Repair Design Furniture

How to make a flower garden out of 6 acres. Comfortable seating area - gazebo and pond

The arrangement of small and large summer cottages will last in several stages. Each of them is an integral part of the layout, and maximum attention should be paid to each.

  1. Territory zoning... Regardless of whether there is a house on your six hundred square meters or not, first of all, you will have to determine where the living, recreation, vegetable garden, perhaps amenities and other details will be located. Draw the zones on a piece of paper in as much detail as possible so that later on you have something to build on. The layout of the zones, for your own convenience, should be applied in as much detail as possible.
  2. After defining the zones, you will have to decide what exactly you want to see on your vegetable garden whether you will plant vegetables or fruits, or it will be shrubs and flowers. Depending on this, you will need to designate shade and sun zones on your plan, since different plantings require different amounts of solar heat.
  3. Installing amenities... If they will be located in the house, then this item can be skipped.
  4. Indicate exactly where on your site six acres will pass, and what material will serve as their basis. The paths do not have to be straight, winding paths look much more effective and much easier to arrange.

Territory zoning

Zoning of a summer cottage of six acres is of decisive importance. The competent location of the zones guarantees you always a fruitful harvest, as well as a comfortable pastime in the country.

Home area

The center of any suburban area is the area of ​​the house. The location of all other zones will depend on housing. On a small plot, the house area can also be combined with economic zone, terrace and garage... All these elements can either be directly adjacent to the house, or be directly next to it.

Garden and vegetable garden area

If you think in advance what exactly you will grow in the beds, then you can even accommodate the maximum number of beds in a relatively small area of ​​the garden and vegetable garden. Many vegetables and plants can grow in close proximity to each other, this must also be taken into account. We also advise you to divide the garden area into small areas of vegetables, flowers, berries and shrubs.

Rest zone

The rest area should be located as deep as possible in the area, away from prying eyes and dust from cars. The recreation area can also be adjacent to the house.

Features of landscape design

Landscaping can turn your six hundred square meters into a dream vacation home. Its features in such a small area are as follows:

  • wood or stone will make your six hundred square meters visually even smaller. The ideal solution could be hedge which you can grow with your own hands or create from artificial plants;
  • after the main zones of your site have been designated, try to add as many additional elements as possible to it: a small well, small , pergola entwined with artificial or live plants. They will add zest to your summer cottage. Thanks to these elements, your site cannot be looked around with one eye, which will create a feeling of its infinity;
  • create a small clearing to highlight the originality of your landscape design;
  • try to post fruit trees around the entire perimeter, and not in one place, to create a sense of the volume of the garden;
  • curved track from large stones will create the feeling of a large space;
  • do not forget about flower beds.

Arrangement of a summer cottage 6 acres with your own hands

Before you take on the arrangement of a summer cottage of six acres, you will need to do a lot of work with your own hands. You must completely rid your area of ​​roots, weeds, old plants, stumps, possibly bird or insect nests.

If the abundance of large trees or the shade from the house gives your area little light, then we advise you to plant more plants and flowers with bright fruits. We also recommend painting the fence, perhaps the house and other decorative elements in bright yellow or orange, which itself will create the feeling of the sun and will automatically attract it.

If you find a hole on six acres, you can either completely level it, or deepen it even further and create a small pond or pool. Such a pond in the garden always looks very impressive and attracts the attention of guests.

Surely there are objects on your site that you would like to hide from yourself and from prying eyes. Show your maximum imagination in order to create a work of art out of them.

A few ideas and tips will help you transform your 600 sq. M. Into a fabulous place to return to.

  1. If you plant shrubs and plants on the site, then decorate them with an interesting design. It can be specially purchased or created with your own hands from old tires or containers.
  2. In the very corner of the garden, create screen that will create shade for you on a hot summer day. In addition, you can always retire there for reading or just relaxing.
  3. If you don't have the money to buy new furniture or decorations for your garden, take the trouble to create a second life for your old garden furnishings. Connect the maximum of ideas and originality.
  4. Do not forget about lighting in your garden area in order to create additional comfort and safety in the dark. Hang up lanterns around the perimeter.

Often you want to somehow change or transform the living space. If it is reasonable to use every corner with benefit, then six acres will not seem such a small area.

So, any plant can be transplanted to another place, an unnecessary shed, or an old gazebo can be demolished and it is profitable to free up space.

Terrain features - a profitable solution

Any lack of relief (pit, depression, collapsed soil) can be profitably turned into dignity!

That is, a deep hole can be easily turned into a beautiful functional pond, overlaid with gravel and live fish in it.

