Repair Design Furniture

Bordeaux mix for raspberries. How to treat raspberries during fruiting and flowering from pests. Wood ash with soap

Many summer residents consider it pointless to find and apply efforts in the garden if, in the end, they do not have a good basket of sweet raspberries. A truly legendary berry, distinguished by its unique taste and sweetness.


In order to get the richest harvest possible, the processing of raspberries should begin in the spring. This will be an investment for the future.

After the cold weather subsides, various insects will begin to get out of the ground, which will eat everything in their path. In addition, during this period, the risk of infection of the bush with various diseases and viruses is increased.

How to process raspberries? A regular garden pruner will do. After the snow melts, you need to remove all dried and unhealthy branches.

You need to prune before the plant wakes up and juice starts to run through it. Otherwise, the plant may get sick. The ideal period is the end of March, but our country has many climatic zones and this must be taken into account.

What should be done:

  • Trim off dried tops.
  • Broken or loose branches.
  • Those trunks that can begin to grow inside the bush.
  • Dried foliage.


If you do not know how to spray raspberries during flowering, it is better to consult with experienced gardeners, this is the easiest and most reliable way not to hit your face in the dirt. If relations with neighbors are not established, and you do not have familiar summer residents, then let's figure out what's what.

In the spring, you need to take care of the processing of raspberries from pests. During this period, it is best to apply Bordeaux liquid and nitrophene.

These compounds are capable of destroying harmful spores and viruses that begin to wake up after a long hibernation. You can also additionally cultivate the land around the plant, this will reduce the likelihood of pests reappearing.

It is necessary to process raspberries with this composition before flowering and budding, because it is better not to disturb young flowers, which, due to stress, may not yield a harvest.

In the summer, raspberries are processed before flowering from pests if the spring procedures did not work. If signs of disease begin to appear on the bush and leaves, spots or leaves begin to turn yellow, you must first determine the disease.

If, for example, your bush suffers from powdery mildew, it is better to use a store-bought remedy "Topaz". If you need to treat raspberries before flowering from pests, and you are against the use of chemicals, you can use folk remedies, for example, a decoction of pine needles can destroy gray rot.

During flowering

There is still controversy over the question "Is it possible to process raspberries during flowering or not?" Each gardener decides for himself, and assesses the degree of possible risk.

Some believe that modern formulations are adapted for processing during the flowering period, but people of the old mind do not allow the thought of the contact of berries with drugs. The way out of this situation is folk remedies that are made from the same plants.

To fight fungal infections, a tincture of garlic and water is perfect. For cooking, you need to chop the head of garlic and throw everything into a bucket of water. After a few hours, the product can be filtered to remove excess garlic, and used to treat the affected areas of the bush.

By implementing micro pest control activities in the spring and summer, you can increase your overall yield. In addition, he will be larger and healthier, since nothing will stop him from growing and filling.

It must also be remembered that the fight against fungi, infections and viruses must be combined with the fight against beetles. One large beetle can personally damage an entire bush.

Beetle control

The first treatment for all kinds of pests should begin before the first buds appear. Before spraying raspberries from pests, you need to remove the defective areas of the plant.

Bordeaux liquid is perfect for this purpose, it fights not only microscopic, but also large pests.

Just before the flowering period, you need to process the plant again, but this time with colloidal sulfur. However, it is used only in situations where the plant is threatened by a spider mite. Only the undersides of the leaves need to be treated.


If an ailment is found in a raspberry plant, you need to immediately take appropriate measures, otherwise you risk losing your entire crop.

In some cases, especially when the disease is running, you will have to get rid of the whole bush. This is necessary in order to stop the spread of the disease. The infected bush must be removed by the roots and burned.

The list of spring work for gardeners includes many activities, and among them is the preventive treatment of raspberries from infections and pests. After wintering, with the onset of warmth, sap flow begins in the shoots, and this period is favorable for pruning, spraying the raspberry with special preparations.

Biological agents

The composition of drugs in this group includes living bioagents or waste products of these agents. To obtain the result, observe all the conditions recommended in the instructions, take into account the features of the product.


A preparation of natural origin, based on special toxins of soil microorganisms. The active ingredient is a concentrated emulsion of aversectin C, available in ampoules, vials, cans.


It is used to destroy insect pests of horticultural and fruit crops. The drug is intestinal and contact action. Protective effect - up to 15 days, but reapplication is required


On raspberries, the drug is used to destroy leaf rollers, ticks, moths. Fitoverm is diluted in water, strictly following the instructions for use. Proportion: 2 milligrams of Fitoverm are taken per liter of water.


  1. Quick effect (after 2-3 days, the pests die).
  2. A wide range of effects on different groups of pests.
  3. Does not harm the environment.
  4. The drug is not dangerous to humans.
  5. Applied during fruiting.
  6. It "works" during the heat, which is an advantage.


  1. In order to be sure of the complete destruction of insects, re-treatment is required.
  2. Do not use Fitoverm solution during raspberry flowering (insects that pollinate the crop die).
  3. Quite high cost.
  4. The drug is recommended to be used in combination with a soapy solution; for spraying shoots, choose a clear, rain-free day.

Fitoverm KE, Fitoverm P, which have a narrower focus, are also on sale. So, Fitoverm CE is effective against various types of ticks, and Fitoverm P is intended for fighting nematodes.

A drug that contains an alcoholic extract of streptomycete fungi. It is found on sale under a different, updated name Akarin. It is produced in liquid form, most often in ampoules, less often in vials.


It belongs to the group of contact-intestinal insecticides, it gets inside insects with food. It causes paralysis, due to which the pest stops feeding after about 8-10 hours, and then, after 48 hours, dies. On open ground landings, the impact rate is up to 16 hours. The drug is effective against insects:

  • stem fly;
  • thrips;
  • spider mite.

Affects adults, larvae.


Alcohol extract is diluted in water. The proportions are indicated in the instructions for the product. To prevent the appearance of pests, Akarin (5 ml) is diluted in 4 liters of water, when killing insects, the solution is more saturated: 5 ml is taken for 1.5 liters of water.

The agent is not absorbed into plant tissues; it is recommended to add shavings of laundry soap, a spoon of shampoo to the working compositions to improve adhesion.

On a note!

The insecticide will be most effective in dry, hot weather.

Spray every 7-7 days, if necessary, repeat the treatment. After 1-2 days of treatments, the plants are not watered.


  1. Fast action.
  2. The ability to use in the heat.
  3. Efficiency.
  4. Affordable price for Agravertine.
  5. Ease of use.
  6. Has no toxic effect on humans.
  7. Combines with trace elements, plant growth stimulants, fertilizers.


  1. Low effect when applied in rain.
  2. The agent is toxic to the inhabitants of reservoirs, bees, therefore, it is used only strictly for plants. Raspberries are processed before flowering, as well as after harvest, in the fall.

It is a biofungicide, based on the fungus Trichoderma lignorum, as well as biologically active substances secreted by it. For raspberries, it is used as a preventive drug against bacterial and fungal diseases. Effective as a protection against rot, verticillosis, cytosporosis.



Trichodermin is diluted in water, proportions: 10 ml of the concentrated composition are added per liter of liquid. Raspberries are sprayed from the moment the buds open, 1-2 times. The interval between treatments is 10 days.


  1. Universal preparation (suitable for different plants).
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Effective when used correctly.
  4. Trichodermin is safe for humans.
  5. The product is not dangerous for bees and other insects.


  1. It is a prophylactic agent; in case of mass infection of raspberries with infections, other drugs are used.
  2. The product is used only in warm weather (temperature over + 14ºC). When processing raspberries in spring, this must be taken into account, otherwise the effectiveness of the drug will be zero.

