Repairs Design Furniture

Long burning bunching hand drawings. Bunch furnace: design scheme and manufacturer do it. Clamping circle and lid

The oven bunch of long burning is an excellent option for heating non-residential premises. It is possible to make it because of what is called, the cast materials, but as fuel to use waste. What kind of design, its device, pros and negative characteristics will consider in this article.

Working diagram and drawing

A distinctive feature of a bunch of a bunch or, as it is also called, the furnace-piston is its form - a long vertical cylinder, the combustion process in which is not at the bottom, as in the traditional oven, and on top.

The drawing shows that inside the case there is a piston consisting of a rod and a metal circle welded to it, simply called the "pancake". In this circle-pancake there are ribs focused down. If you consider the design in the context, then it will look like a scheme of work.

ATTENTION: When damn is at the lowest point, the piston should not rise above the lid more than 2-3 cm. This ratio is very important because if the connecting rod is very long, then when burning the fuel when the chimney has not had time to warm up, all Smoke will go to the room.

What fuel is suitable

Even a properly executed design, can disappoint the wizard if it is loaded into it "wrong" fuel. As the experiments have shown, it is best to burn:

  • sawdust;
  • chip;
  • pallets;
  • peat briquettes;
  • small branches;
  • cardboard.

For the furnace fits fuel, which can be well sealed under the influence of the gravity of the piston. If it is impossible to put lamps in the oven, then it is impossible to seal them. They will burn, but with the slightest malfunction of the chimney and one cheese linen, the piston will stall and there is a phenomenon as the reverse thrust and the room will be filled with smoke. The horizontally located lamps are also burning, but still weakly and the effect of the process is far from the desired.

With a water jacket

Overhead with a water shirt on chimney

The possibilities of bubfoni will increase significantly if you add water circuit to the furnace. To do this, adapt more than 1 cylinder to heat the coolant in it. The diameter of it is more than 2.5-3 cm, sometimes for this purpose, the square housing is fitted.

If there is a finished heating circuit in the room, the stove is connected to it and by means of the circulation pump, the coolant from the water jacket is transported to the heating system. Such a furnace is beneficial to what can provide a heat of several rooms.

The water circuit is installed not only on the furnace housing, but also on the chimney. The principle of the device of such a system is "tube in the pipe". The ends of the "shirts" are sealed, cut pipes for the input and output of the coolant. The top have a removal, and at the bottom - the return.

A plumbing pipe can also perform in the role of the heat exchanger. A serpentine is made of it, enter into a steel casing so that the heat is distributed more evenly, the sand falls asleep. Sometimes a brickwork is performed around the furnace, and the same coil is placed inside.

6 stages of the manufacture of bubfoni from the gas cylinder

All the work on the manufacture of a bunch of a conventional gas cylinder can be divided into 6 consecutive stages:

  1. Fill the balloon with water, reloading the valve. This operation is necessary in order to avoid a possible explosion with further work with it.
  2. Cut up the top using the grinder. It should be borne in mind that in the area of \u200b\u200bthe seam inside the cylinder there is an additional reinforcing layer, which makes it difficult to cut the process. This border will have to be removed, because It will prevent the free movement of the piston. The process is time consuming, so it is better to make a cut below the seam.
  3. Cut in the housing a hole for chimney at the minimum distance from the top of the furnace. From the steel pipe with a diameter of about 10 cm, divided into 2 small segments at an angle of 45 degrees, boils, then connected to it through the adapter chimney from the pipe slightly larger diameter (12 cm), which will improve the furnace heat transfer. Adapter are sealed using fiberglass or clay.
  4. Produce the cover from the cut part of the cylinder, or cut it out of metal. Flat cover is more practical - you can even warm up on it. In the lid with welding, a hole under the piston is cut. The round cross section is not necessary, it will be good to perform its function and a square pipe, and the assembly in this case will be simplified.
  5. Cut the disk with a diameter of 270 mm using a steel sheet with a thickness of 3-4 mm. In the middle make a hole under the rod. The circle should be of such a diameter so that there remains a gap between it and the walls equal to 1/20 of its diameter. Blankets of 6 pcs are welded to the disk, thus bent in such a way that air jams occurred between them. This contributes to uniform combustion of fuel under the plate and complete combustion of gases in the upper part of the furnace released during the process.
  6. Cut and fasten in the center over the blades another small circle with a hole of 30-40 mm. It is needed so that the coals formed during the combustion are not scored a hole in the gas flow for air, and a small gap remained between the blades and fuel.

It is advisable to install the oven for the foundation and take care of the screen that provides additional fire safety and contributing to the uniform distribution of heat around the room.

ATTENTION: If it is planned to load raw fuel into the stove, the knee is made in the pipe to remove smoke, extinguishing it slightly down and installing the condensate drain tap.


