Repair Design Furniture

Pillow neck bolster dimensions. DIY roller pillow: interesting ideas for making a comfortable accessory

There are many different ways related to making a pillow-roller quickly and easily with your own hands. It creates the necessary comfort for the neck and head, and also serves as a good interior decoration. It is convenient to read a book, watch TV or just doze on such a pillow.

We crochet a pillow-roller with our own hands in a step-by-step MK

You can crochet very interesting pillow covers for your neck.

The size of such a product is 45 cm in length and 14 cm in diameter.

Materials: finished pillow; Schachenmayr Catania or Anchor Bamboolo yarn # 206 (200 grams); hook number 5.

Knits according to the following pattern:

  1. The sides go in a circle, and at the base there is a rectangle.
  2. For the main element, cast on 80 air loops, seven more loops and one air loop for lifting and thus knit 23 rows.
  3. For the side parts, make a loop, dial three air loops, form a circular row consisting of 21 double crochets. Next, close them with connecting posts.
  4. For the next four rows, make two double crochets in every third column in the previous row, close with connecting ones. Do not forget that the sidewalls must have two sides.
  5. Now sew the rectangular piece, insert the pad, and attach the side pieces using single crochet stitches. Ready!
Striped roller:

Master class on creating a pillow with a zipper:

First, make a pattern of a rectangle, when sewing which, a cylinder should be formed, as well as two circles as its bases. Next, prepare the zipper and stitch it on. This is done from the inside out along the seam of the main part, it can be done on a typewriter or by hand.

Now pin the circles to the cylinder with pins so that all the details are on the front side, and the fabric lies evenly. Then sew in a circle and cut the seam allowances with zigzag scissors as close to the stitching as possible. Thus, the seams will not puff up and lie neatly. It is done!

Simple pad:

A simple and versatile roller suitable for both leisure and sports activities such as yoga.

For manufacturing you will need: sewing machine(but you can also manually), cotton fabric, needle, filling (batting, synthetic winterizer or old blankets), pins, threads in accordance with the selected shade of fabric.

Product dimensions: 75x20 cm.

Work description:

  1. Cut out the first element 78x66 cm in size and two round sides with a diameter of 23 cm.
  2. Pin the sides with the long edge facing each other, and then sew.
  3. Hook one of the circles to the edge of the cylinder with the wrong side out and the right side in. Sew. Similarly, pin the second circle, but sew only halfway, leaving space for the padding.
  4. Turn on the face, thereby hiding all the seams. Make the filler in the shape of a roller (roll into a roll) and put into a pillow. Pin off the remaining seam and secure with the last stitches. Everything!
Bright pillow with bombs:

To begin with, cut out a rectangle so that its width corresponds to the future diameter of the roller itself, which can be absolutely anything, depending on your preferences. We advise you to take a bright fabric with an interesting pattern.

Next, attach the pom-pom braid to the small sides of the resulting rectangle. Ideally, its color should match one of the shades on the fabric, or you can pick up a good dynamic contrast. Now sew the long side of the rectangle, forming a kind of cup out of it.

Next, cut out the bottoms, you can do this by tracing the outline of an object with a round bottom. Turn the product over your face and stuff it until it looks like a full-fledged roller. It remains to carefully sew up the remaining hole in the pad. Voila!

Let's make a pillow in the shape of a candy with our own hands

The manufacturing is based on the same rectangle with the addition of decorative elements such as tassels, large beads, ribbon bows and braids.

  1. Cut and sew separately lower part, which will be needed for filling with filler. After making decorative pillowcase with zippers or buttons.
  2. Sew the rectangle along the long side, remembering to leave small allowances. Sew buttons or a zipper along the length of the product. Next, connect the main part with the sidewalls. Finish over the edges of the fabric and pull the ends towards the center. Be careful at this stage: the assembly should look neat.
  3. Now fold the filler into the shape of the bottom, insert it. Put a decorated cover on top, pull off the edges, tie bows. The candy is ready!

And for dessert, a photo of another version of interesting pillows:

A selection of videos on the topic of the article

Let's start from words to practice. Learn new manufacturing methods, get inspired and come up with your own. Happy viewing!

Osteochondrosis is a disease that brings significant discomfort to a person, therefore, to alleviate their condition, many people use a special roller. It eases the condition by normalizing blood circulation in the cervical spine. Such products are made from foam rubber, cotton wool or special tightly twisted fabric. A similar roller under the neck for osteochondrosis can be bought in almost any pharmacy specializing in the sale of products that help get rid of the problems of musculoskeletal tissue.

