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How pollution affects man. Environmental pollution and human health

No living organism can be submitted outside ambient And out of interaction with her. From the environment, the body receives nutrients and oxygen, it gives the final means of metabolism. The medium affects it near its factors: radiant energy (light, ultraviolet, radioactive), electromagnetic fields, atmospheric pressure, temperature, various chemicals.

The fact that human health is determined by the quality of the environment, humanity has been known as ancient times on the basis of the life experience of many generations, and the physicians of antiquity attached to him crucial in the treatment of diseases. Abu Ali Ibn-Sina (Latin Avicenna) wrote his famous multi-volume "canon of medical science" and the poem about medicine thousand years ago, having determined the rigorous connection between the health of the person, on the one hand, and the number and quality of food and water, and quality Housing, climate, clothing, working conditions. Known these facts were both more ancient doctors of China, India, Egypt, Greece, Rome. Since the hypocratic climate and weather was considered heavily influencing human health, favorably or, on the contrary, contributing to diseases.

Attention to the state of the environment and its influence on human health is continuously growing with increasing production and population, due to the growth of various environmental issues.

If human health is "a state of full physical, mental and social well-being, and not just the absence of a disease or pathological deviation from the norm" (WHO), then it is a balanced balance of the body and spirit and the full balance with the environment. The disease, on the other hand, is an insufficient adaptation or adaptation to the environment, the poor response of the body into adverse effects of the outside environment.

The deterioration of the environmental situation leads not only to the degradation of the natural environment, but also by severe consequences for the health of the population. Congenital malformations in children, premature mortality of people, the affect of young people cardiovascular, pulmonary, oncological diseases, early disabilities of people of working age are all the consequences of the effect on the population of various factors, among which a large proportion belongs to environmental pollution.

According to the World Health Organization, the incidence and mortality of 50% depends on the lifestyle, by 20% of genetic factors, by 10% of the work of health authorities and 20% of the environment.

Personal diseases related to environmental pollution are directly initiated through the physical systems of maintaining life: air, water, food. Since the quality of water and food is largely determined by the soil, then another - soil is added to the listed systems.

The main indicator of environmental pollution is the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants (MPC). The threshold value is 1 PDC. If the sum of all the ingredients of pollution does not exceed the unit, then, according to hygienists, the health of people does not threaten. In case of increasing the number of MPC, the danger to people's health increases. It was established that at 5 - 6 MPC of pollutants in atmospheric air begins to increase the overall incidence of the population, at 12 - 13 MPC it doubles. Children are more sensitive to various negative impacts, and according to this, they have a total incidence double with increasing content, such as carbon oxide in air from 6.5 to 12 MPC.

15.1. Chemical and biological pollution of the medium and human health.

Air pollution is the result of emissions into the atmosphere of foreign gases, vapors, drops and particles for it, as well as the presence of excessively large quantities of conventional components, for example, carbon dioxide, pollution of plants, solid particles, etc. Contamination is due to fuel combustion (on Energy installations, in municipal heating systems, in automotive and other engines, in steam or diesel locomotives), the work of industrial enterprises, household activity of the population.

The sensitivity of people to the effects of air pollution depends on the floor, age, the overall condition of the body, nutrition, preceding diseases, other influences. Elderly, children, smokers, patients suffering from chronic bronchitis and coronary insufficiency, asthma, are amazed by air pollutants to a greater extent.

Especially often in industrial centers, the atmospheric air is contaminated with sulfur dioxide and smoke. Special studies in the UK showed that a sharp increase in the concentration of SO 2 exceeding 175 μg / m 3 (0.25 ppm), and for smoke 750 μg / m 3, accompanied by a minor increase in the static rate of daily mortality; More noticeably, this indicator increases with the increase in the concentration of SO 2 in the air above 1000 μg / m 3 (0.35 ppm) with simultaneous growth of the concentration of smoke to 1200 μg / m 3. If the concentration level of SO 2 exceeded 1500 μg / m 3 (0.5 ppm), and the concentration of smoke 2000 μg / m 3, mortality increased by more than 20%. At the same time, there is a sharp increase in the number of cases of diseases of the respiratory organs.

Although, as WHO notes, cases of acute impact of atmospheric pollutants leading to a death rate, the units associated with them are distributed very widely, especially in industrial centers. In urban areas, the incidence of bronchitis is twice as high as in rural.

A significant danger to the health of people represents the contamination of atmospheric air by internal combustion engines, primarily vehicles in cities that are emitting huge amounts of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, rows of hydrocarbons, lead. Local concentrations of these substances, especially in urban centers, can significantly exceed the toxicity threshold. Carbon monoxide bind hemoglobin of blood, which prevents the transfer of oxygen to the body's life centers, and photochemical reactions in exhaust gases lead to air pollution with photochemical oxidants, many of which carcinogenne.

If SO 2, CO 2, CO, lead, smoke, photochemical oxidants are universal pathogenic pollutants of the atmosphere of industrial areas and cities, then there are a lot of local pollutants, including toxic metals (PB, HG, CD, BE, MN, AS) . Cases of acute and chronic poisoning of beryllium in areas adjacent to the sources of its emissions into the atmosphere were recorded. Beryllium, along with mercury and asbestos, is considered dangerous to health a pollutant of atmospheric air. With a high content of manganese in the air, the increase in the incidence of pneumonia, deterioration of children's health, is associated. In areas of accommodation of oil purification enterprises, cellulose production, paper containing sulfur dyes, a large number of mercaptans are thrown into the air ( general formula R - SH) and hydrogen sulfide, which has a sharply expressed toxic effect.

With local contamination of atmospheric air, fluorides are marked by cases of brutality of dental enamel, the development of fluorosis in children. Air pollution by chlorine as a result of accidents, as a rule, during transport, has repeatedly led to mass poisoning of people and damage to vegetation. Potential toxicity has hydrogen chloride.

