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Modern technologies for growing vegetable crops. New technology allows you to grow plants even in the desert

For people who are constantly engaged in farming and agriculture, the issues of productivity and reducing labor costs when cultivating the land are of paramount importance. Therefore, specialists annually develop new technologies for growing vegetables that facilitate care and increase the yield of marketable products.

The use of special techniques has long made it possible not only to approach the natural yield, which is inherent in the potential of each variety, but also to exceed it several times. For this, all parameters affecting the growth and speed of the growing stages are carefully controlled. But with each season in this area, new techniques and developments appear that are superior in efficiency to those already available.

Planting vegetables for seedlings

The yield and quality of the crop largely depends on when and in what way the planting takes place. In this direction, several new technologies have recently been developed and implemented, which promise simplicity and ease of use, as well as increased yield.

Landing in cassettes

This modern technology is suitable for both large farms and home use... The method is ideal for most crops: tomatoes, cabbage, peppers, melons, cucumbers, legumes, decorative flowers etc. The experience of use shows that with cassette planting, vegetable crops ripen 2-4 weeks earlier than when sown in ordinary soil.

Cassettes are used both for further disembarkation on their lands or in indoor ground and for forcing seedlings for sale. These seedlings grow faster and look stronger and more well-groomed, which ensures their quick implementation.

Advantages of cassette landing technology:

  • The vegetative part and the root system of each plant develop in the same way.
  • The soil in all cassettes heats up faster, and the porous structure of the cells does not impede circulation and gas exchange in the bottom part, providing an accelerated rate of root development.
  • Cassettes are selected according to the cultivated type of vegetable different colors... For early varieties, white is chosen, since they reflect light, which is not enough in the early stages. In the open field, preference is given to black for early warming up and transfer of soil heat in the cells.
  • Due to the small volume, the soil dries out better, which allows the roots to more efficiently absorb oxygen from the atmospheric air.
  • Bottom drainage holes allow free air circulation and prevent moisture stagnation and suppression of mycorrhiza.

The technique of using cassettes is as follows:

  • The nutrient substrate is placed in cells, sealed with a foil and heated to 20-25 ° C.
  • Seeds germinate in a separate bowl to a seedling size of about 1 mm.
  • Planting in the ground takes place in accordance with the requirements for a particular crop.
  • After planting, the soil is watered with a small amount of water and the cells are supplemented with a substrate. Cover the cassettes with foil again.
  • Every day, mini-greenhouses need to be ventilated for several minutes. They should be placed in a bright place without drafts.
  • After the sprouts appear, the cassettes can be rearranged to a place with a temperature of 15-20 ° C. Watering occurs almost daily (as it dries), but the water should be warm.
  • In cassettes, the seedlings grow for about 50 days, after which they are transferred to the ground by transfer without disturbing the lump of the substrate and the root system.

The absence of a long adaptation period after transshipment accelerates the onset of budding and ripening of vegetables by several weeks.

Water-soluble tapes contain seeds in a coated form. At the moment, this type of sowing is the most modern achievement of agricultural technology, which combines highly ecological and effective principles of growing vegetables.

The indisputable advantages of water-soluble tapes include the fact that the seeds in the soil are arranged according to an ideal scheme, which was taken into account in advance by the manufacturer. The time required for planting is reduced several times, which does not affect the quality of planting at all: the seedlings look perfect.

Seeds are applied at a certain distance from each other on a tape 0.8 cm wide, which looks like polyethylene. Upon contact with moisture, the tape dissolves without forming toxic substances. Such belts can be used both in manual mode and when working with seeding equipment in large farms.

They produce 2 types of these products:

  • Belts with ordinary hybrid seeds that have not undergone special pre-sowing treatment. Most often, these are seeds of radish, carrots, spinach, onions, parsley, etc.
  • The belts on which the coated treated seeds are attached, which are coated with nutrients and antifungal agents. The cost of such a product is higher, but the final output covers the difference in price many times over.

This technology allows sowing in large areas in a short time and getting an optimal harvest during the season.


The indicators of yield and profitability of the season directly depend on the skillful regulation and control of the parameters of plant maintenance. To improve these characteristics, improved agricultural technologies are constantly being created.

John Jevons is an American farmer and scientist who successfully applies and refines agronomic theory in practice. It was he who proposed a technology based on the biointensive use of resources, which allows you to get amazing results.

The main advantage is that the method is close to the principles of organic farming, therefore, it allows you to get environmentally friendly products, minimizing the use of synthesized fertilizers and pesticides. Skillful manipulation of aerobic and anaerobic soil microorganisms gives excellent results that have not been achieved with synthetic fertilizers.

The basis of the method is special solution microorganisms, which is consumed in the amount of 1 tsp. - 1 tbsp. l. on a bucket of water. It prepares in this way:

  • 3 liters of mullein should be fermented in 7 liters of water;
  • after 5-7 days add 0.5 liters of skim milk, whey, buttermilk and 2/3 of a bucket of dead hay.