The popularity of osteochondrosis rollers under the neck is due to the fact that these funds help not only in the prevention of the disease, but also in its treatment. This is due to the fact that a person most often sleeps in the wrong position during his sleep, which is why all his muscles cannot fully rest, as required. It is at the process of muscle relaxation that the product used under the neck at night is aimed.

The main effects that the use of a roller leads to, experts include:

  • Pain relief.
  • Elimination of discomfort.
  • Improving blood circulation.
  • Contributing to the normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Relaxation of muscle muscles.
  • Full rest at night.
  • Improving the psycho-emotional state.

Doctors recommend continuing to use the roller even after all the symptoms of the disease have been eliminated, and it itself has gone into remission. This will help prevent further exacerbations of the patient's condition, recurrence of symptoms and the need for long-term medication.

It is important to remember that correct sleep with a disease such as osteochondrosis is very important component therapy, both therapeutic and prophylactic. Therefore, this process should not be treated lightly and frivolously.

This can further affect the deterioration of health and lead to adverse consequences, expressed in the progression of the disease.

How to make a choice

The roller for back problems is quite effective and useful tool, but only when his choice in the pharmacy was carried out as correctly and correctly as possible. That is why you should pay attention to the recommendations of doctors, as well as other patients with this ailment.

It should be noted that optimal length of the product is about 80 centimeters, which is why the roller, even if a person is tossing and turning in a dream, always remains in the place where it was originally placed.

Separately, you should pay attention to the thickness of the product for the neck. The therapeutic effectiveness of the roller directly depends on this parameter. To pick up good remedy for back treatment, you need to measure the distance from the neck to the bed, adding about two more centimeters to it. Thus, the roller will support the neck well, repeating the natural curves of the human spine.

In some cases, orthopedic surgeons recommend using similar products under other parts of the body. This primarily concerns the ankle joints, as well as the lumbar spine. Thus, it is possible to deal with the problem of osteochondrosis as comprehensively as possible.

You should also pay attention to the cost of the roller. The efficiency and usefulness of the product does not directly depend on this indicator, but the materials used significantly affect the price. The cheaper and more unreliable substances were used in the manufacture, the cheaper the roller will be. Therefore, it is worth choosing products of an average price value. It is best to consult with your back doctor first. He can, on the basis of his experience, recommend the best of the companies represented in pharmacies.

What to look for

When using a neck roller for osteochondrosis, it is necessary to pay attention to eight quite important things that will help to eliminate the problem of the spine more effectively. These include the following items:

  1. If the use of a roller for osteochondrosis has led to a worsening of pain and an exacerbation of the disease, it is necessary to stop lying on it for a while. After two or three days, you can start sleeping on the product again.
  2. If, for certain circumstances, it is not possible to purchase a professional roller in a pharmacy, it can be temporarily replaced with a pillow or blanket, matched to the neck bend.
  3. If discomfort worsens when using one roller in other parts of the body, two other products should be purchased.
  4. If sleeping on a roller has led to the appearance of swelling in the lower extremities, it is necessary to start taking appropriate medications against this symptom. They should be prescribed only by a qualified doctor based on the diagnosis of the patient.
  5. If osteochondrosis of the spine worsens due to varicose veins, it is necessary to eliminate this health problem before purchasing a roller.
  6. If for certain reasons, including because of a stable habit, the patient sleeps on his side, to normalize blood circulation at night he needs to squeeze an additional roller between his legs.
  7. An alternative to a roller during sleep with cervical osteochondrosis can be special corsets or collars. But their use should definitely be discussed with your doctor.
  8. It is recommended to carry out some physical exercises on a roller before going to bed, which may be advised by the attending physician, depending on the clinical picture of the course of the disease.

If you correctly use a roller under the neck with osteochondrosis, you can long time forget about this back problem, significantly improving overall health and well-being, respectively. The cost of such a product is often not very high, but the effect of its use is worth these funds.

Diseases of the cervical spine occupy one of the leading places in terms of the frequency of diagnosis, which is explained by a sedentary life and general computerization. Most patients complain of severe pain and stiffness in the cervical spine. In addition to drug therapy, with such symptoms, a pillow is effectively used for cervical osteochondrosis, which prevents pathological changes in the spine.

