Repairs Design Furniture

Garage arrangement and workshop at home. Useful devices for the garage with their own hands: manufacturing technology. Small tricks design

The garage is both the house for the car, and the repair shop, and the club in interest. That is why the arrangement of the garage box should be thought out to the smallest detail. On a not very large area, it is necessary to place many items so that, if necessary, everything is at hand.

A small instruction on the arrangement of the garage will help to cope with this task. You do not need to possess great skills of skills, you should only apply the maximum fantasy and the minimum of effort. But first of all, we will define where to start.

Garage design

The division of the garage room on the zone is also important as the distribution of free space in the apartment. If you correctly determine the purpose of each meter of the garage area, the workplace device will be completely simple. You can only install comfortable racks and additional auxiliary elements.

The passage zone is a free place. It is advisable to put a clothes hanger. In the light access area there are casual trifles. It will place objects that use everyday demand.

The main thing they should be:

  • fire-resistant;
  • durable;
  • resistant to the impact of various factors.

Moreover, the finishing material should easily be laundered and not absorb odors. Not all materials possess such qualities.

Suitable building materials:

  • Plastering mixes. The ideal foundation will hide all the irregularities and defects of the walls.
  • Thin trim board (lining). It is used for both internal and exterior finishes.
  • Tile. Here you have to work hard, and at the cost not suitable for everyone. At the same time, ceramics is a profitable option. She is non-combustible, just wash and durable. If the walls garage are lined with tiles, you can forget about repair for many years. Registration of the garage premises

Planning the garage area always makes you think. In particular, those who keep order in everything. To equip the garage with your own hands does not make it difficult if you know some tricks in the arrangement of working areas. There is always the opportunity to allocate some space for the necessary tools.

The ideas for the garage do it yourself are so diverse that it is possible to discuss this for a long time.

If you are engaged in the repair of your car yourself, then you just need workbench. It is possible to make it from wooden bars of the desired parameters. But the countertop is obliged to be made of metal.

Large importance is attached to the location of the shelves and racks. They are given the main place indoors. Preferably, such structures are installed along the walls. The photo shows the options for arranging the garage.

You can visually expand the space of the garage using the suspended shelves from the metal grid. There you can put old things that will be more useful.

Inscriptions and original stickers will help you place all objects by type.

Small metal parts will always be in place if they are placed on a magnetic tape.

Hooks for hangers can be made of old spanners. They perfectly be a rubber hose or overalls.

Old plastic jars will serve for storing carnations, cogs and similar small items.

The pride and stylish decoration of your modern garage boxing will be the camshaft, the type of organizer. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the metal sheet with through stuffing and put on the hooks into the holes. From now on, all the tools and items that you use most often will always be in sight.

Bicycles and other sports accessories always occupy a specific area. They can be suspended to strong brackets. So you will save square meters and achieve order on your small territory.

Photo of the arrangement of garage

The team site is engaged in the arrangement of garages, storage rooms and workshops of storage systems and metal furniture. In our assortment hinged metal shelves, floor shelves, tire storage systems, sports and gardening equipment, workbackers, cabinets, couches, systems for organizing a working area in the garage. And more than 6 years of experience of departures for measurements and development of projects for the arrangement of garages. During this time we already mounted about a thousand garages and kellers.

If you have ever set up the following issues, then we can be useful to you:

  • How to make it easy to hang inventory on the walls and release the floor?
  • How to equip a garage so that nothing prevented car parking in the garage?
  • How to organize racks and shelves over large-sized equipment (lawn miles, snow blowers, quad bikes, motorcycles)?
  • How to organize storage of tires, bicycles, skis, snowboards, gardening inventory, tools, boxes and boxes, long tricks?
  • How to equip the garage working area with stationary or folding workbench, wall panels for storing tools.

If you are interested in our fixtures and racks , and in more detail you can see our goods in photo / Video gallery,we will work for free the design of the garage (before the start of work you pay the deposit, which will be adopted to the closer to pay the project part of the project). More detail pro . If your room in the Moscow region, you can invite our measurer, the projects of arranging garages located in other regions of the Russian Federation we will be able to develop remotely on the basis of photographs, diagrams and your wishes. To call the measurer or start work, simply send a request to e-mail: or call us on weekdays by phone +7 499 136 96 46.

If the project is not required, you can independently order storage systems in. We carry out the courier delivery of orders and shipping to the regions with transport companies.