In spring, the natural biofungicide Fitosporin (or Fitosporin-M) is used for spraying berry bushes. The preparation is based on hay bacillus (Bacillus subtilis) strains, additional components - chalk, Gumi.

On sale, biofungicide is presented in three forms:

  • powder;
  • liquid;
  • paste.


The culture spores contained in the powder or paste interact with water and are activated. For normal life, they need nutrition, so bacteria "attack" pathogens, fungal spores. The result is the neutralization of the hazardous environment.


On raspberries, Fitosporin is used as an effective prophylactic agent against fungal infections. Used for a number of pests:

  • stem gall midge;
  • raspberry fly;
  • raspberry beetle.

As a means of treatment, it is suitable only in the early stages of the disease; when the infection is advanced, they are sprayed with stronger chemicals.

Fitosporin for processing is diluted in water:

  • add 5 grams of powder to the bucket;
  • when using the paste, first prepare the substrate: 100 grams per 200 ml of water), then use it as a basis for the working solution: 3 teaspoons per bucket;
  • Fitosporin in liquid form is ready for use, 10 drops are added to sprinkle raspberries in 200 ml of water.


Work with any such preparations is carried out in protective clothing, using gloves.

Raspberries are processed in the spring, when the leaves are blooming, as well as during the period of ovary formation.


  1. High activity against pathogenic fungi.
  2. Good compatibility with other drugs.
  3. Environmental friendliness.
  4. Fitosporin does not harm humans.
  5. The drug is not harmful to insects.
  6. With possible small overdose of the drug, side negative effects do not occur.


  1. In bright sunlight, Bacillus subtilis bacteria are killed. It is recommended to process the bushes early in the morning or late in the evening.
  2. Difficulties arise when preparing the solution, since there is no dispenser.
  3. It is required to add an adhesive (soap, shampoo) to the working solution.

Biological preparation based on the predatory fungus Pythium oligandrum. It is a contact drug, produced in powder form (in packs).


After activation (dilution of the powder with water), the fungus begins to function. In the process of nutrition, it destroys spores of fungal diseases.

On raspberries, the action is effective as a prophylaxis against fading shoots, gray rot. Used from the beginning of flowering to the beginning of fruiting.


Applied as a working solution for spraying, after activating bacterial spores:

  • take 250 grams of the drug;
  • placed in a mesh dust bag;
  • the bag is placed in any suitable container (bucket, tank, container);
  • fill the contents of the bag with water (5-6 liters);
  • leave for an hour;
  • then squeeze the resulting composition out of the bag;
  • the finished composition is sprayed with raspberries (0.7 liters per 10 square meters of planting).


  1. Effective as a preventive measure.
  2. Raspberry treatments with Polyversum not only protect plants from diseases, but also improve the quality of berries.
  3. Promotes the activation of plant immunity.
  4. High environmental friendliness of the product.


  1. Difficulties in the preparation of a working solution.
  2. For treatments, it is necessary to prepare a new solution each time.


A product is produced in the form of a powder; a solution is used to process raspberries.


Prepare a solution just before they are going to process the bushes. The best time is before the raspberry bloom, although the biological product is also used in the summer.

For prophylaxis against pests, the proportions of the solution: 80 grams of powder are taken for 10 liters.

Chemical substances

Chemicals are considered more effective in protecting raspberries from infections and pests, but due to the toxicity of the products, dosages must be strictly adhered to.

The drug is a dark-colored paste with a pungent odor. It dissolves well in water, it is offered for sale in plastic bottles. It is used in early spring as a prophylactic agent against pests, to prevent anthracnose.


Working solution for processing raspberries: take 150 grams of paste in a bucket of clean water. Consumption: 10 m 2 requires up to 2 liters of mortar.


The drug is used before the leaves bloom, since the active ingredients of the solution burn the surface of the greenery.


  1. Effective against the raspberry beetle.
  2. Available at cost.


  1. Poisonous.
  2. It accumulates in the soil, therefore it is used strictly in doses.

An effective drug in the fight against stem gall midge is Fufanon - an insecticide produced in ampoules and cans. The basis is the active ingredient malathion, which causes paralysis of insects.


The raspberry is sprayed in early spring, having time to process the bushes to the leaves and the beginning of flowering. The drug is diluted in water, proportions: 1 ml of the product is taken per liter of liquid. Solution consumption - up to 1.5-2 liters per 10 square meters.


  1. Rapid action of the drug (after 24-28 hours).
  2. Lack of unpleasant odor.
  3. The versatility of the tool.
  4. Simplicity in the preparation of a working solution.
  5. Affordable price.
  6. Low toxicity to the human body.


  1. Cannot be used in conjunction with other drugs.
  2. Toxic to insects.

Spring treatment of berry bushes with Actellik helps from aphids and stem gall midges. An agent with high penetrating activity, insecticide-acaricide. Available in liquid form in ampoules.


The drug has a contact-intestinal action, causes paralysis, and then the death of pests.


Dilute the suspension in water, proportions: take one ampoule (2 ml) for 2 liters. For processing plantings on an area of ​​10 sq. meters, 1.5-2 liters of composition are required.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Ease of use.


  1. Dangerous for humans (grade 2), you need to work in overalls.
  2. Toxic to bees, other insects, birds, fish.

The drug is used to protect raspberry bushes from the shoot gall midge. This tool has a wide spectrum of action, but requires respect for proportions when preparing solutions. It is produced in the form of powder or pasty viscous mass.


It causes disturbance of nerve impulses in insects, paralysis, death.


The soil is cultivated under the raspberry bushes with a solution of 0.15-0.3% chlorophos. It is necessary for the soil to warm up to about +13 ºC… 14ºC. Two treatments are required, the second - 10-12 days after the first spraying.

To prevent fungal diseases - powdery mildew, rust, raspberries are treated with Topaz. The fungicide is effective and safe for plants, if necessary, it is used during any growing season.


The spores of pathogenic fungi are affected by the substance penconazole, which is the basis of the drug. Causes a slowdown in metabolism, death.


3-4 ml of fungicide are diluted in a bucket of water, sprayed to 2 liters of composition per 10 m2.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. Small expense of funds.
  3. Long exposure period.
  4. The versatility of the tool.


  1. It accumulates in the soil, therefore, the drug is not constantly used in the same area.
  2. A strict dosage is required.
  3. Toxic to humans, insects.

For weevils, moths, moths, gall midges, use a solution of Kemifos. The drug is similar in action to Karbofos, belongs to the first generation acaricides.


Paralysis appears from the essential components of the agent in insects, and the eggs also dry out and gradually die off. Time action - 1.5-3 hours after treatment


Dilute according to the instructions, 1 mg per 1 liter of water. For 10 square meters of planting, about 1.5 liters of Kemifos solution will be required.

Means from the group of insecticides of contact-intestinal action. It is used to protect raspberries from weevils, aphids, leaf rollers.

It is produced in the form of an emulsion, in ampoule form, in vials.


The drug is based on the substances cypermethrin and malathion, which cause paralysis of insects and their further death.


Dilute the drug in water, take 10 ml of Alatar into a ten-liter bucket.


  1. High efficiency.
  2. The composition contains a special component - an adhesive that prevents the working solution from being washed off from the treated plants.
  3. Cost-effective in spending.


  1. Alatar is toxic to humans, insects, fish.
  2. It is recommended to use protective equipment during work.

A widely known agent among gardeners, actively used for the prevention and protection of raspberries from gray rot, anthracnose.


Used in spring, before raspberry blossom. Working solution for treatment: 50-100 grams per bucket of water (10 liters).


  1. Active fungicide and biocide.
  2. Does not cause addiction.
  3. Acts at the same time as a microfertilizer (copper ions).
  4. Affordable cost.