With air pollution by biogenic substances, various allergies are associated with elevated sensitivity (to molds, dust, dyes, fibers, flower pollen). There are cases of fever epidemics, histoplasmosis, Siberian ulcers, coccidomycosis associated with air pollution with appropriate pathogens.

Currently, atmospheric air quality standards are significantly varying in different countries. There are standard limits of permissible concentrations of almost all pollutants in atmospheric air, which is followed by the relevant government agencies. As global temporary standards, the WHO Expert Committee on the criteria and principles for assessing the quality of atmospheric air in cities recommended the following permissible levels of main pollutants:

sulfur oxides are an average annual concentration of 60 μg / m 3, a result of 98% of definitions below 200 μg / m 3.

weighted particles are an average annual concentration of 40 μg / m 3, the result of 98% of definitions below 129 μg / m 3.

carbon monoxide is an average annual concentration of 8 h 10 μg / m 3, the maximum concentration for 1 h 40 μg / m 3.

photochemical oxidizers - an average annual concentration of 8 h 60 μg / m 3, maximum concentration for 1 h 120 μg / m 3.

WHO believes that these concentrations of the main pollutants of urban air will be absolutely secure for the population.

Essential in the life of the population and the development of the national economy has water resources, the total amount of which in our country is about 4720 km 3 / year. From this amount is used annually about 370 km 3 of water.

A person consumes a lot of water every day: to meet life needs - 5 liters, for personal hygiene needs and for household needs - 40-50 liters, a rural resident engaged in agriculture and animal husbandry - 100 liters, for industrial purposes and irrigation agriculture - 400-500 l per capita daily. In this regard, the danger of water pollution is considered particularly acute and, above all, from the point of view of human health.

According to WHO (1974), water should be considered contaminated, if, as a result of changes in its composition or condition, it becomes less suitable for any type of water use, while in natural state it corresponded to presented requirements. This definition includes the physical, chemical and biological properties of water, as well as the presence of foreign liquid, gaseous, solid and soluble substances in it

Backward technologies, disadvantage and bad work of facilities for the purification of used water, the weak development of the revolving water supply leads to the fact that a huge amount of wastewater is reset in the reservoirs. The bulk of wastewater is accounted for by communal communal economy and industry. Reset of untreated or undersheent wastewater, drainage and mine waters, entering pollutants from the atmosphere and washing off with storm and thawed waters from the territory of enterprises of landfills, agricultural fields, etc. In reservoirs leads to a set of negative consequences. Among them - deterioration of health, incidence and mortality, reduction and complete disappearance of commercial fish, the death of recreational and resort and balneological resources, the need for expensive water purification from contaminated water sources for drinking and industrial water supply.

Pollution, as a rule, surface water. Groundwater is usually clean, since the soil is an excellent biological and chemical filter. The coastal waters of the seas are especially contaminated (stock off the coast, cleaning and accidents of ships, waste disposal, the use of the riches of the seabed), as well as non-flowing or low water reservoirs.

The adverse effects of human health can take place not only with the direct use of polluted water for drinking, cooking or hygienic purposes, but also through long food chains type water - soil - plants - animals - man or water - plankton - Pisces - man. Many human diseases are caused by water or connected in their life cycle With water with organisms of carriers. All types of water pollution reflect on people's health: biological, chemical, radioactive (Table 4.1)

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Effect of environmental pollution on human health.

General characteristics. The quality of the environment significantly affects the health of the population. Almost all chemicals and physical radiations to one degree or another have a harmful effect on the health of people, and the level of their presence in the environment (substance concentration, dose of radiation obtained, etc.) is important here. With adverse effects, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects are of paramount importance. Presents the risk of infamication of childbearing function and children's health. For a large number of chemicals, the impact on metabolic, imune and other systems performing protective functions organism; Their change contributes to the development of noncommunicable diseases, a large proportion of which are cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

As evidenced by experimental and epidemiological studies, environmental factors even at a low level of impact can cause significant disorders of people's health. The pollution of the medium, despite the relatively small concentrations of substances, due to the high duration of exposure (almost throughout the human life), can lead to serious health violations, especially such small-resistant groups, like children, elderly, patients with chronic diseases, pregnant women.

The most dangerous pollutants of the environment. Large volumes of revenues in the environment of various chemicals, biological agents at a low level of control of industrial, agricultural, household and other pollutants do not allow to establish a sufficiently productive hazard for the health of technogenic pollutants contained in atmospheric air or soil, drinking water or food.

The most dangerous and toxic of heavy metals are cadmium, mercury and lead. The relationship between the amount of cadmium, lead, arsenic and the levels of incidence of malignant neoplasms of various forms among the population of ecologically unfavorable areas has been established.

Cadmium pollution, as a rule, is due to soil contamination and drinking water wastewater and other waste of industrial enterprises, as well as using phosphoric fertilizers and pesticides. In the air of rural areas, cadmium concentration is 10 times higher than the levels of the natural background, and in the urban environment, standards can be exceeded up to 100 times. Most of all cadmium people gets with vegetable food.

Mercury, as a different biocide, relating to heavy metals, has two types of circuit in nature. The first is associated with the natural natural exchange of elementary (inorganic) mercury, the second, the so-called local, is due to the process of methylation of inorganic mercury entering into the environment as a result economic activity man. Mercury is used in the production of caustic soda, paper mass, plastics synthesis, in the electrical industry. Widespread use of mercury has as fungicides to rinse the sowing material. Every year, up to 80 thousand tons of mercury in the form of vapors and aerosols is thrown into the atmosphere, from which it and its compounds migrate into the soil and reservoirs.

In modern conditions, the main source of environmental pollution with lead compounds is the use of eaten gasoline. Naturally, the greatest lead concentrations are found in the atmospheric air of cities and along major motorways. In the future, when inclusive in food chains, lead can enter the human body with products of both vegetable and animal origin. Lead is able to accumulate in the body, especially in bone tissue. There are information about the effect of lead on the growth of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Experimental data indicate that the development of cancer in the presence of lead requires 5 times fewer carcinogenic hydrocarbons.