For clarity, we have developed a demonstration interactive 3D garage arrangement project for 2 parking lots. At the top of the page, open the central block from the video to the full screen. Move on the room with the mouse or rotation of the screen. Points with transitions to directories describing are located on the main elements of the garage equipment. For convenience on the floor there are several arrows to move around the space. To view a 3D project in VR glasses, follow the link: To enter the links, align the center point in the VR glasses with the necessary arrows on the floor or special points for the transition.

Of course, on one interactive example it is impossible to demonstrate all our storage systems. A few more examples:

An example of a 3000 x 6000 mm garage equipment per machinerysty.

System for storing garden tools on rails with hooks. Wall metal shelves of different depths. Organization of the working area with metal workbench and perfopopanels with hooks. Bicycle storage suspensions. Racks for storing automotive wheels.

The cost of arranging the garage 103 690 rubles .. Detailed.

The cost of assembly works on the tile: 14,516 rubles.

An example of equipping the wall opposite entry into the garage. In the right side of 2 rows of metal shelves with inventory storage containers. In the left part of the wall two workbenches with instrumental couches. Over the workbenches, the work area with perfopopanels and a closed hinged box. Over the instrumental panels of 3 rows of shelves.

Please note: at the top of the drawing a housing project, which is developed when client in a few hours. Below the draft garage with a visual effect approaching the quality of the real photography. At the bottom, you will see a real photo of installed equipment.

The cost of the equipment for the garage: 112 760 rubles. .

Mounting cost: 15,800 rubles.

More examples of the arrangement of the garage you will find sections "Gallery" and " Examples of project costs».

  • Fastening for bicycles, skis, boards and other sports equipment
  • Accessories (parking bumps, wall scratches and chips)

Arrangement of the garage inside - decomputer all over the shelves

A good owner contains in order not only the house, but also the utility rooms. When everything is laid down on the shelves, time is not spent, and sometimes nerves, in search of the necessary things, which means the days are more productive and more comfortable. The garage is a place of force and self-expression for real men. Here the aroma of machine oil, tires and sawdust create a unique atmosphere, which has both creating and rest after work. The garage is a multifunctional space where you can reliably place and protect the car from bad weather, equip the storage room, organize a workshop and simply nice to spend time with friends or alone at work with your hands. A separate reason for pride and own pleasure is a beautiful and functionally equipped garage, where all the tools in their places do not have to overpand over the tires and swipe through the barricades of the boxes. And the parking machine does not need to worry that you will get a bicycle that rolled, scratching the pedals wing your favorite car. To equip the garage is rationally and neat, even if the area is small, is not so difficult if you competently use functional storage systems. Even a small garage (for example, popular 6x4) can be equipped so that not only the car, seasonal tires, a bicycle, a lawn mower and storage, but also a mini-workshop and even a small engine boat neatly accomplished. The company site is engaged in the arrangement of garages in Moscow and throughout Russia for more than 6 years, we have crawled order in more than 600 garages and studied all the subtleties of the optimal organization of space. We know how to equip the garage correctly and share with you our experience.

Send your garage to request -\u003e

Free floor - freedom of movement

Our primary principle is to make the most functional all the space, and not just climb the floor furniture. Therefore, for the internal arrangement of the garage, we recommend modern that have many options for placing things on the walls and the ceiling. Thus, the floor is released, which means that there is convenient access to each subject, you can move freely on the garage, not stumbling on the boxes. In addition, the free floor facilitates parking, and in general creates a feeling of space and comfort.

Flies separately, cutlets separately

When all files are stored on the computer, the necessary document can be found by searching, it takes a bit of time, but it creates uncomfortable inconvenience in work. Another thing to find a screwdriver in a pile of other things without the help of an electronic search. In order not to waste time, spread out things on thematic sections and improve the garage with suitable functional furniture. There are many options for cabinets and lockers, shelves and shelves, hooks and hooks for storing all kinds of tools, inventory, boxes and tires. When zoning the garage do not forget that chemicals and tools should be separate from sports equipment, household and children's things. To store seasonal things you can select remote areas of the room or use the upper sections. Tools and garden equipment are comfortable to store on with various hooks. Sports inventory will also be compactly located on the walls and ceiling with. Children's things are better to arrange closer to the exit, so that children in the game gust do not have to swear deep into the garage behind the ball or bicycle. At the window, where there is more light and there is a flow of fresh air, to optimally equip the work area with.