Main selection parameters

The doctor will tell you how to choose and what criteria exist when selecting an orthopedic product at the initial patient appointment.

Orthopedists advise that when choosing a pillow to combat osteochondrosis, the following criteria must be considered:

  1. Hardness- most important for patients who prefer to sleep in a certain position, for example, with osteochondrosis, the preferred position is on the side and back. A hard pillow should be chosen for rest on the side, and medium hardness should be used for the back. For lovers of rest on the stomach, a soft product is recommended.
  2. Shape - in case of osteochondrosis, the neck roll can be made in the form of a crescent or a roll. The crescent is most suitable for the back, while the roller can be used in the lateral and back position. On a rectangular pillow, the head and neck are located slightly higher than the shoulders, while a slight indentation forms under the head, and a small ridge under the neck.
  3. Height - calculated individually for each patient. In this case, the size is measured from the base of the neck to the end of the shoulder with the addition of 2-3 cm for pushing the mattress. These parameters are the height of the pillow. When the patient is on his back, the height of the pillow should be 9 centimeters, and in the prone position - less than 9 cm. Orthopedic pillows 50 cm wide and 70 cm long are considered the most comfortable.

The parameters of the orthopedic product should be calculated individually, based on the length of the shoulder

Indications for use

Orthopedic pillows for people with spinal disorders are indicated in the following cases:

  • spondyloarthrosis and osteochondrosis;
  • the presence of back and cervical pain;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • instability of the cervical vertebrae.

Apart from this, use orthopedic pillows recommended after injuries in the area of ​​the spinal column.

Choosing the right sleeping position

During sleep, relaxation of the muscles of the neck, back, shoulders is necessary, and to ensure proper rest, maximum support of the spine at night is needed, especially in the neck.

Correct and incorrect body position (on the side and back) during rest of a person with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

With the wrong position of the head in a dream, the curvature of the vertebrae and exacerbation of the manifestations of osteochondrosis occur with all the ensuing consequences (pain, stiffness in the cervical spine, lack of sleep, etc.).

In order to avoid such symptoms, the correct resting posture is chosen. For patients suffering from osteochondrosis, it is preferable to sleep on your back or on your side. In the supine position, the legs should be extended for maximum relaxation, and in the lateral position, the embryo's position will be optimal, when the shoulder rests against the mattress, and a roller or orthopedic product should be placed under the head end.

Sleeping on the stomach is not recommended for people with diseases of the cervical spine. In this case, the tension of the cervical spine increases, and the risks of vertebral displacements also increase. A pillow for cervical osteochondrosis allows you to unload the upper section as much as possible.

Classification of orthopedic pillows

Choose a pillow for normalization general condition a patient with osteochondrosis follows after consultation directly with the leading physician.

Among the many options, the most optimal forms of orthopedic pillows are:


This pillow should be comfortable to rest on your back. Its edges tightly wrap around the neck, fixing it in the required position. Crescent pillows are medium soft and do not lose their shape even under the weight of the body.

Buckwheat husk is most often the filler of the "crescent", due to which it retains its elasticity and massages the spine.


This type of pillow is most suitable for patients with different width shoulders. It is equipped with 2 opposite small bolsters of different heights, as well as a rectangular head recess. It is important to consider that rectangular pillows must be suitable for the patient in height. This orthopedic form is used when sleeping on the back and in the lateral position.

Photo of an orthopedic pillow under the head for the treatment and prevention of cervical osteochondrosis, the shape of which follows the lines of the thoracic and cervical spine

Pillows with "memory"

The pillow for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be filled with special foam made of polyurethane foam, which is able to repeat the contour of the human body. The cells are like small springs compressed under the pressure of the body. In addition, the filler actively responds to changes temperature regime person.

Orthopedic model with body shape memory effect


It is necessary that the orthopedic product adheres to the body as well as possible, does not slip along the spine. These patients are advised to use bagel-shaped pillows on the road. A travel pillow for osteochondrosis in the cervical spine prevents exacerbations and discomfort by providing vertical support for the neck.

"Bagel" the most optimal model when traveling, providing the most comfortable fixation of the cervical spine


Orthopedic neck roller for osteochondrosis due to its small size and its rounded shape allows it to be used both for the cervical region and for other areas, such as the ankle or lower back. This shape helps to relax the spine and ensure correct curvature, which leads to improved blood circulation and normalization of night sleep.

