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Mosquito bites: how to get rid of itching? Folk remedy for mosquito bites. What can and need to smear mosquito bites? Than to smear a mosquito bite so that not

We all love early autumn, but exactly until insects attack on our skin. No repellent guarantees you 100% protection from them ...

But, when the next time you find on the skin itching blush bite, do not rush to the pharmacy. You have at home, right at hand, there are 17 funds that will make it easier for unpleasant feeling no worse than non-delicate pharmacy drugs.

The use of both ice and hot water can help remove itching. The mostly chosen method will mostly depend on what water temperature is more comfortable and most favorable for your skin!
1. Click a relaxing hot bath. To alleviate itching you can also add strong tea brewing, 2 tablespoons of apple vinegar and 2 mugs of dry oatmeal flour

2. If you are near the sea, plunge into sea water. You can also add a seaside salt into the bathroom.

3. Water towel in hot water, try not to burn the skin. Press the wet part on the bite and keep until you feel the discharge. Repeat 1-2 times. Your nerves will be confused, and itching will stop for several hours.

The spoon
There is also a very simple way to help you eliminate all the bites from bites within a few minutes.

All you need to do is heat the metal spoon in hot water for one minute or so, then apply it to the place of direct bite and click on it. A spoon must be kept tightly pressed to the skin for a few minutes, and when you remove it, itching should disappear forever.

Essential oils
Tea tree oils, lavender and coconut have properties that take it off, pain and swelling. In addition, tea tree oil has an antibacterial effect that will not allow infection to get into the wound when combing with unclean hands. But not all oils are the same - oils of some brands may be more acidic, so find out in advance about their concentration. If the oil is too "powerful", it can be diluted with water.

If you are not embarrassed by the "lipacy" of honey, you can apply it on the bite to avoid inflammation and remove itching.

Milk and water
Mix in equal parts of milk and water in equal parts, wet the napkin or handkerchief with a mixture and get into the branched place.

Kefir and sour cream
Well soothes the skin and leaving itching kefir or sour cream.

Sodle grazing helps well: do the solution (1-2 teaspoons on a glass of water), apply to the bandage or gauze and apply to the place of bite or simply lubricate them the affected areas.
Especially effective 2 home ointment based on food soda.
1. Mix soda with warm water:

  • Proportions: One tablespoon of soda at 0.5 l of water
  • We carefully apply with a damaged zone with clean hands, cotton disk or ear rod.
  • Leave for a couple of minutes, then rinse with warm water.

2. Mix soda with ammonia alcohol:

  • Shift a couple of drops of ammonic alcohol with soda before the formation of pasta.
  • Carefully apply to the damaged area and let dry. It should facilitate itching.
  • Rock warm water
    Please note that the ammonia alcohol itself fight the itch if you apply it on the bite.

Lemon or lime juice
These citruses quickly remove itching and have antibacterial properties. If you chose this method, stay at home, because their juice can cause burns on the skin.
Cut the lemon or lime to pieces and carefully wipe the infected area, or squeeze a little juice on it. Citrus acid has properties that help relieve itching.

Most of the toothpaste contains menthol for a refreshing mint taste, and this ingredient is capable of causing a feeling of pleasant soothing coolness on the skin. In addition, the viscosity peculiar to toothpaste will prevent the appearance of edema.

Basil and Aloe.
This spicy grass will be useful to you not only in the kitchen. In the leaves of the basilica contains camphor, creating a feeling of coolness, like menthol in the toothpaste. Melt a few leaves and apply the pieces on the bite.

Clean the bite of the aloe gel or a broken sheet of aloe plants.

Use plantan leaves. You can hand over a leaf between your fingers to squeeze juice and labeled the juice in the bite. Itching will pass less than a minute later.

Only one ice cube narrows blood vessels and reduce the natural release of histamines in the body. Simply put: The bite will not be so much.
Attach the package with ice or ice cubes to the bite. Hold 20 minutes.

Tea bags
Surprisingly, but the fact! Cooled tea bags facilitate itching and swelling, as the tannin contained in tea has astringent properties, taking the excess fluid from the bite.

This is an excellent homemade remedy for the removal of itch, due to its small level of acidity. A weak acetic solution will help with the obsessive itching of mosquitoes and midges.
If itching does not subside, get into the bits moistened in vinegar with a cloth. If your legs have become a real banquet for mosquitoes or other insects, add a bit of the ukuusus in the foot bath with warm water.

