, when using a vacuum cleaner without a bag, package.

To collect chips from the working area of \u200b\u200bthe machine, drill, emrubanka, saws, etc.

An example of the use of this homemade cyclone Works with cnc mill

The principle of cyclone is shown in the figure below

The absorbable air with garbage is twisted into a spiral whirlwind of high speed, large particles are pressed centrifugal power To the wall of the pipe and spirals under their own weight slide into the bottle, the collection.

Cut from PVC pipe diameter 100 mm. Direct segment 400-500 mm. , smooth, without fastening fittings, the area will be the cyclone housing.

Cut from pipe with a diameter of 40 mm. Cut 100 mm. In short housing (this is an output to the vacuum cleaner) and a segment of 150 mm long. (UAV for garbage). On the sheet metal Blacks are three identical circles, a diameter of equal internal diameter Pipes of the case, it is convenient to circle directly through the pipe with a pencil, in the center of these mugs, there are still circles equal to the outer diameter of a thin pipe, circulating with a pencil pipe.

[u] scheme

Cut the circles with scissors for metal, then cut the circles to the middle, as in the diagram, cut out the internal circles. We connect with rivets the resulted circles into a single helix. We put it on a thin pipe, distribute uniformly turns and additionally sample all the thermoclaim from the pistol.

Now we stick a neatly the resulting design of the spiral into the case, if necessary, cut the hooks, leave the ledge out as in the diagram.

In the upper part of the body of the case drills the hole for the pipe (UAV), the rules to the knife, to get the right oval, for a dense fastening of the pipe.

We insert the pipe and send as in the diagram, on the tangent, we all speak well from the pistol.

Cut with scissors from a five-liter eggplant eggplant, we remove the threaded neck, customize the hole under the thick entry of the pipe D-40 mm., I wear on the body and sample at the top and bottom of the thermoclayer.

Cut 2/3 of the length of the bottle of 2.5 liters and put it on the bottom of the case, we sample.

We make out of two plugs, glueing them between themselves, homemade coupling coupling, drill outstanding. Bottle, collection for garbage, it is necessary to increase rigidity ribs, otherwise it will not stand the vacuum of the vacuum cleaner and just shrink, the ribs can be made of thin welding electrodesAfter having turned around the coating with a hammer, and curses them with a corset around the circumference with a wide scotch. We screw the bottle into place, we attach the hoses of the vacuum cleaner to ASS and the output, they are perfectly joined with PVC D-40 mm., Include and check the operation of the device.

Today we will tell you about the cyclone filter for the vacuum cleaner in the workshop, because one of the problems with which you have to deal with woodworking - dusting. Industrial equipment It is quite expensive, so we will make a cyclone with your own hands - it is absolutely easy.

What is cyclone and why he need

In the workshop almost always there is a need to remove the trash of a fairly large fraction. Sawdust, small trimming, metal chips "All this, in principle, can catch the usual filter of the vacuum cleaner, but he will quickly come into disrepair with a high probability. In addition, there will be no extra opportunity to remove and liquid waste.

Filter Cyclone uses aerodynamic twist to tie sterns different sizes. Spinning in a circle, the garbage time to stick to such a consistency when it can no longer be carried away by the stream of air and settles on the day. Such an effect occurs almost always if the air flow with sufficient speed passes through a cylindrical container.

This kind of filters are included in many industrial vacuum cleaners, but their cost is not called available for the average man. At the same time, the spectrum of tasks solved by homemade devices, not at all. Hoodar cyclone can be used both in conjunction with plans, perforators or jigsaws, and to remove sawdust or chips from of different kind Machines. In the end, even simple cleaning with such a device occurs much simpler, for the majority of dust and garbage will settle in the containers from where it can be easily removed.

The difference between wet and dry cyclone

To create a swirling stream, the main requirement is that the air does not follow the shortest path to the exhaust hole. To do this, the inlet pipe must have a special shape and be directed either to the bottom of the container or by tangent to the walls. The exhaust channel for a similar principle is recommended to do the swivel, optimally, if it is directed to the lid of the device. An increase in aerodynamic resistance due to pipe bends can be neglected.