Great danger to human health is also drugs, mainly antibiotics, widely used in animal husbandry. The significance of pollution of the livestock products is related to the growth of allergic reactions in people's drugs. Currently, 60 Names of antibiotics are used for the needs of agriculture. domestic production. Much more dangerous due to the possible inclusion in the trophic chains of pesticides. Currently allowed for use in agriculture 66 different pesticides, which have in addition to a specific effect on agricultural pests, adversely distant consequences of various kinds (carcinogenic, embryotoxic, teratogenic, etc.). According to the US National Academy of Sciences, toxicologists have relatively complete information On the impact on health only 10% of the pesticides used now and 18% of the drugs used. At least 1/3 pesticides and drugs do not pass any toxicity tests. Regarding all the chemicals used in the world, the problem is even more serious: 80% of them did not pass any tests.

It is well known that far from harmless to the body are nitrates and nitrites. Nitrates used as mineral fertilizerIn the highest concentrations are found in green vegetables, for example, in spinach, salad, sorvele, beets, carrots, cabbage. The high concentrations of nitrates in drinking water are particularly dangerous, since, with their interaction with hemoglobin, its functions of the oxygen carrier are disturbed. There are phenomena of oxygen starvation with signs of shortness of breath, asphyxia. In severe cases, poisoning may end with fatal outcome. It is experimentally proven that nitrates also have a mutagenic and embryotoxic effect.

Nitrites that are nitrous acid salts have long been used as a preservative in the manufacture of sausages, ham, canned meat. Another risk of finding nitrites in food products is that in the gastrointestinal tract under the influence of microflora from nitrites, nitro compounds are formed with carcinogenic properties.

Radionuclides are resistant in environmental circuits entering the human body also mainly with food. From the sprouting products of Strontsia-90 and Cesium-137 (having a half-life of about 30 years) are of particular danger: strontiums due to its similarity with calcium very easily penetrates into the bone fabric of vertebrates, while the cesium accumulates in muscular fabrics, replacing potassium. They are able to accumulate in the body in quantities sufficient to cause damage to health, remaining in an infected organism almost all of his life and causing carcinogenic, mutagenic and other diseases.

Features of the influence of the air pollution. The effect of air pollution is varied, starting from unpleasant odors And ending with increasing morbidity and mortality, including from cardiovascular diseases. The effects of atmospheric pollutants most often leads to the weakening of immunity, which is accompanied by a decrease in the body's resistance and increased morbidity. According to American scientists, in cities with not high levels Pollution with flu epidemic The average number of diseases increases by 20%, and in cities with a high level - by 200%.

According to Russian researchers (1994), it was established that the degree of impact of atmospheric pollution on the incidence of the population depends on the age: the group of 20-39 years old is the least sensitive, and the group of children aged 3 to 6 years old ( 3.3 times) and age group population over 60 years old (1.6 times).

Studies of the Institute for Ecology and Environmental Hygiene, the RAMS establishes the relationship between the level of total air pollution and the indicators of allergic morbidity in children. Thus, in Moscow, the proportion of frequently ill-suffering organizations (acute respiratory diseases) of children in very polluted areas amounted to 8%, and in less contaminated - 1.2%. In Togliatti, children living in the zone of influence of emissions of the northern industrial assembly, 2.4-8.8 times more often suffered from the diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma than children living in a relatively pure area.

In the last decade, total emissions into the atmosphere from vehicles were significantly increased, which make up more than 2/3 of general revenues to the atmosphere in Russia, and in different cities, these emissions accounted for from 45 to 85% of air pollution. As a result, approximately 30% of the country's urban population breathes by air, in which the concentration of harmful substances exceeds sanitary and hygienic standards at 10 or more times. In general, according to the sanitary and epidemiological service, in 1992, more than 60 million people lived under conditions of constant exceeding MPC in the atmospheric air of a number of harmful substances.

In cities with a developed metallurgical industry, the adult population suffers more often by diseases of blood circulation bodies (1.5 times) and digestive organs (in 1.7), and children almost 1.5 times more often suffer from diseases of the respiratory and digestion organs, as well as skin diseases and mucous membranes eyes. Accommodation in the accommodation centers of the petrochemical industry and orgsintosis leads to an increase in the incidence of bronchial asthma children (2-3 times) and diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (2 times).

The influence of the effects of the atmosphere of the atmosphere on health data conducted in areas of placement of protein-vitamin concentrate plants (BVK) and microbiological synthesis products, where, with an increase in total morbidity, an increase in allergic diseases is revealed by 2-3 times. In the cities of Angarsk and Kirishi, where BVK plants are placed, incidence growth has accepted a catastrophic nature - up to 20-28 times, which has repeatedly led to social tensions and demonstrations of the population against the functioning of these industries.

Effect of water pollution. According to the UN, in the world is produced up to 1 million items per year of previously not existing products, including up to 100 thousand chemical compounds, of which about 15 thousand are potential toxicants. According to expert estimates, up to 80% of all chemical compounds entering the external environment, sooner or later fall into water sources. It is estimated that more than 420 km3 of wastewater is emitted annually in the world, which are able to make the use of about 7 thousand km3 pure water.

The state of water supply of the population of Russia is unsatisfactory. The analysis of the quality of drinking water, conducted by the Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene, RAMS in a number of Russian cities, indicates a non-compliance of water quality by hygienic requirements in 80-90% of centralized water supply systems. About 1/3 of the population uses for drinking water from decentralized sources, which in 32% of cases also does not meet the quality requirements. In general, about 50% of the population Russian Federation Continues to drink water that does not correspond to sanitary and hygienic standards.

