Repairs Design Furniture

Wild shrubs: types and names. Raspberry cultural or wild plant

Slim mill unusual form The foliage, as well as the ideal round of Krona, are the main advantages of maples in garden-park design. Despite its dimensions, these trees are rightfully considered standards of style. In particular, this applies to field or, as it is also called flat species. Consider how to ensure competent landing, Care of this culture and what it represents.

In the scientific literature, the plant is called Kleon Field (Ácer Campéstre), and in everyday life it is called a certain or Paclean.

Beautiful correct forms of these representatives of the family of Sapind, along with their elegance captive of every landscape designer. These trees are depicted on postcards.

Did you know? From ancient times, the tribe of the Iroquois worshiped Maple. It was revered as a source of a well-known maple syrup, as well as forces and beauty. Many sought to acquire any household subject from the wood of this plant. It has long been considered a shelter for the souls of deceased relatives who came to alive. Therefore, annually, Iroquois celebrated the day of gratitude to Maplen, which in their tongue sounded otadeneone-non-pro-merit.

Here are the main characteristics of the maple of the flat:

Did you know? For the Japanese Maple is not only aesthetic scenery of the garden, but and gastronomic pleasure. In this country, it is customary to prepare snacks from maple foliage. Initially, it is collected, then it is withstanding about a year in barrels with salt and only after being covered with a special sweet dough and fry in a fryer.

Where did the field maple come from, botany today make it difficult to answer. After all, many millennia, he was known to almost the entire Eurasian continent. Wild landings could be seen in mixed and deciduous forests of many european countries, Caucasus, Malaya Asia and even in North African regions.

Therefore, most scientists agree on the thoughts that the area of \u200b\u200bthese plants occupies a rather extensive area. His borders are held in the UK, Scotland, Scandinavian Peninsula, Sweden, Ukraine, Russia and stretch to the Caucasus itself.

In our area, Paclen Samosov is most often found in Kiev, Zhytomyr and Volyn regions. Next to the north, these plants are represented only by alcoholic copies.
Modern designers are widely used by these trees for planting park areas, especially since they grow very comfortably on the black membrane strip.

Wild cocks are located on solar forest edges, in coastal and steppe zones, sometimes can meet in mountainous areas at an altitude of up to 2 kilometers from the sea level.

Did you know? The first coin of the Democratic Republic of the Congo was made of maple. She saw the light in 2005 and to this day is an official payment facility. Its denomination is 5 francs.

The all-season decorativeness of Clains contributes to their spread in landscape design. Especially beautiful trees They become autumn when their foliage is transformed into festive-elegant tones.

In the spring, during flowering, they are not inferior to cherries and plums. In addition, culture is well adaptable to urban conditions. It can safely qualify for the role of the main decoration, as well as the source of the shadow on the territory entrusted to it.
A characteristic feature of the plain clan is its versatility. The largest plant looks good in single and group landings, as well as it is an excellent material for the formation of a living hedge.

The only disadvantage of the varieties of specialists call its emergency viability. This denotes that the culture is prone to self-sowing, and its grains easily apply to the wind for hundreds of kilometers from the mother root and quickly adapt to new conditions.

Young pig is actively developing. Therefore, if you do not control the reproduction of Clena, he will capture the entire garden, turning it into wild thickets.

Did you know? Maple trees can be foreshadowed: if dew drops appear on the kidneys - after a few hours it will definitely be raining.

Paclars are often used for. These trees are well transferring pruning and transplant.
Using Paclene in Bonsai Style In industrial purposes, their wood is suitable for the production of furniture and kitchen inventory. It has high decorative qualities, ease of processing. Among the shortcomings of the maple material, the joiners are called the absence of a clear texture.

Many owners of land plots are pleased to the emergence of plain Clean near their apiary. The fact is that the culture is enrolled in the ranks of the first-class honey. One adult tree It can provide a hive of 10 kilograms of nectar.

Decorative forms

The undemanding of field cleans, their decorative characteristics and endurance caused interest in many breeders.

As a result of long experiments, they managed to get different varieties affecting the imagination of the color gamut, form of foliage, as well as the features of the crown and trunk. Today it is known about two hundred variety of this culture.

Here are the most popular of them:

Important! The unfortunately chosen landing place can significantly affect the decorativeness of the plant. For example, if you put in the shadow, decorative varieties of wild curren, his foliage will lose its color features and crap. In such a place you will have the usual green Tree with slow motion development rates.

Conditions for growing

Wild-growing canoes can adapt to different conditions. But if we are talking about anchored forms, you will have to take care of all necessary for their growth. Consequently, the choice of places for landing by 80% solves the further fate of the seedling.

So, we alternately understand in all the requirements of culture:


The view can grow in the shade, but for full development, he needs a lot of light. Therefore, experts advise you to choose well-lit areas for landing.

Ideal fittings with enriched chernoles of neutral acidity.
Trees are also well taken out on thin substrates. Poor adapt in sandy.


It is important when landing a seedling take into account the location of the groundwater. The fact is that the plant does not endure swampy terrain and excessive moisture. Ideally, the reservoir can be located at a depth of 2-2.5 meters from the surface.

In case these indicators are much smaller, the root system of the plant will be constantly at risk of infection with fungi and bacterial infections.

In addition, the wet environment, as a magnet, attracts malicious insects. In this case, if it is impossible to choose a different place for landing, specialists advise to choose dwarf shapes of marsh and to the landing hole to be flattened about 20 cm of chubnery drainage.

Field varieties of kleons with comfort grow only in terrain protected from winds and drafts. Especially if we are talking about their decorative forms.
Wild plants are more enduring, they can survive short droughts, severe frosts and winds of wind. It should be noted that maple wood does not differ in particular density and fortress.

Important! In order to protect the culture from common diseases and pest attacks, it is recommended before the start of flowering to treat the crown and a nitrafen solution or a copper sulphate.

Rules landing

So that the grade develops well, he needs to please the landing time and conditions. Therefore, before being taken for a shovel, you need to hold a number of preparatory work. Let's deal with everything in stages.