Male Place - Strong Furniture

In a strong man, a strong handshake, a reliable word and steel nerves. This owner needs both furniture on which you can rely. Therefore, we recommend from galvanized steel. The thin layer of zinc prevents metal corrosion under the influence of moisture and oxygen. Unlike wooden furniture, the metallic will not spoil either the fire, nor water, nor frost, nor angry, nor home pests. Unlike plastic racks, metal storage systems are environmentally friendly, look more aesthetically and reliably, and most importantly - they will not bend under the severity of her nosha. For storing the most severe items, it is perfectly suitable that withstand up to 180 kg of load provided and. The garage, properly equipped with durable racks, allows you to place more things on a cubic centimeter of space and not overload the room with extra furniture. The necessary depth and length of the shelves with shelves are calculated based on the size of the size of the overall object, which is planned to be stored on the design. But do not forget about the conservation of the comfort of movement. The deeper shelves (up to 520 mm) are better positioned at the top of the shelving, and at the bottom install less deep (from 200 mm) so as not to interfere with the passage and safe out of the car. The lowest shelf does not need to be made close to the floor, we recommend leaving the gap at least 30 cm, otherwise it will be difficult to get to the floor during cleaning. In order for racks less dust, use perforated steel shelves - the presence of ventilation will prevent dust and rusting tools. In addition, through perforated holes, it is possible to see it convenient to see, which lies on the upper sections.

Proper arrangement of the working area in the garage - the key to productive work

To be faced, first need to establish the surrounding environment. Equipped workplace - half success in the implementation of cases, as well as the preservation of your health, time and comfort. To optimally equip the workshop in the garage, you need to correctly pick up and place furniture and accessories for storing tools.

For real male works, it will be necessary to take a durable, which will not shake off the sledge hammer. The workbench can be with a table or without a cabinet, depending on the task of the workshop and the number of tools. For the arrangement of a small garage is suitable on which it is convenient to carry out small technical work or to make. To store the most running tools and small parts over the desktop are placed with that easily outweigh the need. Under the punchedness can be located on which it is convenient to store a heavy inventory, for example, the very sledgehammer, as well as a drill and a perforator.

Particularly valuable tools and interchangeable clothes can be stored in that protects the contents of dust and unauthorized use (the door is closed on the key). If the garage is big, and it is planned to carry out auto repair work, it will not be superfluous to get a mobile one to move everything you need, and not run every time to the cabinets and shelves.

And do not forget that the workplace should be well lit and ventilated. If there is a window in the garage, it is reasonable to use this natural source of light and fresh air, having established a workshop with him.

Without you, the bike will not leave and the ball will not ride

Sports Equipment: Bicycles, scooters, rollers and balls are extremely uncomfortable on the floor, unlike boxes they are unstable, can turn to the most inopportune moment. Garden tools are also uncomfortable for storage on the plane shape. In order not to step on the rake in the direct and figurative sense, use the wall-mounted place for storage and optimizing the place in the garage to which special brackets for gardening equipment and tools are conveniently hung - if necessary, mounted fasteners can always be reduced.

For accurate and reliable storage of sports equipment, special, in which, including, can be compactly positioned Longs: Skiing, Snowboarding, Surfboards. And with the help, even the boat can be suspended to the ceiling. There are also many options. To facilitate your tea with independent access to the bike, it is better to arrange a two-wheeled friend at the level of the child's growth - for this it is well suited or.

Wake up without tires

In order not to impose a bus on the fracture after stumbling about the tires, gloring on the floor of the garage, we offer in garages of different sizes and configurations. As in all of our storage solutions, the principle of space optimization is dominated here. Therefore, outdoor and wall racks are offered, which can be conveniently placed in length or height of the wall. The finished rack accommodates up to 8 wheels of different diameters, but increases to infinity, depending on the number of stored sets and size of the garage. For a small garage, a compact or, which can be conveniently disselected for storing 4 wheels to break through different free corners of the wall. And in order to create an even more tidy atmosphere in the garage and keep your clothes clean, we recommend using.

Latest strokes

When all the basic elements of the storage system are shaded, placed, the overall things are decomposed, it remains to be resolved with trifles, which are always a lot, and they should be in sight: screwdrivers, screwdrivers, brushes, etc. The benefit of modern people have already thought out, and the guidance of the ideal order does not take much time. For all sorts of instruments there are hooks and holders that are easily hung on the rails or perfopopanels. Railings and Perfopanels, in turn, can be conveniently mounted on any free section of the wall using the useful space of the garage to the maximum.

