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The outbreak of Siberian ulcers in Yamalo Nenets. On new - clean overhead. There is a loss. Yamal Sorrow

Moscow, 3 Aug - RIA Novosti, Larisa Zhukov. The outbreak of Siberian ulcers struck the Yamalo-Nenets district for the first time in 75 years. The other day it became known about the death of a 12-year-old child. An ulcer was discovered in 20 people. Another 70 remain hospitalized with suspected infection, more than half of them are children. RIA Novosti found out than the dangerous Bacillus, how to protect against the disease and what the authorities and locals think about it.

Causes of flashes

Quarantine in the Yamal district of the district introduced on July 25. Then it became known about the massive case of animals: more than 2 thousand deer died from Siberian ulcers. According to local residents, about a week of the media and the authorities did not report about what happened: "We learned all the information first of all from social networks from the relatives of doctors and rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations," said a resident of Salekhard Galina (name changed).

"On the scale of the epidemic influenced the fact that they first considered that the hot weather and deer murut from the heat strike was to blame. Lost a week or even a little more",

The local resident of Ivan told (the name changed).

Siberian ulcers found in 20 nonsense. The figures led the main freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation for infectious diseases Irina Shestakov.

Siberian ulcer I was struck by Yamal for the first time in 75 years: one deceased, 20 fell illIn total, more than 2.3 thousand animals died due to the outbreak of the disease. To eliminate the consequences of the outbreak of Siberian ulcers to the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District sent military specialists and aviation of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

According to her, all infected - reindeer-nomads who were in the focus of the outbreak of infection in the tundra. Most of them have a skin form of the disease.

These are not complete data by the number of cases, Dmitry Kobylkin district governor said RIA Novosti. According to him, to establish an accurate diagnosis, you need to thirty days: today only the eighth day.

In 2007, they canceled the obligatory vaccination against infection: scientists did not find a dispute in the soil of Siberian ulcers, said the governor. The situation was extraordinary: the last time the epidemic was in 1941. I had to ask for helping the military: "It was hard to utilize the fallen deer on their own forces until they were decomposed. And they are scattered at a great distance," said Dmitry Kobylkin.

Than dangerous disease

"The Siberian ulcer is rather priest and causes a large number of deaths," said Vladislav Pearchugov, doctor of medical sciences, specialist in particularly dangerous infections. - The disputes of the pathogen are stored in the soil of centuries. An infection that fell into the ground with the dead animals in the days of Alexander Macedon , remains active. " According to the doctor, the outbreaks of the disease occur after the activation of the foci (leaching the dispute on the surface) during the salons, excavations or melting of ice, as in Yamal.

The disease proceeds in different forms: skin, intestinal and lung. The pulmonary form, for example, was in the USA, when envelopes with disputes were sent, is the hardest infection option. Almost one hundred percent fatal outcome without urgent medical intervention: people lose consciousness and die within a few hours after infection.

"Skin shape is easier to cure, because on the path of bacteria there are lymph nodes: they delay the development of the disease. The sign of infection is carbuncules - ulcers with a black tip. The intestinal shape of the Siberian ulcers causes a high temperature, intestinal pain and diarrhea. The period from infection to death can Make up a few hours or days, "said Vladislav Pearls.

Most often infection occurs when eating or cutting meat sick animal. This is a real concern for the Nenets, since the main source of meat for many is Olenina: "Usually we buy one or two carcass for the season," said the local resident Ivan (name changed). - "Now we will not only be able to buy meat, but we will be afraid to buy and fish."

Against vaccinations

Anyone who wants to be hidden against Siberian ulcers: the region delivered ninety thousand doses of the vaccine. However, nomads-reindeers refuse to consider Siberian ulcers with a real threat.

According to local media, a child who died from Siberian ulcers, not only ate-contaminated deer meat, but also drank his blood. "This is the traditional food of northern peoples who live in the tundra and are deprived of food diversity. Fresh blood gives them energy," said Andrei Podlozhov, a veterinarian and a breeder of noble deer.

