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Review of funds and drugs to protect against mosquitoes. How to choose and safely use a mosquito mosquito

In this review material, we tried to collect the most common in modern life individual protection from mosquitoes. It will be about commercial preparations that are not only Russian, but foreign chemical industry.

Consider the composition of each of these funds, objectively appreciate the positive and negative qualities, on which not only useful efficacy depends, but the safety for the health of people using them. Information of this article will be useful to anyone who suffers from invasion. bloodsowing insects In the summer and tries to protect themselves from them.

general information

Any funds against mosquitoes contain, as a rule, chemicals that are not only scaring for insects, but also caused their death. So that many sources did not speak, each such agent is toxin and for a person, if large concentrations of these substances will regularly fall into its body.

We are only because the concentration of poison, which is murderous for a small mosquito, is almost not sensitive for our immunity. However, in any case, all this chemistry has the property to accumulate in human organismmost in the liver, which sooner or later can affect general condition Health.

Regardless of the brand of a commercial agent, the same chemicals may include the same chemicals, so knowing them, it is possible to save considerably, purchasing cheaper, but no less effective. In the next paragraph, we will present a list of the most commonly used in chemical industryAs long as we note that the concentration of these substances is considerable significance in terms of efficiency and toxicity for humans.

By the way, these two characteristics have a reverse correlation - the higher the concentration, the better the efficiency, but also stronger toxic effects. And the smaller the concentration of chemistry, the lower, respectively, efficiency and safer for humans. Under the effectiveness of funds it is worth understanding the direct effect of mosquito scaring and the duration of the impact of the means.

  • The concentration of active chemicals is more than 40% can be very dangerous to human health. Therefore, such drugs do not apply in children, as well as adults in unprotected skin. Possible processing only outerwear. Efficiency - a few hours.
  • A concentration of 20-30% allows you to use such agents and bare skin of adults. For children is also not recommended.
  • The concentration of chemistry is 10-15% makes the means ineffective with the duration of the impact, as a rule, not more than 2 hours in combination with a weak effect of scarying. It is possible to use for children, because even if a randomly some amount of substance falls on their mucous membranes or into the digestive tract - the poisoning effect will be insignificant. In addition, these funds can be used to pregnant women.

It should be emphasized that the action of practically repellents is aimed at masking human smells of the body, which are very attractive for mosquitoes. Processing the body or clothing with such substances, the person becomes actually invisible for insects and they, if they sit on clothes or body, then it is not more useful for them as a blood carrier than a tree.

Chemistry that is used in the production of drugs to protect against mosquitoes

We present a list of the most frequently used chemicals that are used in industrial production funds against mosquitoes.

Date (diethyltolumide)

Deta is one of the most used and effective means in the fight against insects. The tool was developed in 1944, in the Department agriculture United States for use in the army of the country. After the experience of opposite the effectiveness of Deta during World War II, at its end, he was experiencing him as a pesticide on farmer fields.

In 1946, it ceased to use for military purposes when the Formula was well-known, but the official application for civilian purposes was only possible since 1957. Later, Deta was actively used during the time of hostilities in Vietnam and Southeast Asia. In the Soviet Union, the drug appeared in the early 80s and was positioned as "means of mosquitoes".

In pure form, Deta is yellow oil liquidHowever, in this form it is sold rarely. More often a tool can be found in the form of a spray or lotion in concentrations up to 40%. Some results of research conducted in the safety of this means of people's health found a direct correlation between the concentration of the drug and the duration of protection against insect bites.

For example, 100% DETA can provide up to 12 hours of protection while several more low concentration compositions (20-34%) can provide about 3-6 hours of protection.

As a precautionary measure, manufacturers advise not to use the drug under clothing or on damaged skin. In addition, everyone should be known that the drug is very hardwent after use. Among other things, Date can act as irritating substances - in rare cases this can lead to serious epidermal reactions and dystrophic changes in the liver.

