Repair Design Furniture

An overview of the best mosquito repellents. The best remedies for ticks and mosquitoes, the most effective repellents

Every summer, for which a thousand years, we turn from the kings of nature into a banal food. We, the creators of the hydrogen bomb, are eating some translucent small fry! Isn't this a blow to self-esteem?

Therefore, humanity is fighting a desperate, bloody battle with mosquitoes, but to this day, alas, it is ineffectual. We can only hope that attempts to invent the latest miracle cure will not accidentally enlarge these critters to the size of a dog.

We are very lucky this year. June in most regions turned out to be, so to speak, little snow, and residents of most of the country have not yet wondered which repellents to choose to protect themselves from mosquitoes. As they say, no summer - no questions.

But what to do if heat insidiously and without warning attacked your home? With velvet nights, fragrant aromas of garden herbs, and gentle melodic z-z-z-ringing of the ubiquitous bloodsuckers.

What if the call of nature is stronger than the sense of self-preservation, and you understand that a trip to the forest (to the river, to the dacha, to fishing) is inevitable?

It's time to think about choosing a method of protection.


Perhaps the most popular remedy today.

There are two types: water-based and oil-based. Oil is less washed off from the skin, but this can be a tangible advantage in rainy weather: the spray will provide longer protection. But the water spray will allow the skin to breathe.

Chemical sprays are not indicated for small children and pregnant women, oil- consist of natural ingredients, but you have to look, pharmacies do not buy them too often because of the rather high price.

Sprays can be applied directly to the skin, but it is better to spray on clothes or a tent.

The main thing is that when choosing a spray, be sure to read the "Composition" and "Contraindications" sections.

And never never do not use adult mosquito spray for small children, not even a large number of... Such experiments are very dangerous, and may well end in hospitalization.

In favor of sprays says affordable price and a wide selection. The disadvantages include a fairly quick consumption and sometimes not a very pleasant smell.

Sprays are considered the leader in this segment. Off extreme


Creams differ from sprays more long term exposure and a more accurate place of application. What active substances (those repellents) to look for in the cream: diethyltoluamide (DEET), oxamate, carboxyde, benzoilliperidine, remebide.

The most common is diethyltoluamide. DEET is considered the most effective drug... In addition, the concentration of the active substance is of no small importance.

Write down or memorize:

  • Ø 10-15% - one and a half hours of protection;
  • Ø 25-35% - four to five hours, as a bonus, ticks will be untied from you;
  • Ø 50% - about six hours of protection, but keep in mind this is the maximum concentration allowed.

Baby cream should contain a component IR3535(ethyl butyl acetylaminopropionate) ... It also copes with mosquitoes, but is several times less toxic than diethyltoluamide.

Repellent creams are applied to the skin, but not rubbed into it. If you are a fan of sunbathing in areas with a large concentration of mosquitoes, remember this simple rule: the sun cream is applied first. And only after a quarter of an hour - a repellent.

Essential oils

Oils that have repellent properties include: citronella, lavender, thyme, rosemary, clove, litzea, geranium, basil, eucalyptus.

The most effective is oil citronella, we listed the rest of the oils in order, depending on the strength of the effect on small itchy bloodsuckers.

It is better to apply oil, like perfume, drop by drop - on the wrists, elbows, under the knees: in places where the veins pass close to the skin.

People who are prone to allergic reactions, as well as suffering from respiratory diseases, should use the oil with caution, having previously obtained the advice of their attending physician.

With the help of essential oil, we can at the same time get rid of harmful indoor fumigators in the nursery by replacing them. aroma lamp... Heated lavender oil will not only repel mosquitoes, but will also have a mild calming effect on the little fidget.

Be careful when buying oil. Too much low price may indicate that the oil is diluted. Whereas for the battle with mosquitoes, it is advisable for us to use only pure oil, without impurities.