For the most comfortable and secure parking, you can equip the Garage Wine. This idea is especially useful for the arrangement of small garages, where the driver's tired after work, Parking a car in a limited space, is particularly risking the memory of the bumper or side door. The bumps reliably protect the car from random strikes, they can be mounted on the walls or on the shelves.

What is it all worth?

It is no secret that you can get a garage cheaper: bring old cabinets and doors from home, cut the shelves from them, cook the rack, instead of hooks to use a bent wire, etc. If suddenly, at the same time, it will also work out to make a beautiful design of the garage, it is generally wonderful. But, as a rule, with this approach, the room is not distinguished by aesthetic and comfort. In addition, the arrangement of the garage inside with his own hands takes a lot of time and time that the modern person is usually not enough. The following version of the inexpensive range of garage is to use inexpensive finished garage furniture, which is sold in popular building hypermarkets. In this case, you don't have to cook the rack yourself, and you will save time, but keep in mind that the mass market racks can even be steel, but very harvester - you can check yourself. And here we approached the question, what should I do if you want to equip a garage inexpensively, beautiful and efficiently? The answer to this question is the whole article, where it is described in detail, why it perfectly meet the quality, aesthetic and functionality requirements. It remains only to add that the company site appeared on the thematic market of one of the first, we have a unique modular system of shelves and cooperate with large plants throughout Russia, we can buy a storage system and order the garage arrangement is cheaper than relatively analogs. We know for sure that we fully justify the ratio of price \u003d quality.

How to do all this?

So, we told in detail how rationally set up the space and make an attractive design inside the garage. When it is clear which elements are better to buy for optimal to store different things, it remains to be thought out the layout of these elements in the garage. To do this, the graphic program creates a digital design project with the location of all elements indoors of the desired size. A properly compiled project will help better present the design of the garage before the start of work, evaluate the sizes and calculations, which will further get rid of the need to redo and spend extra money and time .. if the garage is located in Moscow or Moscow region, then our measurer will come to the object and correctly remove the measure - this is, by the way, too is free. And for 2-3 hours after measurement, you can see the visualization of the arrangement of the garage, where everything is thought out, taking into account the characteristics of your premises. And, regardless of whether you have developed a draft garage or with us, our installers are ready to help quickly, reliably and professionally on the walls, sex and ceiling. If you need to equip the garage in other regions of RussiaThe project is created and discussed remotely. To do this, you need to send the size and photo of the garage, as well as answer a few that will help our specialists to solve the task. Among other things, we are always ready to give free professional advice on the most convenient and favorable arrangement of your garage, taking into account the material of the walls, layouts and tasks of the room.

Want to order a professional garage professor? Write to us right now.

The garage should not only be a safe and reliable shelter for the car, but also a place in which the car owner would be nice to spend time and, most importantly, it is convenient to perform various types of work related to the service of the vehicle and not only. The internal arrangement of the garage requires a responsible, competent and weighted approach. Therefore, before you take for such work, be sure to read the proposed instructions.

Work on the internal arrangement of the private garage begins with the compilation of a detailed plan. From the very beginning you need to streamline work, clearly breaking it on successive steps. The plan will allow you to avoid multiple inconvenience, to present in advance how the garage will look after the completion of the internal arrangement and calculate approximate work costs.

If you wish, you can make a plan not on paper, but using a special software for a computer. Modern applications provide ample design and visualization opportunities. You can immediately see how the room will look after the completion of work on finishing and arrangement.

The drawings are compiled in the following order:

  • drawing contours of the garage walls. Select a comfortable scale and mark the main dimensions of each wall;
  • internal layout is thought out. Mark the place for the parking lot, various working areas, places to store various kinds of accessories, etc.;
  • the zoning of the inner space of the garage is performed and a kind of design project is created. Think what places are best suited for the installation of workbenches, racks, washing and other necessary accessories, which will be described below.

When designing the garage, focus primarily on your needs. Do everything as it is convenient to you. The chapter so that the result is a cozy and placing the situation to productive work.

Separate attention to the color scheme. The garage room does not necessarily have to be gray and unspoken. The best option is a bright cheerful color design with the use of warm unobtrusive halftone.