It is known that more than 80% of water consumed in our country is selected from surface waters, the most common pollutants of which are petroleum products, phenols, hydrocarbons, iron compounds, ammonium nitrogen, heavy metals (cadmium, chrome, zinc, arsenic, mercury, etc.), chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, nitrites, etc.

The system of drinking water quality control system existing in our country due to insufficient technical support does not fully determine the degree of danger of water pollution for human health. The World Health Organization recommended water control from 1992 to about 100 indicators, most of which directly affect health. Domestic Gost. 2874-82 "Drinking water" contains standards for only 28 indicators.

Danger of accumulation of pollution for trophy chains. As follows from the foregoing, the consumption of contaminated food is accompanied by the accumulation (accumulation) of pollutants in the trophic chains in the ecosystem. The phenomenon associated with the relative increase in the concentration of pollutants in the organisms as the trophic chain is progressing, is called biotic accumulation of chemicals in the ecosystem. Thus, pesticides are accumulated in consumer organisms (for example, DDT), radioactive elements, etc. The oyster can contain 70,000 times more DDT than in the water where it lives. Ultimately, a person is a superhireman in a socioerous ecosystem, while at the end of the trophic chain, more than other biological organisms suffer ("Effect of Environmental Boomeranga").

Below are shown for example, the empirical values \u200b\u200bof the coefficient of accumulation of radioactive phosphorus-32 contained in the river water of the Columbia River due to the discharges of the plutonium reactor waste, according to the conditional food chain:

Phytoplankton - Fish - Man.

1 1000 5000

Another majority of the coefficient of accumulation of radioactive elements are detected in the marine environment. For example, according to the measurements of American scientists, the accumulation coefficients in phytoplankton for a number of isotopes: iron-55, lead-210, phosphorus-31 and zinc-65 have values \u200b\u200bfrom 20,000 to 40000. Therefore, food chains in the marine environment can put the start of the accumulation of some radioactive elements. In quantities, significantly exceeding radiation safety standards.

The above estimates of the accumulation coefficients of chemically and radiation-hazardous pollutants in the environment show that even with insignificant concentrations in the environmental components due to the effect of biotic accumulation over the trophic chains in food (especially animal origin), substances in concentrations may be contained. significantly exceeding the MPC.

On the possible strengthening of environmental impacts on health. According to experts from WHO experts given in the 80s. XX century, health condition modern man 50% is determined by lifestyle, by 10% - medicine (although the role of medicine is enormous in the salvation of the wounded and patients, but unfortunately, it has a minor effect on the level of health), by 20% - heredity, and the role of environmental factors (quality of the surrounding Environments) in a state of health is given by about 20%. The latter figure shows that although in the 80s the effect of environmental pollution on human health was not determining, it was still quite noticeable.

The enormous increases of industrial production and repeatedly increased amounts of emissions of pollutants into the environment in the past two decades make it possible to assume and significantly increased impact of environmental factors on human health. Forecast estimates of the Irkutsk Professor Yu.M. Gorsky, published in its work "Basics of homeostatics" (see environmental issues and natural resources // Vinity, 2000. N 5), show that for the Irkutsk region and a number of other regions of Russia by 2005, the following changes can be expected: the role of environmental factors will increase to 40%, the effect of the genetic factor is up to 30% (due to negative changes genetic apparatus), and the role of lifestyle and medicine in maintaining health will decrease respectively to 25 and 5%. Even healthy image Life will not be able to stop the process of deteriorating human health if the nation starts degenerate. According to WHO estimates, it is known that if the damage to the genetic apparatus in newborns reaches 10%, the degeneration of the nation inevitably begins. According to Y. Gorsky, there are already several such "environmentally hot spots", where the specified limit is exceeded.

The above estimates require more thorough analysis. The pessimistic forecast of the development of a possible scenario of poor health deterioration in the coming years shows that the current state of the environment on the planet requires a set of operational measures to improve the medium, while the biosphere degradation processes have not taken (if no longer accepted) the nature of irreversible changes. One of the most effective measures, as it seems to us, should consider the use of the recently obtained positive results of a comprehensive study of the human genome, which will make it possible to reduce the effect of genetic disorders in the human body to reduce the impact of genetic and environmental factors on human health.

In conclusion, we note that in the desire for independence from nature, the Company reached the critical state of alienation from it, thereby creating a real threat to its own existence on the planet. This alienation is manifested by the most obviously in the unrestrained growth of material consumption, in cultivation all new needs in things. In the desire for independence from the forces of nature, society and a separate person, increasingly violating natural environmental connections, forget about their responsibility for the world around.

Going into space and creating artificial conditions for long-term life under water and underground, a person remains a biological species and must comply with certain evolutionary conditions for the state of the environment (temperature, pressure, gas composition atmospheric air chemical composition Food and much more). In recent decades, due to the high rates of industrialization, there are clear trends towards the deterioration of the conditions of the environment of the environment, which causes concerns conservation favorable conditions Not only for human existence, but also for the natural environment as a whole. However, the problem of environmental quality deterioration has not biological origin, but is caused by social factors and reflects the contradictions of the interaction of society and nature, the aggravation of which is associated with irrational environmental management by consumer and sometimes predatory human attitude towards nature, a low level of ecological culture.

However, society, culture, a person in relation to nature possess not only the destructive, but also creative potential, can overcome the environmental crisis. In the environmental consciousness of mankind today is committed to the most important transition. First, people themselves created environmental deadlocks and then thought about how to get out of them how to overcome the desired danger of life. Today, the main efforts should be aimed at developing such forms of social activity, which will bring to an absolute minimum environmental risk, would provide environmental safety Life. As for all mankind, for Russia, the exit from the environmental crisis is seen in the transition to a model of a stable (not destroying, not depleting and non-polluting natural environment), which is considered as the only alternative to the unrestrained economic growth characteristic of the market model of environmental management.