The design of the furnace is simple, with a large volume of the camera, it can burn for a long time on one load, does not require complex care, effectively heats the room into severe frosts. There is no direct contact with an open flame, which speaks of high fire safety object. Along with many positive qualities there are disadvantages:

Calculation of the main furnace parameters

If some non-standard container is used for the manufacture of the furnace, and the found drawing is designed for a gas cylinder or a 200 liter of a barrel, then it is better to calculate at least the main parameters so that the furnace worked with maximum return. These include:

  • Dimensions of the stove. The optimal diameter of the container is 30-80 cm. The ratio of its diameter to height is in the range from 1: 3 to 1: 5. With a violation of this proportion in a smaller direction, the air will not flow into the burning area, and just get into the chimney. In the case when the indicator is overestimated, burning in the center of the bookmark will be observed and not occurring near the walls. As a result, a clamping circle will be jamming because of its drawdown, and the burning will cease to be supported.
  • The thickness of the walls of the cylinder. Especially large weight has this parameter when the water circuit device has. It is impossible to allow the minimum value to be less than 4 mm. If the furnace is used only for heating one room of the type of garage, basement or greenhouse, it is allowed to operate a container with the walls of a smaller thickness (from 2.5 mm), but the power loss is inevitable.
  • Piston sizes. Not only the diameter of the pancake, but also the thickness of the metal is important. The optimal gap between it and walls is 5% of the diameter. The thickness of the circle and its diameter are in inversely proportional dependence. If this node is heavy, it will love and extinguish the fire, and too light will not provide sufficient clamping.
  • The cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe exit chimney nozzle. Determine it by multiplying the energy estimates of the furnace in kW / h. on the coefficient of 1.75. In turn, the value of the energy estimation is obtained by multiplying the mass of the laying on the specific heat transfer of the fuel used. If the volume of the working part of the furnace is known, then it is multiplied by the specific mass and get a lot of bookmarks.
  • Parameters rod for air intake. Its diameter is taken within 0.5-0.55 of the area of \u200b\u200bthe section of the outlet.

Specific heat transfer and bookmark ratio (specific mass per unit volume) - Reference values:

In order not to delve into the detailed calculations, the required thickness of the workpiece for the presser circle can be chosen from the table:

Approximate calculation of the chimney cross section for a gas cylinder furnace with a diameter of 30 cm and a load height of approximately 70 cm looks like this:

Determine the amount of load by multiplying the cross section of the height:

Vf \u003d πd²: 4 × nf \u003d 3.14 x 3 2 x 7: 4 ≈ 50 dm³

Determine the weight of the loading, taking into account the use of peat briquettes:

M \u003d 50 x 0.34 \u003d 17 kg

From such a quantity of fuel will be the following return of energy:

E \u003d 17 x 2,36 ≈ 40 kW, hence the cross section of the nozzle is:

S \u003d 1.75 x 40 \u003d 70 kV. cm (value lead to standard).

Considering that with the competent execution of one bookmark, it is enough for 12 hours. And having basic parameters, you can calculate the average furnace power:

70: 12 \u003d 5.83 kW / h.

In the basic designs of the bunching furnace, you can make your changes, while observing the main proportions. The field for experiments is simply huge, and the result can exceed expectations.

If in private houses it is customary to use a serious heating technique, then heating the garage, cottages or greenhouses better to lay on the homemade unit of a simple design, working on firewood and coal. Verified option - bunch of bunch, made by hand from a steel pipe or gas cylinder. This burzhuyka is so popular that it is often adapting to heating housing. The one who is familiar only by the title will find detailed information about the work of the stove, its manufacture and reviews of real users.

On the principle of the upper burning

To date, 2 types of heaters that use this principle are self-made bunch and boilers from the Lithuanian brand Stropuva. The essence is as follows: the solid fuel is loaded inside the combustion chamber made in the form of a vertical cylinder, after which it is burned from above. From there, the air is constantly connected to the combustion zone, by means of a vertical pipe, an ending disk cargo with air flow distributors.

Reference. It is not known what an upper burning unit was invented before - a Lithuanian boiler or a Russian stove. But many domestic producers picked up the idea and began to produce heat generators, operating on this principle, equipping them with automation and even forced superimposure.

Actually, the traditional bunch of bunch consists of only 3 parts depicted in the photo:

  • the cylindrical case with chimney nozzle set vertically (happens with grate and without);
  • top cover with cutting down hole for air duct;
  • piston - a pipe with a welded "pan-like", equipped with rebones - air diffusers.

As already mentioned, the camera is filled with any solid fuel - firewood, sawdust, chip or coal. The laying is pressed by a load of the piston, and the cover is put on top to the pipe. The stove is ready to work. Now more about how it functions:

  1. After the ignition and the installation of the cargo with the lid air into the combustion zone is absorbed through the vertical pipe due to the thrust of the chimney. Going below, under the "pancake", the stream spreads into all sides through distributors made from steel strips.
  2. Smoke and pyrolysis gases are enveloped by the edges of the disk and rushed into the upper zone, to the chimney. The secondary air is coming here, penetrating the gap between the lid and the pipe (it is not specifically compacted). As a result, there is a hurry of combustible gases allocated by wood or coal.
  3. As lane, the piston goes down until it reaches the bottom or grate, after which the new fuel boot is required.

Top fuel topping scheme

Tested in practice that one layout of firewood in a fuel cell made from a standard gas cylinder is enough for about 5 hours, coal - for 10-12 hours. Therefore, the bunch right is considered to be a stove of long burning.