Picaridine (Ikaridine, Saltydin)

Chemical substance with a pronounced replicate action, the formula of which was collected in France, in 2001. This substance is the second in efficiency, after DETA, although many authoritative sources output them for one line. Picaradine is famous for the duration of action, regardless of its concentration. For example, a commercial substance with a 15% content of picaridine will scare mosquitoes with a certain quality for 8 hours, and 30% will scare better, but also for 8 hours. That is, with time, efficiency is the same and does not decrease. Picaridine is the main ingredient of repellents produced abroad, in particular in the United States.

Carboxide (Digexamethylencarbamide)

This complex chemical substance is actively used in the production of drugs that scare insects. Biologically carboxide is minor, however, if in the digestive system, even in low concentrations, is capable of pathologically affecting nervous system, I causal its strong excitement, replaced by braking, up to fainting. For these reasons, repellents containing chemicals are not recommended to be used to protect children from mosquitoes.


In the mid-1990s, the veterinary oxamat was purchased by barrels, poured into the bottles and pumped into aerosol cylinders. Since then, the tradition has made this drug perfectly in Russia, and now many official brands use it to produce their products. But in many developed countries, Oksamat does not apply in this kind of amateur.

Funds you can buy from us

Today, you can sell more and more sprays and anti-uniform bracelets on sale. Creams and gels are almost not sold, since the demand for them falls in mind the inconvenience of application.

In the shelves of Russian stores, the following means are most often found, most of which, to our deepest regret, in their effectiveness, which the manufacturer describes, does not correspond to reality. Nevertheless, escape from the attacking mosquitoes is still possible.

  • Aerosol OFF. Polish preparation containing 15-16% DETA as the main working substance. Instead of declared 5 hours of frightening, it firmly provides only a couple of hours of active protection against mosquitoes, which can be noted quite good.
  • Spray Moskitoll. Means russian production with a meager 9% content of Deta. On the package, three-hour protection is indicated, however, it is worth noting that even the processing of this means could not even withstand one hour of active violence by mosquitoes. Perhaps this is one of the worst funds among all that can be found.
  • Spray protection against mosquitoes - Komarex. A Russian tool that very poorly provides protection against attacking insects even during the first hour, although the manufacturer promises four-hour protection. Moshki seems to be not reacting at all. Among other things, Comarex has a very unpleasant chemical smell that did not disappear from the clothes, even after the first washing. As part of a rich set of chemistry, DETA is positioned as a working substance, but its concentration is unknown.
  • Spray Picnic Super. Russian tool consisting of DETA - 15%. Anti-mosquito does not withstand one hour, but the smell is absolutely neutral.
  • Bracelet Gardex Bayy. Chinese products with a very sharp smell that scares not only mosquitoes with midges, but people sitting nearby. The duration of the effect failed to check - it is sufficiently long. The composition describes exclusively plant repellents, which cannot but rejoice, however, that there is really "Natolkano", remains under a big question.

Funds you can buy "they"

As opposed to drugs that are sold in Russia, we propose to compare similar means of scaring mosquitoes that are manufactured in the United States. It should be immediately emphasized that even the same brands that are sold and in us, and in America, vary greatly with quality. Therefore, if it is possible to purchase spray or lotion to protect against mosquito bites in America, for example, through network points of sales, then it is better to do this.

When an ordinary American asks a question - how to avoid a mosquito bite, he goes to his American supermarket and buys one of the following funds:

  • Sawyer was named after Americans one of the three most effective repellents. This spray will scare mosquito for as much as eight hours.
  • Environmentally friendly and safe for the health of human and pet spray spray in bottles with a manual sprayer contains lemon eucalyptus oil and operates for seven hours. Chemistry is generally not used here.
  • The Repel Aerosol contains 15% DETA and comes in pressure cylinders. Despite its rather low percentage of chemistry, the tool easily withstands the promised load by the manufacturer at 3-4 hours, and even more.
  • The active agent in the form of an aerosol NaTrapel contains 20% of the pick-up, which provides a high effect for a period of about 8 hours. This is one of the three most effective repellents, along with the Sawyer formula, which, by the way, is issued to forest workers and other services that have direct and long contact with environmentalrich mosquitoes.
  • The same Polish dry aerosol OFF, which for some reason does not work well against Russian mosquitoes. In America, it is also eXTRACTIVE TERRITEwho often enjoy the inhabitants of this country. It also uses DETA.

