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All about autumn planting fruit trees and shrubs. What trees and why it is better to plant in the fall when the seedlings start to plant

Each gardener wants to see his garden healthy, beautiful and abundant fruit. Pledge good height, lush flowering and obtaining a crop is a proper landing fruit trees In the spring.

Unfortunately, the owner of the site is not always responsible for this procedure, choosing for a tree the first thing that has fallen, somehow by organizing the landing pit or placing seedlings too often, without taking into account their growing. Wait for fruiting and good harvest In this case, it is not necessary. How and when to plant fruit trees in spring seedlings? How are any secrets that allow plants to root faster and proceed to growth?

Dates of planting seedlings of fruit trees in spring

First of all, it is necessary to clarify the dates of planting plants. The literature often indicates that for seedlings of trees, the preferred autumn landing is, however, it must be borne in mind that this recommendation concerns the southern regions.

In the conditions of a long warm autumn, winter-hard-resistant trees and shrubs have time to acclimatize and root, quite well carrying winter and from early spring starting to grow. The north the garden plot is located, the greater the risk of the trees.

Therefore, in the northern regions, planting fruit trees is more often being taken. At the same time, it is possible to save seedlings of even the warmest cultures, and also successfully transfer plants to the ground with an open root system. True, such a landing has one feature. It should be carried out as early as possible so that the beginning of the growing season of the seedling is already in the soil at a permanent place of residence. Another "sleeping" trees are not sensitive to the active sun and possible freezing.

When to plant fruit trees and shrubs on which foliage has already appeared? Indeed, today on spring sales can be purchased planting material Already with discontinuished kidneys and even leaves. Waiting for such shrubs and trees can not. But it is best to land them:

  • upon the occurrence of stable heat, when not, especially at night, the danger of frostbite shoots and the root system;
  • in cloudy weather, when less risk sun burn The kidneys and foliage, which is not accustomed to the straight sun.

Specific dates for planting in the spring of fruit trees and shrubs seedlings depend on the climatic and weather characteristics of the region, the composition of the soil and the location of the site. As a rule, there are less actively in low-rise shorts, the soil enhances the ground that puts the landing.

Whatever time for planting seedlings of fruit trees in spring, preparation for work is beginning in the fall, choosing a place in advance for plants and preparing landing pit.

Scheme of planting fruit trees and shrubs on the plot

Looking for a place for the future fruit gardenIt must be remembered that not only soil fertility is extremely important for plants and, but also lighting. For young plants, the plot is selected with such a calculation so that the seedlings are at least half of the day. At the same time, for the rapid trees, it is necessary to provide protection from the cold wind.

For speedy acclimatization advised to plant fruit plants So how they grow in the nursery. It is possible to determine the orientation of the tree on the sides of the light, starting from the two-year age along the length of the side shoots. On the south side, they are usually developed better than from the north.

But as in the spring, plant a seedling of fruit tree, if a three-year or older plant is brought from the nursery with an asymmetric crown? In this case, it is more useful to deploy so that short branches look south. After a couple of years, taking into account the corrective trimming, the crown will become uniform and correct.

Mastering a new plot, novice dacnis often make serious mistake. When planting in the spring of fruit trees, they do not take into account that the height, the width of the crown and the features of the agricultural engineering in planted species can be very different. A young garden looks well-groomed and growing together, but in a few years it is found that a large pear completely departed downwards, and under the crowns cherries are not visible berry shrubs.

At the stage of planning, the exact scheme of the arrangement of trees is determined. From this plan will subsequently depend on the health of plants, and their progress.

How to determine when landing minimum distance between fruit trees?

Measuring the distance between the seedlings, focus on the total value of the height of neighboring adult trees. For example, a fruiting cherry reaches a three-meter height, which means between the adjacent trees of one species and the variety should be at least six meters. This will create all the conditions of development, as a result:

  • crowns of grudging trees will not block and shadow each other;
  • nothing will prevent pollination flowering trees, growth and rank of fruits;
  • it is much easier to care for the culture and remove the harvest.

In addition, with such a landing of fruit trees and shrubs on the site, the risk of infection of the garden with fungal infections and insect damage is seriously reduced.