Protective bracelets

Cheerful, smart, convenient accessory... It is usually made from polymers, plastic, silicone and fabric.

By the type of construction, bracelets are divided into three types: with special impregnation, replaceable cartridges, or a capsule mounted inside.

Bracelets are often purchased to protect young children, as manufacturers claim to be absolutely safe. Some bracelets can even be worn by newborns. And it is better on the ankle, since babies actively nibble and lick their wrists.

As a natural impregnation, citronella, lavender, geranium and mint oils are most often used.

The most popular are Bugstop, Gardex and Bugslock.

To call bracelets a powerful means of protection would be an equally powerful exaggeration. Rather it additional device for complacency. Suitable for walking in a dry forest / park during the day and in combination with other repellents: sprays and creams.

Pros: reusable. Just drop a drop of essential oil, the same lavender or clove on it, and after a walk, always put it in an airtight bag - this way the bracelet will last much longer.

Ultrasonic scarers

The principle of operation is the emission of ultrasonic waves in a certain frequency range.

Most often, two types are sold: a stationary electric one for the home, and a battery-powered keychain for lovers of forests, fields and rivers.

They come in various capacities: with a radius of destruction from one to one hundred (!) Meters. Particularly gifted craftsmen can even assemble a repeller on their own, the schemes are freely available.

The delicacy of the moment, which manufacturers do not like to talk about, is that the purchased device will have to "fluctuate" on one frequency specifically with your mosquitoes. And if he is false, the insects will take revenge.

For reference: more than three hundred species of bloodsucking live on the territory of Russia. Therefore, an effective device in one region will be completely useless in another area. Whether the game is worth the candle is up to you, of course.


Quite a popular tool among tourists and owners of private yards. When the coil is ignited, smoke is released, which contains insecticides. The smoke not only kills but also repels insects. It is not recommended to use it indoors, as you understand.

As a disadvantage, you can specify the validity period. Mosquitoes do not bite while the spiral is on. The magic ends with the spiral - so wait for the attack of mosquitoes, and get ready to counterattack with sprays, creams and aerosols. Well, or retreat in disgrace under the shelter of mosquito nets.

Home remedies

Vanilla powder. Mix with body milk or cream. Copes well with mosquitoes, but not very long. Good for a short walk.

Geranium. Natural repellent, repels insects. An armpit pot of geraniums could theoretically be your salvation. And at the same time, and a branded "trick" by which you will be recognized from afar.

Applause. Good old hand claps. Safe, environmentally friendly, develops agility and reaction speed. And most importantly - always with you. With the right amount of exercise, you will leave no chance for mosquitoes.

Summing up

When choosing anti-mosquito products, it is necessary to take into account: personal preferences, health status, age and humidity level in the place of our intended rest.

Do not buy repellents on the go, you should have enough time to read the instructions and carefully check the composition of the preparations.

Never buy adult repellents for children.

Choose several types of insect repellent: cream, essential oil, spray, spiral.

Summer is a hot battle with mosquitoes, and you and I have something to fight for. Therefore, consider buying a supply of repellents an inevitable military expense.

Successful battle, bright victories!

Repellents include compounds of natural and synthetic origin. They are used to protect people and animals from insects and ticks. This is the easiest and most affordable way to protect yourself and your children from being bitten by mosquitoes and other blood-sucking arthropods. When using the funds, the concentration of the active substance is taken into account. The percentage of the active ingredient should not exceed a safe level. Safe and effective mosquito repellents do not need to be purchased from the store, they can be made by yourself.

Composition and types of chemical repellents

The name of the compounds used to protect against insects comes from the Latin word repellens - repelling, repulsive. These substances come in various forms:

According to the mechanism of action, drugs are divided into two types:

  1. Volatile substances acting at a distance. They have the smell of a male mosquito, which is unpleasant for fertilized females.
  2. Compositions acting upon contact of an insect with a treated surface.