Apple vinegar acts even better than usual.
Make acetic paste:

  • Make a thick paste of flour and apple vinegar.
  • Carefully apply on a damaged area.
  • Let dry. Itching will pass as drying.
  • Rock warm water. You can also wind over the bandage so that the paste lasted longer.

Also sail from itching boric or salicylic alcohol, calendula tincture, Corvalol or Valokardin - but similar methods are more suitable for adults.

Water aspirin tablets and spend the affected area.Do not use this method in case of allergies to aspirin.

Manual methods
1. Press the bite on the bite. This is a good method if the bite is scattered.
2. Pressing nail on the bite so that it turned out "x". This will help stop itching for a while.
3. Unlock the bite so that it is "silent" in saliva: o)


Bitches for babies can be understood

Children compared to adults are very thin skin, and traces from mosquito bites, and especially from the midges in some child can stay for 3 months and even appreciate! Therefore, the best, fresh seats of bites are immediately lubricated with a greenfront, "says the pediatrician Evgeny Timakov. - There are still special lotions containing calamin and zinc oxide. They reassure the children's skin well, they shoot irritation, dried.

By the way

What repellents are not harmful to kids

How to choose funds who will scare mosquitoes from his beloved Chad, and at the same time will not harm him health, the pediatrician Evgeny Timakov advises:

Pick the repellent only in accordance with the child's age and use it solely by instructions.

For infectious children, the safest insect protection - mosquito nets - on the crib, stroller, on the windows in the nursery.

An excellent option is bracelets from mosquitoes that are made of elastic polymer tissue and are impregnated with natural hyperticular vegetable compositions that scare mosquitoes, but not containing toxic substances, and therefore safe even for infants, pregnant women and lactating women. For children from year to year, put them on the handle, and those who are younger - attach to the carriage, outside, one on each side - their smell will drive insects.

In the room you can use fumigators with children's fluids or plates from mosquitoes. If the child is more than a year - put them for a couple of hours, and then remove from the outlet if the child over three - the fumigator can be calmly left and all night. But in the bedroom room is better to do not hold the device. An hour for three hours before the deposit to sleep, turn on, destroys insects, then turn off. And in an hour you can put the baby to sleep.

Children from the year it is best to use repellents in the form of cream, milk, gel or balsam - they are easily applied to the skin, leaving a protective layer on it. In addition, many children's repellent creams and gels (and the milk especially) not only scare insects, but also protect from the sun and take care of the skin of the kid.

A child may have a local allergy to some repellents, so before using some new tool, be sure to try it on a small area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Taking advantage of any children's repellents, make sure that the child does not feed hands in the mouth, and did not slip the ointment with other parts of the body

It is not necessary to use repellents in the form of sprays, since some kids they can cause asthmatic attacks during inhalation. If it happened that there was no other means at hand - use a "pshikalka" with caution. Sprinkle the remedy from afar, avoiding getting into the face, and it is better to apply it not to the skin, but on the clothes of a child.

From the midge there is a good folk remedy, it can be used even for babies, "the pediatrician suggests. - Children's cream must be mixed with vanilla or vanilla sugar and lubricate open areas of the body. But keep in mind, this method does not save from mosquitoes.

And further:

    When trains outside the city, it is desirable to have not only repellents that save from insect bites, but also means "for every fireman" - if suddenly, malicious insects suddenly look. In particular, ointments, and necessarily antihistamine drugs that will help cope with an unwanted reaction in the uncens of insects.

Synthetic means of protection against mosquitoes are more popular due to ease of use. Skin creams provide protection for 2-3 hours, and aerosols that are applied to clothing, protective nets, tents, can act within a month if the finger treated thing is not to wash.
But, applying synthetic tools, it is important to remember that they are less secure. Toxic substances contained in repellents are not harmless to people or pets. According to physicians, 12% of people suffer from an allergic reaction to insecticides.

Protective "chemistry" in the form of a cream on the skin is applied with a thin layer, you can not rub and apply such a cream to damaged skin, wounds, abrasions, scratches. Mosquito nets installed on windows, which in turn can be treated with aerosol will also be saved.