This product is known as fertilizer, but in certain homes in the spring, urea acts as a preventative against pests and diseases.


Helps fight rust, anthracnose, spotting. Affects the larvae of the raspberry beetle and glass beetle in the wintering stage.


The bushes are sprayed with a solution - 10 liters per 10 acres. The solution is prepared as follows: 500 grams of urea is taken in a bucket of water (10 liters).

A versatile and affordable mixture of lime and copper sulfate is Bordeaux, which copes well with various dangerous fungi.

The drug is sold in specialized stores, and it is also prepared independently.


When using the ready-made product, take 250 ml of the concentrate into a bucket of water.

On a note!

The working solution must be used within 24 hours.

For raspberries, a 1% solution is used, spraying the bushes before flowering.

During spring treatment for the prevention of fungal diseases, it is recommended to use the drug Oxyhom. It is produced in powder; when preparing working compositions, it is required to dilute the agent in water.


Active substances: copper oxychloride, oxadixilan, are aimed at pathogenic flora. The tool is fast acting.


For 5 liters of water, 10 grams of the preparation powder is used. Spray the raspberries before flowering. In the spring, one treatment is enough.

The drug for the prevention of fungal infections is available in powder form. It has an unpleasant odor.


The raspberry is sprayed for preventive purposes, the solution is 5 grams per five liters of water. One treatment of bushes before flowering is enough.


  1. Highly toxic (hazard class 2).
  2. The terms of registration of Fundazole in the Russian Federation have expired, but at the moment the drug is being used for private sites.

It is used as a means of prophylaxis during spring raspberry treatments. Effective in preventing bacterial and fungal infections. Produced in the form of an emulsion, form: vials, ampoules.


The solution is prepared by dissolving the drug in water: 2 ml per 1 liter. It is enough to spray the raspberry bushes once before flowering and again after flowering.


  1. Effective.
  2. Compatible with other fungicides.
  3. No soap or shampoo needed to improve adhesion.
  4. Valid regardless of weather conditions.
  5. Convenient and easy to use.
  6. Not toxic to humans, insects.


  1. High consumption of concentrate (especially if several treatments are required).
  2. The high cost of the product.
  3. Not very convenient packing.
  4. Toxic to fish.

The drug is similar to the Bordeaux mixture, the active ingredient is copper oxychloride. It is used as a means of combating and preventing fungal infections.


It is not difficult to prepare a solution: 40 grams of the drug are diluted per 10 liters. It is advisable to first dilute the product in a small amount of liquid, and then add water to the required volume.

Raspberry bushes are sprayed before flowering, consumption is a liter per 10 sq. meters of landings.


From the kidney moth, the treatment of raspberries with Karbofos gives a good effect. The tool is available in different forms:

  • pills;
  • liquid;
  • emulsion;
  • powder.


The drug has a pronounced contact action. Differs in the effectiveness and efficiency of the impact.


In early spring, a solution is prepared for spraying: for 8 liters of water - 60 grams of the drug. The agent is completely dissolved in water, then the bushes are sprayed, the consumption is for 10 adult raspberry bushes - 2 liters of the composition.


  1. Efficiency.
  2. Versatility.


  1. High toxicity.
  2. It is required to observe safety rules when working with solutions.

A special fungicide from the group of inorganic compounds, available in the form of granules, powder. Sulfur is effective against all fungal diseases.


The proportions for the preparation of the solution: 3: 1, that is, take 30 grams of powder per 10 liters of water.

Spray raspberries before flowering (3-4 times, interval - 2-3 days).


For aphids and thrips, during spring treatment, a preparation based on tobacco dust is used - Antitlin. Available in packs of 500 grams.


For the solution, the bag is poured into a bucket, poured to the top with water. The composition is kept for a day, then filtered and soap shavings (40-50 grams) are added. The berry is processed before flowering.


Remedy - fungicide, getting on the stems and leaves, destroys fungal spores, preventing the appearance of infections at the earliest stages.


DNOC is used in early spring, preferably before bud break. The solution is made like this:

  • the package (50 grams) is diluted in water (1 liter);
  • mix the composition;
  • add water to a total volume of 10 liters.

Consumption for raspberries: 1 liter per 1 sq. meters.


The drug is toxic, explosive.


Pour water into the sprayer (by a quarter), add the drug (according to the instructions), add water, mix. For raspberries, use before flowering bushes.


For the solution, take a standard amount of liquid - 10 liters, dilute 1 gram of the drug. Spray before the raspberry blossoms.


  1. high speed of action of Decis.
  2. Moderate danger to humans.
  3. Effectiveness.
  4. No pungent odor.
  5. Safe for soil (does not accumulate).


  1. Poorly divorced in water.
  2. Toxic to bees and fish.

Folk remedies

Compositions prepared according to folk recipes are widely used for the prevention of various diseases, as well as the appearance of pests on raspberry bushes.

The familiar flower of tagetes (marigolds) is effective against a raspberry beetle. To prepare the solution, you will need 200 grams of flowers, which are infused for 10-12 hours in a bucket of water. It is advisable to fill the grass with hot water.

Bitter wormwood tincture

Exactly the same method of preparing an infusion from wormwood, but the infusion time is less - 1.5-2 hours.

Onion tincture

This tool repels pests well, in addition, it serves as a fertilizer for raspberries. Prepare the husk infusion as follows: pour 50-60 grams of the husk with water (10 liters), insist for a week.

They spray the bushes, and also water the soil near the plants.

Birch tar

From raspberry-strawberry weevil, birch tar will be a sure remedy. It is also effective against spider mites.

The proportions for the preparation of the composition:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 10 grams of tar;
  • 40 grams of laundry soap.

Processing is carried out until the first buds appear on the raspberry.

Citrus infusion

From folk remedies for the prevention of pests, an infusion of citrus fruits (orange, lemon) is used.

Take 50 grams of fruit peels, pour hot water (1 liter), keep for 3-6 days. Then spray the raspberries before flowering.

Soap-soda solution

Both a simple soap solution and in combination with baking soda help from aphids.

In a liter of warm water, first dissolve soap shavings (300 grams), then add a spoonful of soda there. If soda ash is used, then the amount is halved.

The milk mixture is prepared simply: 1: 1, while you can take both sour milk and whey, low-fat kefir. The resulting composition is sprayed with raspberries in the spring, as well as at the time of the appearance of aphids on the leaves of plants.

Wood ash with soap

Ash is sieved (take 3 kg), then poured with hot water (10 liters), insist. Add three tablespoons of shavings or liquid soap, stir. Sprinkle raspberries in the morning before flowering bushes.


Treatment with a solution of kerosene helps from stem flies and gall midges. To do this, gently stir green soap (300 grams) in hot water (1 liter), then add kerosene (800 ml) there.

Top up the composition up to 10 liters. The result is a white emulsion, which is sprayed with raspberry shoots.

Kerosene is also mixed with sawdust, peat, sand (1 glass of kerosene per bucket of material) and the resulting mixture is spread around the raspberry bushes in heaps. This method is used to scare away raspberry flies and gall midges.

Garlic and mustard tincture

For the treatment of raspberry bushes from pests, a garlic-mustard infusion is prepared. To do this, take 100 grams of mustard (powder) on a bucket of water, add finely chopped garlic (300 grams), leave for 2 days and then spray the bushes.

Boiling water treatment

The cheapest and easiest way to process raspberries in the spring is to water the bushes with boiling water. This technique allows you to get rid of pest larvae that hibernate in soil layers.

The soil around the plants is poured with boiling water, and the upper part of the shoots is also very carefully watered.