I am glad to welcome everyone who looked in the review.

Summer has already ended, and about the mosquitoes, it seems to be worried about the mosquitoes. But, next year, mosquitoes will not go anywhere, everyone will also annoy, so my not quite timely review can still come in handy.

In the fight against malicious blood brushing insects, all methods are good. And what I did not trim.

I now got to Aqua spray from mosquitoes on water based.

It was the fact that he has attracted me on a water basis.

So, here it is a yellow small bottle of 100 ml.

Aqua Spray is designed to protect the mosquitoes from the bites, midges, blinding and other than "livestock".

The manufacturer promises us a comfortable vacation in nature, it is only worth buying this spray.

The manufacturer may promise a lot of things, and in the end sometimes somewhat differently.

This spray should be sprayed on the palm and part of the skin. I did not quite understand why it is impossible to immediately fly on the skin, because there is a sprayer, but okay, I did not retreat from the instruction. In addition, the spray can be applied to clothing. And its action is preserved on clothes within 30 days. I did not produce experiments with clothing, but I applied to the skin.

I will start with the flavor. It is weak, and not nasty, something remotely resembles the smell of lemon. Most similar means smell worse.

When applied to the skin, the tool is quickly absorbed, not leaving the fatty film. On the clothes of traces from Aqua spray, too, does not remain. This is the founder did not deceive.

But protection up to 4 hours is an explicit exaggeration.

After applying spraying on the skin, the mosquitoes began to lure interest to me. No, they did not evaporate at all, they flew nearby, itching and acting on the nerves. But they were not solved on the skin. True, so modestly lead themselves not so long, not over an hour. And then the courage to them quickly returns, and they begin to bite with the former zeal. Protection is only 1 hour - in my opinion, this is not protection.

I would like at least 3 hours, I'm not talking about 4.

In addition to all, this spray can be applied to the skin at no more than 3 times a day. So that comfortable holiday In nature it will not work at all if you are going to linger there.

In general, I was not satisfied with the means. It takes his action too quickly. There are many other creams, sprays from other manufacturers who are much better coped with their main task.

It was not a good purchase.

Thanks for attention.

Video Overview

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The repellents include compounds of natural and synthetic origin. They are used to protect people and animals from insects and ticks. This is the easiest and most affordable way to protect yourself and children from mosquito bites and other bloodsowing arthropods. When using funds, the concentration of the active substance is taken into account. The percentage of the active component should not exceed the safe norm. Safe I. effective repellents From mosquitoes, it is not necessary to buy in the store, they can be made independently.

Composition and types of chemical repellents

The name of the compounds used to protect against insects occurred from the Latin word Repellens - repelly repelled. These substances are available in various forms:

By the mechanism of exposure, drugs are divided into two types:

  1. Volatile substances acting at a distance. They have the smell of male mosquito, which is unpleasant in fertilized females.
  2. Compositions acting on contact insect with treated surface.

Using the origin of the means of protection is divided into synthetic and natural. Chemical compounds are more efficient, but manifest moderate toxicity for humans. Natural remedies are made on the basis of essential oils. Their fragrance is extremely unpleasant for mosquitoes. Candles, spiral bracelets made from natural components. Typically used citronella oil, carnations, eucalyptus, anise, geranium, tea tree.

The active components of most chemical repellents is diethyltolumide (DETA). Chemical compound, releasing bloodsowing insects, was developed about 80 years ago. Unlike insecticides, it does not destroy mosquitoes, but only forces people to stay away. The substance refers to the second hazard class.

Attention. DETA-based preparations are 60% of products that protect against bloodsowing insects. Various manufacturers only change the composition of additional components - fragrances, stabilizers, etc.