Planting maple seedlings can be planned in spring or autumn. This should take into account the climatic features of the terrain and weather conditions.
In the case of spring rooting, experts are recommended to carry out all necessary workWhen there is a stable warm weather on the street, and the earth warms up to 11 degrees Celsius.

The optimal period is the second decade of April.

Such landing is favorable for the development of a tree, because before the heat of heat it has the ability to adapt to new conditions.

Important! If it is planted in the spring, water when landing until the earth is absorbed by moisture. It will keep the plant from weathering the root system and drying.

The disadvantage is only the urgent need for moisture. Therefore, it is important to ensure a rich watering of culture during the landing and follow the state of the priority circle for the first months.

For autumn landing You should have time before the onset of cold and frost. It is advisable to regulate in mid-October, leaving at least 2-3 weeks before cooling. Otherwise, the plant will not have time to take care and die.

Preparation of place

When the corresponding plot is selected, start preparatory work on it. They consist in treating soil. That is, you first need to clean the territory from garbage and plant residues and to accurate the soil. Ideally, it should be loose, fertile and neutral acidity.

On highly oxidized areas does not prevent lime powder or dolomite flour. On the meter, the square square will be required from 150 to 300 g of substance, depending on the level of the pH of the soil.

If the seedling is planted in the spring, a month before you breathe a hole, half off with a layer of drainage and a nutrient substrate alternately.

Then cover the polyethylene film to form inside the desired microclimate. This nuance will help the tree quickly take care and put new root processes.

You can do similar manipulations from autumn. Thus, the land for the winter-spring period will pass natural stages that will help the quick root of a young seedling.

Important! With group landings between plants, it is necessary to leave a distance of about 2-4 meters. If you are going to form a maple fence, between the roots should be 1.5-2 meters.


The whole process of rooting seems very simple, but in fact fatal errors are often allowed, as a result of which the tree does not take root. Therefore, we recommend clearly follow the rules below:

  1. Drop the landing point, the dimensions of which will correspond to the root seedlock system. She does not need excessive freedom or cramped conditions. Classic option Provides for the width and height of the well within 70 centimeters.
  2. Leave the plant for several hours in water tanks, then process its roots with a clay bolt. If you are dealing with weakened instances, you can pre-add a growth stimulator ("Embimi") to the water.
  3. At the bottom of the pit lay out about 10-20 cm of drainage material (broken brick, claymzit, crushed stone). Next similar thickness layer soil mixture. She is preparing out equal parts Horing, turf land, river sand and peat cover. On fertile sites, you can do the substrate from the deciduous land, sand and.
  4. For a better germination of a green pet, you can feed. On 1 planting pit is enough 120-150 g of substance.
  5. After the prepared seedlock is lowered into the pit, we can expand its root system and fall asleep with fertile soil.
  6. It is important to rush to pour a young plant and trigger fresh soil. In order for intercane emptiness to be filled, it is recommended to shake the trunk.
  7. The last stage of the landing consists in re-powdering the soil of the waterproof and doing the shallow groove at the boundaries of the rolling circle. It is needed for the convenience of watering. It is important that the root cervous can be deepened. It should be at the ground level.

Video: How to plant a maple (on the example of Maple Ginnal)

Did you know? In the Old Slavic mythology, Kleon is associated with the head of the human soul. Old Believers say that everyone may turn into this tree after death. That is why the maple wood was never used on firewood and on the coffin. It was believed that the plant in the courtyard symbolized the power and capabilities of the owners.

Care for Maple

All plants from the Sapind family family are not demanding of care. They are easily adapted to any conditions. But gardeners must take into account that in favorable conditions Culture develops fully, which affects its decorative qualities.

For this, Field Clean needs to ensure timely watering and feeding. Also requires care for the organizational circles in the garden and the preparation of young seedlings to wintering. Let's deal with everything in order.

Despite the fact that the variety is painlessly reacts to dry soil dryness, it is necessary to monitor the level of its moisture. For this purpose, young trees in the first months after landing are watered often and abundantly. In the future, the amount of irrigation is reduced to 1 time for 7 days. It is important to navigate the weather conditions.
According to experts, after landing and in drought, each root needs about 20 liters of water. And with normal sediments, the cocks can pour once a month, pouring 10-15 liters.

Did you know? Serbian belief reads that if without the grounds the accused person will hug a dry kleon, he will certainly separate. And when in the future it will touch the unfortunate or offended, the tree will dry again.

For all maple varieties, at least 2 feeders per year. The first is carried out in the spring when the biomass extension is relevant, and the second is at the end of summer, when the plant needs to be prepared for wintering.

Spring fertilizer can be organized with any nitrogen-containing substances (including), and autumn - with the help of purchasing.
If an additional nutrient supplements in the substrate were not used when landing next spring Clane will need to be filtered with a mixture of 40 g, 25 g, 50 g.

Such a tandem can be used with each subsequent spring feeding. In the summer, the tree fertilize "Kemira Wagon". On 1. square meter The priority circle will need about 100 g of substance.

Hygiene soil

It is important in places where field curls grow, regularly carry out shallow loosening of the Earth. This procedure is done during the graduation period and after moistening. It improves the supply of roots with oxygen and prevents the sealing of the soil.

In addition, it matters timely mulching surgeless circles. For the first time it is done immediately after landing. For this, the peat is used, which lay down to 5 cm layer.


In the formation of the crown, these trees do not need at all, because from nature they have perfect forms.

But the sanitary trimming is important to them every year. It is carried out in spring or autumn and lies in the removal of old, dry, fastened either affected by diseases and pests of branches. . or .

Protection against rodents

So that young trunks did not suffer from hungry hares and mice, they will enhance them with a semi-meter piece of toli. Alternatives can be used fir brancheswhich are tied to alignment trees.

All garden specimens of this culture until five years require special preparation for the winter. Old trees can winter without shelter. Preparation for winter begins in the summer when the plant feeds stimulating high winter hardiness fertilizers.

But young seedlings can not be saved among mineral complexes. Their subtle branches may not withstand a harshless winter winter. Therefore, experts are recommended in autumn to take care of the new layer of peat mulch.