But it is not worth abuse of "chemical" protection. Aerosols are better to apply only on clothing, and creams are only on open areas of the body. If an anticomaric agent hit the eye, on the mouth of the mouth or nose, it is necessary to immediately rinse them with a large amount of cool water.

  • Well, if there will be any cosmecetes (medical and preventive cosmetics): "Rescuer", "Boro Plus" and others will be a first-aid kit in your "anticomarina". "There are no substances that can be contraindicated to breast children or pregnant women. But they contain thermal water and trace elements, such as zinc, dumplings and others that take off the itching, prevent infection and promote healing, "comments the dermatologist., Deputy Chief Doctor of the Moscow Scientific and Practical Center for Dermatovenerology and Cosmetology of the Moscow Department of Health" Natalia Zastskaya

  • If you are the owner of sensitive skin and mosquito bites and midges cause you strong and long-standing irritation, you need to choose a local hormonal agent before the ride: experts recommend that it is right to you, depending on your skin type and from Inherent allergic reactions.
    Being to apply hormonal creams in no case! All similar means are certified - no harm to the body with local short-term use (from 2 to 10 days) they will not apply! - assures Natalia Zagorskaya. - To date, there are even such funds that are allowed for pregnant and infants. The only condition is the hormonal drug you must select necessarily together with your doctor!

Pommpt, that It is impossible Relieve the place of bite to blood - can get infection and develop purulent inflammation.

Summer is beautiful, but trouble-free time, for walking with the baby. Heat, birds sing, but, unfortunately, mosquitoes bite. These insects deliver a lot of trouble, both parents and children themselves. If adults can somehow endure itching from mosquito bites, then for children this problem often becomes very serious. Delicate skin of the baby from bites blushes, blisters inflated, bruises appear on bumps. In this connection, many moms are interested in how to anoint a mosquito bite in a child in order to prevent the development of all the associated troubles.

How to anoint a mosquito bite in a child: home

If the child is completely small, then the parents most often worries the question than to anoint a mosquito bite in a child in order to reliably stop itching and not harm the crumb. After all, the baby, of course, will still have time to get acquainted with pharmacy chemistry, but so far I want to do without it. An excellent means that is always at hand is the usual food soda. You need to take 10-15 grams of soda (1-1.5 teaspoon) and dissolve them in 2-3 teaspoons of pure water. It turns out Cashier. This solution needs to lubricate bites. Soda will quickly remove itching and facilitates the suffering of the baby.

Another good tool is raw potatoes. If the baby bit the mosquitoes, you can take 1 middle potatoes, wash it, clean and cut into the plates. Received plates need a slightly loss of bites. Starch, which is contained in potatoes, also facilitates itching and contributes to blocking the inflammatory process.

If there is nothing at hand, and itching needs to be eliminated, at least for a while it is possible to get a stronger remedy, you can use the usual toothpaste. The small droplet of the toothpaste, applied to the place of bite, blocks the itching of minutes by 30-40.

If a child has sensitive skin or a tendency to an allergic reaction to insect bites, all of the above folk remedies will not fit or give, only temporary relief. In the event of a serious response to bites, you should seek help to a doctor.

The modern pharmaceutical market is saturated with various means helping to reassure itching after mosquito bites in children, as well as to stop the development of an allergic reaction. Experts are often recommended in cases of mosquito bites to use such means as:

  • Ointment or gel "Phenic";
  • "Ppi-Balsam";
  • Balm "Star";
  • "Fladex".

In cases of serious allergic reactions, specialists prescribe a means based on hydrocortisone or prednisone. But these are quite serious drugs that do not follow to apply thoughtless.

In addition to the local treatment of mosquito bites, antihistamine drugs are prescribed allergic kids.

Mosquitoes are insects who deliver trouble a person for quite many years. Each family has its own proven funds that they use for the treatment of mosquito bites in children.

If you take a people's pharmacy, then you can highlight the following popular options for helping to eliminate itching and remove inflammation on the skin:

  • A decoction of chamomile - they can wipe the baby or add a little scalar into the water for swimming the crumbs;
  • Oak bark - the brewed bark of oak is the perfect supplement for the bathroom, which helps to yield itching and prevent the development of an allergic reaction;
  • The sophisticated plantain leaves can be applied to the wounds, it will help to remove inflammation and eliminate itching;
  • Fresh mint juice - if you squeeze a little juice from the leaves of fresh peppermint, then they can smear the inflamed skin surface. It will remove redness and remove itching.