How to make a stove of girlfriend

For the manufacture of the housing, you can take any product from a metal with a cylindrical form:

  • propane cylinder;
  • receiver from the railway car;
  • an ordinary barrel of 100 or 200 liters;
  • pipe with a diameter of 300-500 mm.

Bunch bunch of big barrel

Note. The stove of the bunch, made with her hands from the bar, serves not too long due to thin walls that quickly go. The problem is solved simply - the unsuitable barrel is changing to the whole. The operation will take a literally 30 minutes, which are required to weld the flue of the chimney.

The piston is welded from the steel pipe, whose diameter depends on the size of the fuel chamber. For a diameter 300 mm (like a cylinder), there is enough pipe 57 x 3 mm. A two-hundred-toll air bar must be greater, so the diameter of the air duct increases to 76 x 3 mm. Accordingly, a cross-section of the chimney nozzle is selected, in the first case it will be 10, in the second - 15 cm. For cargo, a steel sheet with a thickness of 1 cm is used, a strip of 40 x 4 or 50 x 4 mm will go to the distributors.

The most common design shown in the drawing is performed from a gas cylinder in this order:

  1. Unscrew the valve of the cylinder, fill it with water and cut off the baccake cover, focusing on the factory welded seam. It is reduced by a hole with a diameter of 60 mm, and along the contour, weld the shell from the steel strip for a dense adjacent to the end of the housing.
  2. Cut out the holes for removing gases and clean the ash bar, as shown in the drawing. Make an 18-22 mm grate from the reinforcement and put it on two corners, welded at the bottom of the fuel, as done in the photo.
  3. Put the door or a cleaner hatch, weld the smoke nozzle.
  4. Cut the disk from thick metal, do the hole in the center and attach the pipe with welding. Dummy performs from bent strips, welding them to the back of the cargo. To regulate the stream on the second end of the pipe, install an eccentric damper. All, the details of the stove are ready.

Council. It is very important to make dispensers from the bent band. Their location contributes to the fan-based air dissipation in the furnace and uniform burning of firewood.

Installing bubfoni and its connection to chimney is made according to the standard diagram, as can be seen higher in the picture. If you did not make grace and the cooker, then the body is better to put on chammed bricks, so that the concrete does not sweat in the garage. The height of the chimney pipe is at least 4 m, and better - 5 m. To get more visual information about the device and the work of the furnace, we suggest watching the video:

Water shirt bunch

Many homemade craftsmen make this stove with a water contour, turning it into a full-fledged caustic boiler for water heating at home. If you want to follow their example, we suggest examining the drawing of the heating unit made from a pipe with a diameter of 40 cm:

When assembling you will encounter with one difficult moment. At home, it is impossible to roll a steel sheet with a thickness of 2 mm and give it a cylindrical shape, here we need rollers. The outputs are somewhat - take the pipe of the larger diameter or bending the metal at different angles. How can one make a square and hexagonal water jacket for bubfoni, shown in the diagram:

The remaining works are made like this:

  1. Rush in the housing of openings for doors and install grate, as described in the previous section. Make a piston with air distributors.
  2. Hermetically weld the frame framing and water shirt. Do the same with chimney nozzle.
  3. Put the fittings with a diameter of 40 mm to connect the water heating system.
  4. Test the water circuit of bubfoni on tightness, then wrap it with a soaplieler from basalt fiber and cut the painted thin metal.

Reference. The resulting upper burning boiler is capable of working not only on firewood, coal and sawdust, but also on spent oil, supplied through the air duct drip. How to organize it, look at the video:

Why smoke furnace - features of operation

Along with the important advantages that contribute to its popularity, the bunch of long burning bubonphia has a number of significant drawbacks:

  • requirement for good thrust in chimney, without which it smokes to the room during heating;
  • the impossibility of loading firewood until the previous portion will be proceed;
  • in the mode of slow heat, there is a little distinguished, while the chimney quickly "overcomes" soot;
  • the burning firebox can not be fully extinguished, because the air will still penetrate the gap between the pipe and the case.

From here, the conclusion suggests: during operation, the stove requires a constant supervision, and the chimney must be cleaned periodically or leaving at the maximum mode and high-quality fuel.

Important moment. Bunch can smoke for another reason - reboot fuel. That is, when the user crashes firewood in the fifylener for the very top, which is impossible to do. Load height - 5 cm below the chimney edge.

