Repairs Design Furniture

Universal whistle for the kettle. The simplest leaf whistle do it yourself

This kettle with a whistle is made of handle drawer Pockets.
It so happened that because of relatively large sizes, it has non-traditional for puppet miniature Scale: 1 to 10.
In addition, the kettle whistle does not whistle, and this, as you understand, does not suit me. :)

I show it as tutorial For novice tea maker and other models, as an example of using brew materials and household goods in the manufacture of puppet miniatures.

Materials used in the production of kettle:
- bin from the box (the main part is the case),
- Oblomok Antenna Radioceum,
- Automatic ballpoint pen,
-Tve pins with balls at the end,
- insulation of the electric pipe
-proof from packing of children's toys,
-epoxy adhesive,
-Serbrid marker.

All these required details And the materials were found without leaving the apartment.

Briefly, process description:

1. We inspect the workpiece from all sides, reflecting, do not stop doing the nonsense, and do not stick the drawer knob to the place while your homemade has noticed its absence.

2. Hecking on the metal, we scream off the extra, protruding beyond the permitted, part of the workpiece.

3. Remove the internal cavity of the kettle, trying not to drill it through.

4. Drill a hole under the nose.

5. From one of the tubes of the telescopic antenna from a radio receiver, weeping the nose, which from the inside is staining with a silver marker (the antennas of household radio receivers, as a rule, are made of brass and have yellow color from the inside).

6. Epoxy glue glue the nose into the kettle housing.

7. The jar with a condensedum is cleaned from the label and internal content, cut out the bottom and, cutting along, straighten, getting the tin necessary for further experiments.

8. Stroke a hammer on a bolt with a semicircular head made of tin form a blank for a kettle cover, which then cut out by conventional stationery scissors (ordinary scissors are not so durable, as the scissors for metal, but several times cheaper and, for small work, it is much more convenient).

9. In search of the inner part of the lid it turned out that the diameter of the hole in the kettle neck almost corresponds to the battery from the children's musical book.

10. Gently inscribe along the battery. Carefully - because, first, you may notice green, blue or other multi-colored personalities from the battery protection society. Secondly, there are various minerals inside, which are desirable to recycle, so that they do not get into the hands and stomachs of our smaller brothers, medium and olders too.

11. We divide the battery into two parts. The inner part is deposited, it is still useful for us in one of the following projects.

12. In the center of the outdoor part of the battery, the hammer blow on the needle chosen in the passage makes a thin hole.

13. In the same way we do the hole in the lid of our kettle.

14. The details of the lid glue epoxy glue and plan on the needle, the extra part of which, after drying the adhesive, we bite the bodies.

15. From the button of the automatic ballpoint handle, we spill the metal cap from which the whistle will be made.

16. For attempting to make a whistle from the end of a semicircular form, use a ball from the bearing.

17. A blow of a hammer on a nail with a spinal edge, which rests on the ball, squeezed out the shistle in the harvesting.

18. A hole is done in the whistle in which a piece of pin (about 1.5mm long) is inserted with a ball, as in the lid. From the inside the pin is fastened with glue. (Fastening, I must say, unreliable and in the process of the photo shoot, I will try to try to solder).

19. From the same tin from the bank cut out the blanks for the handle.

20. The needle is done by the holes under the rice and the napfil give the items that the scissors could not be obtained.

21. For the plastic part of the kettle, we use a piece of insulation of the copper wire.

22. Give the blanks of the handle the necessary shape and insert them into the insulation tube.

Some it annoys, for some it is a symbol of comfort in the house. But neither those nor others will deny that it is extremely useful. All this is about whistle for kettle. Wise people invented whistlewho is extinctly whistle when the kettle boils. But if whistle Lost or broke, it is possible to restore it, just bought another teapot with a whistle. Separately, these accessories are not sold. Exceptionally useful whistle for kettle You can do with your own hands.

You will need

  • - barish nut,
  • - fastener screw
  • - metal plate.


  1. Most the simplest way - Children's rubber toy with whistle. The whistle must be metallic. Drill in the lid. kettle Hole by its size, insert and root on rubber gaskets. Rubber should be food.
  2. The second way is more difficult. But aesthetically. First of all, it is necessary to find a round metal shape with a bottom, a diameter of a little larger than the nose diameter of your kettle. It can be a metal cup from a tourist set, a metal glass or a small mug. The main thing is that she was tight on the spout kettle.
  3. Next, you will need: a barish nut, a fastening screw, a metal round thin plate for the membrane. Its diameter should be less than a diameter of a metal form by 3-5 mm. Drill the holes in the center of the bottom of the future whistle under the carrying nut and in the center of the metal membrane under the fastening screw.
  4. Make small lentia trees in the walls of the form, just below the membrane installation level. Collect whistle: On the fastening screw, put on the membrane, the lash nut to install a whistle in the bottom, screw the screw into the nut. To whistle I did not jump from the nose, stick the whistle on the rim from the inside of the food rubber seal or thermoplastic.
  5. If in whistle Between the bottom and the membrane, shove the round plastic bullet from the children's gun, then your kettle will publish a loud militia trill.
  6. For fairness, it should be noted that manufacturers go to buyers, and in some and record-stores there are samples of factory whistles for non-electrical kettles. Products are made, as a rule, from stainless alloys and have two or three sizes in diameter. However, pick up whistle desired size complicated. It is possible to see the suggested options, for example, on the Mirposudi website.