By origin, protective equipment is divided into synthetic and natural. The chemical compounds are more effective, but show moderate toxicity to humans. Natural remedies are made from essential oils. Their scent is extremely unpleasant for mosquitoes. Candles, spiral bracelets are made from natural ingredients. Commonly used oil is citronella, clove, eucalyptus, anise, geranium, tea tree.

The active ingredient in most chemical repellents is diethyltoluamide (DEET). Chemical compound that repels blood-sucking insects, was developed about 80 years ago. Unlike insecticides, it does not kill mosquitoes, but only forces you to stay away from people. The substance belongs to the II class of hazard.

Attention. DEET-based preparations make up 60% of the products that protect against blood-sucking insects. Various manufacturers only change the composition of additional components - fragrances, stabilizers, etc.

Diethyltoluamide is a toxic substance, its concentration is strictly limited:

  • 40-50% - the composition is intended for application on clothes, shoes,;
  • 25-30% - the product can be used by adults for application to the skin and hair, the period of action is up to three hours;
  • 10-15% - preparations are suitable for adolescents and people with poor health;
  • 5-7% is the concentration allowed for children.

DEET is not the only one chemical composition for repellents. They are made on the basis of carboxyite, oxamate, isopranol.

Review of popular protective equipment


Professional product designed to protect people in long time in the forest or near water bodies. The high concentration of the active substance (30%) repels midges, mosquitoes, horseflies and ticks for a long time. When processing clothes protective action lasts for 30 days. Aerosol "DETA-prof" is recommended for fishermen, hunters, law enforcement officers.


Gardeks company offers a wide range of protective equipment. (10%) will create an invisible mosquito barrier for 3 hours. The Gardex extreme series are mosquito and tick repellents that last up to 8 hours. After aerosol treatment, the protection on the clothes remains for a month (in the absence of washing). To ensure a long-term effect, the concentration of the active substance is increased to 31%.

In the children's series Gardeks, propylene glycol is used. The spray is recommended from 1 year old. For toddlers, we offer colorful stickers on clothes impregnated with natural lemongrass extract. One of the options for preventing bites is a plastic wristband for children with replaceable cartridges.


The company's products have a long-term deterrent effect. After treatment with Mosquitall aerosol of open skin areas, blood-sucking insects do not approach for 4 hours. The concentration of DEET is 18%; in products intended for children, it is reduced to 7.5%. People with sensitive skin have many chemical agents cause allergies. For them, Moskitoll offers an aerosol with a non-toxic IR3535 repellent. Aerosol "Professional Protection" contains a large amount of active substance and repels insects for up to 8 hours.

Mosquitoll repellents for children are available in the form of milk and cream. They contain BIO repellent IR3535. Babies from two years old can choose a bracelet with a mixture of natural oils (citronella, lavender, geranium).

Attention. As the concentration of DEET increases, not only the effectiveness of the repellent increases, but also the health risk.


OFF drugs are offered in any form. OFF "Extreme" products are applied to clothing, skin, curtains, tents, mosquito net and furniture. They create an invisible barrier for 8 hours. On clothes, the composition scares away ticks for 5 days. Aerosolized mosquito and tick repellents have several advantages:

  • ease of use;
  • nice smell;
  • do not leave stains on clothes.

Spray the aerosol onto things until lightly moistened, use after drying. Apply a thin layer on the skin, avoid contact with water.

In protective creams for adults and children, the amount of the active ingredient does not exceed 7.5%. Aloe vera extract is added to cosmetics to moisturize the skin. The tube is convenient to take with you for reapplication after 2 hours.


The Russian company Taiga produces effective and available funds against blood-sucking insects. The active ingredient is diethyltoluamide. Repellents come in the form of a spray, cream to be applied to open areas... Emulsion "Taiga-ultra" is applied to the body and lasts for 1 hour. Creams and lotions contain clove oil, a natural insect repellent.