According to him, nomads are found with civilization twice a year, when they come to hand over the deer on meat, and do not trust "people from the Big Earth". That is why many reindeer herders hide their livestock from recalculation, vaccination and slaughter. Despite the fact that, according to the press service of the governor of the Yamalo-Nenets district, 35 thousand deer managed to vaccinate, nomads continue to hide the animals as much as possible and take them away from meeting with rescuers and military:

"Deer for the peoples of the North is a practically totten animal. The whole life of the reindeer is focused around him. For a nomad, losing a deer - it means to lose everything. This is their bread, a house, transport. No other reindeer breeders do not know how to deal with. Livestock can cut strongly: about three quarters . And it is extremely difficult to restore the population. For the local population it will be a humanitarian catastrophe ",

Stressed Andrei Podlozhov.

Threats to other regions

The causative agent of the Siberian ulcers can penetrate the water and raised from the surface of the soil dust from the region-focus of infection. Despite this, experts note that the likelihood of such an infection is extremely small. In the quarantine zone, doctors recommend drinking bottled water or from underground sources. Yamal authorities also warned the locals that the collection of berries and mushrooms in the forest is now extremely dangerous.

As for other regions of Russia, the most likely carrier of infection could be birds. But those feathers who are now on nesting in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, fly to wintering in Southeast Asia, India and Australia, told RIA Novosti Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor MSU named after M.V. Lomonosova Irina Beeom. According to her, the only precedent, when the birds were hypothetically become the virus carriers, was during the epidemic of bird flu, but this fact could not be prove.

According to Rospotrebnadzor, the focus of contamination of the Siberian ulcer in Yanao is localized. 12-year-old teenage died. 90 people were hospitalized, people and animal vaccination continues in settlements. To combat the effects of the epidemic, additional army units were transferred to the region, which are engaged in the destruction of fallen livestock and disinfection of the terrain. The TCR conducts a predetermined check. "" was understood in the causes and consequences of the Siberian peptic ulcer.

Biological Attack

On Tuesday, August 2, the Ministry of Defense reported on the increase in the army grouping, the eliminating focus of Siberian ulcers in Yamal. During the day, the soldiers destroyed the remains of more fifty deer, transmits.

"The grouping of the Central Military District, which consists of more than 200 military personnel, 19 units of special equipment, mobile laboratories, 4 Mi-8 helicopters and unmanned aerial vehicles will strengthen 50 by 50 specialists and 13 units of technology from units of radiation, chemical and biological protection," celebrate in the department.

Army specialists are transferred by airplanes of military transport aircraft from Yekaterinburg to Salekhard.

Assistant Commander of the Troops Central Colonel Yaroslav Roshchupkin explained that the fallen cattle burns. At a temperature of 140 degrees, the disputes of Siberian ulcers die. "Used old car tires, fire mixes and petroleum products, - he clarified. - Upon completion of the soil is treated with deeschor. "

Monitoring the area where localized the hearth disease is carried out using unmanned aerial vehicles.

In parallel with the military operation, the power structures are carried out in a predetermined check. Employees of the Investigative Committee of Russia find out whether an outbreak of a dangerous disease was the result of a violation of veterinary rules.

The suspects in the SDR are not yet reported, but most of all the Committee is interested in the activities of government agencies, whose powers include the timely identification of the disease and preventing its distribution. And also how promptly the evacuation of people from the focus of epizootia began. Investigators collect and summarize all known circumstances.

"It has been preliminarily established that in the tundra zone of the Yamal district from June 2016, there is a massive case of deer of private livestock and a municipal reindeer plant," they say in the management of the SCR on the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous region. - To date, more than 2000 goals died. "

In the affected disease "dirty" zone, experts take samples of soil, water, air, vegetation and insects for laboratory studies. The evacuation and vaccination of people from nearby regions continues. The livestock vaccination of animals is carried out.

In the focal

There are no threats to the spread of Siberian ulcers to other regions. The head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova reported about this "".

"The hearth is localized. For people, there are no threats to the further spread of the disease, but all the epidemiological activities continue until all animals are vaccinated and until we are convinced of the complete safety of people in this area, "she emphasized.