"Bunch" or a snack of long burning. For the first time, as proposed on the expanses of the Internet by Afanasiyu Bibyakin, a cradle from Kolyma. He first shared with all the drawings of the furnace tested. And since Nick Afonasia in the Bubafonja network (Bubafonja) came from here and the name of this stove. The principle of operation of the furnace is like the Lithuanian boilers "Stropor", only the "bunch" is much easier. In fact, on the Internet, I found dozens of similar furnaces, different forms and even names. But the principle of their action has always remained approximately the same.
The main thing in my opinion the advantage of this furnace lies in its very long burning. I am glad and simplicity of the furnace. In the "Bubafoni" scheme, there is no door, thoughtfully, and ashniks. For its manufacture, you can use anyone existing on hand with a metal tank, and a pair, the top of the metal pipes. Many make a furnace of old gas cylinders, made of metal barrels, old wide pipes, and even from square iron boxes. Only the time of its combustion depends on the volume of the furnace.
That is, the more fuel in her you can lay, the longer it will burn. For example, the furnace from the gas cylinder can burn 5-6 hours, and from two hundredth liter barrels for 20-24 hours. Some owl owners claim that when equipped with solid varieties of wood, this furnace can burn and two days on the same bookmark. By the way about fuel. The oven "Bunch" is good what can work on all types of firewood, branches, chips, sawdust, cardboard, and even on old books and chipboard.
This wonderful furnace has its drawbacks. The first of the flaws is aesthetic appearance. Because of his own type and principle of work, such a furnace will not decorate you. But it is actually overcome. A little later, I will show examples of its competent use. For this, let's immediately declare that this furnace is primarily intended for heating the technical premises, garages, basements, greenhouses, animal buildings, etc. To use her at home you need a small extension, boiler, or at least a basement.
The second very serious lack of this furnace in its small heat transfer. The bunch of "Bunch" burns slowly, and because of its principle of operation, heat will be highlighted not all over the area and only in certain places. A similar heat generation scheme can heat not much a large room. But if competently approach the issue of heating, it is also overcome. And so let's in order.
Furnace "Bunch", classic option.

The main thing when creating this furnace does not take too thin pipes for the piston and chimney. But this condition is not difficult. After all, all sizes are approximate. For example, if you make a stove from a barrel of 200 liters. That try to have a chimney from a pipe of 100-150 mm. And the piston is 50-60mm. If the chimney can not be wider than 100mm and the piston is wider than 50mm. There are in this furnace and certain nuances. The burning in it takes place in two chambers. Under the piston, solid fuel is lit, and above the piston is burned beyond the lower furnace gas. For this reason, the hole in the lid through which the piston is inserted, should not be tightly adjacent to the piston. There should be a gap to half a centimeter at least for suction of air to the furnace above the piston. If you still decided not to leave the gap between the lid and the piston, then you need to construct the simplest in the lid. Otherwise, the furnace will have something to smoke, sleep, and challenge. The reason for this is hidden in the lack of oxygen for the combustion of the gases released by the lower furnace. Here is a classic example of such an error.

Nikolai Voronin speaks in his video that the oven when he starts to smoke, and only when he covers the thrust, exposing the oven to the slow burning mode, the situation is normalized. Please note that the clearance on the cover of Nicholas is very small, and the skirt at the cover is very dense. And for this, with complete thrust through, so much pyrolysis gases was developed, how much to burn in the upper chamber did not have time. The slot is narrow, and the oxygen for burning all gases is not enough. Therefore, Nikolai removed the thrust, the gases began to stand out less, and they began to go well in the upper chamber. But this is not so critical. After all, on a complete stove, the stove is used only for ignition and quick warm-up. The main function of this furnace is slow burning, for which strong maid do not need. But still you should not make a gap on the lid completely narrow.
By the way, pay attention to how the stove cover gloves. This is easy to achieve if when heated to clean the cover with a metal brush. The rust is quickly believed, and the purified metal is covered with an oxide film, becoming brilliant.
Here is a video in which the manufacturer of similar furnaces tells about why the air access is needed into the second chamber.

Now let's talk about the heat transfer stove "Bunch". As we understood from all video and schemes, this furnace is heated only as the fuel is rooted. The only parts that in this furnace are heated constantly this is a piston, which is fuel, the cover and chimney at the exit. The walls of the stove are heated only as firewood is combustion. But how to get all the heat given to the stove? After all, it is necessary to heat the heat immediately and not when the fuel will be prohibiting. The first in this scheme disappears the piston. He is movable and constantly in the stove. With it warmly removed. In addition, the piston performs an important function. Razing to red, it presses on fuel, thereby providing the production of pyrolysis gases, which, in turn, the burning stove in turn in the upper chamber. From the lid to remove heat is also problematic. It needs to be opened and closed to bookmark the firewood. Only chimney remains. It is on him that the main responsibility for heat transfer is assigned. Our craftsmen have long understood and invented a lot of different ways to remove heat from the chimney. These are passive radiators, and radiators with blowing, and water shirts. In my opinion the most efficient way to heating the house by this stove is a water shirt. Let's look at this method in more detail.
As can be seen in the figure to chimney, the casing is welded from a cylinder of a small size or another metal cylinder. The pipes are welded to this cylinder through which water will circulate. Water pump serves water to the shirt, it warms up from the chimney and enters the battery at home. So we get home heating 24 hours a day. I want to note that the chimney of this furnace is constantly heated to a decent temperature, starting from the moment of ignition and ending with the end of burning. If the shirt on the chimney is to make a long enough and narrow, it will allow to heat sufficiently large areas.
There are among the craftsmen and those who made a water shirt around the whole stove. But in my opinion it is much more difficult and not everyone has such an opportunity. Other masters went differently. They knitted a shirt on chimney with a closed container. The capacitance was insulated and the pipes with water from heating and water running at home were missed through it. Thus, they turned out a heat battery, water in which is constantly limiting temperatures. And already from this battery, they can heat separate heating systems at home and water in the cranes. The furnace itself is insulated in such cases, knocking on the meter into the ground and overlapping pre-brick. This allows you to maintain most of the heat stove allocated and send it to the chimney. This system is more versatile, as it allows you to adjust the heating of water in the heating system and in the water supply system to the desired temperature.
In this video, its owner shows exactly such a system of heating at home.