Vegetable growing according to Jevans also implies a special preparation of the substrate. In the fall, it is necessary to liming the site, and in the spring to dig it up, adding humus twice. This should be done as follows:

  • pour humus and dig up on a bayonet;
  • remove the formed loose layer;
  • pour more humus on the bottom of the garden;
  • return the excavated earth to its place.

Such preparation does not violate the top layers and structure of the soil, but saturates it with nutritious organic matter, which gives a quick start to the grown vegetables and provides nutrition throughout the agricultural season.

With this technology, there is no need for subsequent annual soil digging. It loosens itself due to the spring swelling and freezing of limestone.

Some experts recommend adding annual composting in the Jevons method, which increases the yield by another 0.8 - 1.8 times. The use of this technology preserves almost all buds tied to the plant: after flowering, the flowers practically do not fall off, and all are pollinated and form ovaries.

Due to the change in the structure of the substrate, weeds practically do not grow on it, which reduces labor costs for inter-row weeding in the summer.

According to Mittlider

This technology is based on a balance of mineral nutrition and a special geometry of planting. This approach guarantees optimal fertilizer consumption, moisture and lighting, rapid development of vegetable crops and resistance to damaging factors.

The Mittlider technique requires a horizontal open area, no shading. Before the first season, the soil is dug up with a thorough harvesting of weed roots.

Basic moments:

  • Landing geometry... The beds are 45 cm wide, earthen curbs along them are up to 10 cm high. The length of the beds can correspond to the size of the plot. The distance between the beds is not less than 1.05 m. It is impossible to dig up and break the beds in advance, this must be done only on the day of planting.
  • Two-stage landing scheme... Along the earthen curbs, 2 rows of such vegetables are sown: beets, celery, legumes, parsnips. Tomatoes, pumpkin, physalis, cucumbers, taverns are planted along one side. On the remaining area, ready-made seedlings of all varieties of cabbage or salad are planted in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Nutrition and hydration... Presowing and periodic feeding is carried out with the following mixture: 6 kg of nitrophoska, 1 kg of urea, 1 kg of potassium sulfate, 1 kg of magnesium sulfate and 15 g of boric and molybdic acid each. Under good weather conditions, the fertilizer consumption is 40 g / m, and under unfavorable conditions - 25 g / m. Distribute the top dressing dry, and then carry out root watering.
  • Loosening... In narrow rows, do not loosen the soil so as not to damage the roots located immediately below the surface of the soil.

In the Mittlider technology, it is very important to observe all points without changes, since even a slight deviation can dramatically reduce the effectiveness of this method.

The most modern and innovative technology for growing vegetables at the moment was developed in Germany. Several advanced greenhouses have already adopted it and even managed to implement it within one season, confirming its highest efficiency.

The method is based on combining a hydroponic growing system with aquaculture cultivation. The advantages of the system are exceptional environmental friendliness and obtaining a by-product of production. The disadvantages include the fact that it is necessary to equip the system almost from scratch, since it implies the use of fundamentally new containers for growing vegetables.

Vegetables are cultivated together with the very unpretentious telyapia fish, known for its high adaptive properties. The containers in which the development of the root systems of plants and fish takes place are large barrels. In conditions of darkness and the absence of water flows, calf grows and gains weight much faster than in natural conditions... Both vegetables and fish are at the same temperature. Fish successfully feed on substances dissolved in water, since they are detritivores (they absorb bottom organic sediments).

The waste generated by the veal serves in turn as a high-quality fertilizer for vegetables. This principle makes the system closed and allows for a high yield. The best thing this technology proved itself in the cultivation of tomatoes, although it can be successfully used with any hydroponic crops.

Thus, agricultural technologies currently offer a large selection of new and exotic ways of growing vegetables both outdoors and in greenhouses. Among them, each farmer can find one that is affordable in terms of resources and corresponding to his principles of farming.


Strawberries are one of the most lucrative crops. The income per unit area is much higher than the income from the cultivation of other field and vegetable crops.

Even this simplest traditional technology allows harvesting up to 15 t / ha. Knowing the retail and wholesale prices for strawberries in your area, you can estimate what level of income you can target.

And this is far from the limit. In the USA, using all means of intensifying strawberry production (storage of seedlings in refrigerators, pre-planting soil fumigation, mulching, drip irrigation, top dressing, etc.), more than 50 t / ha are obtained.

Another way to increase the profitability of strawberries is to grow some of them under a film, which will make it possible to get an earlier product with a higher price.

Growing strawberry seedlings can also be a good help.

Strawberries are in high demand among the population. The demand for quality berries exceeds the supply throughout the entire “strawberry” season.

1. general characteristics strawberry

Strawberries are among the most common berry crops... High plasticity and adaptability of plants to conditions the environment, early entry into the fruiting period, high yields, rapid ripening of fruits and their ability to different kinds of processing, quick payback the costs of planting plantations have led to increased interest in the cultivation of this crop. The unpretentiousness, ecological lability of the culture, the availability of cultivation techniques, the exceptional taste and medicinal properties of the first fruits of the spring period have made the culture of this species the most common in private home gardening.

