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Cultural herbs: titles. Medicinal cultural plants and herbs. Wild plants: species, titles, difference from cultural

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The genus of single and perennial herbaceous plants of the legume family (Legumiosae). Latin name of the genus Trifolium, which means "shaded".

It is known about 300 types of clover. More than 40 of his species grows in Ukraine. Leaves are trees, and inflorescences - spherical heads composed of a variety of small red, white, pink or yellow flowers.

Many types of valuable feed herbs.

The habitat of the clover is a predominantly moderate zone. It is found in the meadows, on the edges of the forests, in the steppe sites, on pastures, on the side of the roads, on the banks of the rivers, in the ditch, in the outskirts of the fields.

As soon as this plant is not called in the people: and red bash, and redogolovik, and the Dwellier, as well as honeycomb, shaded, licorice, God's bread, golden grass, tizl, etc.

From the time of Kievan Rus "Stable" (clover in Ukrainian) was used to fatten the battle horses and livestock. Clover flowers together with flax flowers can be seen on the state emblem of Belarus. And one of the most famous Belarusian songs is Kasiў Yas Kinuschin.

In Western traditions, a clover with four leaves is considered a symbol of good luck.

From perennial species of clover are widespread: clover red, or meadow (T. Pratense), clover white, or creeping (T. RepenS), clover pink, Swedish, or hybrid (T. Hybridum). Meet as wild speciesand also cultivated in fodder and field crop rotations. The most important hay and pasture culture is the clover red, cultivated in almost all countries of Europe, America, Asia, New Zealand.

Only a little inferior to him by the meaning of T. Hybridum, originally from Europe.

The natural range of T. RePens, covers Europe and North America, grown it on lawns and pastures.

From the annual clover, stern values \u200b\u200bare: Clover Alexandrian, or Egyptian (T. Alexandrinum), clover incarnative, or Punchy, raspberry (T. Incarnatum), clover Persian, or Shabdar (T. Resupinatum).

Of wild clover The most common are: clover medium (T. Medium), clover strawberry (T. Fragiferum), etc.

Rural residents have long noticed that cows to all other herbs prefer clover. After all, its leaves are especially nutritious and useful due to the high protein content.

It is not by chance that the clover one of the first among forage plants began to artificially dilute in the 14th century. It started in northern Italy, from where the culture got to Holland, and then on the shores of the Rhine. In 1633, clover meadow penetrated in England. In Russia, it is cultivated as a stern plant from mid-18th century.

The clover sheet was chosen even with the symbol of Ireland, this Culture is so important for the animal husbandry of this country.

Clover is one of the best madonos: its flowers from May to late autumn allocate a lot of nectar. With 1 hectares of bees collect up to 200 kg of honey.

Nectar and pollen in small white clover flowers are shallow and available to bees. However, other types of pollen and nectar clover are stored at the bottom of the roller tube of a whisk and only insects with a long trunk can be reached. Therefore, the best clover pollinkers -. The crop of seeds depends on their numbers during the flowering period. Clover benefits a person and as a medicine from many ailments: clover flowers have anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant, hemostatic, binding, sweetest action.

Because of such characteristics of the plant, like low graziness (up to 10 cm), the unusual structure of the herb in the form of a mosaic, creep, the white clover can be used to create blooming and just green lushes, landing under shrubs and trees, flower compositions. This clover forms a picturesque solid due to the thickness of its three leaflets and abundant white blossoms (for the second year). The placement of the lawn on the site does not depend on the terrain. Light-loving clover is unpretentious to the soil, but does not tolerate water stagnation. After a haircut grows quickly.

The green mass of clover is used as a green fertilizer - Siderate - to increase soil fertility. The fact is that there are special symbiotic bacteria-azotfixators inside the root tubers, which can hold the atmospheric nitrogen contained in the soil, and transmit it to the plant in a form convenient for assimilation. When plausing the clover, the soil enrichment with nitrogen and humus.

Atmospheric nitrogen makes the green paint of cereal grass more saturated, increases the growth and number of shoots, improves the decorativeness of the lawn. Due to the powerful root system (up to 45 cm) and the listed properties of the clover creep in the composition of grassmes are recommended to strengthen the slopes, slopes and lunas of the doors.