There are special rollers (acupuncture) that are placed under the neck for a short period of time and are not intended for a night's sleep, but the effectiveness of such rollers is quite high.

The massage roller is prescribed exclusively by the doctor and helps to improve blood circulation and relieve stress


Fillers of the following types are most often used in orthopedic products:

Latex (natural)

The material follows the anatomical shapes of the spine well, which is explained by its good elasticity. It does not compress nerve endings and normalizes blood circulation. The advantage of latex is breathability, especially during hot periods.

Model with natural latex filling

Artificial latex

This filler (styrene rubber, butadiene) is produced from petroleum products, but using the latest technologies that do not use special glue. Therefore, this material is often used in the manufacture of various devices for supporting the spine. An orthopedic product with artificial latex should be selected according to the degree of rigidity (for osteochondrosis better pillow medium hardness). The disadvantages of artificial latex include fragility.

Orthopedic model with artificial latex and rollers


Buckwheat husk is quite actively used in orthopedic pillows, as it fixes the spine well. After buckwheat is processed, its husk looks like small pyramids, which have the ability to straighten the spine and relax the muscular system. When the patient lies on an orthopedic pillow filled with buckwheat husk, the vessels of the vertebrae are maximally relaxed, which improves blood circulation. In addition, the advantages of husk are good heat and air exchange, while rapid evaporation of excess moisture is noted. Buckwheat has the ability to point massage and is not electrified. The disadvantage of buckwheat husk can be considered the exclusion of washing pillows.

Buckwheat husk is the most environmentally friendly filler, which explains the demand for such products.


A cheaper and more popular filler for orthopedic pillows is polyester, which consists of numerous balls that are lubricated with silicone, which ensures their good glide under the weight of the spinal column. At the same time, polyester can follow the anatomical shape of the head and neck, ensuring normal blood circulation.

Polyester has the following benefits:

  • the ability of antimicrobial effects;
  • elasticity and thermal qualities;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • the ability to easily adjust the product in height by taking out the required amount polyester.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, orthopedic pillows with polyester must be shaken so that the filler is evenly distributed for better elasticity of the product.

Gel (cooling)

Gel pillows for the treatment of osteochondrosis are manufactured using innovative high-tech processes that provide the material with the ability to remember the shape of the body.

In addition, the gel has a number of the following advantages:

  • provide good orthopedic support;
  • are hypoallergenic;
  • reduce pressure on the cervical vertebrae;
  • allow you to minimize pain syndrome.

The hypoallergenicity of the gel allows its use by patients with a predisposition to allergic manifestations. In addition, such a filler is often prescribed for hypertensive patients who cannot tolerate high temperatures. The disadvantages of technogel include the impossibility of wet processing.

Multifunctional model with cooling gel

Special foam

Memorifom (foam) is not capable of responding to pressure on the vertebrae, which leads to maximum relaxation of the patient. This filler normalizes blood circulation processes with good air permeability.

A highly qualified specialist can answer the question of what kind of pillow a patient needs. In some cases, the pillow can be made by hand using medicinal herbs(sedge, heather, fern, thistle, etc.). In this case, a pillowcase made of natural fabric (cotton, teak, linen, etc.) must be used, which excludes seepage of dry grass.

As you know, the face of the house is made up of precisely the little things that the smart housewife takes care of. Comfortable and cute cushion, made in the form of a candy filled with folofiber, will not only decorate your home, but also give it individuality.

Pillow length - bolster finished form 50 cm, diameter - 18 cm.

Materials (edit)

for cover:
creamy-golden decorative jacquard fabric - 0.65 cm wide 140 cm,
matching tissue flap Brown color- 50 x 60 cm,
for roller:
dense calico white- 60 x 70 cm,
pillow filler (holofiber) - 300 g,
cotton cord - 1 m.

Tools, devices:

sewing machine,
tape measure,
tie tips - 4 pcs.

Method of making a pillow - roller

First, deal directly with the manufacture of the roller itself.

Fold the coarse calico rectangle (60 x 70 cm) in half lengthwise, with the right side inward, sew along the longitudinal sections folded together. Smooth the seam on one side.

Fold and flatten the side cuts 1 cm, then fold back and flatten again.

Sew the rolled-up side cuts along the edge, while leaving a small gap (2 cm) unstitched. Cut the cotton cord in half into two pieces 50 cm long, use a pin to pass the cord through the formed drawstrings on one side of the future roller.