In too windy and damp corners of the garden, which are rarely exposed to the rays of the sun, you can quite successfully place unpretentious structures and plant moisture-loving plants.

A steep ravine on the site will help to successfully separate a recreation area or an outbuilding.

On any site, there are special barren places, with a lack of plants. It is reasonable to decorate them with a sculpture, a small fountain, placing chairs next to it.

Flowers are a great antidepressant

It is difficult to imagine a garden plot without blooming greenery! Flowers, undoubtedly bringing joy and delight, should be everywhere: beds with luxurious plants, flowering shrubs, all kinds of flower pots, etc.

As an example: in early spring crocuses, snowdrops, daffodils are pleasing to the eye, then, in summer, lilies, roses, gladioli bloom, in late autumn asters, dahlias and crocuses bloom.

Break up flower beds of various sizes along the entire perimeter of the site, beautifully decorating their edges with decorative stones, bricks, or a special plastic fence.

Site planning is the main initial task

On a land plot of six acres, of course, I want to place as much as possible: living quarters, a garden with trees, a sauna with a steam room, a spacious vegetable garden, a recreation area with a fountain, etc. Everything is possible!

The most important task is to correctly plan this rather modest area. To begin with, you need to competently study the normative indicators of garden construction, the number of outbuildings, as much as possible - the permitted dimensions of the house and utility block.

The next step will be the submission of documents for the registration of individual buildings to the regulatory authorities, which will help determine the distances between buildings, their correct location, as well as sanitary and fire safety standards.

In order to reasonably fit the entire future economy, it will be correct to draw up a layout scheme (sketch), on which to distribute everything in accordance with the norms. Numerous Internet programs will help to cope with this work, which even an ordinary user can understand.

There are three groups of factors that must be considered when planning a site:

The location of the light. The sun's rays should not fall directly on the facade of the house, and blocking the area from the light is also unacceptable.

The relief of the site. Most often, the house is located at the highest point of the site, if this is, of course, possible. In any situation, there is no limit to the design imagination!

Garden creation. On the garden plot, it is imperative to arrange a decorative garden for recreation and a vegetable garden with beds (strictly individually, at will).

The scope of imagination of the interior and design of the garden plot must be planned based on the financial capabilities of the owner.

Garden path as a decorative element

The paths in the garden area fulfill not only their functional mission, but are also an independent decorative element that sets the style for the entire plot.

There are a lot of design options for garden paths: they can be made from wooden beams, sprinkled with fine special gravel, laid out with paving slabs and natural natural stone.

Paving stones laid with an original pattern, which will emphasize the tone of buildings, will serve for a long time and faithfully.

It is not at all difficult to try to equip a standard plot of six acres with your own hands, turning it into the most favorite vacation spot.

And if you also fit a vegetable garden with organic products, then it's absolutely wonderful!

Photo of landscape design of a plot of 6 acres

As a rule, the plots are divided into 3 conventional zones:

  • area of ​​the house and outbuildings
  • garden and vegetable garden area
  • rest zone

House and outbuildings

House- the most important object on the site, so planning should start with determining its location.

If you want to use the main part of the territory for placing a garden and vegetable garden, then it is more expedient to build a house in the northern part of the site next to the fence.

If you purchased a plot with the aim of locating a recreation area on it, then housing can be erected in any part. The main thing is that complete harmony and comfort reigned on your site.

It is desirable that the windows face east and west. Otherwise, in rooms with windows facing north, it will be too cold, and in the south, on the contrary, too warm.

To decorate the house, you can plant ornamental plants around its perimeter. To prevent the house from overheating in the hot season, build a veranda or terrace on its south side. If desired, you can plant shade-tolerant plants near the house - raspberries, currants, apple trees.

Outbuildings- this is a bathhouse, a barn, a toilet, a compost heap.

Additional buildings should not obscure the site. Place them along the border of the territory. So the buildings will perform another function - to protect the future garden from strong winds.

When determining a place for building a house and additional buildings check with your neighbors... It will not be very good if, for example, your compost heap is located next to the apartment building of your neighbors, separated from it only by a fence.

Garden figures in the country:.


For planting fruits and vegetables, use an area with maximum sun exposure. Only then will you be able to grow a good harvest.

The most advantageous breakdown of the gardening zone is geometric. Such a breakdown assumes a neat design of the beds, their arrangement parallel to each other.

Geometric layout will save precious space

On your own plot, you can plant any fruitful crops. Ask your family for advice on what vegetables they would like to see in the summer cottage. Plant as many berries and vegetables as your household can eat. So you will not take up much space for planting, you will not regret the fruits thrown out next fall.