In modern conditions, scientifically based and economically effective systems State, socio-political and economic management of environmental management and environmental protection. In many countries, state environmental policy is being developed at various levels of management and provides centralized financing of environmental activities, the role of the scientific community is increasing in solving environmental problems. These activities can only be implemented on the basis of new social and economic policies, on environmental education and education, which should lead to a change in human attitude towards nature and its environmental behavior. In this process, the role of environmental knowledge is especially increasing.

To assess the impact of environmental pollution on human health, it is necessary to consider the main aspects of this problem in detail.

More ancient scientists and thinkers, for example, Hippocrat and Avicenna, emphasized the influence of the environment on the development of diseases. They argued that human organism Influence power, air, water, emotional state. According to research, more than 80% of diseases are caused by these reasons. Unfortunately, these knowledge did not lead to a careful relation to the habitat.

Too late, we realized that pollution of the environmental medium and human health are interrelated. Now we began to relate seriously to environmental issues when they accepted threatening sizes, and the influence of the environment has become negative.

A person confidently converts the environment, creating comfortable conditions for itself. Transport, industry, agriculture develops. In the process of economic activity in the airspace and in water, tons of waste are thrown. They pollute the human habitat, creating discomfort and threat to human health and other organisms.

Thus, a paradox occurs. The actions of a person aimed at improving the conditions of existence, they will increasing them along the way. We pollute air, water and soil, transforming habitat. And the influence of the environment every year becomes more threatening, negatively affecting the human body. This phenomenon received the name "Ecological Boomerang".

Consider how environmental pollution affects human health, as it affects the biochemical processes of our body.

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Main air pollutants

A person cannot do not breathe. He does it continuously. The influence of the environment and its components per person is manifested every minute when it misses the light air. Born, we make the first breath, and before death - the last exhalation. When breathing stops, life stops. We inhale the air surrounding us, absorbing oxygen in it and some other substances.

The composition of this air is very different from the one that existed 100 years ago. This is due to the rapid development of factories and factories. Tons of substances are thrown into the air, which or alien for the atmosphere, or disturb the percentage ratio of air mass components.

2/3 of pollution falls on emissions of vehicles. Products are combustion of ethyl gasoline, among which lead and other heavy metals are present.

According to statistics, on average one passenger car ejects about one kilogram of different toxic and carcinogenic substances into the atmosphere

Danger represents emissions of thermal power plants, metallurgical and chemical enterprises.

The consequences of the influence of pollution on the human body is difficult not to notice. A serious problem is diseases caused by environmental pollution, and it needs to be urgent.

They cause growth oncological diseases, lead to allergic reactions. Strong suffer the immune system. It is noted that in cities with a polluted atmosphere during flu epidemics, a three-year increase in morbidity occurs. At the same time, in more environmentally prosperous areas, at the epidemic, people are ill against influenza only 20% more often.

Sensitivity to air pollution depends on the age of a person. The "risk group" includes children from 3 to 6 years and older people over 60 years old. On them, the contaminated atmosphere influences the stronger than the other age categories.

Harmful emissions enter the environment daily and almost constantly from various enterprises.

To stop these contaminants, it is necessary to accept cardinal measures. It is worth thinking about alternative, cleaner energy sources. Need to actively apply sunny energy, as well as wind energy, tides and sings. With the strictest observance of safety measures, the positive effect gives the use of atomic energy.

It should also strictly monitor the amount of emissions during the operation of motor vehicles. Or reset on bikes. After all, this is an extensive simulator, and emissions do not.

Electric vehicles should be developed in the automotive. Metallurgy should also focus on the use of electric furnaces.

Influence of water pollution

If we consider which substances are contained in the human body, then more than half it consists of water, which affects the biochemical processes of the body. We get water from the environment and actively use it: drink, we prepare food on it, wash. We not only use water in pure form, but we get it together with food, inhale water vapors along with air.

But, unfortunately, the quality of water consumed annually becomes more worse. 80-90 percent water water Does not correspond to sanitary standards. Even if we take water from the well, it is not always clean. Although the quality of groundwater is higher than the contents of open reservoirs. This water passes through sand, clay, stones, like through the filter system. But this cleaning is not able to remove all harmful substances.

The wastewater of industrial enterprises fall into soil, reservoirs. In the oceans, oil leaks, polluting water occur periodically. The precipitation in the form of rain and snow falls out with atmospheric pollution and fall into the soil and groundwater.

Human life waste and industrial enterprises are thrown into the environment hazardous substancesWhat leads to a shortage of pure drinking water across the planet

Studies found that harmful substances with tons fall into the water. There are petroleum products, heavy metals, nitrates, sulfates, nitrites and other impurities associated with environmental pollution.

The effect of environmental pollution per person is more significant than it may seem at first glance. Even a minor concentration of harmful substances in water can lead to disastrous consequences. Harmful substances, the percentage of the content of which in water is small, fall into the body of the inhabitants of water bodies, for example, plankton. There they gradually accumulate. Their concentration in plankton significantly exceeds the content of impurities in water. Plankton feeds fish, and fish catches and eats a person who is located on the top of the food chain. And the percentage of this substance that has fallen in its fabric, several thousand times higher than it was originally in water.

The boy sails in the polluted waters of Manila Bay

We see that in the biological food chain risk of the greatest pollution of the body is subject to the one who is on its vertex. And the main "superhirster" of our planet, more than other organisms suffering from polluted water is a person. The effect of environmental pollution per person is stronger than other living beings. During the years of life, a huge number of harmful elements accumulates in its body. Their concentration over time reaches the size of a serious danger to his health and life.

The concentration of isotopes contained in sea water, 20-40 thousand times lower than in the human body. Although they come there out of sea water.

Soil pollution

A negative impact also has a soil pollution.

Waste waters falling into the soil, fast-growing dumps of household waste - all these are sources of soil pollution.