Some parents to facilitate the state of the kid after insect bites use simple kefir. It is smeared on inflamed parts of the body, and after 5-10 minutes wash off. It is believed that this food product is very effective in the treatment of mosquito bites.

Mosquitoes accompany us throughout life. They bother us on vacation and at home. At least these insects and do not represent a serious danger, but the frequency of their attacks and the consequences cause uncomfortable sensations that you want to get rid of. Unbearable itching, the skin in the bite place becomes inflamed and changes the color, the affected place can eat much.

Most of the bold people seek to take any measures to do not be and not hurt. And it is right. After all, mechanical damage to the bite space can lead to infection and illness. Usually inflammation takes place in a few days, but if the swelling does not pass a longer period of time, then you need to seek advice and providing the necessary assistance to a specialist. This can serve as a symptom of allergies or the action of a liable infection. What to do to cope with the problem as high quality?

Why does the affected place itch?

Insect-blooded attaches the skin, injecting an anticoagulant under it, which prevents its coagulation. This is the substance and causes itching. The degree of human reaction is due to its individual tolerance. Some people practically do not react to bites or have little discomfort. Other individuals from mosquito bites suffer several days.

Nobody canceled prevention

Going to the campaign or in the cottage, be sure to take care of the preparing the preparations in the first-aid kit, which you can quickly handle the seats of bites. If bloodsuckers annoy your home - keep a reliable scaping tool at hand. Those who have particularly delicate skin, children and allergies - be sure to know what to do in emergency cases.

Most of the soothing itch and removing the edema of drugs, effective and tested pharmacologists, are available in pharmacies. There you can always get a qualified advice in the selection of funds. You will be prompted than to smear the wound to get a fast and guaranteed result.

Pharmacological preparations

There are different forms of drugs that make it easier to facilitate the mosquitoes:

  • gels, ointments, including hormonal;
  • the calendula tincture further disinfects;
  • acid boric acid;
  • antihistamine medicines inside and externally;
  • corvalol and Valokordin as a wipe;
  • activated coal in solution.

Pharmacy means should always be available in your home first aid kit, especially if there are small children. A large selection and affordable price allows you to choose the most suitable option to you.

Babushkina means

Lubricate the disturbing area by home. They have long come across the people and are applied for years. These are budget options for solving the issue, successful and popular. Many of them are suitable for use by children and allergies. Here is the top best to facilitate the state after the bite:

  1. Loose the bite of lemon sliced \u200b\u200bseveral times a day.
  2. Squeeze the cashier from Parsley for a few minutes.
  3. Attach fresh cabbage sheet.
  4. Sillar solution (one b / l, two hundred fifty ml / water) several times a day.
  5. Slice of raw potato / onion to the bite.
  6. Process with vinegar or spirits.

The exposure time on the busting place is no more than twenty minutes. After applying the listed means, it is necessary to wash with soaps of gentle composition. Procedures can be repeated until the final disappearance of disturbing features.

Each person selects the method of removing the tool and the tool based on the personal tolerance of its components. The frequency of application is also individual. If one of the proposed options did not come up, use the other. An experimental way can be found an effective way to minimize the effects of insect bite.

There are many more money in the arsenal of the people:

  • aloe Vera juice;
  • pressing the bite of the bite of the nail;
  • lubrication with toothpaste and tea;
  • ice applying to facilitate itching.

When choosing a way, follow the desire not only to get rid of the symptoms, but also not harm. Get ready for the season of mosquitoes in advance. You can take vitamin B-1. His reception during the entire summer period will significantly reduce the risk of mosquito attacks. According to scientists, it is able to change the smell of a person to the fragrance, rejected by insects. If you still bite you with bloodshots - take immediate action, not expecting undesirable consequences.

Summer holidays are looking forward to not only adults, but also kids. Disturb the long-awaited action can bloodsight insects. Children are most susceptible to their bite. It is that the crumbs are the strongest reactions to trouble, due to the rapid immune system, the individual characteristics of the body.

Parents should know in what cases it is necessary to contact the doctor for helping what to do at home when the baby bite. Keep the packaging of antihistamine drugs, healing ointments. The required set will necessarily need in nature.