How to plant fruit trees in spring seedlings?

Little to purchase high-quality planting material. Any seedling can die if the preparation for its landing was conducted "after the sleeves". The planting of fruit trees scheduled for spring suggests that the pits of them will be laid back from autumn. If this fails to do this, and for the shovel, the summer house is taken in the spring, then from the moment of laying the pit before the roots of the tree fall into it, there must be no less than two weeks.

Two- or three-year, pears, plums and other bone cultures differ little dimensions, therefore they dig a hole at least 80 cm with a diameter and the same depth. When a plant with a closed root system has to be planted, it is convenient to navigate the size of the container, making a hole by 15-20 cm wider and deeper.

For the garter of a new garden inheritant, the pits are immediately driven by a solid support that will help the plant to maintain verticality in the coming years.

Oddly enough, the care of the fruit tree begins not after landing, but to it with fertilizer and the preparation of the soil in which the seedlove will fall. From autumn in the pit you can make fresh manurewhich over the winter rewinds and will not be on the roots of the burglaring of the influence. If the soil on the site is too acidic, it is lime or mixed with the dolomite flour. If necessary, an excessively dense soil is mixed with sand, and a fertile black soil is added to the suts.

C.tYCH During the planting, the spring of the fruit seedling did not contact with manure or granulated means, the fertilizer layer is poured with a small amount of fertile soil.

How did the fruit trees fit on the prepared pits in the spring? Step-by-step execution:

  1. The roots of the plants with the open root system are straightening if you need to be soaked at night to return to the tone to be repeated.
  2. On cone fertile soil The seedling is installed so that the roots are freely located in the pit, and the root neck was above the surface of the soil for five centimeters. Check the correctness of the installation of the seedling can be using a shovel.
  3. The tree is sprinkled with soil, not allowing emptiness between roots and under the barrel.

Landing a seedling with a closed root system is much easier. It is only necessary to put a moistened earthen kom in the pit, check the layout level of the neck and sprinkle emptiness by the substrate. At the end of the procedure, young trees and shrubs are necessarily watered.

Independently understand the intricacies of the process will help the video on planting seedlings of fruit trees in spring. Attentive attitude towards the needs of plants and thorough preparation will be the key to the fact that theoretical knowledge benefits will benefit in practice.


The transplantation for the plant is a traumatic operation that is better to produce during the period of natural peace, then it happens almost "under anesthesia". This is especially true of seedlings with bare roots.

Most fruit trees are better to plant on permanent place After the completion of vegetation processes - in the fall. Approximately, it is a month before the drainage of the top layer of the soil. Some trees are better to plant in spring. Let's talk more about the timing of planting seedlings of fruit trees, how to fertilize and carefully care for them.

Determine that the tree is ready to transplant, very simple. The main criterion - the tree dropped half the leaves. They are guided by landing and apple trees, as well as all berry bushes.

The roots of bushes and trees do not have rest period, continue to grow in winter. Optimal temperature For rooting +4 ° C and higher. Given that the earth is freezing not so soon, the growth of the roots continues almost without a winter break.

Varieties of apple trees and pears with insufficient frost resistance, as well as all bone (cherry, cherry, plum, apricot and peach), it is better to plant in spring. Moreover, it is necessary to do it as early as possible - there is no moisture yet and the kidneys did not dismiss.

In any case, landing pits are preparing in advance - for spring landing, for example, from autumn (August - September). Extreme minimum time to prepare a holes - 2 weeks.

How to choose a seedling for landing in the Moscow region and other regions

In order not to throw away the money on the wind and grow a really yield fruit tree, the seedling should be approached with understanding and responsibly.

Choose a seedling with an open root system

  1. Primarily, the variety should be zoned.
  2. To increase the likelihood of buying the desired variety, purchase them in a specialized nursery, not "from the hands" by the road.
  3. Roots should not be shorter than 25 centimeters, Fresh and intact. The more branched thin roots, the higher the probability of success.
  4. On roots There should be no growths - This is a symptom of root cancer. The root cut should be white.
  5. Carefully look at the trunk For damage to the bark.

When buying a seedling with leaves, carefully tear them - the seedling will not lose moisture.