Do not also forget about agricultural activities. All sorts of chemical fertilizers of herbicides, pesticides falling into the soil contain chemicals that have a harmful effect on a person. And in our body they fall with grown vegetables grain and fruit. We also consume these substances with the meat of herbivores that eaten poisoned plants.

All this is reflected in us and our children. They With early age They begin to suffer from diseases that in the past were inherent in the elderly people.

Environmental pollution and human health

Back in the 80s of the last century, studies were conducted, taking into account the dependence of human health from various factors. They found out that the well-being of the population depends on the state medical Services 10%, from genetic predisposition by 20%, and by 50 percent our health is determined by lifestyle. The influence of the environment on human health was estimated at 20%.

Repeated studies have shown that these indicators tend to substantial changes. The significance of medicine is reduced to 5%, lifestyle - up to 25%. In the same time environmental factor It increases to a 40 percent mark. Thus, environmental pollution and human health today are connected with each other much stronger than three decades ago. And the question arises, what future do we expect us? And do we have a future?

Think about tomorrow today

Environmental problems stood in full growth. If the human influence on nature led to an ecological catastrophe, it means that he must find the forces to stop the uncontrolled pollution of the habitat. Otherwise, humanity threatens degradation and extinction.

It is required to take urgent measures to improve the habitat. Only so we can save our land from gradual extinction of living organisms, turning it into the desert. After all, a person is a crown of nature. And only he is able to correct the situation, turning the planet to a cozy and blooming oasis.

Basics of BZK

Safety of vital activity in a broad sense is defined as "science on optimal interaction of a person with a habitat", and the habitat is defined as part of the space and a set of real objects surrounding a person in the places of his stay. Modern man in his everyday life inseparable from the world of cars, which was reflected in the term "technosphere", understood as the world of technology, artificial, created by a man's environment, which is in the biosphere and interacting with it. And this interaction over time is becoming increasingly dramatic. The last decades are noted by a sharp increase in the number of accidents, human victims, the size of economic damage, the degradation of the natural environment. In this regard, they allocate the nearest and strategic tasks of life safety as a scientific direction. The nearest task is to ensure healthy living and working conditions, a high life expectancy. The strategic task implies the provision of survival and preservation of civilization in conditions of rapidly developing environmental and social crises.

Based on the logic of vital activity, typology of sources and threats, a list of safety objects, dozens distinguish, hundreds of safety types. We call the most important: political, social, environmental, military, technogenic, spiritual, religious, socio-cultural, state, genetic, food, medical, demographic, nuclear, information and new, more subtle, at the level of mental phenomena, in demand energy-information psychological safety .

This classification to a certain extent is conditional, as in its pure form, out of connection with other phenomena and facts, nothing happens in nature. Most often, the person deals with combined sources of danger and with multidimensional manifestations of their impact. A natural and social and technogenic source of danger in such a chain can be distinguished: a natural disaster that has caused a catastrophe in a chemical or other dangerous enterprise that followed him human sacrifices, material damage and destroying nature. In this case, we are talking about ecological, man-made, social, medical, genetic and many other types of danger ..

Political security occupies a key place in general System Security. Loss of political manageability or its discrepancy between the capabilities and interests of society inevitably lead to its degradation and dependence. Political security requires constitutionally protected and well-defined by the constitutional policy framework.

Social security- This is a combination of safety species, due to the structure of human life, its spheres.

Military Security Forms one of the foundations of national, regional and international security systems.

Environmental Safety - This is a state of protection of the vital interests of the person, society and the state from the potential and real threats created by the consequences of the anthropogenic environmental impact, as well as from natural disasters and disasters.

Technogenic security- A combination of actions to ensure the design, construction and operation of complex technical devices in compliance with the necessary requirement of trouble-free operation and the implementation of environmental conditions.

Information Security- This is the state of the security of information resources, the technology of their formation and use, as well as subjects of information activities.

Collective security - The quality of the relations of the state and society, in which their joint security is ensured from internal and external threats. Collective security includes a system of measures aimed at maintaining peace all over the world, preventing war, to provide collective emergence of aggression and collective care.

Regional security - the state of the relationship of the socio-territorial community of the population formed in relation to the administrative-territorial division of a country or group of countries, within them or between them on the micro- (settlement, district, region of the country) and the macro- (country, group of countries) levels, which ensures their sufficiently reliable existence and sustainable development; component Security of the general system (national and international).

Progress security - These are the relationship of a person with the artificial formations created by him, which allow him to fully and comprehensively disclose their capabilities, at the same time excluding the technological and moral and ideological dependence on funds and processes, they created. An example of a reverse phenomenon can be a modern situation. Humanity has created nuclear weapons, considering it a great achievement, now it has become a factor in the threat of the existence of humanity on the planet Earth. Technical progress In case of thoughtless to him and existing priorities in the country can favors the creation of instability factors in society, the instability in the development of spiritual people, the country.

Energy information psychological safety- This is a fundamentally new security direction capable of all types of security to give a person the missing and important part of the abilities to control everything that occurs at a higher level and work on ahead of the extreme situations.

The new direction of energy-information security is currently especially relevant for the newly formed police, because it has developed special methods of countering organized crime, terrorism and extremism in the information and psychological sphere.

Effect of Environment On Human Health

Health is associated with public relations and "parameters" of the external environment. Man as a living organism performs metabolism, energy and information with the environment.

But a person as a social being was not only adapted to the environment, but also to adapt it to himself, began to produce the necessary means for life.

Humanity as an element of an ecosystem is associated with all earthly life forms: with air, waters, soil.

The vital activity of the human body proceeds in certain boundaries established by nature. Normal body temperature and human favorable ambient temperature; Normal pressure in blood vessels and atmospheric pressure around; Normal amount of fluid in the body and normal air humidity, etc.

Physiological actions of meteorological conditions per person:

Meteorological conditions include physical factors that are in relationships with each other: temperature, humidity and air velocity, atmospheric pressure, precipitation, indications of the geomagnetic field of the Earth.