Popova also described that 10 people were discharged from the infectious hospital on Tuesday on August 2, who conducted antibioticoprophylaxis.

In total, a ninety person was delivered to the Salekhard Salekhard district hospital. More than half of them (54) are children.

"Of those who have not been hospitalized, but was under medical supervision, such 269 people, the antibiotic finishes were fully completed by 151 people," the head of the supervisory department resums.

In total, according to the data on August 2, from 90 people who entered the hospital, the diagnosis was confirmed in 20 patients, including eight children. During the day of new appeals with suspicion of Siberian ulcers, according to the administration of the YNAO, there was no.

In Rospotrebnadzor, they assure that biomaterial leakage from the infectious department of the hospital in Salekhard, where patients are suspected of a Siberian ulcer and with a confirmed diagnosis, excluded. In order to make sure that special research was performed on the disposal of the department.

On the needle

On Tuesday, the chief epidemiologist Yamal Lyudmila Volova was reported on the progress of the campaign on Tuesday. "We started to do this from a" clean zone "towards the focus of infection to prevent the spread of infection. All the people who were in the hearth receive preventive treatment, and three days after its completion will be promised, "she explained.

The vaccination from the Siberian ulcers is done twice with an interval of three weeks, and then it should be repeated annually. Currently, 90 thousand vaccines for residents of Yamal, Uralsky, Tazovsky, Nadym district of the district were delivered to the region.

In total, Halmillion man lives in Yanao. According to the main infectious cityist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Irina Shestakova, there is no need to vaccinate any need.

"One thing when you really are in the epidemiological zone. Or if you assume in the near future departure to such a zone, "says Shestakov. "If these are citizens who are outside of this area and do not contact their work and life with animals or materials obtained from them, then I think that it is quite possible and not to be vaccinated."

There are victims

The first of August was reported that a 12-year-old teenager with a confirmed diagnosis of Siberian ulcer died in the Salekhard Hospital. In the administration, YanaA is confident that the cause of death has become an intestinal form of illness. It develops after eating the meat of an infected animal in food.

Governor Dmitry Kobelkin ordered to remember to restore the treatment of the deceased child and ensure his parents all the necessary assistance.

The media spread information that the grandmother of this boy was died from Siberian ulcers, with whom they ate together, but in the government of the district did not confirm.

"An elderly woman was also in a focus of infection. She died a week ago, but had nothing to do with the deceased boy. Samples were taken, but the Siberian ulcer has not yet been confirmed, "the head of the press service of the Governor Yanao Nadezhda Noskova said" Komsomolskaya Pravda ".

Living bacillus

Bacillus anthracis bacteria spores, causative agent of the disease, are distinguished by special vitality and can be maintained up to 200 years. The source of infection is most often large cattle. The corpse of the fallen animal from the Siberian ulcers infects the soil. The yagel grown on such a plot is dangerous for other animals. From person to person, the disease is not transmitted.

The last outbreak of deadly infection, according to experts, contributed to the extraordinarily warm for the summer region. The air temperature on Yamale rose to 35 degrees. Eternal Merzlota taped, and the disputes of the Siberian ulcers fell out of the soil into the water.

Photo: Konstantin Chalabov / RIA Novosti

People are most often infected with direct contact with an infected animal: when cutting a carcass, through leather products and other animal products. But the disease can be transmitted through water and by air.

Siberian ulcer under different names is known from antiquity. At the end of the XVIII century, Russian doctor Stepan Andreevsky secured the modern name behind it. A human vaccine was established in 1940 by Nikolai Ginsburg and Alexander Tamarin from the Sanitary Institute of the Red Army. The military medicine was required, since the disputes of the Siberian ulcers as bacteriological weapons tried to use the Japanese in Manchuria.

By the number of victims, the most severe is an outbreak of infection in the spring of 1979 in Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). Then 64 people died out of 96 sick.

Until recently, a resident of the village of Friendship of the Tsine District of the Altai Territory was considered the last victim of Siberian ulcers. He died in August 2012. On average, for the year in the country, no more than 11 cases of human infection with this infection are registered.