Of course there are dozens of other types of applying this furnace. We looked at the simplest of them. In any case, this furnace has many advantages over its counterparts. The main advantages are simplicity of manufacture, and the duration of work is 20 or more hours without a break. This allows you to use the furnace in different conditions for different needs. In addition, this furnace has an incredible set of opportunities for its modernization. Pulling video with this stove you will be surprised to different devices that upgrade this furnace.

For the first time, the bunch of long burning bunching was able to evaluate visitors and participants of the Construction Forum. The design laid out the Master of Athanasius in the network, which was just a login bubafonja. Hence the funny name of the stove appeared.

The advantage of the design is simplicity and high performance. Although initially it was assumed that it would be used for the greenhouse, the bunch stove became so popular that some began to use it for the heating of residential premises.

  • What features are the design?
  • Is it possible to install a stove for heating at home?
  • How to make your own hands?
  • Is there a bunch of disadvantages?

Device of the bunching furnace

With a sufficient amount of air in the firewood, the firewood burns literally in a few minutes. The design of the ovens of the long burning of the bunch was created with this feature, which is reflected on the principle of its work. The combustion process is as follows:
  1. The burning is performed from top to bottom.
  2. Used air distributor for gases, allowing additional thermal energy. The air distribution unit is associated with a telescopic tube. As the fuel is combined, damn, located at the end, falls under its own weight.
  3. Delete ash required extremely rarely. The ash is absorbed through the ash bar, through it the air enters the furnace.
  4. Adjusting the thrust is performed using the valve on the furnace. The extract occurs on a complete thrust, with intense burning. The feature of the design is that firewood or other fuel is set on top of the disassembled body. After the flame flared up, the air distributor is installed and the top cover is put on.
  5. Due to the controlled supply of air in the furnace, gas generation processes occur. The fuel is tweaked and highlights a large amount of gas that is surrounded in a complete combustion chamber.
  6. The extractor is literally carried out in a few minutes, of course, provided that the length of the pipe used under the chimney corresponds to the necessary requirements.

The stove of a water jacket bunch appeared as a result of independent modifications and changes in the design of the device. There are several water heating solutions. But basically uses the heating furnace bunch with water contour, (there are also a blast furnace options) which is located along the entire body.

By blowing significantly increases heat transfer and allows you to get warm at any stage of fuel combustion.

Water heating increased the KPD of the furnace and allowed it to use it for heating the whole house, and not just a garage or utility room, where there is a stove.

The sizes of the furnace depends on which material is used for production. Metal barrels and gas cylinders are the most popular bilnels. A detailed stove device allows you to make it yourself without loss of quality and performance.

What can be done bunch bunch

As already noted, make the bunch of the bunch with their own hands just enough. Over time, options and modifications of equipment that affected the production process appeared.

The most economical oven on the wood of the bunch is manufactured by many ways, but the most popular of them are:

  1. Barrel bubon stove - Popular design. The barrel allows you to use a water shirt and connect the equipment to the heating network of the house. A simple barrel furnace also has the advantages associated with a large volume of the fuel chamber affecting the duration of work from one bookmark.
  2. Oven bunch of gas cylinder - This option is popular thanks to the simplicity of manufacture. It is enough just to cut the upper part of the gas cylinder and the case is almost ready. It remains to make a metal damn and cover. Pyrolysis furnace of long burning bunch of gas cylinder is usually used for small rooms - greenhouses, garages, etc.

Some design options provide for the ability to install the case from a propane cylinder into a metal barrel of larger diameter. The water is poured between them and thus manufactures the stove with water contour.

Heating of greenhouses with a bunch furnace still remains one of the main methods of using equipment. Depending on the volume of the furnace, the stove can work offline from several hours to 2 days.

What can drip the bunch bunch besides firewood

All fuel furnaces of long burning bubonphia can work almost on any form of solid fuel, which makes them versatile and convenient in operation. The raw material used affects the efficiency, as well as battery life.
  • Coal - allows you to increase the service life of up to 60 hours. The bunch of the bunch can be treated on the corner, but the side effect will be a large amount of soot and the need for frequent flourishing of the chimney and the furnace chamber.
  • Sawdles - this type of fuel is also used quite often. The firebox on sawdust should be carried out with the addition of dry wood, it is enough to add 30% fire from the total volume of the furnace. The combustion of sawdust should be carried out with a greater burden.
  • Firewood is the optimal option. Firewood provides full combustion in the oven almost without soot. Long-term degeneration contributes to the allocation of a large amount of gas used for additional production of thermal energy. Machine furnace is simply performed. The only requirement for firewood is the low moisture content in its composition.