Roots wrap with damp bags or newspapers in several layers. If the seedling is still dried, immerse it into the water per day, two, until the bark returns a fresh look.

You can process the roots in stimulants before landing (Corneser or heteroacexin) according to the instructions.

Especially make sure the roots are not sinking. These sections will certainly start - they must be carefully removed to a healthy part.

Choose a seedling in the container

Such a landing material is more expensive. If you choose it correctly, you can land at any time convenient for you. Accessibility guaranteed ...

How not to be mistaken

The easiest to check how long the village is growing in the mind, - gently raise the plant for the root part. If the earth comes along with the roots, you need to buy - the sapling "lives" in the container for a long time.

Will additionally help you make sure that you choose root sprouted through a hole in the corner of the container.

Choosing a container seedling, from two - take a younger in age. His roots certainly do not cut before planting a pot for sale.

The tree is installed in the prepared landing pit without disturbing the integrity of the Koma of the Earth. Water and fall asleep prepared soil without a shrinkage of a sapling.

Rules landing seedlings in the garden plot at different times of the year?

The choice of space for planting the fruit tree - it is produced once and for all, success or disappointment depends on this choice. If the place is unsuitable for the fruit tree, after a few years it will not be possible to correct the error.

Choose for landing solar place protected from wind. The close arrangement of the groundwater is unacceptable - the tree can successfully develop 5-7 years, and when its roots reach aquifer - it will die from posting. At this age, the tree is incredibly difficult to transplant.

Preparatory activities

Even the soil selection is not such a critical condition for planting fruit tree. By improving the structure of the soil and right feeding Almost any plot is suitable for gardening.

Pricing pit

Even in the case of a fertile chernozem, it is necessary to land a tree start with the preparation of landing pit. It needs to be digging at least a month before planting a seedling. During this time, a diverse earth will have time to track. This is a factor of extraordinary importance - there will be no problems with the correct shrimp of the root seedling.

Root neck - where is it?

We will specify that this "root neck" is. Often, inexperienced gardeners for the root neck take place of vaccinations, and as a result, the seedling on the extra 10 centimeters are plugged. Actually, this is a plot where the trunk goes to the root. At this place, the dark color of the root goes into a brighter bark of the strap.

The most common mistake is landing into a fresh pit. Actually, not in the poem itself. While the Earth does not seek, it is very difficult to completely bu in the root cervix. It is known that that it can not be buried, neither to collapse - the tree will not be able to develop normally in both cases.

After landing, the seedling should not have a lack of nutrients, even if it does not take place. At this stage, very often from the best motives of gardeners "overwhelm" seedlings fertilizers.

Particularly dangerous for young plants to add fresh organic to the pit and too a large number of mineral fertilizer . These two extremes act equally depressing on soil microorganisms, namely they help the roots of the seedling to absorb nutrients from the soil and air.

  1. For aircraft 1-2 years old, it is necessary dig a pit size of about 80x80 centimeters And the same depth. In the process of digging the pit, the top is a more fertile layer fold separately from the lower. All stones and roots of many years of weeds are cleaned. The bottom of the pit needs to be swapped on the bayonet shovel.
  2. On the bottom of the pits to improve the water balance pour last year's leaves, house debris, wood ash . It will not only be a good drainage, but also an excellent extra dressing tree.
  3. In pit add 2 buckets of compost or humus, and come as follows.
  4. One bucket is mixed with a more fertile land of the upper layer and poured on the bottom of the pit. On this hilly, install a seedling, running his roots And fall asleep the second part of the compost directly to the roots. At the same time shook the seedling so that there are no air emptiness, not filled with soil.
  5. Good irrigationt (minimum, 2 buckets of water).
  6. Jama fall asleep to the top. To do this, only the upper fertile layer is used.
  7. From the bottom layer of the earth form the root Lunka Around the priority circle.
  8. Watered again in the educated well and mulley fall asleep (peat, heavy sawdust, foliage, chips), it will not only retain water, but also will not give to form a dense crust.

When landing the root neck is not enough to buoy enough. This option is easy to fix, lumbering the Earth into the rolling circle.

Scheme of planting fruit trees and shrubs

The density of planting trees depends not only on the type, but also from:

  • type of rooted seedling,
  • further formation method
  • plot layout features.