DIY natural repellents

You can make your own effective mosquito repellents that are not harmful to your health. They are made in the form of a spray, scented candle or cream. As individual protection use an oil mixture or aromatic.

To make the oil mixture you will need:

  • base - olive or massage oil (50-100 ml);
  • essential oils- cloves, eucalyptus, rosemary, geranium and others (10 drops).

Aromatic oil is added to the base, then the mixture is applied to the skin. The composition is used carefully, it leaves stains on clothes.

Attention. To avoid allergic reaction, it is necessary to check the tolerance of the essential oil used. For this, a drop of the agent is applied to the elbow bend. If there is no reaction, it can be used as a repellent.

For kids, you can mix it yourself protective agent based on baby cream. Lavender oil is added to the cosmetic product at the rate of:

  • children under two years old - 2 drops per 30 ml;
  • over two years old - 3 drops per 30 ml.

Before using it, you should consult a pediatrician and make sure that the baby is not allergic to the formulations used.

One way to ward off mosquitoes is with a scented spray. It includes:

  • 100 ml of water;
  • 10 ml of alcohol;
  • 5 ml of essential oil (citronella, rosemary, mint, eucalyptus).

After mixing all the ingredients, you get a spray that can be applied to clothing and skin. A repellent that repels blood-sucking insects in an apartment or in the country will become scented candle... To make it, you need wax or paraffin. Add 10-15 drops of essential oil to the melted base. Lighting a candle will spread a scent in the room that is unpleasant for mosquitoes.

A huge assortment of repellents allows you to choose a reliable and convenient product for children and adults. Deterrent compounds will make outdoor recreation pleasant and safe.

Repellents are insect repellents that affect bloodsuckers even at a distance. The active ingredients of such drugs are permethrin, diethyltoluamide (DEET), remebide, carboxyde, essential oils, ultrasound. Mosquito repellents are in great demand during the summer, when many people spend time in nature.

Types of mosquito repellents

Method of application: squeeze a small amount of the repellent into the palm of your hand and, without rubbing it into the skin, apply a thin layer on open areas of the body and face. The area around the eyes and mouth should be avoided. The action of the remedy lasts up to 3 hours.

Price: a volume of 50 ml and 150 ml will cost 100 and 230 rubles, respectively, a baby cream with a volume of 75 ml - 160 rubles.


The French mosquito repellent, in addition to the protective function, also has wound healing and soothing properties. The cream relieves and promotes rapid skin healing.

Moscidosis can be used by children from 3 years of age and adults by applying directly to the skin or clothing. The effective action of the cream lasts up to 5 hours. Reapplication during the day is not recommended. Upon arrival home from the street, it is necessary to wash the areas of the body on which the product was applied with soap. On clothes, the smell of Moscidosis can last for a month.

The cream is available in a 50 ml tube and costs about 250 rubles.

Aerosols and sprays

The best mosquito repellents come in spray form. They are easy to use and economical in consumption. The aerosol bottle should be sprayed onto the skin or clothing at a distance of 10-15 cm. To prevent the drug from getting into the eyes, cover your face with your palm and apply the product in the absence of wind.

On a note!

Aerosols can be sprayed onto window curtains or doorway... This technique will create a barrier to mosquitoes when they try to enter a house or apartment.

The composition of the sprays contains highly active substances based on insecticides, therefore, they should be used with caution by pregnant women and young children. There are specials on sale. People with hypersensitivity are at risk of an allergic reaction. It is recommended to carefully read the instructions before use.

Gardex Extreme

One of the most effective repellents contains such active ingredients as permethrin (0.15%) and alphacypermethrin (0.2%). The spray is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women and children under 12 years of age.

Moskitoll Super asset protection

The spray contains the DEET component at a concentration of 30%. The repellent is able to protect humans from many types of insects:

  • horseflies;
  • ticks;

Insect protection bracelets are made from various materials: polymer, fabric, plastic, silicone. There are three types of bracelets:

  • impregnated with an active substance;
  • with replaceable cartridges;
  • with a capsule mounted inside.