As already mentioned, the cyclone filter is potentially able to remove liquid waste. With liquid, everything is somewhat more complicated: the air in the pipe and the cyclone is partially delivered, which contributes to the evaporation of moisture and its partition into very small drops. Therefore, the inlet nozzle must be located as close as possible to the surface of the water or even lower under it.

In most washing vacuum cleaners The air is supplied to the water through the diffuser, thus, any moisture contained in it effectively dissolves. However, for greater versatility with a minimum alteration, use such a scheme is not recommended.

We are made of girlfriend

The most simple I. available option For cyclone capacitance will be a bucket of paint or other construction mixes. The volume should be comparable to the power of the vacuum cleaner used, approximately this is one liter for every 80-100 W.

The lid of the bucket must necessarily be intended and tightly to wear on the body of the future cyclone. She will have to modify, having done a couple of holes. Regardless of the bucket material, the easiest way to make holes the desired diameter - use homemade cigrough. IN wooden rail You need to screw two self-sufficiency in such a way that their tip is from each other at a distance of 27 mm, no more nor less.

Hole centers need to schedule 40 mm from the edge of the lid, it is desirable that they are as much as possible from each other. And metal, and plastic are excellent soaked in such homemade tool, forming smooth edges almost without scoring.

The second element of the cyclone will serve as a set of sewer knees under 90º and 45º. We note in advance that the position of the corners must correspond to the direction of air flow. Their attachment in the case cover is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. The knee is inserted until it stops into the side of the socket. Pre-under the side is applied silicone sealant.
  2. FROM back side A rubber sealing ring is stretched onto a fool with an effort. For confidence, it can be additionally clipped with a screw clamp.

The inlet nozzle is located a narrow turning part inside the bucket, the fool is with outside Almost flush with a lid. The knee must be supplied by another turn of 45º and send the defects down and tangent to the wall of the bucket. If the cyclone is manufactured by calculating wet cleaning, It is necessary to grow extremely knee-trimming pipes, reducing the distance from the bottom to 10-15 cm.

The exhaust nozzle is located in the reverse position and its fool is under the lid bucket. It also needs to insert one knee so that the air fence takes place at the wall or make two turns for suction from under the center of the lid. The latter is preferable. Do not forget about sealing ringsFor more reliable fixation and exclusion of knees, they can be copied by a plumbing scotch.

How to adjust the device for machines and tools

To be able to draw waste when the manual and stationary tool is required, the adapter system will be required. Typically, the hose for the vacuum cleaner ends with a curved tube, the diameter of which is comparable to the fittings for bags of dust collectors of the power tool. As a last resort, you can compact a compound by multiple layers of two-way tape for mirrors wrapped with vinyl tape to eliminate stickiness.

Stationary equipment is increasingly harder. Dust dealers have a very different configuration, especially in homemade machines, so you can only give a few useful recommendations:

  1. If the machine dust removal is designed for 110 mm or larger sleeves, use plumbing transitions by 50 mm diameter to connect the corrugated vacuum cleaner hose.
  2. For docking with dust trap homemade machines, it is convenient to use press fittings for PND pipes by 50 mm.
  3. Working out the casing and removal of the dust collector, use a convection stream created by driving tool parts for greater efficiency. For example: nozzle for removal of sawdust from circular saw Must be directed by a tangent of the saw disk.
  4. Sometimes it is required to provide suction of dust from different sides of the workpiece, for example, for ribbon saw or mill. Use 50 mm sewer tees and corrugated hoses for wastewater.

What vacuum cleaner and the system of connections to use

Usually vacuum cleaner for homemade cyclone Do not choose yourself, but use the one that is in stock. However, there are a number of restrictions in addition to the capacity mentioned above. If you want to continue using a domestic vacuum cleaner, then at least you will need to find an additional hose.