The most common mistake of novice gardeners, too dense landing. It is very hard in the plates of seedlings - one-axles to see the trees at least 2.5 meters in 10 years. The recommended planking scheme of shrubs and trees is shown below.

and pears on heavy-random flows are located at a distance of 5 meters, the average - 3.5-4 meters, dwarf - 2.5-3 meters. Colon's shapes can be planted even after 0.5 meters in a row.

No less laying when landing seedlings near the house, it is especially true of the tall forms of fruit, and especially take care of the location - Over time, it will be a 10-meter spreader tree.

To rationally use the area between the seedlings, while setting between the rows of currant bushes (after 10 years it will still have to emerge - the bush will be aged) or garden strawberries.

Care for just planted with wood in the spring-autumn period

After landing young Tsechka In addition, you need to feed the seedlove, there must be a proper subsequent care. First time after landing the most seedlings need watering. Among experienced gardeners The old school is the opinion that the seedlings need irrigation for 2 years, even if they arrived successfully. Watering need even put the trees to the most frosts. Only then the tree will grow strong and healthy.

No matter how much desire to try the harvest from the young tree, the first flowers must be deleted. This is especially true of the first year after landing, otherwise the tree will give all the forces on the first few fruits, and the root system and the developed crown can not repel.

In addition to watering, a young tree requires preventive events To protect against pests and fungal diseases. Do not go around their attention during each garden processing. The loss of branches and leaves from the invasion of pests or any disease can be critical for a young tree.

Preparation of young trees for winter includes:

  • mulching a robust circle
  • tempets Stamba For the prevention of solar and frosty winter burns,
  • protection against rodents and hares.

The mulching layer must necessarily cover the rolling circle not only in the summer to preserve moisture in the root zone. Especially needed mulch in the autumn-winter period. Even in conditions Middle strip And the Moscow region, the roots of the seedling of a tree or shrub can suffer from freezing, especially if snow cover is insignificant.

Fertilizers and feeding for fruit tree

A well-fledged landing pit provides the nutrition of a planted village for 2 years. Practically, it needs only in watering.

Garden feeding are held on well-minded rule.:

  1. spring - nitrogen and organic fertilizers,
  2. in autumn - Potash and phosphate.

Fertilizers are usually produced in surveillance Circles Early spring (1) or autumn (2).

In the roasting fertilizer zone are made at the rate of 1 weaving the garden:

  • organic 300-500 kg (every 2-3 years),
  • inorganic N: P: K in proportions of 1.5: 1: 0.6 (in recalculation on kg of chemically pure matter).

In addition to root feeding, gardeners often practice leafy. Use the so-called, "tank mixtures" - joint solutions chemical preparations, for example, against pests and a complex of leafy feeding.

Leaf feeding, unlike root, have an action almost instantly. Through the surface of the leaves they absorb garden plant Already after 4 hours. Especially active this process takes place on the bottom of the sheet.

Another "plus" such processing - Fertilizer consumption is minimal. For example, a solution of 1 tablespoon of nitrate is prepared for nitrogen feeding.

The only inconvenience cannot be processed immediately before the rain.

Another important moment, any fertilizers the garden is better to "unoccuping" ...


The optimal duration of planting fruit trees depends on the set of factors:

  • From the climatic conditions of your region.
  • From winter hardiness sapling.
  • From the type of seedling is a container or with a "naked root".

In order not to get confused, the gardeners of Ukraine have an old rule that is all the more necessary For colder regions - All bone sites in the spring, seed - autumn.

Create a beautiful fruitful garden on its site - a dream of any gardener. How difficult is this task? First, it should be understood that all fruit trees are perennials, which means the crop will be able to collect no earlier than in 3-7 years. And only if the tree is properly planted. In the article, we will look at how the seedlings of fruit trees should occur and what to pay attention to to avoid mistakes.

First of all, you need to choose the right place to plant a tree in the garden.

If you decide to plant fruit trees on cottage plot, It is necessary to correctly pick a place for landing and neighbors for the tree. It is best to make a scheme of a plot where it is clear to designate the future location fruit crops And all points of the plan of the upcoming work.