When planting trees, keep in mind that the seedlings will soon grow to a huge size. For this reason, keep a gap of at least 3 meters between young trees.

A flower garden looks very good next to a porch or along a garden. Plant flowers that replace each other every season. For example, in the spring you will have violets in bloom, in the summer - phlox and lilies, in the fall - dahlias and asters.

Take care of the arrangement of garden paths and irrigation systems. If they are available, caring for a vegetable garden and a garden will only be a pleasure.

Rest zone

Place the rest area closer to the house.

Fence it off with a small fence or create a flower fence. You can place an artificial reservoir in the recreation area.

A gazebo fits perfectly into the recreation area, saving from the summer heat or rain.

You can plant hops, grapes or others around the gazebo, thereby creating shade and additional comfort.

The recreation area should be on the lawn. Flower beds or trees are used to decorate the lawn.

If you have children, create a play area for them. Here you can install a swing, a sandbox. small carousel. The kids will love it.

Site layout examples

I would like to cite as an example the most successful ideas for planning a plot of 6 acres.

Layout option with a swimming pool, sandpit for children, sauna and garden.

Compact arrangement of elements on six acres. At the same time, everything you need is present.

Working draft of landscape design for a small area. Pay attention to the details.

Do not know ? Read our tips.

Everyone knows the word barberry since childhood. However, it is not only delicious candy, but also good for your garden.

Gardening and landscape construction is a very large area of ​​phytodesign that requires serious theoretical and practical training. Regardless of the size of the site, in order for the future result to be worthy and long-term, it is necessary to apply a professional approach to design. Even when creating a landscape design of 6 acres, it will take patience, initially paying enough attention to theory.


It is important not to neglect the creation of a detailed project on paper, this will help not to overlook various subtleties, take into account all the "pitfalls", and also realistically assess your capabilities, both physical and financial.

The garden plot project will contain the following sections:

  • Initial site plan;
  • Zoning;
  • Design.

If necessary, also:

  • Drainage system;
  • Irrigation scheme;
  • Scheme of electrical networks.

An initial or rough site plan is needed to create all other plans. It should display the cardinal points, landscape features (lowlands, hills, planting of large plants), buildings on the territory of the cottage, as well as near borders, adjacent areas or roads.
The second stage of design is zoning. Here you need to think about what functional areas will be (recreation area, vegetable garden, sports, household, children's area). Assessing the real possibilities of a small summer cottage, it is better to limit yourself to 3-4 zones, having determined their acceptable sizes.

Garden Garden

Traditionally, in our country, land plots are used for growing vegetables. The top advice from professionals is not to maintain this tradition with absolute precision. A vegetable garden can be beautiful too, not like a graveyard with rectangular graves.

We combine vegetables and flowers

To diversify the design of the suburban area, you need to add paints in the form of flowers, harmoniously combined with fertile plants. Flowers can be used both perennial and annual.


When creating a landscape design, you need to provide access to all elements of the garden, so that there is no difficulty in caring for them.

Fruit trees and shrubs

For a summer cottage of 6 acres, it will be rational to select undersized trees and shrubs, alternating them with medium-sized fruit-bearing bushes.

Shady part of the garden

When creating a design for a summer cottage with your own hands, you need to take into account all the little things.
One of these tricky moments can be considered filling the shady part of the garden. Often, inexperienced gardeners, due to their inexperience, millet leave this area under a thicket of weeds, it’s not scary if this is an inconspicuous area behind the house, much more difficult for those who have it as the front area of ​​the house.

Leisure garden

In recent years, it has become fashionable to acquire summer cottages not in order to get involved in gardening, but simply for cultural recreation in the fresh air. As a rule, it makes no sense to acquire large territories for this, a plot of 6 acres with a small country house with a well-equipped recreation area will be enough.

Flower beds

The most common element of landscape design is a flower bed.
Distinguish between rectangular flower beds, they are called ridges and flower beds of arbitrary shape. Also distinguish between single-level and multi-level flower beds.

Annual flower beds

When creating a do-it-yourself landscape design, you can start with flower beds with annual crops. Among them there is a large selection of unpretentious plants on which you can practice and gain experience in floriculture.

Individual landscape

Most of the sites are characterized by a monotonous landscape that does not have individual characteristics. So that the view is not boring, you need to create elements that imitate the natural elements of the landscape (hills, lowlands, different levels).

Harmony in the garden

It is quite possible to create a harmonious landscape design with your own hands.
For this, individual elements must be selected in the same style, combined with the buildings and natural features of the site.