Strawberries have a low stem, but they grow for 4-6 years. It differs from the stems of woody plants in that it has very developed parenchymal tissues, in which a supply of plastic substances is deposited. The annual growth of stems in strawberries does not exceed 2 cm, and in adult plants they reach 10 cm in height. Branches of plants, the so-called horns, grow from the upper lateral stems, which form in the second half of summer or autumn. Any of the branches ends with an apical bud - a "heart", from which an inflorescence develops in the spring.

At the end of flowering, and in some varieties even earlier, lateral thin, long creeping shoots that creep along the ground begin to grow from the axils of the leaves that formed in spring. Especially a lot of them grow after fruit ripening and in the second half of summer. There are knees on the creeping shoots. Rosettes of leaves grow on every second, fourth, sixth and other paired knees. From the base of the rosette rings, bundles of roots develop, which grow into the ground in loosened and moist soil and branch out there. Odd knees (first, third, fifth, etc.) each have one underdeveloped leaf, from the axils of which the rosette knees alternate with antennae in the same way as on the main antennae.

By the middle of summer, earlier rosettes on antennae, and in autumn those that appeared later, have well-developed roots and a relatively thick stem 5-10 mm high. These new plants (flanders) are used for planting plantations. Young plants whose stems are not yet branched produce fewer tendrils than biennial plants with branched stems.

Due to the shallow placement of the roots, it is necessary to retain moisture in the upper layers of the soil, using shallow inter-row cultivation of the soil near the bushes, so as not to damage the roots. The root system of strawberries is sensitive to frost and freezes if not protected in winter by a snow cover or some kind of artificial shelter. Strawberry roots begin to grow and branch out in early spring at a soil temperature of + 1-20C. They grow especially intensively before the berries ripen, and their growth does not stop until the soil freezes, if any. enough moisture. After harvest, new additional roots begin to grow on the stems at the base of this year's increments.

2. Features of the root system of strawberries

The root system of strawberries in the first 3 years of plant life increases due to both its branching and the use of new additional roots from the youngest parts of the stem, which are located near the very surface of the soil.

The growth rate of the main root system at spring planting decreases after the first harvest, and when planted in summer - after the second fruiting. Starting from the third and fourth years, after planting, the lower part of the stem, together with the roots placed on it, gradually dies off. The roots that die off are partially replaced by new ones that grow from the bases of the growths of the horns of the current year. But with age, the horns rise higher and higher above the surface of the soil, and aerial roots suffer greatly from drought or die from frost. As a result, the size of the active root system decreases every year, and the plants weaken from this and reduce the yield. So, in the third or fourth year of fruiting, strawberries greatly reduce the yield, so it is inappropriate to grow it in one place for more than 4-5 years, and the old plantations are plowed at this time.

The laying of flower buds on the horns, even in the same plant, stretches for 10-16 days. In strong horns, they are laid earlier than in weak ones. In the lateral growth cones of the hearts, the meristem passes into a generative state 15-20 days later than at the apexes (terminal growth cones). On a one-year plantation, flower buds begin to form 4-7 days later than on a two-year-old.

Strawberry flowers are collected in dichazial type thyroid inflorescences, and therefore they do not develop in the inflorescence at the same time. First, flowers of the first order appear, then flowers of the second order grow from the axils of its two bracts, and from them flowers of the third order, etc. The apical inflorescences have 6 to 11 flowers.

In the conditions of the forest-steppe of Ukraine, strawberry flowering begins in the third decade of April - at the beginning of May. The first to bloom early varieties, after 4-5 days - the average ripening period and after 8-10 days - later. The length of the flowering period depends on the variety and the weather. Sometimes the last flowers bloom while the first fruits begin to ripen. Between the beginning of flowering and the beginning of ripening of the berries, a period of 20 to 26 days passes.

The qualitative characteristic of the fruit is one of the components of the economic assessment of the variety. To the main elements qualitative characteristics fruit belong: taste, shape, size, one-dimensionality, marketability, chemical composition, suitability for technical processing. All of them vary within certain varietal boundaries depending on the conditions of the agricultural environment of the year. In terms of taste, the varieties are classified as dessert, table or technical varieties.

The taste of the fruit depends on the content of sugars, acids and the ratio between them, as well as on the degree of aroma, flavor and consistency of the pulp. The sweetest berries are when ripe on sunny days. Lack and excessive amount of moisture in the soil significantly impairs the palatability of the fruit.

Berries are also distinguished by their aroma. Although large-fruited strawberries have a pleasant aroma, it is less pronounced than that of forest strawberries and wild strawberries. In terms of fruit size, strawberry varieties differ significantly from each other. Fresh strawberries are harvested in the morning, when the dew has melted, or at the end of the day, before the dew appears. The popularity of strawberries as a dietary and therapeutic agent is explained by their taste, which is combined with a wide range of therapeutic effects. Strawberry fruits increase appetite, improve digestion, have a diuretic, choleretic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, sugar-reducing, antithyroid effect.