Spring processing of raspberries is an important agricultural activity that allows you to get a healthy harvest, as well as facilitate the work of gardeners in the summer.

Therefore, in order to get a decent harvest of raspberries, one cannot do without preventive treatments.

All procedures for processing raspberries begin in early spring before bud break. Before processing, the bushes are examined, patients and.

All agrotechnical methods for combating diseases and pests are carried out in three steps:

  1. Before bud break.
  2. Before the beginning of abundant flowering in the last decade of May.
  3. Before setting fruit.

What to process

Chemical, biological and folk remedies can be used when processing the berry. Each of the methods is used at certain times of the raspberry growing season:

  • chemical are involved only before the flowering of raspberries;
  • biological are used throughout the growing season;
  • folk are used for any period of cultivation.

Biological agents

Biofungicides and bioinsecticides are a product created as a result of the metabolism of microorganisms that have a detrimental effect on pathogens on harmful insects. Treatment of plants with such preparations allows you to get environmentally friendly berries. However, most biologics do not have a systemic effect. Therefore, spraying with bio-agents has to be carried out much more often.

Biological insectoacaricide used against: whitefly, elephant beetle, raspberry stem fly, thrips, common spider mite, earwig, motley filly, red-backed keel. Release form - powdery substance. The drug has a good effect only at temperatures from +18 degrees. Moderately hazardous, diluted immediately prior to treatment.


  • harmless insecticide for humans and animals;
  • suitable for spraying even during active raspberry flowering.


  • ineffective at low temperatures and rainy weather.


Bioinsecticide, created on the basis of the isolated toxin of beneficial bacteria. The drug shows an effective result in neutralizing on raspberries: raspberry strawberry weevil, fruit mower, sawers, walnut scoops. The toxin in the preparation, destructive for the pest, leads to the destruction of insects within 10-15 hours. The biological agent is diluted in water according to the instructions. Processing is carried out in the evening hours without the threat of precipitation. It is not recommended to use it forty days before picking berries.


  • effective in combating many raspberry pests;
  • environmentally friendly.


An innovative biofungicide used for the prevention and treatment of raspberry diseases: borritis, purple spot, septoria, rust, stem cancer. Release form - powdery substance or suspension. Eliminates fungal diseases, stimulates the growth of new shoots, increases plant immunity. Useful saprophytic fungi contained in the preparation multiply, releasing toxins and antibiotics that are harmful to pathogens. With regular use, it has a beneficial effect on plants, enriching the soil.


  • safe product for humans and the environment;
  • disinfectant-stimulator of active growth.


  • the remedy is not very effective in case of very severe damage to raspberry diseases.


Safe microbiological agent used for pre-sowing treatment of the root system of raspberry seedlings in spring. It is used in the fight against diseases on fruit and berry bushes: gray mold, powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust, verticillosis. Release form - powdery substance or pasty mixture. The biofungicide contains gram-positive bacteria and universal humic acids. When treating shrubs with the drug, dangerous bacteria and fungi are neutralized, the resistance of plants to diseases and the effects of an aggressive environment increases.


  • effectively copes with several diseases at the same time;
  • is a good growth stimulant.


  • gram of positive bacteria that are part of the drug die in the bright sun.


A vegetable dressing used on fruit and berry bushes against: aphids, raspberry flea beetles, thrips, raspberry nut-making, gall midges. Release form - powdery substance. A herbal remedy based on successfully neutralizes not only sucking pests, but also suppresses the spread of powdery mildew spores. Spraying is carried out in two steps: before and after flowering.


  • the drug is not toxic to humans and animals.


  • the remedy is effective only against sucking pests.


High-quality safe insecticide that protects raspberry plantations from: stem gall midge, shoot aphid, weevil, glassworm, scoop. Release form - ampoule. Spraying with a biological product is carried out at any stage of the growing season of the culture. Once inside an insect, spores of bacteria that are harmful to it negatively affect the digestive system, causing its death. The effect of the drug becomes noticeable already in the first 20 hours. After 10 days, the pest colonies are completely eliminated.


  • does not cause toxic poisoning in warm-blooded animals;
  • used at any stage of plant development.


  • loses its qualities when exposed to sunlight and rain.

Polyversum WP

Microbiological fungicide created on the basis of a predatory fungus. It is used for environmental protection in case of raspberry damage: verticillium wilt, root and stem cancer, ulcerative spot, American powdery mildew, wilting. Release form - suspension. The preparation containing spores is diluted in warm water before use and infused for several hours to activate the mycelium. After using Polyversum, chemical agents cannot be used.


  • an ecological product that acts as a reliable protector.


  • the use of chemical fungicides deactivates the action of predatory fungi.

Chemical substances

No matter how good biological products are, pathogenic bacteria and fungi most often quickly adapt to environmental defenders, continuing to cause damage to plants. Therefore, when processing fruit and berry plantations, one cannot do without chemicals.

It is worth remembering that chemical remedies are very toxic to humans and the environment. Therefore, when using such disinfectants, it is imperative to observe safety measures!


  • has a wide range of action;
  • provides long-term protection against pathogens and pests.


  • creates soil salinity;
  • prolonged interaction with the drug leads to dermatitis.



  • suitable for processing raspberries in early spring;
  • has a long lasting effect.


  • with a predisposition to allergies, it is very dangerous to work with the drug.


  • is highly toxic.


A toxic chemical with a wide spectrum of action. It is used to destroy on raspberry bushes: weevils, elephant beetles, synanthropic moths and scoops, two-spotted hidden head, yellow-winged sawfly, female bear. Release form - powdery substance or concentrated emulsion. Due to the systemic action, the drug penetrates into plants at the cellular level. It has a protective effect for 10-15 days.


  • has great efficiency in the fight against pests and their laid eggs.


  • has a strong unpleasant odor;
  • It is very toxic in hot weather by inhalation of its vapors.


A broad-spectrum toxic chemical that well protects raspberry plantations from: powdery mildew, American downy mildew, rust, gray and white rot, chlorosis, mosaic, curl. Release form - ampoule or concentrated suspension. The drug is used at all stages of raspberry vegetation. When it comes into contact with ripe berries, the toxic effect of the substance is minimal. Therefore, you can safely consume the processed product. The applied product is resistant to any weather conditions, showing its antimicrobial effect for 15-20 days.


  • has a strong antimicrobial effect on pathogens;
  • does not possess phytotoxicity.


  • inhalation of vapors may cause slight poisoning.



  • does not pose a threat to human and animal health;
  • contains an adhesive substance that allows the product to remain on the plant for a long time.


  • does not penetrate into plant cells, remaining only on the surface of the leaves.

A copper-containing fungicide that has a biocidal and fungicidal effect on crops affected by: chlorosis, rust, botrytis. Release form - fine crystalline powder. When processing raspberry bushes, this drug does not cause resistance, saturating plants with important phytohormones. On fruit and berry bushes, it is used in early spring before bud break, as well as soaking raspberry seedlings.


  • saturates plants with useful substances without causing addiction.


  • is highly toxic.


Mineral fertilizer with a high nitrogen content. In addition to nutrition, it ensures the destruction of sleeping pests in early spring: raspberry gall midge, flea beetle, thrips, Byturus beetle, raspberry-strawberry weevil. Has a preventive effect on the pathogen-pathogen: rust, gray and white rot, curl. Release form - small granular balls. In early spring, the applied carbamide is quickly absorbed by the crop, neutralizing pathogens and pests. Replenishes the protein of the plant itself with a sufficient amount of nitrogen.


  • helps to neutralize raspberry pests and their larvae in early spring;
  • after spraying, it increases the yield of the berry.


  • if improperly processed, the resulting ammonia damages young leaves.