Natural oils of lavender, mint, geranium, are often used as impregnation. They do not have a strong effect on insects, but they can scare them away during a short walk in the park or forest.

For reusable use, cartridges and capsules can be replaced, and a couple of drops of essential oil can be applied to the fabric base. It is recommended to store the bracelet in an airtight bag.

The most popular manufacturers of protective bracelets:, Bugslock. Prices for repellents of this type range from 100 to 300 rubles.

Essential oils

The scents of many essential oils are used to repel mosquitoes, midges and other blood-sucking insects. The most effective essential oils of the following plants in the fight against gnat are:

  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • mint;
  • eucalyptus;
  • citronella;
  • rosemary;
  • thyme;
  • basil and others.

Natural repellents are widely used for. Drops of oil should be applied to the child's skin and gently rubbed. The oils also have a soothing effect on insect bites. So, you can light the aroma lamp with essential oil.

An indispensable repellent for outdoor enthusiasts is the mosquito coil. It is a product made of wood flour in the form of a spiral. The flour is impregnated with the chemical d-allethrin, which has a paralytic effect on mosquitoes.

To use the spiral, it is necessary to set fire to its edge and blow it out so that the process of decay begins. The spiral should be placed at a distance of 1-2 meters from a person. Within 7-8 hours, smoke will be emitted, protecting people from insects within a radius of several meters.

Do not use mosquito coils in confined spaces. There is a risk of smoke poisoning.

Coil smoke can be harmful to the health of pregnant women and young children. In windy weather, the effectiveness of the repellent is significantly reduced. Popular brands of repellents, Help, Goodnight, Raptor, Moskitoll. average price for a package of spirals is 150 rubles. The package contains 10-15 pieces.

Ultrasonic scarers

The principle of operation of the device is to emit ultrasonic waves at a certain frequency, which is extremely unpleasant for mosquitoes. Insects feel discomfort under the influence of these waves and fly away.

Repellers are capable of emitting waves over an area of ​​up to 100 square meters... The effectiveness of the device has not been officially proven. It is difficult to measure how accurately the device falls within a certain frequency range. The prices for scarers vary greatly depending on the number of settings and the manufacturer - from 300 to 2000 rubles.

  • Moskitoll.
  • The prices for fumigators are 200-300 rubles. Additional sets cost from 100 to 200 rubles.

    Means options

    We offer an overview of the best remedies for mosquitoes so disliked by many:

    • OFF SMOOTH & DRY is an innovative and modern remedy, which has the effect of the so-called "dry aerosol" and is available in a convenient spray form. The main active ingredient is DEET (diethyltoluamide). New technologies that were used in the development of this repellent made it possible to make use as comfortable as possible. When spraying, the smallest particles fall on the surface of the skin, which dry almost immediately. As a result, the feeling of stickiness does not appear, but insects do smell (by the way, for people it is very pleasant). The effect starts already in the first few minutes after application and lasts for three or four hours. Spray the product at a distance of 15 or 20 centimeters from the surface. Contraindications include pregnancy, childhood, as well as the period of breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use such a repellent more than twice in one day. The composition is easily and quickly washed off from the skin with water and soap. The price of one bottle of a product with a volume of 100 milliliters is about 250-270 rubles.