It is also important to cover the maple barrel with a sweetheart, hiding the root neck reliably. In subsequent years, the shelter will be needed only by the straggment forms of field maple. They are enveloped to the crown itself with a multi-layer burlap or spandex. In the measure of growth trees become more enduring to low temperatures.
At any time of the year, Maple is decent decoration Garden-park territories. It is a true pleasure for perfective aesthetics. But for the correctness of the forms and color of culture, you need to provide suitable conditions. Our recommendations will help you with this.

This article provides a list of all plants ever mentioned in Martin's books.

Most of the plants in Westeros are well-known earthly. It is understood that they do not differ from their best in Western Europe, Mediterranean or North America. For fictional plants, a brief description is given.

Agriculture Westeros does not know the potatoes and tobacco, as their medieval Europe did not know before the waters of Columbus. It is curious that some other American plants brought to Europe only in the era of great geographical discoveries, are still present in the books - for example, in the "Battle of Kings" there are corn. In the television series HBO potatoes, however, is mentioned.

Wild trees

Iznostvol, iron Tree (Eng. Ironwood) - conifer tree With very durable wood and dark crust. It makes beams for buildings and bridges, chests.

Sandstore (English. Sandbeggar) - Characteristic for Dorna, the drowned and curved tree, spikes on it are no less than leaves. The appearance in the desert of sandy beggars means that the water is close.

Guardian Tree (English Sentinel Tree) - coniferous tree with thick gray-green needles. Commodified all over Westeros, especially characteristic of the north.

Guards pine, soldier Pine (English Soldier Pine) - a pine-widespread in Westerosa.

Cultural trees

It is assumed that if a certain fruit is mentioned in the text, growing in our world on trees (apricot, garnet, etc.), then there is a corresponding tree in the world of Martin.

Fire plum (Eng. Fire Plum) - common in the south of garden plum.



Dragon Zev (English. Dragon "s Breath) - Large dark red flowers.

Zhgugetsvet (English Poison Kiss) - widespread large purple flowers, strongly irritating skin. Blisters poured on their hands. Ground near the swamps.

Wintering (eng. Frostfire) - Bright-scarlet autumnal flower, grows behind the wall.

Moon color (eng. Moonbloom) - Some very smelling flowers

Kholoyanka (English Coldsnap) - Blue autumn flower, grows behind the wall.



Blood melon (Blood Melon) - very sweet melon with a bloody red pulp, possibly watermelon.

Sweet, Sweet Grass (Eng. Sweetgrass) - some plant with a sweet taste, is used to sweeten the dishes along with honey, but is used in food and in itself, as a salad. The decoction of sweet worker is popular with Dotrachetsev.



De-grass (Eng. Devilgrass) - weed plant.

Speed \u200b\u200bgrass (English Piper "s grass) - a reddish-golden plant, grows behind the wall.

Smoky vine (eng. Smokeberry Wine) - a curious plant, inclined to swell trees; Apparently, has berries.

Kozigolok. (English Goathead) - weed plant.

Oxygen (English Soarleaf) - a plant with a tonic effect causes a narcotic dependence. It has an unpleasant taste, and the juice of the plant stains saliva, teeth and gums in bloody-red.

Copper King (eng. Kingscopper) - some kind of medicinal plant

Tasty and useful raspberries in honor of a person has long been, and its cultivation history goes into the depths of centuries. This is evidenced by excavations of ancient settlements (stone and bronze age), where the seeds of raspberries are found.

Malina always read, and even when the forest cuts, raspberry bushes did not touch. In the gray-haired antiquity of the Greeks and the Romans gathered wild raspberries, they were treated by it from many diseases. AND slavic tribes used wild raspberry as a treat and healing plant.

Native Northern Italy, Roman statesman, an encyclopedist scientist and a historian of Pliny Senior (Guy Plini Seconds of the Gaius Plinius Secundus, I Act of our era) wrote about wild rain, grew in a mountain massif in the center of Crete, on Mount Ida. Therefore, Pliny gave rain name Rubus Idaeus. Based on Pliny's records, Swedish naturalist and systematics of Plant Karl Linney (Linnaeus, XVIII century) assigned Malina Latin Botanical name Rubus.

There is a legend about why raspberry berries have a red color. "... Jupiter in infancy his cry called an echo from which the inhabitants of the mountains were gluing. Then the daughter of King Crete, Nymph Ida (Greek Idea) to take the young throat, threw the raspberry berries for him. At the same time, she scratched her chest barns of plants shoots. Blood nymphs painted white raspberry berries in red …»

In Russia, the first raspberry plantations were laid by Yuri Dolgoruky. In the chronicles there are references to them: these Maliniki were so great that they often came from the forests "Fly" bears.

Many raspberry varieties occurred from the wild red raspberry ordinary. It received the greatest distribution in areas of stable moistening with moderate temperatures during the growth period. With a powerful snow cover, the raspberry bushes are good winter, which contributes to the widespread raspberry even in Siberia.

By the end of the last century, the global assortment of this popular berry culture There are already about 600 varieties. Both Russian breeders and breeders of other countries have made a great contribution to the creation of wonderful raspberry varieties with berries of red, yellow, white or black. Fruit raspberry bushes, richly covered with ripe multicolored berries, are very decorative.

Malina occupies a prominent place among other berries - dismantled taste and fragrance, healing properties Helped raspberry to become one of the most popular garden crops. With the coming to our market of citrus fruits there were some concerns that citrus shed rain from our diet. But these fears were in vain. Each fruit and every berry are good in their own way, but fresh raspberries in this row is one of the first. And also on the processing for the winter, according to their taste and aroma, on drug properties, no berry is compared with Ralina in our zone.

Nestlkov Stefan Fedorovich (Novopolotsk, Republic of Belarus)

\u003e\u003e Exercise "Weather"

2) grouped plants: trees, bushes and grass.

- What differ bushes, trees and grass?

- What are it similar and what is the fir tree and apple tree? (General - these are trees. Differences - Spruce grows in the forest, apple tree in the garden, man cares for her. Both wood benefit people.)

- What are cultural plants? (These plants planted, a man raised. She cares for them, collects harvest.)

Children are considering the fruits of wild apple tree and the fruits of an apple tree planted by a person (cultural plant), conclude that the fruits of wild apple trees are small and sour, and garden apples - Big and sweet.