Slow combustion allows you to ensure the autonomous operation of the device for several days with a full tab of the heat chamber. For the furnace you can use other fuel: old cardboard, branches, chips, old books and chipboard.

Disadvantages of the bunching furnace

The manufacture of a bunch of bunch and its operation have not only positive parties. There are also a few minuses that should be considered. Namely:
  • Homemade bunching furnaces are made of old barrels, cylinders. The appearance of such devices is completely unsightly. Therefore, most often the stove of the bunch design is used precisely for technical premises, not for a residential building.
  • Limited heat transfer - Homemade metal furnaces on solid fuel bunching use the principle of upper combustion in their work. For this reason, the heat chamber is unevenly carried out, and only in the place where the flame is currently located.
  • Device chimney - The presence of good traction is mandatory, for this it will be necessary to do. The chimney should easily understand and have revisions for cleaning.
It is quite simple to make the bubon stove with their own hands, but the main sphere of its application remains the heating of technical premises and greenhouses.

At the occurrence of winter colds, worries are worried at the owners of private households, which are fully responsible for heating their home. In those rooms where the capacity of the main heating is weak or is absent at all (sheds, garages), you have to look for inexpensive alternative ways.

Features of the stove of long burning

First of all, you need to understand what is happening during the burning of firewood. For the appearance of flame, the temperature of the wood must be brought to about +150 degrees using an external heating source for this. Usually enough of the piece of paper burned from the usual match. After that, the process of slow coagulation of the material begins, which, after reaching the mark of + 250 degrees, goes into disintegration of simple chemical elements. The composition of the smoke of white, which appears during the ignition of the flame, includes gas and water vapor: they exude a heated wood. The ignition of the released gaseous components is observed when heating in +300 degrees is reached: as a result, the thermochemical reaction is significantly reduced.

The decay of the organic matter on simple elements is called pyrolysis. Practice shows that during the combustion of wood, part of the energy potential laid in it remains not used. This is expressed in a significant amount of waste remaining after the fading of the flame. In pyrolysis furnaces, fuel is used much more efficiently, which is achieved by individual burning of gases released during burning. At the same time, the velocity of the wood itself is very small, which contributes to an increase in the work of the furnace on the same bookmark. The bunch of bunch, which is a type of pyrolysis heater, guarantees almost complete combustion of all fuel.

A bit of history

The development of the bunching furnace is attributed to the folk crawler Athanasia Bibyakin from Kolyma. Subsequently, a new invention was named in his honor. Athanasius during their experiments was repelled from the device of the pyrolysis boiler Stropuva Lithuanian production.

The domestic inventor tried to simplify the design as much as possible so that it could be constructed with their own hands. This specificity of Bubafoni and explains its high popularity. Considering the fact that the material for the manufacture of this device is mainly protruding tools, it cannot boast by external aesthetics. The strong sides of the stove is its simplicity, efficiency and reliability.


The bunch of long burning bunch includes the following nodes:

  1. Housing. The main element of the device usually having a cylinder form. It is most often made of cylinders, barrels, large fire extinguishers, thick boiled pipes, etc.
  2. ChimneyThrough which combustion products are distinguished. The material for its manufacture usually performs a metallic pipe with a diameter of 110-250 mm. It is fixed by welding on the top of the furnace.
  3. Piston. Ribs are welded on the lower part of the metal circle: the air duct pipe is fixed in its central part. At the expense of the ribs, the creation of an additional interlayer of air separating fuel and piston is achieved. This makes the process of tension more efficient and stimulates the active release of pyrolysis gases.
  4. Regulator. Thanks to this valve, oxygen is supplied inside the furnace.
  5. Cap. It has holes for the air duct, forming a secondary combustion chamber in combination with a piston. Inside this compartment, pyrolysis gases are combustion.

Strong and weaknesses of bubfoni

Pyrolysis stove has a number of positive qualities:

  • Easy design. Having welding skills and work experience with metal, the stove will not make a lot of work.
  • Universalism. Bunch is very unpretentious in terms of fuel: it can throw firewood, coal, sawdust, chips and other types of wood waste. Also, the stove copes well with pellets - inexpensive eco-friendly granules.
  • Duration of work. The breakdown time of one wood laying is almost a day: throughout this time, the oven regularly allocates heat. This indicator may vary depending on the modification of the device, the volume of its furnace, the rate of circulation of oxygen, etc.

It should also be mentioned about the main disabilities of Bubafoni:

  • Low efficiency. The reason for this is the uneven heating of the body of the device at a sufficiently low heat transfer. More "advanced" pyrolysis furnaces in this regard an order of magnitude more efficiently: their efficiency often exceeds 90%.
  • Uncomfortable cleaning. As such, the ashist in the design is not available, so the remnants of combustion products are removed through the top. Some furnace modifications are equipped at the bottom of the door that facilitates the procedure for cleaning ash and ash.
  • Low aesthetics. The appearance of the bubfoni can hardly be called beautiful, so it is mainly used for the heating of utility rooms.