What are dangerous insect bites for children

Komar is a double insect. The males of this species are absolutely harmless, feed on pollen plants. Females make bites, to continue the genus they need protein contained in the blood of a person or an animal. Komarich consumes blood once, after which she puts eggs and dies.

The act itself occurs almost painlessly, sometimes there is a lung tingling. The insect chooses tender areas of the skin, where blood vessels are located close to the surface of the epidermis. Komar pierces the skin with the nose, injected saliva, which highlights special substances that prevent blood consumption. It is impossible to get poisoning, insects have no poison.

Anticoagulants cause redness of the skin, itching. If you start scratching the place of bite, the substances will spread to nearby fabrics, the unpleasant feelings will increase several times. Mosquito bites do not deliver a lot of trouble, but some kids do not tolerate an unpleasant event. It aggravates the situation that children often leave the place of bite, the secondary infections will accidentally bring.

In Russia, infected with severe disease through a mosquito bite is quite difficult, single cases are noted. Residents of hot climate residents (Africa, South America, Pacific Islands, India, Afghan countries) are not primary.

Insect bites allergies

The worse for the child after the mosquito bite is the emergence of an allergic reaction. The trouble happens much less frequently than after contact with staining insects (bees, axes).

The symptoms of the allergic reaction to the mosquito bite have children:

  • increased body temperature;
  • floor, redness of the skin, strong itching in bites;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • headache;
  • difficult breathing, Odezh Quincke.

In rare cases, the occurrence of rhinitis, tear, urticaria is noted. A healthy person can withstand up to 500 bites, but for some people, especially children, even a single case can lead to local or general (up to death) reaction.

With a local reaction itching, the company spreads over a few hours, redness can save quickly, and unpleasant feelings only a day later. The overall reaction is accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, further loss of consciousness. If you have a negative reaction, immediately give the crude any antihistamine drug (Suprastin, phenyatil), visit the doctor.

Note to parents! If your child has an allergy to insect bites, always carry special medicines with you, especially during trips outside the city, where there will be no opportunity to quickly visit the doctor.

How to protect the child

Prevent the occurrence of allergies, the very fact of the bite of mosquitoes will help many funds. Read the entire spectrum, select the appropriate product.

Special fixtures:

  • repellents. They are special substances that scare insects, they irritate the nervous endings of the smell of mosquitoes. We produce many varieties of funds: sprays, creams, gels, even bracelets. Solutions are used to spray clothes, tents, baby strollers. The remaining is recommended to apply to open areas of the skin without rubbing. The tool protects the child for 2-5 hours, for a while walking it is enough, but ensure a full dream repellents are not able;
  • fumigants. They act fairly quickly, but are dangerous to health very small children. The devices are injected into the air chemicals that immediately poison mosquitoes. At home, electrical appliances are used, in open areas - which will smoke. Recently, many fakes are produced, negatively affecting the health of crumbs. Buy instruments only in pharmacies and specialized stores;
  • ultrasonic devices. Their effectiveness has not yet been proven, some hear a squeak, which gives discomfort.

Toddler Protection up to the year

Choose an effective remedy for mosquitoes for infants is quite difficult. Many drugs, toxic drugs, harm the small body, have a high probability of appearance of an allergic reaction. Before using repellents, read the instructions. Recently, bracelets from mosquitoes are gaining huge popularity, allowed them to be used to protect newborns.

The devices can exhibit an unpleasant fragrance, cause headaches. Experimental over the baby is not recommended. Trust the proven tools for protection against mosquitoes. To prevent the unpleasant situation in the infant, use natural drugs, first check their action on yourself.

For breasts, lavender ether is perfect. Oil effectively copes with insects, allowed to use from the first days of life. Do not forget about the mosquito net, there are special devices for baby beds with small cells. They paste air, protect against insects.

For reliability, hang a similar grid at the front door, ventilation in the rook room. Lubricate lavender butter baby things regularly, you can hang over the bed with a dry grass of the plant.