There are many design techniques that allow you to visually increase the space and hide a variety of shortcomings. Otherwise, focus on your individual preferences.

Selection of materials for interior decoration

First of all, the materials for the internal decoration of the garage must be practical. Color and price are secondary moments. The finish must be beautiful, well-known, easy to care and safe.

Among the main requirements for internal finishing materials for the garage should be noted:

  • non-hatching. Select such materials that do not support combustion and do not emit poisonous substances when heated;
  • resistance to aggressive impact of various chemicals;
  • resistance to all sorts of mechanical effects;
  • unpretentious care;
  • resistance to various pollution.

When choosing between color and ease of operation, focus on the second indicator. Wear resistance, long service life and whenever possible environmental safety - all this must be present in the characteristics of the finishing materials.

In terms of color scheme, focus on your taste, because you will have to work in this garage and it is for you that you should be comfortable.

What equipment must be present in the garage?

If the elementary wheel replacement can be performed using a jack and a set of simple tools, then for more serious works, the garage must be equipped with special equipment.

Thanks to this device, you can most conveniently organize the workspace. The workbench is more convenient and easier to collect from wood. It is recommended to put on the working area and secure the metal sheet to protect the tree from fast damage.

If possible, assemble two or even a three-level workbench. This installation will allow you to place the maximum number of things you need.

Repair of the car quite often requires the use of the welding machine. The garage will be enough to buy a simple carbon dioxide model working with the use of wire. Also a good option is an aggregate with tungsten electrodes to work in protecting gas.

Water separatides fir

With this device you can clean the air from a variety of inclusions in the form of water, oil and other elements. Water separation Wood has invaluable help when painting the machine. Thanks to this device, the most uniform distribution of the coloring composition will be ensured.

A full-fledged washing in a private garage, of course, do not equip, but it is possible to create elementary amenities. It is enough just to bring to the garage a water pipe or at least a hose and organize a drain of the used water into the sewer.

Main engineering systems

With the internal arrangement of the garage, special attention should be paid to engineering systems, such as drainage and moisture insulation. In the absence of mentioned systems, the air in the garage will always have increased humidity, which will not be better reflected in the state of the car and in general, which is located in the room.

Work on the engineering arrangement of the garage begins with the installation of the drain. To do this, it is enough to fix the waste chute in such a way that all sorts of moisture flows are not on the walls of the garage, but it was discharged through the chute.

Arrange Doodle Garage Doors at the bottom of the ventilation pipe. Install the protective lattices on the ventilation holes. For a small garage it will be enough. In case your garage has a large area, refer to the installation of special fans, allowing maximum air exchange efficiency.

Arrangement of entry

At this point, you need to navigate the floor level. In case the floor above the ground level, make a concrete break. If the floor is lower than the soil level, organize a drainage system for moisture lead.

The most optimal and popular embodiment of the entry is based on the creation of sex with a bias of about 15-20 degrees. The resulting design will be convenient, safe, efficient and functional. You can normally drive into the garage, and thanks to the bias will be excluded the risk of icing.

The most important works on the internal arrangement of the garage

For the full use of the garage, it is necessary to equip a comfortable and competently trimmed observation pit.

First stage. Warm viewing pit. Of particular effort and accuracy during finishing this object is not required. It is enough to attach polystyrene foam to the walls of the pit with a special glue.

Second phase. Install portable lamps for the most convenient work in the observation pit.

Third stage. Make the bottom of the observation pit at the ventilation hole.

Fourth stage. Install the lid on the size of the observation pit. The lid is best set so that its upper face is on the same level with the floor surface.

If you have a cellar, pay attention to both its arrangement.

First step. Make in the walls of the base hole for ventilation.

The second step. Treat lime cellar walls.

Third step. Install a comfortable staircase with a slight slope for descent to the cellar.

Work on the internal arrangement of the garage suggests the mandatory implementation of thermal insulation. For insulation, minvat or foam is usually used.

First step. Secure the framework of wooden bars on the warmed surfaces. Frame elements are attached with a step of 1-1.5 cm smaller than the width of the insulation slabs.

The second step. Stip the frame with a vapor insulation film and secure it with a construction stapler.

Third step. Place the insulation into the space between the carcass bar.

Fourth step. Cover the thermal insulation layer with a polyethylene film and secure it with a construction stapler.

Fifth step. Warm surfaces with the selected finish material.