First you need to decide on the varieties and types of trees. Then make a planning plan, indicating its distinctive features for each type:

  1. which height reaches the tree (in order to take into account the degree of shades of neighboring crops);
  2. what type of crown of wood (to avoid the concentration of plantations);
  3. when the tree gives fruit - the early period of maturation, medium or late (to ensure proper care).

Also, the scheme should be made an approximate distance between cultures to avoid the closest neighborhood between high splashing trees and dwarf species (in this case, the latter will start cracking over time). Calculate the distance can be as follows:

  1. Tall and medium-pointed fruit trees with a wide crown should be located on a plot of perimeter at least 10 m per 10 m.
  2. Dwarf - 5 m per 5 m.
  3. Colon's crops - 2 m per 2 m.

Don't forget about proper selection Neighbors, since not all cultures are able to calmly get along with each other. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Next to the apple tree, a pear, plum, cherry, quince. Bad is a cherry and viburnum.
  2. Next to the pear feels like an apple tree and rowan, but the plum, Kalina and a cherry, it is better to plant away.
  3. Cherry and plum grow great next to the apple tree, but far from a pear.

For ease of work and avoid errors, you can transfer the scheme to the site, and for each planting place Put cards with the name of crops.

Second Stage - Preparation for Landing

At this stage, you need to choose seedlings, decide on the landing date and prepare the soil.

The soil

It is important to properly prepare the soil and choose a seedlove.

If you decide to remove the old tree and put a new one in his place, you need to wait at least 2-3 years. It is impossible to plant new culture Immediately, since the soil did not have time to relax, there were certain substances in it, which will prevent the new tree to gain strength.

If the soil on the plot is too acidic, you need to add to it dolomite flour. You can do it all over the site, or only in the landing pits.

Landing time

Trees plant in spring or autumn, depending on the climatic conditions of the region or from the variety of trees.

So, frost-resistant seedlings with an average or late ripening period (apple, cherries, pears) are planted in autumn. Heat-loving and enemora-resistant trees (apricots, peaches, cherries, early apples and pears) - in spring.

Southern regions

Here fruit trees are taken to plant in the fall, when the leaves with adult trees have already faltered. Warm autumn weather is favorable for a young tree, the root comes around well and gives small roots. They supply water culture and nutrient substances. Thus, the seedlock is prepared for wintering, which is perfectly tolerated.

Spring trees in spring in the southern regions is not recommended, since the spring weather is very unstable, it can sharply go to a hot dry summer. As a result, the sapling will start to dry out, and even fresh iris He will not save him.

Northern regions

The landing of seedlings in the fall in these areas is not accepted, because frosts occur early, the soil freezes, which means the root will not have time to take care.

The best time for landing is the spring period, when the kidneys begin to bloom, and the air temperature grows daily. The tree planted at this time will time to start the roots, and during the summer it will increase the above-ground part, giving an annual increase. When autumn and winter comes, the fruit tree will be absolutely ready to calmly survive the wintering.

Medium strip

The landing of cultures in these regions can occur both in the spring (before the dissolution of the kidneys) and in the fall (after falling leaves).

Seat selection

When choosing fruit seedlings, you need to pay attention to the root system. It happens:

  1. open (it is better to use for landing in the fall to track the condition of the roots and cut them if necessary);
  2. closed (more suitable for spring landing, when the earth is enough to be free).

The main roots should have many small apparent roots, which first will begin to take care. Cuts on the roots must be white, or with a pink or yellow tint. But in no case is not dry - such a tree is not viable. The seedling age should be no more than 1-2 years.

If the seedlock is purchased early autumn And there are still leaves on it, they should be cut. Otherwise, they will evaporate moisture, which will prevent the tree to take care. Bought in front of the fall, you need to go to the bag with sand and leave until spring.

In the spring, when buying, it is necessary to check if there are lively kidney on branches. And the plants with abundant foliage is better not to buy, since it does not make sense to plant them in the same season - the leaflets will take moisture at the roots.

Third Stage - Landing

First of all, the landing pits are prepared. Do it better for 6-8 months before landing. Walls must be sheer, loose, standard size - 80 cm for 80 cm. Later, when landing, the size of the pit is customized under the roots of the seedling. Next, I need to fill in layers:

  • peat;
  • manure;
  • a mixture of fertilizer and sand.