How to make the oven from the gas cylinder

In the course of work on the construction of bubfoni, it is necessary to implement the following activities:

  1. Prepare a room, tools and materials.
  2. Collect design.
  3. Make chimney.
  4. To equip the base under the pyrolysis furnace.

Drawing up drawing

The main proportion along the manufacture of the homemade stove of the bunch of gas cylinder is the mathematical ratio of the parameter of the internal diameter of the case and its height. It must be from three to five to one. The optimal diameter value is from 30 to 80 cm.

Making the diameter of the furnace case less than 30 cm is not effective, since oxygen too quickly will circulate along the combustion chamber, without entering into a full-fledged reaction with firewood. This leads to a noticeable decrease in the efficiency of the device. In the chambers with a diameter of more than 80 cm, another problem occurs - in it firewood from the edge is very slow, and in the center - faster. In the course of fuel burnout, a failure arises, in which the piston is lowered. As a result, the flame gradually fades. In the drawing, the diameter is more convenient to designate the letter D, and height - H.

Thickness of walls

This parameter is the second most important when calculating how to make a bunch of bunch. The good heat exchange efficiency is provided by a steel case with a thickness of 4-5 mm. When decreasing this indicator, there is a reduction in the operation time of the device on one fuel bookmark. In addition, too thin walls quickly go. Sometimes they make a stove in a greenhouse of long burning with their own hands, which is quite practical.

Pressing pancake piston

The distance from the piston to the inner surface of the piston is calculated by the formula 0,5хd. To calculate the diameter of the pancake, respectively, the formula d \u003d d - 2xh is used. Counting the height of pressed ribs from the metal profile is more difficult, because The dependence between the values \u200b\u200bof the parameters is non-linear. Theoretically for the furnace housing with a diameter of 60-80 cm This parameter is taken as the number 0.1хd. The furnace of a bunch of a smaller gas cylinder is calculated by the proportion equation, taking into account that at d0 \u003d 30 cm H0 \u003d 4 cm.

Plot thickness

This value is in reverse proportionality to the inner diameter of D. It is necessary to achieve an optimal piston pressure on the fuel bookmark. If the pressure is insufficient, it will reduce the reverse action coefficient. As a result, the opposite firebox fire may occur with further exit of smoke through the pipe. If the piston is very heavy, it will noticeably reduce the air layer necessary for high-quality combustion: as a result, the flame will fall.

The ratios between the inner diameter and the thickness of the pancakes are approximately such:

  • 30 cm - 6-10 mm.
  • 40 cm - 6-8 mm.
  • 60 cm - 4-6 mm.
  • 80 cm - 2.5-4 mm.

Calculation of the optimal area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney pipe

When determining the smallest permissible value of the area S, the pipes are repelled from maximum energy release per hour. S (cm2) \u003d 1.75 x E (kW / hour). Here e \u003d m x q where M is the weight of one portion of fuel: it is calculated, multiplies the maximum volume of the V on its density. The Q coefficient is denoted by the specific combustion energy unit of the fuel volume in 1 hour.

Diameter air intake oven bunch

Armed with the size of the diameter of the chimney pipe, you can easily calculate the cross section of the piston duct. This value is denoted by a literary D: it is equal to half the value of the square root from the ratio of 4S / π.

Preparatory activities

Since a welding machine will need for the construction of a furnace bunch of a gas cylinder, you need to find a suitable room in advance. It must necessarily be equipped with efficient ventilation, uninterrupted power supply and reliable wiring (as a rule, the use of welding provokes voltage jumps on the network). The work room must have good protection against climatic influences and have sufficient space. It is also desirable for the presence of good sound insulation, since the Bulgarian and the welding machine are quite noisy tools.

It is also necessary to prepare the following materials:

  • Old gas cylinder. This is the basis for pyrolysis stove. Also, a steel or cast iron barrel of approximately 200 liters, having a durable wall without rust, is also suitable for this role. Often for this use large fire extinguishers or metal pipes with a brewed bottom.
  • Pieces of fittings. They will be needed for the manufacture of pens, which are usually installed on the sides of the case and on top of the lid. This noticeably facilitates the procedure for cleaning the furnace from the remnants of burning and moving it from place to place.
  • Steel sheet for piston.
  • A pair of metal pipes. They are needed for the manufacture of chimney and air duct. The optimal cross section for the air pipe is an indicator of 85-100 mm. At the same time, it is about 150 mm exceeds the height of the cylinder. For chimney, you will need a wider tube: its diameter should be at least 150 mm. The length of the smoke channel should not give up the cross section of the cylinder.
  • Channel.
  • Material for booking the foundation under the stove.

The list of tools required for work:

  • A hammer.
  • Vice.
  • Shovel.
  • Master OK.
  • Portable welding machine with a set of electrodes.
  • Bulgarian for cutting blanks.
  • Roulette, pencil, plumb and level.

How is the construction assembly with a water jacket

Production of chimney is carried out in the following alternateness of operations:

  1. Gently cut the balloon at the top. From the resulting case, the cap is subsequently produced cover for the boiler.
  2. The bottom of the balloon is equipped with homemade legs. Each of them before fixing must be set exactly in terms of level.