Children consider drawings about growing cultural plants.

A large role in the nature and life of a person is played by various vital forms of plants, including those such as wild shrubs. It is about them that will be discussed in the article.

  • trees;
  • herbs;
  • liana;
  • That is, all existing vital forms of plants. Specifically, wild shrubs constitute the main part of the undergrowth, thickets, outskirts of the meadows and fields, roadside of the roads, the landscape of urban arrays. It is such forms that are used to create livestocks in front of residential buildings, outlets and other facilities.

    Shrubs of Russia

    Warranty shrubs of our region are distinguished by a large species diversity. They are distributed in all stripes and latitudes, form deciduous and partly coniferous forests, lifted hills and mountain ranges. Also among them there are many representatives whom a person uses in ornamental purposes for gardening sites. Berries of some species are actively used in food and are valued for their vitamin components. Even the dosage forms of wild shrubs of Russia have.

    The most common species growing in wildlife are:

    Spectacular, sweetered fragrant bright inflorescences Busta few people can leave indifferent, this explains such popularity of the plant. Medicinal value practically does not have.

    Shrubs Moscow region: titles

  • Quince and variety of plums.
  • Blueberry.
  • Raspberries.
  • Rowan.
  • Yoshta.
  • Blackberry.
  • Among the wild organisms of this group, you can distinguish such as an enemy, a wolter year, a male, bubbler, maple, lilac, Weighel Middendorf, Buzin, Raknik, Deren, Rhododendron, Forzing, Loch, Peony, Rowan, Roses, Almonds, Hawthorn, Iva, Barbaris and others.

    And wild, and cultural shrub plant. In some areas of our country, it is cultivated as an industrial object, since the roots of the Beckleta contain Guttaperch.

    The height of such wild shrubs up to 3 meters and above. Leaves are quite large (up to 10 cm), oval shape. Flowers are going to inflorescences, so they become well noticeable. Coloring of a whisk - pink with white. After fruit, fruits, red or dark pink are formed. They are poisonous, but are used as medicinal.

    The decorative value of the Becklet is its fruits and beautiful dense leaves. It is well built by spectacular living hedges, so it is used in landscape design.

    All of them form a general view of the nature of fields and meadows, forest arrays. Thanks to such plants like wild shrubs and trees, the picture of the natural habitat of animals and people becomes complete, tank, beautiful and diverse.

    You can bring a brief list of those types of the Urals, which are the main for these places. These are wild shrubs whose names are shown below.

  • Kizilniki different types.
  • Clematis.
  • Prince Siberian.
  • Rushkirt Russian.
  • Different types of rhododendrons.
  • Roses of all kinds.
  • Chubuschnik and others.
  • This is naturally not a complete list, however, including the most common types of Urals. Most of them are a source of nutrition for forest animals, a person. Many are dosage forms of plants.

    The main advantage is frost resistance and drought resistance. His name is a brilliant brilliant for the corresponding surfaces of the leaves. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, small, white or pinkish. The fruits are bright red, not poisonous. Are a source of feed for many birds and animals.

    In decorative purposes, types of a cylinder are used to create alive hedges with beautiful bunches of hanging fruits of black or red.

    This plant is only one type of the set relating to the general family lilac of the olive family. This shrub is famous not only in the Urals, but also almost throughout our country.

    Beautiful odorless inflorescences, consisting of many brushes of small gentle flowers, attract not only insect pollinators, but also animals, birds, people. Coloring of the corollas is different: from snow-white to lilac-pink. Used in decorative purposes and medicinal.

    Wild, titles and differences from cultivated plants

    We offer the photos of some of the listed plants.

    Nettle. Add some nettle when cooking or borscht, you definitely do not regret.

    Thyme. Adding one day in tea, I assure you that you want to.

    The world of plants is huge and diverse, and lists all plants within the framework of one article is not possible. We give an example on one plant from A to Ya.

    Altea Drug, Belen Black, Voroniene Salo, Gluesman, Nather High, Honey Forest, St. John's wort, Iris Siberian, Ordinary, Lily of the Lily of Mayan, Mother-and-stepmother, Radrupnaya, Noodle, Farming, Spring, Liquor, Core, Timyan Creeping, turkey creeping, creepy hops, blueberry Mildolis, sage meadow, sorrel horse, whites white.

    Lesson-Abstract on the topic: "Cultural and wild plants"

    Theme lesson. Cultural and wild plants.

    Main goals and objectives. Familiarize students of grade 2 with the fact that there are wild and cultivated plants, explain the difference and give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat a person is engaged in an extrusion.

    Lesson plan :

  • The concept of cultural and wild plants
  • How did cultural plants appear?
  • Why does a person seek the plants?
  • During the classes

    1. The concept of cultural and wild plants

    What do you think, what are the main differences of pine from the pear? (Listen to all the answers, notice the one that says that pine grows in the forest, and the pear is in the garden). And what is the difference between the dandelion from cucumber? (Also listen to all the answers, notice the one that says that the dandelion grows by itself and can be found wherever you want, and the man is cared for cucumbers and you can find it only in the garden).

    And now, when you already know, what a variety of plants are, let's divide them into two large groups. Those plants that grow everywhere and who do not need a person to care for them are called wildly (their name speaks for itself). The plants that grow in the garden in the garden and for the growth of a person's intervention is called cultural. Their name in a lesser extent transfers their essence, because cultural we used to consider people who go to theaters, visit the libraries, talk without graft words. However, the word "cultural" in relation to plants has a different meaning, and we will talk about it a little later.

    Practical task (on the development of logic):

    What do you think, what plants appeared earlier - wild or cultural? Why? (Listen to all the answers, pay special attention to explanations, enable to express your opinion to those children for whom it is important).

    2. How did cultural plants appear?

    You correctly said that since the plants appeared on Earth earlier than a person turned out to be, then wild-growing plants have a longer history than cultural. In the distant times, when a person just moved away from the monkeys and was fed at what he could collect from trees and bushes, all the plants were wild. The human intervention was only that he collected a harvest.