The layers fall asleep as long as the top is not formed by a 20 cm high (soil will give a shrinkage).

The seedling is placed vertically into the prepared pit, carefully distributing the roots on the hilly.

The village is also prepared in advance, lowering the rope growth stimulator by 15-20 hours. Before boarding, it is necessary to explore all the roots and branches, deleting old and dangle.

Stages of planting fruit trees in the country:

  1. To put drainage on the bottom of the prepared pit (crushed stone, pebbles, branches), speaking it with a layer of soil or sand.
  2. The soil mixture, which was in the pit, dig, then fall asleep back to get a small holly.
  3. To the center to stick a wooden peg, which will serve as a support seedling.
  4. To install a seedling, to straighten the roots and flood the soil for two thirds, periodically shaking the tree so that the soil filled emptiness.
  5. Pour the water bucket, give to absorb. Then pour the pit to the remaining soil to the edges.
  6. To form small horms around the perimeter so that the water does not spread.
  7. Pour another 2 buckets of water and clicked the soil, leaving a few free space in the trunk.

Popping the village of the Earth, you need to follow the position of the root neck (the place of transition of the stem to the root with a change in color). After the shrinkage of the soil, the neck should be at the ground level (the same applies to graft crops - the vaccination is located above the root cake and, accordingly, should not be under the ground after landing).

If a root system Seedling closed, sledge him, passing out of the container along with a room of land in the prepared pit.

If the plot is close groundwater, Drainage layer in the pit is made high, up to 40 cm. Next, pour high holmik, approximately 70 cm and strengthen it with shocks so that it does not spread. Then the soil is added, seedlings are planted in the center and sprinkle. This method Landing on high holmik is used if the groundwater is located at 1-1.5 m from the ground.

The rules of planting fruit trees are not as complex, but if you use all the recommendations, you can grow a good fruitful garden that will please years.

Autumn is the optimal planting time of seedlings with an open root system or with a naked root. Sitting time without binding to climatic zones - Since the foliage of foliage naturally before the frost period of the soil. Having bought seedlings with foliage, immediately dismiss all the leaves from it to reduce the loss of moisture through them and dry out the sapling itself.

What fruit trees plant spring

The village with an open enemora-resistant root system (they include some varieties of apple trees and pears, thermal-loving apricots, peaches and, some varieties of plum and cherries) better. Pershes for spring landing is better to prepare from autumn. Then the landing of seedlings you will start immediately after thawing the Earth, while the soil is saturated with moisture. The period of spring planting of trees ends with the advent of the first leaflets.

The main landing rule is to plant the earlier, the easier the seedling is adapted and more likely that it takes good.

In conditions high humidity Place a tree on the hilly, prepared ahead of the way, from the autumn. Extruding them are definitely in the spring.

Dates of planting seedlings with a closed system and in containers

Dates of planting seedlings with an earthen room (closed root system) more stretched. In the spring, landing time is extended before the onset of hot days, if the landing is carried out in cloudy weather, and the crowns of seedlings with the leaves shadow, throwing the white gauze.

Saplings with a closed root system need abundant irrigation within a month after landing.

In the fall, seedlings with a lore of the earth can be planted as soon as the heat saves, without waiting for foliage foliage. Watering and shading will be required for seedlings. Another option is to break the foliage on the tree. The dates of the landing fall lasts before the onset of frosts.
The timing of landing seedlings in containers - from early spring to late autumn. In hot dry days, it is better to refrain from landing. Crowns of crushed fruit trees shadow, saplings are regularly watered.

Gardeners are wondering every year - when it is better to plant fruit trees and berry shrubs, autumn or spring. Each season has its advantages and disadvantages.

Consider detail why is it better to plant trees in autumnWhen and how to plant on your summer cottage.

For each plant there is a favorable time to transplantation and landing for a new place.

Let's deal with what fruit trees can be planted in autumn and why.

When the whole harvest is assembled from the bed, it's time to start planting seedlings. This is time responsible, the main thing to have time to plant plants on time.