Anastasia Rogach
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Garden Center "Your Garden"

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Continued. Beginning in the newspaper "Generic estate" No. 3 (10), 5 (11), 2008, 1 (13), 2009


(Trifolium Pratense L.)

Perennial from the bean family with raising branched stems. Focused, like the stem, the leaves consist of three elliptic fine-grained leaves. Pink or red-purple flowers, small, collected in steam room, less often - single inflorescences of spherical shape. In each bush from 3 to 8 stems. Flowers all summer.

It is common everywhere, reaching in the north to 69 ° S.Sh. It grows on floodplain and short meadows, among shrubs and forest glades.

The flowering phase contains 12.3-22% protein, 1.4-3.9% fat, 19.5- 31.2% of fiber, 43.4-46.3% of abuse extractive substances, a large number of Carotene, vitamin C, as well as glycosides, alkaloids, tanning substances, essential oil, etc.

In the sowing clover meadow, or, as it is called otherwise, the clover is red, the clover creep (clover white, or bump) is found, for which the creeping stem and white inflorescences is characterized, as well as a hybrid clover with pink, but smaller than the clover meadow , inflorescences. Unlike the latter, the leaflets in the clover of the Czczuchny and clover of hybrid smooth and biologically active substances contain several less.

IN therapeutic purposes The clover meadow is used as a diuretic, with a uterine atony, as calming, in the therapy of the eye diseases, to increase blood consumption (11). Effective as an additional means in the treatment of malignant neoplasms, as an antitoxic drug, is used to enhance lactation, has a wound healing effect (12).

In the cooking head of the blooming clover are used to brew tea, cooking soups and seasonings, and young leaflets - for salads and soups. The clover greens is very gentle, quickly welded, and, if you add sorrel to it, you can prepare delicious nutrient soups.

Culinary use

Tea team with clover. To dry room temperature In the shade of the clover head (2 parts), the grass of the Zverca (1 part) and the leaves black currant (1 part). Stir and use for welding.

Clover drink. Clover heads (200 g) Put in boiling water (1 l) and cook for 20 minutes. After cooling the decoction, strain it, add sugar sand (500 g) and stir. Serve in chilled.

Soup with clover. To welded to half-preparation in boiling water (0.5-0.7 l) potatoes (100 g) add chopped greens of clover (100 g) and sorrel (100 g), parserized onions (40 g), fat (20 g) and spices. When applying for the table, put in the plates finely chopped boiled eggs (1/2 pieces) and fill the sour cream (20 g).

Powder of clover leaves. Sweep the leaves first in the air in the shade, and then in the oven, chop into the powder and sift through the sieve. Use to refuel soups (1 tablespoon for a portion), cooking sauces and other seasonings.

Vegetable cutlets. Chopping and put out to softening cabbage leaves (100 g). Grinding clover and swan leaves (100 g) extinguish separately, as they softened much faster. Prepare a white flour sauce (5-10 g), milk (50 g), oil (10 g) and eggs (1 piece). Mix stewed cabbage and greens with sauce, add salt (3-4 g), to form cutlets from the resulting mass, cut into breadcrumbs (10-15 g) and fry on a split frying pan.

Cupcake with Powder from Clover Leaf. Ringing yolks (1 egg) with sugar sand (15-30 g) and oil (15-30 g), add wheat flour (45-60 g), Powder from clover leaves (45 g) and raisins (15-20 g) , mix with whipped protein (1 egg). Put the resulting mass in the molds and bake.

Neprug djobiva

(Urtica dioica L.)

The perennial from the nasty family with a long creeping rhizome, from which the reprehension of quad-footed stems up to 170 cm grow up. The leaves on the cutters are opposite, Lancetoy-shaped with a saw edge. Flowers are small, same-sex, are assembled into the stubborn branches of inflorescences (pedestal form drooping servants, and the stamens are a reprehension of the spikes). The whole plant is covered with rigid burning hairs.

It grows on wastehouses, in housing, in raw shady places on the soils rich in organic substances.
On the nettle of the downtime very similar to the nettle is burning. Unlike the first, it is annual plantThe stem has a shorter (up to 70 cm), the leaves are more rounded, sticky and pestile flowers are collected in one inflorescence. According to the content of biologically active substances, the leaves of the nettle of dwarm and burning are similar, so for medicinal use and cooking, they can be collected together.