The air temperature affects the heat exchange. During the physical exertion, the long stay in highly heated air is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the acceleration of the pulse, the weakening of the activity of the cardiovascular system, a decrease in attention, slowing the reaction rate, impaired accuracy and coordination of movements, loss of appetite, fast fatigue, decrease in mental and physical performance. Low air temperature, increasing heat transfer, creates the risk of hypothermia of the body, the possibility of colds. Especially harmful to health fast and sharp temperature differences.

Slept people are most sensitive to cold, they have a working capacity, a bad mood appears, there may be a state of depression. Fat people are harder to carry the heat - suffer a suffocation, rapid heartbeat, irritability increases. Blood pressure tends to fall on hot days, and to rise in cold, although approximately one of one of the three it increases in the heat, and decreases on cold days. For low temperatures There is a slowdown in the reaction of diabetics on insulin.

For normal heat, the mobility and direction of air flow is of great importance. The most favorable air movement speed in the winter period is 0.15 m / s, and in summer - 0.2-0.3 m / s in the wind the temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity change, namely, these drops are affected by human health: appear Tosca, nervousness, migraine, insomnia, disassembly, angina attacks are rapidly.

The change in the electromagnetic field causes the aggravation of cardiovascular diseases, nerve disorders are enhanced, irritability, fast fatigue, severe head, poor sleep. Men, children and old people react to the impact of electromagnetic changes.

The decrease in the outer medium occurs when the warm air mass is invasion, with high humidity and temperature that causes a feeling of lack of air, shortness of breath, dizziness. Increased atmospheric pressure, increasing wind, cooling worsen general well-being, exacerbates cardiovascular diseases.

Prevention of adverse effects of microclimate

The microclimate of closed rooms is determined by the climatic conditions (the extreme north, Siberia, etc.) and the season of the year and depends on the climatic factors of the outer atmosphere: temperature, humidity, air velocity, thermal radiation and the temperature of the fences that should be taken into account when designing, choosing construction Materials, types of fuel, heating systems, ventilation and their operation mode.

The main role in the thermal state of the body plays the air temperature, for which sanitary requirements are determined by the magnitude of thermal comfort.

Regulation of heat-product occurs mainly at low temperatures. A more versatile value for the heat transfer of the body with the environment has heat transfer. With an increase in air temperature, evaporation becomes the main way.

Strengthened sweating leads to loss of liquid, salts and water-soluble vitamins.

The effect of heat radiation and high air temperature may cause the occurrence of a number of pathological conditions: overheating, heat impact, solar strike, a convulsive disease, eye disease - professional thermal cataract ("cataract of glass powder").

The long-term effect of heating and in particular radiation microclimate causes premature biological aging of the body.

Humanity as a result of industrial practice has become a powerful transformative force, which is manifested much faster than the course of the natural evolution of the biosphere, and is able to create a "second nature" - the technicuprof.

The economic invasion of a person in the biosphere on a number of parameters has sharply violated the optimal natural harmony.

Violation of environmental equilibrium - "Environmental scissors" is dangerous.

It is difficult to maintain health when, together with the benefits of civilization, its costs are poured - speed, overload, different kind of pollution of the medium, a superbly information, an increasing separant of nature.

The concept of "pollution of the external environment" includes three components:

1) What is contaminated: atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil;

2) What dirty: Industry, Transport, Noise, etc.;

3) What is polluted: heavy metals, dust, pesticides, etc.

They allow you to determine the quality of the environment in which a person lives. The external environment is considered an unhealthy if it causes violations of health if it is difficult to adapt to it.

City as a zone of increased danger

In the conditions of the city, especially large, the cause of discomfort and diseases are the zealousness and dustiness of atmospheric air, the high level of noise or vibrations, household and industrial waste, pollution of the earth's surface and water bodies. Urban environment is traumatic.

A complex of negative factors of the production environment is characterized by manifold and high levels of impact on a working person. The most common factors include:

1) the bubbling and dustiness of the air of the working area;

2) adverse temperature modes;

3) increased noise;

4) insufficient lighting;

5) severe physical work;

6) Increased vibrations.


Types of danger: Never play for someone else's rules and in someone else's territory, and play on your territory and by your rules, because you will lose.

The psychology of extreme situations is one of the directions of applied psychology. It explores the problems associated with the assessment, anticipation and optimization of mental states and human behavior in stressful situations.

The issues of human psychology in emergency situations must be considered in order to prepare the population, rescuers, managers to actions in extreme situations.

When considering issues of human behavior in emergency conditions, great attention is paid to the psychology of fear. In everyday life, in extreme conditions, a person constantly has to overcome the dangers that threaten its existence, which causes (generates) fear, that is, a short-term or long-term emotional process generated by actual or imaginary hazard. Fear is alarm, but not just anxiety, but a signal that causes protective Actions man.

Fear causes an unpleasant feeling in humans - this is a negative effect of fear, but fear is a PMTo and a signal, a team to individual or collective protection, since the main goal facing a person is to stay alive, extend its existence.

Stress is the concept used to designate a wide range of states and actions of a person arising as an answer to a variety of extreme impacts (stressors).

Stressors are usually divided into physiological (pain, hunger, thirst, excessive physical exertion, high or low temperature, etc.) and psychological (factors acting on their signaling, such as danger, threat, deception, resentment, information overload and etc.).

Depending on the type of stressor and the nature of its impact, various types of stress isolated, in the most common classification - physiological and psychological. The latter, in turn, are divided into informational and emotional.

Information stress arises in information overload situations when a person who is greatest responsibility for the consequences of solutions taken by him does not cope with the search for the necessary algorithm, does not have time to accept reliable solutions In the required pace. Bright examples Information stresses gives the work of operators of technical control systems.

Emotional stress takes place in situations that threaten the physical safety of a person (war, crime, accidents, disasters, severe diseases, etc.), its economic well-being, social status, interpersonal relations (loss of work, means of existence, family problems, etc. P.).