3. Modern technologies growing strawberries

strawberry root pulp harvest

Successful strawberry cultivation must begin with careful soil selection. In principle, you can try to pick up any soil on garden plot... Of course, there is certainly a relationship between the type of soil and the size of the crop. Definitely, the best result is always achieved on podzolized chernozem soils, as well as on dark gray forest soils of medium and light composition. Light gray, peaty soils and soddy podzolic soils will yield lower yields. It is very important that the groundwater flows at a depth of at least 60 cm.

Planting of strawberries is carried out mainly on the south - western slopes, with a steepness of about 2 - 3 degrees. On such slopes, the growing season begins earlier, and the harvest ripens faster. It is not recommended to use closed variable areas for planting strawberries. If the soil freezes to a depth of 15 - 18 cm to a temperature of -8 degrees, then your strawberries are in mortal danger. The recommended level of soil acidity is 5.5 - 6.5, and the humus content is from 2% or more.

The most favorable for plantation establishment are soils of medium texture with a neutral reaction. Watersheds, tops and bottoms of hills and lowlands, and slopes over 100 are unsuitable for strawberries. It is better to use the middle and upper parts of gentle slopes, sheltered from the wind.

A year before the establishment of a new plantation, it is necessary to establish the number of phytophagous insects that inhabit the soil (wireworms, bears, larvae of May beetles and caterpillars of gnawing scoops). With a population of 3-5 ind / m2, destructive agrotechnical and chemical measures are carried out or a new plantation is selected.

It is advisable to fertilize the soil with ripe humus: 30-40 t / ha (3-4 centners / weave). The best predecessors of strawberries are cereals and green manure crops. After them, it is better to plant root crops and legumes, the next year - pumpkin seeds, after that - tomatoes, onions.

It is better to plant seedlings in August and early September or early spring, when there is enough moisture in the soil, and low air temperatures prevent the planted seedlings from drying out. Seedlings should be healthy, pure-bred, with good roots, grown in nurseries or taken from mother bushes and not infested with ticks. In case of suspicion that the seedlings are infected, heat treatment should be carried out: immerse the seedlings for 15-17 minutes in water t = 46-470C. Before disembarking planting material need to be treated with a root former stimulant "Kornevin". This preparation with the active ingredient 4 indolylbutyric acid promotes rooting, improves engraftment when transplanting different crops. Root system Strawberry flanders must be soaked before planting in a working suspension: 10 g per 10 liters of water for 3 hours.

Seedlings are planted so that the root collar is at ground level, and the apical bud remains open. Under such conditions, a high percentage of seedlings survival is achieved.

Basically, the distance between rows in specialized farms is 70-90 cm, the distance between plants is 15-20 cm with a single-tape planting scheme. With a multi-belt planting scheme, the row spacing is 100 cm, the plants are placed every 20-30 cm between themselves, the distance between the ribbons is 30-40 cm.

For household plots with a single-tape planting scheme, the row spacing is 50-60 cm, the plants in the tape are placed at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. With a multi-belt planting scheme, the row spacing is 70 cm, the plants in the belt are placed at a distance of 20-30 cm between themselves, the distance between the ribbons is 30-40 cm.

Caring for plantations after emerging from the snow is to remove plant debris in order to destroy hibernating ticks, as well as pathogens.

By the beginning of the growth of leaves (if gray rot was present in the previous year, powdery mildew and spotting) spraying with a fungicide 3% Bordeaux liquid (30 kg / ha for copper sulfate, 30 g / weave).

During the period of regrowth of the leaves, if they were not sprayed at the beginning of regrowth, it is necessary to treat with the fungicide Bayleton 25% s.p. (0.24 kg / ha) against powdery mildew and gray mold. Also spraying with insecticides: Actellik 50% k.e. (0.6 kg / ha) in the presence of a caterpillar of 1-3 ages of moths, pyaduns and leafworms, a fake caterpillar of sawflies, larvae and adult insects of galitsa and aphids; colloidal sulfur (5 kg / ha, 50 g / weave) in the presence of mites; sowing the plantation with dill, parsley, marigolds, mint to repel harmful insects.

At the beginning of budding at the first manifestations of powdery mildew, spraying with the fungicide Topaz 100 EC ae. (0.3-0.5 l / ha), in the presence of pests, treatment with colloidal sulfur (5 kg / ha, 50 g / weave); Actellik 50% k.e. (0.6 kg / ha).

To increase the yield, treatment with an aqueous solution of Emistim C (1 ampoule 1 cm3 per 10 liters of water per 1 hundred square meters).

After flowering, you need to do mulching with peat, straw, a mixture of straw with needles, needles. This protects the berries from damage by gray mold, helps to preserve their presentation and creates a favorable conditions for the development of pests. During the ripening of berries, it is necessary to collect and destroy the affected berries to reduce the stock of infection of pathogens (especially rot). After harvesting, the green mass must be mowed and immediately removed from the plantation in order to destroy ticks and leaf-eating insects and reduce the infectious origin of powdery mildew and spots.