In conclusion, we can say that creating a landscape design for a summer cottage with your own hands is very exciting, skills can be improved every year, bringing them to the ideal. Expanding your knowledge in the field of certain topics touched on in this article, without fear of experimenting, you can develop your own individual style.

Each happy owner of the notorious six hundred square meters dreams of placing on them not only a vegetable garden and buildings, but also fruit trees, and a flower garden, and a bathhouse with a greenhouse, and a pond with an alpine slide. What is the best way to equip a garden plot so that there is enough space for everything?

In order for a small area to contain everything you need and visually seem larger, you have to follow certain rules and even resort to tricks.

  1. First of all, it is not necessary to build a house and a garage in the middle of the site or in the opposite direction from the entrance. The access road will take up too much space in this case. To save space, try to compactly combine buildings. For example, a house - with utility blocks and a garage, and a bathhouse - with a "woodman" and a barbecue area.
  2. Avoid tall buildings and trees along the southern edge of the garden area. The midday shade will not allow you to place beds or a full-fledged flower garden here. It is good if a parking lot for a car can be arranged outside the site, - there will be a place for a recreation area. But in the absence of extra meters, it can also be organized on a flat roof of some capital structure. If desired, you can also place a greenhouse there.
  3. A garden in a small space is better to arrange in landscape style... A retaining wall laid out in an arc, shrub groups, a rounded contour of the lawn, winding paths for walking will optically expand the limits of the garden. Round gazebos, recreation areas, terraces will visually seem more spacious.

If you like rectangular shapes, at least turn them into diamonds. They are more organically perceived in a small space.

  1. In tiny apartments, furniture is always installed "Along the wall"... Use the same principle in organizing the space of a small area. In other words, free up the central zone of the garden and do not spoil its "ceremonial" view with random plantings. The best option for the parterre is a neat lawn. All landings and small forms are best placed on the periphery. First, this technique creates the impression of a larger space. And secondly, it is easier to move around such a site.

Separate areas in the garden add volume to the space

  1. The area of ​​the site is visually reduced not only by the walls, but also by the corners. Get rid of them - that is, use them! In each corner, provide for the placement of some kind of decorative element. This can be a corner gazebo or a podium, a recreation area, a bench, a composition with a sculpture, and the like.
  2. Organize your garden space so that it is not visible all at once. The entered guest should not at first glance estimate its area. Some part of the garden should always be hidden in order to want to know: what's next? The best solution is garden partitions: screens, vertical structures, arches, pergolas, hedges, groups of tall plants. Let the winding garden paths appear and disappear behind these obstacles, creating the impression of a large extent of space. For the same purpose, you can do.
  3. Expand the boundaries of the garden visually. These boundaries are usually marked by a fence. If it is fully visible, you experience a feeling of tightness, constriction. The easiest and most aesthetic way to hide a fence is to decorate it with trees, shrubs, flowers. A variety of shapes, textures, foliage shades, bright color spots will do the trick. The clear outlines of the borders will disappear, giving the impression that beyond is also a garden.
  4. Make a fence in the country combined using various materials that match each other. As a result, the uniformity disappears, the feeling of limited space is lost.

Paint the fence a light tone, preferably gray. It looks organic in the garden at any time of the year. Better yet, if you give the fence on your site a little light "openwork". Of course, a completely openwork fence is not the best option. But the "windows", decorated in various ways, imitation of arches with mirrors will help to visually make the site larger. On the background of a solid fence, insert a different texture. For example, in the form of large diagonal wooden weaving rhombuses. Even an insert from an ordinary chain-link mesh can become an original design solution!

Fragment of a fence in the form of an imitation of a house wall

  1. Organize terraces in the garden on different levels. If there is even a slight relief on the site, the garden seems to be larger and more spacious. Creating a "drop" of only half a meter can completely change the impression of the site! So plan for a retaining wall, alpine slide, decking, steps or podium, however small. You can also move "down" - that is, make a "recessed" garden or recreation area, located below the level of the garden.
  2. Optically expand the boundaries of the garden area will help playing with color... The garden will acquire depth and volume if in the foreground you place light-colored plants: white-bordered grass, yellow-orange flowers, red-leaved barberry bushes, purple species of bladder. Behind, group the cold and dark plants, such as conifers. Plant flowers and shrubs with large foliage and small foliage behind them.

There should be few large trees and shrubs in a small area. The size of the crown can be adjusted from time to time by pruning.

  1. Choose from a variety of fruit trees for a small size semi-dwarf and dwarf varieties... They are specially grown for areas with harsh climates. They are compact, and it is much easier to harvest from them. Try to get varieties of different fruiting dates - summer, autumn and winter. Then you can enjoy fresh fruits at different times of the year, and keep them well.