Fungicidal agent, which contains copper sulphate with lime, acting on steam against pathogens: curl, rust, chlorosis, powdery and downy mildew, mosaic. Release form powdery substance of light blue color. The action of the agent is based on the suppression of pathogens by copper. Lime is fixed on the plant, providing fast regeneration to damaged stems and leaves. The drug is used at the very beginning of spring before the formation of buds, since spraying can cause burns on young leaves.


  • has a long term protection against pathogens;
  • is distinguished by safety in relation to pollinating insects.


  • failing to withstand the processing time specified in the instructions, you can get severe poisoning.



  • has a systemic contact effect, instantly leading to the expected result.


  • when a substance enters the soil, beneficial microorganisms die.



  • is resistant to washing off by precipitation;
  • maintains protective functions during low and high temperatures.


  • poorly soluble in water;
  • with regular use, the plants have become accustomed to the drug.


A disinfectant used to prevent and treat raspberries from: peronosporosis, American powdery mildew, rust, brown spot, verticillium wilting. Release form - suspension. The effectiveness of the agent does not depend on the temperature regime, making it possible to use it at any growing season. Due to the presence of a growth stimulant in the preparation, raspberry bushes retain their vegetative mass until frost. Has a long-term effect of up to 25 days.


  • it is distinguished by the absence of toxins that negatively affect humans and the environment.


  • causes resistance in plants with regular use.

Systemic-contact dressing agent that protects fruit and berry crops from: peronosporosis, anthracnose, beroy and gray rot, rust, chlorosis, ulcerative spot. Release form - light green granular powder. An environmentally friendly drug that has a destructive effect on pathogens, penetrating into plant cells. Should be used in calm dry weather. At temperatures above 32 degrees, spraying is prohibited! When treating shrubs with a product, you need to completely cover the foliage with a solution.


  • is effective against a large number of diseases;
  • can be used with other products.


  • has a limited period of protection, is easily washed off.


An organophosphorus agent that relieves raspberry plantations from pests: elephant beetle, flea beetle, hidden head, thrips, sawfly, moths and scoop. Release form - powdery substance, ampoules or tablets. The product achieves the desired result only when it comes into direct contact with the pest. Differs in a short exposure time, decaying under the bright rays of the sun. Toxic to pollinating insects. Spraying is carried out in early spring before the raspberry blossoms.


  • effectively destroys most pests.


A rare fungicide substance used to fight against: peronosporosis, American powdery mildew, anthracnose, rust, spider mites and raspberry mites. Release form - powder. To combat pathogenic diseases and plant mites, raspberries are processed 3 times per season. The effect of sulfur is manifested after the release of its vapors, it lasts for 7-12 days. The last spraying should take place no later than 5 days before the mass ripening of the berries.


  • a good way to prevent pathogen damage.


  • mixing sulfur with other mineral fertilizers at elevated temperatures leads to ignition.


A complex dressing agent that successfully destroys pests and pathogens. Neutralizes: stem gall midge, thrips, flea beetles, plant mites, kidney moth. The product has a burning effect on delicate foliage. Therefore, all procedures are carried out at the very beginning of spring before bud break. Working with the drug requires great care, since the dressing agent is very toxic.


  • prolonged work with the chemical leads to the development of allergic manifestations on the skin and respiratory tract.

A universal dressing agent with a wide spectrum of action. Penetrating into plant cells, it fights against fungi: curl, anthracnose, septoria, rust, chlorosis. Release form - powdery substance. As an insecticide, it destroys: raspberry gall midge, weevil beetle, aphids, thrips, moths, scale insects, raspberry mites. Possessing a double action, the preparation provides complex protection for raspberry plantations for the whole year. It is very toxic, therefore its use requires increased safety measures.


  • has a double effective effect.


  • has an increased degree of toxicity.



  • remains active even at a temperature of +2 degrees.


  • does not affect the whole plant, but only some of its parts.

A synthetic agent that has high activity in the fight against: thick-headed, smoky moth, raspberry fly, yellow-winged sawfly, Byturus beetle, keel. Release form - small granules. After spraying the plants, the effect of the drug takes effect after 40-50 minutes. The protective function of the product lasts up to 14 days. Moderately hazardous to humans and the environment. The last spraying of raspberries should take place no later than 28 days before the start of the harvest.


  • has a high speed of action;
  • poses a moderate hazard to humans, animals and soil.


  • when processed in bright sunlight causes severe burns to foliage.

Folk remedies

For supporters of growing environmentally friendly berries, folk methods of processing shrubs are suitable.

Marigold tincture

Infusion of flowers-repellents repels the attack of pests: raspberry flea, aphids, scoop, moths.


Put chopped stems and inflorescences of tagetes in a metal container with a volume of 8 liters to half. Pour water with a temperature of 50-60 degrees, add 1-2 caps of dishwashing liquid and half a teaspoon of ground red pepper. Insist for 1-2 days, drain.

Spray daily in the morning or evening.


  • ecological method of influence.


  • daily processing of plantings.

Bitter wormwood tincture

A powerful way of processing raspberries, with the help of which any harmful insect will bypass the berry bushes.


Place the crushed tops of wormwood in a metal container with a volume of 6-8 liters, filling it with grass by one third. Pour boiling water over and cover. After keeping the infusion in a warm place for 24 hours, add 100 formic alcohol, 1 tablespoon of sugar to it. Insist for another 4-5 days.

Treat with plant extract once every five days.


  • an effective method for repelling pests;
  • strengthening plant immunity.


  • not an effective remedy against spider and raspberry mites.

Onion tincture


Pour half a bucket of dry onion scales with hot water, add one chopped hot pepper. Insist 3-5 days, drain.

Spray raspberries every other day if affected by spider mites and flea beetles. To prevent the spread of powdery mildew and anthracnose spores, treat it once every 4-7 days.


  • an environmentally friendly solution that saturates plants with useful microelements.


  • ineffective remedy for attack by weevil beetle, moth, gray and white spot disease.

Birch tar

An indispensable tool for gardeners and gardeners to neutralize many insect pests and pathogenic diseases.


Distillation product of birch bark, which can be purchased at any pharmacy - dilute 50 g with 8-10 liters of water, add one cap of detergent and 1.5 tablespoons of sugar.

Spray shrubs in the morning or evening once every 7-10 days. The last processing should be carried out no later than 10 days before picking the berries.


  • a safe product that helps fight raspberry moths, scoops, sawflies, aphids.


  • ineffective method against weevils, bronze beetle.

An effective method to help get rid of: aphids, thrips. Infusion repellent helps to repel scoops and moths.


Pour the peel of orange, tangerine, lemon and grapefruit with a little warm water, grind in a blender. After adding 1 tablespoon of sugar, keep in a warm, dark place for 2 days, drain.

Spray so that the working solution covers the entire lower part of the raspberry foliage.


  • an effective ecological method for controlling sucking pests.


  • has no effect on the elephant beetle, keel.

Soap-soda solution

With the help of laundry soap and soda ash, you can completely expel aphids from shrubs and defeat fungal diseases: rust, powdery mildew and American mildew.


Grate or shave off the soap with a knife, pour into a plastic container, add 3 liters of hot water and half a tablespoon of soda ash. Stir until the components are completely dissolved, dilute with warm water 1: 3.

Spray the raspberries with the resulting composition every five days.


  • a safe way of a wide spectrum of action.


  • if the solution is not diluted correctly, the leaves of the plants are burned.

Due to the special environment, fermented milk products are successfully used by gardeners to suppress pathogenic microbes.


Dilute the sour milk product or whey with warm water 1: 5, add a few tablespoons of sugar.

With a ready-made solution, carry out daily processing of the raspberry tree.