The piston is constructed in three stages:

  1. A steel circle is cut: in cross section, it should yield to the internal diameter of the cylinder approximately 35-45 mm. Thanks to side gaps, pyrolysis gases without interference will be seeded into the secondary chamber. In the center of the circle, a hole is performed under the air duct: this pipe should be inserted into it quite tight.
  2. Next, welding is carried out with each other of the metal circle and pipes.
  3. A piece of the chapellera is welded over the piston base.

For the manufacture of the furnace cover, you can use the upper cut part of the cylinder. On its surface, markup is applied to the air duct tube with a fixed feed piston. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a certain stock for the free movement of the pipe. Available on the applied lines. The homemade cover is drawn up with handles, for which fittings bent in vice. Now you can start setting the chimney at the top of the improvised pyrolysis furnace. With the help of a grinder, a cutout is made under the pipe blank: welding is also used to fasten the parts.

To increase the quality of the thrust of the chimney, it is recommended to make from two perpendicular to each other knees. To do this, at the end of the cutting pipe emerging from the furnace, the cut is performed at an angle of 45 degrees, after which it is combined with welding with a piece of pipe of the same diameter. It will not be superfluous to take care of additional protection for the chimney from entering the garbage and climatic precipitation - for these purposes, a cap-reflector is usually made.

At this, the main part of the work on the construction of bubfoni is considered to be finished: it can be commissioned. Install the furnace is preferably on a pre-equipped foundation.

Construction foundation

The base under the bunch of bunch is laid in this way:

  1. The first thing the square pit is digging. Its approximate dimensions - 150x150 cm, with a depth of 20-30 cm.
  2. The bottom of the trench is covered with a cushion from rubble and poured with a solution of concrete. For aligning its surface, a trowel is useful. When the flooded site is grabbing, it is necessary to check the horizontal surface of its surface with the help level. If necessary, additional adjustment is performed.
  3. On top of a completely dried concrete stand, a refractory brick is placed in several rows. Usually there are enough 2-3 layers.

Operation of the furnace

Before the bunch of bubfoni from the inside of the case, it is necessary to remove the welded air duct, removing the upper cap before that. The inside of the stove is a laying of wood manneys in a horizontal position, frightened to each other. With a vertical tab, some obstacles can occur on the movement of the piston: it usually happens in cases where the lamps are not completely roasting. As a result, the depression in the primary chamber will turn into a full combustion, which seriously disrupts the proper functioning of the furnace. Firewood in this case is consumed much faster, and from the duct begins to leak smoke. When laying a manpiece, it is forbidden to overlap the plot where the chimney is welded.

A layer of chips, sawdust or crushed branches pour on firewood. From above, you need to put an old fabric or paper impregnated with kerosene. On the fuel tab, the fuel is installed piston and the lid is put on. For the ignition of firewood, you need to set fire to a piece of vehicle or paper, and throw it inside through the air pipe. Matches in this case are ineffective, as they go out, not having time to reach fuel. After sunbathing, wood pause is 15-20 minutes, giving them well to flared. When the flame takes strength, the airpipe valve should be closed: thus the bunch is translated into the main operating mode.

How to increase the PDD pyrolysis furnace

Basically, the KPD of Bubafoni is reduced due to uneven heating of its housing; This leads to a deterioration in the effectiveness of the heat transfer of the device with the surrounding space. There is a fairly simple way to optimize the process using a corrugated metal sheet. An improvised shirt for the case is made of it: it is fixed on top of the cylinder with welding or twigs.

Due to this modification, ascending convection flows are able to better form. In this case, the cold air will come from the bottom of the ribs, and the heated is to be up. For the same purposes, the laying of the body of the brick is applied. The lateral walls erected in this way begin to accumulate heat outgoing from the furnace, evenly giving it into the surrounding space.

Another popular option for increasing the effectiveness of the pyrolysis furnace is a boiler bunch with a water jacket. Most often, the water circuit is made of a metal barrel or drawer, pouring water in them. By placing the gross bubonchi inside the manufactured design, it is possible to achieve water heating and put it inside the heating system. Thus, it is possible to acquire a kind of boiler for heating an extensive room.

Creating a water shirt, you need to take all the necessary measures to make it the most reliable. If the box is used for these purposes, it must be qualitatively suited, in order to avoid leaks. All seams are desirable to tap the heat-resistant sealant. The recommended thickness of the steel sheet for the manufacture of a water circuit is not less than 3 mm. From above, the box is best to close the lid with the handles. The oven of a long-burning bunch with a water jacket may additionally be equipped with a heat exchanger consisting of thin tubes.

There are several useful tips for better and safe operation of the furnace from a gas cylinder long burning:

  • Installation of the device in the room is best carried on a sheet of metal.
  • The space around the furnace must be released from any flammable items.
  • When fuel ignition, it is not recommended to abuse fuel liquid.
  • The body of the product is quite strong, so when servicing the heater, it is necessary to carry out in thick gloves.
  • To extinguish the flame, the flap closes on the air pipe.
  • Painting the bubfonet parts is strictly prohibited.