All the charm used in the design of sewer knees is that they are ideal for the diameter of the most common hoses. Therefore, the spare hose can be safely cut on 2/3 and 1/3, a shorter segment should be shrinking with a vacuum cleaner. Another, longer segment, in such a form as it is refilled into the socket of the cyclone inlet. Maximum, what will be required in this place - compact the connection silicon hermetic Or a plumbing scotch, but usually the landing density is high enough. Especially in the presence of a sealing ring.

On video Another example of the manufacture of cyclone for dusting in the workshop

To pull the short segment of the hose on the exhaust pipe, the extreme part of the corrugation will have to be dissolved. Depending on the diameter of the hose, it may be more convenient to fill in. If the straightened edge does not fit a little on the pipe, it is recommended to warm it up slightly with a hairdryer or indirect flame. gas burner. The latter is considered an excellent option, because this compound is located optimally relative to the direction of the moving stream.

When carrying out repair and construction work A lot of garbage appears. Sawdust, chips, trimming materials to dust needed to clean regularly. The usual sweeping of the mop is excluded due to the specifics of the work, if it is possible to stick dust and small particles to the surface, for example, after primer or painting.

An ordinary vacuum cleaner with such garbage will not cope or will fail very quickly. Household electrical devices Designed for the middle short load.

For such cases, specialized techniques are produced. The building vacuum cleaner can work sufficiently without stopping, has significant power, and it uses completely different in it. household vacuum cleaners, Filter systems.

When it is worth using a building vacuum cleaner

Those who are constantly confronted with construction, repair and carpentry work, are aware of the need for timely cleaning of the workplace at the end of the stage. Cleaning can be carried out repeatedly for one day, so quite reasonable desire to facilitate the process.

Pieces of foamflast I. polyethylene film , trimming of the hyponga, the breakaway plaster, dust after cutting aerated concrete - all this garbage is settled not only on horizontal surfaces, but also, electrically attached, attached on the vertical walls.

Cleaning with the help of a mop and a scoop is not always relevant due to large areas, and the washing will only turn the dry dirt into the wet zhip, especially in the premises without finishing.

Normal household appliance Because of the small size of the dust collector, it will be quickly broken, it will have to be continuously brushing. When hitting large particles, the risk of breaking the technique is great.

Precisely in such conditions better decision There will be a construction vacuum cleaner.

Pros and cons of the construction vacuum cleaner

High power allows professional technique to work without a break long enough, and the long hose provides access to a remote area without having to carry the vacuum cleaner or interrupt operation.

But he has a cons:

  • High price. If you need periodic or one-time work, the purchase of a new expensive tool is inexpedient.
  • Large sizes and weight.

Some craftsmen came up with a way out of the provision in the form of an additional option to the existing technique. With enough small expenditures you can collect a cyclone filter for a vacuum cleaner with your own hands. This design will increase the possibility of an existing ordinary household vacuum cleaner.

Cyclone making with your own hands

On the Internet there huge selection Instructions for independent manufacture Cyclone filter, including featured drawings and photos. But they are combined with a standard set of components.

So, what we need:

Assembly instructions.

The main indicator that the cyclone for the vacuum cleaner is collected correctly, it will be garbage that is assembled on the bottom or settling on the walls of the container, while suction will be fast and high-quality. Do not forget to control the tightness of the design.

The history of the appearance of the filter cyclone

Creator of technology cyclone filter Is James Dyson. It was he who first made a filter with work based on centrifugal force. Why did this device become so popular and in demand that the inventor issued a patent on him?

The filter consists of two cameras. Under the action of centrifugal force inside the aggregate, the garbage starts to spin into a funnel. Large garbage At the same time settles in the first chamber, external, and dust and light garbage is assembled on the inside. So through the top hole comes clean air.

The main advantages of the filter cyclone:

  • no bags for collecting dust and their constant replacement;
  • compact filter dimensions;
  • quiet work;
  • easily removable lid allows you to regularly check the level of pollution and throw away the garbage timely;
  • speed \u200b\u200band efficiency of work.

Vacuum cleaner with a filter cyclone can be used in everyday life and professional purposes.