The disease can occur in lung, skin and intestinal form. The incubation period is from several hours to 2-3 days. Skin shape is the most common. Accompanied by inflammation of lymph nodes and the formation of carbuncule (acute purulent-necrotic inflammation with leaning fabrics). The pulmonary form on the symptoms is similar to the cold and the pneumonia next. Unlike skin, even with high-quality and timely treatment, death from it occurs in 50 percent of cases.

The most rare is the intestinal form - it was Her who died in Salekhard the boy. At an early stage it is difficult to identify - symptoms are similar to food poisoning.

A particular danger represents the so-called generalized form of infection, in which the entire body suffers. Mortality in such cases, especially without proper treatment, reaches 90-95 percent.

What's next?

According to the Zavdroy infectious diseases of the first MIMU named after Sechenov, Professor Elena Volchkov, completely eradicated Siberian ulcers, since this is a natural focal disease, writes But the infection goes beyond the focus extremely rarely. As for the artificial reservoirs, all the cattle boys are under the protection of authorized state structures. And here it all depends on the responsibility of officials.

There are, however, irresponsible bellows, which, in case of an animal, are trying to score him in a quiet and sell it. So the human factor also plays a big role.

Professor of the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU) and the head of the Laboratory of Virological Research FBUS "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in Primorsky Krai" Mikhail Shchelkanov reminds that the eternal Merzlota creates ideal conditions for the preservation of Siberian ulcers. Disputes can be conserved for a long time in a natural refrigerator.

The outbreak of infection on Yamal managed to quickly localize due to the airlessness and inaccessibility of the area, which facilitated the creation of a natural quarantine. In the future, new risks can occur in the prospect of the development of its infrastructure and the development of its infrastructure. While the problem can only be stopped, but not solved.


In the press service of the governor, Dmitry Kobylkin clarified with reference to the data of the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veroniki Skvortsova, who arrived in the region that there is no one in serious condition, in 19 people, including 10 children, the state of moderate severity, transfers Interfax.

"The health status of all 90 people in the treatment in Salekhard, stable, with good dynamics, did not confirm the most tundra diagnosis," the head of the INAO head, which is currently located on the territory of the Yamal district, where the hearth was identified Infections and quarantine introduced.

In the afternoon, local authorities reported that the pathogen of Siberian ulcers was discovered in 20 reindeer herders and their families, including eight children hospitalized in the Salekhard district hospital from the Yamal district. Of the 90 people who are in this hospital, 53 children. Previously, one infected boy died.

Skvortsov flew to Yamal on August 2 and on the same day spent a meeting on the organization of medical care and anti-epidemic events in connection with the outbreak of Siberian ulcers in the YNAO. On August 3, the Minister plans to personally meet the inhabitants of the Yamal region and check the arrangement of security zones for the population and involved specialists - doctors, veterinarians, pilots, military.

Olenevode 4 days walked through the tundra to report on the case of animals

In the meantime, the deputy head of Rosselkhoznadzor Nikolai Vlasov expressed the opinion that one of the reasons for the outbreak of Siberian ulcers in the YNAO was the belated diagnosis.

"Local vets learned about the epidemiology of the Siberian ulcers in about five weeks after the disease began, - quotes his TASS. - Olenevodov does not have a means of communication, and one of them to report on the case of animals, four days went on the tundra on foot."

Quarantine because of the Siberian ulcers in the Yamal district of YANA was introduced on July 25. From infection there were killed more than 2.3 thousand deer. According to local authorities, the reason for the outbreak of infection has become unusually warm for the Far North Summer: during the month, an abnormal heat was held in Yamal, up to 35 degrees, because of what the disputes of Siberian ulcers were eliminated. And the locals have become infected after eating raw meat of infected deer.

Currently, the population of deer from the quarantine zone is instilled, the case in the area of \u200b\u200bthe flashes ceased, soothes the authorities of the YanaA. In the elimination of fallen animals at the site of the focus, the forces of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation as part of more than 200 people, staffed by special equipment, their laboratory, special needs to eliminate infection and disinfecting the territory were involved.