Almost all vitamins, many microelements, organic acids, as well as phytoncides and tannins, and seeds are found in nettle leaves. Vitamin C in this plant is 2.5 times more than in lemon.

In the spring, when nettle is rather gentle, young shoots with leaves are used for salads. The tops of the shoots with leaves until late autumn are suitable for cooking and mashed potatoes.

In medical practice, the nettle is prescribed as a polyvitamin and antitoxic plant, with diabetes mellitus, renal disease, paralicles, paralims, arthritis, bleeding (13); It is used as an antimicrobial agent (external); Used with anemia, anemia, uterine atonia (14); To strengthen and growth hair, as well as at various lesions of the skin (15). It is recommended to prevent overwork, to improve performance.

Nuts are part of various teas, and young shoots with leaves are used for the preparation of salads, soups and mashed potatoes.

Culinary use

Salad of nettle with nuts(Approx. Ed.: To save beneficial features Nuts in a salad instead of cooking you can scream with boiling water and soften the leaves with your fingers). The washed leaves of nettle (200 g) are placed in boiling water for 5 minutes, then leak on the colander and grind. The impetuous kernels of walnut (25 g) dilute in the wrapping of nettle, add vinegar, mix and the resulting mixture to fill the nettle. Sprinkle finely chopped parsley and onions.

Salad of nettle with egg. The washed leaves of nettle (150 g) boil in water for 5 minutes, throw back to the colander, grind, fill with salt, vinegar, decorate egg slices from above (1 piece), pour sour cream (20 g).

Greenery. Young nettle (150 g) Cook in water for 3 minutes, lean on a colander, skip through the trail and stew with oil (10 g) 10-15 minutes. Finely chopped carrots (5 g), parsley (5 g) and onions (20 g) Space on fat. To boiling broth or water (0.6-0.7 liters) put the nettle, pastened vegetables and cook for 20-25 minutes. 10 minutes before readiness to add sorrel (50 g), green onions (15 g), bay leaf, pepper and salt (to taste). When applying for a table, fill the sour cream (15 g).

Soup from nettle and potatoes. Young nettle (250 g) put 2 minutes to boiling water (0.7 liters), lean on the colander, finely destroy and stew with oil (20 g) 10 minutes. Grind and spruit carrots (10 g) and onions (80 g). In boiling broth omitted chopped potatoes (200 g); After the broth boils again, add nettle, carrots and onions. 5-10 minutes before readiness to put the greens of sorrel (120 g). When applying for the table, put the slices of the boiled egg (1 piece) and sour cream (20 g) in the plate.

Pudding with nettle. The greens of young nettle (100 g), spinach (200 g) and swans (50 g) crush and stew with milk or sour cream (30-40 g) to softness. To the finished greenery add egg powder (5-8 g), breadcrumbs (25 g), sugar sand (3-5 g) and salt (2 g), mix everything thoroughly, lay out the mass into the smeared with oil and buck the saucher In the oven 30-40 minutes.

Tops from nettle. Put the nettle (100 g) into boiling water for 2-3 minutes, fold on the colander, crushed, mix with a thick wheat porridge (200 g), add an oil (20 g) and salt (to taste), form from the resulting edition of the back and fry them.

Omelet from nettle. Boil nettle (500 g) in salted water, leak on the colander and grind. In the fused oil (3 tablespoons) onions (3 heads) add finely chopped dill or parsley (4 twigs), mix with nettle and stew to soft, then pour the whipped eggs (2 pieces) and to withstand on fire until readiness.

Salted nettle. Young leaves and closure shoots wash, crush, put in glass cans, Speaking the layers of greenery salt (50 g per 1 kg of greenery).

Powder from nettle. Dish leaves and stems (coarse stems remove) in the shade in a ventilated room. Grind, sift through a sieve. Use for cooking soups, sauces, omelettes, porridge, oldes.

Nettle salary. Skip a young nettle (1 kg) through the trausub, add cold boiled water (0.5 l), mix, squeeze juice through gauze. The remaining squeezes are second to pass through the trail, dilute with water (0.5 l), squeeze juice and combine it with the first portion. Pour juice into half-liter banks, pasteurize at a temperature of 65-70 ° C 15 minutes, close with boiled polyethylene lids. Store in a cool place. Use for the preparation of seasonings and beverages. Neptelo juice is well connected with birch or carrot juices and honey, you can add lemon juice to it.