Regardless of the variety of stressors, psychologists study those consequences that they cause on the physiological, psychological and behavioral levels. Over rare exceptions, these consequences are negative. Emotional shifts occur, the motivational sphere is deformed, the course of perception and thinking processes changes, motor and speech behavior violates. A particularly strong disorganisant impact on human activity produces emotional stresses that have reached the degree of affect in one form or another (impulsive, braking or generalizing.

Due to environmental pollution there is a decrease in soil fertility, degradation and desertification of lands, the death of plant and animal world, deterioration of the quality of atmospheric air, surface and groundwater. In the aggregate, this leads to extinction from the face of land of whole ecosystems and biological species, worsening public health and reduce the life expectancy of people.

About 85% of all diseases of the modern person are associated with unfavorable environmental conditions arising from its own fault. The health of people falls, previously unknown diseases appeared, the reasons for which it is very difficult to establish. Many diseases began to cure more difficult than before.

Air negative impact on health and the environment is provided by industrial enterprises located in the city near residential areas. They are powerful sources of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere. The total number of deaths associated with the effects of polluted air both in the premises and in the atmosphere reaches 7 million per year. According to the International Cancer Study Agency, air pollution is the main reason The occurrence of oncological diseases.

As a result of the economic activity of a person in the atmosphere, the presence of various solid and gaseous substances. Carbon, sulfur, nitrogen, hydrocarbons, sulfur, dust, dust, dust, have various toxic effects on the human body.

The harmful substances contained in the atmosphere affect the human body when the skin surface or the mucous membrane. Along with the respiratory authorities, pollutants are striking organs of vision and smell. Polluted air annoys mostly respiratory tract, causing bronchitis, asthma, the overall state of human health is deteriorating: headaches, nausea, a sense of weakness, decreases or lost disability. It has been established that such production waste, as chromium, nickel beryllium, asbestos, many of the croofs cause cancer.

WATER Negative influence on human health drinking water. Diseases transmitted through polluted water cause deterioration of health status, and death a huge number of people. Especially contaminated there are open sources of water. There is no little cases when the contaminated water sources caused the cholera epidemics, abdominal typhoids, dysentery, which is transmitted to man as a result of water pollution by pathoral microorganisms, viruses.

Water quality in most Siberian rivers does not meet regulatory requirements, corresponding to the fourth grade of quality: "dirty". Ob, Irtysh, Yenisei pollute, mainly by the wastewater of large industrial enterprises and housing and utilities facilities, in which petroleum products, phenols, nitrogen compounds, copper are present. The main source of water consumption of the population of the Kuzbass are the water of the Tom River Basin. Studies have shown that the use of water as drinking incoming through water pipes, leads the population to cardiovascular and renal pathologies, liver diseases, biliary tract and gastrointestinal tract.

Soil sources of soil pollution serve as agricultural and industrial enterprises, as well as residential buildings. At the same time, chemical (including very harmful for health: lead, mercury, arsenic and their compounds are received from industrial and agricultural facilities in the soil: lead, and organic compounds. From the soil, harmful substances and pathogenic bacteria can penetrate groundwater, which can be absorbed from soil by plants, and then through milk and meat to fall into the human body. Through the soil are given such diseases as anthrax and tetanus.

Every year, the city accumulates in the surrounding areas of about 3.5 million tons. Of solid and concentrated waste of approximately the following composition: ash and slags, solid residues from the total sewage, wood waste, solid household waste, construction trash, auto strokes, paper, textiles, forming urban dumps. Dozens of years they accumulate garbage, indifferently burn, poisoning air.

Very high level of industrial noise. The constant impact of severe noise can lead to a decrease in hearing sensitivity, and cause other harmful effects - ringing in the ears, dizziness, headacheThe increase in fatigue, decrease in immunity, contributes to the development of hypertension, ischemic heart disease and other diseases. Disorders in the human body due to noise become visible only over time. The noise prevents the normal rest and restoration of forces, breaks a dream. Systematic lack of sleep and insomnia lead to severe nervous disorders. Therefore, the protection of sleep from noise stimuli should be given much attention.

Limitic factors, weather conditions are influenced by the weather. Environment factors such as: change in atmospheric pressure, air humidity, electromagnetic field of planet, precipitation in the form of rain or snow, movement of atmospheric fronts, cyclones, wind gusts also lead to a change in well-being. They can cause headaches, exacerbation of joint diseases, blood pressure drops. But the person is healthy, then in its body will quickly will be somewhat, with new conditions and the unpleasant sensations will bypass it. The patient or weakened human body broke the ability to quickly tune into weather changes, so it suffers from general malaise and pain.

PO ITENDING nutrientsnecessary for normal livelihoods comes from the external environment. The health of the body depends on the quality and quantity of food. Medical studies have shown that in order to optimally flow of physiological processes, a necessary condition is rational full-fledged nutrition. The body needs a certain number of protein compounds, carbohydrates, fats, trace elements and vitamins. In the case when the nutrition is defective, the conditions for the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive channels, violation of metabolic processes arise. The use of GMOs and products containing elevated concentrations of harmful substances leads to a deterioration general status Health and development of a wide range of diseases.

In Lady over the past few thousand years, the composition has changed. In particular, the amount of carbon dioxide is reduced in it all the time. This process began with the appearance of vegetation on Earth. At the moment, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is only 0.03%. Human cells for normal livelihoods require 7% carbon dioxide and 2% oxygen. Since there is no carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it is less than the norm in almost 250 times, and the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere is 10 times more than 20%, then it is necessary to increase the content of carbon dioxide in the blood independently by the method of Buteyko (the method of solve elimination of deep breathing). After all, last years The depth of human breathing increased by 30%, the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood is meager. The free pause of the breathing delay has decreased. Where and the mass of all new diseases.