  • a successful method of preventing diseases, when spraying, it saturates the plants with useful lactic acid bacteria.


  • when a saturated solution enters the soil in large quantities, it is oxidized.

Mullein solution

Infusion of fresh cow dung is used as an organic disinfectant of harmful bacteria.


Put 3 kg of fresh mullein in a ten-liter bucket, pour water to the top, leave for 2-3 days in a warm place. Dilute 2 liters of the finished solution with 7 liters of water. During the fermentation of the solution, methane gas is produced in it, which has a detrimental effect on powdery mildew, mosaic, curliness.

Spray the prepared mixture overnight every three days.


  • additional nutrition and a good method of fighting pathogenic fungi.


  • very unpleasant odor after spraying.

Ash and soap fertilizer promotes the development of nitrogen-fixing bacteria; it is used by gardeners and gardeners against leaf-eating pests.


Pour 0.5 kg of ash into 1 liter of water, boil for 10 minutes. Set aside, cool, add 9 liters of water and half a crushed bar of laundry soap.

Spray in the evening every 2-3 days.



  • excess ash trapped in the soil will lead to the death of earthworms.


A good method for dealing with scoops, moths and aphids, repelling the pest with its specific smell.


Add 1 tablespoon of kerosene to 8 liters of water.

Spill concentrate on the aisles of the raspberries. Make sure that the solution does not get on the stems and foliage of shrubs.


  • good scarer of keels, bedbugs, fleas.


  • the vapors given off by kerosene are highly toxic.


Chop 300 g of garlic in a garlic or blender, add 1 tablespoon of mustard powder, 15 g of vinegar and 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil. The mixture should be insisted for 10-15 hours. Strain through cheesecloth, add 5 liters of water and 1 cap of detergent.

Process raspberry plantations with a ready-made solution every three days from: scoop, moths, mowers, aphids, gall midges, thrips.


  • a time-tested repellent that repels many pests thanks to phytoncides.


  • to maintain the effect, regular frequent treatments are necessary.

Boiling water treatment

The easy way to deal with pests and pathogens. Temper plants.



  • delayed spilling of shrubs will lead to the death of plants.

Adhering to the planting rules, carrying out all agrotechnical techniques, observing the timing of treatment with fungicides and insecticides, it is not difficult to get a decent harvest of fragrant berries.

Raspberries are one of the most common berries in Russia. Delicious, sweet, extremely healthy. During the summer season, you want to eat plenty of fragrant berries, feed your children and grandchildren with them, make stewed fruit and jams for the winter. To realize the entire list of desires, you will need a lot of raspberries, therefore, increased attention should be paid to the issues of increasing yields and preserving the quality of fruits. Raspberry pests and diseases can negate all the gardener's efforts to grow raspberries. Before writing this article, we read a lot of notes on the processing of raspberries in the spring. However, the lion's share of the material contained general information related to spring pruning of bushes, feeding them, mulching the soil, etc. There were very few specific clear instructions specifically on spring treatment for diseases and pests. We will try to fill this gap, approach the problem in a structured way and describe all the options for protecting raspberries, both chemical and folk remedies.

When to process.

The first preventive treatment for diseases and pests of raspberries should be carried out in early spring. On the territory of Russia, early spring is a loose concept. When plants bloom in the southern regions, snow may still lie in the Urals and Siberia, therefore, first of all, it is worth focusing not on specific dates, but on weather conditions and vegetative signs of the plant. The first spring spraying should be carried out from the moment of spring pruning of the shrub (this issue is discussed in detail in a separate one) and completed about a week before flowering. Before pruning, it is irrational to carry out processing, firstly, the process will be more laborious and costly, and secondly, why pour excess "poison" onto the soil if you already remove some of the pests and diseased stems from the raspberry tree during pruning. Spraying later - during flowering, is generally strictly prohibited. The protective agent will scare away pollinating insects. You will most likely get rid of diseases and pests, but you will not see a crop from non-pollinated plants either. If you often visit your site and have the opportunity to carry out agrotechnical measures just in time, then the optimal time for spring spraying of raspberries is the period of active budding, and this is about 7-10 days before the beginning of flowering, i.e. the very end of the interval that we have described.

Pest control

The treatment of raspberries in early spring from pests depends on whether you know exactly what pests the raspberry is affected by or if you want to use some kind of universal remedy for everything and hope that it will help with your ailment. How to identify which pests are terrorizing your raspberries? In the section "" of the site, the site describes in detail all possible pests, indicating their impact on plants and measures of prevention and control. But specifically, we will discuss the protection of raspberries from the most famous pests in early spring in this article.

Raspberry beetle

A large number of chemicals successfully fight the raspberry beetle. In addition, insecticides from the raspberry beetle destroy the larvae and adults of weevils and leafworms, so with one spraying you can defeat several misfortunes at once.

What and in what proportions should be applied in the end? The preparations "Iskra", "Confidor", "Guapsin", "Inta-Vir", "Nitrofen" are suitable for us. The preparation should be diluted in accordance with the instructions on the package, for example, half of the Iskra tablet is diluted in 5 liters of water, and Karbofos will need 45 g for the same 5 liters.

Among folk remedies, a popular remedy for treating raspberries from a raspberry beetle in early spring is tansy infusion. To prepare the infusion, 300 g of tansy is poured with 5 liters of water and kept for about a day, after which it is brought to a boil and cooked over low heat for about ½ hour. Another 5 liters of water are added to the resulting solution, filtered and used for spraying.

Stem fly

In case of damage to the raspberry by the stem fly, you can use the drugs already described: "Iskra", "Karbofos". Many gardeners give their preference to the intestinal preparation Actellik. To prepare the working solution, 1 ampoule of the drug (2 ml) is diluted in 2 liters. water. Spraying with Aktellik is desirable in early spring, the agent is toxic to bees and it is strictly forbidden to use it during flowering.

Raspberry gall midge

The drug Aktellik, already known to us, is also successfully used for spring spraying from raspberry gall midge. You should also pay attention to Fufanon. This drug is diluted in a ratio of 1 g / 1 liter. water, and each plant takes about 2 liters. funds.

Spider mite.

One of the most popular forms of spring treatment of raspberries for spider mites is spraying with colloidal sulfur. 100 g of the product is diluted in a 10-liter bucket and the resulting solution is sprayed on the plants before flowering.

Raspberry-strawberry weevil.

The raspberry-strawberry weevil affects the buds, therefore, spraying from it is carried out during the period of active budding, i.e. not in the earliest spring, after the snow melts, but about a week before flowering. To combat the pest, you can do without chemicals, a folk remedy made on the basis of garlic has proven itself well. To prepare, you need to stir 30 g of finely grated garlic in a glass of water and infuse "raspberry medicine" for 5 days in a dark place. Then strain the composition and dilute a quarter of a glass of the resulting solution in a glass of water and spray with the resulting mixture. Spraying garlic also helps to combat spider mites, as well as many fungal diseases of raspberries.

If you ate the spring processing of the raspberry beetle from the raspberry beetle, then additional processing from the raspberry-strawberry weevil is no longer required.

Bordeaux liquid has long been considered a universal remedy that helps in a complex way against many pests, and it is actively used to this day. However, time does not stand still, and now there are more effective and safe drugs. For example, Nitrafen, Topaz, Actellik, are distinguished by a wide spectrum of action and, at the same time, are quite safe for humans.

Disease protection

Treatment of raspberries in early spring for diseases most often consists in spraying the plant with Bordeaux liquid. The first spraying is carried out immediately after the snow melts, using a 3% solution of this fungicide. At this time, the spring sanitary pruning has already been carried out, the diseased areas of the stems have been removed, therefore, it is extremely difficult to say which of the diseases will develop in the future. Bordeaux mixture is considered a universal remedy not only for pest control, but also for the prevention of many diseases. If some disease begins to actively affect the raspberry plantings, then it will be necessary to fight it pointwise, perhaps using some kind of profile fungicide.