For finishing the ceiling It is more convenient to use lining or plastic panels. A more fiscal option - plastering. The walls can be plastered and painted, to graze siding, all sorts of wooden panels, plasterboard, etc.

You can simply align with a concrete screed and handle with special protective impregnations. If there is a desire and affordable funds on the floor, you can put ceramic tiles or even equip a modern bulk design. At this point, focus on your own preferences.

After insulation, go to the work on the electrification of the garage. The main thing is to ensure uniform coverage of sufficient power. Consider where the outlets should be. There should be at least two lamps in the garage: overall and above the workbench. It is also desirable to install a separate lamp where the car's hood is usually located.

For convenient storage of a variety of accessories, set a few in the garage or although one wardrobe. However, to install a full-fledged system of cabinets, there is not a sufficient place and money. A more budget and ergonomic solution for solving the problem of storing various accessories is the installation of functional racks and hinged shelves.

For the installation of racks and shelves, any places are suitable. The most important thing is that the furniture does not interfere with you to work normally in the garage and move around the room. The only important requirement is the distance between the car and the mounted shelf should be at least 90-100 cm.

At the end, it will only be equipped with a garage with minor furnishing objects like chairs and a variety of accessories at their discretion.

Thus, the internal arrangement of the garage is although it is a fairly simple task, but it is necessary to approach its implementation with the maximum responsibility and knowledge of the case. Follow the recommendations received, and your garage will become the most comfortable and beautiful.

Good job!

Video - arrangement of the garage inside with their own hands

Most of the car owners spends at least two hours on car care, and even more on weekends. If we talk about something overhaul, for example, engine repair, then we can talk about a few days. For this reason it is extremely important that the situation in the garage is as comfortable for work.

To equip the garage is not as easy as it seems, in addition to spare parts and tools, everything is usually stored all that was not placed in the apartment. Moreover, any repair is pollution that sooner or later turns the garage in a very unattractive. In short, during construction, it is necessary to think about how the garage will look in the future, as it is better to combine the workshop and the miniature warehouse in it.

First you need to decide on the main tasks. First of all, in the garage should always be clean, so it is necessary to use non-smoke and easily cleaning materials to finish. Also required in advance to make a location scheme I am tools and equipment, that is, to determine where racks, shelves, workbench and so on will be.

Stage 1. Interior decoration

In this connection, a number of requirements are presented to finishing materials. Materials must be:

  • non-combustible;
  • resistant to mechanical damage;
  • able to withstand the effect of aggressive chemical media;
  • sustainable contamination.

Moreover, they should easily wash and not absorb smells. Obviously, not all materials have similar qualities. To those that they still have, can be attributed to plaster, lining and ceramic tiles. Each option has its own strengths and weaknesses, read them.

1. Plaster

Ideal if you need to hide the irregularities of the walls. The plaster will effectively hide all the existing defects and ennobles the interior of the garage.

Note! The plaster must be covered with a layer of facade paint, otherwise the surface will begin to crack and crumble.

2. Lining

The lining is used mainly in the northern regions of the country, since between it and profiles are very convenient to place thermal insulation material. At the same time, the profile is better to use the facade, from polyvinyl chloride - it fireproof and waterproof.

The only disadvantage of the lining is low strength - after a strong panel impact deform and need to be changed.

More time-consuming and costly option. It requires a preliminary calculation of the strength of the walls, because the tile weighs quite a lot.

At the same time, the ceramics does not burn, it is easy to clean and differs in high strength. If the garage is sold in ten years, it is better to separate it precisely by ceramics. Dear, of course, but for a long time.

Stage 2. Watching Yam

To repair the car, it is desirable to equip the observation pit. Even the most insignificant breakdown becomes a serious test if without observation pit it is impossible to get to it. In such cases, you have to go to a hundred and pay for repair a considerable amount.

In short, the arrangement of the observation pit will soon pay off. Below is a sequence of actions.

Step 1. Initially, the size of the future pit is determined and markup is carried out. At the same time, the balance must be observed - first, the pit should be quite spacious, and secondly, its width should be such that at the entrance to the garage there were no problems.

The required width is 0.7 m, it will feel comfortable when repairing and at the same time will leave enough space for parking maneuvers.

Note! When marking, you need to leave the reserve about 20-25 cm on the wall thickness.

Regarding the depth, it depends on its own growth, but again it is better to make it somewhat deeper than it is required - it is much easier to equip an additional flooring than to redo the floor when deepening.