In this article, you will learn about an interesting and for some reason forgotten accessory for teapots: whistle, for which it needs, how to use it and how can it be done at home. The whistle is necessary in order to know when water boiled. Every person should evaluate the whistle functions that allows all people who use electric kettles, learn about when water boats. But it happens that there is no whistle on the new kettle, or he is Paul.

Whistle for the kettle do it yourself

There are many ways to make a whistle for dummies at home. For this, sufficiently some free time, materials and, of course, desire. Let's look through the most interesting ways.

Metal whistle

The form he will resemble a short cylinder. The upper part can take a different design. First of all, metal without signs of corrosion should be taken. After that, you can proceed to the following actions:

  1. Cut two circles and a rectangle for the cylinder;
  2. Connect these details into the whole.


You can also make an excellent whistle for the kettle with your own hands using just ordinary traffic jams that you close the bottles from lemonade or water daily. This will require several simple actions:

  1. Take two plugs and connect them into one unit;
  2. Cut hole hole with a diameter of 3 mm.

Be careful when you use this method, you need to make an extensive metal cylinder, which is located between traffic jams.

From a toy whistle

An option from children's whistle is suitable for teapots with thin nose. It is located on it, covering the entire surface. And if the kettle has a wide nose, then it is better for him a metal glass, in which it will be necessary to drill a hole with a normal drill.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the metal. Whistle from high-quality metal will serve you very long time and great efficiency.

In no case do not use aluminum and plastics for the whistle! These materials are unstable to high temperatures.

How to fix a whistle if he broke

If you bought a poor-quality device, then it can be fixed by following these steps:

  • You need to take the shell in which the whistle is located, and with the help of rebirth get it.
  • The next step should be removed the spring and prepare the surface for further work. To prepare the surface you need to clean it.
  • When you go to the spike you need a soldering acid. After the surface is prepared, you can start a spawning, and then clean the parts from the dirt sticking to them.
  • The last step in this process is neutralization. Use you need picked. In addition to the pic, you can use alcohol, but remember that this procedure must be carried out on open air. It is necessary to do it carefully, so as not to harm your health. To neutralize the crawl, place it in a glass and fill the alcohol into it, about 10 or 25%.

Following these rules, you can easily repair a whistle or make a new one!

Surely, everyone will appreciate the functionality of the whistle for the kettle, which gives us to know about the readiness of water for the preparation of hot drinks and does not allow you to boil the vessel in vain. However, it happens that these useful things are lost, break or simply missing when buying a kettle. In this case, you need to know how to make a whistle for the kettle with your own hands. Folk craftsmen invent various methods Making useful devices on household teapots from girlfriend with minimal set of tools, so let's consider together the most interesting options.

Metal whistle

In the form, this adaptation often resembles a short cylinder. Although the upper part of it can have absolutely any design. Here the main thing is that the device and its functionality is not lost. However, if you wish to make a whistle on the kettle with your own hands, it is better to stay on the cylinder.

The craftsmen who at least once worked for the metal will not be a good work to make a device from copper or zinc plates. Having no corrosion metal, you can perform such a simple device:

  1. To do this, cut a few parts for the spacing size - two mug and a rectangle for the cylinder.
  2. After that, soldering them together, getting a great accessory in the shape of a hat.

Cork whistle

Make a whistle for the kettle with your own hands original, but at the same time, it is quite functional, it is possible from ordinary traffic jams that predominantly close bottles with lemonade and beer:

  1. Using a soldering tool, two such plugs are connected together.
  2. After that, the holes in 3 mm are cut into them.

Important! Making a more bulk whistle for the kettle can help the stuffed and lightweight metal cylindrik, which is placed between traffic jams.


For ordinary teapots with thin spouts, children's whistle is quite suitable, which is usually able to completely fit to the surface. If, on the contrary, the teapot has a wide bulk part, then a wonderful base can be a metal cup, in which with the help of a fine nozzle of the electrical drill, you can easily make a hole.

Important! To make a whistle on the kettle with your own hands, which will be high quality and safely serve for a long time, It is necessary to come up with the mind to choose a metal for him.

A whistling thing can not be made of aluminum or plastics. Preference should be given to materials that are resistant to corrosion, for example, copper, zinc or galvanized.

Repairing whistle

The need to make a whistling device to the teapot is very often caused by a breakdown of an old device. In this case, one of better options - Just repair the outstanding item.

Important! Often, the breakdown is to disappear from the whistle plate inside, which is not always welded on conscience.

If you have this situation, then you can fix the accessory using the following actions:

  • Pull the whistle from the shell - for this you need a conventional screwdriver, which will help to pose the edge of the part.
  • Holding a whistle in hand, remove the spring under it, prepare the surface. To do this, it should be cleaned with a skin of four conjugated surfaces.
  • In the process of the spike you will need soldering acid, which will be needed in the future for neutralization.
  • After careful preparation, you can start directly to the spawning, and then you need to carefully clean the items.
  • In conclusion last Step Spend the neutralization of the alkali.

Important! For this purpose, the usual ammonia alcohol can also be used, however, remember that it is necessary to conduct this procedure outdoors.

  • For neutralization, a fixed whistle put into a shallow glass glass and pour 10 or 25% by ammonic alcohol.

Stock foot

As you can see, make a whistle on the kettle with your own hands is not so difficult. If you make it correctly and from good material, most likely, he will survive and the kettle himself. The presence of metal, soldering iron and minimal experience are able to completely solve the problem with a broken whistle or its absence.