    The first cultural plants appeared when a person noticed that it was necessary to put grain to grow grain to grow grain. And in order to grow apricot, it is necessary to put a bone in the ground. In short, from this point on, when new trees, shrubs and just small bushes began to appear by themselves, but with the direct participation of a person, a group of cultivated plants began to develop.

    What did you need to make a person in order for the cultural plant to give a harvest? (Right answers - plant, water, remove harmful insects, glow from weeds, treat, if the plant is sick, drive away wild animals that would like to be destroyed with tasty).

    3. Why is a person seeking to enjoy the plants?

    Why didn't a person satisfy that harvest that was given wild plants? Let's compare the fruits of the wild apple tree and an aligned, you probably saw those and others in your life. The wild apple tree fruits are small, mostly sour, and their number is relatively small. As for the apple tree growing in the garden, then the fruits are much more in size, they are sweeter, and their yield is much higher. The same applies to the raspberry - smooth and sour and sour, and the cultural, which can be found in the garden, is large and sweet.

    All this is the result of human impact. It turns out that the word "culture" has another meaning - in translated from Latin, it means "to cultivate", "process". Similarly, as we are "treated" in the theater, in the books, in the process of education, by putting positive qualities and properties, the person comes in relation to plants.

    What else did a person do in order to emphasize the plants? He watched which seeds give the best harvest, and for the next year only them. It increased yield, improved the quality of the plants he grown.

    And the person diversified the products that he grown. For example, a smaller sweet cherry, sour, with a large bone, mostly light red. And the sweet cherry, which we buy in the bazaar and eat every spring and summer (that is, cultural) - it is completely different. First, there are many of its colors and shades - from pale yellow to dark burgundy. Secondly, there are many taste shades, so that everyone will be satisfied - both the lovers of sourness, and fans of sweets.

    Practical task:

    List all kinds of cabbage that you know (the right answer is white, blocked, colored, broccoli, Savoy, Kohlrabi, Brussels, Peking, Chinese). Report to children that all these varieties brought a person in the framework of breeding - special science, which is engaged in improving varieties of plants or rocks of animals, as well as the removal of new ones.

    Evaluation. Ask students to answer verification issues. According to their answers, it will be possible to determine how much they learned the lesson material:

  • What plants can be called wild? What are cultural? Plum, which gives fruit without human intervention and grows on the road to the sea, belongs to cultural or wild?
  • Why does a man inhabit plants? What additional benefits do it gives him?
  • What is the name of the science, which is engaged in improving the existing properties of plants and animals, as well as the formation of new varieties?
  • In addition, due to large quantity Practical tasks can be encouraged by children who were most active during the lesson.

    4. The results of the lesson:

    During the lesson, the student learned:

  • What plants are called wild, which are cultural.
  • What is the difference between them.
  • How cultivated plants appeared.
  • Why man opuls plants.
  • Homework:

    Find 5 wild and 5 cultivated plants that are not growing in Russia and which were not mentioned during the lesson.

    Malina refers to the roster family ( Rosaceae Luss.), Rubus L.

    Podrod Malin ( idaeobatus.) Includes more than 120 species.

    The first written indication of Malina left the ancient Greek scientist Cato Major (Marcus Porcius Cato Major, III BC), the author of the treatise "On Agriculture".

    For a long time, Raspberry was used as wild plant. However, in the IV century, our era, a Roman researcher and writer Palladius in his writings already called Malina Garden Plant.

    The first information about the crust of the raspberry in Western Europe is referred to the XVI century. Malina from the forests transplanted into monastic gardens, where they tried to cultivate.

    In America, Raspberries appeared much later. Brought there first european varieties Red raspberries were not sufficiently adapted to the local climate.

    Cultivation of raspberries in Russia

    The introduction of raspberries in the culture occurred in the XVII century, and in 1828 the three varieties were described in Russia. And already in 1831, there were 12 varieties of raspberries, in 1860 - 150 varieties. In the future, the raspberry sorting has been expanded somewhat somewhat, but still until the end of the century he remained quite poor.

    From the middle of the XIX century, the local raspberry variety was widely cultivated in Russia Sweet and American variety Malborough. Until I found the best replacement, for a long time and I grown raspberry variety Malborough. He has two very significant disadvantages: berries ripen quickly and immediately appear; Berries to taste and aroma are significantly inferior to forest raspberries.

    At the beginning of the 20th century, good raspberries appeared at the breeders of Stupin, Kuzmina, Michurina. Three decades later, the work on the selection of raspberries was continued by the scientific institutions formed in the Soviet Union.

    In the gardens, the main varieties are grown raspberry Red (Rubus Idaeus L.). Most of the modern large-scale Malin of Russian and foreign selection is nothing more than the hybrids of raspberries and blackberries at least in one of the generations.

    IN last years began to cultivate I. malina Black (R. Occidentalis L.). Russian scientists received first grades using raspberries Korean (R. Coreanus Mig), raspberry females (R. Crafaegifoiius BGE.), raspberry winery (R. Phoenicoiasius Maxim.). By virtue of their unusual advantages (immunity, etc.), these varieties may be standard, but so far it is too early to write about it - completely selection work is not yet completed.

    In connection with the change in the technology of deforestation and planting the forest, recently we have less and less wild forest raspberry. In former times, they tried not to leave stumps from cut-off trees - they were hardened and cried together with small branches in large trees, where she loved to settle raspberries. And on the released place manually or with the help of simple devices a young forest was planted. Now the stumps do not hurt, plant seedlings are planted with powerful technology - it does not give wild rain of good conditions for growth and reproduction.

    All about Malina On the website

    The names of wild plants can be found in a huge number of reference books, these are those plants that apply either by self-sowing, or a piglet without the need to participate a person. They do not need artificial creation Special conditions and can themselves adapt to life in wildlife. Wild-growing appeared before cultural species appeared, because initially the planet was completely populated only by them.

    Now, many wild plants can represent greater energy nutritional value, although their names are forgotten by many. The fact is that these plants do not threaten neither chemicalization of fields, nor the oversaturation of nitrates and pesticides. After all, the plant itself chooses the soil and does not interfere with its composition. Diororosts do not threaten us poisoning as some vegetables grown in fields or greenhouses using elevated doses of mineral and other fertilizers. Here is a small list of the names of wild plants suitable in food in various kinds:

    nettle, sornery, horsetail, soul man, raspberry, hypership, currant, mint, sick, chamber, chicory, hops, dandelion, plantain, median, burdock, clover, Ivan tea, doodnik, and of course woody plants pine, linden, birch and Others.

