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How to pull out intricate poles. As an ambulance hand, the base of the wooden pillar is emerging. How to pull concrete poles from the ground

Last summer, at the cottage, we needed to pull out of the ground to us with a 1.5 m column as a steel pipe with a diameter of 120 mm. There was no tools at hand, and I did not want to feed the pipe under the drizzling rain. And then I had the idea of \u200b\u200bhow to do.

Vertically, a long scrap was put vertically, the lower end of which was at a short distance from the ground, tightly wrapped the pipe and scrap two or three times with a rope car moistened with water, and put to trumpet. Emphasis in the form of a small log cabin (Fig. 1).

Then the son turned scrap For its upper end perpendicular to the post. The rope ring strongly appealed to a pillar and scrap, which, having reached the stop, became a lever (Fig. 2). With his son, his son pulled the post for a short distance from the ground. After that, scrap was returned to its original position and lowered down the post along with the rope ring at a distance equal to the height to which the pillar was pulled out, and the operation was repeated.

Thus, several times the pillar was able to remove from the ground without the use of any special mechanisms or its feeding.

If the pillar is very sits in the ground, it is better to use two scrap (or other levers) that you need to put to the pole from different sides and wrap one common rope. In this case, two stops are used, and the leaks (levers) are rotated in opposite sides by two employees (Fig. 3).

Eduard Grigoriev
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Sooner or later, each host on the site arises such a situation when it is necessary to extract a pillar from the ground. But how it is better to do if a pillar is in addition - a concrete base. In fact, everything you need is "golden hands" and a car jack. Here is a way that will solve the problem less than an hour.


To extract a pillar from the ground, together with a concrete base, some instruments will be needed: car jack and tree bars. Great, long bolts and saw. In general, both in general, finding all the necessary tools will not be difficult. Special gadgets for extracting will not be required.

Extraction technique

In order to remove the post from the ground along with the base, it should be cutting into it so that its height does not exceed 1 meter. Now, to the remaining clever, you need to attach a bar, which will be resting our jack. It must be securely fixed. Best of all two hefty bolts.

Now you need to prepare a support for the jack. It must be relying on the free land and be at some distance from the concrete base. You can use several bars to create it. You should take a stock, as it will be gradually it will be necessary to increase the height of the base.

The rest of the pillar extraction technology is extremely simple. We put the jack on the base and sway under the focus, start raising. After some time, when the movement of the post up will be too complicated, we remove the jack and increase the height of our stand. We put the jack - cool. This procedure should be repeated to a victorious end.

This is a great way to remove a pillar along with a concrete basis without making great effort. This method can be quite suitable not only for wooden, but also for steel columns. To care for your strength and create a powerful pulling force, a car jack will be applied.

Pull out a pole along with a concrete base

Spilize the pillar, leaving it about a meter height. Of course, it is not necessary to do this, but in the future it will be more convenient to work with part that will be removed from the ground.

From the sawing part from cutting a bar and drill two holes in it.

Clamp temporarily attach a bar to the post.

Through the same holes, we continue drill the pillar itself. All of course you can drill and at a time, but maybe not quite comfortable.

Next, score studs on wood, or long bolts.

From the thick boards, we prepare the base for the support of the jacks. The support should be based on the free ground, at some distance from the concrete base.

Place the timber. It must be reliable and to withstand considerable efforts without a strong deflection.

We put the jack and we rest in the screwed bar.

As the pillar exits from the Earth, we put the bars, as the jack trip is not enough at once.

We bring the jack, repeat the procedure.

It can be seen as a pillar comes out. Next, put the bars even.

As soon as a large half of the concrete base came out of the ground, the pillar can be poured the side.

That's all. A lot of strength and time here did not need

After the post, one fairly equal groove remained, which, by the way, can be reused.

A simple method for the emergence of intake pillars, I personally came to my soul.
As for steel structures, all the same actions, except that instead of drilling and bolts, you can apply welding.
As you can see in this example, the concrete base has the form of a cone, which significantly facilitated the task. If the base is done step with an increase in to the bottom, then this method is also quite suitable. Except that in this case, the pillar will have to pull up to the very end.

Before screwing the piles for a new house, Alexander Turkovsky had to disassemble the old building. The most difficult to remove the concrete columns of the old foundation. Recruited the car winch.

Manually pull out the concrete blocks of the base foundation turned out to be almost impossible. We decided to use the car winch, but for this it was necessary to think than to capture the column himself, and also to cling to the swan. Stakes I wrapped the steel chain, which I once bought for rigging works. The loop was closed by Karabin. But the idea, for which to catch the swan, did not come immediately.

Give me a point of support

I used the reception recommended for pulling the car in a clean field where there is no support. It consists in the following. The shovel ride until it stops into the ground. Thanks to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe bayonet, the shovel plays the role of a peculiar anchor. In order to further strengthen the position of the shovel, the top of the rope handle is tied to another support (for example, to the base of smaller shovels), and if the soil is weak, then the top of the handle of the second shovels are tied to the next shovel. Thus, a pretty reliable support for the winch occurs.

Iron "hand"

The first column got out of the ground well, but with the second I had to tinker. The shovel, I stuck immediately behind the concrete path, which turned out to be a good focus, but due to the too high location of the hooking of the cable broke the handle of shovels. I had to do specifically for this work a shovel with a handle from the steel pipe. It turned out a heavy, but durable tool that is not suitable for the pox of the Earth, but it is successfully helped pull the columns.

Additional tool

Sometimes it turned out that the line of the ropes does not coincide with the direction of the chain, then the shovel began to fall aside. Since the lateral effort is small, it is easy to compensate for a simple backup.

I must say that without an additional tool, it is difficult to do without or even impossible. I scored a sledgehammer into the soil shovel. A narrow blade and garden scoop used to remove the soil around the column, and the concrete block was used to the ax with a welded pipe.

You can work alone

Together to pull out blocks, of course, more convenient, but it turned out to work with a swan and wague and alone. I pulled the winch cable before the stop, and then helped the waga to move the block. Then the cycle repeated to the moment when the column got out of the soil to such an extent that the tight of the winch was enough.

I must say that I use the car winner not in normal mode. Typically, the cable is ddvient to get a polyaste, but I refused to increase the length of the cable. As practice has shown, the effort of the winch in this mode is enough.

How to pull concrete poles from the ground

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