Pull the cord on one side of the roller and tie it.

Fill the roller with holofiber or any other filler.

Now thread the cord over the other side of the roller.

Pull off the other side of the roller and tie tightly.

The roller is ready, put it aside for now and start sewing a cover for the roller.

Cut out a 58 x 68 cm rectangle from the basic creamy-gold jacquard fabric (do not make allowances for the seams).

Cut two 58 x 15 cm rectangles out of the brown fabric (do not make seam allowances).

Sew a brown fabric to the jacquard fabric on both sides. Putting them together on a side equal to 58 cm.

Zigzag the edges of the seams.

You have a rectangle, smooth the just sewn seams on one side, towards each other.

Fold the resulting rectangle in half along the long side with the right side inward. Pin the seams precisely with pins, grind the lobe cuts.

Work the seam with a zigzag stitch, carefully cut off the excess threads along the seam with scissors.

Press the side seam down to one side.

Smooth the double hem along the side cuts with an iron 1 cm wide.

Sew the hem close to the edge on the right side.

From the brown fabric, cut out two 5 x 60 cm tie blanks (do not allow seam allowances). Fold each workpiece in half lengthwise with the right side inward.

Run a stitch along the fold 1 cm apart and end to one end. Cut a corner of the fabric.

Take a thin pencil or any other thin stick, put a pencil or any other thin improvised means (I used a makeup brush) on the sewn end and use it to unscrew the ties.

Iron the turned-out ties.

Thread the ends of the ties into the tips, tie knots at the ends and hide them in the tips.

Pull the cover over the roller, tie the cover tightly from the ends. You have got a comfortable and functional bolster under your head, so that you can comfortably sit on the couch in the evening and look through your favorite magazines.

With osteochondrosis, which more and more often affects the joints of the spinal column, a special roller under the neck with osteochondrosis greatly facilitates the patient's fate. Its use helps to normalize blood circulation in the lumbosacral and cervical spine. You can buy a roller at almost any pharmacy that has an assortment of these products. As a material for their manufacture, ordinary pressed cotton wool, foam rubber or tightly wound fabric, from which waffle towels are sewn, can be used. Which of the models will be useful in each case should be indicated by the doctor or an experienced pharmacist.

How to choose the right lumbar or neck roller

You should be very careful when choosing the thickness of the roller for osteochondrosis, since it directly depends on curative factor... To determine the appropriate size, you need to measure the distance from the neck to the mattress, adding to it about 2 cm, which go to the deflection of the mattress.

When pain occurs in the lower back, doctors advise using not one, but as many as three rollers. The first is placed under the lumbar spine, the second will support the knees, and the third will support the ankle joints. To eliminate discomfort in the lower back and relax overstrained muscles, experts recommend lifting your legs from a horizontal position above the level of the pelvis as a useful physical activity.

What you should pay attention to when using an osteochondrosis roller

  1. If the use of a roller for the lumbar or cervical spine has led to an aggravation of pain, then you need to stop using it for a while, taking a break for several days (2-3).
  2. If, due to some circumstances, it is not possible to purchase an orthopedic product, then you should more accurately choose a pillow under the bend of the neck and sleep so that the shoulder does not lie on it.
  3. If, when using one roller under the lower back, there is an increase in pain, then it is urgent to buy two more products - under the knees and ankles.
  4. The appearance of edema of the lower extremities in people who suffer from degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the lumbosacral region requires the preliminary administration of special medications.
  5. If in a patient with lumbar osteochondrosis the situation is aggravated by the presence of varicose veins, then before using the roller, you will need to undergo procedures that will help eliminate congestion.
  6. Patients with osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are advised to perform simple physical exercises that eliminate excess lymph and blood, facilitating their outflow from the lower extremities. To do this, swing legs, squats, rotations in the knee joints, create a load on the muscles of the press.
  7. If a patient with lumbar osteochondrosis is accustomed to lying on his side during sleep, then an additional roller is squeezed between the knees, which normalizes blood circulation in the legs.
  8. Sick cervical osteochondrosis in case of exacerbations, the use of special supporting devices (corsets, collars) along with rollers will help.

Summing up, I must say that choosing the right roller for osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar spine is a very difficult task. Therefore, it will be much better if a qualified specialist helps in this matter. We must not forget that orthopedic rollers used in conjunction with various additional products.