The previous outbreak of Siberian ulcers on Yamal was recorded in 1941.

Right holder illustration Ria Novosti. Image Caption. 2.3 thousand deer were killed from Siberian ulcers in the region

After the first 75 years of the Siberian Ozzles, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, the authorities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District have to be held at the identification of old cattle bisks and restricting access to them, the Deputy Director for Scientific Related by the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology Rospotrebnadzor Viktor Maleev.

Siberian ulcer caused the death of a child who is on Monday. The number of confirmed cases of the disease has already reached 20, reported on Tuesday, the main freelance specialist of the Ministry of Health on infectious diseases Irina Shestakov.

According to Shestakova, eight of the 20 feasible children. A total of 90 people were hospitalized in the focus of infection in the Yamal district, but most of them are not confirmed by the diagnosis.

The reason for hospitalization was the slightest indisposition, including a runny nose and irritation on the skin.

"A few patients who caused our fears a few days ago, today, according to the results of the morning bypass, showed a stable state with a completely clear positive dynamics," Shestakova said.

Cases of the disease, as a rule, belong to the families of reindeer herders. From Siberian ulcers in the region killed 2.3 thousand deer.

According to the local authorities, the deer in search of the feed came across the remains of the animal died from the Siberian ulcers and then infected each other.

The YNAO authorities have already begun to conduct vaccination - both animals and the families of the reindeer breeders. The first vaccine will receive residents from the "pure zone", living next to the hearth disease.

In the meantime, all the people who were directly in the hearth receive antibacterial drugs in the framework of prevention, and three days after that they will be vaccinated.

Russian BBC Service Talked S. Victoroh. Maleevs How dangerous is the outbreak of the disease in the YNAO and what needs to be done by local authorities to avoid such incidents in the future.

Castomotion with guard

BBC: What are the reasons for the outbreak of Siberian ulcers in the YNAO and is it possible to say that this is some of the row of the outgoing case?

Viktor Maleev:To say that this is something outstanding, of course, it is impossible, because there were more outbreaks. The reason the main thing is that the cattle bisks that were previously under the eternal Merzlot apparently eliminated, and the bacterium was activated. It is usually in a dispute, and here it was in a vegetative form.

One of the reasons is that we may not know the location of all cattle bikes, and this bacterium can be kept hundreds of years.

When many years ago there was a flash of the disease, there was also a very high temperature. This is the disease of animals, and now there are more than two thousand reindeers died.

Because there is a very close residence of people, they live near overhead, that is, the sick and among them. While one child died, and he had an intestinal form: he, apparently, used the contaminated meat.

Now they are engaged in a very important problem - the disposal of dead animals and the creation of a new cattleochloride for many years, with the protection, so that people no longer have the opportunity to catch this bacterium.

Right holder illustration Reuters Image Caption. Disputes and vegetative cells of the pathogen of Siberian ulcers - Bacillus Anthracis - under the microscope

BBC: Does this mean that the communities of nonsense-reindeer breeders are in a very vulnerable position in relation to this and other diseases that are transmitted through animals?

VM:Probably to some extent yes. They have such a living, they are most closely communicated with animals, and so it was for many centuries. Probably better when people are separately, animals separately, but this is such a type of life that exists in many parts of the world. Although, of course, the children could have been going to the way, probably.

BBC: How big is the public danger of this outbreak of the disease?SayIs it worth it to people on Yamal who are not reindeer herds and do not live close to them, something to fear?

VM: No, this infection is thus not transmitted. It is skin, that is, this is a contact path of transmission, only people who communicated with deer.

In this case, there is a skin form, only one boy had an intestinal form, and the skin shape is dangerous only when contacting. Since all patients with the skin form are already being isolated, the fact that someone will be crammed closely about this skin is excluded, so the contact path is not dangerous for the rest.

True, it is necessary to observe after different, because we do not know how many people have been common with deer.

Climate influence

BBC: What is the forecast and When is the Siberian ulcer detect a person? What does it depend on?