Step 2. At the end of the markup, you can proceed to earthworks. The most difficult thing is to dig a pit, since it will have to remove more than 9 cubic meters of soil.

Step 3. The floor is aligned and covered with a 25-centimeter "pillow" from rubble. It is noted where the niche under the tools will be.

Step 4. The walls can be pouring concrete or put the brick. Concrete is more reliable, so he will be considered.

Initially flooded the floor, the thickness of 7-8 cm will be quite enough. For reliability, you can pre-lay fittings. Then the wooden formwork is built, which will be gradually fastening with a solution of 40 cm with a solution of 40 cm. The upper edge is strengthened with a metal structure, lamps are installed.

Note! It is advisable to cover the concrete floor with a wooden ladder, because on such a surface it will be much more pleasant to work.

Stage 3. Stellags

For ease of work, each tool must be their place. Shelves and racks can be bought in the finished form, but they cost quite expensive, and they do not always meet the needs of the car owner. Therefore, the rack is better to do. It seems difficult, but just at first.

Step 1. Initially, dimensions are located. Most of the "shopping" racks are equipped with shelf width in 1 m. This is not enough for parts, so the width needs to be made more.

You also need to leave the lumen of the floor at least 20 cm so that no difficulties with the floor cleaning arise. All shelves are preferably perforated - it will give two advantages at once:

Step 2. For the manufacture of the shelving, a metal frame is used from a profiled pipe or angle 30x30. The parts are welded or tightened by bolts, then the shelves are cut. Usually for this take the boards, but the best option will be moisture-resistant plywood - it costs more, but will serve for a long time.

Stage 4. Shelves

Like racks, the shelves are better made independently.

Step 1. Initially, the number of shelves, their size and installation location are determined.

Step 2. In accordance with the calculations, all necessary is harvested:

Step 3. Using the mounting level, fastening locations are determined. Next, the holes are done, the dowels are clogged in them.

Note! For the reliability of the attachment, it is advisable to use a hook dowel.

Step 4. With a certain step (in accordance with the holes done earlier), suspensions with eyeles are fixed on the shelf. They can be selected by ordinary nails. The collected shelves are hanging on a dowel.

It is worth remembering that the hinged shelves should not be too long, otherwise they littered under weight.

Stage 5. Garage workbench

The most convenient for the garage will be a workbench combining racks and a working surface. So the tools will always be at hand, which will significantly reduce the time spent in search of one or another.

For the manufacture of the workbench, a metal frame is going to which a wooden tabletop with shelves is installed. The table top is covered with sheet steel so that when working does not damage the design.

The workbench needs to be equipped with several sockets for electrical tools, as well as install the lamp of daylight, equipping iron brackets for this.

Video - Garage workbench

Stage 6. Garage Cellar

Often, the garages are equipped with cellars in which conservation is stored. This moment, as well as the observation pit, you need to think over in advance.

Step 1. First, the old floor covering is first removed, after which all pieces are cleaned, and the garage is cleaned for digging a pit.

Step 2. Next, earthworks are carried out. At the same time, special attention should be paid to the type of soil, because if the soil is sandy, then with a careless cup of the wall of the room can collapse. That is why it is desirable to use a variety of rows of wood and metal.

If the soil is clay, then you can not fear anything, since it is able to withstand any load.

Step 3. The bottom falls asleep with rubble and thoroughly tram. Further, fittings are installed, the floor is poured with concrete solution.

Step 4. The walls are made of bricks.

Step 5. The cellar overlaps the railway plate, after which the waterproofing is sprinkled - bitumen or runner. For insulation, you can use any thermal insulation material.

Note! The cellar can be equipped even if the level of groundwater is high enough. For this, a metal tank is welded throughout the pit. When lifting the level of water, the tank will rise, and in the summer just lie on the day.

Step 6. It remains only to take care of the ventilation of the cellar. For this above the level of soil, steel pipes are output (2 pcs.), Preferably on opposite walls of the design. The supply tube is located below, and exhaust, respectively, under the ceiling. Both pipes must be one diameter.

A few words about ventilation in the garage

Such ventilation seemingly not needed, but a lot of dust will accumulate in the garage without it, which adversely affects not only the body, but also on the inner parts of the car. Yes, and exhaust gases are harmful to the body.