The aisles are cultivated 4-7 times during the growing season. At the end of the growing season, the antennae in the strip are thinned out, leaving them at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other.


Strawberries are one of the most delicious berries, which is loved and grown almost everywhere. This culture is quite unpretentious and fruitful. It is grown everywhere, it is most widespread in household and summer cottages.

After harvesting the first marketable crop, which is the largest, the plantation is plowed without any regret. This is the only way to achieve the maximum yield, the greatest amount of high quality fruits.

Leaving the plantation for 2-3 years means condemning yourself to a constant struggle with weeds, mustache, the use of fertilizers and pesticides. And ultimately - to reduce the yield and its quality.

Naturally, you need to make sure that a new strawberry plot is grown by next year. Here, the costs of seedling and planting seem to increase, but all this pays off with a higher and better harvest.

It is necessary to have at least three strawberry varieties different in terms of ripening: early, middle and late.

This will not only increase the cultivation area with the same number of people at the collection, but also raise average price realization of strawberries.

With any quantity of strawberries on the market, you will have an advantage in the market only if you are able to offer a quality product.

Since strawberries are perishable and delicate, how they are harvested is critical. Perfect option, to which we must strive - strawberries are plucked from the bush and from that moment no one touches them to the consumer himself. It should not overflow, overload. To this end, we have introduced the collection of strawberries directly into the box in which they will be sold. The collector on a special cart moves it in front of him, he has two hands free to collect. Besides him, nobody touches the strawberry - it does not break, does not wrinkle, which allows it to have a good presentation.

Dutch inventor and investor Peter Hoff was a former flower exporter. Spending whole days among the plants, he noticed how in the evenings condensation accumulates on the lilies, which is then absorbed by the leaves. These observations formed the basis of a unique business idea and pushed Hoff to create a device that allows him to farm in places with unfavorable climates. Having sold the flower business, the entrepreneur invested about $ 7 million in the new technology.

Founded by Peter Hoff, AquaPro is the manufacturer of the Groasis Waterboxx, an experimental device that stores water and protects a sprout or seedling from harmful environmental factors.

Tests carried out in the Sahara Desert have shown that of 100 trees planted using the new Groasis growing technology, 88 trees survive. According to the inventor, in similar climatic conditions, without the use of Groasis plant growing technology, only about 10% of plants survive - even with daily watering.


Waterboxx is a laundry basket-sized polypropylene container with a through-hole in the form of an upward tapering tube through which a sprout or seedling is pushed; the roots of the plant are in the ground. During planting, 15 liters of water are poured into the container. After that, the plant does not need watering for 3-4 months: Waterboxx independently replenishes the water supply, collecting moisture particles from the air. At night, the container lid cools faster than the surrounding air. Condensation forms on the plastic surface, which then flows to the center and enters the tank through thin tubes. The shape of the lid also allows rainwater to be collected - 75 mm of rain per year is enough to ensure that the water supply inside the container never runs out. A special valve protects the water inside the device from evaporation.

During the day, the water cooled down overnight allows you to maintain a cooler temperature inside the pipe compared to the environment, preventing the plant from dying from the heat. The plant grower stabilizes the temperature of the soil around the seedling and also protects the plant from wind and moisturizes the soil around it. A small amount of water (about 50 ml per day) seeps into the ground through a wick inserted into a small hole in the bottom of the container. This amount is not enough for optimal plant development, which stimulates the growth of roots in depth. When the roots begin to reach the more moist soil layers, the plant enters a phase of rapid growth. This means that further it is able to survive without the help of adaptation. The Waterboxx can be removed and used to plant a new plant.

Experiments with Groasis have already been carried out in various regions where drought problems are acute or brewing - Morocco, Kenya, Spain and the United States.

So far, the Waterboxx plant growing device is made only in Holland. AquaPro sells the devices in batches of 10 for $ 275. However, Peter Hoff is ready to establish localized production for more affordable prices wherever the mass application of Waterboxx begins.

Plant Grower CAN BE USED TO GROW FORESTS WHERE ARE DESERT NOW, as well as to convert waste land to farmland and to reduce cultivation costs different plants, including in temperate climates.

The inventor believes that there will be demand for such devices in the consumer market, while they could be sold in garden supply stores AT A PRICE OF ABOUT $ 15 PER PIECE.

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The technology of cultivation of crops as an art is a complex of techniques aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the growth and development of plants. The technological complex includes techniques performed from the moment the field was vacated by the predecessor to harvesting inclusive. These include the main and pre-sowing soil cultivation, fertilization, seed preparation for sowing, sowing, crop care associated with maintaining the optimal agrophysical state of the soil (row crops) and protecting plants from weeds, pests and diseases, and harvesting.

The starting point in the development of crop cultivation technology is the agroecological requirements of the crop and variety to the growing conditions. The consistent overcoming of factors that reduce crop yields and product quality allows us to form the most optimal cultivation technology for specific conditions of the farm.