Treatment with medicines

What to smear mosquito bites in a child? The pharmacological industry produces a mass of drugs in the form of ointments and sprays for children affected by mosquito bites. For wound healing, use the following drugs:

  • Phenolic gel. The remedy for mosquito bites has anti-flame effect. The tool contributes to a decrease in unpleasant sensations, rash, ethnicity. It is not recommended to apply kids up to a year, the average cost of one package is 350 rubles;
  • Bapten. Anti-inflammatory, moisturizing cream. The medication quickly removes itching, used since birth, allowed to use parents and kids. The average price of one packaging is 400 rubles;
  • Cream gel bottomul. Includes natural components, promotes insect scaping. Vegetable components remove the rally, itching, possess a soothing, bactericidal effect;
  • mosquitall Gel Balsam "Ambulance after bites." The composition includes vegetable components, D-panthenol, antibacterial complex, silver ions, which provides antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect. The drug is considered the most efficient and safe for kids, a tube, a volume of 10 ml costs 110 rubles.

Additionally, use Moskitol-gel, ppylly balm, rescuer cream, stars, apis and ice balsam. All medicines are designed to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. Use drugs to be appointed before applying, learn the instructions.

On the page, read about the causes of the emergence and methods of treating children's epilepsy.

First aid

First aid to the child in the bite of insects:

  • wash your bite under running water with soap;
  • treat anti-inflammatory agent, for example, chlorhexidine solution;
  • it is strictly forbidden to scratch the wish;
  • attach to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin of ice, it will help prevent the occurrence of the ease;
  • apply antihistamine ointment, for example, phenyatil;
  • inside the baby give antihistamine pills.

In most cases, after such actions, the allergic reaction falls, the kid forgets about the incident. If itching increases, the ethnicity is accompanied by difficult breathing, loss of consciousness, without medical care can not do. Immediately call the doctors, Follow their instructions.

Folk remedies and recipes

How to get rid of mosquito bites? Natural products quickly cope with unpleasant sensations, not harm the child, rarely cause allergic reactions. Recipes:

  • drug collection. Mint leaves, oak bark, hormour's grass have an anti-inflammatory effect, have a light painkillery effect. To prepare the drug, mix all the components in equal parts, take a tablespoon of the mixture of the mixture, pour the glass of boiling water, insist half an hour. The resulting tool will cool down, strain, moisten the gauze, attach to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin;
  • soda. The substance is used not only in cooking, but also to eliminate the consequences of mosquito bites. Instruct a teaspoon of soda in a glass of water, stir carefully, moisten the gauze in the medical product, attach crumbs to damaged epidermis;
  • it is perfectly coping with itching a weak alcohol solution in the proportion of 1: 5. The tool can be replaced by vinegar. Such a drug is allowed to use for children older than three years;
  • protecting the room from annoying insects will help the bustle of tomato bushes left on the windowsill or fresh tomato juice. Mosquitoes do not tolerate the smell of tomatoes;
  • it is allowed to lubricate outdoor skin areas with fish oil. An unpleasant fragrance scares insects, moisturizes children's skin, contributes to the healing of the already existing wound, traces of bites;
  • mosquitoes hate the smell of Anisa, cedar, eucalyptus, carnations. It is enough to purchase one of these essential oils, put the crumbs on the crib, open areas of the body. Most oils have a beneficial effect on the sleep of the baby, frightened mosquitoes perfectly. These tools are suitable for the protection of parents, have a rather sharp smell, they retain efficiency up to 12 hours;
  • similar properties have juniper leaves, valerians, walnuts. It is enough to decompose the drug on the windowsill, it is allowed to put or hang over the baby's bed. Calm and quiet sleep without bites CHADE is guaranteed.

Insect bites are a frequent phenomenon of kids, young parents deliver a lot of trouble. Get rid of the consequences of communication with insects just enough, if the crumbs do not allergies. If you have unpleasant symptoms, contact your doctor, give the baby antihistamines, use the first medical assistance tips.

Summer is a wonderful time of vacation and travel. And each dreams of spending time in the fresh air into this wonderful warmth. Probably, we would love the summer even more if, as the classic said, "not angry, yes dust, yes mosquitoes and flies." Insects are annoyed by rural residents, and inhabitants of large cities. What is already talking about traveling to the water to the reservoir! Hordes of mosquitoes that almost do not respond to all means of protection, are able to spoil the mood and cause serious allergies. Particularly attracts insects tender children's skin.