VM: The forecast depends on the start of treatment and on the form of the disease. When there were cases of bioterrorism in America, the disease was distributed by air-droplet. The pulmonary form, as in cases with bioterrorism, is worse, and when skin, it is usually considered that mortality is up to 10%.

BBC: The last time the Siberian ulcer was recorded on Yamal in 1941, 75 years ago. Why does the disease return?

VM: Climate climate. Climatic changes have a strong influence. Old tombstones: Apparently, simply was the eternal Merzlot, we did not know until the end that was there.

These places are poorly investigated, and cattleochilicians are 100 years after the burial, and now this situation turned out with sharp climate warming.

In other regions of Russia, access to cattle bisins is limited, they are known, they are protected, no activity is conducted there. And here all the same nomadic places, huge spaces.

BBC: It was reported that the manufacturer of the vaccine from the Siberian ulcers shipped for Yamal a thousand doses. Who is primarily a vaccine?

VM: Now we have, mostly vaccinated veterinarians, animals. Now it is necessary to be especially careful because we do not know: maybe some deer have already transferred non-heavy forms of the disease, and people communicate with them.

You still need to vaccinate laboratory workers who work with bacteria. Vaccine, thank God, is. In many other diseases it is not.

Now the main thing is to return to the question of these cattle bikes to limit them so that the animals have not been lazzly there.

The number of Siberian ulcers hospitalized from the focus of the Siberian ulcers increased from nine to 13 people, mostly children, local authorities report.

"To the Salekhard clinical hospital for additional examination and observation, four more tundra from the Yamal tundra was delivered," the TASS quotes the message of the press service of the governor of the region of Dmitry Kobylkin.

"The medical staff conducts proactive treatment and expects final expert tests from Moscow. In parallel, children are conducted by a preventive examination for other diseases," the department said.

It is noted that representatives of the government of the YNAO and the Department of Health of the district are in constant contact with the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and the profile federal departments.

At the moment, more than 20 different specialists work in the center of the hearth, the sanatory duty in the 24-hour mode. "At a distance of 80 km from the spot, six 10-seater tents made of INAO material reserve are already deployed. In a safe place, the helicopters are transported, first of all, women and children. It remains for helping branching and sanitary specialists expressed their intention of some heads of nomadic families - No more than 10 people, "added to the press service.

It is also reported that over Monday vaccine from Siberian ulcers, 500 deer was vaccinated. "For today (experts will work until late night) will be vaccinated 2.5 thousand and tomorrow, July 27 - 1 thousand heads. Vaccination is carried out in the portable coral, which was taken to the territory of the helicopter on the eve," the press service said. In addition, there are places to dispose of the fallen deer.

The outbreak of the Siberian is izvafixed on Yamal for the first time in 75 years. Today, more than 1.5 thousand reindeers died from it. In the Yamal district, Quarantine was introduced, the authorities assure that there is no threat to the population.

According to the preliminary data of the authorities, the cause of deer infection has become an unusually warm summer. During the month, an abnormal heat was held on Yamal - up to 35 degrees above zero. " The tundra exhausted to the manifestation of the source of infection - The remains of the fallen once a long time ago, - the site of the Governor of YanaA. - Deer, in this place, were extremely weakened because of the heat, which contributed to their infection. "

According to Rosselkhoznadzor, sporadic cases of animal disease in the Siberian ulcer are recorded in Russia: two or three dysfunctional diseases of the point and from two to seven sick animals are revealed annually. At the same time, in the period from 2009 to 2014, 40 cases of the diseases of the Siberian ulcers were registered in the country (43% more than in previous five years) in three federal districts: 20 - in North Caucasian, 11 - in Siberian and nine - in southern.

In 2015, three inhabitants of the Balashovsky district of the Saratov region were diagnosed with Siberian ulcers. It turned out that all three participated in the bull ride.

Siberian ulcer - a particularly dangerous infectious disease of agricultural and wild animals of all kinds, as well as a person. The source of infection is wild animals and livestock, from person to man the disease is not transmitted.

Infection occurs in contact path, the incubation period of the disease lasts three to five days. The disease flows lightningry, characterized by hemorrhagic inflammation of the skin, lymph nodes and internal organs.