Gray rot

One treatment with Bordeaux liquid, carried out in early spring, should be enough to protect the raspberry from gray rot. If in the last season the disease actively manifested itself, and you want to play it safe, then additionally you need to spray with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid during the budding period. The method of our grandmothers, who in the spring laid out pine needles in the raspberry, has also worked well, which mulches the soil and helps in the fight against gray rot.


One of the best drugs for raspberry anthracnose is Nitrafen. Treatment with this agent is recommended to be carried out in early spring, before the buds swell. 150 g of Nitrafen is diluted with 10 liters. water and spray. Nitrafen has a wide range of applications, therefore it can be considered as one of the main means for spring processing of raspberries from pests and diseases.

The most popular spring treatments for raspberries


Treatment of raspberries with ammonia in the spring solves two problems at once. Firstly, ammonia is an excellent remedy for the prevention of a wide range of diseases and pests, and secondly, a source of nitrogen, which is especially needed by raspberries in the spring for an active set of green mass. To understand the effect of ammonia, you need to understand what it is in terms of composition. If we look at the instructions, we will see that ammonia is nothing more than a 10% ammonia solution. And all organic fertilizers, for example, bird droppings, are converted as a result of chemical reactions into ammonia, which is then converted in the soil under the influence of oxygen into nitrates and nitrites, which are already absorbed by the root system of plants. It turns out ammonia - it is exactly the same fertilizer as organic matter, you should not be afraid of it, it cannot bring anything “bad” into the soil.

Under raspberries, ammonia is added at the rate of 5 liters of working solution per 1 bush. The working solution itself is made by mixing 1-2 tablespoons of ammonia with 5 liters of water. The solution is poured over the soil around the plant. Watering must be done in the spring, but not early, the soil should already warm up, otherwise the ammonia will simply not be absorbed by the roots. Excellent results are shown by the combination of the introduction of ammonia into the soil with mulching.

Be careful when working with ammonia! Alcohol can cause skin burns, damage to the mucous membranes of the eyes, so the treatment is best done with gloves and take precautions.


Spring treatment of raspberries with urea (carbamide) is similar to treatment with ammonia. By one means we are again killing two birds with one stone. We feed the plant with nitrogen that is so necessary in the spring and fight against diseases and pests. It is for the purpose of pest control that the urea solution must be concentrated, because destruction occurs by contact and the "weak" solution simply will not work. A concentrated solution can burn young shoots and foliage, therefore, spraying can only be carried out in early spring, before the buds swell. To prepare a solution, 350 g of urea is diluted in a 5-liter bucket. One bucket of mixture is enough for about 20 m2 of raspberries.

Boiling water

One of our grandmothers' proven remedies is to boil raspberries in spring. This method seduces the lack of chemistry, economy, while it is very effective. Spraying raspberries with boiling water must be carried out before bud break in order to prevent the plant from burning and slowing down subsequent growth. The earliest spring is suitable for the event, before the snow melts, or immediately after the fall. The water temperature for raspberries must be maintained in the range of 60-70 degrees. This temperature regime will allow you to destroy most pests and spores of fungal diseases, while not harming the plant. For 1 bush, you need to spend about 1 watering can of boiling water. Watering must be done in one go, so the kidneys will not have time to heat up and will not be damaged. Do not spill the soil with boiling water, the raspberry roots are close to the surface, so they can get burned. When processing the stems on the ground, it is better to lay polyethylene so that the boiling water does not penetrate into the soil. To enhance the effect, caustic soda is often added to boiling water at the rate of a tablespoon per watering can. Don't confuse regular baking soda with caustic soda, they have different sodium derivatives and different pH levels.

Copper sulfate

Treatment of raspberries with copper sulfate in spring is an effective remedy for the prevention of fungal diseases, primarily anthracnose and gray rot. Copper sulfate is precisely a preventive drug, therefore it is used before the growing season, this is early spring immediately after the snow melts. If processing is carried out later, then copper sulfate will no longer help, it will not be able to cure anthracnose that has already spread through the plants, in addition, the agent can accumulate in the berries and their use is prohibited. To prepare a solution, 50 g of copper solution is diluted in a 5-liter bucket of water. Both the stems and the soil around the plants are sprayed, a 5-liter bucket is enough for about 10-15 bushes.


Processing raspberries in spring with iron sulfate is also extremely effective. In some sources there is information that only copper sulfate should be used for raspberries, somewhere in general copper and iron sulfate are considered the same remedy, so let's figure it out together or not and what exactly iron sulfate will give us in the spring. Iron vitriol is one of the main products used in horticulture to replenish iron deficiency. As for raspberries, the lack of iron sulfate in this plant is common and is the cause of chlorosis. Iron sulfate treatment should be carried out immediately after the snow melts, i.e. in the earliest spring, because otherwise, there is a risk of damaging young kidneys. The working solution is made by stirring 50 g of ferrous sulfate in 10 liters. water.

Bordeaux mix

Processing raspberries in early spring with Bordeaux liquid is a proven way of preventing most diseases. Spraying is carried out in 2 ways. The first time the treatment is carried out in early spring, before bud break, by spraying a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid (300 g copper sulfate + 300 g of lime per 10 liters of water). The second time, raspberries are treated in buds before flowering using a 1% solution of 100 g of copper sulfate + 100 g of lime per 10 liters. water). It is worth noting that Bordeaux liquid is an effective drug, but quite old, currently there are safer drugs. Instead of Bordeaux fluid, Oxyhom, Ordan, Ditan are often used. For example, the same Oxyhom is diluted in 10 liters. water is only 30 g, and to prepare a 3% solution of Bordeaux liquid, it needs 300 g. Constant use of Bordeaux liquid over-saturates the soil with copper, and copper, being a heavy metal, accumulates in the body and leads to liver problems.

To everyone who cares about the health of the berry and wants to get a generous return: how to process raspberries in the spring, when and when: methods, our mistakes. When spraying is money and raspberries down the drain, why tried and tested products do not work, and what to do.

Raspberry processing in spring: what we are doing wrong

Why is it important to process raspberries in early spring and repeat over time.

  1. Timing of pests awakening: they are early and vary.
  2. During active budding, opening of the buds, there is a high risk of damage.
  3. When blooming, raspberries cannot be processed: this will scare off pollinators.

To each his own. Each pest reacts to a specific substance. There are no universal ones! So, the leaf roll in the phase of wrapped leaves is invulnerable to Calypso, Aktara, Mospilan, where D.V. - chloronictinoids. We need organophosphates based on which Zolon, Bazudin, Bi 58, Decis Forte.

Systemic insecticides (hornicitinils, oxadiazines, cyanamides, etc.) that are active against gnawing agents will not be active against ticks.

What to do? There are acaracides - Karbaphos, Zolon, Metaphos, Cydial, colloidal sulfur.

Important! Insecticides and acaracides are not the same thing. The former destroy all insects, the latter - only ticks. An insecticide can sometimes be acaracide.

Everything has its time. Raspberry processing is carried out not only in early spring.

  • The raspberry gnat flies out with the beginning of the growing season, and after pupation and emergence during flowering, when the female makes a clutch, all treatments are useless: the larva makes its way into the tissue of the stems in order to get out again after a couple of months.
  • Stem gall midge makes clutch later, at higher t.
  • The weevil affects the buds - and early spring treatment is not a hindrance to it.
  • The spider mite is active throughout the growing season.