The creation of the most favorable conditions for the growth of plants is based on the material and technical resources of the economy, its economic efficiency and production experience.

All technological methods for the cultivation of crops should be closely linked with other links of the farming system: tillage, fertilization, plant protection, etc., which are developed taking into account the requirements of culture and reproduction of soil fertility.

For a different provision of the economy with production resources (agricultural machinery, fertilizers, pesticides, seeds, etc.), different options technologies.

Intensive technologies are fundamentally different from traditional ones in terms of a set of technical, agrochemical, and biological means. These technologies involve not only ensuring the optimal level of mineral nutrition of plants and appropriate protection against weeds, diseases and pests, but also qualitatively excellent methods of pre-sowing soil cultivation using special machines, sowing at the same depth with precision seeders, caring for crops using sprayers, harvesting harvest with high-performance technical means.

In a multi-structured economy, a differentiated approach to the technologies of cultivating agricultural crops is required, depending on the various forms of labor organization. The features of these technologies are the selection of varieties with sowing and harvesting dates that reduce the intensity of field work, the combination of technological methods for tillage, fertilization, pesticides, sowing, etc.

Traditional technology

Traditional (moldboard) technology of agricultural crops cultivation involves annual or periodic plowing of the soil with a seam turnover, multiple passes of agricultural machinery across the field.

This causes soil compaction, destruction of its mechanical structure, a decrease in the fertile layer as a result of water and air erosion, an increase in the negative balance of humus, phosphorus and potassium in the soil, ineffective use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides and biological preparations, but most importantly, it disrupts natural ecosystems and pollutes habitat of humans, flora and fauna.

Along with the growth of gross output, it is also important to stabilize the quality of products that meet the requirements of the market in terms of parameters technical conditions processing enterprises and compliance with consumer quality certificates.

Despite the emergence of new technologies for soil cultivation (minimal, zero, etc.), moldboard plowing is still an urgent and important operation, since it provides high-quality soil preparation for sowing and planting crops on a wide variety of backgrounds and soil types. In recent years, in order to protect the environment from chemical pollution, there has been a tendency to reduce the use of chemicals for pest and weed control. Moldboard plows are irreplaceable tools that can deeply cover crop residues, which contributes to the destruction of weeds, larvae of pests and crop diseases without the use of herbicides, therefore, the transition to a herbicidal crop cultivation technology is impossible without the use of moldboard-share tools.

The moldboard plowing methods are constantly being improved (smooth, shallow, with soil deepening), only the principle of operation of the plow body remains unchanged - rolling and turning the layer into an open adjacent furrow. From an agronomic point of view, the transfer of the upper, more fertile, but "unstructured" layer to the place of the lower one creates favorable conditions for the growth and development of agricultural plants.

At the same time, moldboard plows are not devoid of a number of serious technological and design drawbacks: high energy consumption (up to 50-80 kW / m) and low productivity, compacted furrow bottom, insufficient soil crumbling, unsatisfactory consistency and leveling of the arable land surface. A "clean" arable land, devoid of stubble and plant residues, is prone to washout and blowing out. Due to the angular arrangement of the bodies, the plows have large dimensions and increased metal consumption (up to 1500 kg / m).

Improvement of modern moldboard-share plows is largely aimed at eliminating the above disadvantages.

Technological map of traditional technology:

1. Tillage:

  • plowing
  • harrowing
  • continuous cultivation
  • "Disking"
  • rolling
  • sowing and planting
  • sowing grain crops in areas with soils prone to wind erosion
  • sowing cereals and legumes with combined units
  • sowing wheat, rye, oats, rice, peas, lentils, flax, rana, lupine, vetch, chickpea
  • sowing corn, sunflower
  • planting potatoes
  • sowing sugar beet

2. Care of crops:

  • harrowing crops before germination
  • harrowing crops by sprouting
  • rolling crops
  • inter-row cultivation of wide-row crops of grain and leguminous crops
  • inter-row processing of corn and sunflower
  • harrowing of sugar beet crops
  • thinning of sugar beet seedlings along the rows
  • inter-row processing of sugar beets
  • spraying
  • harvesting grain crops
  • mowing cereal crops into swaths
  • selection of rolls of grain crops
  • direct "combining" of grain crops
  • harvesting peas
  • mowing peas into swaths
  • selection of rolls of peas
  • sunflower harvesting
  • harvesting corn for grain
  • harvesting the testes of grasses
  • selection and threshing of clover testes
  • selection and threshing of seeds of leguminous grasses
  • selection and threshing of cereal grasses
  • harvesting sugar beet
  • haulm harvesting
  • harvesting root crops

Minimum technology

In recent years, in all developed countries of the world, there has been an intensive search for new technological methods of soil cultivation, aimed at protecting it from erosion processes, preserving and increasing soil fertility, as well as reducing labor, money and energy costs. Various methods of minimum tillage and partial replacement of moldboard plowing by non-moldboard loosening and useless tillage have been tested and widely introduced.