    But it is not enough to know the names of wild-growing plants suitable for plant food, we must still be able to distinguish them from other plants. If you are not sure what kind of plant in front of you, in no case do not take it into food or for medicinal purposes, it may have hazardous consequences.

    Photo wildlying

    Dandelion. Young dandelion leaflets are completely replaced by a non-suspended greens in the garden. Contains a lot of vitamin C, beta - carotene, a group of vitamins B and a complete set of trace elements - iron and calcium.

    Decorative beautiful plants at the cottage lift the mood and decorate the plot. When landing, it is necessary to highlight the time to care. When choosing wild evergreen shrubs, the situation consists much easier: you only need to choose the options that carry the climate in which they will grow, and then the nature will do everything itself.

    What are the shrubs

    Any plant can have several varieties, based on the information on which gardeners becomes clear how to care for them. There are several criteria that determine the types of shrubs wildlying:

    • Height. It may be low (even dwarf) or high wild shrubs, similar to trees.
    • Leaves. They meet both shrubs deciduous from the traditional type of leaflets and conifers - with modifications.
    • Bloom. Separate groups can give fragrant flowers, berries or even fruit.
    • Flowering time. Among the shrubs of wild, you can find those that grow only in the summer, others are pleased with the eyes all year. Some sfwlight in one season, and other can be called longitudes.


    In cities and beyond the limits of seeing plants with leaves. They can be different shapes or sizes depending on the type of specific representative. Wild shrubs of hardwood are affected by their diversity: there are both blooming and fruitful. Some of them are known to every person, and the names of others are not talking about. Among deciduous, you can allocate:

    • Barberry. Shrub has leafy with a pointed top, small yellow flowers, oblong berries.
    • Kalina. Leaves are like maple.
    • Kissel. Reminds a small tree with oval glossy leaves.
    • Lilac. Prayerless, refers to evergreen shrubs.
    • Magnolia. Is a big shrub. There are white, pink or even orange fragrant flowers.
    • Daphne. Beautiful, but poisonous plant.
    • Beeskeleton. It consists of rounded leaves, the flowers do not attract attention.
    • Honeysuckle. Elliptic leaves are complemented by small fruits, which some species are edible.
    • Raspberries. Shrub S. delicious berries It has unparalleled leaves.
    • Rosehip. Fragrant flowers in combination with berries and small leaflets are a very beautiful shrub.


    If the leaves do not have the leaves, then most likely they are covered with cheese. In fact, this is so called modified leaves, but shrubs of this type are combined under the class of conifers. Most of the data of the Flora representatives prefer to grow under the rays of the Sun, but there are those who will like the half. Coniferous plants: shrubs and trees are unpretentious, so often used in the design of garden sites. More common among gardeners juniper, tess, cryptomeria.

    Shrubs for Garden

    Gardening of your own household plots has been fashionable for a long time. Greens in front of the house pleases the eye, adds paints. Wild shrubs in the garden are an opportunity to decorate the territory without special temporary costs for further care. You need to know their features, so when viewing a photo on the horticultural catalogs, pay attention to the description. Beautiful shrubs for giving can be, for example, blooming or fruit, and some require special conditions.


    Most gardeners prefer the greens on the site to be diluted with other shades, so choose options that will bloom. Before growing wildflower shrubs, provide them with suitable conditions or you can choose unpretentious to weather changes. List of shrubs that can bloom, wide: honeysuckle, lilac, rosehip are distinguished from it.


    Late autumn is a period of gradual wading of nature. Some people have a decrease in the number sunlight Together with the reduction in the number of shades on the street causes a depressive state. If you live in a private house or from time to time come to the country in winter, then evergreen shrubs will be good way decorate the territory, admire the plants round year. You can land them anywhere in the site or even do live hedge. In this category, you can make raspberries, barberries, an eavesklet, a caticker, a wolter year, magnolia.


    Fruit trees are often placed on the summer site not so much for beauty, as if possible to collect their own harvest. Wild-growing fruit shrubs cope with both functions. Most of them besides fruits or berries possess beautiful flowers. However, not every beautiful combing fruit shrub Can give an edible harvest. For example, a wickey year is better to just admire, since all of its parts of poisonous, but rose hips and barberry berries are not only possible, but you need to eat.

    Shrubs of Russia - Photo and titles

    Each plant is adapted to certain conditions habitat. On the territory of such a big country as Russia, there are many climatic zones. This explains the variety of flora in a particular region. A completely different conditions in the Crimea, in Kuban, in the Altai Territory, the Volgograd region, so carrying plants for planting in the garden plot undesirable. Some shrubs are unpretentious: with a small fluctuate of temperature and humidity, they also grow well, like with their native climates, the other poorly carry even the slightest weather fluctuations.

    Krasnodar Region

    If you characterize the climate of the south of Russia, then in general it can be described as moderate. Humidity here is sufficient, and the sun in excess, which determines the predisposition of wild shrubs to sunny weather. Most of the deciduous plants are found - both blooming and flaky. The wild shrubs of the Krasnodar Territory do not require specific care, which does not interfere with their disembarking in the country area.

    • Has big leaflets, round red berries. Stalling tolerate drought, cloud weather.
    • Find a shrune hawthorn in the edges of the forest bar.
    • Berries and hawthorn flowers are used in the manufacture of medicines for the treatment of heart disease.

    Breaking Crush:

    • Leaf leafs are long, elliptical shape. Greenish-white flowers are often lost among the leaves. Berries are crazy poisonous.
    • A shrub on the edges of forests or on the banks of the rivers is growing.
    • It is useful to cruise. It helps to get rid of such a delicate ailment as constipation.

    Rostov region

    The climate has an indisputable effect on flora. In the Rostov region he is moderately continental. In the summer months it is hot here, and the winter is moved easily, because the temperatures are not too low. Shrub plants of this region are adapted to droughts that often happen in summer. Representatives of the Flora of the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov region often coincide.