    • "OFF Extreme" is a remedy for protection from both mosquitoes, which are most common in summer, and from all other blood-sucking and biting insects: ticks, midges, fleas, mosquitoes, biting midges, horseflies and so on. The active ingredient is DEET. It also contains a fragrance, compressed air and alcohol. Release form - aerosol. If you apply the composition to the skin, then it will protect against mosquitoes for seven hours, and against ticks - only two. When sprayed on clothes, according to manufacturers, the effect lasts for a month (protection against ticks is provided for only five days). You can process both leather directly and clothes, accessories, as well as canopies and curtains. The smell is not too harsh, this repellent is really effective. But many people note that the product leaves marks on fabrics, and some stains are almost impossible to remove. The cost of one 100 ml bottle of repellent is about 280-300 rubles.
    • "Gardex Extreme". This repellent is also considered one of the most effective mosquito repellents. Its active ingredients are alphacypermethrin (at a concentration of 0.2%) and permethrin (0.15%). This product is available in a convenient spray form. The composition can be sprayed not only on clothes and all exposed areas of the skin, but also on nets, canopies and window curtains. This repellent is not recommended for nursing mothers, children under twelve years of age and pregnant women. It is desirable to spray the spray at a distance of 15-25 centimeters from the surface to be treated. The effect when applied to the skin lasts about four to five hours. On clothing, the product can remain active for up to two weeks. It is imperative to avoid contact with mucous membranes and damaged areas. In addition, there is a risk of allergic reactions, as with the use of almost any remedy.

    • "Moscidosis" is a product produced in France and designed to protect against mosquitoes. The composition includes the most commonly used DEET, as well as ethylhexanediol, water, texturing agents, flavors and preservatives. The repellent comes in a convenient aerosol (spray) and cream form. It should be noted that "Moscidosis" has not only protective properties, but also soothing and wound healing, which is especially important after already received bites. The composition can be applied both on the body and on the clothes being worn. In the first case, the effect lasts about five hours, and in the second - up to a month (if things are not washed). An adult product cannot be used to protect children under twelve years of age, and children are contraindicated up to three years of age. Contraindications also include the period of breastfeeding and any period of pregnancy. The repellent should be used no more than once a day. Upon arrival home, all treated skin areas should be thoroughly washed with soap and water. The cost of one bottle of spray (100 ml) is about 500 rubles. A tube of cream with a volume of 50 ml costs about 250 rubles.
    • Moskitoll Super active protection is a repellent agent produced in the form of a spray. The main active ingredient is DEET, its concentration is 30%. This repellent can be used to protect not only from mosquitoes, but also from all other similar insects such as horseflies, ticks, fleas, midges. It is recommended to spray the product at a distance of 10 or 15 centimeters in a place protected from the wind, on all exposed skin and on clothing. The effect lasts up to 5-8 hours (when applied to things, it can last up to a month). The repellent can be applied to the skin no more than once a day. And for processing things, it is undesirable to use more than one bottle. The product does not leave greasy traces, it has a lemon scent (some consider it rather unpleasant and harsh). Contraindications include childhood, periods of breastfeeding and pregnancy, as well as hypersensitivity to certain components. There is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction. The price of a bottle with a volume of 75 milliliters ranges from 140-170 rubles.
    • Medilis Comfort is a spray used to protect against almost all flying and crawling blood-sucking insects and applied to clothing and textiles (for example, nets, window curtains, tents and other camping equipment). This product is not applied to the skin. The active substances are the popular DEET (its concentration is 19%), as well as alphacypermethrin (0.25%). The protective effect against fleas and ticks lasts about two weeks, and against mosquitoes and many other flying insects - up to three weeks. This repellent is available in the form of an aerosol. Contraindications include lactation, pregnancy and childhood. The price of a bottle (100 milliliters) is about 180-200 rubles.