In modern domestic and world practice, the most promising soil-protecting, resource-saving technologies include minimal (dump-free) and zero tillage technologies.

Minimal tillage allows to reduce the mechanical impact of tillage machines on the soil and the compacting effect of their running systems, and to reduce the number of machine passes across the field. In recent years, minimal tillage has become widespread in many regions of the country. The technological and economic advantages of minimal tillage have been confirmed by the experience of agricultural enterprises in different regions of the country. In conditions of a shortage of fertilizers and plant protection products, ameliorants, and other means of increasing soil fertility, special attention should be paid to improving the structure of sown areas, developing scientifically based crop rotations, sowing and plowing green manure. A new family of combined aggregates has been developed to reduce soil overconsolidation with energy-rich equipment in the cultivation of agricultural crops. Based on the accumulated research and production experience in various agro-climatic zones of Ukraine, it has been shown that the minimum tillage in appropriate conditions provides an almost equal grain yield in comparison with traditional plowing by 20-22 cm, 2 times less energy intensive and reduces consumption by 10-15 kg fuel per hectare of cultivated area. According to the estimates of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agriculture and Soil Protection from Erosion, the energy costs for dumping for winter crops are 1813 MJ / ha, and for surface tillage with a disc harrow in two tracks followed by harrowing - only 673 MJ / ha.

A characteristic feature of the application of the minimum technology for winter crops is a steady increase in yield in dry years in the range of 1.3 - 5.4 c / ra, and on average in the country - by 1.5 c / ha compared to plowing by 20-22 cm , and, conversely, a decrease in the years of sufficient moisture. The limited use of minimal treatments for spring cereals and annual grasses also does not reduce their productivity, although, as a rule, it does not increase them. Their main disadvantage is a significant increase in weediness of crops, and it increases with the growth of the term of use. According to the average estimates of the All-Russian Research Institute of Agriculture and Soil Protection from Erosion, with the systematic application of minimal treatments, the weed infestation of the first crop increases by 30-150%, the second and third crops - two or more times, and in general for the rotation of crop rotation - 4-8 or more once. Moreover, a very undesirable aspect is that the number of wintering cereals and monocotyledonous perennials sharply increases in the species composition of weeds.

The noted negative sides minimum treatments are permitted subject to strict adherence necessary conditions their application based on the recommendations of zonal scientific institutions.

Zero technology

Zero (No Till) technology - provides for direct sowing of seeds into the soil, pre-treated with herbicides.

With regard to no-till, it should be noted that the decisive factor determining the success of its application is the need to take into account the main features and properties of soils (resistance to compaction, drainage, the content of humus and mobile forms of nutrients). Without a scientifically based assessment of the suitability of soils for no-till, its application can pose a certain risk and produce negative agronomic, economic and environmental results.

Advantages of No Till Technology:

  • exclusion of water and wind erosion
  • accumulation of nutrient medium for soil biota
  • reducing the use of mineral fertilizers and pesticides
  • reduction of soil compaction
  • more complete absorption into the soil and economical use of moisture
  • natural snow retention
  • combination of strip sowing, fertilization and packing in one pass
  • increase in productivity
  • reduction of fuel consumption by up to 60%
  • minimum labor costs
  • reduction of up to 50% of the cost of purchasing equipment
  • reduction of costs for forest and hydromelioration

Based on the available domestic and international experience in the application of zero tillage, it is necessary to take into account the following main features:

  • higher costs for chemical plant protection products against weeds, pests and diseases
  • additional costs for special equipment while maintaining the traditional one, since usually not all plots of arable land are suitable for no-till, and it should be repeated every 3-4 years
  • the fact that not all crops produce high yield at zero processing
  • the need to comply with more stringent requirements, especially with regard to the use of plant protection chemicals, mineral fertilizers, soil ameliorants
  • difficulties with the use of organic fertilizers, the effectiveness of which is low without embedding in the soil

Another important factor determining the development of tillage and sowing equipment is the increase in the power supply of agriculture, including by increasing the unit power of tractors.

The rational implementation of the increased power of energy-saturated tractors at the present stage is carried out by creating wide-grip tillage machines and seeding units.

Are there any negative points in the transition to energy-saving technologies?

Excessive compaction. Excessive compaction, deterioration of water permeability of heavy structureless and low-humus soils, when the equilibrium soil density is much higher than the density optimal for plant growth. Therefore, the transition to saving technologies with plowless soil cultivation should be started in crop rotations without row crops on structural, non-floating soils, with a humus content of more than 3-3.5%. The need for deep periodic moldboard-free loosening (chiseling), their frequency, depth require further study.

Plant residues. At a large number crop residues, insufficient chopping of straw and its uneven distribution over the soil surface can cause problems with seed placement at the optimum depth. Disc coulters are more suitable here. Disc coulters cut through the surface more easily and are less clogged with straw.