    Almond Steppe:

    • Shrub with linear lanceal leaves and raspberry colors. There are fruits.
    • Growing on solar plots.
    • Almond oil is used in cosmetics for skin and hair regeneration.

    Karagan Shrub:

    • A shrub may look very lush because of the beam growing of leaves and colors. Frost-resistant, not sensitive to droughts.
    • Grows mainly in the forests.
    • Parts of the Karagani are often used in alternative medicine for the treatment of different ailments.

    Middle strip of Russia

    The central European part of Russia is characterized by no dry, but warm summer and frosty winter. Here are predominantly broader and mixed forest zones. Structants of the middle strip are usually resistant to low temperatures and easily transfer the winter season. Often you can meet not only deciduous, but also coniferous plants.


    • It is an evergreen plant with rounded leaves and unpleasant colors.
    • It is found near broadband or mixed forests.
    • It is often used to build alive hedges.

    Honeysuckle Ordinary:

    • It is characterized by large beautiful colors, round red berries, located couples.
    • Grows in forests, ravines, near rivers.
    • Beautiful looks at the garden plot. Puts to pollen with nectar.

    Astrakhan region

    The climate of various regions of Russia can vary greatly: for example, in the Astrakhan region it is continental dry. In winter, there is no snow here, often at this time of year there will be thaws. From April to July, the greatest number of precipitation falls, which are storm rains, and sometimes hail. Interesting shrubs of the Astrakhan region grow in the Delta and the floodplain of the Volga.

    Shrub amorph:

    • It can reach a height of 6 m, has unparalleled elliptic leaves and small but very beautiful colors.
    • Forest edges - Favorite Habitat Amorphy.
    • Useful for vegetative disorders and neurosis.
    • It has thin branches, narrow pointed leaves, earrings, fruits in the form of small boxes.
    • Grows in the floodplain part of the rivers.
    • From the bark of the shrub make a decoction for staining of fabrics.


    It is difficult to imagine that in a large densely populated city, green planting lives well. However, shrubs of the Moscow region and Moscow perfectly feel in such conditions. The climate is similar middle laneTherefore, representatives of flora are repeated. Often, near Moscow gardeners are planting wild beautiful shrubs in their dacha, where they are rejoicing the eyes.

    • You can learn a robe in beautiful colors with a stunning aroma of roses. Sweet fruits ripen after the achievement of a three-year-old bush.
    • May grow everywhere depending on the species.
    • Pieces of rosehip are used for medical purposes. Fruits contain a large number of Vitamins.
    • Evergreen shrub with gear leaves and umbrella inflorescences.
    • Unpretentious to the absence of light, but placed where more moisture.
    • Berries and Valina Cora are used in folk medicine.

    Perennial shrubs for Siberia

    The huge region, located in the north-east of the country, is customary to refer to Siberia. If you save deeper, then geography and climatic characteristics These areas differ in each other. Siberian's wild shrubs and other Flora representatives can be adapted to slightly different conditions depending on the particular location.


    • Frost-resistant plants with oval leaves combined into bundles. It has oblong red berries.
    • Grows with sufficient light penetration with low humidity.
    • From berries prepare delicious jam, confitures, floppers and other sweets.

    Holly Caught:

    • Brilliant dark green leaves are complemented by white flowers and buses.
    • Best grows on acidic soil.
    • The leaves are used for the manufacture of diuretics.


    The nature of our planet is extremely diverse. Each continent, part of the world, country, area, edge and city can boast of excellent representatives of flora, which not only decorate all the surrounding space, but also contribute to the purification of air.

    A large role in the nature and life of a person is played by various vital forms of plants, including those such as wild shrubs. It is about them that will be discussed in the article.

    Warranty plants

    Such is usually called those plants that live in natural natural conditions and are not evidently human. They populate fields and meadows, steppes and savanna, deserts and forests. You can attribute to them:

    • trees;
    • shrubs;
    • half-workers;
    • shrub;
    • herbs;
    • liana;
    • palms.

    That is, all existing vital forms of plants. Specifically, wild shrubs constitute the main part of the undergrowth, thickets, outskirts of the meadows and fields, roadside of the roads, the landscape of urban arrays. It is such forms that are used to create livestocks in front of residential buildings, outlets and other facilities.

    Wild-growing trees, shrubs, herbs are an integral beautiful part that they are still at the entrance to our country talk about her beauty, stability and splendor.

    Shrubs of Russia

    Warranty shrubs of our region are distinguished by a large species diversity. They are common in all stripes and latitudes, form deciduous and partly lifted hills and mountain arrays. Also among them there are many representatives whom a person uses in ornamental purposes for gardening sites. Berries of some species are actively used in food and are valued for their vitamin components. Even the dosage forms of wild shrubs of Russia have.

    The most common species growing in wildlife are:

    • spirea;
    • hawthorn;
    • snowberry;
    • kalina Forest;
    • bowls Bowl;
    • barbaris ordinary;
    • chinese lemongrass;
    • bearded bearing;
    • daphne;
    • honeysuckle ordinary;
    • karagan tree;
    • swamp cranberries;
    • solving ordinary;
    • raspberry ordinary;
    • bubbler;
    • hungarian Russian;
    • lilac;
    • rosehip;
    • chubuschnik and others.

    The wild shrubs of our region are very beautiful, diverse in nature in nature and the meaning for a person. There are a number of such species that people seek to plant and propagate in their land with different purposes: decorative, nutritious, landscape-designer. Such representatives include the following wild trees and shrubs: cherry, blueberries, apple tree, ash, rosehip, thuja, pine, spruce, currant, plum, lilac, rowan, rinker, isastor, alder, sea buckthorn, juniper, raspberry, pear, hazelnik , Kalina, Barbaris, Grapes, Lipa, Lemongrass, Gooseberries, Crushshchka, Maple, Honeysuckle, Oak and others.


    Perhaps one of the most valuable shrubs in both wild and in cultural form. The height of the plant is up to 2 m, the branches are red-brown, shiny, covered with bent spikes. Pink flowers, bright. This plant belongs to the rosetic family. The leaves are rounded, collected several pieces on one cut. The edge is finely cut. Rosehip fruits bright orange, elliptical or rounded shape.