When planting plants such as pears, plums, cherries, and sea buckthorn, remember that they need a partner to pollinate. If neither you nor your neighbors have it, take care of grafting branches of a different variety into the crown of your plant.

  1. On a plot of 6 acres, you cannot do without a small garden equipment... It is better to cut the grass on a tiny lawn with a trimmer, and process plant waste with a shredder (shredder). Shredded raw materials will take up significantly less space in the compost compartment, under which you can take a small patch in the farthest corner of the garden.

  1. With an acute shortage of space on the site, you can organize mobile mini-vegetable garden... That is, to place crops in planting modules. Such modules are temporarily placed in those places of the site where there is no fertile land. On any vertical surfaces - fences, walls of sheds and houses - you can arrange hanging "beds". To do this, use pieces of wide sewer pipes or any containers with a drainage hole.

Comment on the article "6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving with your own hands"

More on the topic "How to equip a small summer cottage":

How much to pay employees ?. Arrangement of the site. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings But then we dug up all the small roots ourselves. Rooting out a stump from 300 to 500 rubles, depending on which stump.

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6 acres or less: 13 DIY ideas for summer cottages. Is the price for a plot normal? Section: ... I find it difficult to choose a section (11 acres for a plot, a lot or a little). Found a piece of land for a summer cottage. But now we cannot decide - you can take 10 acres or two at once ...

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Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, landscaping, tree planting and a large, 3-storey house. 9 windows look at our site end-to-end. All this is not very pleasant. Or a green screen? How to equip it? Maybe someone had such a problem?

Abandoned cottage. Arrangement of the site. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds What to plant in a small suburban area. On them you can find out where to start planting when weeding weeds.

Arrangement of the site. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Summer cottage and country plots: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds At least approximate? It takes labor for a variety of jobs in the country, but I can't imagine how to pay.

6 acres or less: 13 DIY ideas for summer cottages. Every happy owner of the notorious six hundred square meters dreams of placing on them not only a vegetable garden and buildings, but also fruit trees, and a flower garden, and a bathhouse with a greenhouse In other words, free the central ...

Arrangement of the site. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables. There is no money for the arrangement yet, maybe in 3 years ...

6 acres or less: 13 DIY ideas for summer cottages. It seems to me that if a dacha, then less than 10 - 15 - 20 (? Depending on the distance from Moscow) acres is not enough. After viewing 2-3 plots of 6 acres, we realized that 6 acres is VERY small: (We had a choice ...

Construction. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables. One side of the plot runs along the ditch. The ditch is wide, it overflows in the spring, for several years it washed away the earth and the coast became ...

I sell the cottage. Summer cottage, land plots. Real estate. Buying and selling housing, rent, realtor, agent, agency. 6 acres or less: 13 DIY ideas for summer cottages. Small suburban area: design. Fence, paths, flower beds in the country - how to fit everything.

6 acres or less: 13 DIY ideas for summer cottages. ... the notorious six acres dreams of placing on them not only a vegetable garden and buildings, but if a summer residence, then less than 10 - 15 - 20 (? depending on the distance from Moscow) acres is not enough.

Summer cottage and suburban areas: purchase, improvement, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds, vegetables, fruits, berries, harvest. A small plot is a problem. But why should others solve your problem? And you have no right to interfere with people.

landscaping for 6 acres. I really need advice. It is necessary to improve the site in the spring. In October, they dug everything up, uprooted the old bushes of raspberries and currants, left over from the previous owners. 6 acres or less: 13 DIY ideas for summer cottages.

Tell me how to level the site !. Arrangement of the site. Summer cottage, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and dacha plots: buying, landscaping, planting trees and shrubs, seedlings, beds Today, you rarely see at least a small lawn or its like on any summer cottage.

6 acres or less: 13 DIY ideas for summer cottages. Small suburban area: design on 6 acres. Dacha and summer cottages: purchase, improvement of a plot overgrown with shoots of 3 meters in height 6 acres. How much does the uprooting of this plot cost, who knows?

Does anyone know a company that takes care of the greening of small plots (6 acres?) You need to make a lawn. tidy up the existing plantings, make a couple of flower beds - the scale is small, some 6 acres or less: 13 ideas for giving with your own hands.

6 acres or less: 13 DIY ideas for summer cottages. Each happy owner of the notorious six hundred square meters dreams of placing on them not only a vegetable garden and buildings, but also fruit trees, and a flower garden, and a bathhouse with a greenhouse, and a pond with an alpine slide.

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