Diethyltolumide is a toxic substance, its concentration is strictly limited:

  • 40-50% - the composition is intended for applying clothing, shoes;
  • 25-30% - the remedy can be used for adults for applying skin and hair, period of action to three hours;
  • 10-15% - drugs are suitable for adolescents and people with weak health;
  • 5-7% - concentration permitted for children.

Date is not the only one chemical composition For repellents. They are made on the basis of carboxite, oxamate, isopranola.

Overview of popular protective equipment


Professional tool designed to protect people who are for a long time In the forest or near the water bodies. The high concentration of the active substance (30%) displays the midges, mosquitoes, blind and ticks. When processing clothes protective action persists for 30 days. The "Date-Prof" aerosol is recommended to fishermen, hunters, security workers.


Gardex company offers a wide range of protective equipment. (10%) will create an invisible barrier for mosquitoes for 3 hours. The "GARDEX EXTREME" series is repellents from mosquitoes and ticks, valid until 8 hours. After handling aerosol, protection on clothing is preserved for a month (in the absence of washing). To ensure a long-term effect, the concentration of the active substance is increased to 31%.

In the children's Gardex series applies propylene glycol. The remedy in the form of spray is recommended from 1 year. For kids, colorful stickers for clothing, soaked with natural extract of lemongrass, are offered. One of the options to prevent bites is a children's plastic bracelet with replaceable pick-ups.


The company's products have a discharge action for a long period. After processing the "Mosquitall" aerosol, the insects are not approaching open areas for 4 hours. The concentration of DET is 18%, in products intended for children, reduced to 7.5%. People with sensitive skin many chemicals cause allergies. For them, Moskitoll offers an aerosol with a non-toxic IR3535 repellent. Aerosol "Professional Protection" contains a large number of active substance and scares insects up to 8 hours.

Repellents Moskitoll of the children's series are produced in the form of a milk and cream. The composition uses Bio-repellent IR3535. From two years old, you can choose a bracelet with a mixture of natural oils (citronelle, lavender, gerane).

Attention. With an increase in the concentration of DETA, not only the effectiveness of the repellent increases, but also a risk to health.


Preparations "OFF" are offered in any form. Off «Extreme» Are applied on clothes, leather, curtains, tents, mosquito nets and furniture. They create an invisible barrier for 8 hours. On the clothes the composition scares ticks 5 days. Repellents from mosquitoes and ticks in the form of aerosol I have several advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • nice smell;
  • do not leave stains on clothes.

Spray aerosol to things up to light moisturizing, use after drying. On the skin to apply a thin layer, avoid contact with water.

In protective creams for adults and children, the number of active component does not exceed 7.5%. The cosmetics is added aloe vera extract, moisturizing skin. The tube is convenient to take with me for re-applying after 2 hours.


Russian Taiga company issues effective and available tools against bloodsowing insects. The active ingredient is diethyltolumide. Repellents are produced in the form of a spray, cream for applying on open areas. The "Taiga-Ultra" emulsion is applied to the body and acts within 1 hour. The composition of creams and lotions includes carnation oil - natural repellent from insects.

Natural repellents do it yourself

Effective mosquito repellents who are not harmful to health can be made independently. They are made in the form of a spray, aromatic candle or cream. Oil mixture or fragrant is used as an individual protection.

For the manufacture of oil mixture it will be necessary:

  • the base is olive or massage oil (50-100 ml);
  • essential oils - carnations, eucalyptus, rosemary, geranium and others (10 drops).

Forest oil is based on, then the mixture is applied to the skin. The composition uses carefully, he leaves stains on clothes.

Attention. To avoid allergic reactionIt is necessary to check the tolerability of the essential oil used. To this end, the means are applied to the elbow fold. If there is no reaction, you can apply as a repellent.

For children, you can easily mix protective equipment Based on children's cream. Lavender oil is added to the cosmetic at the rate of:

  • children up to two years - 2 drops per 30 ml;
  • older than two years - 3 drops per 30 ml.

Before use, it is worth consulted with a pediatrician and make sure that the baby is not allergic to the used compositions.