Cocktail "Trio". Connect nettle juice (200 g), hyrine juice (200 g) and juice on Luka (15 g), add food ice (2 cubes) and salt (to taste).

Stuffing for Pirochkov. Young nettle (1 kg) pour boiling water for 5 minutes, lean on colander, chopping, mix with boiled rice or sago (100 g) and crushed boiled eggs (5 pieces). Salt to taste.

Bob family

Two-year-old herbaceous plant from this. Legumes. Stem is ascending, 15 - 50 cm high. The plant is abundantly icy, green, with omnipotes of interstices. The leaves are tremendous, elliptical leaves, fine-grained, almost naked, with a white spot. The whisk is painted from light to dark red, sometimes purple color, 7-10 mm long. Flowers are collected in the sound inflorescence round or egg-shaped, located 1-2 at the top of the stem, the bottomition is surrounded by the top leaves and their advanced strips. Flowers from May to September. The food is used in food and clover leaves, which can be used for all summer - from spring to autumn while the plant blooms. Clover prepared in the future, it is dried, pickled or quasse, like cabbage.

On the winter, the leaves of clover in the air are dried, peeling in furnaces or ovens, crushed into powder, sieved, coarse parts discarded. Powder is stored in paper bags, use it for seasoning into soups, sauces, etc., at the rate of 1 tablespoon of powder on 1 soup plate.

During the Great Patriotic War Some families who know the nutritional properties of clover, used it in food. In unparalleled "boilers", mostly potato, added the heads of fresh clover. The soup was often not filled with anything, and if it was, then milk or some vegetable oil were added. The clover heads were dried, pushed, sieved and added to flour for baking bread. Salads are prepared from crushed leaves of clover, adding boiled vegetables (potatoes, beets, steep eggs, vinegar or horseradish).

Clover and sorce. To the potato (100 g), the lean or meat broth is put finely cut clover leaves (100 g), sorrel (100 g), the passerved onion (40 g), spices and salt to taste before the table is added to the table, a fine chopped egg (0, 0, 5 pieces.). Sing fill sour cream.

From the colors of clover Preparing delicious teas, sometimes with the addition of other herbs. Clover is a good honey plant. Flowers contain three-folin glycosides and isotypes, essential oils, alkaloids, resinous substances, isoplams, ascorbic acid, carotene and vitamins of group V. In the grass is tyrosine, organic acids (kumarine and salicyl), vitamins E, C, carotene.

Moreover, clover is medicinal plant , Used in folk medicine. Drug raw materials are inflorescences - heads along with the top leaflets that collect during flowering. In the form of a decoction and tea is used as expectorant, diuretic and antiseptic, as well as in coldic diseases, chronic cough, cough, bronchial asthma, as a secrets when decaying forces and with a malignant tumor. Take 1 tablespoon of floral finely rugged heads, poured 1 glass of boiling water, insist 1 hour, filter and take 1/4 cup per day half an hour before meals.

Spaled heads are applied to the rims, they help and with burns. In atherosclerosis with normal arterial pressure, accompanied by headaches and the noise in the ears, take the vodka infusion of clover heads. 40 g of clover flowers insist in 500 ml of forty-gradual vodka for 10 days, filtered, take 20 ml before lunch or before bedtime.

The man of ancient times uses wild and cultural herbs into everyday life, whose names are known to everyone - dandelion, burdock, nettle, chilli, clover, a rustic, sage, adonis and a few more hundred thousand species. They are grown for eating, preparation of drugs, live cattle, for industrial use.

What is herbs

There are groups of plants in the world:

  • Trees - They have one high trunk covered with crust, numerous branches depart from the trunk.
  • Shrub - Instead of the main trunk, they are formed several thin on-west stems.
  • Grass - Do not have the trunk, but have soft stems that die each year. They are annual, two-year and perennial.

Wild and cultural herbs

Plants that grow without human assistance are called wild. They apply where suitable natural and climatic conditions exist for them. Herbate plantsthat man planted or sowed, followed by (watered, treated, hardly) - these are cultural herbs. Examples of indulgence are known since ancient times. During breeding works, scientists have significantly improved the quality of cultural herbs, increasing their frost and drought resistance, yield, resistance to diseases.