    With the most antiquity, this plant was considered a healing source of important substances and vitamins. Avicenna also called a rose rose to the liver disease. Today this plant is valued not only for their medicinal propertiesBut for a beautiful appearance and unpretentiousness to habitat. Gentle raspberry roses leave no one indifferent. Blossom continues from mid-May to the end of June.

    For the manufacture of drugs, all parts of the plant are used, except the leaves: fruits, roots, stems and flowers. The most valuable substances in the composition of the plant are carotenoids, vitamins of group B and RR, flavonoids, organic acids, essential oils.


    Wild-growing shrubs of the species of Spiray include about 90 species. Some of them were longly aligned with people and is very widely used for landscape design of the plots.

    This plant is from 2 meters and more in height. Coloring flowers, leaves, their shape and dimensions - it all depends on the specific type. Most often there are white-flowered or rose-colored forms, less often with purple coloring bunny.

    The types of spires of the middle, the most common in nature in Russia, are beautiful wild shrubs, whose photos can be seen below.

    The following representatives are also very popular:

    • Japanese.
    • Tunberg.
    • Nipponskaya.
    • Dubrazolic.
    • Golden.
    • Wangutta.
    • Argut.
    • Gray.

    Spectacular, covered with fragrant bright inflorescences Busta few people can leave indifferent, this is explained by such popularity of the plant. Medicinal value practically does not have.

    Shrubs Moscow region: titles

    This group includes not only domesticated wild shrubs of the Moscow region are also widely populated by local biotopes. The most common among cultural forms that are floating cottage and garden sites are fruit-berry species.

    1. Grapes of various varieties.
    2. Quince and variety of plums.
    3. Blueberry.
    4. Honeysuckle.
    5. Gooseberry.
    6. Raspberries.
    7. Rowan.
    8. Currant.
    9. Yoshta.
    10. Blackberry.

    Among the wild organisms of this group, you can distinguish such as an enemy, a wolter year, a male, bubbler, maple, lilac, Weighel Middendorf, Buzin, Raknik, Deren, Rhododendron, Forzing, Loch, Peony, Rowan, Roses, Almonds, Hawthorn, Iva, Barbaris and others.

    Most of the above names are generic. This means that each plant has a variety of varieties. Therefore, the total number of shrub forms of the suburbs is quite serious. This brings great benefits, since the plants are cleaned and updated air, contribute to the normalization of its composition.

    European bearing

    And wild, and cultural shrub plant. In some areas of our country, it is cultivated as an industrial object, since the roots of the Beckleta contain Guttaperch.

    The height of such wild shrubs up to 3 meters and above. Leaves are quite large (up to 10 cm), oval shape. Flowers are going to inflorescences, so they become well noticeable. Coloring of a whisk - pink with white. After fruit, fruits, red or dark pink are formed. They are poisonous, but are used as medicinal.

    The decorative value of the Becklet is its fruits and beautiful dense leaves. It is well built by spectacular living hedges, so it is used in landscape design.


    Low plants, height up to 1.5 meters. Completed in Siberia, Western and Eastern. Very bright fruits give such wild shrubs. Because of them, it was given. This is a juicy bright red kitty, looking like a berry. However, it is impossible to use them, as they are not too, but poisonous.

    Sleeper pink flowers, seats. A very pleasant aroma exuded due to the essential oils contained, so they attract many insects. Mainly magpical leaves, rounded or slightly pointed, pubescent.

    The medicine uses berries of this plant, as well as parts of the bark. The main diseases that help drugs on the wolch year, - gout, rheumatism, paralysis.

    Warranty shrubs of the Urals

    The flora of the Urals, the Siberia, Siberia and the Far East on the species composition of shrub shapes has a great similarity. So, the common types in these territories are such as Quince, Barbaris, Buzin, Weigla, Mascolier, Deren, Dark, Honey, Iva and other plants.

    All of them form a general view of the nature of fields and meadows, forest arrays. Thanks to such plants like wild shrubs and trees, the picture of the natural habitat of animals and people becomes complete, tank, beautiful and diverse.

    You can bring a brief list of those types of the Urals, which are the main for these places. These are wild shrubs whose names are shown below.

    1. Kalina.
    2. Kizilniki different types.
    3. Clematis.
    4. Prince Siberian.
    5. Magonia Padurbisnaya.
    6. Malina fragrant.
    7. Painful Sweet Gorky.
    8. Rushkirt Russian.
    9. Different types of rhododendrons.
    10. Roses of all kinds.
    11. Spirei.
    12. Lilac.
    13. Chubuschnik and others.

    This is naturally not a complete list, however, including the most common types of Urals. Most of them are a source of nutrition for forest animals, a person. Many are dosage forms of plants.


    The most common appearance of this shrub in the Urals - Barbaris ordinary. Plant height - up to 2 meters. The stalks are abundantly equipped with spikes, the leaves are thickly tired of the branches, they have a very beautiful dark purple color. This creates a very spectacular contrast with yellow-orange flowers and bright red fruits berries. Therefore, Barbaris is willing to use people as a garden shrub.

    Kiznicker brilliant

    A widespread plant in the Urals. Often occurs like in natural natureand in the gardens, in the country areas. It turned out such fame for an attractive appearance: high bushes (up to 3 meters) with a scattering crown interesting in the form of leaves.

    The main advantage is frost resistance and drought resistance. It received its name for the corresponding surfaces of the leaves. Flowers are collected in inflorescences, small, white or pinkish. The fruits are bright red, not poisonous. Are a source of feed for many birds and animals.

    In decorative purposes, types of a cylinder are used to create alive hedges with beautiful bunches of hanging fruits of black or red.

    Lilac ordinary

    This plant is only one type of the set relating to the general family lilac of the olive family. This shrub is famous not only in the Urals, but also almost throughout our country.

    Beautiful odorless inflorescences, consisting of many brushes of small gentle flowers, attract not only insect pollinators, but also animals, birds, people. Coloring of the corollas is different: from snow-white to lilac-pink. Used in decorative purposes and medicinal.