    • "DEET Vokko" is not the most popular and widespread, but, nevertheless, very effective remedy, available in the form of a spray. It is used to protect against any blood-sucking insects: horseflies, mosquitoes, midges, fleas, ticks, biting midges, mosquitoes and some types of flies. The active ingredient is DEET (diethyltoluamide). You can handle both clothing and textiles (doormats, nets, curtains, equipment, clothing, and so on) and exposed skin. Spray the composition at a distance of about 20 or 30 centimeters from the surface to be treated. Contact with mucous membranes or mouth should be avoided.
    • Ultraton. This repellent is also not very well known, but it has a long lasting effect thanks to unique polymers that provide moisture resistance and prevent evaporation. The composition includes DEET. It is used to protect not only from the most common mosquitoes, but also from midges, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and all other blood-sucking insects. "Ultraton" is produced in the form of a spray, in the form of a lotion. Spray should be carried out at a distance of 15 or 20 centimeters. The effect can last up to 8 hours (when processing leather, clothes, etc. textiles the composition remains active for much longer). Contact with mucous membranes should be avoided. Contraindications: sensitivity to components, pregnancy and lactation. The cost of the bottle is about 600 rubles.

    • Biban. This repellent is available in gel and spray forms. The active component of the product is the widely used DEET, which is effective in protecting against blood-sucking insects. It is recommended to handle exposed areas of the body, worn clothing and other fabric products such as nets or window curtains. Contraindications include hypersensitivity, childhood, pregnancy and lactation. Avoid contact with mucous membranes and oral cavity... An allergic skin reaction is possible.

    These were the most effective repellents.

    The active substance in the composition of the product scares away small bloodsuckers.

    When applied correctly, the Gardex Family mosquito repellent aerosol protects against gnat and is safe for people. The drug retains the declared effect for 2–5 hours.

    Chemical properties of Gardex Family aerosol

    The main component in the recipe is diethyltoluamide. It is a colorless or yellowish viscous liquid with a pleasant odor. The active ingredient is dissolved in organic alcohol.

    Aerosol composition Gardeks Fameli:

    • repellent diethyltoluamide 20% (DEET, DEET);
    • isopropyl or ethyl alcohol;
    • a mixture of propane and butane (propellant);
    • perfume.

    Experts have found out why the repellent acts on mosquitoes, flies, flies, midges. This substance blocks the senses of flying insects. Gardex mosquito spray based on "dislike" the gnat.

    Instructions for using the product

    • spray an aerosol into the palm of your hand;
    • gently apply the liquid to open areas of the body;
    • do not rub in or use with face / body cream;
    • reuse after 4 hours (if necessary).

    The Gardex Family mosquito repellent aerosol remains active on tissues and objects longer than on the skin.

    However, synthetic and artificial materials cannot be processed with this tool.

    Precautionary measures

    1. Do not spray directly on the face, avoid getting drops on the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth.
    2. Protect plastic products, clothes made of synthetic and artificial fabrics against aerosol based on DEET.
    3. Do not use on damaged, burned or irritated skin.
    4. Do not use aerosol with a dosage of 20% for children under 12 years of age.
    5. Do not use the product during pregnancy and lactation.
    6. Wash your hands after handling.
    7. Do not use near food.

    Occasionally, Gardex aerosol causes skin reactions... Hypersensitivity to its components is manifested by difficulty breathing, lacrimation, headaches.

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Aerosol Repellent

    Diethyltoluamide 20% in the composition of the drug disorients flying insects. This effect lasts for 4 hours.

    In addition, the Gardex Family mosquito spray (150 ml) ensures even application of the repellent and lasts for a long time. The product in this dosage and packaging is consumed sparingly.

    Disadvantages identified by experts and consumers:

    1. Dissolves some watch parts, plastic products, artificial and synthetic fabrics, painted surfaces, nail polish.
    2. Gardex Family mosquito aerosol does not always repel insects, or the effect lasts less than the manufacturer's declared one.
    3. Mosquitoes can temporarily adapt to repellent after initial exposure.

    Each drug has pros and cons to consider. The opinions of those who have already used the tool, assessed the advantages and disadvantages, are of great help.


    The use of the drug will not cause health problems if the manufacturer's directions are followed exactly. The instruction assumes a stepwise application, which avoids the entry of vapors into the eyes and nose. This method also ensures economical consumption of aerosol. To protect children from mosquitoes, products under the Gardex brand are intended, in which the repellent content is 10% or less.