The same plant can be both wild and cultural. For example, if a clover grass grows on natural meadows, it is wild. If a person sows clover on pastures and cares for him, he becomes a cultural plant.

Cucumber is the grass?

The farm is very widely used by cultural herbs. Their names are diverse - salad, sorrel, Timofeevka meadow, Melissa, Tsmin, dill, parsley, mustard, horseradish, mother-in-law, ginseng and others. These are all known examples. But do you know that potatoes, cucumber and tomato - in fact, also cultural herbs? The names of them are familiar to us, but we perceive them as vegetables. In fact, vegetables are called the fruits of these plants in everyday life, while their life form in the botanic is called grass. By the analogy of Banana, Pineapple and Topinambur - also grassy plants, it is also possible to include wheat, rye, peas, beans and other cultures that do not have wood trunk or weathered stalks.


From a scientific point of view, herbs are divided into:

  • Annual - they completely die after the growing season and fruiting (for example, dill, peas). You can renew them only with the help of seeds.
  • Two-year-old - plants that last up to 24 months and includes 2 growing periods. This, for example, cabbage, carrots, daisy.
  • Perennial - plants, life cycle which is more than two years. St. John's wort, Banana - classic examples Perennial herbs.

Other classification options

By industry belonging:

  • herbs (field);
  • herbaceous plants whose fruits are vegetables (vegetable growing);
  • flowers (flower grow).

Economic purposes:

  • Food grasses - dill, parsley, cumin, mustard, eggplant and hundreds of others.
  • - Lucerne, Esparcet, Timofeevka meadow, etc.
  • - Len, hemp, etc.
  • Vernonos - buckwheat, donon, snakeholder, etc.
  • Medicinal cultural plants - Herbs used in phytotherapy. This is a chamomile, mother-in-law, Valerian, ginseng, mint, Air, St. John's wort, a series, plantain, oregano. They are sown in fields for collecting raw materials: leaves, flowers, root.
  • Drying plants - calendula, which also applies to medicinal plants.
  • Technical herbs - rape.

Rare view of the classification

Cultural plants (herbs including) are sometimes classified by chemical composition Taking into account the predominance of any substance:

  • protein-containing
  • starch
  • sugar-containing,
  • oil
  • essential
  • spicy
  • alkaloid
  • fibrous.


Each plant has several items. In the people of the names of herbs (options can be very different between themselves) labeled their special properties. In the scientific world, such plants are called Latin words.

Cultural herbs of Russia

The names of grassy plants that grow on the endless expanses of our country are extremely numerous. Cultures are grown on agricultural fields, the fertile lands of which allow you to collect rich crops. The hosts are sown and planted on their panstones Many herbs.

The most common cultural herbaceous plant of Russia is wheat. From other cereals, universally grown in the country, you can call rye, oats, barley, corn, soy and millet.

Popular bean culture - peas, beans, lentils.

Potatoes - the only form of starchy herbaceous plants, which is successfully grown in Russia. Also, we are cultivated by the only sugar culture - sugar beet.

Sunflower, rape, flax, mustard are widespread from oilseeds.

In the fields and on any garden grow - cucumbers, zucchini, patissons, eggplants, tomatoes, dill, radish, beets, onions, carrots and cabbage. All of the above are also cultural herbs of Russia. The names are included in the Botanical Handbook as grassy plants. Although it sounds unusual, you will agree!

Medicinal cultural herbs

The names of the healing plants, which were equalized in Russia, are extremely numerous. In total, several millions of hectares are reserved under the sowing of medicinal herbs. Most often sow mint, chamomile, Valerian, plantain, burdock, nettle, cleanliness. Lightly grow lavender, St. John's wort, celery, ginger, mother-in-law, sage, wormwood, mayoran, basil.

IN lately Sowing areas under medicinal herbs are reduced by a rapid pace. main reason - Economic inexpediency. Herbatous plants are demanding in care, treatment of crops is mainly carried out by hand, raw prices are low. In addition, many medicinal herbs In subsequent years, crops of other cultures are littered as weeds, again and again growing in the aisle.

Given the high value of such plants during the USSR, they were necessarily included in the crop rotation. However, today the farmer sows wheat and sunflower - those cultures that provide receipt maximum profits. And who wants to sage sage? Perhaps this is a rhetorical question.