Air temperature. All drugs are less effective at low t. The optimum temperature for use is usually indicated in the instructions. At t below + 12 ... + 15 ° C, above + 20 ... + 25 ° C, the efficiency of many is minimal.

So, Calypso works at t above +10 ° C, Karate is more effective at t below +20 ° C.

Adhesives are needed. Without them, the drug rolls down the sheet, and the effectiveness is reduced to naught. Do not use soapy water or other home remedies. Why? Soap is alkaline and reduces effectiveness.

What to do? If you are not ready to buy, the method of the times of the USSR: sugar syrup - 1. tbsp. spoon for 1 liter of water.

How to treat raspberries in spring against pests: to each his own

The processing of raspberries in the spring from pests begins at a time when the bud bursts, along a green cone, against some - at the beginning or middle of budding, 7-10 days before flowering - this is a general rule. And in 80% of cases, spraying has to be repeated.

How to spray raspberries in the spring against pests: species, preparations + a table by development phases

How to spray raspberries in early spring? For complex eradication spraying, treatment is carried out with urea (300-350 g per 10 l, consumption per 20 m2), 1-2% solution of copper sulfate on a green cone. It can be either urea, copper sulfate or ordinary Karbofos.

Stem gall midge (fly)

The first treatment is carried out in the spring, after the snow leaves with vitriol, urea. Before flowering in May, Actellik, Iskra, Karbofos, Agrovertin are used.

Advice! Be sure to mulch the plantings: this makes it difficult for insects to fly out.

Raspberry shoot gall midge (raspberry gnat)

The effect is facilitated by loosening and spraying of the near-stem circle, high-quality shedding of the stems at the base.

The first spraying of raspberries in early spring against pests - Actellik, Karbaphos, Karate, Calypso, Nurell, etc. Repeated - until the buds open - Actellik, Funfaron.

Raspberry beetle

From damaging leaves, buds, flowers and berries, it is important to carry out several activities. After trimming - Decis, Confidor, Iskra, Guapsin, Iskra. And they also say that the infusion of tansy is effective. And most importantly - digging up the soil in order to extract the wintering larvae to the surface.

Spider mite

He is recognized by the white holes in the leaves. The sweet tooth does tremendous damage: the entire bush withers and perishes. Most insecticides are powerless against him, and Cydial, Metaphos, colloidal sulfur will be used before the growing season.


It affects the buds where the female lays the clutch, which reduces the yield by up to 50%: it is important to carry out processing at the beginning of budding.

Bordeaux liquid and copper are generally ineffective: Topaz, Actellik, Kemifos, Fufron, Alatar are used in accordance with the instructions.

Table 2. Spraying raspberries against diseases in spring in different phases of development: preparations, application features.

Development phase

Pests and diseases

A drug


Before bud break, at the beginning (bud cracking)

Shoot gall midge, leaf-eating

Karate Calypso

Iskra Actellic

Kemiphos Karbofos

Spraying shoots, their bases, near-stem circle


Actellic Topaz Kemifos Fufron Altar

At the beginning of budding, before laying

Before flowering, in the phase of well-developed leaves

Spider mite, rust

Tiovit Jet Tsidial Metaphos

Processing of leaves on both sides, shoots, a sticky circle

Raspberry beetle

Decis Confidor Spark Guapsin Aktara

Before bud break

Shoot gall midge, stem fly

When planted outdoors, mixing with soil

In the phase of the beginning of leaf blooming

Kidney moth


During bud break

Spider mite

Zolon Metaphos Phosphamide Cydial colloidal sulfur

Be careful when testing the leaves

In the phase of full foliage

Shoot gall midge, leafhoppers, raspberry beetle, leaf-eating beetles, ticks

Actellic, Kemifos

Activities are carried out until complete bud break

Leaf roll

Bazudin Fufanon Aktelik Zolon

Important! Frequent use of copper-containing preparations leads to their accumulation in the soil and fruits.

On the other hand, choosing the lesser of two evils, it is more rational to use contact drugs, to which copper and its derivatives belong, than systemic ones, albeit more effective.

Treatment of raspberries against diseases in spring: everything is not easy

And with diseases, everything is not easy. Of the fungal diseases, anthracnose, gray rot, leaf spots: it is much easier with them. But there are three important points to keep in mind. Or even five.

  1. All diseases are the result of low agricultural technology: thickened plantings, dampness, lack of nutrition. Or infected planting material.
  2. Processing is carried out before active sporulation of fungi, carriers of viral diseases.
  3. Most drugs work to suppress spores - not the fungus itself - and have a specific duration called a waiting period. The same applies to urea, copper preparations: the eradicating effect is due to the destruction of the vital activity of fungi, and their fungicidal activity against raspberry diseases is not high, as practice has shown.
  4. The waiting period is not what we think it is: it is not the time to eat raspberries. This is the expiration date of the substance. After its completion, the treatment is repeated - most fungal in the season have several cycles of sporulation.
  5. Biologicals - a preventive measure, maximum suppression of sporulation. The effect is often based on the action of antagonistic fungi - for example, Fitoverm (aversectin, based on strepiomyceous fungi). It is difficult to underestimate their effect at the initial stage, but even with a large-scale defeat, it is not worth overestimating.

Processing against viral: retreat to win

Viral ones are mosaic, curl of leaves, overgrowth, mezzanine chlorosis. The reason is a weakened immune system, which means a lack of nutrition. And most importantly - carriers: aphids, leafhoppers and others.

The main method is the destruction of the vectors and the bushes themselves, alas: agrochemistry is powerless against viral ailments.

Only a few means in combination with growth stimulants, top dressing will prolong the life of plants: there is no salvation against fusarium wilting, overgrowth.

Renovation of plantings will be humane in relation to health and economical method.

Raspberry processing includes several stages. The first is in early spring on a green cone, then after 10-14 days, the third is possible before flowering.

About viral ailments of raspberries:

Methods: Bordeaux liquid - immediately after the snow melts 2-3% R.R., urea. The second, as necessary, until the opening of the buds.

Raspberries are processed with copper 1% copper sulfate in the spring, immediately after the snow leaves, after sanitary cleaning, trimming the tops. Consumption 10 liters for 15-20 m2).

How to process raspberries in the spring? With the preparations listed below at the indicated time, by spraying, wetting all sides of the leaves, stems, slightly spraying the root circle.

When to process raspberries? In the southern regions, Ukraine, southern regions of Belarus - the middle of April and even the beginning. In Central Russia - the end of April, with late spring in some years until the beginning of May.

Raspberries are treated against gray rot, alternaria, purple spotting with 1% Bordeaux liquid at the beginning of budding, with a weak lesion of Cuproxat, with intense Oxyhom, Acrobat.

Table 2. Spraying of raspberries during leafing and foliage phase.

Development phase

Pests and diseases

A drug


In the green cone phase

Anthracnose, didimella

Bordeaux mixture, copper preparations, urea

1-2% R.-R.

Before flowering, in the early leafing phase

Anthracnose, gray mold, purple leaf spot

Kemifos, Topaz, Thanos, Fundazol

Upon reaching the growth of the current goal of 15-20 cm, paying special attention to the base of the shoots, leaves on both sides, wetting the trunk circle

Full foliage

Spider mite, rust

Tiovit Jet, Fitoverm

Processing leaves on both sides, shoots, trunk circle

Purple spot, anthracnose

In conclusion. The effect of many drugs has not been studied, as is the possibility of their accumulation in the soil, fruits, and our body. How the processing of raspberries will turn out - only time will tell.

And if about the fight until complete victory, then it is better to uproot the damaged bushes and send them outside the site: no drug will give a 100% guarantee. Let your raspberries not get sick, let no treatments be needed, and the harvest will be good!