Plant protection system. Among the most acute problems associated with the introduction of resource-saving technologies for the cultivation of agricultural crops, a special place is occupied by the organization of the plant protection system. Long-term studies of domestic and foreign scientists have made it possible to identify the characteristic stages in the dynamics of the phytosanitary situation when introducing technologies of non-moldboard main tillage:

  • Stage I - deterioration of the phytosanitary situation, due to the growth of infestation (especially by perennial weeds), an increase in the harmfulness of pests and diseases (duration 4-5 years)
  • Stage II - stabilization of the phytosanitary situation (duration 3-4 years)
  • Stage III - due to the activation of natural mechanisms of soil regulation, the number of harmful organisms is significantly reduced in comparison with the level at the time of the start of the introduction of such technologies.

Pesticide costs. Among the arguments of opponents of the widespread use of resource-saving tillage technologies, the most commonly used thesis is about the high costs associated with the use of pesticides in such systems, which completely cover the cost of saved fuel and other resources. Indeed, one of the indispensable conditions for the use of minimum and no tillage of the soil, most domestic and foreign experts consider the use of continuous herbicides based on glyphosate (Roundup, Tornado, Glisol, Glyphos, etc.) against perennial weeds. The costs associated with their use reach 200-300 UAH / ha. In addition, at the first stage of deterioration of the phytosanitary situation, the infestation of spring grain crops with wild oats may increase, which implies the use of special anti-oat herbicides, the cost of which reaches 200 UAH / ha. At the same time, these calculations do not take into account the fact that an increase in the costs of plant protection in resource-saving agriculture is observed only at the first stage of the introduction of such systems, in the future the need for pesticides is significantly reduced. Only knowledge of the real situation in each field allows you to effectively deal with pests, diseases and weeds, thereby reducing the level of costs for plant protection.

What are the advantages of energy-saving technologies over traditional ones based on plowing?

  • Improving economic performance:
  • reducing the cost of fuels and lubricants by 35-40% - from 60 to 35-40 liters per 1 hectare, and all costs for the entire technological cycle of growing grain crops by 9-15%; while saving diesel fuel by 20 liters per 1 ha, costs will decrease by 100 - 200 hryvnia
  • high labor productivity, reducing the need for machine operators by 2 times and timely implementation of field work
  • reducing the cost of purchasing and operating agricultural machinery; The traditional set of machines for cultivating grain crops on an area of ​​2500 hectares includes 64 machines of 21 items with a total metal consumption of 240 tons. With the transition to saving technologies, the number of machines is reduced to 11-13 units with a metal consumption of 125-135 tons.
  • cost savings to prevent water and wind soil erosion
  • improving the financial and economic situation of agricultural producers

Increase in soil fertility. The use of traditional moldboard technology leads to a decrease in soil fertility due to the intensive decomposition of organic matter, excessive soil dispersion, destruction of the structure, the formation of a soil crust and increased water and wind erosion.

Saving mineral fertilizers. When used as fertilizer chopped straw and green mass - siderates (plants that are grown to increase soil fertility; siderates enrich the soil with organic matter and nitrogen), these positive changes will be much greater. With the accumulation of plant residues and humus in the upper soil layer, the need for mineral fertilizers for the formation of a crop unit is significantly reduced.

Moisture saving. With resource-saving technologies with non-moldboard and surface tillage, due to the reduction or prevention of surface runoff water, better accumulation of snow, spring reserves of productive moisture are no less than traditional autumn moldboard plowing. The more plant residues on the soil surface, the stronger the infiltration. And, as you know, every 10 mm of productive moisture before sowing is 1 centner of additional grain yield from each hectare. Mulch from plant residues of the soil saves soil moisture from intense evaporation and retains it for the entire growing season of spring crops and at the time of sowing winter crops. The severity of the issue of providing plants with moisture decreases.

Return of soil biota. When plowing with a seam turnover, when the aerobic biota of the soil (a set of species of plants, animals and microorganisms united by a common area of ​​distribution), united by a common area of ​​distribution), living in a layer of 0-15 cm, is plowed under anaerobic conditions to a depth of 16-30 cm, where she dies without oxygen. A "shock" condition of the soil sets in, which disappears only after 4-5 years of non-moldboard cultivation with the return of microorganisms and earthworms. And the biota of the soil is necessary for the conversion of plant residues into nutrients available to plants and for the passage of other processes vital for plants and soil.

Reducing environmental pollution. A decrease in the intensity of water erosion leads to a decrease in the loss of nutrients through washout into rivers and water bodies. With the intensification of biological life in the soil with minimal treatments, the decomposition of residues occurs faster chemicals plant protection. Due to the increase in the rate of humus formation with energy-saving technologies, the emission of CO2 into the atmosphere decreases: 1 ton of newly formed humus binds 2 tons of CO2.


Energy saving farming is an objective necessity associated with economic and environmental prerequisites.

Energy-saving technologies are a more advanced system of crop cultivation, requiring special tools and machines, special measures for plant protection.

Energy saving technologies are one of the most important livelihood strategies in terms of securing resources and food around the world.

The system of energy-saving farming has been called the agro-ecological revolution of the 21st century and will hold its key positions in the next 50-100 years.