The main plus of autumn landing is acceptable price Saplings. Autumn it is more profitable to buy seedlings: big choice Freshly dried saplings, affordable price, qualitative material Easily distinguish.

Often plants are sold with leaves residues, fresh roots (which indicate a healthy plant). In the fall, some gardeners together with seedlings often demonstrate the fruits inherent in this variety, which is very important for buyers.

Landing in the fall requires a minimum of seedlings in the country's dacha. Sometimes one watering is enough, then autumn weather and rains will create favorable conditions For seedlings.

The root system continues to grow, despite the fact that the rest period has come. The growth of the roots continues while the temperature of the soil does not drop to +4 degrees.

The main thing in time to plant seedlings is to have time to be formed to form young roots before the onset of sustainable frosts. These new spots with the onset of spring will be in growth, even 2-3 weeks earlier than planted seedlings in the spring.

Essential plus autumn planting of trees and shrubs in the fall - The absence of other works in the garden and in the garden, in the spring there will be a lot of them.

In the regions with warm winter, it is better to land in the fall, the land does not freeze the roots in the depth of roots, the young trees do not threaten freezing and supercooling.

Cons autumn landing

Holly, strong wind, snowfall and other weather conditions can break young seedlings.

Basic Disadvantages:
- Strong frosts can harm the rapid trees.
- Rodents are able to damage the seedlings in the late autumn and winter.
- Young seedlings can simply steal during your absence in the country.

Video - Compatibility of fruit trees

What trees and shrubs are good when landing in autumn

From fruit trees can be allocated winter-hardy grades pears and apple trees.

Well come across too:

Aria, currant, raspberry, gooseberry, honeysuckle, nut, chestnut, birch, coniferous trees.

Avoid landing not winter-hardy varieties of trees and shrubs.

Apple trees, pears, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries, cherries, almonds.

Do not land seedlings in the southern regions that were grown in the northern regions, they will not transfer non-peculiar to their homeland of frosts.

The optimal period for planting trees and shrubs. End of September and all October. With warm weather, it can last until mid-November (southern regions).

Every year the weather is changeable, and dates of landing in autumn depend largely on weather conditions.

Important to remember: Landmark for planting and transplanting seedlings serves as a period of rest of the plants, which comes after the end of the leaf fall.

Video - What time frame is better to plant seedlings of fruit - berry trees

It happens so that it did not work out to land in the fall. And you have saplings or purchased seedlings are not subject to autumn landing - what to do in this case?

Storage in a cool and wet room (basement).
- Capture to Earth.
- Snowy

Capture to the Earth - Properly supassed trees will be well preserved and move the winter. They dig a groove with a depth and width of 30-40 cm in the direction of the west to the east. The northern side of the groove is vertical, and the southern inclined approximately 45 degrees. To lay saplings at a distance of 15-25 cm from each other, the roots are directed to the north, and the crown south. Pleep the groove of the earth, to trust and rush to water. Before frosts, spray with dry ground, sawdust or fallen foliage.

Snowy - Saplings are stored on the street. Well packaged young trees winter under a sufficient layer of snow, which does not allow the temperature to reduce the temperature for normal storage of plants.

Storage in the basement

With low temperature basement From 0 to 10 degrees, seedlings are perfectly stored until spring, if well-moisturized roots omit in the sand, peat or sawdust. Relative humidity in the basement should be 87-90%. During storage in the basement, once every 10 days it is necessary to water seedlings.

Video - How to save seedlings to spring

When buying seedlings, pay attention to their external state. Saplings can be with no wrecks if they dug up to a natural leaffall.

A tree with numerous leaves may not be affected and risen, as the main loss of moisture goes through the leaves.

Fruit trees are light-headed, so choose the southern seedlings. You can plant the trees stepped - north of tall, south of the low-speed and everything will be enough.

Also consider the distance to buildings and communications from trees, it should be at least 4.5 m. Making the landing You should know the size of the crown and root system. The roots of adult trees are able to damage even the foundation.

Combine trees on the plot correctly: Cherries grow well next door to Apricot. Walnut oppresses all the trees that grow next to him. Do not sit together with apple and peach. For details on the compatibility of fruit trees, see .