One way to scare mosquito - fragrant spray. It includes:

  • 100 ml of water;
  • 10 ml of alcohol;
  • 5 ml of essential oil (citronella, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus).

Mixing all the ingredients, get a spray that can be handled clothing and skin. The repellent by releasing bloodsowing insects in the apartment or in the country will be aromatic candle. It will take wax or paraffin for its manufacture. 10-15 drops of essential oil add to the melted base. When Ignoring the candle in the room will spread the fragrance, unpleasant for mosquitoes.

A huge range of repellent allows you to choose a reliable and convenient tool for children and adults. The discrepancing compositions will make their relaxation pleasant and safe.


Operating principle

All means called "Date" have some common characteristics:

  • safety;
  • provide sustainable protection over a certain time;
  • efficiency;
  • do not harm skin;
  • possess a pleasant aroma;
  • do not contain alcohol;
  • do not spoil clothes.

The active substance of the repellent under consideration is organic chemical compound diethyltolumide. Means based on this component prove their effectiveness against various insects (midges, blinding, ticks, mosquitoes) for more than 50 years. Sprays, lotions, creams and other samples of "Date" are capable only to scare insects, but do not possess a derogatory action. But it is precisely distinctive trait Speaks about security for a person.

Deta aerosol varieties

All drugs "Date" are classified according to the 3rd main directions: the main, aqua sprays and aerosols and intended for children's skin. Consider more each type of means.

Aqua sprays and aerosols

Besides different species DETA products special place occupy sprays and aerosols, the basis of which is water. They are easy to use and differ in safety and a pleasant smell, do not contain alcohol and parabens.

A unique product line is designed for different ages.

For adults exist:

  • Aqua Aerosol Deta (against the bite of midges and mosquitoes). Designed for 6 hours of protection with a triple action.

  • Aqua Spray Date (against mosquitoes). Create 4-hour security from midges, flies, mosquitoes, blindly, ticks. In addition to orange fragrance contains essential oil Fir, which has a repellent action.

  • Aqua Aerosol for scaring the Gnus. The popular tool is intended for processing a large area, retains 4 hours. Fast and convenient application on the skin and clothing provides a form of a bottle. Spots on the tissues does not leave, the skin does not cause harm. The citrus fragrance spreads with spraying.

For kids

A significant advantage of "Date" to other similar drugs is the presence of a children's line. Aerosols and sprays of repellent destination do not contain any organic compounds (in the means for adults containing diethyltolumide). The basis of the children's "Date" is IR 3535. This is an absolutely harmless substance that does not hurt even a one-year-old child.

Aqua Aerosol from mosquitoes for children Daet Baby

The manufacturer recommends applying a means to children's clothing and vehicles (strollers, bicycles, etc.). Such sputtering ensures the uniform distribution of the substances of the drug. Contains the extract of aloe vera, but the basis of the aerosol is an harmless repellent IR 3535. You cannot use for children, age less than a year.

Aqua Spray from mosquitoes for children Daet Baby

Soft action spray lasts up to 2 hours. The composition includes the same substances as in the aerosol.

Using the spray after comer bite Prevent itching and helps remove redness. Recommended for children who have reached 1 year.

Terms of Use

To achieve the maximum effect and the highest degree of security, the instructions should be explored before using any drug.

If you have chosen the form of a lotion or cream, then first the repellent must be applied to the palm of your hand, and only then on the body.

Any type of repellent should not overstat the skin and increase the layers applied several times, it does not add effectiveness from use, but may well cause irritation or allergies.

Do not:

  • apply the drug on wounds, cuts, abrasions, around the mucous membranes, as well as in the sections of the face;
  • apply a means to the skin if it is covered with clothes, it is better to do it immediately on the fabric;
  • use aerosols and sprays in the house;
  • practice the use of "Date" on animals and birds to avoid substances in the stomach;
  • use people with a great tendency to allergic reactions;
  • spray aerosols for adults next to small children;
  • allow babies to use drugs independently;
  • apply "Date" on the hands of the child, since the tool can get inside;
  • use funds to pregnant and lactating women without consulting a doctor.