Than dangerous mosquitoes

The mechanism of the bite of a mosquito is similar to the bite of all bloodsowing. Insect piercing skin cover, gropping capillaries to get blood. At the same time, anticoagulants, helping to die with a saliva mosquito. It is they who become the cause of an allergic reaction in children. Unlike adults on thin skin, the kids almost immediately formed a blister or painful swelling, which is very symbol. Usually itching is removed by medicine drugs or household agents. But the allergic reaction can develop further. The degree of its severity can be determined by the following features:

  • The reaction to the skin at the bite. Plow appears with a diameter of no more than 10 cm, which passes during the day. You can take antihistamine preparations.
  • Total reaction. It manifests itself in the form of acne throughout the body, and not only at the bite (urticaria). Itching is very strong, nausea may occur and shortness of breath. Requires a doctor.
  • Strong reaction. Edema in the face and neck. Nausea, vomiting. Mandatory emergency call.

In addition to the development of allergy symptoms, the danger occurs if the child was having a busting place. The wound can be infected, and a bacterial infection occurs. Therefore it is necessary to shoot itch. For this, antihistamine drugs are accepted inside and smeared by special facilities.

Medicinal preparations to eliminate itching in a child

In order not to be cleaned mosquito bites, they can be treated with any alcohol-containing liquid, such as a tincture of calendula. Sometimes it helps a simple washing with water or applying cold to the affected skin.

On the forums, they often ask what ointment you can lubricate the bites of mosquito to a one-year-old child. Dr. Komarovsky advises to apply 1% hydrocortisone ointment for children. If there are concerns about the use of hormonal means, then you can use phenyatil, asterisk, Vitaon. Panthenol.

The pharmacies realize a large number of diverse gels, pencils, sprays from mosquito bites and midges. Among them are the following types of drugs:

  • vegetable;
  • antihistamines;
  • hormonal.

Although almost all means are positioned as safe for children, you should always carefully read the instructions to determine if your child is suitable for a specific agent. After all, many ointments will not suit, for example, a one-year-old kid.

Combanic places are treated for disinfection with iodine or green. To accelerate healing, boro plus or rescuer containing thermal water is used. They will quickly remove the tumor and inflammation.

Special children's lotions containing calamin and zinc oxide will avoid the suppuration of the combed wound. They are well sued and do not develop inflammation.

Folk remedies from mosquito bites

To quickly pass acne after bites, you can use folk remedies. All substances removing irritation can be divided into groups:

  • plants;
  • some vegetables, fruits;
  • essential oils;
  • alcohol-containing liquids;
  • solutions of salt or soda;
  • other funds.

Among the plants you can allocate anti-inflammatory: parsley, plantain, mint. They are cut, rub and applied to blister. Sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of lemon, bow, garlic or potatoes also help to remove itching. With the same purpose, you can use the essential oils of fir, mint, lavender or tea tree.

If at home there are no special means against swelling and itching, you can use any, containing alcohol: a solution of boric, salicylic acid, calendula tincture, peony or just a Corvalol.

Well established themselves in the fight against combing aquatic solutions of salt or soda, a teaspoon for 200g. Among other funds, we can mention the usual eye drops of Sulfacyil Sodium, has long been successful in the fight against mosquito bite. You just need to apply a little solution on the swollen place and lose it. Equiphertic products are also used - kefir, sour cream, yard.

Than to smear mosquito bits newborn

Parents usually carefully protect the baby from the effects of dust, insects and even the sun. They close the windows indoors and equip cots with a canopy. For a walk, the stroller is watched by a special curtain. And, despite all efforts, such a small and fast insect, like a mosquito, can penetrate all obstacles and bite the child. You can't scratch your busting scene, but it will immediately begin to show anxiety: he seems unfortunately crying, turns around in the crib, can not fall asleep from itching. In this case, the entire body of the child should be examined for the presence of blisters or redness.

The affected place can be lubricated by soda on water (1 tsp by 200 g), it will significantly reduce itching. Many use maternal milk that has antiseptic properties. Do not apply alcohol solutions to the place of bite, because the skin of newborns is very gentle, it can inflame. After lubrication, it is necessary to periodically examine the body of the kid for the presence of rashes or swelling. When anxious symptom appears, you should immediately consult a doctor. Because, in contrast to older children, the infants are very susceptible to allergic reactions to a new substance entered into the body.

The article is presented solely for information purposes. Before using any means, you need to consult with your doctor.