The easiest and most accessible option is the natural type ventilation. For her, two holes are equipped (the same as for the cellar). For maximum efficiency, the supply and output pipe must be installed diagonally, opposite each other.

Video - Examples of garage arrangement


You can equip the garage yourself, although this will require a lot of time and effort. But the result with interest will pay for all costs, because in the end you will receive not only the Autobobs, but also a miniature workshop. The garage will be a place to relax or bold experiments with a car.

Read on our website Article - Press with your own hands for the garage.

To begin with, think about whether you need an observation pit. If you have a dear car, then you will probably go to the service. And not everyone can understand the cars well. Here is the question of the need, and not a beautiful form in the workshop.

But still, if you decide that the observation pit you need, we will help you in building.

Where to begin? We all know that any structures are not starting to build until it wakes up its dimensions. Such actions are very necessary, because we will build a pit in the finished garage. This, in turn, is difficult to make, it will be necessary to build in a limited space.

Delive to this seriously, because if you do not guess with the size, there may be two extremes:

  • If the pit is too big, then there will be difficult when parking. You will be worried every time that the car may fall into the pit.
  • If you do too small looking pit, it will be inconvenient to carry out repair work.
  • Size determine based on the design of the room and the dimensions of your car. But there is an opportunity to make a hole, based on standard or generally accepted sizes.

    The width of the standard pit is 70 cm. This is enough for a sedan class, especially for Zhiguli. If you have a cargo car, you need to throw 10-15 centimeters. Leave about 20 centimeters for maneuvering.

    Do the length of the garage for the garage on the basis of personal requirements for the car, yet, to make it less than two meters it is not logical.

    Now you can see a photo that will help you navigate.

    It is impossible to say the exact depth of the standard pits, because it depends on your growth. If the head rests in the bottom, repair work will be inconvenient, or at all impossible. Therefore, find out the height of the clearance of your car (clearance is height from the ground to the threshold) and calculate that standing in the pit, from the head to the bottom it was 20-25 cm.

    Note! It is better to make a hole a little deeper than too small. In any case, you can substitute a stool, and to shorten the legs will not work.

    Now that you calculated the size of the observation pit, you can begin earthworks. You can do it yourself. As for concrete works, it is more complicated. Simplify the task will help you video.

    How to make a cozy garage

    Since a man spends a lot of time in the garage, then comfort is needed. Then work will go cut back and with joy, because physical work is the basis for joy. When you see the result, I want to continue.

    For this you do not need to forget about the trifles that many do not notice, but they are doing comfort. It may be a picture or a statuette made of well-made materials, and even better from spare parts. The photo shown below confirms that the cozy garage is better than usual.

    But what should be necessary? Some little things and details will be listed now:

  • Curtains on shelves and racks. Few people think about such a small detail, but look at parts and different tools do not always want. Curtains will create a beautiful aesthetic appearance for the entire room.
  • Small or folding table with chairs. It is not always possible to go home to eat, because I want to do work quickly, but something needs to eat. You also will have the opportunity to gather with friends.
  • Compliance with the distance from the floor to racks. This little thing will allow you without difficulty to clean and wash the floor, because you always want to keep clean. Therefore, if you make racks at a height of 15-20 cm, it will be easy to contain a garage clean, the air will also circulate much better.

  • Screed at an angle and stocks to exit water from the room. A little people make such in their garage, but this does not mean that such a trifle is useless. In fact, you will have the opportunity to wash the car, without kicking it out on the street, which will make the process easier and fast. The floor at an angle will contribute to the rapid removal of water out of the room, and the drains will absorb it so that there is no swamp on the road.
  • Small council. Sign boxers for storing small parts and tools. Then it will be much easier to look for the object you need.


    For many, heating is very important. In winter, when in most garages increased humidity, it will work hard. Therefore, think about heating.

    Those who do not particularly complicate the cold, prefer the insulation of the walls and the ceiling in the garage. Then the temperature will not go below zero. But there are people who are not used to working at low temperatures. What do they do? There are several solutions:

  • Equip the garage electrical heater.
  • Purchase bourgeois for the garage.

  • Many are inclined to another option, since electricity is expensive, and firewood can be bought cheap.


    It is difficult to equip the garage with your own hands, but if it is responsible for such work, the result will justify these small cash and strengths. Various videos on the Internet will help you in your work, do not be lazy to seek answers to questions. The equipped garage will contribute to the speed of work.