Mandatory rules:

  • use the tool only a strictly specified number of times per day (less);
  • upon expiry of the active time of the repellent or after returning from the street, rinse the means to high water pressure;
  • if you decide to use repellent together with sunscreen, then DETA is applied strictly after them;
  • follow the uniform application, otherwise the untreated area of \u200b\u200bthe skin can be an attractive place to attack the bloodist.

Important! Make sure that the drug used is not applied to children, less than indicated on the package.

Date (diethyltolumide) is an active component of most repellents. Date-based repellents are used worldwide. DETA is designed for the needs of the American army in the 40s of the 20th century. Registered as a repellent in 1957. DETA is used for more than 50 years and proved efficiency and safety (with proper use).

Daet-based repellents protect against mosquito bites, hoarse, midges, whipping, ticks.

IMPORTANT! When applied only on the skin, the repellent does not protect against ticks. To protect against ticks, the means are applied to clothing, combining acaricides.

How Date works

Repellents are scared, and not kill insects. Therefore, mosquitoes can fly next to the skin, but do not bite.

What to pay attention to when choosing a repellent?

When choosing a repellent, pay attention to:

  1. concentration of Deta
  2. release form (aerosol, lotion, cream).

The concentration determines the protection duration. To protect against ticks, higher concentrations of DETA are required (from 20%). Lower concentrations effectively protect against mosquitoes, but not from ticks. Increased concentrations above 50% does not enhance protection. The higher the concentration, the higher the risk of skin irritation. In addition to the concentration, the protection duration depends on the associated components. There are replicates with long release of DETA. Packaging specified maximum time protection. In a real setting, the duration of the action of the repellent depends on the type of insect, temperature, humidity, sweating.

Choose a repellent with the desired DETA concentration. If the mosquito protection is required short term (1 - 1.5 hours), then use low concentration repellents (7 - 10%). For long-term protection and protection against ticks - with DETA concentration of 20%.

For applying to the skin, it is more convenient to use creams and lotions, since to control the splashing of the aerosol is difficult.

To repellents are effective and safe to use them correctly.

  1. Carefully read the instructions.
  2. The repellent is applied to the palm of palm and evenly thin layer is smeared by the body.
  • An increase in the number of repellent does not improve protection, but increases the risk of side effects.
  • The uniformity of application is important. Komar can bite into a raw skin area with a coin size.
  1. Do not apply repellent on cuts, wounds, irritated skin, lips, around the eyes.
  2. Do not apply spray directly to the face.
  3. Do not apply a repellent on the skin under the clothes if the clothes are attached, then process clothes.
  4. Remember that DETA dissolves some types of plastics and synthetics.
  5. Wash with soap when the need for protection will pass.
  6. Do not use more often than indicated on the label.
  7. When using a sunscreen, first applied cream, then repellent.
  8. Do not spray aerosols in a closed room.
  9. Do not use repellents from Date on animals. They may lick the wool, which will lead to a repellent inward. For animal protection there are special preparations.

If the reaction occurs to the repellent, immediately wash it with water with soap and consult a doctor. People with sensitive skin can cause repellent on a small area of \u200b\u200bleather, and look after the reaction.

Use of DETA repellents to protect children

Pay attention to age from which the use of repellent is allowed. Apply a repellent to your hands and treat the baby's body. Little children do not handle brushes, as children can lick fingers. Also do not handle the eye area, mouth. Do not allow children to apply repellents on their own. Do not spray repellents next to the child so that he does not breathe them.

If used to protect children repellents with a lower concentration of DETA, remember that their protection will last less, and more frequent processing will be required. Yes, and from ticks with low concentrations of DETA do not protect.

Use of repellents with DETA in pregnant women

Pregnant women can use repellents from Date at high risk of bites dangerous insects. Before using a repellent, pregnant women better consult with a doctor

With DETA intolerance, Icarididi-based repellents can be used.